Petrushevskaya glitch read the summary. Petrushevskaya lyudmila "glitch"

MBOU "Pychasskaya secondary school"

Teacher: Prozorova A.A.

Lesson literature

Class: 8 b

Subject: The story of L. Petrushevskaya "Glitch" as a mirror of the social and moral problems of our society

Goal for the teacher: to help through the analysis of the work to understand the idea of ​​the work, the author's intention and to extend the value orientations to a specific activity

Goals for students:


    definition of the theme, idea of ​​a literary work;

    determination of the connection of a literary work with life;

    work with theoretical literary material (plot, elements of composition, methods of creating an artistic image, the artistic world)


    search for information in additional sources; search and selection of necessary information in the text;

    structuring information in the form of a table.

    meaningful reading of the text;

    performing a logical operation: analysis, inference under the guidance of a teacher;


    independent formulation of the educational problem and retention of educational tasks;

    planning your own activities; identification of sources of information under the guidance of a teacher;

    search for a solution to an educational problem


    effective collaboration and promotion of productive cooperation, knowledge sharing among group members;

    adequate use of speech means; in the process of solving the problem


    showing a sustained interest in finding a solution to a problem

    the formation of a culture of dialogue, the adoption of different points of view on the problem being solved, the critical comprehension of information.

    formation of moral values, positive personal qualities

Equipment: text of the work, handout, computer, projector

Lesson Form: problem-dialogic lesson

During the classes

I . Motivational-target stage.

1. The word of the teacher. First impression conversation

I called today's lesson as follows: "L. Petrushevskaya's story "Glitch" as a mirror of the social and moral problems of youth"".

Already madness wing

Soul covered half

And drink fiery wine

And beckons to the black valley.


(slide 1)

Why do you think I chose these lines by A. Akhmatova as an epigraph for today's lesson?

All of you read the work at home, thought about it, I would like to hear your impressions of the story.

(Reading statements about the story)

The story did not leave anyone indifferent. Why? (This is the mirror of our lives)

What questions do you have after reading the story?

(formulation of questions)

Suggested questions:

Why is the story called Glitch?

Why did Tanya still save her classmates?

Why didn't Tanya become happier?

Problem question: Why is Tanya unhappy? .What is the idea behind the story?

How would you formulate the objectives of our lesson?

    answer the questions posed;

    identify story problems

II. Orientation stage.

How will we answer these questions?

(Through the analysis of the work)

What is the analysis of the work?

III . Search - research stage.

1. Acquaintance with the work of L. Petrushevskaya

(student presentation)

2 Updating knowledge .

Today we will begin our acquaintance with the work of L. Petrushevskaya. Before we proceed to the analysis of the text, I propose to answer the following questions:

(Art world) (Slide 2)

What types of thin the world you know?

(Mythological, fabulous, lifelike, fantastic, comic, tragic, mixed, historical…)

("Poltava" by A.S. Pushkin,)

How would you define thin. the world of the Glitch story?

(Mixed: lifelike+fantastic)

(Life is absurd...)

3. Analysis of the work.

1) Remember what elements of the plot composition do you know? (Slide 3)

(Exposure, tie,)

Highlight the compositional parts of the story "Glitch".

exposition– Tanya as always lay on the couch and read a beautiful magazine

What is the key phrase in this sentence?

tie Gluck entered the room

climax“It was like a bad dream…”

denouement“Nothing is over. But everyone was alive."

How are the events arranged in the plot of the story? Why?

2) System of images.

a) glitch (slide 4)

What associations do you have with the word "glitch"

Gluck - composer, das Gluck - (German) - happiness.

What is the image of Gluck in L. Petrushevskaya's story?

(Beautiful, all-powerful, like a film actor...)

Apparently, some parallels can be drawn here. Everyone dreams of being like this. He brings happiness.

How did you see it - good or bad?

cross table(Handout)

Group 1-Glitch is good (arguments)

Group 2 Glitch is bad (arguments )

So, what is the role of Gluck in the plot organization of the work?

