My family members betrayed me. Why do loved ones betray When you betray what you love

Betrayal of a loved one and its causes. The article will discuss the wrong behavior of the initiator of the conflict, which jeopardizes the established relationship. Options for overcoming the crisis with the least losses for the participants in the quarrel will be offered.

The main reasons for the betrayal of a loved one

Before executing or pardoning the offender, it is necessary to understand the origins of the committed action. The reasons for betrayal can be the following factors that pushed a person to the voiced act:

  • Unnecessary requirements. Sometimes we want too much from our inner circle, presenting them with our model of behavior as a model. If the response does not justify the hopes placed, then the offender is automatically assigned the status of a traitor.
  • Annoying circumstances. Sometimes it is difficult to control what is happening in life, because often circumstances are above us. Unwittingly, we commit acts that bring mental pain to loved ones. All this is done not from evil thoughts, but from the inability to control one's actions.
  • The effect of alcohol. Regrettably, it sounds, but sometimes intoxicated couples can work all sorts of miracles with the behavior of even an adequate person. And not always his actions will be positive, because the green serpent clouds the mind. Most betrayals occur precisely with the voiced factor, when, at the stage of sobering up, the traitor regrets the event.
  • Refusal of problems. This is how the windy womanizers see the situation, who leave a pregnant woman from them. They do not plan to create a family, preferring numerous intrigues and thus causing pain to the victim of betrayal. In some cases, people refuse to look after their sick relatives, because this can drastically change their lives. To hand over to a nursing home for the elderly - also does not paint the person whom they raised and put all their love and care into him.
  • Benefit. Not all people are perfect in their thoughts when it comes to money or career growth. Often the victim of a situation that has arisen has an acute question of how to survive betrayal by a more prudent partner. Profiting at the expense of a person outside the couple looks unattractive in the eyes of the public, which does not approve of such behavior.
  • Cynicism and callousness of the soul. We do not choose our inner circle if we are connected with it by blood ties. People are not always lucky in terms of relatives, because there can be egoists in every family. For them, hurting the feelings of loved ones is the norm, because they do not want to be responsible to others.
  • Desire to make everyone happy. It sounds, at first glance, paradoxical, but this reason for betrayal tends to be. Kind and sympathetic people want to give a piece of themselves to everyone around them, which can have a deplorable ending. You can't be good to everyone because it's a dead end. As a result, the unfortunate person can really bring joy to one loved one and bring significant pain to another.
  • Fear of retribution. It is no secret that often human nature is weak in the face of an alarming situation that has arisen. Trying to save themselves from retribution, weak-minded people willingly hide behind the backs of their loved ones. Sometimes they are even ready to sacrifice them to save themselves, which looks even more ugly than physical betrayal.

Signs of a possible betrayal of a loved one

Sometimes relatives or friends make you doubt the sincerity of your actions. Experts recommend paying attention to the following points, which should make a potential victim of deception alert:
  1. Abrupt image change. We all love to coordinate something in our lives, so the voiced factor is not a 100% guarantee of a possible betrayal. However, if at the same time the eyes of the second half begin to burn in a clearly different direction, it is worth thinking about what is happening. The betrayal of a loved one does not arise from nowhere, so you should deal with the reasons for the collapse of the relationship.
  2. Sudden coldness of a partner. Love is not always an eternal concept, because there are many temptations outside the emerging couple. The expression about swan fidelity is very popular, but this does not happen in all families. Love is the daily work of each of the partners, but a passion that flares up on the side can kill any relationship. Therefore, with a sharp change in the behavior of a lover, it is worth thinking about the possible fact of betrayal.
  3. Complete ignore. Sometimes relatives and friends begin to behave strangely, trying to avoid meetings and not answering phone calls. They do not go into direct dialogue, but all their strange behavior indicates that the relationship has given a fundamental crack. The reasons for what happened can be very different, ranging from resentment to banal betrayal.
You always need to keep your finger on the pulse when it comes to personal relationships. Trouble can be prevented at the initial stage of its occurrence. Rose-colored glasses can destroy even the most ardent love and devoted friendship. After all, no one can deny the fact that by their behavior a loved one is desperately signaling a problem that has arisen.

