Ivan Bunin the significance of his work in literature. The role of I.A.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation



by discipline:

"Organization of production and management"


Organization of production is a discipline that reveals and explains the patterns of rational construction and maintenance of production systems in the production of material 6 lags, methods that ensure the most appropriate combination and use of labor and material resources in time and space in order to effectively conduct production processes and business activities in general ( i.e. in order to release products of the required quantity and quality at the minimum production costs in a timely manner).

The term "organization" is derived from French word"organization" and means a device, a combination of someone or something into a single whole. Organization implies an internal ordering of the parts of the whole as a means of achieving the desired result.

Production relations are relations between people in the process of production and distribution of material goods. They develop under the influence of productive forces, but they themselves exert their influence; active influence on them, accelerating or slowing down the growth of production, technical progress.

Production-technical relations act as relations regarding the joint participation of participants in the production process. The basis of these relations is the division of labor cooperation, which leads to the isolation of individual works, teams, sections, workshops and necessitates the establishment of production relations between them.

The next function of the organization of production is the establishment of various links between individual performers and production units that ensure the joint activities of people participating in a single production process.

Socio-economic relations express relations between people, determined by the nature and form of social appropriation of the means of production by property relations. Socio-economic relations are an important element in creating the unity of the economic interests of society, the collective and individual workers in achieving the highest production efficiency.

The organization of production realizes at the same time its third function - the creation of organizational conditions that ensure the interaction on an economic basis of all production links as a single production and technical system.

Finally, we can single out the fourth function, which is designed to solve the problems of creating conditions for improving the working life of workers, professional permanent and socio-cultural self-development and self-improvement of the labor resources of the enterprise.

Thus, the essence of the organization of production is to combine and ensure the interaction of personal and material elements of production, establish the necessary connections and coordinated actions of the participants in the production process, create organizational conditions for the realization of economic interests and social needs of workers at a manufacturing enterprise.

1. The choice of the organizational form of the production site

To justify the choice of the organizational form of the production site, the following calculations are required.

The planning of the launch program for each part name is calculated by the formula


where is the release program of the j-th item name, pcs.;

J is the number of item names assigned to the site;

is the percentage of technologically inevitable losses (we accept 2%).

In our case it will be:

; ;


The effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment is determined by the formula


where is the nominal fund of equipment operation time;

- the number of shifts in the work of the site;

- the percentage of time lost for scheduled equipment repairs (5%).

The standard processing time for a part of the i-th name is determined by the formula

where - the rate of piece-calculation time for the i-th operation of the part of the j-th name, min;

I is the total number of technological process operations.

T N \u003d (2.8 + 0.8 + 1.0 + 3.0 + 3.2 + 2.1) / 60 \u003d 0.22 min.

T K \u003d (4.3 + 3.7 + 5.7 + 12.0 + 16.0 + 5.5) / 60 \u003d 0.79 min.

T L \u003d (1.2 + 1.7 + 2.5 + 1.5 + 2.3 + 0.9) / 60 \u003d 0.17 min.

T O \u003d (9.6 + 3.7 + 6.1 + 5.9 + 2.3 + 2.8) / 60 \u003d 0.51 min.

The complexity of the program task of the j-th part is calculated by the formula

t nN \u003d 11168 0.22 \u003d 2457 min.

t nK \u003d 11168 0.79 \u003d 8823 min.

t nL \u003d 8123 0.17 \u003d 1381 min.

t nO \u003d 10152 0.51 \u003d 5178 min

Then, according to formula (5), it is necessary to determine the total duration of processing of parts assigned to the site

t total =2457+8823+1381+5178=17839.

The calculation of the above program is carried out according to the formula

, (6)

where is the coefficient of reduction of the j-th part to the labor intensity of the leading part, which has the maximum labor intensity of the program task, for which , for the remaining parts is determined by the formula

where is the processing time of the leading part.

11168 0.28=3127

11168 1=11168

8123 0.22=1787.

The next step in justifying the choice of the organizational form of the production site is to determine the lower limit of the required number of equipment

Conclusion: since the lower limit of the required number of equipment turned out to be less than ten, therefore, we make a decision to organize a subject-closed area.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation



by discipline:

"Organization of production and management"


Organization of production- a discipline that reveals and explains the patterns of rational construction and maintenance of production systems in the production of material 6 lags, methods that ensure the most appropriate combination and use of labor and material resources in time and space in order to effectively conduct production processes and business activities in general (i.e. e. with the aim of producing products of the required quantity and quality at the minimum production costs in a timely manner).

