Feast of Nicholas the Wonderworker: date, history and traditions. How to celebrate the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in May

In prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Orthodox believers seek help in healing from illnesses, strengthening families, protecting children, getting rid of poverty and poverty, a safe journey and returning to their homeland, eliminating the power of magical rituals and evil evil eye, release from captivity.

On May 22, the Orthodox world honors the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Lycia, who is better known as Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nicholas the Pleasant. In Rus', on May 22, Nikola Veshny, he was also called Nikola spring, Nikolin's day, Nikola grass. Spring in Old Slavonic meant spring, heat was finally established on the ground.

In prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Orthodox believers seek help in healing from illnesses, strengthening families, protecting children, getting rid of poverty and poverty, a safe journey and returning to their homeland, eliminating the power of magical rituals and evil evil eye, release from captivity.

Both Orthodox peasants and service people prayed to him, since Nikolai the Ugodnik patronized everyone without exception. May 22, Nikola Veshny was of particular importance for those whose life was connected with the cultivation of the land, as they carefully listened to those signs that had been accumulated for many millennia since the righteous life and death of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

This day is especially revered by the Orthodox, despite the fact that Nicholas the Wonderworker himself is not among the apostles of God. He earned the favor of the common people with good deeds, which are remembered on the day of St. Nicholas.

folk traditions

In Rus', Nicholas the Pleasant was considered the "senior" among the saints. He was called "merciful", temples were built in honor of him and children were named.
On St. Nicholas of the Winter, people arranged festive meals - they baked pies with fish, brewed mash and beer, and on St. Nicholas of the Summer, or Spring, the peasants arranged religious processions - they went to the fields with icons and banners, performed prayers at the wells - asked for rain.
On May 22, Nikola Veshny blessed the dew, so there was a tradition of washing with it. It was believed that morning dew would give a person health and happiness, and the earth would give a rich harvest.
On May 22, Nikola Veshny was also known for protecting cattle from evil spirits. It was to drive out herds of horses at night. Only bachelors were chosen as shepherds. The shepherds always prayed before driving the horses out. The shepherds did not get off their saddles, because there was a belief that on this day, evil spirits could ride a horse to death. If in the herd the horses began to tremble, that with certain cries they drove away the unclean.
They tried to pay off all debts to Nikola Veshny, to make peace with long-standing enemies. It was also supposed to be generous in alms and treats to the poor and destitute, so as not to share their sad fate.
Peasants planted potatoes and buckwheat, sheared sheep. The remains of last year's grain were sold, as the sowing had already been carried out, and according to tradition, the leftovers sold on time were supposed to attract a rich harvest.

Folk omens May 22 (Nikola Veshny)
Pay close attention to weather conditions.
If Nikola Veshny gives rain on May 22, then the harvest will be notable.
A frog croaking in the morning foreshadowed the harvest of oats.
If nightingales sang in the morning, it means that cereals will also be born.
Name day on May 22 to Nikola Veshny at Heraclius. Basil, Gabriel, Joseph, Nicholas.
You can’t refuse Nikolai to anyone who asks you for help, otherwise, for refusing to help those in need, the family will endure poverty and disaster for 7 years.
On this day, any work is welcome: at home, around the house, in the garden and in the garden.

On this day, the hostesses tried to put things in order in the house, from the very morning they began to clean up, since the saint does not like disorder.

By the day of St. Nicholas, they tried to pay off all debts, otherwise it was believed that there would be no financial luck all year.
It's a good omen if it's raining on Nicholas. Morning dew on Nicholas is considered healing, they try to wash themselves with it for beauty and health, to walk barefoot on the grass.
It has long been believed that St. Nicholas patronizes lovers, so the newlyweds and those who were going to play the wedding asked for protection and help from the saint.
On this day, there was a ban on picking up scissors, and now there is a sign not to cut your hair on Nikolai.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant
Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!
Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever.

From year to year, this holiday is celebrated on the same day - May 22 according to the new style (May 9 according to the Julian calendar). The name "Nikola Summer" is the most common. However, the celebration has many other names: Nikola Veshny, Nikola Saint, Summer Day, St. Nicholas, Nikola with Warmth, Grass Day, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Warm Day.

Also read: December 19 - Winter Nicholas Day

Feast of Nicholas of Summer in Christianity

What is the meaning of the holiday of Summer Nikola?

