Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos: the end of Lent and the beginning of Indian summer. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - what can and cannot be done on a holiday Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: holiday traditions

An important and solemn day in the Orthodox world is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For believers, this is really a holiday, since the Mother of God was accepted into heaven.

For Orthodox people, death is not the end of life, but the liberation of the soul from sins, resurrection, cleansing, so the Assumption is really a holiday and every believer should know its date. The Virgin Mary prayed that she would soon see her son and be near him all the time. Her prayers were answered and one day she was taken up to heaven.

We offer you to learn the history of the holiday, its traditions and find out the answer to the question: what date is the Assumption in 2017.

Every year the holiday is celebrated on August 28 and this year there will be no exception. The day precedes the Dormition fast, lasts 14 days.

The Assumption Fast begins on August 14, 2017 and ends on August 27, 2017. This fast is established before the great feasts of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Dormition of the Mother of God.

This is the shortest multi-day post throughout the year. o In its severity, the Dormition Fast is equated with the Passion Week of Great Lent. But despite this, it is considered among the Orthodox and the easiest: both short and sweet.

The easiest - because the Mother of God takes care that the yoke of Christ is easy for us. And takes care of our body as well as the soul.

The sweetest because this Lent begins with the consecration of honey, and then the consecration of fruits: so that through the sweetness that the Lord gives for the body, we taste and see how good the Lord is.

On August 14, on the first day of the Dormition Fast, the Cross of Christ will be worn out for veneration. As once in the Old Testament, according to the word of the Lord, a tree descended into the bitter waters of Merra, and they became sweet, so the bitterness of our life - from the touch of the Cross of Christ on it - may it change into sweetness.

August 14 - the day of the Baptism of Rus'. And baptism - this is such an immersion in the water of the cross - the grace of Christ, when the mystery of the Cross is revealed. And whoever recognizes it, he is ready to offer everything to the Lord - both his life and his death, in order to always be with Him. Therefore, the Holy Martyrs (on the Icons - they are always with the Cross in their hand) go ahead of everyone in the host of Saints. Our Russian Church, like no other, has become famous for the exploits of martyrdom. And in it there has always been a special reverence for the Mother of God, Her holy Dormition, to which many Monasteries have been dedicated since ancient times. In the Assumption of the Mother of God, as in the Pascha of the Lord, death - what is considered the greatest sorrow - becomes the greatest joy.

There is a pious custom to read the Akathist to the Dormition every day during the Dormition Fast or to perform the Paraklisis - the prayer singing of the Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos “I passed through the water, like dry land ...”.

During Dormition Fast, we thank God that we have approached the end of summer, and we ask Him. to vouchsafe us to spend autumn in peace and serenity. The Mother of God in Dormition was preserved from the destruction of her body and ascended with her resurrected body into the Kingdom of God. So we, on the Feast of the Assumption, tea the resurrection of the dead and our eternal stay next to the Mother of God where the Risen Christ is.

Also on August 14, a small consecration of water is performed in churches, which is why the Honey Savior is often called the Savior on the Water. On this day, for the last time in a year, believers swam in rivers and lakes, thus washing away all sins from themselves. According to traditions, after the start of the Dormition Fast, they no longer bathed.

If you carefully study history, you can understand that a lot was written and said about the Virgin Mary in the period before the conception of Jesus Christ and before his crucifixion. When he was crucified on the cross, his mother did not leave him, she held his hand and felt all his suffering. The Virgin Mary believed that only the body had died and that very soon she would meet her son.

Years passed, Mary lived in the care of John's family, but Mary did not have peace. She often came to the place where her son was tormented, visited the cave where he ascended and asked for death in order to meet her son. And the Lord heard Mary and in an instant all the disciples of Jesus Christ gathered around her from all over the world, they suffered, feeling that the Virgin Mary would soon leave. Mary promised to pray for everyone and protect them.