Varieties of betrayal of a loved one

There is nothing identical in the world, because even twins can be completely different in temperament. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the types of betrayal by dear people:
  • Misunderstanding. Sometimes this factor provokes the beginning of a conflict between friends or lovers. If someone does not accept us with all the features of character, then this can be regarded as a fact of betrayal. People are blind and deaf when it comes to their own ambitions. It is possible that there was no Judas-style act on the part of a dear person, but rage often clouds the brain of the offended.
  • Moral treason. Only fools can claim that this will never happen to them. Quite often, wise people are faced with the problem of how to survive the betrayal of a loved one. After all, no one is immune from mistakes, when an awkward act hurts loved ones. The situation is much worse when everything is done consciously. An example is platonic love with another partner, which does not cross the line in the form of physical infidelity. However, even such a hobby on the side can bring mental anguish to the injured side. A classic example of the situation described is the behavior of Katie-Scarlett O'Hara towards Captain Butler, which did not end well.
  • physical betrayal. If we are not talking about convinced voluptuaries, then it is necessary to look for the reason for such an act. They don’t look for good from good, because with a stable and trusting relationship, there can be no question of an affair on the side. It is very difficult to forgive a romance outside of a relationship, because at the same time, an inferiority complex begins to be added to the experienced humiliation.
  • Slander and gossip. This factor is very close in the nature of its formation to moral treason, but that is sometimes simply the result of careless actions. In this case, we are talking about outright sabotage, when a tangible blow is deliberately dealt to the reputation of a loved one. A word can sometimes hurt much more painfully than physical violence, which is proven by life practice.
  • Sitting at work. Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart. Some will smile at this expression, but it has a very wise meaning. It's hard to turn down a possible career path, even if your best friend is standing in the way. Man is created in such a way that self-sacrifice is not his main character trait. No one has canceled decency yet, but the facts of the described phenomenon still take place.

Ways to recover from the betrayal of a loved one

Everyone has the right to choose for himself a line of conduct in the created critical situation, which poisons the life of the victim. Sometimes it is very difficult to decide on your own how to forgive betrayal. There are two ways out, and they are all fundamentally different from each other.

Breaking up with a betrayer

The easiest way to take this step is to cut yourself mentally from the traitor. However, in this case, you should find out all the nuances of the plan:
  1. Demonstrative care. Very often, when a betrayal of a beloved man defiantly collects things and goes to live with a bachelor friend. A woman, when convicted of infidelity of her husband, asks for asylum from her mother in order to restore her state of mind after the incident. All this is a temporary phenomenon, because deep down the victim is not ready to let go of the soulmate. Such an educational method can bring a positive result if both parties are ready to radically change their relationship. However, the expression that a projectile does not hit the same funnel twice is very arbitrary. It falls if one of the couple is seriously in love with another person or is simply sexually promiscuous.
  2. Care-call. At the same time, the traitor will listen to everything that is thought of him from an angry partner. Very often, the victim of betrayal will not go beyond the threshold, because she does not want to do this at all. Trying to hit harder with a word, the offended person will try with all his might to wrest a declaration of love and apology from the offender. An oath of further eternal fidelity also does not hurt if leaving is really only a provocation and a challenge.
  3. leaving forever. All dots over the "yo" are dotted, and all bridges are burned. It is difficult to glue a broken cup together because it is a pointless exercise. Relations after the fact of betrayal can become a burden for both parties. In this case, the expression that leaving - leave is excellent. It is very difficult to revive the former passion, and sometimes it is simply futile to believe the betrayer.