Since ancient times, it was believed that on Grassy Day, spring, finally losing ground, meets with summer. The sun no longer warms gently, its rays become truly burning. After Nikolin's day, a hot time usually set in. In Rus', this holiday was very much expected, it was of great importance for the Orthodox. Saint Nicholas was close to God and was considered one of his favorites.

In some villages, people even created special prayers in honor of Nicholas. In their prayers, they directly addressed the Saint, asking him for protection and patronage. By and large, the prayers addressed to Nicholas of Summer were practically no different from the prayers that were said in honor of the Lord. However, these prayers were never approved by the church canon.

The origins of the holiday

Honoring the memory of St. Nicholas of Summer began at the beginning of the 11th century, literally a few decades after the emergence of the Orthodox religion. The Greeks did not attach much importance to this holiday. For them, it was a reminder of negative events, since their country had lost the holy relics of Nikola.

At first, the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker was honored only by the inhabitants of Italy. This is due to the transfer of the relics of the Saint at the end of the 11th century from Lycia to the church of St. Stephen, located in the Italian city of Bari. Adherents of the Christian faith living in other countries, Nikola Summer was not accepted and was not considered as a grandiose celebration for the reason that all the attention and respect of the people was directed to the local Shrines.

Childhood of Saint Nicholas. In one of the colonies of Lycia (now the territory of Turkey), a boy was born into a wealthy peasant family, who was named Nicholas. This event dates back to around 270 AD. From early childhood, his parents taught Nicholas to the Orthodox faith. The boy attended every liturgy, often prayed, studied Divine books and Holy Scriptures.

Youth and youth of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Nicholas' uncle served as a bishop. It was he who contributed to the fact that the young man received the priesthood, whose duties included communication with the flock. Nikolay perfectly coped with his duties, taught and instructed believers, taught to pray, gave advice. In a short period of time, Nikolai won the love and respect of the parishioners. The young Saint possessed such qualities as mercy, openness, kindness, generosity, the ability to sincerely sympathize with people.

A few years later, Nikolai's parents left the mortal world. After that, Nikola, having entered into an inheritance, distributed all the valuables to needy people: the poor, the poor, the sick, the disabled. Saint Nicholas had modesty and meekness, so he did not advertise his good deeds, did not try to tell others about them. However, the rumor about the blessings of the Saint spread quickly. Nicholas became even more loved and respected.

Mature years of Nikolai Ugodnik. St. Being a priest, Nicholas became a pilgrim. For several years, he was able to visit almost all the places where the Savior's foot had set foot. When the Saint returned to his native Lycia, the leadership of the church and the parishioners unanimously elected him Bishop. Having taken the rank of bishop, Nikolai Ugodnik did not change his inner convictions, remaining the same ascetic, meek, generous and kind. Despite his modesty, Nicholas was an ardent opponent of heresy and paganism, he fought mercilessly for the Christian religion.

Throughout his life, Nikolai managed to perform many miracles, which were witnessed by the parishioners. Nikolai always extended a helping hand to people in need, healed the sick (sick), saved those who were in trouble, revealed injustice and even resurrected those who had departed to another world. For such good deeds, people called the Saint the Great Wonderworker.

The venerable age of Nicholas. Until very old age, Nicholas preached Christianity, instructed the laity on the true path, helped everyone who turned to him. The Pleasant said goodbye to the world of the living, having reached old age. Historians call such dates of the death of the Saint: 342, 346, 351. The imperishable relics of the Wonderworker were preserved for a long time in the local cathedral church until they were transferred to the city of Bari. From those ancient times to this day, it is believed that the ashes of Nicholas exude a healing myrrh that cures all ailments.

