I. Turgenev - Noble Nest (Audiobook)

"Noble Nest"- a novel written by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1856-1858, first published in 1859 in the Sovremennik magazine. The main character of the novel is Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky, a nobleman who has many features of Turgenev himself. Brought up remotely from his father's house, his father's son- an anglophile and mother who died in his early childhood, Lavretsky is brought up in a family country estate by a cruel aunt.Lavretsky continues his education in Moscow, and while visiting the opera, he notices a beautiful girl in one of the boxes.Her name is Varvara Pavlovna, and here is Fyodor Lavretsky declares his love for her and asks for her hand in marriage.The couple marries, and the newlyweds move to Paris.There, Varvara Pavlovna becomes a very popular salon owner, and starts an affair with one of her regular guests.Lavretsky learns about his wife’s affair with another only at the moment when accidentally reads a note written from a lover to Varvara Pavlovna.Shocked by the betrayal of a loved one, he breaks all contact with her and returns to his family estate, where he was raised. Upon returning home to Russia, Lavretsky visits his cousin, Maria Dmitrievna Kalitina, who lives with her two daughters, Liza and Lenochka. Lavretsky immediately becomes interested in Lisa, whose serious nature and sincere devotion to the Orthodox faith give her great moral superiority, strikingly different from the coquettish behavior of Varvara Pavlovna, to which Lavretsky was so accustomed. Gradually, Lavretsky realizes that he is deeply in love with Lisa, and when he reads a message in a foreign magazine that Varvara Pavlovna has died, he declares his love to Lisa and finds out that his feelings are not unrequited - Lisa also loves him. Having learned about sudden appearance living Varvara Pavlovna, Lisa decides to leave for a remote monastery and lives the rest of her days as a monk. The novel ends with an epilogue, which takes place eight years later, from which it also becomes known that Lavretsky returns to Lisa's house, in which her grown-up sister Elena settled. There, after the past years, despite many changes in the house, he sees the living room, where he often met a girl, sees the piano and the garden in front of the house, which he remembered so much because of his communication with Lisa. Lavretsky lives by his memories and sees some meaning and even beauty in his personal tragedy. After his thoughts, the hero leaves back to his home. In the future, Lavretsky visits Lisa in the monastery, seeing her in those brief moments when she appears for moments between services. Moscow Artistic academic theater USSR them. M. Gorky (Moscow Art Theater of the USSR named after M. Gorky). Radio show. Recorded in 1962 From the author - Davydov Vladlen; Lavretsky Fedor Ivanovich - Kolchitsky Galix; Varvara Pavlovna, his wife - Louise Koshukova; Marfa Timofeevna Pestova - Vera Popova; Maria Dmitrievna Kalitina - Androvskaya Olga; Liza Kalitina, her eldest daughter - Kalinina Valentina; Lenochka Kalitina, her youngest daughter - Nina Gulyaeva; Lemm, German, music teacher - Toporkov Vasily; Mikhalevich - Yuri Koltsov; Gedeonovsky Sergey Petrovich - Ershov Vladimir; Justine, French - Evgenia Khanaeva; Cossack - Anna Komolova; Panshin Vladimir Nikolaevich - Anatoly Verbitsky; Shurochka - Goryunova Anna; Young Kalitin - Nikolai Alekseev; Officer - Oleg Gerasimov; Kalitin's wife - Natalia Antonova; Anton, servant of Lavretsky - Fertman Roman.

In the novel "The Nest of Nobles", written by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1858, the writer depicted the life of a typical provincial landowner's estate. Their desire to follow Western fashion. In numerous receptions, balls, trips, squalor and brilliance merged. Against the background of all this, the personal tragedies of the fates of the main characters and minor ones are played out.

The novel begins with loud news about the return of a certain Lavretsky to O.. His persona attracts everyone's attention for many reasons. Fedor Ivanovich found himself at the center of a scandal that broke out in Paris and became famous even in Russia. His beautiful wife was convicted of treason, after which Fedor Ivanovich left her and returned to his native estate, left by him many years ago.

One of the first to know about the return of Lavretsky was the inhabitants of the Kalitins' house. Maria Dmitrievna is the fifty-year-old widow of the prosecutor, her aunt is Marfa Timofeevna, who is welding and dissatisfied with everything, Liza is the nineteen-year-old daughter of Maria Dmitrievna. Liza is a quiet, modest girl, with whom her middle-aged music teacher, German Christopher Fedorovich Lemm, is secretly in love, who is courted by the city's first fiancé, O. Panshin. Lisa has a very meek and submissive disposition. She does not dare to argue with her mother and is ready to marry Parshin. Lisa absorbed the principles of forgiveness, humility and trust in the will of God from an early age.

Upon Lavretsky's arrival, many note that he does not look like a victim. His appearance speaks of good health, heroic strength, and only in the eyes one can notice some sadness and fatigue. Lavretsky does not get bored in his estate, although it is in a ruined state. He reads, does housework, rides horses. The ancestors of Fyodor Ivanovich gave him a healthy body, his father invested in him knowledge and wisdom, brought up in him a strength of spirit.

During the first meeting with Lisa, Fedor Ivanovich draws attention to her. Very soon, despite the fact that Panshin was almost always near Lisa, a very trusting relationship arose between the man and the girl. They understand that they love and dislike the same thing. In one of the frank conversations, Lisa asked Fedor Ivanovich about the reasons for the break with his wife. She assured the man that it was necessary to forgive and submit, and it was impossible to separate what God had brought together.

