Angels. Names of archangels and angels, their meaning in Christian culture

People have known about the existence of angels since time immemorial: all peoples and in many spiritual traditions believed in them. Holy Scripture repeatedly mentions the action of angels who fulfill the commands of God in the world and protect righteous people with their cover. In addition to Scripture, the holy fathers also left a lot of information about angels: heavenly beings appeared to them more than once and conveyed God's Will - it’s not for nothing that God sends them proclaim Their commands, and that is why they are called angels, i.e. messengers.

God endowed the angels with rich gifts. They are gifted with strength and power, with the help of which they can act on the physical plane: influence the bodies of people and the world of things. However, angels never create according to their own will, but always only fulfill God's Will.

God's angels love their Creator with all their being and abide in His unceasing praise and thanksgiving singing: they thank and glorify God for the bliss in which, by His grace, they abide. The bliss in which angels abide cannot be compared with anything on earth: people who experience human bliss in rare moments of their human happiness can only feel a vague reflection of angelic bliss.

Although there are countless angels, there is a strict order and subordination between them - the angelic hierarchy.

Angelic heavenly hierarchy

The angelic hierarchy in Christianity includes nine faces, which include three ranks, and the Glory of God is poured out on angels from the highest faces to the lowest:

  • 1st rank of angels - seraphim, cherubim, thrones;
  • 2nd rank of angels - domination, strength, power;
  • 3rd rank of angels - beginnings, archangels, angels

The angelic ranks obey one another and are in perfect harmony. And although the ranks and faces of the angels have their own names, they are all called by a common word angels.

seraphim are closest to God, their name means "fire of divine love." Seraphim are inflamed with this divine love and communicate it to other faces - such is their task and purpose.

Cherubim: This name means "the fullness of knowledge, the abundance of wisdom." Cherubim know absolutely everything that God makes known to created beings. Cherubim enlighten others: through them wisdom is sent to other beings for the knowledge of God.

Thrones spirits are called, on which God himself sits in an incomprehensible way and administers His righteous judgment. Thrones help earthly rulers, lords and judges to administer justice.

dominance manage other ranks, teach to control feelings, subdue passions, subordinate the flesh to the spirit. The Dominions have power over evil spirits.

Forces Spirits through which God works His miracles. God endowed these angels with His power and omnipotence.

Authorities they have power over the forces of evil, they can repel the attacks of the evil one, ward off misfortunes from people and drive away evil thoughts.

Beginnings God entrusted the management of the universe and the protection of all kingdoms, states, peoples, tribes and languages. Every country, every nation and tribe has a certain angel assigned to it from the rank of beginnings for guidance, protection and admonition. The beginnings are a kind of guardian angels, but not for one person, but for a certain group.

Archangels- Great evangelists. They utter prophecies, proclaim the Will of God to the lower angels, and through them to people. Archangels strengthen the faith of people and enlighten the mind. The most famous of the archangels - Michael, Gabriel, Uriel (aka Jeremiel), Selaphiel, Yehudiel and Barahiel - are actually archangels in rank, and seraphim, and the highest of all seraphim, are closest to God. They are called archangels because they are the leaders of all angelic powers. And the highest leader over all-all angels was appointed by God the archangel (ie leader, senior warrior) MICHAEL.

Angels are closest to people. Each person has his own guardian angel - patron and protector, his closest spiritual mentor, with whom the connection must be maintained and strengthened.


Below is an extensive list of Angelic Names. This is part of a large collection of magical names that I have collected over the past year. The names I took from several sources, including: the book of Enoch 1 (as translated by Charles), the classic works of Gustav Davidson, the dictionary of Angels, Matthew Bunson's Angels from A to Z, and the Encyclopedia of Angels, which was released by Visible ink Press (Compiled by James Lewis and Dorothy Oliver) in addition to several sources of Medieval ceremonial magic, such as the Forbidden Rites, etc. There will also be a separate list with the names of demons. Technically, angels are different from demons, because one of them was thrown out of heaven, and the second remained near God. Naturally, things are not so simple, so the names of the fallen angels are mixed with the usual ones in this list (especially those taken from Enoch's list).