(Glitch puts Tanya before a choice)

Does he push Tanya to a certain step? For whom is the choice?

Can Gluck be blamed for putting Tanya in such a situation?

b) Tanya

- What did you find out about her?

What imagery techniques did the author use? (Slide 5)

1gr. portrait characteristic

2gr. Speech characteristic, internal monologue

3gr. Deeds, actions

4gr. Artistic details

- What image appears before us, based on this characteristic?

(Limited, poor student, slovenly, walking around the market...)

Scene analysis Glitch's 1st appearance

Could it be assumed that Tanya would make such wishes? Why?

Has Tanya become happier? What's stopping her from being happy? (does not know the language, she is alone, not used to planning ...)

How does the description of nature help express the girl's mood? (Night, darkness, cold wind)

Do you think this is true?

Scene analysis 2 meeting with Gluck

What did Tanya want this time? (May my wishes always come true)

Glitch sets a condition: no one can be saved.

How did Tanya react to this?

Why is Tanya always accompanied by the smell of rot, a disgusting stench? thin detail

(She's on the edge of the underworld, the soul is dying)

c) Odnoklassniki

Why did Tanya need classmates?

(So ​​that everyone can see what she is - the best)

Read the epithets and other means the author uses to describe Tanya's classmates.

(twisted tongue, with a sly look, everyone was lying in the corners, with an evil look, eyes rolled ...)

Could Tanya foresee the consequences?

Why did she try to please everyone?

(For everyone to love her)

Did classmates love Tanya?

(They laughed at her, then they began to openly mock her)

Climax scene analysis

What does this remind you of? ((Ball of an unclean spirit, these are the dead, this is the underworld, hell ...)

Tanya walked straight into the open mouth of Gluck's huge face, like the setting sun, the author writes.

What kind metamorphosis happen to glitch?

(He turns from a handsome wizard into a monster)

Decoupling analysis

Tanya saves her classmates. Why?

(Not completely lost)

The finale of the work is already real life. “Nothing is over. But everyone was alive."

How would you interpret the ending of the story.

(work in groups) - temptations lie in wait at every step.

4. General questions for discussion

1. So, how did you understand the essence of Gluck? (group work)

(Dark force, tempter, soul eater, drugs, spices)

Can a glitch bring happiness to a person?

Is life possible without temptations?

Why it is Tanya found yourself in such a situation?

How would you describe Tanya's needs?

(Material needs are not supported by spiritual needs in any way)

And what if, in order to satisfy material needs, it will be necessary to betray, to transcend moral laws?

Let's compare your desires and Tanya's desires. What is the difference?

(Comparison of the desires of children and Tanya according to the results of the “Step back” test)

Conclusion: at the heart of all desires work- physical labor, mental labor, most importantly - spiritual

    Youth employment problem

    The problem of good and evil

    The problem of lack of spirituality

    The problem of drug addiction, alcoholism

    The problem of fathers and children

    The problem of true and false values

    The problem of lack of spiritual needs in children

Are these problems relevant for today's youth?

IV. Reflective-evaluative stage

1. Let's return to the questions that we posed at the beginning of the lesson.

Did you find the answer to your questions?

2. How is the epigraph to the lesson related to the topic of our story?

3. Work in groups: (Slide 6)

1gr. Tips for Tanya and all young people

2gr. Lessons taught by L. Petrushevskaya with the story of Gluck

3 gr. Appeal to adults

4. Poem by O. Leontieva

V . Lesson evaluation. Self-assessment and mutual assessment of work in a group

Technological map of the lesson

Information about the teacher: Prozorova Antonida Alekseevna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Educational institution: MBOU "Pychasskaya secondary school" Mozhginsky district of the UR

Thing: WMC Literature: Literature Grade 8: textbook. For general education institutions / V.Ya. Korovina and others - M .: Education, 2010.