A friend of his youth, Mikhalevsky, comes to Lavretsky, who, in a heated conversation, says that Fyodor needs to find a pure being who will tear him out of the clutches of apathy. More and more often Lavretsky thinks of Lisa. Suddenly, in the newspaper, he finds a note about the death of his wife, who was at the center of Parisian society. He feels his freedom and, wanting to be honest with Liza, confesses his love to the girl and asks not to marry the unloved Panshin.

The next day, the almost happy Lavretsky is in for a surprise that blocks the path to his personal well-being. His wife and daughter return. The young, charming Varvara Pavlovna was able to charm Panshin, Maria Dmitrievna. Varvara Pavlovna also met with Liza, who stoically endured the meeting with the wife of the man she loved.

Lisa finally explained herself to Fyodor Ivanovich, proving that he was obliged to make peace with his wife and accept her repentance. Varvara Pavlovna, in turn, with the help of Maria Dmitrievna, persuaded her husband to return to her and convinced him of her sincerity. Lavretsky set the condition that Varvara Pavlovna should not leave the estate in O., but the young woman could not live in the countryside and soon moved to Petersburg, and then back to Paris. She took herself a new lover and did not change her life in any way.

Lisa cut her hair like a nun. Lavretsky visited her, but the girl only with a slight wave of her eyelashes made it clear that she recognized the one who remained in her heart forever. Lavretsky visited O., the Kalitins' house and his old manor. Sadness torments his heart, but a fracture occurs that frees him from sad memories, and he continues to live not only for his own happiness.

The text is read by Lyubov Koneva. Intelligible reading, concise emotional presentation of the plot do not distort the writer's intention. Konev's love accurately conveys Turgenev's attitude to this or that hero, but at the same time leaves the listener of the audiobook with the opportunity to independently assemble a picture of what is happening.

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Audiobook duration: 6 hours

Book voiced by: Lyubov Koneva

Recording quality of this audiobook: high

The novel begins with loud news about the return of a certain Lavretsky to O.. His persona attracts everyone's attention for many reasons. Fedor Ivanovich found himself at the center of a scandal that broke out in Paris and became famous even in Russia. His beautiful wife was convicted of treason, after which Fedor Ivanovich left her and returned to his native estate, left by him many years ago.

One of the first to know about the return of Lavretsky was the inhabitants of the Kalitins' house. Maria Dmitrievna is the fifty-year-old widow of the prosecutor, her aunt is Marfa Timofeevna, who is welding and dissatisfied with everything, Liza is the nineteen-year-old daughter of Maria Dmitrievna. Liza is a beautiful young girl who is secretly in love with her middle-aged German teacher Khristofor Fedorovich Lemm, who is courted by the city's first fiancé O. Panshin. Lisa has a very meek and submissive disposition. She does not dare to argue with her mother and is ready to marry Parshin. Lisa absorbed the principles of forgiveness, humility and trust in the will of God from an early age.

Upon Lavretsky's arrival, many note that he does not look like a victim. His appearance speaks of good health, heroic strength, and only in his eyes you can see some sadness and fatigue. Lavretsky does not get bored in his estate, although it is in a ruined state. He reads, does housework, rides horses. The ancestors of Fyodor Ivanovich gave him a strong body, his father put knowledge and wisdom into him, brought up in him a strength of spirit and body.

During the first meeting with Lisa, Fedor Ivanovich draws attention to her. Very soon, despite the fact that Panshin was almost always near Lisa, a trusting and close relationship arose between the man and the girl. They understand that they love and dislike the same thing. In one of the frank conversations, Lisa asked Fedor Ivanovich about the reasons for the break with his wife. She assured the man that forgiving and submitting was necessary and impossible to separate what God had brought together.

A friend of his youth, Mikhalevsky, comes to Lavretsky, who, in a heated conversation, says that Fyodor needs to find a pure being who will tear him out of the clutches of apathy. More and more often Lavretsky thinks of Lisa. Suddenly, in the newspaper, he finds a note about the death of his wife, who was at the center of Parisian society. He feels his freedom and, wanting to be honest with Liza, confesses his love to the girl and asks not to marry the unloved Panshin.

The next day, the almost happy Lavretsky is in for a surprise that blocks the path to his personal well-being. His wife and daughter return. The young, charming Varvara Pavlovna was able to charm Panshin, Maria Dmitrievna. Varvara Pavlovna also met with Liza, who stoically endured the meeting with the wife of the man she loved.

Lisa finally explained herself to Fyodor Ivanovich, proving that he was obliged to make peace with his wife and accept her repentance. Varvara Pavlovna, in turn, with the help of Maria Dmitrievna, persuaded her husband to return to her and convinced him of her sincerity. Lavretsky set the condition that Varvara Pavlovna should not leave the estate in O., but the young woman soon moved to St. Petersburg and again to Paris. She took herself a new lover and did not change her life in any way.

Lisa cut her hair like a nun. Lavretsky visited her, but the girl only with a slight wave of her eyelashes made it clear that she had recognized the one who could remain in her heart. Lavretsky visited O., the Kalitins' house and his old estate. Sadness lives in his heart and a fracture occurs, which makes him a decent person who lives not only for his own happiness.

The text is read by Lyubov Koneva. Intelligible reading, concise emotional presentation of the plot do not distort the writer's intention. Konev's love accurately conveys Turgenev's attitude to this or that hero, but at the same time leaves the listener of the audiobook with the opportunity to independently assemble a picture of what is happening.

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