How do we decide who is fallen and who is not? If you follow the guidelines of the Medieval Church, then the only Angels that can be considered not fallen and completely legitimate are the Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Michael, they are most often mentioned in the Bible. It can be seen that these three also often appear in the sacred texts of other religions. In the Sumerian legend of Inanna's descent into Hell, Michael, Gabriel, and others stand guard over the gates of Hell. Those who would later be called archangels appear in Jewish myth as guardians who receive gifts from the goddess before she passes through all the circles of hell to reach the throne of her sister Ereshkigal. The vast knowledge of angels and demons that pass through the ages is as much a fascination for me as the various myths. I hope that many of you will find this list interesting, even if you are just watching it for curiosity. Enjoy.

List of Angelic Names:
Aarin: a term that is used to describe angels who descend from heaven in search of the daughters of men to bring forth the Nephilim, appears in the book of Enoch.
Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss.
Abalim:"Great Angel", fiery guardian.
Abdiel: the courageous "fiery seraph", from Milton's Paradise Lost.
Adimus: The angel revered by the church probably descended from the first man.
Adoel: The angel who controlled the explosion that created the universe (Big Bang Angel), according to the Book of Enoch.
Af (Af): a terrible Angel, consisting of red and black flames.
Ahiah (Ahiah): semi-Angel, son of Semyaza.
Akkhazriel:"Messenger of God".
Amaliel: Protector of the weak.
Anahita: fiery female angel, associated with water and Persian myths.
Anaiel: An angel who gave knowledge to mankind, according to the book of Enoch.
Anak (Anak):"giant", a mortal with the blood of an Angel.
Anakim:"giants", a race of ferocious giants, are mentioned in the Bible as descendants of giants.
Anafiel: high Merkabah Angel, bearer of the seal.
Angelos: translated from Greek: "messenger", heavenly being.
Aphaeleon (Aphaeleon): ruler of the fallen Angels, listed in treatises on ceremonial magic.
Appolion (Appolion): Angel of the Abyss.
Arakiba: Angel from the book of Enoch.
Aralim: the "great angel" of the throne, the fiery guardian.
Araquiel: taught the signs of the earth, from the book of Enoch.
Arariel: Angel of the oceans, patron of fishermen, medieval angel of knowledge.
Arkon (Archon): The ruling angel of the material world, from the Gnostic myth.
Ariel (Ariel):"Lion of God", the spirit of the air, sources: Hebrew myths, also appears in Shakespeare.
Arioch: one of the fallen Angels, according to Milton's Paradise Lost, also appears in the work of Michael Moorcock.
Ariuk: guardian of Enoch, according to his book.
Armaros: taught mankind magic, from the book of Enoch.
Armisael: Childbirth angel.
Asaph: An angel who allegedly wrote Psalms 73-83.
Asuriel: An angel who warns of a flood from the book of Enoch.
Azazel (Azazel): taught people to make metal and mine precious stones, from the book of Enoch.
Azrael: Angel of Death, appears in the works of Layla Wendela.
Ballaton: guardian, name used in Solomonic magic.
Baradiel: heavenly prince, the angel of the city, from the book of Enoch.
Barakiel: heavenly prince, angel of lightning, from the book of Enoch.
Barattiel: supports the highest heavens, from the book of Enoch.
Befor (Bethor): Angel of Jupiter, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boamiel: Angel from the 4 corners of the sky, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boel (Boel): Angel of Saturn.
Camael (Camael):"one who sees God."
Camiel: one of the variants of the name Kamael, "one who sees God."
Kafriel (Caphriel): Sabbat angel.
Cassiel: Angel of tears and temperance, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Kerviel (Cerviel): Angel of the principalities.
Chalkidri: or "bronze serpent" or satellite of the Sun, from the book of Enoch.
Chamuel:"one who seeks God."
Chasan: patron of the air, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Daniel (Daniel):"God is my judge" is also the name of a prophet in Hebrew.
Dubbiel: protector of the Persians.
Duma (Duma): The Angel of Silence is also the patron saint of Egypt.
Empyrean: the highest heaven, heavenly fire, is mentioned in " Paradise Lost» Milton.
Ephemera (Ephemera):"short-lived" angels who are created to sing the praises of God.
Exousia:"power" or "virtue", alternative to Angel, Greece.
Ezequiel: taught mankind the knowledge of the clouds, from the book of Enoch.
Gabriel (Gabriel):"God is my strength", the Angel of Judgment, one of the Angels who is introduced by name in the Bible.
Gadiel: designed to repel evil, is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Gadreel: taught people martial arts, from the book of Enoch.
Gazardiel: Angel of dawn and dusk.
Germael:"the majesty of God", the Angel of creation.
Gezaria (Gezuriya): Angel of powers.
Gibborim: a giant half-angel, "the man of glory", is mentioned in Jewish and Biblical treatises.
Gregory (Grigori): from the Greek "looking".
Gabriel: Angel of powers.
Gadariel (Hadariel):"Glory to God."
Hadramiel:"Glory to God", a variant of the name Gabriel.
Hamon (Hamon):
Haniel:"God's grace."
Haroth: twin Marot, knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian myth.
Hashmal: order leader.
Hauliel: the owner of the fiery whip, from the book of Enoch.
Hemah (Hemah): a terrible Angel, consisting of black and red flames, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Hochmael (Hochmael):"The Wisdom of God".
