How beautiful to hang 3 pictures on the wall. How to hang a modular picture on the wall: fastener options and how to use them

Wall paintings are often used for interior decoration. They can be picked up in any room and for any wallet. You just need to know how to properly hang a picture on the wall. The main rule here is the following - art objects should convey the mood of the interior in the apartment and the taste of the owners.


Canvas lighting has great importance. But if in a museum they can be placed along one wall and lamps installed above each, then in an apartment it is better to use good natural lighting. Additional lighting can be useful when glare appears or you want to focus on the wall. For these purposes, it is better to use LED lamps that do not heat up and create a directional ceiling of light.

Important! The maximum allowable illumination of painting is 150 lux. You can use a 100W incandescent lamp or a 20W fluorescent lamp. They should be placed at least 1 m from the canvas.


You should not hang pictures too high, otherwise it will not be possible to admire them. The following universal technique will help to correctly determine the location of the canvas. Draw an imaginary line, step back up from the bottom edge of the horizontal picture 3 cm, and hang the canvas so that the line is at eye level. The same principle applies to vertical canvases. But if the apartment has low ceilings, then the distance should be taken 6 cm from the edge.

Important! It is also necessary to take into account the distance between the walls. There is a separate rule here. The size of the larger side of the canvas must be multiplied by 3 - this is the minimum recommended distance for viewing the canvas.


Vertical canvases visually enlarge the ceilings, so it is better to place them on a narrow wall. Horizontal canvases lengthen the wall. They are best placed above a sofa, bed or chest of drawers. Also, it is not at all necessary to arrange many paintings in one baguette. You can choose a universal frame for each canvas. Then the whole group will look organic.

Tilt angle

In order for the canvas to fit snugly against the wall, you need to pull the fastening rope. On the contrary, if you want the picture to hang at an angle, then the rope should be loosened.


If in the kitchen big wall, and the pictures small size, it is better to arrange them in groups, around one canvas that you like the most. The group should include canvases similar in style or color scheme. For example, a series of batik, united by one theme.

Important! In a group of three paintings, the middle canvas is the main one.

Canvases of the same size are most often hung in one row at an equal distance from each other. But they look more interesting when weighed at different levels.

Often people perceive canvases as an element of classical painting, requiring a large amount of space on the wall. They can not be covered with furniture and other decorative items.

What other painting technique can be applied in the kitchen or in any other room? Solid trellis grouping when the canvases cover the entire wall.

Important! To decide how to properly hang the paintings on the wall, you must first compose a composition on the floor, and then transfer it to the interior. But hanging a lot of canvases “by height” in the direction of increasing or decreasing is definitely not worth it. This is a sign of bad taste.

How to hang a picture

Before you hang a picture in the kitchen, you need to prepare materials for attaching the canvas. Finishing nail with a length of 5 cm will withstand all sorts of loads. However, an anchor screw with a round head is considered the most optimal. If we are talking about a plasterboard wall, then the canvas should be placed on the frame rack. This is the most reinforced part of the wall under the plaster, bearing the main load. You can determine it using an electronic detector or manually. To do this, it is enough to knock on the surface in different places. Where there is a dull sound, just the rack is hidden.

It is best to place the picture on the brackets. How to determine the height at which the canvas should be placed has already been described earlier. Attach the canvas to the wall to mark the attachment points. It is necessary to make holes in them for the anchor screw with a small drill or an ordinary nail with a hammer. Then you should place the anchor screw in the hole and fix it with a screwdriver. On the created fastening, you should hang the canvas in the kitchen or in the room.

Do not overload the frame rack. One or two canvases can be hung on a wooden beam. The rest are best placed around.

  • Before hanging pictures in the interior, you need to mark the distance between the canvases with a pencil and a ruler or multi-colored stickers. During the installation process, it will be easier to determine the location of the next canvas.

  • Arrange the pictures creatively. Six or seven canvases of different sizes will visually create the effect of increasing space. Experiment before hanging the paintings on the wall. But don't place them too high or too low.

  • Think over all the details in the interior. Small canvases in different rooms will not look, so it is better to place them on the same wall. Album photos provide more options than portrait paintings. Experiment with their placement in the interior until you find the best way.