The term "organization" is derived from the French word "organization" and means a device, a combination of someone or something into a single whole. The organization involves the internal ordering of the parts of the whole as a means of achieving the desired result.

Relations of production- relations between people in the process of production and distribution of material goods. They develop under the influence of productive forces, but they themselves exert their influence; active influence on them, accelerating or slowing down the growth of production, technical progress.

Industrial and technical relations act as relations about the joint there participants in the production process. The basis of these relations is the division of labor cooperation, which leads to the isolation of individual works, teams, sections, workshops and necessitates the establishment of production relations between them.

The next function of the organization of production is the establishment of various links between individual performers and production units that ensure the joint activities of people participating in a single production process.

Socio-economic relations express relations between people, determined by the nature and form of social appropriation of the means of production by property relations. Socio-economic relations are an important element in creating the unity of the economic interests of society, the collective and individual workers in achieving the highest production efficiency.

The organization of production realizes at the same time its third function - the creation of organizational conditions that ensure the interaction on an economic basis of all production links as a single production and technical system.

Finally, we can single out the fourth function, which is designed to solve the problems of creating conditions for improving the working life of workers, professional permanent and socio-cultural self-development and self-improvement of the labor resources of the enterprise.

Thus, the essence of the organization of production is to combine and ensure the interaction of personal and material elements of production, establish the necessary connections and coordinated actions of the participants in the production process, create organizational conditions for the realization of economic interests and social needs of workers at a manufacturing enterprise.

1. The choice of the organizational form of the production site

To justify the choice of the organizational form of the production site, the following calculations are required.

The planning of the launch program for each part name is calculated by the formula


where is the release program of the jth item name, pcs.;

J is the number of item names assigned to the site;

is the percentage of technologically inevitable losses (we accept 2%).

In our case it will be:

; ;


The effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment is determined by the formula


where is the nominal fund of equipment operation time;

- the number of shifts in the work of the site;

- the percentage of time lost for scheduled equipment repairs (5%).

The standard processing time for a part of the ith name is determined by the formula

where - the rate of piece-calculation time for the i-th operation of the part of the j-th name, min;

I is the total number of technological process operations.

TN \u003d (2.8 + 0.8 + 1.0 + 3.0 + 3.2 + 2.1) / 60 \u003d 0.22 min.

TK=(4.3+3.7+5.7+12.0+16.0+5.5)/60=0.79 min.

TL=(1.2+1.7+2.5+1.5+2.3+0.9)/60=0.17 min.

TO=(9.6+3.7+6.1+5.9+2.3+2.8)/60=0.51 min.

The complexity of the program task of the jth part is calculated by the formula


tnN=11168 0.22=2457 min.

tnK=11168 0.79=8823 min.

tnL=8123 0.17=1381 min.

tnO=10152 0.51=5178 min

Then, according to formula (5), it is necessary to determine the total duration of processing of parts assigned to the site

. (5)


The calculation of the above program is carried out according to the formula

, (6)

where is the coefficient of reduction of the jth part to the labor intensity of the leading part, which has the maximum labor intensity of the program task, for which , for the remaining parts is determined by the formula

where is the processing time of the leading part.

11168 0.28=3127

11168 1=11168

8123 0.22=1787.

The next step in justifying the choice of the organizational form of the production site is to determine the lower limit of the required number of equipment

Conclusion: since the lower limit of the required number of equipment turned out to be less than ten, therefore, we make a decision to organize a subject-closed area.

2. Organization of ROM processing parts

Determining the type of production

The number of pieces of equipment is determined by groups of equipment of the same type (machine models) according to the formula

where tNK is the standard duration of work on the k-th group of equipment, standard hours.

The standard duration of work is calculated by the formula

where tSHT.k is the total labor intensity by type of processing to the th group of equipment, standard hours,

Dp-z - allowable share of preparatory - final time,

KV - the average coefficient of compliance with the norms (1.1 ... 1.2).

Planning a startup program for each type of machine:

The total labor intensity of each type of machine:









10. T3451B=5.9

Normative duration of work:

The number of pieces of equipment.

The type of production on the site is determined by the value of the coefficient of fixing operations (Kz), which shows the average number of detail operations performed at one workplace:


where KZ.SR is the average load factor of the workplace with one detail operation.