Irin (Irin): an alternative definition for the Nephilim, there is a belief that Ireland was named after him, as he first settled in that place.
Ishim: Angel of Ice and Fire.
Israfel: Resurrection Angel.
Ithuriel: Gabriel's messenger appears in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Jabril: Muslim version of Gabriel.
Jael (Jael): guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Dzhedutun (Jeduthun): choirmaster, gives the status of Angels.
Jehoel: leader and guardian, seraphim.
Jeremel:"God's Grace", a variant of Ramiel.
Cadmiel (Jeremiel): Childbirth angel.
Kalmiya (Kalmiya): guardian of the veil.
Kasbiel: taught the name that binds oaths from the book of Enoch.
Kasdeja: taught spiritualism and birth control, from the book of Enoch.
Kemuel: a variant of Kamael, "he who sees God."
Kerubiel: formidable angel of fire and lightning, leader of the choir of cherubs.
Kezef: Angel of Destruction.
Kochbiel:"Star of God", Angel of astrology.
Lahabiel: protector and guardian.
Lailah:"night", Angel of conception, according to Moslem treatises: female angel.
Layla: variant of Laila, "night".
Lucifiel:"luminiferous" morning Star variant of Lucifer.
Lucifer (Lucifer): the fairest of the angels, who defied God, but was cast down for his pride.
Mahadiel (Machidiel):"God is Everywhere", from the Book of Enoch.
Madan: Angel of Mercury, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Mahanaim:"two armies", the heavenly host, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Malachi (Malachi):"God's envoy".
Malach (Malakh):"messenger", celestial being, Muslim term meaning Angel.
Mariuk (Mariuk): guardian of Enoch.
Maroth: the twin Garot, who knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian treatises.
Mastema (Mastema):"Angel of Accusation"
Matariel: Rain Angel.
Melkial:"God is Everywhere", from the Book of Enoch.
Merkabah:"chariot", the mystical path to God.
Metatron (Metatron): Angel of presence, divine archivist, mediator of God.
Michael (Michael): The sword of God and the heavenly warrior-prince, one of the archangels, whose name is mentioned in the Bible.
Mikal: variant of Michael, "Like God".
Mumiel: health guard.
Muriel: Order Angel.
Nakir (Nakir): black-skinned and blue-eyed angel of justice.
Nathaniel:"Given by God", Angel of Fire.
Nephilim: giant half-angel, "glorious man".
Nuriel: City Angel.
Onafiel: Moon angel.
Ophaniel: snake angel.
Ophanim:“wheel”, “many-eyed”, can also be attributed to snakes.
Oriel: Angel of Destiny.
Orifiel: Angel of the planet Saturn.
Pahadron: Terror Angel.
Peliel: leader of the choir of Virtues.
Penemu: taught people writing, from the book of Enoch.
Peniel (Peniel):"Seeing God"
Phanuel: Angel of presence, Angel of repentance.
Purah: Oblivion Angel.
Puriel: harsh judge.
Qaddisin:"saints", stand next to Gregory.
Kvapsiel (Qaphsiel): repels his enemies.
Radbos (Rabdos): keeper of the stars.
Raduriel: heavenly archivist, from the book of Enoch.
Raguel (Raguel):"Friend of God"
Rahab (Rahab): the cruel Angel of the sea, supposedly killed by God, angry with him for some deed.
Rahatiel: ruler of the constellations, from the book of Enoch.
Rahmiel: Mercy Angel.
Ramiel:"God's Grace", Thunder Angel.
Raphael (Raphael):"God's healing", Angel of the sun, archangel, his name is mentioned in the Bible.
Raziel: Earthquake Angel, from the Book of Enoch.
Razael: The angel of secrets, there is a belief that he was punished by God for giving the book of magic to Adam.
Remiel: vision translator, from the book of Enoch.
Rikbiel: guardian of the chariot of God, from the book of Enoch.
Ruhiel: Wind Angel.
Sabaoth: he was worshiped as an Angel in the Middle Ages, in Hebrew: Heavenly host.
Sahaqiel: guardian of the fourth heaven, from the book of Enoch.
Salathiel:"The One Who Asks the Lord"
Samael (Samael):"The Poison of God", the fearsome Angel of Death, is associated with Satan/Lucifer.
Sandalphon:"brother", Greek angel of glory and prayer.
Saraquiel: variant of the name Arakuel, taught forbidden knowledge, from the book of Enoch.
Sariel:"Prince of God", governs the spirits, from the book of Enoch.
Semalion: Announcement Angel.
Semsapiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Semiyaza: The leader of the Angels who came down from heaven to marry the daughters of men, sometimes associated with Lucifer and/or Satan.
Seraph: living fire, holy angel, the name can mean: "fiery snake."
Seraphiel: like an eagle, the chief Seraphim.
Shamsiel:"The Light of God", from the Book of Enoch.
Sidriel: Prince of Virtue, from the Book of Enoch.
Sopheriel: keeper of the books of life and death.
Soterasiel:"one who summons God's fire."
Tabris: Angel of free will.
Tadhiel: Sacrifice Angel.
Tagas: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tamiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tatrasiel: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Temlakos: patron saint of abused children, Greece.
Turiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Uriel (Uriel):"God's Flame", sometimes the Angel of Healing, sometimes the Angel of Death.
Uziel (Usiel):"The Power of the Lord", from the Book of Enoch.
Vritiel: Angel of Wisdom from the Book of Enoch.
Yahoel: protector and keeper, seraphim.
Zadkiel: Angel, his symbol is a dagger, from the book of Enoch.
Zagzagel (Zagzagel): Burning bush angel.
Zakum: Angel of prayer.
Zambrim: ruler of the fallen Angels, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Zaphkiel: faster than cherubs.
Zarall: Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Zephon (Zephon): Gabriel's messenger, mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Zophiel:"Beauty of God".
Zuriel:"The Lord is my rock."

