Creation of a musical subject-developing environment in a kindergarten group. Consultation for educators. Music corner Currently

One of the main tasks facing teachers of a preschool educational organization, as well as parents of preschool children, is the creation of optimal conditions for the effective solution of educational and educational tasks when working with preschool children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, inclinations and abilities with a guideline. to the creative potential of every child.

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"Presentation "Developing environment in preschool""

Organization of developing


environment in accordance with GEF

in preschool education.

Prepared by: Shilova I.V. MBDOU No. 27 "Crane"

Kindergarten for children is their second home, where they not only play, walk, but also get acquainted with the outside world, study. Therefore, employees, children, and their parents want their group to be cozy, beautiful, so that they can come there every day with joy.

Below, I present to your attention the subject-developing environment of our group, our game centers or game zones, in which we spend all regime moments as well as independent activities. After all, play activity is the leading activity of preschoolers.

Group No. 4

Our play areas


our group has

the following play areas:

natural corner

Center for theatrical

and director's games.

Design Center

and building games

In the future, we plan to expand our play areas, making them even more comfortable and convenient for children to play. Periodically, we replenish them with new props for role-playing games, make new didactic games, as well as masks and other attributes for directorial and theatrical games. The group has all kinds of theaters for children: a tabletop picture theater, a tabletop toy theater, a book stand, a flannelograph, finger puppets and a bibabo theater. At this time we are engaged in the manufacture of shadow theater.

The musical development of a child is determined not only by
classes with a teacher, but also the opportunity
play on your own, experiment with
musical toys, play freely
creative music making.
Independent creative activity of the child
is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created.
For the development of independent musical
children's activities are very important
musical corner in the group (music zone).
The development of the creative beginning of children largely depends on
equipment and its attractiveness.

The music corner is a place where children
discover music and its beauty. Creatively
a decorated music corner will help
not only plunge into the world of music and expand
ideas about it, but will also develop
children's imagination, activate
emotional sphere, thinking, speech.

It is important that the music corner is located
well lit, easily accessible to children
in addition, it should be possible
isolated because, on the one hand,
music lessons and children's games require
auditory attention, and
on the other hand, "sounding" activity is not
should interfere with other activities

When designing a music corner, you need
remember about age and individual
the possibilities of children. So, for children 3-5 years old
design is better to build on the basis of the plot, and
for older children,
The musical subject environment should be
match the eye, the actions of the hand, the height
There should be a wardrobe in the music corner,
shelves for musical aids, a couple of tables,
chairs for didactic games. Benefits
development environment should be aesthetic,
attractive, easy to handle, evocative
willingness to work with them.

Usually on the walls of the music corner
put up stands. They are attached to
lyrics, poems, ditties, photos
children's performances, composers,
colorful posters, pictures with
musical instruments.

In the musical corner should lie
toy musical instruments:
drum, fife, miniature piano,
metallophone, also musical toys.

Useful to enter into the music corner
guitar, flute, violin, button accordion, accordion.

The music corner should be
located very conveniently so that children can
freely approach and take tools and
In order for children to constantly
maintained an interest in independent
musical activity, you need 1-2
update manuals once a month
music zone, make new

Music corner equipment
divided into two levels: for the educator and
for kids. Placed on the top shelf
tools used by children
dosed (for example, metallophone), and those with
which children can only engage in
supervision of the educator, in accordance with
sanitary and epidemiological standards

On the bottom shelf - drums, spoons,
triangles, maracas. Necessary
pay special attention to sound quality
musical instruments. They have to
be well tuned and make familiar
sounds for children. Do not forget that
poor quality sound cripples and clogs
child's auditory experience!

