Home intellectual Save Saint Nicholas from rock. Lyrics of the song Leningrad - Saint Nicholas, save us from rock and roll

Save Saint Nicholas from rock. Lyrics of the song Leningrad - Saint Nicholas, save us from rock and roll

The main gouging of the Russian alco-rock scene, the legend of the Russian chanson according to the pirates from the underground passages and the leader of the boogie-woogie-ska-booth "Leningrad" - Sergey Shnurov, brought the Russian obscenity to the level of art, which many Russian classic poets failed to do.

“Leningrad” is a purely Russian phenomenon, reflecting the wrong side of the Russian soul, which constantly demands the continuation of the banquet, when even a sleek intellectual, having lowered his glasses on his nose, can afford to let out the puffs of steam accumulated during the sedate listening to the moralizing and decent chants of B.G. or Makarevich.

“Our Beach” is all the same merry songs-jokes, flying out in batches from the pen of the talented alcoholic Seryozha, only with a masterfully verified and crystallized design. "Leningrad" gives the listener exactly what the listener expects from the band. Outrageously simple texts, seasoned with a vigorous dose of dashing frenzy, oddly enough, do not cut the ear and do not sting the eyes. "Leningrad" is a frenzied, absolutely crazy gypsy, giving odds to all Gogol Bordello put together; music - created specifically for dancing ala Stasik from Rodney Mikhalkov.

The first track could well replace any road anthem coming from every second truck or gazelle that cuts through beaten Russian roads. The second such outrageous road hit is the champion summer festivals- "Road", with an unambiguous parting wish to the driver in the refrain. All this is hilarious and funny to the stomach, especially in these gloomy times, when cities are languishing in snowless grayness, and the exchange rate is chipping away more and more numbers on the colorful boards of exchangers every day.

Cord, meanwhile, gives out mocking and topical manifestos like “Patoriotka”, with a mocking text:

For his country a lot

I did it very boldly.

I stopped eating fat

And I watched football.

I am definitely a patriot!

I clearly, very clearly - a patriot!

Approximately in the same vein, the sharply satirical "Nikola" was written with the refrain:

Saint Nikola save us from rock and roll

Do not flatter yourself when you see two new discs of "Leningrad" - "Farsh" and "Our Beach". This is the same material with a difference of three songs, where the meaning does not change from the rearrangement of the places of the terms. Choose from two "evils" any, you will not lose.

Today "Leningrad", without exaggeration, best rock band Russia, as evidenced by the training camp and the venues where they perform. New album it's still the same merry reckless revelry, under which the listener usually gives such a hopak that the plaster is falling off the walls, and the trembling hand of an eighty-year-old pensioner, who lives five floors below, hastily dials "02".

The Ruble project, as time has shown, was not worth a damn, but Leningrad never missed a beat.

Group "Leningrad" lyrics of the song "Saint Nikola"

All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.

Every little one knows this
You don't expect good from them.
Nietzsche, Newton, Andy Warhol,
Foie gras from behind a hillock.
Pedicure and all
Steaks, rhinestones, confetti,
Won't leave us alone
Their mother is by the foot.

Saint Nicholas save us from rock and roll

All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.
Saint Nicholas save us from rock and roll
All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.

All these delicacies
Not for the Russian mind.
P ... sy, poetesses
Nowhere to label them.
Modern Art
And busty silicone
So that they, b ... m, were empty,
From our holy icons.

Saint Nicholas save us from rock and roll
All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.
Saint Nicholas save us from rock and roll
All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.

Bajas, Jobs and Salieri
Tired, no urine.
All of them would be to the highest measure,
There would be a response to sanctions.
Toads, oysters, clams,
They themselves eat and shove us,
"Maces" successful launches
Let them break their comfort.

Saint Nicholas save us from rock and roll
All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.
Saint Nicholas save us from rock and roll

All Holy Retinue save us from the breakbeat.

Orlusha. Transcript

Has entered. The whole room, of course, stood up.
He took off his watch. Peskov - did not.
Double? No, it looks like this one:
- Here, for starters, an anecdote!