Forgiveness of a betrayer

Breaking the vicious circle after the final showdown is easy, and restoring trust in a couple becomes a serious problem. You can forgive the cheater in different ways, because it all depends on the reason for the betrayal by a loved one:
  • Ultimatum. If the injured party is not ready to break off relations, then she can clearly define the boundaries of communication with the offender. Trump cards are exclusively in the hands of the victim only if the offender himself is interested in continuing the love story with the victim of deception. At the same time, you should calmly explain to your partner that no one will tolerate such an attitude towards yourself anymore. Therefore, the message will be given that the guilty person is forgiven, but warned about the last chance for rehabilitation.
  • Behavioral Changes. The betrayal of a husband may be the reason that the wife does not share his interests or simply neglects her appearance. The beloved begins to look towards other men if her chosen one seems less responsible to her. A person is able to change any situation, if at the same time he shows a willingness to fix everything.
  • Silent acceptance of the situation. You can forgive betrayal simply by closing your eyes to it. This method does not always bring the desired result, because only strong personalities are respected. You can come to terms with many things, but the fact of spiritual or physical betrayal cannot be lowered. A mistake is a mistake, but the initiator of what is happening must understand that he is doing wrong and risks relations with his soulmate. If a friend stumbled, then it is worthwhile in a calm atmosphere to find out the reason for his act.
How to survive the betrayal of a loved one - look at the video:

The betrayal of a loved one is always painful, because the honor and dignity of the injured party are affected. Everyone must decide for himself how to get out of the hellish circle. To forgive or let go - the choice is small, but the decision must be made exceptionally well after considering all the possible consequences of the act.

Probably, indeed, betrayal is the worst thing that can be. Betrayal of friends, relatives, those whom we do not doubt, those whom we trust without hesitation. It's like losing the earth under our feet and the sky above our heads, because those whom we trust, after all, they are our earth and our sky.

Isn't it stupid to uproot a good old tree in order to hopefully stick a dubious market seedling in its place. Isn't it stupid to torment the good old, whether it be wives or leaders, for the sake of their naive hopes.

Understanding, sympathy, kindness, love are the only ideals. And when we betray them, we become what we despise. And we lose our humanity, and then after us in the world there is only violence and destruction.

Loyalty in love is entirely a matter of physiology, it does not depend on our will at all. Young people want to be faithful - and they don't, old people would like to change, but where can they be.

Betrayal of a man is not treason. Betrayal is not that he left for another. Betrayal - when the fact that you are pregnant ... he will tell you to go for an abortion.

Thanks to those who left me in difficult times. You have made me stronger. So much stronger that it's better for us not to cross paths.

Reliability is a stigma, for the acquisition of which it is necessary to do some dirty trick.

Never forgive change. Any betrayal is a comparison, a search for something better than you have. He who seeks the best will never appreciate what he has...

We must remember that those things that bring you a lot of money will betray you sooner or later.

He who has sold his homeland also sells himself.

What could be more humiliating for the betrayer than the realization that they were not able to properly use his betrayal.

Kings know no more about the affairs of their ministers than cuckolds know about the affairs of their wives.

Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women.

It's a shame when you are a Judas, and they sell you like Christ.

Betrayal, destroying hope and faith, kills love.

That physical betrayal is only a consequence of spiritual betrayal. For people who have given each other love have no right to lie.

Nothing in the world smells so good as the corpse of an enemy, a traitor or a traitor.

Love is not a matter of morality. But feeling knows no betrayal. It grows, disappears, changes - where is the betrayal? It's not a contract.

To whom chastity is a burden, he should not be advised of it, lest it become a path to hell, turning into filth and lust of the soul.

Whoever is alive waits in vain for the praise of the arrogant crowd. Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of the lords, It is more beautiful than all the riches of the world.

The most cruel, the most evil and intolerant of their opponents are traitors and renegades.

He is capable of any deception who is accustomed to making white out of black and black out of white.

Keep me, Lord, from those I trust. Whom I do not believe - I will beware of those myself.

Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect.