Music areas should include:

Material for creative role-playing games with music -
Stuffed Toys
soft musical toys;
dolls - tumblers,
figurative musical "singing" or
"dancing" toys

figurative aids

1) Portraits of composers (works
which children sing or listen to)

2) Musical - didactic games:

3) Illustrations
- benefits like "Lotto": cards with
painted or pasted on

-All kinds of pictures:
Little books "We sing",
Musical pictures for songs that can be
made in the form of a large album or individual
colorful illustrations,
Illustrations on the theme "Seasons",
musical instruments illustrations,
Pictures depicting animals singing, dancing
or playing musical instruments,
Albums "We draw a song"
Albums for viewing "Symphonic Orchestra",
"Folk Instruments", "Dances of the Peoples of the World",
Graphic guide "Emotions"

Unvoiced children's musical toys and instruments

Voiced musical instruments and toys

sound instrument toys
undefined height
instrument toys that emit only one
toy tools with fixed
toy instruments with diatonic and
chromatic scale for creative
playing music

Technical means

It is desirable for each group to have
tape recorder for discs and flash input and
create a library of discs with music
repertoire for preschoolers

"Musical Art" - Sonata - symphonic cycle. Spatial arts. Harmony is the basic concept of ancient aesthetics. The status of music in the life of man and society. Topic 8. Musical style. Portrait of Shostakovich. A. Matisse. Life attribute. Classic. Understanding the essence of music in modern times. therapeutic function.

"Kazakh musical instruments" - The most ancient type of zhetygen was an oblong box. Zhetygen is an ancient seven-stringed plucked instrument. Zhetygen. Outwardly, the sherter resembled kobyz. The strings were stretched by hand from the outside of the instrument. Sybyzgy. Sherter is an ancient stringed plucked instrument. In ancient times, percussion instruments were widely used in the life of the Kazakhs.

"Musical Forms" - Measures. Phrase D. Phrase A1. First offer. Phrase C. Phrase D1. Musical composition. The content of a musical work is inseparable from the form. Phrase C1. It is customary to call a musical form a composition, that is, the features of the construction of a work. Phrase B1. Second suggestion. Scheme: AB. Phrase A. Phrase B.

"Corner of nature" - Begonia Chlorophytum. Summary of the lesson. How are fish different from other animals? Our corner of nature. Lesson of the surrounding world in the first grade Our corner of nature. Why create a corner of nature? Indoor flowers Violet Tradescantia. What flowers? What is a corner of nature? What work do the fins and tail do?

"Children's musical instruments" - Saxophone. Strings: Zither Cymbals Harp Gusli. Clarinet. Children's piano. Melodica. Harmonic. Harp. Zither. Children's cymbals. Accordion. Groups of children's musical instruments. Children's Orchestra. Synthesizer. The role of children's musical instruments in the musical education of preschoolers. Triola. Wind instruments: Pipe Flute Clarinet Saxophone Triola Melodika.

“Animals of the living corner” - Kesha is good-o-shi ... Canary. Animals of the living area. Turtle. Watching the fish in the aquarium improves mood. Fundulopanhax. Guinea pigs. Parrots. Chromaphiosemyons. Aplohilus. A cheerful animal with big eyes and a fluffy fur coat. First aquarium. Aquarium fish. American killies.

Filling the musical corner in kindergarten groups


for educators

music directors

Dmitrieva M.V.

Shvydkova N.V.

  • The musical development of a child is determined not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the ability to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making.
  • Independent creative activity of the child is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created.
  • For the development of independent musical activity of children, a musical corner in a group (music zone) is very important.
  • The development of the creativity of children largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

MUSICAL CORNER is a place where children learn music and its beauty.


A creatively designed music corner will help:

  • expand your understanding of music;
  • develop children's imagination;
  • activate the emotional sphere, thinking, speech;
  • create a happy mood.

  • Compliance with age, requirements of the Program, GEF.
  • Rationality of location, accessibility, mobility.
  • The presence of a music library, an audio library with songs, fairy tales, music
  • The presence of attributes from waste material, non-traditional equipment.
  • The presence of illustrative material to familiarize children with different types of musical instruments
  • A variety of children's musical and noise instruments.
  • Aesthetics in the design of equipment and the corner itself.
  • Creativity (creativity) of teachers in the design of the corner.
  • Safety of equipment and materials of the corner of musical activity;
  • A variety of didactic games for different types of musical activity and their correspondence to the age characteristics of children;
  • Availability and variety of illustrative material on musical works;
  • The presence of portraits of famous musicians in accordance with the program;

The equipment of the musical corner is divided into two levels:

for the teacher and for the children

  • To the top shelf place tools that are used by children in doses (for example, a metallophone), and those with which children can only work under the supervision of a teacher, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the preschool educational institution
  • On the bottom shelf- drums, spoons, triangles, maracas. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sound quality of musical instruments. They should be well tuned and make sounds familiar to children. Do not forget that low-quality sound will cripple and clog the child's auditory experience!