After falling away from God, Dennitsa began to be called Satan (which means "adversary") and the devil (which means "slanderer"), and fallen angels - demons or demons.

Only evil acts in fallen spirits. This must be remembered. There are no good brownies, trolls, barbs (in fact, demons). There are fallen spirits whose power is dangerous to underestimate.

Demons cannot do anything to the Creator - He is inaccessible to any of His creation (and fallen angels too). The demons turned all their malice, all their hatred on man, knowing how much God loves people. The devil, having taken the form of a serpent, seduced our forefathers Adam and Eve, because of him they violated the commandment of God. By this he deprived them of immortality and Divine grace.

Since then, having received the opportunity to influence the thoughts, feelings and actions of people, the devil and his demons have been striving to plunge people deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin in which they themselves are.

Whether we like it or not, from the moment of our birth we are involved in a war between good and evil, between God and demons for our souls. This war began before the creation of the world and will continue until the Last Judgment.

In Heaven, the war ended with the complete defeat of evil, but the battlefield was transferred from Heaven to the heart of man. In the battle against evil, bright angels help all people a lot.

bright angels

Bright angels serve God, protect us from demons and help us do good. There are very, very many of them: they surround the Throne of God by thousands of thousands.

The angelic world is immense, but not all angels are the same. Some are closer to God, others are farther and they have different qualities - degrees of perfection.

