Best of all, the girl reads x-rays. New stars of the show "Best of all!": MRI specialist, rabbit hypnotist and Bruce Lee in a skirt

Best of All is a children's television talent show that invites young participants from 3 to 12 years old. If your child shows extraordinary abilities in creativity, sports or science, if he sings, dances, shows tricks or mints the ball best of all, and in addition, he is not afraid of the stage and does not go into his pocket for a word, then you are here!
In the First Channel studio, little talents will demonstrate their talents and spontaneity, as well as prove to the audience that they are the best.

Show Best of all 2017 season 3 issue 1 (10 09 2017)

Having rested during the summer holidays, the children rushed with renewed vigor to conquer the hearts of the audience and surprise Maxim Galkin with their talents and abilities.
In the first episode of the new television season, we will meet 5-year-old Milana Romanenko, who, despite her young age, can decipher MRI images. The baby easily determines what happened to the head - swelling, displacement or fracture. Naturally, Milana became interested in magnetic resonance imaging for a reason: she is from a hereditary family of doctors, and her mother works as an administrator at the MRI center, where, in fact, Milan became interested in the mysterious black and white photographs of skulls. So that the audience would not doubt that Milan was really reading MRI images, Maxim Galkin invited the chief radiologist of Moscow to the studio, who was surprised to admit that the girl could easily teach medical students.
7-year-old Zlata Rebro from the city of Engels in the Saratov region is fond of kudo. And kudo is such a martial art in which it is allowed to beat with hands, as in boxing, with legs, as in karate, and also to fight, as in wrestling. Girls rarely go to kudo, so Zlata goes to the tatami together with the boys and regularly wins! And she also has a golden TRP badge, because Zlata, at her seven, does 100 push-ups.
4-year-old Stepan Triputen has the most original hobby. He kills animals! He will take the animal in his hands, stroke it, press on some point, and the animal turns off for a few minutes. And then he wakes up and - as good as new! In front of the astonished Maxim Galkin, Styopa first euthanized a toad, then a chicken, and then a rabbit ...

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Milana Romanenko was not even two years old when she asked her mother to read an anatomy textbook to her instead of a fairy tale before going to bed. And now, at the age of five, she easily deciphers X-rays and MRI data, which surprised Maxim Galkin very much on the show “Best of All!”

T eleshow "Best of all!" does not get tired of acquainting its large audience with amazing representatives of the younger generation. Actors and musicians, dancers and athletes, young professionals in the most different areas- who is not there. But the child, who easily deciphers X-rays, has not yet been seen. Five-year-old Milan Romanenko from St. Petersburg was told about by her mother Natalisha for Lucky Child's blog.

Medic for life

The first thing I want to ask you: is Natalisha your real name?

- No, Natalisha is a pseudonym. Unfortunately, I do not like my name - and I gave it this form.

On the TV show, Vasha Milana easily read an MRI of the brain, pouring out a bunch of special medical terms on Maxim Galkin along the way. How long has your daughter been so professionally savvy in this matter?

- Millie has been “boiled” in medicine since birth: her aunt, grandmother, uncle are all doctors. Interest itself appeared at the age of 1 year and 7 months, when instead of a bedtime story she brought an anatomy textbook - and asked to read and tell everything from pictures. I refused, but she cried and I had to read. And little by little over the years we have read three volumes of anatomy, two textbooks on internal medicine and, of course, radiology. Her interest in medicine arose by itself, why exactly - we do not know to this day.

Does Milana “specialize” in MRI?

– Yes, Milly is more of a radiologist by profession. But, besides this, she knows how to deliver, what to do with certain diseases, how to provide first aid and much more.

not a star

I wonder how the idea came to apply with such talent on the TV show "Best of All!"?

- On the program "Best of all!" was a friend of Milana, and we decided to try too.

How interesting! And who was that mysterious acquaintance of yours?

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- At first we wanted to perform along the line acting skills, since Millie is an actress and model, she composes poetry herself, plays skits. The editor liked the daughter, but there are too many children with acting abilities on the program, so they asked me: “Maybe you have some other hobby?” I thought for two days, and it dawned on me. Until that moment, I did not consider Millie's hobby to be something special. We were asked to shoot a video, we recorded everything and sent it for consideration in order to get to the casting, and a few days later the answer came that we were approved.

