Tanya's dance instructor. Tatyana Denisova, new mentor of the show "dancing" on TNT: "I used to be a guest, but now I'm in my place"

1. I suspect that Yegor made the decision to leave the project even after the scandalous one. But, apparently, the contract for season 3 had already been signed and there was no replacement, so I had to stay for another year. And Denisova was clearly prepared for the role of a mentor. Well, it was very technically “introduced” into the project. At the beginning of the season, we saw Tatyana in only 2 episodes, but at the end she was present on almost every broadcast, even sacrificing the work of the choreographer on “Everybody Dance”.

d) Competition. Verbal battles between Miguel and Egor periodically became too "dirty", causing negative emotions in the audience. Tatyana is still a woman, and it seems to me that her rivalry with Miguel will be no less sharp and interesting, but still more “clean”.

e) The reaction of the viewer. The audience of the project has already met Tatiana Denisova. I am sure that before approving her candidacy, the project management conducted a thorough analysis, and the risks for the show are minimal. Well, yes, on beautiful woman always nice to see =)

e) No alternative. And who else could replace Yegor? Dukhova is naphthalene, Poklitaru is not a format, and Radu would never go to TNT, Tsiskaridze is a plus or minus in the TNT format, he understands dancing, but I have big doubts about his ability to create numbers, manage the production process. It seems that Nikolai always sat on the jury. Any of the choreographers is not a public person, after all, you need to speak okay on the jury. Mine or Karpenko, in principle, could be tried, but this is a big risk, and in the middle of the season you can’t change a mentor. Former members- more less experience not an option at all. Kristina Kretova is dull. Any foreign choreographer is expensive, because he will have to move to Moscow for 3 months, cancel all his affairs / projects. In general, in my opinion, the project management made the most correct choice.

4. Team of choreographers. Another point that I want to pay attention to in this article is choreographers. After all, becoming a mentor, Tatyana Denisova will need to assemble her own team of choreographers. Who will it be - her friends or the choreographers of Yegor's team? Will we see performances by Garik Rudnik, Alexander Mogilev, Larisa Polunina, Vova Gudym in the 4th season of DANCES on TNT? The mine is not going anywhere - I give a tooth. If not Denisov, then Miguel will take him. I remember that in one of the issues he regretted that Druzhinin called Garik first before the launch of the project. Earlier, I would have suggested that Denisova would rather form the backbone of her known directors, and Egor's choreographers would be periodically invited to stage for one or another team. But recently, on Instagram, Tatyana subscribed to Garik Rudnik and Sasha Mogilev, which suggests that she plans to work with them. In principle, abandoning Rudnik is the stupidest decision, and Denisova is a smart woman. Mogilev is more or less on the same wavelength with Tatyana, they should work together. Well, where Alexander is, there is Larisa Polunina. But I can’t imagine Vova Gudyma with his locking in Denisova’s team. Although, Gudym also puts on hip-hop, and this style is one of the key ones in DANCES.

With a high degree of probability, we can assume that in the 4th season of DANCING on TNT we will often see Vitaliy Savchenko - he has been Tatiana Denisova's assistant for many years. I'm not sure that Savchenko will be trusted to stage himself, but he will definitely assist. And yes, of course, the productions of Tatiana herself are waiting for us.

Vasily Kozar - he was a guest choreographer of Yegor's team and he is a longtime acquaintance of Denisova, therefore, the chances of seeing Vasya's new masterpieces on TNT are also high.

Of the new faces, it seems to me, we will see Evgeny Karyakin - Tatyana has long-term creative ties with him. Here are some works of Karjakin-choreographer

One of the performers - Dima Maslennikov

Summarizing. Druzhinin's departure is certainly a minus for the project. But given that it is inevitable, the appointment of Denisova as a mentor is the best way out of the situation.

That's all for me! In the near future I will write who I would like to see in the 4th season of DANCES as participants.

Dancing on TNT season 4, last news . Finally, the release date for the new season of the Dancing project on TNT has become known. The names of the new mentors of the show are also named.

Release date for Season 4 of Dancing on TNT

Starts Season 4 of Dancing on TNT as early as August 2017. The final concert will take place on December 30th.

Castings in various cities of Russia will begin in April 2017. Selection of dancers in season 4 of the project will become even tougher. Participants now need to be professional in their field, as well as have charm and artistry. Organizers Dance on TNT want to do season 4 unforgettable and unique.

Mentors of the Dancing project on TNT season 4

Unfortunately, Egor Druzhinin will not take part in Season 4 of the project Dancing on TNT. He informed the organizers of the show about his decision in advance in order to avoid precedents.

“I am very worried about my dancers and at the end of each season I am squeezed like a lemon. I can no longer hurt either my guys or myself,” Druzhinin explained his departure from the project.

However, there is another version of the departure of an experienced mentor: he does not have free time. AT this moment the famous choreographer is working on the creation of a new 3D musical show "Jumeo".

Names of possible new dance mentors on TNT season 4. According to some data, the place of Yegor Druzhinin will be taken by Igor Rudnik, a choreographer from his team. In another version the name is called Tatyana Denisova she was on the jury Dancing on TNT season 3.

Quite often, he enters into polemics with his new colleague Tatyana Denisova, who took the place of Yegor Druzhinin. The permanent mentor of the show "DANCES" does not hold back his emotions and is not shy in expressions. Miguel speaks openly on the topic of what differs between his views on creativity and Tatyana Denisova.