Well, an anecdote - pretty flat -
About the fact that our life is striped,
Like a zebra, the body is black and white.
The whole audience thought: “This is bold!
So, from the threshold, sharply - p-time!
About difficulties, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
We are not distracted! Peskov,
I looked like a cat at hamsters,
Gioconda radiant smile,
And poked his finger without error
For asking a question
Into a latent unicorn
holding a tablet in his hand
"Corruption and cashing out".

And - the curve rushed into the sorrel!
Vovant put everyone in their place,
I found two words for everyone,
At the same time, he did not change his face,
Not nervous, not hunched back.
Here, for example, about Ukraine:
- We never said
That we didn't go there
That there are no our military!
Internet exploded with laughter
I personally lay under the table,
And yet he continued
Calmly and penetratingly:
- There are a number of non-professional military
Forgetting about the service, wives and cottages,
Solve different problems
And combat - including.
Then, with a smile on his forehead,
Reminds me that Saakashvili
Americans contracted
Destroy our former scoop,
And this, therefore, spit
In the face of beloved Ukraine!

I understood less than half
What he said that day.
At the same time, it seemed to me that the hall
Holding signs above your head
Head nodding out of habit,
Was all as if under hypnosis,
Listening to jokes and threats:
“We will get everyone from everywhere!”,
"We will not create bases",
"Turks lick the Americans"
"The crisis is not terrible, as I see it,"
“Daughter did not study abroad”,
"Syrians are more than Syrians"
“We will block the pipes with gas”,
"Turchak's fur coats were stolen"...

I looked and thought: I don’t understand!
Him - questions about Thomas,
And he is without fear and without strema
He answers them about Yeryoma,
On "dili-dili" - "trali-wali":
- We are not lying to you that we used to lie,
And before they lied because
We didn't lie to anyone!

He finished. And, oddly enough,
And the people at the TV screens
And journalistic aspic
They said in unison: “Well done!
On the shelves! Clever! Clearly!
Now even a fool understands
That we are ... in short ... in general ... somewhere,
What are successes and rockets,
That Brent and Urals are nonsense,
That the exchange rate and prices are not a problem,
Georgians rule Ukraine
And those who are against us are cattle!”

He got up. Put on the watch. Gone.
- He didn't find a minute for us! -
Exclaimed a Spanish journalist
Sobchak in a prisoner's shirt.
But he looked at us! -
Waved to him with a smile
Chechen press aksakal.
Everyone began to take selfies with Vova,
But not with "himself", but with Solovyov,
And to myself (in the ear, personally)
Peskov said: “It went great!”

Well, in conclusion, folks,
I want to remind you of an anecdote
What the guarantor said at the beginning:
You never noticed
That the body is zebrino, alas,
Starting with a wondrous head
No matter how you darn a vest,
Always ended f * sing ...

Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Every baby knows this - you don't expect good from them,
Nietzsche, Newton, Andy Warhol, foie gras from behind a hillock;
Pedicure and all, steaks, rhinestones, confetti,
They won't leave us alone, motherfucking their feet.

Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.

All these delicacies are not for the Russian mind,
* Idorases of the poetess - there is no place to put them with branding!
Modern art and busty silicone
So that they - * people, were empty of our Saints icons.

Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.

Bajas, Jobs and Salieri are tired - there is no urine,
All of them would have been punished to the highest degree!
Toads, oysters, mollusks themselves eat and shove us.
Let the maces of a successful launch break their comfort!

Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Saint Nikola, save us from Rock and Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.


Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Every crumb knows it - you do not expect good from them,
Nietzsche, Newton, Andy Warhall, Fuagra from abroad;
Pedicure and all that, steaks, rhinestones, confetti,
They will not leave us alone, their mother for the foot of the hildren.

Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.

All these delicacies are not for the Russian mind,
* Idorasy poetess - nowhere to put them stigma!
Modern art and busty silicone,
In order for them - * lyadyam, was empty of our Saints icons.

Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.

Bahi, Jobs and Salieri are bored - there is no urine,
They would all to the highest degree would be the answer to the sanctions!
Toads, oysters, mollusks themselves devour and they shove us.
Successful start maces let them break their comfort!

Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
Saint Nicholas, save us from Rock'n'Roll.
All Holy retinue, save us from the break beat.