How was the casting?

- We were approved without casting.

As far as I know, your daughter has acted in commercials before. How long has she been a model?

– Millie s three years in the modeling business.

How does Milan perceive the popularity that has fallen on her after the broadcast was broadcast? Doesn't ask in front of friends?

- No, he does not ask and does not consider himself a star. When a daughter is recognized and called that, she is very shy.

Does your daughter go to any preschool?

– Milly goes to theater studio"Azart" and individually engaged in vocals.

Millie, Mickey and Knee

What else is the girl interested in? What does he do in his free time from studying MRI images and demonstrating acting skills?

- Lots of hobbies. Mathematics - counts everything and always. Dancing, singing and theater. Composes verses. Trains his little dog Mickey. Acts in films and commercials. Music. And, like all little children, toys are our everything.

Milana has already seriously decided on her future - will she become a doctor?

Millie wants to be both a doctor and an actress. What she told Maxim Galkin on the show.

She is comical in her own right. You can't tell everything. But there was one situation behind the scenes ...

What, if not a secret?

- I can't reveal the details. There was Funny case when Millie asked for pictures, but they gave the wrong ones all the time. She asked for the spine - they gave a knee, and she: “This is the knee, not the thoracic region!”. It had to be seen.

Can you formulate life motto your daughter?

- I asked Millie, she answers: "Happiness."

Read about other children unusual abilities on our blog:

(#1channel #best)
Having rested during the summer holidays, the children rushed with renewed vigor to conquer the hearts of the audience and surprise Maxim Galkin with their talents and abilities.
In the first episode of the new television season, we will meet 5-year-old Milana Romanenko, who, despite her young age, can decipher MRI images. The baby easily determines what happened to the head - swelling, displacement or fracture. Naturally, Milana became interested in magnetic resonance imaging for a reason: she is from a hereditary family of doctors, and her mother works as an administrator at the MRI center, where, in fact, Milan became interested in the mysterious black and white photographs of skulls. So that the audience would not doubt that Milan was really reading MRI images, Maxim Galkin invited the chief radiologist of Moscow to the studio, who was surprised to admit that the girl could easily teach medical students.

7-year-old Zlata Rebro from the city of Engels in the Saratov region is fond of kudo. And kudo is such a martial art in which it is allowed to beat with hands, as in boxing, with legs, as in karate, and also to fight, as in wrestling. Girls rarely go to kudo, so Zlata goes to the tatami together with the boys and regularly wins! And she also has a golden TRP badge, because Zlata, at her seven, does 100 push-ups.
4-year-old Stepan Triputen has the most original hobby. He kills animals! He will take the animal in his hands, stroke it, press on some point, and the animal turns off for a few minutes. And then he wakes up and - as good as new! In front of the astonished Maxim Galkin, Styopa first euthanized a toad, then a chicken, and then a rabbit ...

The best! 09/10/2017

In the First Channel studio, little talents will demonstrate their talents and spontaneity, as well as prove to the audience that they are the best.

There are no contests or selections here. Each child comes, shows his talent and becomes the “Best of all”, receiving a medal. All children are talented and special in their own way. But the girl who recently performed on the show amazed everyone!

Milana Romanenko easily and naturally talks about things that not every adult knows ...

Milana was born into a family of doctors, so fate itself ordered her to continue the dynasty of doctors. But in order to know the program of the third year of a medical institute at the age of 5, one must be a truly gifted child!

Usually boys and girls of her age are good at singing, reciting poems or dancing, but this girl makes unmistakable diagnoses from x-rays. Apparently, instead of fairy tales in childhood, she was read a medical reference book.

To test the knowledge of the baby, a doctor of medical sciences was invited to the studio.

She was shown MRI scans and she made accurate diagnoses and talked about each of them. She already has knowledge that a medical school student can only be proud of.

The girl behaved incredibly confidently and was not afraid of anything. Milana confessed to Galkin that she was already working as an actress and model. Maybe that's what makes her so perfect in front of the camera.

Milana Romanenko rightfully received her medal. She is truly “Best of all”, an interesting, smart and beautiful girl.