All angels in the heavenly hierarchy, according to the nature of their ministry, are divided into several faces (“categories”). The first face is made up of incorporeal spirits that are closer than others to God: Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. The second, middle face is Power, Domination and Strength. The third, closer to us, are Angels, Archangels and Principles.

So, the angels are divided into three faces, and in each face there are three ranks.

According to the ranks, the angels are endowed with various gifts of the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of wisdom and reason, the Spirit of advice and strength, the Spirit of God's Fear.


Of all the heavenly ranks, the Seraphim are the closest to God. For the Seraphim, God is Love. The name "Seraphim" means "fiery", "fiery". Fiery Divine Love leads the Seraphim into awe. They cover their faces with two wings, their legs with two wings, and with the help of two they fly. So they are depicted on frescoes and icons.


For the Cherubim, God is Wisdom. Cherubim tremblingly contemplate the Divine mind, explore it and, as it were, cover its secrets with their wings, keep them, cherish, revere them. Because of the constant contemplation of the Divine

Wisdom Cherubim themselves know everything perfectly and people are promised knowledge.


For Thrones, God is the King of Glory. Thrones not only feel and sing of the greatness of God, but they themselves are filled with this greatness and allow others to feel it. There are moments when a person with some special power feels the greatness of God: the brilliance of lightning, wondrous views of nature, worship in a magnificent temple ... The sensations of the greatness of God appear in us not without the influence of the Thrones.


For the Dominions, God is the Provider. Dominions marvel at how God, so great, embraces everyone and everything with His care - keeps and protects every blade of grass, every midge, the smallest grain of sand. Dominions teach us to take care of our souls, to dominate passions and sinful habits.


For the Forces, God is the Miracle Worker. They are given to see such miracles that our mind cannot even imagine. They can delve into the very depths of these miracles, and the highest goal of all miracles is revealed to them.


The authorities are witnesses of God's omnipotence. They are imbued with Divine power, just as red-hot iron is imbued with fire, and they themselves become its bearers. The power with which they are vested is unbearable for the devil and puts his hordes to flight. When the demon of despondency attacks, it is advised to pray to the Authorities so that they drive away this demon with their power.


God entrusted them with command over the elements of nature (water, fire, wind). Thunder, lightning, storm - all this is controlled by the Beginnings. These angels also rule over entire nations. They take care of their peoples before the Lord, and they inspire kings and rulers with thoughts and intentions related to the good of the peoples.


Archangels are heavenly teachers. They teach people how to arrange their lives according to the will of God. The archangels know what awaits a person on one or another path of life, therefore they deviate from one path, and, on the contrary, direct a person to another. They strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of the Holy Gospel.


Angels continue the work of the Archangels - they teach us to recognize the will of God. They guide us so that we don't go astray. life path, and protect from the intrigues of demons. Angels are so close to people that they literally surround us - they look at us from everywhere, they watch our every step. According to St. John Chrysostom, "the whole air is filled with angels."

At baptism, God gives each person a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects in the terrible hour of death, and does not leave even after death.

All the Angels of God are also called the Heavenly Forces or the Heavenly Host. The leader of the Heavenly Host is the Archangel Michael, he belongs to the seven main spirits closest to God.

The seven most important spirits are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Salafiel, Uriel, Yehudiel and Barahiel. They are called Archangels, but are ranked among the rank of Seraphim.

The continuation of the "heavenly hierarchy" is the "church hierarchy", in which three angelic faces correspond to three degrees of priesthood.

An angel (ancient Greek ἄγγελος, angelos - “messenger, messenger”) in Abrahamic is a spiritual, intelligent, asexual and incorporeal being, expressing the will of some higher powers or God and possessing superhuman and supernatural abilities. The Bible calls Angels ministering Heb.1:14. Often depicted as people with snow-white wings behind their backs.

The Greek word aγγελος angelos is a direct translation of Hebrew. מלאך‎ mal'ahʹ with the same meaning, from the archaic root לאכ, "to send", attested in the Ugaritic language; the Arabic word ملاك‎ malak is borrowed directly from Hebrew.

