Images of people's defenders Grisha dobrosklonov. Presentation on the topic ""People's Protector" - Grisha Dobrosklonov"

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In contrast to the repulsive images of the oppressors of the people, the poem depicts a bright and noble image of the "people's protector". He is a seminarian Grisha Dobrosklonov Grisha Dobrosklonov - the son of an "unrequited laborer" and a rural deacon who lived "poorer than the last rundown peasant." A hungry childhood, a harsh youth brought him closer to the people, accelerated his spiritual maturation and determined life path Grisha:...for about fifteen years, Grigory already knew for sure That he would live for the happiness of the wretched and dark native corner.

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In many of his character traits, Grisha resembles Dobrolyubov. Like Dobrolyubov, Grisha Dobrosklonov is a fighter for the people's happiness; he wants to be the first there, "where it is difficult to breathe, where grief is heard."

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The image of Grigory Nekrasov gave an answer to the question: what should a fighter for the people's interests do? Go to the humiliated, Go to the offended. You are needed there.

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Gregory joins the ranks of those who are ready "to fight, to work for the bypassed, for the oppressed." Grisha's thoughts are constantly turned "to all mysterious Russia, to the people." In his soul, "love for the poor mother merged with love for the whole vakhlachin." Gregory is a faithful son of the people. In the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, Nekrasov sees a representative of the labor populace, vitally connected with her: “No matter how dark the Vakhlachina is,” no matter how crowded with corvée and slavery, she, “blessed, put such a messenger in Grigory Dobrosklonov.” Concerns about personal well-being are alien to him, for him "the share of the people, their happiness, light and freedom are above all."

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The Nekrasov revolutionary is ready to give his life so that "every peasant lives freely and cheerfully in all of holy Russia." Grisha is not alone. Hundreds of people like him have already come out on the "honest paths", in the battle for an "honest cause". For him, like other fighters, ... fate prepared the glorious path, the loud name of the People's Protector, Consumption and Siberia.

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But Grisha is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of the cause to which he devoted his life. He knows that his homeland "is destined to suffer a lot more", but he believes that it will not perish, and therefore feels "immense forces in his chest." He sees that a people of many millions is awakening to the struggle: An innumerable army is rising! The strength in it will be indestructible!

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To the main question of the poem - who lives well in Russia? - Nekrasov responds with the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, "the people's protector." That is why the poet says: Our wanderers would be under their native roof, If only they could know what was happening with Grisha. Difficult, but beautiful is the path that Grisha Dobrosklonov follows. “Only strong loving souls enter this path.” True happiness awaits a person on it, for only one can be happy, says Nekrasov, who devotes himself to the struggle for the good and happiness of the people.

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Then the life of Grisha Dobrosklonov is described in more detail. Despite his origins from the clergy, Grisha was familiar with poverty from childhood. His father, Tryphon, lived "poorer than the seedy last peasant." Even a cat and a dog chose to run away from the family, unable to withstand hunger. All this is due to the fact that the sexton has a “light disposition”: he is always hungry and always looking for somewhere to drink. At the beginning of the chapter, the sons lead him, drunk, home. He boasts of his children, but he forgot to think about whether they are full.

It is no easier for Grisha in the seminary, where the already meager food is taken away by the "grabber economy." That is why Grisha has a “thin” face - sometimes he cannot fall asleep from hunger until the morning, everything is waiting for breakfast. Nekrasov several times focuses the reader's attention on this particular feature of Grisha's appearance - he is thin and pale, although in another life he could be a fine fellow: he has a wide bone and red hair. This appearance of the hero partly symbolizes all of Russia, which has the prerequisites for free and happy life, but so far living in a completely different way.

Grisha from childhood is familiar with the main problems of the peasantry: overwork, hunger and drunkenness. But all this does not embitter, but rather hardens the hero. From the age of fifteen, a firm conviction matures in him: you need to live exclusively for the good of your people, no matter how poor and wretched they are. In this decision, he is strengthened by the memory of his mother, caring and hardworking Domnushka, who lived a short century because of her labors ...

The image of Grisha's mother is the image of a Russian peasant woman beloved by Nekrasov, meek, unrequited, and at the same time carrying a huge gift of love. Grisha, her "beloved son", did not forget his mother after her death, moreover, her image merged for him with the image of the entire Vakhlachin. The last mother's gift is the song "Salty", testifying to the depth maternal love- will accompany Grisha all his life. He sings it in the seminary, where "gloomy, strict, hungry." And longing for his mother leads him to a selfless decision to devote his life to others who are equally disadvantaged.