  • When designing where in the interior to hang a picture, consider the height of the furniture, shelving, the location of windows and the lighting of the room as a whole.

Plot VS Color

What comes first: palette or content? If the interior has a pronounced stylist, then you should select the canvas according to the content. In such cases, thematic and stylistic inconsistency is not acceptable.

For example, if the living room is decorated in an African style with a predominance of beige and yellow palettes, then an African woman with a blue turban would look more appropriate than an autumn forest. Color imbalance can be corrected with accessories. For example, hang a picture on the wall above the sofa, and put blue pillows on it. Even if color comes first, the plot does not lose its importance.

Advice! Paintings with abstractions, portraits and plants are universal. They can be used in any room and even in the kitchen.

Selection of fabric by color

Before hanging canvases on the wall correctly, you need to make sure that they fit into the interior. Ideal if the canvases completely rhyme with the interior. Their images in color scale repeat the colors in the setting. Most often, the canvas merges with the situation and remains unnoticed. But at the same time it performs the main function - it decorates an empty wall. Such a canvas can serve as a connecting element. For example, in a kitchen with green walls and purple furniture, the image of a lilac branch will tie the primary colors together.

What to Avoid

Today, paintings in the interior are a tool for decorating the situation. The perception of the entire room depends on the size and location of the picture on the wall. Their very presence can change the habitual way of life. According to Feng Shui, in order for the canvas to bring happiness, you need to fall in love with the image.

Therefore, in interior design should be avoided:

  • Aggressive plots in the form of floods, fires, etc. and other animals - such canvases change positive energy.
  • Pictures of the elderly and broken dishes will bring destructive energy into the house.
  • In the kitchen or in any other room, you should not hang radically different images. Mixed energy also will not bring comfort.
  • In the kitchen, you can hang pictures with water. According to Feng Shui, such images attract financial flows. In the living room it is worth hanging dynamic pictures with an active plot. If a room or kitchen is used for frequent gatherings of friends, then images of noble animals would be appropriate.

Advice! It is advisable to select solutions in blue and blue colors.

Correct placement of the picture on the wall (2 videos)

Ways to place paintings (40 photos)

The most popular and reliable way to decorate the interior is to place a home art gallery. Today, there are many proven ideas on how to correctly place pictures on the wall and how to plan the interior in this way to make it unique and one of a kind.

The choice of works of art that may be present in the house is not limited. Depending on the style of the interior, we can use both classic paintings on canvas and modern minimalist graphics on glass. A great way to personalize the interior and add a unique spirit to it is the exhibition of family photos. How to place photos and paintings on the wall, what are the traditional and original ways to do this, we will tell in this article.

How to place pictures on the wall correctly

The living room is a representative place, so we must pay attention Special attention how to plan and place a gallery of paintings, graphics or photographs on the wall. A few new and traditional ideas can help you realize your own interior design.

If paintings or graphics are of different sizes, then the question often arises - how to place them correctly so that they do not bring disharmony into the interior. For supporters of structured forms and symmetry, the quadrilateral system is the best solution. This location is an example of careful planning. To do this, you need to decompose all instances and match them so that they form the shape of a regular quadrangle. In this case, all elements form a single whole and the entire space between the individual elements should be approximately the same. In this arrangement, the same frames for all the paintings will look great.

In this arrangement interesting game, which gives the gallery the appearance of a passe-partout. Any detail that is not even very conspicuous is subconsciously perceived by the observer, so it is worth considering every detail.

In an eclectic interior, as you can see in the example below, paintings of different sizes and frames can be placed, sometimes this creates a very impressive effect. Can simple, antique, modernist frames be placed next to each other? Why not! Such opportunities are given to us by eclecticism, which is based on the combination and mixing of different directions and styles.

Arrange a spectacular mess on the wall, and you will see that such solutions will diversify and bring character to your interior. Interiors in this unpredictable eclectic style are a great way to create an interesting design.

Another idea to help showcase and accentuate the artwork in your home is adding frames. A picture, poster or graphic can be hung on a wall decorated with plaster frames. This unusual wall decoration is rarely found in apartments and houses. However, if you dream of a stylish interior, then you should choose rare and interesting solutions that will emphasize the style and elegance of the design.