In an instant, it became too light in the room, Christ appeared with angels and symbolically took her soul to take her to heaven. Maria died sleeping. For her it was a joyful event, she fell asleep, hence the “assumption”. Mary was taken to the tomb, where her husband also rested. The apostles remained near the tomb for three days and prayed. The Apostle Thomas did not have time for the burial and was very saddened by this. Then the other apostles allowed to bow to the Mother of God and opened the entrance to the tomb. Opening the coffin, they saw that Mary's body was not there. She, like her son, ascended to heaven. It is believed that Mary did not die, but fell asleep and woke up for eternal life. The apostles raised their heads to the sky and saw smiling Mary there, who once again promised to pray for everyone. It was a miracle, just like the virgin birth.

It is worth noting that the holiday itself was previously called not the Assumption, but “Memory of the Blessed”, later it was called the “Feast of the Death of the Mother of God”.

Feast of the Assumption - signs, customs, traditions:

In Orthodoxy, the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin belongs to the Twelve and has certain rules and traditions. On this day, as on other major church holidays, you cannot work, although there are some points that we will talk about later.

Before this day comes, it is necessary to fast, attend church, take communion, and repent. On the day of the Assumption, they pray to the Mother of God, asking for health, well-being, family happiness. The girls asked the Virgin Mary to send them a good groom, a child. If Assumption falls on Friday or Wednesday, then you can taste some fish. The conversation will be rescheduled for the next day. If the date of the holiday falls on some other day, then you can do whatever you want.

On this day, it is customary to gather with the whole family, spend time with mothers. It is not customary to grieve, swear, be offended on the Assumption, on the contrary, on this day they give each other happiness, kindness, smiles, good mood.

On this day, according to custom, the harvest ended, so the Assumption also celebrated the end of a successful harvest. They thanked the Mother of God for a good harvest and prosperity in the house. Seeds and ears of corn are brought to the church for the Dormition in order to consecrate them. There was a tradition to dress up a sheaf in a dress and put it under an icon.

Previously, it was believed that it was with the Assumption that the Indian summer begins, so they carefully watched the changes in the weather. If a rainbow appeared on August 28, then wait for a warm autumn. But if the weather is good on this day, then the Indian summer will not be very warm.

If you notice a lot of cobwebs in the house or barn, then this means that the winter will be without snow and frosty.

We looked at the Dormition for water: if she worries, then wait for a windy autumn, and a snowy winter.

If you already noticed frost on August 28, then expect early frosts, autumn will be short.

From Assumption, they began harvesting various nuts and mushrooms for the winter. By the way, if the Dormition is foggy, then expect a good harvest of mushrooms.

Hostesses on the Dormition always salted cucumbers for the winter. It was believed that they would not be covered with mold and would be well preserved.

The girls had a sign that if you do not look after yourself a groom in the Assumption, then you can sit all winter for a boyfriend. The guys tried to make an offer to the chosen girl as soon as possible in order to have time to get married.

The church does not support all sorts of divination, but on this day, young women divined in sand and wax to see their future.

Women on this day lay down on the ground and rolled on it, asking them to return their strength and good spirits.

After the Dormition - on August 29, Nut Savior is celebrated. They call it bread. It is by this day that the nuts are fully ripe and can be harvested. In addition, on this day they baked bread and pies from the new harvest.

What is not done on the Dormition:

As with many church holidays, there are certain prohibitions on the day of the Assumption.

Firstly, on this day, in no case do they quarrel with loved ones, especially with mothers.

It is believed that you can not walk on the Assumption with bare feet. People have noticed that this can lead to illness. On this day, comfortable shoes were worn that could not rub or put pressure on the feet.

According to different sources, there is also different information about whether it is possible to work on this day. Some sources say that it is absolutely impossible, while others say that on the contrary, all important things are completed on this day. Especially, you can work if the activity is related to helping people.

They do not take piercing objects on this day - it was believed that this could lead to trouble. Thus, neither knives, nor scissors, nor needles were used on the Dormition. And on this day it was impossible to stick a knife into the ground.

It was considered a serious sin on this day to drop bread or crumbs of bread that had been consecrated in the church.

There was a belief that the girls were not supposed to cut their hair on the Assumption, let alone throw it away. It was believed that such actions could cause the tears of the Mother of God.

