How to poop, the art of pooping from Malysheva where to find recommendations? Why do you need to poop in the right position.

How to poop and why the very posture during this important action for our health is very important.

Yes, you read correctly. Poop! At first I thought to call the post “How to walk on a big one”, but then I decided that I should call a spade a spade. And there is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all human beings and our physiological processes are the same.

So, it turns out that this important thing needs to be done correctly! A bowel movement is a process of detoxification and elimination of unnecessary, recycled waste. And the intestines are a kind of special laboratory, not only absorbing food and useful substances from it, but also responsible for our immunity and health. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating (although my regular readers are probably already tired of listening to me that there is no good health without a healthy intestine).

And one of the rules of a healthy gut is a regular bowel movement. That means you have to poop every day! Constipation is a big problem. And this problem is not a lack of water in the human diet. This is a bad microflora and many other factors, including the position in which you actually do this work.

In a word, to be healthy, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, you need to poop properly! And how to do it, I will tell you in this post.

How to poop?

Let's remember a little how our ancestors did it. And how they still do it in some countries, for example, in the same India! And they used to poop on their haunches. How do we do it when we go to the village and go to the toilet on the street ... Yes, that's right!

Why did we stop going to the toilet like that for the most part? For the same reason that we do everything with our whole lives. Because of the comfort! It's hard to read a magazine, sitting not on the toilet, but on your haunches.

It turns out that the very position of squatting during a bowel movement can help avoid bowel disease, constipation, hemorrhoids and pelvic disease!

When we sit on the toilet, this leads to the so-called "anorectal angle", which puts pressure on the rectum and keeps the feces inside it. It ends with the fact that we need to push quite hard to poop.

In turn, the squatting position straightens this angle and relieves tension from the rectum and bowel movements are much easier and easier. Proper posture pulls the knees in towards the body and this repositions the internal organs and muscles, relaxing and strengthening the rectum.

What is the problem with the modern toilet?

No matter how convenient and comfortable it is, but this device must be looked at as a device for eliminating our internal garbage. Prolonged sitting, reading magazines or books on it is harmful! But it is peculiar to what the toilet bowl can lead us to:


Many of us don't eat right and populate our gut with beneficial microflora, for example, with the same probiotic-rich fermented foods. Well, let's not forget that many of us are very busy to go and poop when the body calls us to it, constantly postponing this important procedure. All this leads to the fact that the feces become harder and it simply becomes more difficult for us to push it out, and here we are. And this, in turn, can lead to…


It was a shock for me to learn that this problem is tormenting not only the elderly and inactive, but even active and young people!!! Trying to poop when the stool itself is hard and dry is difficult and can eventually lead to this unpleasant condition.

Bowel disease

Regular and complete bowel movements maintain normal bowel function. Constipation and irregular poop are hello to disease, toxins and a reduced ability of the body to absorb all the necessary nutrients from food.

Urinary tract infections

It turns out we even pee much better and easier in the squatting position. This allows the bladder to empty completely. If you suffer from frequent cystitis and acute pyelonephritis, you should try not to write in the usual toilet seat.

Pelvis problems

Since we are pushing while sitting on the toilet, which literally strains our rectum and reflects on the pelvis. To protect the muscles and nerves of the pelvic floor, it is necessary to poop in the correct position.

Why do you need to poop in the right position?

  • Promotes faster and easier bowel movements
  • Prevents fecal retention in the intestines, which can lead to colon cancer over time
  • Protects the pelvic floor and nerves responsible for a healthy prostate, bladder and sexual function
  • Protects the nerves that control the uterus, preventing stretching and inflammation
  • Helps pregnant women give birth naturally. The correct posture relieves stress from the uterus when we want to go to the toilet.

How can you properly poop even on the toilet?

The good news is that it turns out that in order to poop properly, you do not need to move to the village. According to the idea, all you need is to raise your knees to chest level. And no, you don't have to put your feet on the toilet to do it!

Greetings dear reader. Seeing the topic of the article, many of you, probably, were surprised or decided to read it for fun. Still, because what could be special about sitting on the toilet and pooping. But in fact, there are some moments that almost no one guesses. The fact is that you also need to poop correctly and there is even a whole instruction for pooping. Now let's talk directly about the technique of proper defecation and the possible consequences of improper bowel movements.