Table 1 - Calculation of the average load factor of the workplace of one

Machine name Machine model Number of units equipment


Number of detailsoperators.

load 1 part

Estimated Accepted

Turning 1A425 1,51 2 0,76 4 0,19

165 0,33 1 0,33 1 0,33

16K20 0,86 1 0,86 2 0,43
Grinding 3M151 0,42 1 0,42 2 0,21

3451B 0,2 1 0,2 1 0,2

3Н125 0,47 1 0,47 2 0,235
drilling 5B833 1,49 2 0,75 3 0,25

5K301P 2,02 2 1,01 3 0,337
Milling 692 0,92 1 0,92 3 0,31
planer 7B55 0,54 1 0,54 3 0,18


The fixing coefficient is more than two, which means the type of production is large-scale.

Calculation of the duration of the processing cycle of parts

The cycle time of a simple process is the time it takes to produce individual parts.

Its main part is the technological cycle, which consists of the duration of the operating cycles of maintenance and the duration of interoperational breaks of TMT.

Table 2 - Initial data for calculation

n p Labor intensity of operations, min TMO, min TE, h.

1 2 3 4 5 6

368 46 7 2 1 5 4 2,5 600 4

The operating cycle is the time for processing batches of parts in one operation. He is equal

where n is the batch size of parts;

- the norm of piece-calculation time for the i-th operation, min;

- the number of jobs on the i th operation, =1.

In a multi-operational process, the total duration of operating cycles (TC) depends on the type of movement of batches of parts.

With a sequential type of movement of batches and parts from operation to operation, it is transferred after the complete completion of its processing at the previous operation.

The total duration of operating cycles for a sequential type of movement is determined by the formula:


With a series-parallel type of movement, batches of parts are transferred from operation to operation in parts - transfer batches (p), while the operations must proceed without interruptions.

The total duration of operating cycles for a series-parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:


where - the sum of the smallest operating cycles from each pair of adjacent operations.

With a parallel type of movement, batches of parts are transferred in parts, which are launched for subsequent operations immediately after their processing in previous operations, regardless of the entire batch.

The total duration of operating cycles for a parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:


where is the maximum operating cycle.

TSP \u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

TSPP \u003d 7912 - (368-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4531.

TSPAR \u003d (368–46) 7 + 46 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3243.

The duration of the cycle (TC), in addition to the technological one, includes the duration of natural processes (Te) and is measured in calendar days.

The duration of the cycle for a sequential type of movement is determined by the formula:


where is the duration of the work shift (480 min);

S is the number of work shifts per day (2).

- coefficient of conversion of working days into calendar days (0.7).

The duration of the cycle for a series-parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:

Cycle time for parallel movement:




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the batch of parts is halved.

TSP \u003d 184 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3956.

TSPP \u003d 3956 - (184-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2507.

TSPAR \u003d (184–46) 7 + 46 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 1955.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the transfer batch is halved.

TSP \u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

TSPP \u003d 7912 - (368–23) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4289.5.

TSPAR \u003d (368–23) 7 + 23 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2909.5.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle at p=1.

TSP \u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

TSPP \u003d 7912 - (368-1) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4058.5.

TSPAR \u003d (368–1) 7 + 1 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2590.5.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the longest operation is halved.

TSP \u003d 368 (3.5 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 6624.

TSPP \u003d 6624 - (368-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3243.

TSPAR \u003d (368–46) 7 + 46 (3.5 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2438.




The smallest Tc of processing a batch of parts is provided with a parallel type of movement. But at the same time, there is a drawback that is significant for practice - all operations, except for the most laborious, are performed intermittently, which leads to underloading of equipment.

A decrease in n contributes to the reduction of Tc most significantly with a sequential type of movement. It leads to a reduction in the degree of parallelism in the processing of a batch of parts in adjacent operations with serial-parallel and parallel types of movement.

Halving p reduces TSPP by about 5.3% and TSPAR by 10.3%. With piece-by-piece transfer of parts, this reduction is respectively 10.4% and 20.1%, i.e. significantly affects the parallel type of movement.

Reducing the duration of the most labor-intensive operation by half reduces TSP by 16.3%, TSPP by 28.4% and TSPAR by 24.8%.

Thus, in this situation, it is advisable to choose a series-parallel type of movement and provide for measures to reduce the most labor-intensive operation.

