Ask Stephanie Malikova. Stesha Malikova: biography of a young model

Singer Dmitry Malikov. Recently, her person has been of incredible interest. Do you know how old Stesha Malikova is? Do you know her date of birth? If not, then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Biography: family

She was born on February 13, 2000. Moscow is her native and beloved city. She comes from a well-known creative family. Stesha's father is the popular Malikov. He is in his daughter. Stephanie has a mother. Dmitry adopted Elena's daughter from his first marriage into the family.

Grandmother, grandfather and paternal aunt are musicians. They would like Stesha Malikova to follow in their footsteps. However, the girl does not have much interest in music. Despite this, our heroine visits a specialized school several times a week, where she learns to play the guitar and piano. She also enjoys dancing and drawing.

Modeling career

Stesha Malikova is the owner of a bright and attractive appearance. She has blue eyes and long blonde hair. Now, with a height of 163 cm, the girl weighs 50 kg.

The daughter of Dmitry Malikov actively uses social networks. Stefania regularly posts model pictures on her Instagram page. Users never cease to admire her beauty and natural charm, as well as a radiant smile. Stesha Malikova loves to pose for the camera, show off various outfits from her wardrobe.

Parents approve of their daughter's passion for modeling. Moreover, with early years Stefania participated in various advertising campaigns with them.

Future plans

IN last years Stesha Malikova spends more and more time drawing. The girl sketches the first collection of clothes. After graduation high school our heroine plans to enter the university at the design department. She wants to create bright and fashionable outfits suitable for everyday wear. Stefania is sure that her beloved dad will help her in the implementation of such projects. Dmitry Malikov is ready to provide financial support to his daughter.

Personal life

Our heroine is a representative of the "golden" youth. She has everything she needs modern girl A: beautiful outfits, trendy gadgets, personal driver and so on. At the same time, Stesha cannot be called a spoiled and capricious person.

She lives on Rublyovka place with famous parents. The girl is studying at a private lyceum called Zhukovka. IN free time Stefania goes in for sports, goes to the skating rink and walks with friends.

There are rumors that the daughter of Dmitry Malikov is dating the son of the singer Valeria - Arseny Shulgin. However, the young beauty assures everyone that they are just good friends.

What kind of music does Stesha Malikova prefer? She likes songs performed by dad the most. Also, the girl is a fan of such a style as R&B.


The biography of Stesha Malikova was reviewed in detail by us. There is no doubt that this young beauty has a bright future ahead of her. Star dad will do everything to make his beloved daughter happy.

SUPER made a selection of the loudest answers of the heirs of multi-million dollar fortunes

Among the young scions of the establishment and the oligarchic elite, a new trend has emerged. In addition to the thousands-strong Instagram and witty Twitter, the gadgets of the “rich Richies” are obligatory on the program, an anonymous service of questions and answers. Anyone can go to the user's public page and ask him any question. SUPER has collected the most sensational responses from young heirs of big names and millions of dollars:

The 16-year-old model gained particular popularity on the anonymous platform Alesya Kafelnikova, daughter of the vice-president of the Tennis Federation Yevgeny Kafelnikov. To the question "Is money in happiness?" Kafelnikova confidently answers: "No, happiness is in their numbers." In the meantime, the girl amuses herself with fashionable trinkets and the company of his lover - the 18-year-old son of businessman Arkady Novikov Nikita. By the way, a loving father is preparing a gift for Alesya’s 18th birthday, commissioned by her daughter, a red Porsche Panamera, which she told curious subscribers about.

15 year old Diana Manasir- the daughter of billionaire Ziyad Manasir, whose name is on the 36th line of the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes magazine. In her youth, Diana traveled half the world, but she had never been to the Moscow Metro. On the portal, the heiress to an impressive fortune convinces anonymous users that her blanket is really made of chinchilla fur, and gives her peers advice on how to teach a maid a lesson.