When your head is turned, it is difficult to notice the moment when your neck has already been turned.

It is pointless to kill petty traitors in a state where the government itself consists of traitors.

Love and friendship - this is what you have to endure betrayal and betrayal.

The first betrayal is irreparable. It sets off a chain reaction of further betrayals, each of which moves us further and further away from the point of our original betrayal.

Forgiving betrayal is little different from betrayal itself.

He already left you once and will leave you again. You can't depend on people who let you down.

Believing the vows of a traitor is like believing the piety of the devil.

The biggest competition is in the market for salable skins.

Every backstab has its own face.

You can't betray one to protect the many.

Closest to the body is a selling skin.

Is there even one person who has never betrayed? Loyalty - exclusively canine quality!

The betrayal of the people closest to us kills us slowly, very slowly... It seems to rip off the skin from your entire being... you can live without a soul, you can live without a hand... but without skin? When your body is one continuous wound?

He was a personality, he betrayed - he became a circumlocution.

What is betrayal? The answer seems to be obvious - infidelity, which is condemned in all cultures. The greatest sinner in Christianity is called Judas, who betrayed Christ. The most condemned people in any historical period are traitors to their fatherland. But most of all, a person suffers from the betrayal of the people closest to him - relatives, loved ones, friends. At such moments, trust is not simply betrayed. It seems that the whole familiar world is collapsing, and the fulcrum is lost. Who then to believe? On whom to rely, if a native person is capable of this? And the most important question - how to survive betrayal?

What is the difficulty

First you need to understand what you yourself understand by the word "betrayal". Each person has an internal scale by which he evaluates the actions and behavior of other people. Thus, he draws conclusions about how his environment relates to him. But this scale is very subjective and is directly dependent on a person's attitude towards himself. One will calmly respond to the numerous infidelities of the spouse, and for the other, even neutral communication on a social network will be regarded as a violation of fidelity.

There is no right or wrong attitude here, but there is a line beyond which betrayal begins for you. And it is very important to clarify this not only for yourself, but also for loved ones. They need to understand what can hurt you and what you cannot forgive under any circumstances.

Adultery: you can't understand, you can't part

Infidelity in marriage is one of the most common problems in family life. Most often, it is women who turn to psychologists with this question - how to survive the betrayal of a loved one? And is cheating worth it? Men usually declare their polygamy, convincing that nature itself does not allow them to be faithful to one woman. The advice of a psychologist in such situations boils down to one thing - not to chop off the shoulder, but to figure out what caused the betrayal.

By nature, men and women have different functions. The subconscious desire to procreate can push a man to cheat, while a woman is aimed at preserving the family. However, the main reason lies elsewhere. The propensity to change directly depends on the sexual constitution of a person. The Russian neuropathologist and sexologist Georgy Vasilchenko in his developments identified three levels of the sexual constitution: high, medium and weak - both in men and women.

A man with a high level, alas, will always change. Even if he loves his wife very much, even if she is both smart and beautiful. It's just not about her, that's his nature. He will not regard his behavior as a betrayal, because it is natural for him. It is useless to appeal to conscience, to threaten, to issue ultimatums. But it’s definitely not worth suffering in marriage, deciding day by day. The wife must make a choice - either to leave her husband, or to reconsider her attitude to his betrayals once and for all.

The average sexual constitution is the most common in the world. Men of this type are faithful to their wife if everything suits them in the family. Cheating for them is more of a way to express their dissatisfaction. So they want to show that they lack attention, care, or that they are not satisfied with the sex life in marriage. After working out the true reasons, betrayal may never happen again. And here both should decide whether they are ready to work to save the family or not.

Men with a weak type of constitution almost never change. It is difficult for them to communicate with the opposite sex. Such men can go to the side only if their needs are not completely satisfied in marriage.

Where to put a comma?