Note that the songs are very important for the characterization of Grisha in Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia". They briefly and accurately reveal the essence of the ideas and aspirations of the hero, his main life priorities are clearly visible.

The first of the songs that sound from the lips of Grisha conveys his attitude towards Russia. It can be seen that he perfectly understands all the problems that torn the country apart: slavery, ignorance and the disgrace of the peasants - Grisha sees all this without embellishment. He easily selects words that can terrify any, the most insensitive listener, and this shows his pain for his native country. And at the same time, the song contains hope for future happiness, the belief that the desired will is already approaching: “But you will not die, I know!” ...

Grisha's next song, about a barge hauler, reinforces the impression of the first, depicting in detail the fate of an honest worker who spends "honestly earned pennies" in a tavern. From private destinies, the hero moves to the image of "all mysterious Russia" - this is how the song "Rus" is born. This is the anthem of his country, full of sincere love, in which faith in the future is heard: "The army rises - innumerable." However, someone is needed who would become the head of this army, and this fate is destined for Dobrosklonov.

There are two ways, - Grisha thinks, - one of them is wide, thorny, but a crowd greedy for temptations goes along it. There is an eternal struggle for "mortal blessings". It is on it, unfortunately, that the wanderers, the main characters of the poem, are sent at the beginning. They see happiness in purely practical things: wealth, honor and power. Therefore, it is not surprising that they fail to meet Grisha, who has chosen a different path for himself, "close, but honest." Only strong and loving souls who want to intercede for the offended go along this path. Among them is the future people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom fate is preparing "a glorious path, ... consumption and Siberia." This road is not easy and does not bring personal happiness, and yet, according to Nekrasov, only in this way - in unity with all the people - can one become truly happy. The “great truth” expressed in Grisha Dobrosklonov’s song gives him such joy that he runs home, “jumping” with happiness and feeling “immense strength” in himself. At home, his enthusiasm is confirmed and shared by his brother, who spoke of Grisha's song as "divine" - i.e. finally acknowledging that he had the truth on his side.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>" People's Protector"- Grisha Dobrosklonov">

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In contrast to the repulsive images of the oppressors of the people in the poem depicts a bright and noble image of the "folk"> В противовес отталкивающим образам угнетателей народа в поэме нарисован светлый и благородный образ «народного заступника». Им является семинарист Гриша Добросклонов Гриша Добросклонов - сын «батрачки безответной» и сельского дьячка, жившего «беднее захудалого последнего крестьянина». Голодное детство, суровая юность сблизили его с народом, ускорили духовное созревание и определили жизненный путь Гриши:...лет пятнадцати Григорий твёрдо знал уже, Что будет жить для счастия Убогого и тёмного Родного уголка.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Grisha resembles Dobrolyubov in many ways Like Dobrolyubov, Grisha Dobrosklonov is a wrestler"> Многими чертами своего характера Гриша напоминает Добролюбова. Как и Добролюбов, Гриша Добросклонов - борец за народное счастье; он хочет быть первым там, «где трудно дышится, где горе слышится».!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In the image of Grigory Nekrasov, he answered the question : what should a fighter for the people's interests do?"> Образом Григория Некрасов давал ответ на вопрос: что делать борцу за народные интересы? Иди к униженным, Иди к обиженным Там нужен ты.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Grigory joins the ranks of those who ready "to fight, to work for the bypassed, for"> Григорий становится в ряды тех, кто готов «на бой, на труд за обойдённого, за угнетённого». Мысли Гриши постоянно обращены «ко всей Руси загадочной, к народу». В его душе «с любовью к бедной матери любовь ко всей вахлачине слилась». Григорий- верный сын народа. В образе Гриши Добросклонова Некрасов видит представителя трудовой народной массы, кровно с ней связанного: «Как ни темна вахлачина», как ни забита барщиной и рабством, она, «благословясь, поставила в Григорье Добросклонове такого посланца». Ему чужды заботы о личном благополучии, для него «доля народа, счастье его, свет и свобода прежде всего».!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Nekrasovsky revolutionary is ready to give his life for so that “every peasant lives freely and cheerfully on"> Некрасовский революционер готов отдать свою жизнь за то, чтоб «каждому крестьянину жилось вольготно-весело на всей святой Руси». Гриша не одинок. На «честные пути», в бой за «честное дело» вышли уже сотни людей, подобных ему. Ему, как и другим борцам, ...судьба готовила Путь славный, имя громкое Народного заступника, Чахотку и Сибирь.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>But Grisha is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of that cause,"> Но Гришу не пугают предстоящие испытания, потому что он верит в торжество того дела, которому посвятил свою жизнь. Он знает, что его родине «суждено ещё много страдать», но верит в то, что она не погибнет, и поэтому чувствует «в груди своей силы необъятные». Он видит, что многомиллионный народ пробуждается к борьбе: Рать подымается Неисчислимая! Сила в ней-скажется Несокрушимая!!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>To the main question of the poem - who Russ live well? - Nekrasov replies in a way"> На основной вопрос поэмы - кому на Руси жить хорошо? - Некрасов отвечает образом Гриши Добросклонова, «народного заступника». Вот почему поэт говорит: Быть бы нашим странникам под родною крышею, Если б знать могли они, что творилось с Гришею. Труден, но прекрасен путь, по которому идёт Гриша Добросклонов. На этот путь вступают «лишь души сильные любвеобильные». На нём ждёт человека подлинное счастье, ибо счастлив может быть только тот, говорит Некрасов, кто себя отдаёт борьбе за благо и счастье народа.!}

