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In Tatarstan, the court ruled in the case of the son of the co-owner of the Modis clothing chain Igor Sosin - Yegor. According to investigators, a young man killed his mother last year in a Kazan hotel. Based on the results of the examinations, the TFR declared the defendant to be insane. As a result, the court sent Sosin Jr. for compulsory treatment.

On Tuesday, the Vakhitovsky District Court of Kazan issued a decision in a criminal case against 20-year-old Yegor Sosin, accused of brutal murder (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of his mother Anastasia Sosina. The process took place behind closed doors. The defendant's lawyers insisted on this, stating that the circumstances of his personal life and information about his diagnosis could be disclosed in court. Journalists were allowed to be present only at the announcement of the operative part of the decision.

Previously, the Investigation Department (SU) of the TFR for Tatarstan applied to the court with a decision to apply against Sosin, whom the doctors recognized as insane, "a compulsory measure of a medical nature." At the meeting, no obvious signs indicating his mental disorder were noticed - the defendant, dressed in all black, was calm and consciously covered his face with a sheet of paper from the cameras.

- He was aware of his actions when he killed his mother?

No, I didn't.

- It is strange that earlier none of his acquaintances, relatives noticed any deviations behind him ...

Apparently, he had such a disease. The disease manifested itself in this way.

- It is known that Sosin took drugs. Maybe under the influence of drugs, he decided to kill?

The fact that he took serious drugs, we learned only from his testimony. This point has not been proven.

Will be treated. Heal, then come out.

- Was Yegor Sosin's father present at the last court session?

No, he wasn't.
Irina Bobrova

Sick means unpunished: the son of an oligarch who killed his mother can return to society in a year

[...] This means that Sosin will not be responsible for the murder of his mother, explains the chairman of the Moscow Bar Association "Ter-Akopov and Partners" Georgy Ter-Akopov.

“The defendant cannot be held responsible for his actions, since at the time of the crime, due to an existing mental illness, he did not give an account of his actions. To date, this painful condition continues with him. This means that he cannot adequately perceive the punishment that could to be assigned to him."

Referral to compulsory treatment is a common court practice, says a psychotherapist of the highest category Alexander Fedorovich. Naturally, if there are grounds for this.

“The issue of compulsory treatment is accepted by the court within the framework of the proceedings, if strong evidence of a psychological and psychiatric examination is presented, which confirms the insanity of the subject at the time of the act. And if he is seen as a stable mental disorder that requires inpatient treatment for quite a long time.”

Yegor Sosin will be treated in a closed clinic until the doctors realize that he no longer poses a danger to himself or to society, Georgy Ter-Akopov notes.

"Only when the doctors come to the conclusion that he will not hang himself and will not be able to harm anyone else, although he will remain mentally ill person only then can they let him out."

This treatment usually takes a long time. But theoretically, explains Alexander Fedorovich, the patient can leave the clinic in a year.

"The term varies. The minimum is a year. But this institution has a special commission that conducts psychological testing and interviews and prepares commission materials. This commission may conclude that the condition has improved so much that the patient can continue observation, for example, with a psychiatrist at the place of residence.

If such a patient is allowed to go home and commits a crime again, the trial will not concern the first murder, says Konstantin Trapaidze, chairman of the Your Legal Attorney Bar Association.

"Both the investigation and the court will consider the circumstances of the newly committed crime. And in this case, it will not be considered as a relapse or as a repeated crime, because mental insanity is the absence of criminal responsibility. And a new crime as a relapse is not considered."

In the event of a repeated crime, no claims can be made against the experts in the first case, continues Konstantin Trapaidze. In the same way as to doctors and judges. Of course, if they did not act in collusion with the accused or with his relatives.

"Experts will answer only if it is proved that they regarded a healthy sane state as insane, which made it possible to avoid criminal liability. And here the basis will not be the examination itself, but operational data: the transfer of money or some kind of interest of experts , or telephone conversations, or other objective evidence".

I will add that compulsory treatment is carried out in the so-called psychiatric hospitals specialized type with intensive supervision. They are intended just for those who have committed socially dangerous acts in a state of insanity. The security of the clinic, in certain cases, can use physical force, as well as special equipment - rubber truncheons, handcuffs and even firearms.

Boris Beilin

A source:

At the disposal of journalists were the testimony of billionaire Sosin. The businessman said that he sent his son and ex-wife to Kazan after the young man threw a party at home, during which he used drugs with friends.

In the case of Yegor Sosin, who is accused of killing his own mother, his father, businessman Igor Sosin, was interrogated. He told investigators why he sent his offspring to Kazan with his ex-wife.


It turned out that shortly before the tragedy, Sosin Jr. was caught using drugs. “I regularly called Yegor, made sure that he spent the night at home. Since my son’s speech seemed chaotic to me, I decided that he was in an inadequate state. And then Anastasia called me and said that Yegor had a party in an apartment where he used laughing gas and mushrooms," the billionaire told the investigator.

When ex-wife Sosina Anastasia was going to fly to Kazan for a lecture on health, Igor insisted that she take her son with her, reports At the same time, the man constantly called up the ex-wife and was interested in Yegor's health.

At first Anastasia complained ex-husband that their son is in an inadequate state and is obsessed with persecution mania. Then, shortly before her death, she sent a message to the billionaire, in which she noted that Yegor was already much better.

As Dni.Ru wrote, on December 14, police discovered the body of the ex-wife of billionaire Igor Sosin in a hotel room in Kazan. Anastasia's son, who was there during the last hours of her life, is accused of killing Anastasia. Investigators suggest that Yegor beat his mother and fractured her skull. When the victim began to lose consciousness, the killer laid her on the bed and strangled her with a wire from the charger.