You need to make a decision about whether to save a family by listening to yourself. But how do you deal with betrayal? How to survive the pain? Whatever choice you make, you need to live your resentment and let it go. Forgiveness is not needed for another person, but first of all for yourself. Unexperienced negative emotions accumulate in the body and lead to stress. They undermine the ability to trust people and the world. And closing yourself from possible shocks, you can miss a lot of beauty in life.

Parents: understand and forgive

The deepest wounds are inflicted by the dearest people. Feelings of misunderstanding, dislike, rejection stretch from childhood. All these grievances in the depths of the soul are perceived as a real betrayal of parents. Growing up, we seem to understand that parents are the same living people who make mistakes. But the resentment remains. Why is it so important to recognize this pain and forgive your parents? Many psychological trainings are devoted to this topic, and not by chance. Indeed, in the most serious grievances are hidden important life lessons that we must learn. And, if we have not gone through them with our parents, they will appear again and again in life, materializing in relationships with our partners. To break out of the vicious circle of recurring problems, you need to realize that they come from childhood. You need to accept these grievances, allow yourself to feel them, understand why the parents acted the way they did, and forgive them for it. Then the past can no longer harm your present.

Was she: how to survive the betrayal of a friend

You need to deal with the reasons. In order to either make sure that a friend has never really been friends with you, and learn from this. Or you will make sure that the friend did not want to offend you, that she sincerely loves you and wants to improve relations. It's up to you to decide whether to remain friends. The main thing to remember is that you need to clarify this situation for yourself in order to move on. In order not to be afraid to get close to new people, but just be more careful, given the experience gained.

How to survive the pain of betrayal

Even realizing the reasons for what happened, it will not work to immediately relieve the pain. You need to be ready for this. Psychologist Peter Levin says that society teaches us to be strong and endure all adversity. Because of this, many hide experiences in themselves, not allowing their pain to heal. Levin compares mental trauma to physical trauma and argues that recovery from a traumatic event takes as much time, and sometimes more, than after receiving a physical injury. The psychologist has developed his own healing program, which consists of eight stages, and helps, among other things, to survive the betrayal of a loved one:

  1. Restoring a sense of security - special physical exercises, a contrast shower will help revive the boundaries of personal space and feel protected from external negativity.
  2. Grounding - it is important to feel the ground under your feet again, to consolidate the feeling that life goes on.
  3. Replenishment of energy - you need to understand what fills you with energy and what takes away strength. The first is to bring into your life, the second is to exclude from it.
  4. Finding a block in the body - at this stage it is important to try to understand in which part of the body you physically feel the pain of betrayal.
  5. Mindful observation - as you consciously begin to observe the manifestations of trauma, the pain will become less and less.
  6. Neutralization of trauma - at this stage, the psychologist advises to return to the moment of injury and try to remember all the emotions that you experienced at that moment. You need to do this until they begin to transform or become less strong.
  7. The manifestation of curiosity - one should gradually return to life, be interested in what is happening in the world, read newspapers, watch movies, walk along the street.
  8. Consolidation - when you feel the strength and desire to live on, it is important to consolidate this result and no longer return to negative thoughts. Accept this experience, thank for the lessons learned and move on.

Video: Conversation with famous psychologist Natalya Tolstaya about betrayal


Dealing with the betrayal of a loved one is not easy. It takes time and strength to recover from a heavy blow. But perhaps the worst thing is to betray yourself: to live a life you hate, to endure a bad attitude, to do something you don’t like. Sometimes fate sends difficult trials only so that a person remembers his real self and takes responsibility for his life, so that he makes it what he wants. And over time, looking back, he will see that the question really was not how to survive betrayal, but how to start living your life, how to learn to be happy. And this situation just helped him find the answer.

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, happy is the one who did not have to endure betrayal. Unfortunately, I had to experience this heartache. I hope that the tips: how to survive the betrayal of a loved one can help you.

Betrayal, especially of a loved one, is like a blow to the very heart. It changes the worldview, as if all the good things are in the past, and life has become dangerously unpredictable. But the most tormenting thing in this situation is the lack of understanding of the reasons: why did they do it, why now?