Optimization of cycle time and the order in which parts are launched into processing

Table 3 - Initial data for an example of determining the order of launching batches of parts

Details Duration of operating cycles, h T1 T2 T2 - T1 Launch Options

1 2 3 4 5 6

N 4 7 11 2 5 8 22 15 -7 L L
K 6 14 15 2 3 7 35 12 -23 N N
L 2 6 10 7 5 8 18 20 2 K O
O 13 7 6 4 2 3 26 9 -17 O K

The following algorithms are used to determine the total cycle time for a batch of parts:

where is the operating cycle of processing the j th part at the i th operation.

Table 4 - Matrix of labor input for a sequential type of movement

Details I option Details II option

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2/2 6/8 10/18 7/25 5/30 8/38 L 2/2 6/8 10/18 7/25 5/30 8/38
N 4/6 7/15 11/29 2/31 5/36 8/46 N 4/6 7/15 11/29 2/31 5/36 8/46
K 6/12 14/29 15/44 2/46 3/49 7/56 O 13/19 7/26 6/35 4/39 2/41 3/49
O 13/25 7/36 6/50 4/54 2/56 3/59 K 6/25 14/40 15/55 2/57 3/60 7/67

Table 5 - Matrix of labor inputs for a series-parallel type of movement

Details I option Details II option

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2/2 6/6 10/10 7/10 5/10 8/13 L 2/2 6/6 10/10 7/10 5/10 8/13
N 4/6 7/13 11/21 2/21 5/24 8/27 N 4/6 7/13 11/21 2/21 5/24 8/27
K 6/12 14/27 15/36 2/36 3/37 7/41 O 13/19 7/20 6/27 4/27 2/27 3/30
O 13/25 7/34 6/42 4/42 2/42 3/44 K 6/25 14/34 15/42 2/42 3/43 7/47

With a series-parallel type of movement, the smallest total cycle time is achieved.

Drawing up a schedule for loading equipment in a subject-closed area

When building schedule models, the following conditions are taken into account:

batches of parts are launched into processing at the same time, according to a predetermined optimal sequence;

the complexity of processing one part compared to the total duration of the operating cycles of manufacturing the entire batch.

Initial data for loading equipment with a sequential type of movement.

The total duration of manufacturing batches of parts assigned to the site, in the absence of equipment downtime, is determined by the formulas:

– for a sequential type of movement



– for serial-parallel Vdia movement with piece-by-piece transfer of parts.

Table 6 - Initial data for loading equipment with a sequential type of movement

Details I option

1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2 6 10 7 5 8
N 4 7 11 2 5 8
K 6 14 15 2 3 7
O 13 7 6 4 2 3

Table 7 - Initial data for loading equipment in a series-parallel type of movement

Details I option

1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2 6 10 7 5 8
N 4 7 11 2 5 8
K 6 14 15 2 3 7
O 13 7 6 4 2 3

The use of various criteria in the construction of schedule models contributes to the solution of various production tasks. The choice of the optimal variant of the plan is possible only in the presence of other indicators. For example, such as, at a minimum, tracking batches of parts in anticipation of launch and equipment, minimal losses from tying working capital in work in progress.

In this situation, in the absence of additional information, it is advisable to recommend a criterion for minimizing the total cycle duration while imposing restrictions on other indicators. From this point of view, the scheduling model for the sequential-parallel type of movement with the launch option L, N, K, O will be rational.

3. Selection of the optimal layout of equipment on the site

The minimum freight turnover is taken as the criterion of optimality. The optimal layout of the equipment П*, which provides a minimum of the total cargo turnover Go, corresponds to

The site is assigned the processing of parts of several names (1,2,3,4). Details are made on machines: turning (T), drilling (C), milling (F), boring (P), grinding (W). Processing routes are different. The average distance between the sites where the machines should be placed is 3 meters.