In order not to attract various misfortunes and illnesses to your home, you cannot kindle a fire on this day.

Interesting facts about the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin:

The Feast of the Assumption is dedicated to many icons, paintings, poems, songs. Temples, settlements, streets are named in honor of this day. By the way, Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, is named after the Assumption of the Virgin, because the word is translated from Spanish as “assumption”.

Michelangelo da Caravaggio painted the painting "The Death of Mary" commissioned by the papal lawyer Laerzo Cherubini. It was intended for the family church of Santa Maria della Scala. The clergy rejected the picture because of the inappropriate posture of the Virgin Mary, and also because she was depicted dead, and not a woman who was miraculously raised to heaven, beautiful and peaceful. But Rubens saw in the picture one of the best works of Michelangelo.

The largest altarpiece in Venice is Titian's "Assumption of the Virgin". The picture consists of several levels, has bright shades, unusual postures and actions of the apostles and the Virgin Mary. This work immediately attracted the attention of many people, and Titian became very popular.

The classic icon dedicated to the Assumption looks like this: in the center of the canvas is a bed covered with a purple veil, on it lies the body of the Mother of God, the apostles stand around. Behind the bed is Jesus, who holds the holy soul of Mary in his hands. In addition, angels fly over the Virgin Mary and the Savior, witnessing this important event. It is believed that this is the simplest ancient image of the Assumption. Later, the creators of the icons began to expand the storyline.

Descriptions of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary are recorded in the form of apocrypha. The Bible does not contain such information.

The Catholic Church talks about the Dormition with an emphasis on the ascension of the Mother of God into heaven and her coronation as Queen of Heaven.

At the burial place of the Virgin in Jerusalem, solemn events are held on the day of the Assumption.

What you can eat in the Dormition Fast:

According to the church charter, people adhering to the Assumption fast must follow the following food restrictions:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday during the Dormition Fast - dry food.On days of dry eating, you can eat the following foods: dry unleavened bread (crackers), raw vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, honey, nuts, water, salt is allowed from spices.

Tuesday and Thursday during the fast - hot food without oil.These days you can eat dishes cooked on fire and without the use of vegetable oil. These dishes include vegetable and mushroom soups, tea, coffee, compotes, decoctions.

Saturday and Sunday during Dormition Fast- Eating vegetable oil and wine is allowed.

August 19, the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, it is allowed to eat fish and seafood.

If the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Wednesday or Friday, then the breaking of the fast is postponed to the next day, and on August 28 it is allowed to eat fish and seafood.

Is it possible to have a wedding during the Dormition Fast?

As you know, August is the most favorable time for weddings. This month accounts for almost half of all marriages performed during the year. However, if you have scheduled a wedding for August, be sure to play it either before the 14th or after the 28th.

Wedding at Assumption Post, And even more so, marriage is considered a great sin. After all, fasting is a time of prayer, repentance, abstinence not only from certain foods, but also from various pleasures, including marital intimacy. Old people say that young people who get married during fasting never live together for a long time.

In the series of church celebrations there is a significant event, which in worldly life can hardly be called a holiday. On this day, Orthodox Christians celebrate the date of the death, or Dormition, of the Mother of God.

Nowadays, more and more people are imbued with love for the church. Rushing to the temple of God, each of us hopes for the intercession and blessing of the Higher powers. A huge number of miraculous icons, guides between us and the saints, decorate the church. People pray for different things, but not a single person will pass by the image of the Blessed Virgin. It is in her power to plead for each sinful soul of the Savior, His Son. People are given the opportunity to raise glory and thank the Mother of God for her great love and mercy on the day of her Assumption.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017

The life of the Blessed Virgin did not differ in anything special from the lives of other women of that time, except perhaps for righteousness, chastity and inexhaustible love for God. As soon as she became the Mother of the Son of God and the Savior of all mankind, veneration, fame, and universal praise came to her.

After the terrible execution of the Son, the Virgin Mary did not know peace. She was cared for by John and all his family at the command of Christ. The Mother of God did not need anything, but her heart did not find peace. Every day she went to the place where Jesus suffered torments, visited the cave where He resurrected, and prayed for a speedy meeting with the Son.