Betrayal strikes at both self-esteem and trust in others. First, many look for reasons in themselves. Thinking that if they were treated that way, then it was deserved, although it is not obvious what exactly.

Secondly, after betrayal, it begins to seem that anyone can do the same. And trusting relationships with people are perceived as dangerous and risky.

How to survive betrayal

Of course, it takes time to recover from such an emotional upheaval. However, many fall into a protracted, unable to find a way to "let go" of the situation. Acute pain and resentment from betrayal, which arise in any case, are replaced by either humility and indifference, or anger and depression.

There are some tips to help you survive betrayal and recover faster from psychological trauma:

Don't let emotions take over

Jumping to conclusions or taking revenge can only make matters worse. Reckless actions can harm many, including those who have nothing to do with the current situation.

Do not go around in circles around the problem, but look for a way out

It must be remembered that no one can return the past. Constantly scrolling through the thoughts of events with various options for the development of the plot, one cannot get rid of the burdensome feelings. Worrying about how things could have turned out wastes a lot of energy. At the same time, stress is experienced over and over again, exhausting a person.

There is no point in tormenting yourself with empty worries about the incorrigible.

Fixing your attention on the betrayal itself, you can only become more embittered.

You can analyze the behavior of a betrayer for a very long time. But this will never explain the true reasons and logic that the traitor was guided by. The more thoughts about the reasons for the act, the more anger will accumulate in the soul. There is no reason to look for the guilty.

Of course, I want to put all the responsibility on someone: on myself or a traitor. But these attempts, rather, to a greater extent undermine the nervous system. The best solution is to accept what happened and leave it where it belongs - in the past.

To abstract from experiences, you need to switch to something interesting

Of course, this seems like a daunting task at first. However, if you remember about cases or plans that were interesting, but put off indefinitely, you can cling to them in order to get out of the abyss of experiences.

It's time to get carried away with what you didn't have time for before. Perhaps at first you will have to do it through force, but very soon you will be able to get involved, and experiences will begin to fade into the background.

No matter how difficult it is, you must remember that life does not stand still. The pain will subside if you do not revel in it, and very soon the world will again acquire its former colors. You should always believe in the best.

This video contains valuable information.

Betrayal... Meanness... Deception... Treason...

Each of us puts a different meaning into these words, but the feelings that we experience at the same time are unchanged: humiliation, confusion, inhuman pain, resentment, anger, despair. The palette of feelings and emotions is very large and varied. The betrayal of a loved one is a heavy burden. This is a great test and test of feelings for strength.

The betrayal of a person who is not very close can be experienced quite easily, cutting off all contacts, simply ceasing to see and communicate with him, but what to do if the closest, most dear and beloved person has betrayed? Is it possible to forgive? How can you help yourself deal with pain? How to let go of resentment and learn to enjoy life again? Let's try to figure out today what the person who was betrayed is going through, and how can he live on?

First, let's deal with the very term "betrayal". What is betrayal in a love relationship? Psychology interprets it as treason, moral and physical. But rather, physical contact with another person. Having learned that a loved one has changed, a person has only two options - to forgive and try to save the relationship or leave and find the strength to live on without turning life together into hell.

How to survive betrayal?

Of course, no matter what you are told, no matter what excuse your partner finds, the news of the betrayal will cause you a huge wound. Pain, mental and physical, will destroy your personality, your "I", your essence. You can stop controlling your actions, want to take revenge on a loved one or someone with whom he cheated, even use physical force. All this is empty. Only because nothing can be changed. After learning about the betrayal, you need to find an opportunity to throw out the pain and get rid of the negativity.

How to do it?