Why is pooping the right way so important?

Few people know that improper bowel movements can lead to a number of diseases, such as hemorrhoids. And hardly anyone could even think about it. On average, a person poops about 1 time per day. The figures are averaged and everything is purely individual, since someone poops 2 times a day, and someone once every 2 days. It usually has to do with lifestyle and nutrition.

From this it follows that this process is regular and fairly frequent. If you poop incorrectly, then this leads to daily body stress. Since, as a result of improper bowel movements, feces are rather problematic.

Thus, it is likely that with such systematic inconvenience, diseases may occur.


With improper bowel movements, your body is very stressed. Some people push until they turn red, just to poop out the treasured poop. But imagine a pregnant woman. Loads are contraindicated for them. Thus, pushing on the toilet can lead to premature labor in the later stages of pregnancy, and in the early stages to miscarriage.

How to poop correctly - bowel movement technique

Now let's talk directly about the technique of defecation. It consists of the following steps:

First stage. Proper seating on the toilet

To properly poop, the first step is to sit on the toilet properly. Sit so that your knees are higher than the hips and, as a result, the priests. This position flattens the rectum, which in turn makes it easier to have a bowel movement.

If your toilet is low enough to allow you to sit that way, then that's fine. But what if the toilet is high? In this case, you can use some kind of footrest, it can be some kind of box or something else of the required height, placing your feet on which your knees will rise.

Stage two. Pooping in the correct position

We figured out the position of the knees, now you need to rest your elbows on your knees, straighten your back and move it a little forward. Thus, it will be comfortable for you to sit if the process drags on a little, and you take the correct posture for defecation.

Stage three. Let's start defecation

After you have taken the correct posture in order to poop, you can safely proceed. But even here it is not so simple. First of all, you need to relax. Yes Yes. Just to relax. Many, on the contrary, begin to strain and push while sitting on the toilet. But this is wrong. As mentioned above - this is harmful! So, let's continue, you are relaxed. Now you need to bulge your stomach and only now you can poop!

Let's summarize. Now you know that it turns out that there is a whole technique to poop properly and it was invented for a reason. Knowing these rules, you can prevent a number of diseases. Yes, of course, it’s not possible to poop correctly everywhere, but at least at home, in a calm environment, do not neglect this technique. We wish you good health and happy pooping!


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    I think that almost all people have been taught to poop on their own since childhood, and they do it quite well throughout their long life and without any instructions with pictures. But since this topic has been raised, and this issue is even being discussed on the air of major TV channels, which happened on September 25 on Channel One, we will proceed to the step-by-step process of the question of how to poop correctly: first you need to go to our cherished place called the toilet, be sure to lower the toilet seat on which we will sit during this cherished procedure, then, of course, you must definitely lower your pants / shorts along with underpants just below the knees, after which you can happily sit on the toilet seat, your knees need to be raised a little higher for more comfortable relief hips, rest our elbows on our knees, and do our job, after there is nothing left to poop, we tear off a piece of toilet paper and wipe the anus and its circumference from the feces, after which we go to my hands with soap and with relief we go to do our usual things. Here is also the transfer of Malysheva in which she tells how to poop properly.

    I understand it's funny. And it's funny because they are used to considering this issue so delicate that even its discussion calls into question mental health the person who raised the issue. More recently, I found out that this is wrong!

    In the answers, many posted pictures from the educational book of one toilet paper: how to poop and poop for boys and girls. Namely, this book and two normal children's cartoons on YouTube (only two are not vulgar, the rest are created for fun) helped my son poop not in his pants! My son was diagnosed with autism. And this means that he almost does not understand speech. Autistic people can grow up to be more or less normal people, and there may even be autistic people or people with autistic disorders among your acquaintances. For simplicity and speed of perception, auty is usually taught by pictures, by steps. I began to draw the process of pooping by hand, but the problem arose in the fact that I am not an artist. And differently drawn men in the pictures, autists can perceive as two different person, unrelated. So, these pictures of me how to poop for boys just rescued! And on the forum of parents, they were ready to carry the autyat in their arms for finding such useful information.

    As for the fact that this was discussed in the program Live healthyquot ;, I think such useful information will help us avoid minor health problems (hemorrhoids, constipation, pooping several times a day). The less small worries we have, the more and better we will devote our time to the important.