Table 8 - Initial data on the complexity of processing

Table 9 - Initial data for calculating the turnover

Table 10 - Calculation of the number of machines

Part type Release program Machine type and processing time, norm-hour


N 11000 - - 0,12 1320 0,09 990 0,15 1650 - -
K 11000 0,08 880 0,09 990 0,02 220 0,11 1210 - -
L 8000 0,12 960 0,08 640 - - 0,09 720 0,15 1200
O 10000 0,22 2200 - - - - 0,085 850 0,12 1200
H 4040 H 2950 H 1210 H 4430 H 2400
H 4050 H 4050 H 4050 H 4050 H 4050
Number of calculated machines accepted 0,99 0,73 0,3 1,09 0,59

1 1 1 2 1

Table 11 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines Consuming machines

F T R W C1 C2
F - 61600 27500 9500 12000 12000
T 24000 - 61600 - 13750 13750
R - - - 61600 - -
W - - - - - -
C1 18500 - - 12000 - -
C2 18500 - - 12000 - -

Table 12 - Distance Matrix

3 6 9 12 15
II 3
3 6 9 12
III 6 3
3 6 9
IV 9 6 3
3 6
V 12 9 6 3
VI 15 12 9 6 3

The turnover is equal to:

24000*3+18500*12+18500*15+61600*3+27500*6+61600*3+9500*9+61600*3+12000*3+12000*6+12000*12+13750*9+12000* 15+13750*12=2097150 kg m

Table 13 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines Consuming machines

T C1 C2 F R W
T - 13750 13750 24000 61600 -
C1 - - - 18500 - 12000
C2 - - - 18500 - 12000
F 61600 12000 12000 - 27500 9500
R - - - - - 61600

The turnover is equal.

Production management- a set of principles, methods, means and forms of production management, which aims to increase its efficiency and increase profits, that is, it is a management process aimed at creating an integrated production system based on the optimal use of resources in order to ensure the required level of profitability. It has five components:

Formation and functioning of production systems;

Production process management;

Production assets management;

Quality management;

Management of creation and development of new products.

Production management includes a comprehensive system for ensuring the competitiveness of manufactured goods in a competitive market. It covers the issues of building production and organizational structures, choosing the organizational and legal form of production management, marketing and branded service of goods in accordance with the previous stages of the life cycle.

As you know, it is in the production sector that the prerequisites and opportunities for accelerated economic development so today is attached great importance operations management in this area.

Production activity management- the most structured and clearly defined branch of operational management. In production management, operations are subject to fairly rigid and more or less unambiguous planning of "calculation and control. Current control plays an essential organizing role in management. Operations management in the production sector begins with the identification of the type of technology. The depth of the division of labor, the type of specialization and cooperation of production determine the construction of a managerial operating system structure.

Operational management is formally presented as a field of management that is associated with the production of goods and services, involves the use of specialized methods and techniques to solve production problems. The responsibilities of operations managers include all the activities of the organization related to the transformation of input resources into production output. That is, it is management in the process of creating goods (services), which is carried out at the level of operations, starting with providing the organization with the necessary resources and during their transformation into finished goods (services).

The term "operations" is quite broad and refers to industrial and agricultural production, as well as the provision of services by any type of organization (public, private, etc.).

The operational function covers all activities that result in goods and services offered by the organization on the market. Without this function, of course, no organization can exist. To implement an operational function, an appropriate operating system is created.

Operating system is created and functions on the basis of the operational activity strategy, which in turn is one of the functional strategies (substrategies) of the organization's development. Relatively industrial enterprise complete system production activity is called operating. A bank or hospital also performs operational functions, although they have nothing to do with material processing technology or an assembly line. Therefore, operations management is similar to production management, except that the former covers wide circle problems and is used in organizations whose activities are not related to the technology of manufacturing enterprises or any other industry. However, there is a certain similarity in the approaches, principles of activity of the manager of an industrial company, an insurance company, a bank, a clinical hospital, and the like.

Operations management is a term that comes from the English. production and operations management, which means production management.

American professors R. Chase and N. Aquilano define operational management as the management of all resources necessary for the production of products and the provision of services by an organization. Other American researchers S. Lee and M. Schneider argue that operational management is the science of concepts, methods, procedures, technologies used by managers in the process of creating and operating an operating system.

Russian professors Z.P. Rumyantsev and N.A. Salomatin define production management as a system of interrelated elements that characterize production, its organization, maintenance, as well as the management of a production strategy, program, production in an on-line mode, material support production, pricing, production costs. Each of these elements relates to production management and requires appropriate consideration in their relationship and interaction.

So, it can be concluded that enterprise operations management- this is the process of designing, planning, coordinating, controlling all the means, processes and activities necessary for the transformation of labor, capital, materials, energy and skills into goods and services to meet the needs of the external environment. The operational management system is formed on the basis of the operational strategy (Fig. 6.1).