Signs and rituals on the day of St. Nicholas the Summer

Folk signs on Nikola Summer

  • If during the prelude (22.05-10.06) the weather was damp and windy with showers and thunderstorms, it means that Nikola Summer is favorable, and at the end of summer it will be possible to harvest a rich harvest. Such weather was a particularly favorable sign for the wheat harvest.
  • If the croaking of frogs was heard on Nikola Veshny, it means that Mother Earth will bring generous gifts to people. Cereal and vegetable crops, fruits and berries will be born well.
  • “The Grace of God” and “Heaven pours rain on the earth, raises rich bread” - this is what they said if it rains on St. Nicholas of the Veshny. And this weather promised a happy life this year.
  • It was believed that shearing sheep, planting potatoes and buckwheat on the day of St. Nicholas of Summer would bring good luck in all matters, a rich harvest, and getting rid of troubles.
  • According to one of the old signs, prayers addressed to the Lord and the Saints on May 22 have great power. People can ask for healing from ailments, an addition to the family, a meeting with a soul mate, forgiveness of sins. Saint Nicholas, who was close to God, will definitely help!
  • In order not to get sick all year, in the morning on Nikola Summer, people with all their families went out into the field and washed themselves with dew. Then health will be strong and no illness will cling. Some stripped down to their underwear and rolled on the grass, which was covered with dew. Thus, the whole body was washed with fertile moisture.
  • If Alder begins to bloom on May 22, then expect financial well-being soon. It was believed that the family, in whose yard the buds on this tree blossomed, would not experience material difficulties all year. There are cases when people after that found treasures, unexpectedly received an inheritance, won a large sum of money.

Traditions on the feast of Nikola the Summer

Since Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron and protector of couples in love, young girls at dawn on May 22 prayed to the Saint that he would grant them a meeting with their soulmate. Unmarried girls asked Nikolai to send them a good husband, generous, handsome, hardworking, brave, kind.

Saint Nicholas also patronizes animals, including sheep and horses. By the day of St. Nicholas the Summer, fresh grass in the fields had already grown enough. Therefore, on the night of May 22, all owners of horses and sheep drove their cattle into the fields. Animals frolicked all night, ran, nibbling grass. In Rus', this ceremony was turned into a real spectacular show. And even today in some villages you can observe such an action. So that the horses and sheep would not run away, shepherds were assigned to them - young and physically strong men.

In the evening, before the start of the pasture of animals, a special dinner was prepared for the shepherds, consisting of their porridge and pies. Then bonfires were kindled around the perimeter of the large field. Few of the villagers went to bed early, because everyone wanted to watch the pasture of animals. Even small children were allowed by their parents to walk until midnight that day. A little later, when the villagers dispersed to their huts, girls, unmarried residents of the village, joined the shepherds. Then the real festivities began with dancing, songs and fun games. It was believed that on this night, boys and girls entered adulthood, so older relatives did not particularly control "hot young hearts."

In order for the harvest to be rich and the land to be fertile, at dawn people went out into the fields and gardens, stood facing the rising sun and performed a special ceremony. They read prayers addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to protect their lands, for generous gifts, for a well-fed existence.

How to behave correctly and what to do on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer?

In order for happiness to smile throughout the year, May 22 must be spent in prayers and caring for the family, home, and cattle. It is desirable that all household members, young and old, be busy with useful things.

In the morning and evening, it is advisable to pray to Nicholas Veshny and the Lord. You can ask God and the Saint for everything you need. If your prayers are sincere, and you really deserve what you ask for, you will definitely be rewarded.

On this day, you need to start sowing some crops. As a rule, buckwheat and potatoes were planted. It was believed that after the day of Nikola the Summer, it was pointless to engage in their landing. Firstly, there will be no decent harvest, and secondly, crops will not have time to spoil.

In the morning, after going to church and prayers, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse, take a good bath and change into clean or even new underwear. Outerwear should also be washed and ironed. In the process of bathing, you can read a prayer.

From the very morning, the housewives began to clean up the house, backyard territory, non-residential outbuildings where cattle were kept. Animals were intensively fed various delicacies. Artiodactyls and ruminants were grazed, the rest of the pets were walked.

Unmarried girls and unmarried guys changed into beautiful outfits after the bath. The guys put on shirts embroidered with gold, wide light-colored linen trousers, tied with satin belts. The girls dressed up in long sundresses, and multi-colored scarves were tied on their heads or wreaths with ribbons were put on.

After working in the field and having fun, all family members were supposed to gather at the table to enjoy a festive dinner. There are no special recommendations regarding the dishes on the table. They ate everything that God sent. Usually it was an unpretentious meal: milk, pancakes, chicken eggs, cheese, porridge, boiled potatoes, lard and all kinds of dishes prepared from the listed products.

What can not be done on Nikola Summer?

On May 22, it was not worth it to be sad, to indulge in memories of past negative events, to be lazy. The only thing that should be abandoned regarding housework is knitting and sewing.

It is undesirable to use scissors and other piercing and cutting objects (kitchen utensils and garden tools do not count).

It was believed that if a person refuses to help the one who turned to him, he and his family will feel the need and fail for 7 years in a row. Remember, helping the poor, orphans and all those who ask is one of the life rules that St. Nicholas always adhered to during his lifetime.