Grisha Dobrosklonov is fundamentally different from others actors poems. If the life of the peasant woman Matryona Timofeevna, Yakim Nagogoy, Saveliy, Ermil Girin and many others is shown in obedience to fate and the prevailing circumstances, then Grisha has a completely different attitude to life. The poem shows Grisha's childhood, tells about his father and mother. His life was more than hard, his father was lazy and poor:

Poorer than seedy

the last peasant

Trifon lived.

Two chambers:

One with a smoking stove

The other is a sazhen - summer,

And all here is short-lived;

No cow, no horse

There was a dog Itchy,

There was a cat - and they left.

Such was Grisha's father, he least of all cared about what his wife and children eat.

The deacon boasted of the children,

And what do they eat?

And I forgot to think.

He was always hungry

All spent looking

Where to drink, where to eat.

Grisha's mother died early, she was ruined by constant sorrows and worries about daily bread. The poem contains a song that tells about the fate of this poor woman. The song cannot leave any reader indifferent, because it is evidence of a huge inescapable human grief. The lyrics of the song are very simple, they tell how a child suffering from hunger asks his mother for a piece of bread with salt. But salt is too expensive for poor people to buy. And the mother, in order to feed her son, waters a piece of bread with her tears. Grisha remembered this song from childhood. She made him remember his unfortunate mother, mourn her fate.

And soon in the heart of a boy

With love to the poor mother

Love for all vakhlachin

Merged - and fifteen years

Gregory knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark Good Corner.

Gregory does not agree to submit to fate and lead the same sad and miserable life that is characteristic of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different path for himself, becomes a people's intercessor. He is not afraid that his life will not be easy.

Fate prepared for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

people's protector,

Consumption and Siberia.

From childhood, Grisha lived among poor, unfortunate, despised and helpless people. He absorbed all the troubles of the people with his mother's milk, therefore he does not want and cannot live for the sake of his selfish interests. He is very smart, has strong character. And it leads him to a new road, does not allow him to remain indifferent to national disasters. Grigory's reflections on the fate of the people testify to the liveliest compassion that makes Grisha choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha Dobrosklonov, confidence is gradually growing that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrows that have befallen her lot:

In moments of despondency, O Motherland!

I am thinking ahead.

You are destined to suffer a lot,

But you won't die, I know.

The reflections of Gregory, which “poured out in song,” betray in him a very literate and educated person. He is well aware of the political problems of Russia, and the fate of the common people is inseparable from these problems and difficulties. Historically, Russia "was a deeply unhappy country, repressed, slavishly without justice." The shameful seal of serfdom has turned the common people into disenfranchised creatures, and all the problems caused by this cannot be discounted. The consequences of the Tatar-Mongol yoke also had a significant impact on the formation national character. Russian man combines slavish obedience to fate, and this is the main cause of all his troubles.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is closely connected with the revolutionary democratic ideas that began to appear in society in mid-nineteenth in. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N. A. Dobrolyubov Grigory Dobrosklonov is a type of revolutionary raznochinets. He was born into the family of a poor deacon, from childhood he felt all the disasters that are characteristic of the life of ordinary people. Grigory received an education, and besides, being an intelligent and enthusiastic person, he cannot remain indifferent to the situation in the country. Grigory is well aware that now there is only one way out for Russia - radical changes in the social system. The common people can no longer be the same dumb community of slaves that meekly endures all the antics of their masters:

Enough! Finished with the last calculation,

Done with sir!