Plastering can be done in various types and with different patterns. Planks glued to the wall can be simple, geometric, then they will look great in modern interior design.

The idea of ​​​​locating a gallery in a living room on a wall on a narrow shelf is quite popular.

This is a very practical solution because you don't have to drill holes in the wall for every painting or photo, and besides, the gallery can be easily changed or added to at any time.

A home classic gallery in the living room, and more specifically, the word "gallery" itself resembles an extensive exhibition of paintings. In any, even in a modern home, it makes sense to have beautiful paintings painted on canvas. We can hang them symmetrically, which will give an elegant look to any room. The gallery, planned in this way, is suitable for a classic-style interior, for people who appreciate simplicity, predictability and harmony.

What aspect of aesthetic value should be considered when planning a gallery in the living room? It could be the background. It is worth thinking about an interesting basis on which the works of art will be exhibited. It can be a brick wall or stylish wallpaper. If we want to pay all attention to the plots of images or photographs, the best choice there will be classic, white or plain, smooth walls.

In spacious rooms such as the living room or large bedroom, large floor art is a trendy alternative and a good way to organize the space.

Admiring the paintings from above, it is quite convenient to enjoy the beauty of the home gallery.

The next proposal is more technical than aesthetic. It should be remembered that the home gallery, in addition to being thoughtfully planned, must also be well exhibited. This is easy to implement using light directed at her.

However, this idea should be considered at the stage of interior planning and renovation of the apartment, in order to make the wiring in the wall and outlets for lighting points. If this is not foreseen in advance, then also not all is lost! The same effect can be achieved with a cable hidden under the image, only in this case the paintings will have to be placed close to each other and there should be a socket nearby, into which the wire can be connected.

Artificial lighting will additionally focus on paintings or photographs.

Small details such as decorative lamps or spotlights can give a home gallery and entire interior a luxurious look!

A wall of paintings or photographs is an easy-to-implement way to constantly keep before your eyes best moments own life.

In order for the images to look good on the wall and please the eye, they need to be placed correctly. To do this, we recommend that you follow a few simple but important rules.

Choosing the right place

The main task is to make your wall visible, regardless of what you decide to hang on it.

Choosing the right location is the first and most important step.

Everything is very simple if you want to hang one picture or photo. In this case, you just need to put it against the wall at an intuitively chosen height and make notes with a simple pencil. So you will immediately see whether it will need to be lowered or, conversely, raised.

If you want to hang several works of art, then best method is to cut paper layouts that are proportionate to your images and hang them on the wall with adhesive tape.

The advantage of this approach is obvious - you can clearly see how your wall will look. Edit as necessary until you are completely satisfied.

Important: images of the same size will look best when they are placed horizontally side by side.

There is no single answer to the question “how to hang a picture on the wall correctly”. But there are some basic rules that should be followed.

The photo below shows some of the most important heights and is worth taking note of.

The numbers in the photo are in inches.

When you hang a painting so that it can be seen from a standing position, usually in hallways or foyers, the height of its location on the wall varies from 150 to 170 centimeters from the floor to the center of the image.

You have probably heard that the picture should hang at eye level. Only here the growth of people is different, so you have to look for a balance.

How to hang a picture in different places of the apartment:

Above the sofa

The frame framing the picture should be at a height of 20-25 centimeters above the sofa. If you are going to post multiple photos, this rule will have to be ignored and based on personal feelings.

Try using the paper layout method above.

It is best if the total width of your photos is ⅔ the width of the sofa, then it will look harmonious.

If you want to place one large picture - hang it exactly in the center above the sofa.

Over the bed

When it comes to paintings above the bed, the most common mistake is to hang the item too high, which means it seems to start floating in the air.

Note: The above ⅔ width rule applies here as well.

Regardless of whether this image is one or several of them, its (their) lower part should be at a height of 20-25 centimeters above the head of the bed.

Above the fireplace

The fireplace is the focal point in almost any room where it is located. Therefore the space on the wall above it is the best place to place art objects - there they will not be left without attention.

How high should the painting be above the fireplace? 10 - 15 centimeters - the optimal height.

On the staircase wall

This is perhaps one of the most difficult questions, as stairs vary in style, shape and design. As an example, I remembered these 7 unsafe stairs.