Angels in Christianity

According to Christian teaching, all angels are servants. They were created by God before the creation of the material world, over which they have significant power. There are far more of them than all people. The purpose of the angels: the glorification of God, the embodiment of his glory, to direct and embody grace for the glory of God (therefore they are a great help to those who are being saved), their destiny is the glorification of God and the fulfillment of His orders, will.

Angels, just like people, have a mind and their mind is much more perfect than a human one. Angels are eternal. Most often, angels are depicted as beardless young men, in bright deacon (service) vestments (surplice, orarion, handrails), with wings behind their backs (speeds) and with a halo over their heads. However, in visions, angels appeared to people as six-winged (when the Angels are not similar to man in appearance, then their wings are like flowing streams of grace) and in the form of wheels dotted with eyes, and in the form of creatures with four faces on their heads, and like fiery swords rotating, and even in the form of bizarre animals (sphinxes, chimeras, pegasi, griffins, unicorns, etc.). In Scripture they are sometimes called the birds of heaven.

In the angelic world, a strict hierarchy of 9 angelic ranks was established by God: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Forces, Powers, Principles, Archangels, Angels. Dennitsa, who led the entire angelic army - the most powerful, talented, beautiful and closest to God, was so proud of his highest position among other angels that he refused to recognize a person as a being equal in abilities to God (meaning the ability of a person to create and see the essence of things), then is higher than him, he himself wanted to become higher than God, and because of which he was overthrown.

Moreover, he managed to seduce many angels from different ranks. And at that moment, Archangel Michael called on those who hesitated to remain faithful to God, led the army of bright angels, and struck Dennitsa (who became known as the devil, Satan, the evil one, etc., and other fallen angels - demons, demons, devils, etc.).

And there was a war in Heaven, as a result of which devilry fell into the "underworld of the earth", that is, into hell, where it organized itself into the kingdom of Beelzebub, with the same angelic hierarchy. The fallen ones are not completely deprived of their former power and, by the permission of God, can inspire people with sinful thoughts and desires, guide them and cause them pain. But people are also helped by good angels, who are more than demons (the Apocalypse says that the serpent (Lucifer) carried away a third of the stars (angels)).

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    An angel (ancient Greek ἄγγελος, angelos - “messenger, messenger”) in Abrahamic religions is a spiritual, intelligent, asexual and incorporeal being, expressing the will of some higher powers or God and possessing superhuman and supernatural capabilities. The Bible calls Angels ministering spirits Heb.1:14. Often depicted as people with snow-white wings behind their backs. The Greek word aγγελος angelos is a direct translation of Hebrew. מלאך‎...

In general, the life of any person determines the subtle world, having a huge influence on it. In ancient times, everyone knew that it was the subtle world that determined the physical plane. On the this moment few people remember this and want to think in this direction. And this is a very important aspect of life, because there are creatures that help us in life, and there are those who try to lead us astray and sometimes even destroy us.

Angels of Heaven

To see all 9 ranks of angels, you should pay attention to the "Assumption" by Botticini. On it are three triads of angels. Before creating our world, visible and physical, God created heavenly, spiritual forces and called them angels. It was they who began to play an intermediary role between the Creator and people. The translation of this word from Hebrew literally sounds like “messenger”, from Greek - “messenger”.

Angels are called incorporeal beings who have free will and great power. According to information from the Old and New Testaments in the Angelic Hierarchy, there are certain angelic ranks, the so-called steps. Most Jewish and Christian theologians were engaged in the creation of a unified classification of these ranks. At the moment, the angelic hierarchy has spread the most, which was created in the fifth century and is called the "nine ranks of the angels."

nine ranks

It follows from this system that there are three triads. The first, or higher, included the Seraphim and Cherubim, as well as the Thrones. The middle triad includes the angelic ranks of Domination, Strength and Power. And in the lowest caste of ranks are the Principles, Archangels and Angels.


It is believed that it is precisely the Seraphim who are closest to God that can be called those who occupy the highest angelic rank. It is written about them in the Bible that the prophet Isaiah became a witness of their arrival. He compared them with fiery figures, so the translation of this word from Hebrew means "Flaming".


It is this caste that follows the Seraphim in the angelic hierarchy. Their main purpose is to intercede for the human race and pray for souls before God. In addition, it is believed that they serve as a memory and are the guards of the Heavenly Book of Knowledge. The knowledge of the Cherubim extends to everything that a being created can know. In Hebrew, cherub means intercessor.