The Mother of God knew that the body was dead, but not the soul, she believed and waited for death in order to finally see her Son. Her prayers were heard: God gave her moments of forgiveness and eternal rest. All the disciples of Christ rushed from different countries, where they preached the word of God, to the hut of John, in order to say goodbye to the mother of the Savior. The Virgin Mary was weak, but with a smile she said that she would always be with them and with all Christians, that she would not stop offering prayers for their well-being and a happy life. The Mother of God waited for her death and ascended to Heaven.

Traditions of the Dormition

The Dormition of the Theotokos is not a time for mourning. Only joy should be present in your thoughts. The Mother of God called not to be afraid of death: every dead person will leave the earth, go to heaven and live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven. She awaited her death with serenity. Her example laid in people faith in the best and a premonition of joy from meeting in Heaven with loved ones who have departed to another world.

During this time, hard work and physical labor should be refrained from. It is necessary to visit the church, light a candle and read the prayer to the Mother of God. Even if nothing bothers you, thank the Blessed Virgin for protection and care. Keep the memory of Her in you, because the Mother of God gave new life not only to Jesus Christ, but to all Christians.

The Assumption of the Virgin is a fixed date in the Orthodox calendar. This day is a time for joy, love and happiness. We wish you strong faith, the love of the Lord and intercession. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.08.2017 05:14

The Kiev-Pechersk icon is dedicated to one of the most significant holidays in Orthodoxy and Christianity in general - ...

Every Orthodox people knows that the Assumption Fast is a multi-day fast, which was established in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos back in the days of early Christianity. The first mention of it dates back to 450, and you can find them at St. Leo the Great. Every year, including 2017, Dormition fast begins on August 14 and ends on the 27th. The first day is the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the last day is the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Despite the fact that it is not as popular as the Great, people close to the church try to comply with all its canons. Do not think that fasting is something difficult to accomplish. Quite the opposite. Every year, more and more people prefer to maintain such small pauses in their lives, abstaining from some dishes and products.

It is believed that during such food "breaks" a person merges even more with nature, tunes in to a harmonious existence and approaches God. Evil thoughts, sins and deeds fade into the background, and a happy life begins to be seen on the horizon.

During any fast, you should devote less time to cooking various dishes, let go of gluttony and indulge in pure thoughts. Modest food for several weeks can be a real test for the hostess. But even these sufferings will be rewarded with spiritual purity and tranquility.

Although the Dormition fast is considered strict, in fact it is not so terrible. The end of summer is a pleasant period when there are always fresh vegetables, fruits and greens at home. Therefore, you can combine business with pleasure, significantly expand your diet with delicious lean dishes and saturate your body with vitamins.

The people often associate the Assumption Fast with the Honey, Bread and Apple Savior, because it is at this time that they are celebrated.

Daily food calendar

This fast is as severe as the Great Fast, so it has certain rules to follow.

Based on the monastic charters:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating;
  • on Tuesdays and Thursdays - boiled food (meat is excluded);
  • on Saturdays and Sundays - wine and vegetable oil are allowed;
  • On the first day of Lent, the feast of the Origin of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated. In the people this day is better known as the Honey Savior. It is allowed to eat honey gingerbread, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, rolls, buns and pies.
  • August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord or Apple Spas. Fasting people can eat fruits and vegetables that have ripened by this time, as well as fish products.
  • The Assumption Fast ends with the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos (August 28) and it is necessary to try to smoothly exit the fast. If this day falls on Wednesday and Friday, then the breaking of the fast will be only the next day. And if on any other day, then for the holiday you can please yourself with fish dishes.

You should not get carried away with permitted foods, because fasting is, first of all, humility (even food) and repentance. Due to the fact that the Assumption Fast takes place at the end of summer, many farmers harvest their crops, so it is very easy to bear. Even those people who do not own land plots can indulge themselves with ripe fruits and vegetables bought in the store, because they are all on store shelves in a pleasant abundance.

