Dahi bul. Unique handmade hairpin "Treasure of Karabakh, flower of Khara-bulbul

Born June 22, 1897 in the village. Khanbagy, Shusha district,
Elizabethpol province, Russian empire(now - in Nagorno-Karabakh).

Soviet Azerbaijani Opera singer(lyric-dramatic tenor), musicologist-folklorist, teacher.
Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1935).
People's Artist of the USSR (04/17/1938).

FROM early childhood was known for his extraordinary musical abilities, for which he received the nickname Bulbul (translated from Azerbaijani - "nightingale"). Subsequently, the singer chose him as his stage name.

In 1909 he moved to Ganja. On stage since 1916. He began his creative path as a folk singer - khanende, performed Azerbaijani mughams and folk songs.

Since 1920 - soloist of the Azerbaijan state theater(now - Azerbaijan State academic theater opera and ballet M.F. Akhundova). Performed as a concert singer.
In 1921 he entered, and in 1927 he graduated from the Baku Conservatory (class of N. I. Speransky). From 1927 to 1931 he trained at the Milan theater "La Scala" with J. Anselmi and R. Grani.

In the 1920s he was the organizer of the musical and theatrical affairs of Ganja, was the chairman of the RABIS Union of Ganja, a delegate of the first All-Azerbaijan Congress of Artists, and then deputy chairman of the Presidium of the RABIS Union.

Bulbul - the first Azerbaijani - winner of the First All-Union Competition of pianists, violinists, cellists and vocalists in 1933 in Moscow.
Bulbul is the first vocalist who switched from specific oriental singing to the European school of singing and, synthesizing best tricks Azerbaijani national singing with Russian and European schools, created a new vocal school in Azerbaijan.

In 1932-1961 he taught at the Azerbaijan State Conservatory, since 1940 - professor.

Organizer and leader (1932-1944) of the Republican Research Cabinet of Music (now the Institute of Architecture and Art of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan). He has done a great job for more than 25 years in the field of collecting, recording, studying and publishing folk musical creativity. He is the initiator and organizer of: an opera studio, a sound recording room, a music publishing house, a special solo singing class, the convening of the first Musical Olympiad in Azerbaijan to identify bright talents, All-Union vocal conferences, ashug congresses in 1938 and 1961. He was a member of the board of the USSR-Italy society and was awarded the Garibaldi Star for active participation in the development of friendly relations between these countries.

He was the chairman of the jury of the competition of classical singing of the peoples of the East at the VI World Festival youth and students in Moscow in 1957.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR of the 1st-3rd convocations.

Son - Polad Bul-Bul oglu (b. 1945), Azerbaijani pop singer, composer and actor, National artist Azerbaijan SSR (1982), Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Azerbaijan Republic to Russian Federation(since 2006).

Polad Bulbul-ogly is a singer and composer whose name was known in every corner of the Soviet Union. Author and performer of the hits "Oh, this girl" and "Call", an actor and a talented politician, professor and doctor of art history at the creative academy. An Azerbaijani by nationality, Polad made a huge contribution to the development of the music of his native country, skillfully combined ancient national melody with modern rhythms. In fact, the man devoted his life to promoting the singing culture of Azerbaijan.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in Baku, the head of the family in the first document in the life of the heir recorded him as Polad Murtuza oglu Mammadov. People's Artist of the USSR Murtuza Mammadov gave his son a harsh name (in Persian, Polad means "steel"), and in the future gave his own nickname. Compatriots called Murtuza Bulbul, which means "nightingale" in Azerbaijani. The grown-up son also "turned" into this sweet-voiced bird, choosing Bulbul as his official stage name.

Father was respected throughout the Union, and especially at home. Murtuza Mammadov is a graduate of the conservatory, gained experience in the Italian "La Scala", opened a vocal school in Azerbaijan. Mom Adelaide managed the affairs of the Memorial Museum.

Polad's childhood flew by in the center of the capital of his native republic, in an elite house where party leaders and representatives of culture lived. Parents sometimes sent their offspring to relatives in the city of Shusha, which is considered the "conservatory" of the Caucasus.

Lyudmila Gurchenko, Muslim Magomayev and Polad Bulbul-ogly

The composer admitted that he grew up as a hooligan boy, noisy, put the whole yard on his ears with wild screams. And he helped him in pranks. Together, young friends clumsily yelled songs, which annoyed the neighbors wildly. They did not yet know that they were dealing with future pop stars - a brilliant baritone and a lyrical tenor.

Polad mastered playing the piano in music school, and then became a student of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory. He first got on stage at the age of 17, accompanied by his father. By this time, he was already composing songs, part of which he dedicated to his faithful comrade Muslim.


While studying at the conservatory, Bulbul-ogly became seriously interested in Azerbaijani folklore, especially in the bayati genre. He began to experiment with it, creating a whole cycle of songs using this form of Azerbaijani folklore. Already at the age of 24, Polad was accepted into the ranks of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

Except folk traditions, an aspiring singer and composer, was interested in modern music. Polad harmoniously combined these two beginnings in his work. A voice as clear as a tear quickly won the love of Soviet listeners. Bulbul-oglu took the helm of the pop ensemble of Azerbaijan, with which he traveled with concerts throughout the vast USSR, and later went to conquer other countries of the world.