You can hang pictures different ways, but stick to the basic rule - from 150 to 170 centimeters from the floor to the center of the picture.

Other examples from the interior

Have you ever wondered how and where to hang a picture? The question is not idle. To keep the artist's idea and get the most out of the picture's plot, you need to look at it from the right angle. This recommendation is suitable for art lovers, but it can also be taken into account for those who decide to do their own decoration of their home with the help of paintings. Let's find out what options for placing pictures and posters will help make the room more comfortable.

Spectacular, colorful images with large elements should be hung at eye level or higher, but not lower. Not large paintings and posters (landscapes with a distant perspective, still lifes with small flowers, various abstractions) will look ridiculous on high altitude: placing them above eye level, you risk losing half the plot, most of the time being content with the contemplation of the frame.

Hang large canvases with a vertical orientation as high as possible: this will make the room seem taller and more spacious. The same paintings, placed on the floor with the help of special stands, “ground” the room. This will be true for rooms that are too large, where there is not enough comfort and a sense of security.

Harmonious arrangement of paintings in height

Even chaos has its own certain harmony. Therefore, even if you do not plan to make out of the premises art gallery However, it is worth subordinating the composition to certain rules. We offer you several options for placing paintings, depending on the chosen landmark.

Painting at the level of a window or door

This refers to the alignment of the upper edge of the canvas along the upper horizontal line of the door, window frame or cornice. Important: large paintings should touch the bottom edge of the middle of the wall, but small ones should be completely excluded, because the height distorts visual perception, and in general the wall will look awkward.

Alignment along the lower edge of the window frame also takes place, but small canvases will look more harmonious here. Large elements will only make the interior heavier.

Alignment to the top edge of cabinets

If the cabinet is large and tall, use large paintings, preferably with a vertical orientation. If you took small hanging modules or shelves as a guide, choose small paintings or series and hang them in a row.

How to hang pictures at eye level

This seemingly simple landmark is not as simple as it seems. If you are hanging several paintings of different sizes on different walls, make sure that the bottom edges of the frames follow the same line. The upper bounds may not match. If you do otherwise, you will get a visual imbalance, and it will definitely not add harmony to the room.

Hang pictures and posters on the walls good way diversify the interior. When choosing them, try to follow the color scheme and theme of the room. Successfully hanging beautiful picture, you can give the room the missing comfort and that zest that often eludes seemingly full-fledged and independent interiors, especially after renovation.

Those of us who live in small apartments, especially studios, know how important it is to make the most of every inch of space. Today we are learning how to hang pictures and posters in our tiny homes so that they do not just decorate the space, but tell a story, create an atmosphere and take us beyond the four concrete walls.

Choose an accent painting

It is not difficult to make the picture become the thing that sets the tone and is the center of attention. The colors in which it is written should be bright, expressive, clean, but the surrounding furniture, on the contrary, should be neutral, minimalistic, not distracting.

Bright statement pictures can “collect” objects around them, become the center of gravity and thus help you divide open space into zones.

Use big frames

Increase the size of small paintings and posters by placing them in large frames or mats. To give your gallery depth and dynamics, mix really small paintings with big, eye-catching pieces of art.

Magnify the wall with small paintings

If your plans do not yet include buying large paintings, try to get by with only small ones - in enlarged or appropriately sized frames. This will look neat and visually make the wall larger. Remember the rule: the fewer works on the wall, the more important each one is.

Simulate a window

When you live in a small city apartment, any thought of vacation makes it seem even smaller. But why not "attach" a piece of paradise directly to your apartment? Like a real window into the forest, the desert or the coast, expressive nature photography will expand the boundaries of your home.

Stick to a neutral color scheme

Paintings in neutral or monochrome colors will maintain a bright, light, soft atmosphere in your home. In addition, pastels usually work well with other colors and fit easily into any palette, so you can change furniture, textiles and decor without worrying about changing the paintings.

Hang vertically

Arrange your art gallery so that the works hang one above the other, from floor to ceiling. If you do everything right, the walls will appear higher.

Place pictures in unusual places

Regardless of the size of your home, you can decorate it with works of art, placing them in very, at first glance, inappropriate places: small paintings can hang all together on the wall; great accent work - decorating the door to the bathroom; the smallest - to stand on the bookshelves.