On a Warm Day, it is also undesirable to refuse anything (of course, within reasonable limits) to children. Nikolai Ugodnik is their patron, so all the kids need to make gifts. It is not necessary to buy something expensive, let it be simple gifts, such as souvenirs, toys, or their favorite treats. By tradition, gifts were always placed under the pillow for children or hidden in socks, which were then hung on a rope above the stove (fireplace).

On Grass Day, it is inappropriate to indulge in violent revelry. Dancing until you drop, strong alcohol intoxication and loud chants are unacceptable. It is also not welcome to clarify personal relationships, and even more so quarrels, scandals, fights. Swearing on May 22 means incurring failure.

Nikola Summer is a holiday loved by many, especially kids. This is a celebration dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of the summer season. It is important to spend this holiday correctly so that St. Nicholas fulfills all your desires, becomes a patron and reliable protector for you and your family!

Twice a year the Christian world celebrates the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (May 22 and December 19). Many signs, rituals and traditions are associated with this holiday. Nicholas is revered as a great miracle worker who is able to heal diseases. Most often, poor, homeless and sick people ask him for help, because only he is able to help them.

The Day of Saint Nicholas of Summer is one of the most revered holidays in the Christian Church. The celebration is timed to coincide with the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas to the city of Bari, located in Italy. In Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron of children, couples in love, soldiers, merchants, merchants. In addition, the Saint is also the protector of people who have been undeservedly punished.

From year to year this holiday is celebrated on the same day - May 22 according to the new style (May 9 according to the Julian calendar). The name "Nikola Summer" is the most common. However, the celebration has many other names: Nikola Veshny, Nikola Saint, Summer Day, St. Nicholas, Nikola with Warmth, Grass Day, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Warm Day.

Feast of Nicholas of Summer in Christianity. What is the meaning of the holiday of Summer Nikola?

Since ancient times, it was believed that on Grassy Day, spring, finally losing ground, meets with summer. The sun no longer warms gently, its rays become truly burning. After Nikolin's day, a hot time usually set in. In Rus', this holiday was very much expected, it was of great importance for the Orthodox. Saint Nicholas was close to God and was considered one of his favorites.

In some villages, people even created special prayers in honor of Nicholas. In their prayers, they directly addressed the Saint, asking him for protection and patronage. By and large, the prayers addressed to Nicholas of Summer were practically no different from the prayers that were said in honor of the Lord. However, these prayers were never approved by the church canon.

The origins of the holiday

Honoring the memory of St. Nicholas of Summer began at the beginning of the 11th century, literally a few decades after the emergence of the Orthodox religion. The Greeks did not attach much importance to this holiday. For them, it was a reminder of negative events, since their country had lost the holy relics of Nikola.

At first, the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker was honored only by the inhabitants of Italy. This is due to the transfer of the relics of the Saint at the end of the 11th century from Lycia to the church of St. Stephen, located in the Italian city of Bari. Adherents of the Christian faith living in other countries, Nikola Summer was not accepted and was not considered as a grandiose celebration for the reason that all the attention and respect of the people was directed to the local Shrines.

Signs and rituals on the day of St. Nicholas the Summer
If during the prelude (22.05-10.06) the weather was damp and windy with showers and thunderstorms, it means that Nikola Summer is favorable, and at the end of summer it will be possible to harvest a rich harvest. Such weather was a particularly favorable sign for the wheat harvest.
If the croaking of frogs was heard on Nikola Veshny, it means that Mother Earth will bring generous gifts to people. Cereal and vegetable crops, fruits and berries will be born well.
“The Grace of God” and “Heaven pours rain on the earth, raises rich bread” - this is what they said if it rains on St. Nicholas of Veshny. And this weather promised a happy life this year.