Polad's songs sounded from every house. The musician had a unique lyrical tenor, very light, high, as if transparent. Charm added and virtuoso performance. Serious music also found a place in his work: the composer composed a scattering of symphonic and chamber-instrumental works. The most famous are the sonata "Rhythms of Absheron", "Variations" for piano, "Poem" for orchestra.

Song of Polad Bulbul-ogly "Silk"

The degree of popularity of Bulbul-ogly went through the roof in the 80s. The fruits of the composer's labors were appreciated by the stars burning brightly in the pop sky. The songs of the talented Azerbaijani entered the repertoire of other well-known performers. The compositions “Expansion”, “Call”, “Illuminated World” poured from the radios.

In the future, the newly-minted stars also sang Polad with pleasure and collaborated with the man as the author of hits. And sometimes the singer personally made a duet with artists of the new generation. In the early 2000s, for example, at one of the concerts he performed in tandem with - they sang the Azerbaijani “Gel Ey Seher”. The “Russian Blond” is well acquainted with Polad, his father was friends with this composer.

Polad Bulbul-ogly's song from the movie "Don't be afraid, I'm with you!"

Creative biography Polada Bulbul-ogly did not limit herself to music. The singer is the hero of the series feature films. He played roles in the Soviet films Tales of the Russian Forest, On the Wings of a Song. And in 1981, the adventure comedy "Don't be afraid, I'm with you!" was released.

The director came to the composer for new melodies, and along with 12 romantic songs he got an actor. Polad, who talentedly embodied the image of Teymur in love, instantly became a movie star. In 2013, the director filmed a continuation of the film, which was called “Don't be afraid, I'm with you! 1919". Bulbul-oglu again appeared in the role of Teimur, only aged.

Personal life

Charming, prominent Polad was liked by women and was included in the list of the most beautiful Soviet men. The musician visited the registry office twice. For the first time he married a Ukrainian opera singer with an amazing voice, Bela Rudenko. The young man was 12 years younger than the chosen one, but this fact did not stop them. Bela's name and talent thundered all over the world, her face did not leave the covers of magazines - it's hard not to fall in love.

The Azerbaijani singer courted ardently, with an oriental scope - he showered flowers, arranged chic dinners. In the end, Rudenko gave in and married a fan. An heir appeared in the family, who was named Teimur. The son followed in the footsteps of his father, also a musician, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The birth of a child did not force the mother to stay at home. Soon the singer again took up her favorite business: frequent tours, parting of the spouses shook the marriage. Dispersed peacefully, by mutual agreement.

The second wife of Gulnara Shikhaliyeva gave the composer two children - daughter Leyla and son Murtuza. They also joined the music world.

Polad Bulbul-ogly now

Polad Bulbul-ogly made a political career. In the 80s, he sat in the deputy chair of the Baku City Council, headed the committee on culture, after perestroika he was even the minister of his native republic. From 2006 to this day - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to the Russian Federation.

The man often appears in the news and on television, sometimes performs at concerts. In 2017, he pleased me with songs at the anniversary evening. In the winter of 2018, I talked with an old friend who invited the artist to his program “Star on Star”. The conversation went far beyond music and touched on political issues.

And in May, a letter signed by Bulbul-ogly was circulated in the press. The ambassador sent a claim to the editor-in-chief of radio "Echo of Moscow", in which he criticized the incorrect statements of the observer in relation to the Azerbaijani people.

Recently, Polad suffered a bereavement - the poet Andrei Dementiev, with whom he had been friends for a long time, died.


  • 1970 - "Songs of Polad Bulbul-ogly"
  • 1973 - "Polad Bulbul-ogly sings his songs"
  • 1978 - "Courage"
  • 1986 - "Believe my song"
  • 2002 - "Stars do not go out"
  • 2005 - Golden Retro Collection
  • 2010 - "Bulbul sang ... Polad Bulbul-ogly sings"

About Polad Bul-Bul-oglu, whose biography will be described below, people have two polar opinions. Therefore, both of them will be presented. Where exactly lies the truth, we could not establish. It is up to the reader to decide after reading the article.

Official common version

As expected, let's start the biography of Polad Bul-Bul-ogly from his birth in 1945 in Baku. The family was musical: the father is a singer, People's Artist of the USSR, after graduating from the conservatory and an internship in Italy, he founded a national vocal school. Naturally, Polad also graduated from a music school, and then from a conservatory.

From the age of thirty, the young man was the head of a pop ensemble, in which he was both a singer and a composer. His tours took place throughout the country and abroad.