How to diversify your menu in the post

Very often people are mistaken, thinking that fasting is expensive and tasteless. It is much more expensive to buy sausage or sausages every day. Even lean dishes can be delicious, the main thing is to show a little imagination. It is necessary to prepare for Great Lent in advance, thinking through each dish, and the Assumption Lent has never caused problems with the menu.

For example, you can cook a nutritious and tasty dish - porridge. Cereals have always been considered a useful product, they just need to be able to cook. Using spices and seasonings, you can easily treat yourself to a fragrant porridge with vegetables.

Due to the fact that during this period there are a lot of vegetables and herbs, any housewife can cook an appetizing vegetable soup, and the abundance of seasonal vegetables will significantly diversify the diet of the whole family and eat a new dish every day. Do not forget about mushrooms, because they are healthy and rich in protein and trace elements.

Apples are the staple of this post. You can bake them, make pies and bagels with apples, salads, compotes, jelly ... In general, a skilled chef will be able to cook a tasty and lean dish from this fruit.

Lent is a wonderful time that allows a person to forget about the joys of the earth for a few days, and remember about spiritual feelings. During such abstinence, many of us understand the true meaning of our lives and try to convey this idea to loved ones.

Traditions of the Dormition Fast

  1. Among the main traditions of the Dormition Fast, one can single out the consecration of honey. It is carried to the church for the first Honey Savior, and only after the Savior is over, this honey can be eaten.
  2. During the Assumption of the Savior, they also bring a fresh harvest of apples and grapes to the church and sanctify these gifts of nature.
  3. Mushroom dishes are traditional dishes of the Assumption Savior. At this time, it was customary to go to the forest for mushrooms, and then cook healthy dishes from them.

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the 12 main Orthodox celebrations, the Mother of God holiday. In 2020, it is celebrated on August 28th. The full church name of the holiday is the Assumption of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. It is dedicated to the memory of the death of the Mother of God. The word "assumption" does not symbolize the death of an ordinary person, but the ascension of the spirit and body to God.

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history of the holiday

After the ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven, the Blessed Mary remained in the care of the Apostle John. When King Herod began the persecution of Christians, the Mother of God and John settled in Ephesus. There she prayed daily and asked the Lord to take her to him as soon as possible. One day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and informed her that after three days her earthly life would end.

Before her death, the Virgin Mary wished to see all the apostles who preached Christianity in different cities. Her wish came true. The apostles gathered at the bed of the Virgin, on which she humbly accepted death. The coffin with the body of the Mother of God was buried in a cave. The apostles remained at its foot for another three days and prayed. The Apostle Thomas was late for the burial. He was allowed to open the entrance to the tomb and bow to the holy remains. There was no body in the cave. The apostles were convinced of the bodily ascension of the Mother of God into heaven.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in the Orthodox Church with special solemnity. The holiday has 1 day of prefeast and 8 days of afterfeast. Priests wear blue clothes.

On the eve of the holiday, the Shroud is brought to the center of the temple, on which the face of the Mother of God is depicted. Then an all-night vigil is performed, during which stichera and canons are sung, proverbs are read, and the troparion to the Dormition of the Mother of God is performed. On the 2nd or 3rd day of the feast, in many cathedral and parish churches, the rite of the burial of the Mother of God is performed. During matins, at the great doxology, the clergy go to the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos located in the center of the temple and burn it. Then they carry her around the temple. After that, the clergy anoint the parishioners with consecrated oil (oil).

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is preceded by a strict Assumption fast. On August 28, parishioners break their fast. The hostesses prepare festive dishes, which they treat to the family and the needy.

According to folk tradition, on August 28, people harvest vegetables and fruits and make preparations for the winter. In Rus', on this day, the guys got married.

What not to do on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, you should not wear new or uncomfortable shoes, otherwise you will feel discomfort all year.

You can’t swear, offend your neighbors, refuse to help those in need, be rude and be in a bad mood.

In Rus', people compared the Mother of God with Mother Earth. On this holiday, it was forbidden to walk barefoot and stick sharp objects into the soil. These actions offended the land and caused crop failure.