Rainy weather on Nikolai Ugodnik marks an excellent harvest, and when frogs are heard singing in the morning, you can expect a lot of oats. An interesting weather omen is that if the spring season turns out to be cold, warm weather is expected until mid-autumn. Since ancient times, people believed that the last day of the year is the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Therefore, it is imperative to pay off all debts, otherwise the year will be unsuccessful. To protect his house from troubles, the owner must go around his yard in the morning. Last year's grain can only be sold when the holiday is over. Based on beliefs, on this wonderful day, you can not be afraid of various troubles. It was believed that the worst enemies would turn out to be friends on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It was on this holiday that people began to plant potatoes, buckwheat, cleaned the oat crop and drove horses out to graze at night. If a person meets a beggar or hungry, then it is necessary to help him. Otherwise, you can face these adversities yourself. Oats should definitely begin to be sheared from this holiday, this will not give the harvest an abyss.
It was believed that shearing sheep, planting potatoes and buckwheat on the day of St. Nicholas of Summer would bring good luck in all matters, a rich harvest, and getting rid of troubles.
According to one of the old signs, prayers addressed to the Lord and the Saints on May 22 have great power. People can ask for healing from ailments, an addition to the family, a meeting with a soul mate, forgiveness of sins. Saint Nicholas, who was close to God, will definitely help!
In order not to get sick all year, in the morning on Nikola Summer, people with all their families went out into the field and washed themselves with dew. Then health will be strong and no illness will cling. Some stripped down to their underwear and rolled on the grass, which was covered with dew. Thus, the whole body was washed with fertile moisture.
If Alder begins to bloom on May 22, then expect financial well-being soon. It was believed that the family, in whose yard the buds on this tree blossomed, would not experience material difficulties all year. There are cases when people after that found treasures, unexpectedly received an inheritance, won a large sum of money.

Traditions on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer:

Since Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron and protector of couples in love, young girls at dawn on May 22 prayed to the Saint that he would grant them a meeting with their soulmate. Unmarried girls asked Nikolai to send them a good husband, generous, handsome, hardworking, brave, kind.

It was on this holiday that young people often performed various rituals and fortune-telling. With the onset of evening, all the lonely young women went out into the street, took off their shoes and threw their left shoe out of the gate. If the girl's shoes flew far away, then after marriage she will go far from her home. The toe of the shoe indicated the direction from where the betrothed should be expected. When the shoes pointed to the house in which the young woman lives, then she will not see the wedding in the coming year.

Saint Nicholas also patronizes animals, including sheep and horses. By the day of St. Nicholas the Summer, fresh grass in the fields had already grown enough. Therefore, on the night of May 22, all owners of horses and sheep drove their cattle into the fields. Animals frolicked all night, ran, nibbling grass. In Rus', this ceremony was turned into a real spectacular show. And even today in some villages you can observe such an action. So that the horses and sheep would not run away, shepherds were assigned to them - young and physically strong men.

In the evening, before the start of the pasture of animals, a special dinner was prepared for the shepherds, consisting of their porridge and pies. Then bonfires were kindled around the perimeter of the large field. Few of the villagers went to bed early, because everyone wanted to watch the pasture of animals. Even small children were allowed by their parents to walk until midnight that day. A little later, when the villagers dispersed to their huts, girls, unmarried residents of the village, joined the shepherds. Then the real festivities began with dancing, songs and fun games. It was believed that on this night, boys and girls entered adulthood, so older relatives did not particularly control "hot young hearts."

In order for the harvest to be rich and the land to be fertile, at dawn people went out into the fields and gardens, stood facing the rising sun and performed a special ceremony. They read prayers addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to protect their lands, for generous gifts, for a well-fed existence.
How to behave correctly and what to do on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer?

In order for happiness to smile throughout the year, May 22 must be spent in prayers and caring for the family, home, and cattle. It is desirable that all household members, young and old, be busy with useful things.

In the morning and evening, it is advisable to pray to Nicholas Veshny and the Lord. You can ask God and the Saint for everything you need. If your prayers are sincere, and you really deserve what you ask for, you will definitely be rewarded.

On this day, you need to start sowing some crops. As a rule, buckwheat and potatoes were planted. It was believed that after the day of Nikola the Summer, it was pointless to engage in their landing. Firstly, there will be no decent harvest, and secondly, crops will not have time to spoil.

In the morning, after going to church and prayers, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse, take a good bath and change into clean or even new underwear. Outerwear should also be washed and ironed. In the process of bathing, you can read a prayer.

From the very morning, the housewives began to clean up the house, backyard territory, non-residential outbuildings where cattle were kept. Animals were intensively fed various delicacies. Artiodactyls and ruminants were grazed, the rest of the pets were walked.

Unmarried girls and unmarried guys changed into beautiful outfits after the bath. The guys put on shirts embroidered with gold, wide light-colored linen trousers, tied with satin belts. The girls dressed up in long sundresses, and multi-colored scarves were tied on their heads or wreaths with ribbons were put on.