Lesson topic: Story Lyudmila Petrushevskaya "Glitch" as a mirror of the social and moral problems of our society

Lesson type: problem-dialogue lesson

Equipment: text of the work, handout, computer, projector, screen

Characteristics of the learning opportunities and previous achievements of the class students for whom the lesson is being designed:

Students own

    regulatory UUD:

Formulation of questions on the topic based on key words (Level 3)

Determination of the goal and objectives of educational activities together with the teacher (level 2)

    cognitive UUD:

Highlighting the information needed to solve the problem (level 2)

Structuring information, including the ability to highlight the main and secondary, the main idea of ​​the text, build a sequence of events described (level 2)

Knowledge of the basics of reflective reading (level 2)

Implementation of advanced information search using Internet resources

    communicative UUD:

Expressing your position as a partner (level 2)

The need to ask questions (Level 2)

Effective collaboration (level 2)

personal UUD:

Determining the boundaries of one's own knowledge and "ignorance" (level 2)

Orientation towards the fulfillment of moral standards (level 2)

Students are underdeveloped

    Cognitive UUD

- structure independently information in the form of diagrams, tables, use sign-symbolic means

- establish independently analogies, bring under concepts

-define concepts

    Communicative UUD

- in joint activities, clearly formulate the goals of the group and allow its participants to show their own energy to achieve these goals

- take the lead in organizing joint action

The objectives of the lesson as the planned learning outcomes, the planned level of their achievements.

Type of planned learning activities

Learning activities

Planned level of achievement of learning outcomes


Definition of the topic, idea of ​​a literary work.

Determination of the connection of a literary work with life.

Working with theoretical literary material (plot, elements of composition, methods of creating an artistic image, the artistic world)

Level 2 - understanding, adequate use in dialogic speech

Level 3 - the ability to independently establish connections between the real and artistic world

Level 2 - meaningful operation of literary terms



Search for information in additional sources; search and selection of the necessary information in the text.

Structuring information in the form of a table.

Meaningful reading of the text.

Performing a logical operation: analysis, inference under the guidance of a teacher.

Level 2 - independent performance of actions in conditions of mutual assistance and control

Level 2 - joint (group) actions of students performed under the guidance of a teacher

Level 2 - independent performance of actions

Level 2 - joint actions of students


Independent formulation and retention of educational tasks.

Planning your own activities; identification of sources of information under the guidance of a teacher.

Level 2 - joint action with the teacher

Level 2 - joint action of students with the teacher based on knowledge of the types of information sources


Effective collaboration and promotion of productive cooperation, knowledge sharing among group members.

Adequate use of speech means

Level 2 - joint (group) actions

Level 2 - self-selection


Showing a sustained interest in finding a solution to a problem

Formation of a culture of dialogue, acceptance of different points of view on the problem being solved, critical comprehension of information.

Formation of moral qualities

Level 2 - sustainable cognitive interest

Level 3 - conscious choice of position in problem situations

Lesson summary

Lesson stage, stage time

Methods, teaching methods

Forms of educational interaction

Teacher activity

Tasks for students, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Student activities

Formed UUD and substantive actions

Motivational target

Message of the topic with a motivating technique: - "relevance" of the problem.

Formulation of problem questions

Creation of a problem situation. goal setting


Group work



Questions about first impressions of the story

Organizes work in groups

Leads to a problematic situation

Implementation of the lookahead task

“Is there a feeling of happiness? What is missing Tanya?

An extended statement

Drafting questions

Detect the problem.

Formulate the topic, the purpose of the lesson

Cognitive: generate interest in the material being studied.

Regulatory: determine the goals of educational activities

Communicative: tell your opinion; participate in group work, collective discussion of the problem

Personal: be aware of the incompleteness of knowledge and show interest in new things


Lead-in dialogue


Asks questions about ways to obtain new knowledge needed to solve a problem

What do we need to know in order to solve the problem?

Suggest sources of information known to them and methods for finding it.


Plan, i.e. draw up an action plan based on the end result

Search-researcher -sky.