Creative activity

Already at the age of 20, young Polad Bul-Bul-ogly, whose songs were becoming more and more popular, gained all-Union fame. His “Dolalai”, “Evening Baku”, “You and I”, “Violets” sound everywhere. And at the age of 24, the artist is accepted into the Union of Composers of the USSR and the Union of Cinematographers - a dizzying career!

He composes both symphonic and pop works, writes new songs. Polad Bul-Bul-ogly performs them himself and gives famous singers. "Expanse", "Azerbaijan", "Call" sound on pop venues and from records. Polad writes music for many films. The adventure comedy “Don't be afraid, I'm with you”, released in 1981, is especially popular.

It was staged by the Gusman brothers, and Polad played leading role and, of course, sang. His most famous song is "How we lived, fighting." The creative biography of Polad Bul-Bul-ogly flowed smoothly.

Social activity

After the collapse of the country in the life of the singer and composer, amazing changes. He becomes a deputy of the city council of Baku, heading the commission for culture, and then - the minister of culture of Azerbaijan.

By this time, he became a doctor of art history, as well as a professor at the University of Culture of the Republic. In 2006, he was appointed ambassador to the Russian Federation. But Polad Mammadov (his name and surname sound so right) does not leave music. He also manages to make music in Moscow, releasing in 2010 new album, which consists of fourteen popular songs.

View from the other side

In Baku, in an elite quarter and a house, Polad's childhood and youth flew by in a beautiful apartment. Their neighbors, right across the wall, were the Magomayevs. Muslim was three years older and did not take part in all the tricks, especially in fights in the yard. Polad was the ringleader, and then stood on the sidelines, watching what was happening.

At school, Polad Bulbul was given a separate office out of respect for his father and was always promoted in the pioneer and Komsomol organizations. And at the music school, he studied so lazily that his parents got a tutor for their son. However, he even managed to graduate from the conservatory in the composition class.


Thanks to the fame and connections of his father, the biography of Polad Bul-Bul-ogly went like clockwork. He had his own pop ensemble in Baku, and then Muslim Magomayev invited a childhood friend to Moscow. Singer Polad Bul-Bul-ogly did not lose his head in the capital. Magomayev introduced him to influential metropolitan musical circles. And at concerts, fame came to the young man, and with it, self-confidence and a desire to sing Muslim. Polad constantly quarreled with his former patron, and Heydar Aliyev reconciled them. For thirteen years Polad Bul-Bul-ogly lived in Moscow

First marriage

He began to court the opera star Bella Rudenko, who was twelve years older than him. They got married and had a son in 1975.

Now their Teimur is an adult, a musician, an accompanist in the group of bassoonists of the State Orchestra. Tchaikovsky. Now he has his own business.

The marriage of the ambitious and proud Polad quickly collapsed. But he continued to live in Moscow and turned to Muslim with every problem. Magomayev spent a lot of time talking with Aliyev to help his friend with an apartment and titles.

Departure from Moscow

After Aliyev left, Polad decided to return to his homeland at the age of forty-one and almost immediately became the Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan. This happened in 1987. He clung tenaciously to this place for eighteen years.

How many storms have flown over Azerbaijan! Five leaders of the country have changed, the political system has changed. Everything collapsed and broke, only the minister of culture remained unshakable, like a rock. He was pleasing to everyone. With every leader of the country he could find a common language and show devotion.

Conflict with Magomayev

Muslim Magometovich, being very an educated person, watched with bitterness how its minister was destroying the culture of Azerbaijan and could not go home while at the head cultural life country is an uncultured person. He sadly renounced citizenship in 2005, never ceasing to love Azerbaijan with all his heart.

In 2000, a very ugly story happened. Polad Bul-Bul-ogly decided to establish a museum in his apartment in memory of his father. He did not have enough space, and he took Muslim Magomayev's free four-room apartment without his consent and permission.

He appointed his elderly mother, the widow of a musician, as director of the museum, who performed these duties until the age of 91. And Kirov Avenue, on the corner of which the house stands, was renamed in honor of Polad's father. Now it is Bulbul Street. In 2012, a monument to him was erected near this house.

For lack of space, we have not told everything about the attitude towards Magomayev, but we will mention that during the Days of Azerbaijani Culture in Moscow, Polad Bul-Bul filmed the performance of both Muslim Magomayev and Galina Sinyavskaya. Instead, he invited the spouses to his solo concert in Moscow, where the couple, known throughout the country, of course, did not come.

When Magomayev died in 2008, thousands of both ordinary and eminent people came to say goodbye to him. Only Polad Bul-Bul was missing.

Ambassador's family life

The second time he married an obedient Azerbaijani Gulnara Shikhalieva.

Is Polad Bul-Bul-ogly happy? His personal life in this regard is hidden from us. It is only known that two children were born in the marriage. The children of Polad Bul-Bul-ogly continued the family tradition. The eldest daughter Leila became a singer, and younger son Murtuza is a musician.

This is what the life of a singer, musician, political and public figure looks like when viewed from different sides. We leave the reader the right to draw their own conclusions about the facts presented, which we, for our part, tried to convey without prejudice.