After working in the field and having fun, all family members were supposed to gather at the table to enjoy a festive dinner. There are no special recommendations regarding the dishes on the table. They ate everything that God sent. Usually it was an unpretentious meal: milk, pancakes, chicken eggs, cheese, porridge, boiled potatoes, lard and all kinds of dishes prepared from the listed products.

There was an interesting rite to gain wealth. People put their empty wallets in a prominent place in the house. Someone even hung stencils to notify about problems with money. They believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker would see their grief with lack of money and would definitely help. In order for Nicholas to help fulfill a wish, a special ceremony was performed on this day. For its implementation, it is necessary to purchase an icon of St. Nicholas and forty candles bought in the church for the house. The image of the saint was placed on the table, and the candles were alternately lit around him. While they were burning, a person should express his wishes. People believed that he would definitely help if the desire was sincere and pure.
What can not be done on Nikola Summer?

On May 22, it was not worth it to be sad, to indulge in memories of past negative events, to be lazy. The only thing that should be abandoned regarding housework is knitting and sewing.

It is undesirable to use scissors and other piercing and cutting objects (kitchen utensils and garden tools do not count).

It was believed that if a person refuses to help the one who turned to him, he and his family will feel the need and fail for 7 years in a row. Remember, helping the poor, orphans and everyone who asks is one of the life rules that St. Nicholas always adhered to during his lifetime.

On a Warm Day, it is also undesirable to refuse anything (of course, within reasonable limits) to children. Nikolai Ugodnik is their patron, so all the kids need to make gifts. It is not necessary to buy something expensive, let it be simple gifts, such as souvenirs, toys, or their favorite treats. By tradition, gifts were always placed under the pillow for children or hidden in socks, which were then hung on a rope above the stove (fireplace).

On Grass Day, it is inappropriate to indulge in violent revelry. Dancing until you drop, strong alcohol intoxication and loud chants are unacceptable. It is also not welcome to clarify personal relationships, and even more so quarrels, scandals, fights. Swearing on May 22 means incurring failure.

Nikola Summer is a holiday that many people love, especially kids. This is a celebration dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of the summer season. It is important to spend this holiday correctly so that St. Nicholas fulfills all your desires, becomes a patron and reliable protector for you and your family!

Saint Nicholas, the most revered Saint Nicholas by the Russian people, showed mercy even to a person who committed a terrible sin, if he deeply and sincerely obeyed. So, he forgave the ruler of the city, who condemned the innocent for a bribe, and did not complain about him to the emperor. And he could be unexpectedly harsh: at the Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325, indignant at the stubbornness of the heretic Arius, he hit him on the cheek, for which the assembled bishops decided to deprive St. Nicholas of the hierarchal (episcopal) dignity. According to legend, he was even imprisoned. But the sign that the bishops received in a dream convinced them to return the saint's freedom. The meaning of his act for believers is by no means in permissiveness, but in active rejection of any untruth: the sharpness of the saint was caused by the same feeling that once prompted him to snatch the sword from the hands of the executioner. Saint Nicholas is also glorified as a miracle worker: miraculous healings and even resurrections from the dead took place through his prayers, storms at sea subsided, and the wind carried the ship to where the saint needed. The Church also knows many cases when prayers of believers to St. Nicholas turned into miracles even after his death. A quick and merciful helper to the afflicted, unmercenary and philanthropist, sensitively responding to the misfortune and pain of people; a strict pastor-mentor, keenly experiencing any untruth and resolutely rebelling against it - in these features of St. Nicholas, Orthodox see not a contradictory nature, but evidence of the living fullness of his holiness.

The Orthodox feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated annually on December 19. The monk, being a colossally revered saint, is the true patron of travelers and brave sailors, workers in various industries, peasants and children. On the icons, he is depicted with a miter (liturgical attire) on his head, which symbolizes the bishopric.

Based on the biography of the reverend, the tradition of Christmas gifts originates.

Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker

The origin of the holiday

On this day, a significant event takes place, which is very fond of children and parents: at night, a fictional character visits families, who wants to do something nice and puts gifts next to the beds, inside the shoes or in hanging socks.

This holiday tradition has real historical roots.