    I specially revised the program of September 25, which talked about how to poop properly, you can look at the website of the 1st channel - Live healthy

    1 action

    As soon as you sit on the toilet, then make sure that your knees are above the hips, if this is not the case, then put something under your feet ...

    2 action

    Rest your elbows on your knees, and move your back a little forward in order to straighten the intestines ...

    3 action

    Relax your stomach, namely the abdominals and do not strain it during emptying ...

    4 action

    So concentrate and check, then you can poop ...

    A lot has already been said about how to poop properly, including a video from Malysheva's program, and other pictures on this topic have been added. For those who still have questions, I would recommend to pay attention to this book.

    And I can't add interesting picture which I found on the Internet

    Oh, I watched this episode of this TV show. To be honest, I smiled more than once. However, I took note of the following:

    • sitting on the toilet, the legs should be on something so that the knees are slightly higher than the buttocks;
    • you need to lean on your knees with your elbows, while the back should be straight (in this position) it is easier for the intestines to remove feces from the body, nothing squeezes it.

    Well, you can watch this wonderful opus on YouTube. So enter in the search engine - the art of pooping from Malysheva.

    Strange people downvote the question and write surprised comments to it. Run-swim, so you have to go to the coach to learn. Breathing is taught by yogis. There are nutritionists right. And how to have sex in general is half a network of educational videos. But for some reason, complete confidence that there are no problems with defecation and there is nothing to learn. That's one in three suffers from constipation, anal fissures or hemorrhoids.

    And the release of the program is posted on the website of Channel One.

    Malysheva said, how to poop in terms of physiology. I’ll tell you how to do this procedure in terms of hygiene, maybe it will be useful to someone.

    • The first step is to lift the toilet lid (if it is closed, of course)
    • Then remove panties (if any) and panties
    • After that, it is convenient to sit on the toilet seat (you may have to sit for a long time, so you can take a book to read)
    • When the defecation process is completed, you need to wipe the place that sat on the toilet, moving from front to back
    • Throw a used piece of toilet paper into the trash bin (you can, of course, also into the toilet, only if it is toilet paper - it will dissolve and go down the drain) and put on panties and panties
    • After that, you can lower the toilet lid and press the lever or pull the string (in older toilet designs)
    • You can also check how cleanly the contents of the toilet have been flushed, if necessary, use a brush
    • And finally, wash your hands with soap.

    For boys

    For girls

    I think we all know how to poop and the advice of the respected Malysheva is not needed here at all. But if it’s important to anyone, you need to go to the toilet, take off your pants (skirt, trousers, tights), in a word, everything that interferes with the process. Land on the toilet (white one, with a hole in the middle and a lid) - and do your thing (the body will tell you how to carry out the process.

    I watched this issue, it was said in general a little and quite accessible truths.

    Firstly, when you sit on the toilet, your knees should be slightly raised in relation to the hips, I have known this for a long time, so they teach you how to properly place a children's toilet so that you do not forget to put a stand under your feet;

    Secondly, you need to make a thoughtful pose, to do this, put your elbows on your knees and support your chin with your hands, at the same time not only straighten your back, but also, as it were, round your chest, i.e. lean forward a little in the thoracic region of the back;

    Thirdly, you need to remove any tension from the intestines, for this the abdominal muscles and other abdominal muscles relax.

    Sitting in this position, the intestines not only straighten, but also relax, which favors the release of feces from the body and does not bring pain.

    The main mistakes are just attempts in such a delicate matter, it seems to people that they help to push everything out of the intestines with their tension, but it turns out, on the contrary, they interfere with free patency.

    Yes, I also want to add that Malysheva forgot to say in her program - with the right poop, you can’t sit on the toilet for a long time, even if you have constipation, since with this position there is a lot of pressure on the circulatory system of the lower extremities and on the spine, as well as when trying the intestines are deformed, so if you cannot poop, then do not sit on the toilet, it is best to use the means that will help you with this, for example, an enema or microclyster in the form of candles.

    No, well, actually everything is correct. Not everyone has proper upbringing and skill healthy poop. And the transmission of Elena Malysheva just helps us fill in the gaps in our inferior self-education. However, thank you for this...