In their power are the mysteries of God and the depth of his wisdom. It is believed that this particular caste of angels is the most enlightened among all. It is their responsibility to discover in man the knowledge and vision of God. Seraphim and Cherubim, along with the third representatives of the first triad, interact with people.


Their position before the seated God. They are called God-bearing, but not in the truest sense of the word, but because of the goodness within them and because they faithfully serve the Son of God. In addition, evolutionary information is hidden in them. Basically, it is they who perform God's justice, help earthly representatives of power to fairly judge their people.

According to the medieval mystic Jan van Ruysbroku, representatives of the higher triad under no circumstances interfere in human conflicts. But at the same time they are next to people in moments of insight and knowledge of the world. It is believed that they are able to carry the highest love in the hearts of people.


The angelic ranks of the second triad begin with Dominions. The fifth rank of angels, Dominions, has free will, thanks to which the daily work of the Universe is ensured. In addition, they govern the angels who are lower in the hierarchy. Because they are completely free, their love for the Creator is impartial and sincere. It is they who give strength to earthly rulers and managers so that they act wisely and fairly, owning lands and ruling people. In addition, they are able to teach how to manage feelings, protecting from unnecessary outbursts of passion and lust, to enslave the flesh to the spirit, so that it is possible to control one's will and not succumb to temptations of various kinds.


This caste of angels is full of Divine strength, in their power is the fulfillment of the instantaneous will of God, showing his strength and strength. It is they who work the miracles of God and are able to give a person grace, with the help of which he can see what is coming or heal earthly diseases.

They are able to strengthen a person’s patience, remove his grief, strengthen his spirit and give courage so that he can cope with all life’s hardships and problems.


It is the responsibility of the Authorities to keep the keys to the Devil's cage and contain his hierarchy. They are able to tame demons, repel an attack on the human race, deliver from demonic temptation. They are also responsible for approving good people for their spiritual deeds and labors, protecting them and preserving their right to the kingdom of God. It is they who help drive away all evil thoughts, passions and lust, as well as the enemies of a person are taken away and help to defeat the Devil in oneself. If we consider the personal level, then angels help a person during the battle of good and evil. And when a person dies, they accompany his soul and help him not to go astray.


These include legions of angels whose purpose is to protect religion. Their name is such, due to the fact that they direct the lower angelic ranks, it is they who help them to do things pleasing to God. In addition, their mission is to manage the universe and protect everything that the Lord has created. According to some reports, every nation and every ruler has his own angel, called to protect him from evil. The prophet Daniel said that the angels of the Persian and Jewish kingdoms make sure that all the rulers who have been placed on the throne strive not for enrichment and glory, but for the spread and increase of the glory of God, so that they benefit their people, serving their needs.


The archangel is a great evangelist. Its main mission is the discovery of prophecies, understanding and knowledge of the will of the Creator. They receive this knowledge from the higher ranks in order to convey it to the lower ones, who will subsequently convey it to people. According to St. Gregory the Dialogist, the purpose of angels is to strengthen faith in a person, to open its mysteries. Archangels, whose names can be found in the Bible, are the most known to man.


This is the lowest rank in the hierarchy of heaven and the closest being to people. They guide people on the path, help them in Everyday life do not deviate from your path. Every believer has his own guardian angel. They support every virtuous person from falling, they try to raise everyone who has fallen spiritually, no matter how sinful he is. They are always ready to help a person, the main thing is that he himself wants this help.

It is believed that a person receives his Guardian Angel after the rite of Baptism. He is obliged to protect the subordinate from misfortunes, troubles and help him throughout his life. If a person is threatened by dark forces, you need to pray to the Guardian Angel, and he will help fight them. It is believed that depending on the mission of a person on earth, he may be associated not with one, but with several angels. Depending on how a person lives and how spiritually developed he is, not only lower ranks can work with him, but also Archangels, whose names most people know. It is worth remembering that Satan will not stop and will always tempt people, so the Angels will always be with them in difficult times. Only by living according to the laws of God and developing spiritually can one come to know all the mysteries of religion. In principle, this is all the information that relates to the ranks of Heaven.