A very poor family lived in the house adjacent to the dwelling of St. Nicholas of Myra. The wife died, and the widower was left with a beautiful daughter who loves a young man from a wealthy class. Wealthy relatives of the young man did not want to accept a charming girl without the necessary dowry.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, who had a rich inheritance, decided to help the poor beauty. He changed his clothes and no one could recognize him. Having approached the window of the poor people, Nikolai sincerely threw a bag of gold coins into the house.

Thus, this holy man helped loving hearts and allowed them to unite in marriage.

There is another version of the appearance of this Orthodox holiday. Once a heavy cart of a simple peasant got stuck in the mud. He couldn't pull out his good on his own. At this time, miracle workers were passing by, who were on their way to the Almighty Lord. One of the saints (Kasyan), having heard the request of a simple peasant, took offense at him and passed by in his clean clothes.

After some time, Nikolai appeared next to the cart, who, without hesitation, began to help a man in his trouble. However, the Wonderworker himself was smeared with mud.

When the saints came to the Almighty, He asked them why Nicholas was late and looked so indecent. God began to listen to the story of the Wonderworker, and then listened to Kasyan. The latter replied that he could never come to the Creator in dirty clothes.

The Almighty made a decision: the Kasyan holiday will take place only once a year, while with St. Nicholas deserves two days - a summer celebration (May 22) and a winter one (December 19).

The holy images of Nicholas began to be painted in the 10th century. However, the origin of the most ancient canvas has roots in the VIII century. The monk is depicted both half-length and full-length. A classic example of the latter option is a fresco located in Kiev's Golden-Domed Monastery. It was created at the beginning of the XII century. The saint is depicted with a blessing gesture and open Scripture.

In many cities in Rus', temples and cathedrals are dedicated to Nikolai Ugodnik.

Read about churches in honor of St. Nicholas:

In 866 Prince Askold of Kiev was baptized in the name of the saint. After his death, Princess Olga erected on his grave the first church in Rus', Archbishop Nicholas.

In the Kremlin, one of the main towers is called Nikolskaya.

The feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated on December 19. In Rus', it quickly took root and spread throughout the territory.

On the basis of everyday biography, a tradition of Christmas gifts appeared. The miracle worker patronizes people of various professions and all children who want magic on a certain day.

Prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Day of Saint Nicholas of Summer is one of the most revered holidays in the Christian Church. The celebration is timed to coincide with the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas to the city of Bari, located in Italy. In Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron of children, couples in love, soldiers, merchants, merchants. In addition, the Saint is also the protector of people who have been undeservedly punished.

Every year this holiday is celebrated on one day - May 22 according to the new style (May 9 according to the Julian calendar). The name "Nikola Summer" is the most common. However, the celebration also has many other names: Nikola, Nikola Veshny, Nikola Saint, Summer Day, St. Nicholas, Nikola with Warmth, Herbal Day, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Warm Day.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the intercessor of all the persecuted and offended, the helper of the poor, as well as the patron saint of sailors and the protector of the family hearth. It is known that the saint more than once came to the aid of those in distress on the water, calming storms with the power of prayer.

As for family happiness, a whole story from the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker is connected with it. One ruined city dweller decided to improve his business by giving his daughter to a rich groom. But, as usual, the rich man's relatives were against an unequal marriage. Upon learning of this, Saint Nicholas helped to arrange for the girl: he secretly threw a purse of gold out the window and provided the bride with a good dowry.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker occupied a special place in the life of the Orthodox, so many customs and rituals are associated with the holiday in his honor. What, according to tradition, should be done on this day?

Traditions on the feast of Nikola the Summer

To avoid misfortunes throughout the year, on May 22, ritual dinners are held in honor of the Wonderworker: it is imperative to feed the poor, crippled, vagrants. Only after that a big dinner for relatives is “organized”.

Since Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron and protector of couples in love, young girls at dawn on May 22 prayed to the Saint that he would grant them a meeting with their soulmate. Unmarried girls asked Nikolai to send them a good husband, generous, handsome, hardworking, brave, kind.

Saint Nicholas also patronizes animals, including sheep and horses. By the day of St. Nicholas the Summer, fresh grass in the fields had already grown enough. Therefore, on the night of May 22, all owners of horses and sheep drove their cattle into the fields. Animals frolicked all night, ran, nibbling grass. So that the horses and sheep would not run away, shepherds were assigned to them - young and physically strong men.