TYPES OF BENEFITS: 1. Non-voiced children's musical toys and instruments

2. Voiced musical instruments and toys

  • toy instruments with sound of indeterminate pitch
  • toy instruments that make only one sound
  • fixed melody instrument toys
  • toy instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales for creative music making

3. figurative aids

  • Portraits of composers (whose works children sing or listen to)

Tchaikovsky P.I.

D.B. Kabalevsky .

Prokofiev S.S.

Rachmaninov S.V.

2) Illustrations - benefits like "Lotto": cards

with pictures painted or pasted on them

4. Homemade musical instruments

Once every two to three months, update manuals, introduce new musical and didactic games, home-made musical instruments (knockers, crumbs, boxes, rattles, rattles), replenish the card index of songs, chants, exercises, articulatory gymnastics, with material previously learned in music classes.

Important, so that the music corner is:

  • in a well-lit, easily accessible place for children;
  • in addition, it should be isolated as far as possible, since, on the one hand, musical activities and children's games require the concentration of auditory attention, and on the other hand, “sounding” activities should not interfere with other preschool activities.

It's better to put in the corner record player, with the help of which children will listen to music, as well as melodies that promote psychological relaxation and mental relaxation.

In the musical corner there should be toys musical instruments:

  • drum,
  • pipe,
  • miniature piano,
  • glockenspiel,
  • also musical toys.

Usually stands are hung on the walls of the music corner.

They are attached to:

  • photos of children's performances,
  • portraits of composers
  • colorful posters,
  • pictures with musical instruments.

  • Roly - stand up
  • Musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.)
  • Fixed Sound Musical Instruments - Organs, Street Organs
  • Noise instruments: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum
  • Unvoiced sham musical instruments (harmonicas, pipes, balalaikas, etc.)
  • Attributes to musical outdoor games
  • Flags, sultans, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes for children's dance creativity (replenished as needed)
  • Table screen with glove toys
  • Musical pictures for songs that can be made on a cube, in the form of an album or separate colorful illustrations.


  • It is advisable to leave manuals, attributes and musical instruments

from the younger group and add:

  • Glockenspiel
  • Noise instruments for children's orchestra
  • Books "Our Songs" (each book illustrates a song familiar to children)
  • Flannelgraph or magnetic board
  • Musical and didactic games: "
  • Musical Instruments”, “Sounding Palms”, “Rhythmic Sticks”, etc.
  • Attributes to mobile musical games:
  • "Cat and Kittens", "Hare", "Hares and Bear", "Pilots", etc.
  • Musical ladders (three-stage, on which there are small and large birds or small and large matryoshka
  • Ribbons, colored handkerchiefs, sultans, etc. (attributes for dance improvisations but the season)
  • Table screen and a set of toys
  • Tape recorder and set of program audio recordings


  • In addition to the equipment of the musical corner of the middle group, the following is used:
  • Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles
  • Musical toys-instruments with chromatic and diatonic sound

(metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute)

  • Illustrations

Theatrical activity in kindergarten is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child and educate the creative orientation of the individual.

In our kindergarten, fruitful work is being carried out in this direction. Theatrical activity is an effective means of developing the speech and artistic abilities of children.

I want to bring to your attention a theater corner in my early age group.

In the theater zone, fairy tales are presented in a different way for children. These are: finger theater, fairy tales on a magnetic board, shadow theater, puppet theater, rubber toys, walking puppets, table theater, dramatization games, as well as colorful costumes (mostly sewn by the parents of children), hats depicting characters, musical instruments on which children happy to play. And of course, a screen that allows you to make the puppet theater more interesting.

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