Most often, the operating system is presented as a combination of three interrelated subsystems: processing, support subsystem, and planning and control subsystem (Fig. 6.2).

Rice. 6.1. The procedure for building an operational management system

Rice. 6.2. Operating system and subsystems

The processing subsystem performs productive activity, directly related to the transformation of input values ​​into output results.

The supply subsystem is not directly related to the production of outputs, but performs the necessary functions of providing the processing subsystem.

The planning and control subsystem receives from the processing system information about the state of the system, which comes from the microenvironment (goals, policies, personnel, etc.) and from the external environment (demand for products, cost of resources, technology development trends, etc.) .

The main goal of operational management is to produce products on time and at minimal cost. The task of each production unit may be different, but the main management goal remains the same for all: the unconditional implementation of a given production program and the achievement of the minimum cost of materials, labor, time and money.

In practice, most foreign firms use additional criteria for evaluating and controlling their goals. Typical criteria for evaluating an industrial firm are:

The number of products produced;

Costs for materials, raw materials, personnel, etc.;

The quality and reliability of the product;

Timeliness of delivery;

Capital investments and their payback;

Flexibility in case of product changes;

Flexibility to change production volumes.

However, most of these criteria characterize the activities of the manufacturer and are less directed at consumers. Therefore, R. Schonberger, taking into account the experience of the best companies, defines the following criteria for assessing corporate level goals:

consumer expenses;

Time gain;

Product quality;


AT modern conditions management, the specifics of production management is determined taking into account market conditions; since the mid-80s, it has been characterized by the following factors:

Shortening the life cycle of goods, expanding the range of products for reducing their volumes (rather than the production of large batches of standard products);

Significant complication of technological processes (compared to conveyor lines), which leads to increased requirements for qualifications and the level of training of personnel;

Increasing requirements for the level of quality of service and the timing of orders, causes difficulties in the use of traditional production systems and in the decision-making mechanism.

Improvement of management in the sphere of production provides for:

Orientation of the company's activities for the long term;

Conducting fundamental scientific research;

Diversification of production;

Intensive innovative activity;

Maximum use of the creative activity of the staff. Operational management includes activities related to

decisions about the location of production and the choice of equipment, but production can only be successful if the ability to manage people, which is one of the main requirements of operational management. For example, the success of Toyota production is associated with the right combination methodologies, systems and philosophies, including employee empowerment and a creative culture. American automakers failed to replicate Toyota's success because they focused primarily on the technical elements of the system and the use of new technologies and left culture and leadership behind.

What is the difference between the concepts of operational and production management? The scope of the first concept is wider than the other, since it involves management in any business activity, that is, the concept of operational management applies to all organizations. Thus, the growth rate of the services sector in North America is three times higher than the growth rate of the manufacturing sector. Service provider companies make up half of all organizations; two-thirds of the US workforce is employed in the service sector - hospitals, hotels, financial institutions, telecommunications firms, etc. Operational management methods are also applied to the supply of services in "clean" production. Differences between operations in the service sector and manufacturing, see table. 6.1.

As you can see, manufacturing organizations produce cars, structures, machine tools, and service organizations provide consumers with intangible benefits, for example, transport services, education, medical services, etc. Services also include trade in various material goods. Trading organizations do not produce, but only sell goods and thus serve consumers.

Table 6.1. Characteristics of manufacturing organizations and service companies

Manufacturing organizations

Service industry organizations

Production of material goods.

Possibility to create stocks of goods.

Direct measurement of quality.

Release standardization.

The production process is removed from the consumer.

The location of production facilities has little effect on business success.

Intensive use of capital

Providing intangible benefits.

The production process is also a consumption process.

Quality perceived is difficult to measure.

The release is focused on the consumer.

The consumer participates in the production process.

The location of production facilities is decisive for the success of the company.

Intensive use of labor

Examples: automobile manufacturing, steel mills, soft drink factories

Examples: airlines, hotels, law firms

Service provision differs from production in that:

The consumer of services is involved in the real production process;

Production is able to create stocks of material goods, but it is impossible to send intangible goods to the warehouse;

The service must be organized and provided to the consumer when he wants it.

Despite the differences between manufacturing firms and companies and service industries, their task is similar:

Be guided by calendar schedules;

Get a variety of materials and equipment;

Take care of quality and performance.

Given the similarity of operational problems, the tool and techniques of operational management should be applied in service organizations in the same way as in the manufacturing sector.