16 year old Anna Tabakova, granddaughter of director Oleg Tabakov, became famous in the capital's secular arena, becoming the debutant of the Tatler ball. The girl has already managed to flash in the company of couturier Karl Lagerfeld at the grand Chanel fashion show, which caused considerable envy of her peers. In her "ask" Anna answers questions exclusively with Latin letters and is extremely unhappy when anonymous users ask why she abandoned Russian letters. The question of whether she was sent to her grandmother for the summer also caused bewilderment.

The main leitmotif of the “ask” of the daughter of musician Dmitry Malikov, Stephanie, is the love litigation of the anonymous audience of her page. 14 year old Stesha Malikova, despite his tender age, he is a real expert in love matters and the psychology of relationships. Unknown users bombard the Instagram star with requests to give personal advice. Stesha is not greedy for knowledge and gladly guides his subscribers, who are desperate from unhappy love, on the true path.

Stefania Malikova is a young Russian model and singer, as well as an aspiring designer.

Stefania was born in Moscow in a family famous composer and the performer and his wife Elena. Stefa, as her parents affectionately call her, has an older sister, Olga, who was born in her mother's first marriage.

Relations in the Malikovs' house are very friendly, filled with love. All family members support each other and try to do it under any circumstances. Stefania attended from childhood music school where she studied piano and guitar. The girl also went to an art studio and a choreographic hall.

A few years ago, the girl stated that she was "poisoned by music", so she does not want to be a professional singer. But more recently, together with singer Yuri Kiselev, also known under the pseudonym YurKiss, Stefa performed the duet composition “Do not rush to marry us”, which the Russian Radio station awarded with the Golden Gramophone award.

So, perhaps, Dmitry Malikov's dream of continuing the musical dynasty will come true. After all, not only Stephanie's dad is a musician, but also grandfather Yuri Malikov played as part of the Gems group he founded. And for the grandmother, the stage is not alien: Lyudmila Vyunkova performed in the music hall, and then sang in her husband's group.

However, so far Stefania Malikova has not announced the recording of new songs, and also does not appear on popular music shows and television competitions. Fans suggest that the girl does not want all the merits of the young artist to be attributed to the famous surname of her father, and therefore she is realized in a sphere far from music.

Popularity and creativity

Stephanie's creative biography began in adolescence, which is not surprising. Stefania Malikova's main hobby for several years has been clothing modeling. She would like to study at one of the best European schools and become a professional youth fashion designer.

The girl has already tried herself as a fashion model, advertising some domestic clothing brands for teenagers. Also, the girl went to the podium and defiled in outfits from the designer's "Barbie" collection as part of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia. Even her own height of 163 cm did not prevent Stephanie from appearing on the catwalk - a good 20 centimeters lower than the classic height of the catwalk model.

Later, the girl showed on the podium an evening denim dress of the same couturier and planned to wear this unusual youth outfit at the Tatler debutante ball in the Hall of Columns.

Dmitry and Elena Malikov support the passion of their youngest daughter current trends fashion and believe that this direction of creativity is very suitable for her.

In addition, Stefania Malikova promotes her own page in " Instagram”and gradually gaining recognition as a photoblogger and Internet celebrity. Today, almost half a million people have subscribed to the girl's account. Stefania's page is filled with both everyday photos and shots from fashion shows and social events.

Personal life

Stefania Malikova is still 17 years old, so she lives with her parents in the famous Moscow district of Rublyovka.

Stefa's best childhood friend was the singer's son. The guys were inseparable for many years, and when the boy left for numerous music competitions kept in constant contact via the Internet.

But lately, Stefania has been noticed in the company of her classmate Timofey Muravin, a representative of a new generation of golden youth. Timofey and Stesha, together with friends, recently vacationed in Saint-Tropez, after which they in social networks their romantic photos began to appear.

In 2017, a new rumor about the romantic relationship of Stefania Malikova appeared. Stefania came to the premiere screening of the film "The Cure for Health" by American director Gore Verbinski with a gentleman, who turned out to be 19-year-old Leonid Gruzdev, the son of businessman Dmitry Gruzdev. Even before that, young people were photographed together for the girl's Instagram, and Stefania also boasted to fans of the huge bouquets of roses that Leonid gave to her chosen one.