Signs and beliefs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Rainy weather on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin portends a dry autumn.
  • If the holiday coincides with the "Indian summer", then the winter will be frosty and with little snow.
  • A girl who does not find a boyfriend before the Assumption will be unmarried until spring.
  • Completing previously started business or helping a friend on this holiday is a good omen.
  • If you rub or injure your leg on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then life's difficulties and failures are expected ahead.

What does holiday mean

The Virgin Mary, who gave birth after the immaculate conception of the Son of God, was famous during the years of her life for her extraordinary hard work and meekness - she never turned with a reproach to the Almighty about the fate destined for her. By marrying a poor carpenter, because God commanded so, the girl saved herself for a higher purpose, despite numerous temptations. The woman also calmly endured the reproaches of her husband for infidelity, when the pregnancy became noticeable to everyone around.

After the birth of a son, the family was subjected to all kinds of persecution, as the prophets pointed out to the rulers about the danger of the baby for the rulers of that time. Mary made a lot of efforts to save Jesus and raise him to adulthood, to the time when the Son of God revealed his possibilities to the world and showed a large number of miracles to confirm his divine essence.

For every mother, the death of her child is a grief that cannot be compared with anything. The holy woman endured with dignity all the suffering that fell to her lot. After the death of her only child on the cross, she went with the apostles, continuing the work begun by the Son of God.

The Virgin Mary knew about her death in advance, so she bequeathed to everyone not to grieve, but to rejoice on the day of her death. According to biblical legends, on the eve of the Assumption, she was in a particularly high spirits, anticipating an early meeting with her beloved and dear people.

The Holy Scripture tells that after the death of Mary, all the pilgrims who came to see the holy woman on her last journey received healing from all diseases. And even evil people, who persecuted the Mother of God during their lifetime, immediately recovered after repentance. At night, the Body disappeared, and in the morning the Woman appeared to the apostles, as if woven from sunlight, accompanied by angels, and ordered her to rejoice in her happiness - at last she was reunited with Jesus Christ.

folk wisdom

Signs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary have been collected over the centuries, embodying the connection between natural phenomena and human activity:

After the holiday, "Indian summer" begins. If the weather is clear and warm on Assumption, it will be cool until September 11;

If on this day there is a rainbow in the sky - autumn will be warm, lingering;

When frost appears on the night of the Assumption, an early and cold winter should be expected;

If there are a lot of cobwebs on this particular day, there will be severe frosts during a snowless winter;

When there is heavy fog on a holiday in the morning, which dissipates only in the afternoon, a strong harvest should be expected.

In tsarist times, before the Assumption, it was necessary to marry - after the holiday, the Meat Eater began, which was used for weddings. It was believed that a young man who had not received the consent of his beloved to marry before that time would not marry this year.

According to all the canons - both ecclesiastical and secular, it was necessary to collect the main harvest for the Dormition. That is why traditionally August 28 was celebrated in the villages as a harvest festival. Even the Soviet government, so that the people would not rebel, allowed them to arrange "Obzhinki" on this occasion in collective farms and state farms.

Rules for this day

Naturally, you should meet the morning in fasting and prayer, go to church and light a candle. You can’t do everything on the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos that is associated with great physical exertion:

Carry out carpentry and locksmith work;

engage in farming;

Nail something or cut and saw;

You can’t make a fire and cook food, it’s also forbidden to cut bread - it is believed that you need to break it with your hands so as not to attract all sorts of misfortunes to the house;

Religious traditions forbid unmarried women and girls to visit a hairdressing salon on this day - cutting hair on the Assumption causes the tears of the Virgin Mary;

You can only put on new, comfortable shoes in the Dormition - according to all signs, the corn rubbed during the trip to matins in the Dormition will attract difficulties and problems into the life of a believer.

Swearing, swearing, uttered on August 28 is considered a particularly serious sin. On this occasion, all Orthodox clergy read sermons in churches, warning parishioners and instructing them on the true path.

The language was given to man to say a prayer and glorify God, and not for angry phrases and insults to his neighbor. Therefore, the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos should be held in meek fun, which has nothing to do with social gatherings and parties.

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