  • If you have the financial ability and the time, it's best to find an experienced psychologist who faced similar cases and successfully solved similar problems. If you and your loved one decide to stay together, your partner will also have to visit a psychologist. Whether it will be single or joint sessions, the specialist will tell you. The number and duration will depend on the severity of the situation. The advice of an experienced psychologist is an excellent tool in dealing with the stress experienced by a person who has experienced betrayal.

  • Pain relief at home. Left alone, you can turn the music up very loudly and just scream, throwing pain into the air. You can scream, you can cry, but it's better to do it somewhere in nature so as not to injure your neighbors. After that, you should feel relieved and calm down a bit. A warm bath with aromatic oils, soothing music, a favorite movie and a warm bed will help you recover and calm down a little.
  • If you are not able to cope with the problem alone, you have no money for a psychologist, and the feeling of pain prevents you from living on, ask close friends for help. Tell your most faithful and true friend about your feelings, share your feelings and experiences with her, get rid of those emotions that have accumulated inside you. Do not hold back tears - this is also a kind of relaxation.

How to live on?

When you pass the first, most painful stage, there are still many trials and mental anguish ahead of you. You will have to fight with them daily, making efforts and changing your life for the better. Getting rid of resentment can be a difficult task even for strong personalities with an iron character, but the choice is always yours - live the rest of your days in gloom and depression, or pull yourself together and learn to enjoy life.

Adultery is the type of betrayal that most often becomes a reason for divorce and a stepping stone to a new stage. Having coped with despair and pain, you will need to build your life brick by brick from the very foundation. Perhaps the way out of the situation will be a change of job, place of residence, new relationships. But if you are not ready for cardinal life changes, try to bring some bright colors into your life, find an experienced psychologist on the Internet and follow his advice.

  • Do not feel guilty for being betrayed. Do not take responsibility for the unseemly act of a loved one on yourself, do not make it your personal burden and do not blame yourself for anything.
  • Try to forgive and let go of pain and resentment. Attend positive psychology training, find a new hobby, spend more time with your friends, listen to your desires and even whims.
  • Just love and accept yourself. From the fact that you were cheated on, you did not become worse, this is not your fault.
  • To perceive the event that happened as an experience - painful, offensive and unpleasant, but still an experience.
  • Avoid destructive emotions. Don't watch sad movies, don't listen to sad music, don't hang out with pessimists.

  • Don't live in the past. If you broke up with your loved one after infidelity, do not ask your friends about him, do not follow his personal life on social networks, do not impose on him as a friend.
  • Take care of yourself. Start visiting salons and cosmetologists, learn the language, dance, change externally and internally, filling yourself with positive emotions from the inside.
  • Make a rearrangement in the house, repair, update the interior, change the situation - go to another city or country.
  • Look for new experiences - go to theaters, exhibitions, music festivals, movies, opera, and so on.
  • Add adrenaline to your life: skydive, go hiking, do extreme sports.

What should not be done?

Even the biggest offense, the betrayal of a loved one, is not a reason to give up and perceive the world in black and white colors. Men change. If not all, then most for sure. So says statistics, psychologists talk about it, it is inherent in them by nature. If you are lucky and you have a faithful man, just take care of him. If your beloved man cheated, there are things that will not help you survive the betrayal, but will only aggravate the situation.

Therefore, psychologists do not advise:

  • take alcohol;
  • feel sorry for yourself endlessly;
  • close within four walls;
  • become a bitch;
  • consider that all men are "goats";
  • spoil the lives of other people;
  • become capable of meanness and betrayal;
  • take revenge.

The main rule is not to lose faith in yourself, in people and that everything will be fine. This is facilitated by loved ones nearby (of course, not those who betrayed you), interesting work, vivid emotions, stylish, beautiful clothes, a new image. Don't dwell on what has already happened. Take it for granted, learn to live with it, leave behind all the bad things and move on to a new, vibrant life full of positive emotions and impressions, pleasant acquaintances and interesting events. Perhaps very quickly you will begin a new happy stage in life - a relationship with a decent man who is not capable of betrayal.

Allow yourself to be happy no matter what!