In the 90s, I knew a little about the work of millionaire Igor Sosin, who is now again in the spotlight due to the beating of rapper Guf. It turned out that he younger son Slava was invited to the birthday party - 13 years old - of his beloved rapper, who sang too little. As a result, the son of Igor Sosin demanded to sing more. Guf refused and was about to leave night club Bunker 48. Then Slava called the security service. And Guf kicked off in the back room. Then he went to file a complaint with the police. Because they took money from him. Paid in advance for the performance, of course. He said that he was beaten and thrown. “They say I messed up,” Guf justifies, “but it was the guards of the institution who called the police.”

Millionaire Igor Sosin managed the Nex company in the 90s, with its head office in the city of Vidnoye. He was laconic, but quite adequate, and the glory of a business genius followed him. Apparently, he devoted too much time to business - God forbid he had a grip. And too few kids. They were raised by money. That's what has grown. Majors.

Sosin's middle son, 20-year-old Yegor Sosin, not only killed his mother, he severely beat her (the whole room was covered in blood) and strangled with a cord from a lamp in a Kazan hotel. A psychiatric examination established that at the time of the crime, the young man was in a state of acute psychosis, was insane and was not responsible for his actions. A whole team of lawyers worked on the case. Moreover, in a state of drug intoxication, Yegor tortured his parent for an hour. Apparently, he is still in treatment, but may be released.

Sosin also has an older son, Anton, from his first wife. So far, nothing reprehensible has been noticed. Maybe because his father spoiled him less than other sons.

Slava received everything from his father. He is a typical representative of the golden youth of Moscow. Instagram is full of photos of young majors driving elite foreign cars, in the best nightclubs of the capital. Such a life is corrupting.

In the case, most likely, they will attract a security guard, and not the customer of the beating. Slavik will say that he asked just to talk to the rapper, and not to beat anyone. A team of the best lawyers has already started to excuse the undergrowth.


In the 90s, I knew a little about the work of millionaire Igor Sosin, who is now again in the spotlight due to the beating of rapper Guf. It turned out that his youngest son Slava was invited to the birthday party - 13 years old - of his beloved rapper, who sang too little. As a result, the son of Igor Sosin demanded ...


Igor Sosin is a well-known Russian billionaire who often makes headlines around the world with his acquisitions of luxury goods such as unique collection dresses for his second wife, Inna, worth 3.5 million euros, and the manuscript of the novel "Breakfast at Tiffany's" for 306,000 dollars. The founder and ex-owner of Starik Hottabych, the largest household goods chain in Russia, is engaged in a number of successful business projects and manages the MODIS retailer. In addition, the oligarch heads the New Idea Investment Consulting consulting company and is a co-owner of the ZEO soft drink brand.

The biography of Igor Sosin is completely hidden from prying eyes. It is known that the billionaire is 48 years old, and he almost constantly lives abroad. Having become a successful businessman, Igor Vladimirovich does not hide that he loves a high level of comfort in life, therefore, when traveling outside Russia, he annually rents an elite estate with a spacious mansion in Southampton, whose area is 4 hectares.

The billionaire achieved success in business thanks to his pronounced entrepreneurial “vein”, which allows him to join new projects on time and easily part with those in which he is losing interest.


The entrepreneurial career of Igor Sosin began in 1993 at the time of the collapse of the USSR. Then he acted as a financier and investor in the areas of retail, commercial real estate and manufacturing. After 10 years, the businessman founded the investment company New Idea Investment Group, which launched many successful enterprises in Russia. Since then, the oligarch has 17 companies in his arsenal that are still successfully operating today.

Igor Sosin's business is large-scale. Now he owns the largest chain of clothing supermarkets in Russia, Modis, with 139 stores operating in 70 cities of the Russian Federation. In 2006, the founder and ex-owner of the Starik Hottabych chain bought the Cats & Dogs chain of specialized pet stores in Moscow, and also created the investment group " New idea».

After that, the billionaire acquired a stake in the German company OBI and developed a chain of construction hypermarkets of the same name in Russia. One of recent projects Sosina was the acquisition of the brand of soft drinks ZEO, with which the businessman intended to replace champagne, wine and all kinds of alcoholic cocktails for a wide mass of consumers not only in Russia but also abroad. Igor Sosin also owns several tourist facilities, invests in many promising projects and, among other things, is an active participant in charity auctions.

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Sosin has two stages. His first wife was Anastasia Sosina, who gave birth to two children to the billionaire - Yegor and Taisiya, who, after the divorce of their parents, remained to live with their mother. After breaking off relations with his family, the oligarch married a second time in 2013. Sosin's wedding with his new darling Inna took place in Monaco. The celebration was organized on a special scale in the prestigious hall of Le Monte Carlo Sporting Club.

Businessman Igor Sosin is known to the public as a big "secular" party-goer, who does not spare money for organizing chic parties. Yachts are also among his hobbies, and he likes to devote his free time to playing tennis and skiing.

December 10, 2015 at former family Igor Sosin suffered a terrible tragedy - his 19-year-old son Yegor strangled his mother, the ex-wife of a billionaire, with a charger cord. As it turned out, 44-year-old Anastasia took her son to Kazan to participate in a seminar by a German psychotherapist in order to rid the child of drug addiction. On the eve of the start of psychotherapeutic measures, being in an inadequate state, Yegor Sosin killed his mother.

As it turned out later, the son of a billionaire does not even remember what happened in their room with his mother. Therefore, the young man, referring to hallucinations, could not explain to law enforcement officers why and why he beat his parent, and then strangled her. Yegor Sosin was arrested for two months, during which a series of examinations will take place. After all the circumstances of the tragedy are established, the final charges will be brought against the billionaire's son.