Stefania Malikova now

In August 2017, Stefania Malikova, who graduated from school this year and celebrated her graduation, told the press about her admission to the budget form of education at the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO. This statement caused outrage from the Internet community, which is sure that Malikov's daughter took advantage of the connections of the famous father and.

The girl shared this news with subscribers on Instagram. Stefania told the fans that for this she took the exam in Russian and literature. The girl also complained about the exam in literature and advised the eleventh graders not to take it. Stephanie did not like to reread the works school curriculum and memorize passages into quotes.

While the fans were happy for the young model, skeptics noticed that Stefania, complaining about the tests, did not even mention the more difficult internal MGIMO exams, which are mandatory for applicants. Also, Internet users remembered the number of budget places and expressed doubts that the girl was not famous participation in scientific conferences and olympiads, was able to honestly take such a place. In addition, shortly before Stefania's joyful post on Instagram, the media wrote that Malikova did not score the required number of points to enter the budget form of education.

Stefania Malikova criticized the accusers and urged not to write about what they do not know. As a result, the scandal surrounding the results of the Unified State Examination of Stefania Malikova interested Rospotrebnadzor, which promised to check this issue.

In 2017, Stefania Malikova again attended the Tatler debutante ball. At the ball, the girl appeared in a black dress on the floor, decorated with feathers. The deep neckline of the dress and the aggressive black color made the fashion community criticize the girl's choice. According to the press, such an outfit, although tastefully chosen, is suitable for a mature woman, and not a debutante.

Despite criticism, Stefania Malikova is pleased with her own choice of dress. The girl remembered last year's white delicate dress, which received the approval of society, and drew a literary parallel. According to Malikova, in 2016 the girl embodied the image of a sweet, and in 2017 - her opposite, elegant Helen Kuragina.

December 25, 2014, 18:54

FROM The most sensational answers of young heirs of high-profile surnames and millions of fortunes:

Alesya Kafelnikova (16 years old)

The 16-year-old model Alesya Kafelnikova, the daughter of Yevgeny Kafelnikov, vice-president of the Tennis Federation, gained particular popularity on the anonymous platform. To the question "Is happiness in money", Kafelnikova confidently answers: "No, happiness is in their quantity." In the meantime, the girl entertains herself with fashionable trinkets and the company of her lover, the 18-year-old son of businessman Arkady Novikov Nikita. By the way, a loving father is preparing a gift for Alesya’s 18th birthday, commissioned by her daughter, a red Porsche Panamera, which she told curious subscribers about.

Diana Manasir (15 years old)

15-year-old Diana Manasir is the daughter of billionaire Ziyad Manasir, whose name is on the 36th line of the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes magazine. In her youth, Diana traveled half the world, but she had never been to the Moscow Metro. On the portal, the heiress of an impressive fortune convinces anonymous users that her blanket is really made of chinchilla fur, and gives her peers advice on how to “teach a lesson” to the maid.

Stesha Malikova (14 years old)

The main leitmotif of the “ask” of the daughter of musician Dmitry Malikov, Stephanie, is the love litigation of the anonymous audience of her page. 14-year-old Stesha Malikova, despite her tender age, is a true expert in love matters and the psychology of relationships. Unknown users bombard the Instagram star with requests for personal advice. Stesha is not greedy for knowledge and gladly guides his subscribers, who are desperate from unhappy love, on the true path.

Anna Tabakova (15 years old) and couturier Karl Lagerfeld

16-year-old Anna Tabakova, the granddaughter of director Oleg Tabakov, became famous in the capital's secular arena, becoming the debutant of the Tatler ball. The girl has already managed to flash in the company of couturier Karl Lagerfeld at the grand Chanel fashion show, which caused considerable envy of her peers. In her “ask”, Anna answers questions exclusively in Latin letters and is extremely unhappy when anonymous users ask why she refused Russian letters. Confusion was also raised by the question of whether she was sent to her grandmother for the summer.

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