AT latest release show "DANCES" the conflict between the mentors escalated to the limit. The effect of an exploding bomb was produced by the performance of Yulianna Kobtseva and Wade Lyon. The number turned out, to put it mildly, spicy. Despite the fact that these participants represent the team of Tatyana Denisova, after the performance, Miguel was the first to speak, who defiantly turned away during the performance so as not to look at the stage: “I have a feeling that we are on a night channel. Comrades, what's going on?!" Tatyana replied that this is contemporary art. The colleague's statement angered Miguel even more. After the broadcast, the journalists asked Miguel to comment on the situation.

“The conflict arose due to Tatyana’s statement that the number shown on the stage is contemporary art. But I know what contemporary art is, but Tatyana, judging by her performance and her comments, does not. I am responsible for my words, so I go into conflict. With this I want to remind another mentor of where he sits, for whom he is responsible, stating some facts. This number, in which a couple has sex in a sandbox, and then the guy pours cream on himself, could only be called modern art in the 40s of the last century. Now this is not so. I understand this,” said Miguel.

The permanent mentor of the show "DANCES" noted that he considers the presented number not vulgar, but irrelevant. According to Miguel, what Yulianna Kobtseva and Wade Lyon showed on stage was topical in our country in the late 80s - after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Also, the choreographer categorically disagrees with the colleague's opinion that a dancer must necessarily be beautiful. Miguel believes that art has other criteria.

Tatyana Denisova

“Having taken the place of a mentor in the show“ DANCES ”, Tatyana Denisova immediately began to say that she is a person of art, and I am a standard pop. But if you are a person of art, then you cannot have a criterion of beauty!” Miguel said. He also considers some of his colleague's decisions regarding the composition of the teams to be ambiguous: “When Teona and Julia Gaffarova, then Gaffarova made a rival in the battle. But Tatyana initially wanted Theon in her team and left this place for her, despite the obvious fact. She made a mistake."

In the light of everything that happened, Miguel indulged in nostalgia and remembered the ex-colleague on the project Yegor Druzhinin, with whom they sat side by side in the chairs of the mentors of the DANCE show for three seasons. “Egor was the person who carried not only a certain point of view, but also life. It was interesting to argue with Egor, because he is very informed and educated person" Miguel said. And he very evasively answered the question of journalists about whether he was interested in sitting on the jury this season.


“In the fourth season, I am interested in leading my team. No, not to win. It’s just interesting for me to follow the path of this season with her in order to open new beautiful moments of life, beautiful styles of choreography to people, ”summed up Miguel.

Speech by Yulianna Kobtseva and Wade Lyon, which fueled the conflict between Miguel and Tatyana Denisova

Watch the show "DANCES", season 4, on Saturdays at 21:30 on TNT.

In the fourth season of the show "DANCES", which starts on TNT on August 19, the mentor has changed. Instead of Yegor Druzhin, who left the show, choreographer Tatyana Denisova joined the project.

the site met with Tatyana, because I really want to find out who you need to be in order to please the new mentor.

- DANCES on TNT is not a new project for you, but you will perform in a new capacity. What are your feelings?
- I used to be a guest, but now I'm in my place.

- When were you offered to become a jury member and mentor for season 4? Did you immediately agree?
- I was offered to become a member of the jury last year, before the start of the third season of the show. And when Yegor Druzhinin announced his retirement, I was invited to take the place of the mentor of the project.

- Who is he - a dancer whom you want to take in your team?
- My selection criteria: ability to dance, obsession with the stage, not being a hostage to one image and style. First of all, I pay attention to the energy and the message from the inside. I don’t close my eyes to anything, I just give an objective assessment of whether the participant is ready to reach the required level in a short period of time in order to adequately represent my team.

- You probably know about Miguel's dancing tastes. Are they similar to yours? Can you imagine how your teams will be different?

- I love dance in general and I love freedom in dance. Therefore, I do not strive to remain in the canons of any style. That is why we will be different with Miguel in many ways. As a stage director, I primarily gravitate towards theatricalization, I am not interested in considering the dancer as a trained physical body. For me, it is more important how eloquent he is in movement.

- Will you be a strict mentor or a gentle one?
- As a leader, I am very demanding. I have been working in Germany for the last 13 years and have learned the most important lesson - discipline, impeccable performance of assigned tasks and subordination are the key to quality. But the TV project is a different approach. The performances in the show are created in as soon as possible and often on a rather tense emotional note. And, despite the fact that we are a team, one will come to victory. Therefore, as a mentor, I understand that everyone needs an individual approach, as people are selected very original and with different levels professional training. The task of the participants is to open up and trust. Enter the project from scratch and then the spirit of creativity will win.

How difficult will it be for you to choose who will stay on your team and who will have to leave? Do you easily say "no"?
- Parting with a man of his team is always difficult. I have to remain sensitive and insightful, and make decisions not on a specific performance, but taking into account the prospects for the future. You have to say "no". Show must go on.

- What would you wish the participants and viewers of the 4th season?
- Dissolve in the creative flow! Remember that every concert can be the last. Appreciate every day of your life dance show countries.

So check out the first episode. fourth season show "DANCING" on August 19 at 21.30 on TNT.