The Russian people gather with strength

And learn to be a citizen.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov's poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Russia, in changes in the consciousness of the simple Russian people.

The end of the poem shows that people's happiness is possible. And even if it is still far from the moment when a simple person can call himself happy. But time will pass and everything will change. And far from the last role in this will be played by Grigory Dobrosklonov and his ideas.

Grisha Dobrosklonov is a key figure in Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia". Let me tell you a little about him. Grisha was born into the family of a poor clerk, a lazy and mediocre man. The mother was a type of the same female image, drawn by the author in the chapter "Peasant Woman". Grisha determined his place in life at the age of 15. No wonder, after all, a hungry childhood, hard labor hardening, donated by his father; strong character, broad soul, inherited from the mother; a sense of collectivism, vitality, incredible perseverance, brought up in the family and the seminary, ultimately resulted in a feeling of deep patriotism, moreover, responsibility for the fate of an entire nation! I hope I have explained the origins of Grisha's character in an accessible way?

And now let's look at the real-biographical factor of Grisha's appearance. Perhaps you already know that Dobrolyubov was the prototype. Like him, Grisha, a fighter for all the humiliated and offended, stood for peasant interests. He had no desire to satisfy prestigious needs (if anyone remembers lectures on social science), i.e. in the foreground, he does not care about personal well-being.

Now we know something about Dobrosklonov. Let's identify some of his personal qualities in order to find out the degree of significance of Grisha as a key figure. To do this, we just need to highlight from the above words that characterize it. Here they are: the ability to compassion, strong convictions, iron will, unpretentiousness, high efficiency, education, excellent mind. Here you and I, imperceptibly for ourselves, approached the meaning of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov. Look: these qualities are enough to reflect the main idea of ​​the poem. Hence the conclusion is as prosaic as it is laconic: Grisha himself reflects one of the main ideas of the poem. Here is the idea: it is good to live in Russia only for such fighters for the happiness of the oppressed people. To explain why I am unlikely to succeed is a philosophical question and knowledge of psychology is required. Nevertheless, I will try to give an example: when you save someone's life, you get the feeling that you are strong and kind, a servant of the king, a father to soldiers, ... yes? And then you save the whole people ...

But these are only consequences, and we still have to find out where it started. Let's reason, we know that from childhood Grisha lived among unfortunate, helpless, despised people. What pushed him to such a height that made him sacrifice himself for the sake of the common people, because, frankly, limitless opportunities opened up before a literate and educated, talented young man. By the way, this feeling, quality or feeling, call it what you will, nourished Nekrasov's work, the main idea of ​​the poem was determined from his submission, patriotism and a sense of responsibility originate from him. This is the capacity for compassion. The quality that Nekrasov himself possessed and endowed with him key figure of his poem. It is quite natural that this is followed by patriotism inherent in a person from the people, and, well, a sense of responsibility to the people.

It is very important to determine the era in which the hero appeared. Epoch - Uplifts social movement, millions of people rise to fight. Look:

“... The army rises innumerable -

her power is invincible…”

The text directly proves that people's happiness is possible only as a result of a nationwide struggle against the oppressors. The main hope of the democratic revolutionaries, to which Nekrasov belonged, is a peasant revolution. And who raises revolutions? - revolutionaries, fighters for the people. For Nekrasov, it was Grisha Dobrosklonov. From this follows the second idea of ​​the poem, or, rather, it has already flowed out, it remains for us to single it out from the general stream of reflections. The people, as a result of the direction of the reforms of Alexander II, remains unhappy, oppressed, but (!) Forces for protest are ripening. The reforms stimulated in him the desire to a better life. Have you noticed the words:

"…Enough! Finished with the last calculation,

Finished sir!

The Russian people gather with strength

And learns to be a citizen! ... "

The form of transmission was songs performed by Grisha. The words just reflected the feelings that the hero is endowed with. We can say that the songs were the crown of the poem because they reflect everything that I was talking about. And in general, they inspire hope that the Motherland will not perish, despite the suffering and troubles that overwhelm it, and the comprehensive revival of Russia, and most importantly, changes in the consciousness of the simple Russian people.