In the evening, before the start of the pasture of animals, a special dinner was prepared for the shepherds, consisting of their porridge and pies. Then bonfires were kindled around the perimeter of the large field. Few of the villagers went to bed early, because everyone wanted to watch the pasture of animals. Even small children were allowed by their parents to walk until midnight that day. A little later, when the villagers dispersed to their huts, girls, unmarried residents of the village, joined the shepherds. Then the real festivities began with dancing, songs and fun games. It was believed that on this night, boys and girls entered adulthood, so older relatives did not particularly control "hot young hearts."

In order for the harvest to be rich and the land to be fertile, at dawn people went out into the fields and gardens, stood facing the rising sun and performed a special ceremony. They read prayers addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to protect their lands, for generous gifts, for a well-fed existence.

Nicholas Day is an important date in the agricultural calendar (the saint is a kind of "heir" of the pagan god Veles, the patron saint of agriculture and domestic animals). Therefore, this day is most favorable for sowing spring crops: it is believed that there will be no more frosts that are detrimental to plantings, and the harvest will go uphill. Also, it is on May 22 that cucumbers can already be planted. Interesting to know. If it rains on Nikola, then the harvest will be rich and will please all the owners.

It is believed that dew, as well as water from springs and wells, acquires life-giving power, and if you wash or drink it, you will not get sick all year.

To increase prosperity, on the day of St. Nicholas, you need to bring a candle home from the church, take out the wick, set it on fire from both sides, quickly pronounce the spell words and put out the wick.

The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen.

The wick must be put in a wallet or where you keep money.

How to behave correctly and what to do on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer?

In order for happiness to smile throughout the year, May 22 must be spent in prayers and caring for the family, home, and cattle. It is desirable that all household members, young and old, be busy with useful things.

In the morning and evening, it is advisable to pray to Nicholas Veshny and the Lord. You can ask God and the Saint for everything you need. If your prayers are sincere, and you really deserve what you ask for, you will definitely be rewarded.

On this day, you need to start sowing some crops. As a rule, buckwheat and potatoes were planted. It was believed that after the day of Nikola the Summer, it was pointless to engage in their landing. Firstly, there will be no decent harvest, and secondly, crops will not have time to spoil.

In the morning, after going to church and prayers, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse, take a good bath and change into clean or even new underwear. Outerwear should also be washed and ironed. In the process of bathing, you can read a prayer.

From the very morning, the housewives began to clean up the house, backyard territory, non-residential outbuildings where cattle were kept. Animals were intensively fed various delicacies. Artiodactyls and ruminants were grazed, the rest of the pets were walked.

Unmarried girls and unmarried guys changed into beautiful outfits after the bath. The guys put on shirts embroidered with gold, wide light-colored linen trousers, tied with satin belts. The girls dressed up in long sundresses, and multi-colored scarves were tied on their heads or wreaths with ribbons were put on.

After working in the field and having fun, all family members were supposed to gather at the table to enjoy a festive dinner. There are no special recommendations regarding the dishes on the table. They ate everything that God sent. Usually it was an unpretentious meal: milk, pancakes, chicken eggs, cheese, porridge, boiled potatoes, lard and all kinds of dishes prepared from the listed products.

What can not be done on Nikola Summer?

On May 22, it was not worth it to be sad, to indulge in memories of past negative events, to be lazy. The only thing that should be abandoned regarding housework is knitting and sewing.

It is undesirable to use scissors and other piercing and cutting objects (kitchen utensils and garden tools do not count).

It was believed that if a person refuses to help the one who turned to him, he and his family will feel the need and fail for 7 years in a row. Remember, helping the poor, orphans and all those who ask is one of the life rules that St. Nicholas always adhered to during his lifetime.

It is undesirable to refuse anything (of course, within reasonable limits) to children. Nikolai Ugodnik is their patron, so all the kids need to make gifts. It is not necessary to buy something expensive, let it be simple gifts, such as souvenirs, toys, or their favorite treats. By tradition, gifts were always placed under the pillow for children or hidden in socks, which were then hung on a rope above the stove (fireplace).

It is inappropriate to indulge in violent revelry. Dancing until you drop, strong alcohol intoxication and loud chants are unacceptable. It is also not welcome to clarify personal relationships, and even more so quarrels, scandals, fights. Swearing on May 22 means incurring failure.

Nikola Summer is a holiday loved by many, especially kids. This is a celebration dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of the summer season. It is important to spend this holiday correctly so that St. Nicholas fulfills all your desires, becomes a patron and reliable protector for you and your family!