1. A word about the writer

2. Updating knowledge

3. Analysis of the work

Heuristic conversation, slide show


Suggests questions:

Answer the questions:

What does a writer create when he writes a work of fiction?

What kinds of art world do you know?

Answer questions

Subject: use existing knowledge to learn new ones.

Regulatory: identifying shortcomings in existing knowledge, assessing one's activities

Communicative: participate in dialogue, be able to listen to others, cooperate

Cognitive: explain literary concepts.




Manage student activities

1 student demonstrates a self-created presentation, the rest - I fix the necessary information in a notebook


work in notebooks

Conversation, slide show

Front work

Organizes a conversation

What elements of plot composition do you know?

How are the events arranged in the plot of the story? Why?

Answer questions

Work on the system of images of the work.

Analytical conversation in the image of Gluck.

cross table

Analytical conversation in the image of Tanya.

Analysis of story episodes

Analysis of the climactic scene "Tanya's Classmates"


Group: student-student




Organizes a conversation, asks leading questions, supplements students' answers

Organizes an analytical conversation, offers group work; shows a slide

Continues to organize the conversation

What associations does

you this word?

What is its role in the plot organization of the story?

Cross table - work in groups

What imagery techniques does the author use?

What wishes does Tanya make?

Episode analysis:

1st meeting with Gluck, 2nd meeting with Gluck

Rereading climactic scenes

Maintain a dialogue, fill in the table;

work with the text, find the necessary information

Working in groups:

1gr. speech characteristic, internal monologue

2gr portrait characteristic

3gr. art details

4 gr. deeds, actions Make up the scheme of Tanya's degradation

Assess student behavior

Summarizing conversation


Suggests questions for discussion

Why did Tanya find herself in this situation?

Who is guilty?

Evaluate Tanya's behavior

Step back test

shows the results of the "Step back" test

Comparison of Tanya's needs and requests of students in the class

Reflective-evaluative stage

Heuristic conversation

group work

Evaluation of group work


Mutual evaluation

Provides questions for thought

Offers to evaluate the work in the group

1. Answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson

2. Working with an epigraph

3.1gr. Tips for Tanya and all young people

2 gr. Lessons taught by L. Petrushevskaya

3gr. Appeal to adults

Mutual assessment in a circle

Independently answer the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson;

work in a group

Evaluate the work of team members

subject: apply

Regulatory: perform self-examination and evaluate their performance

Communicative: participate in dialogue, be able to cooperate, establish working relationships, promote productive cooperation

Personal: the formation of sustainable motivation for the assimilation of new knowledge

Personal: self-esteem


creative work


Explains homework

Write a continuation of the story

Write down homework

Lesson introspection project (classes)

Certified teacher Prozorova Antonida Alekseevna

The full name of the educational institution MBOU "Pychasskaya secondary school" Mozhginsky district of the UR

Subject_Literature Class 8b UMK__________________________________________

Theme of the lesson __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Planned results: Subject results ________________________________________________________________

Meta-subject results ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Personal results ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson stages

Level of achievement of the planned result

Possible risks

Correctional work

Organizing time

survey of students on the material given at home

explanation of new material

consolidation of educational material

school number 3,
Biysk, Altai Territory

Deep, thoughtful reading is an integral part of learning to understand (and it really can and should be learned, this skill is not given to us from above in finished form). The ability to understand the interlocutor, to feel the writer's intention is also creativity, and it certainly requires a brilliant knowledge of the native language!

Lessons of extracurricular reading based on the story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Glitch"

8th grade

The theme of the lessons was proposed by an eighth-grader (Kudryavtsev V.): “The story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Glitch" as a mirror of the social and moral problems of modern society.

Some preparatory work needs to be done before the lessons are devoted to the discussion of the story.

Let's introduce eighth graders to the features of the writer's work. For L.S. Petrushevskaya is characterized by harsh naturalism in depicting the dark sides of the inner world and the social life of a person. However, Petrushevskaya does not believe that the purpose of her work is to show the unsightly features of a contemporary. She believes that the task of the writer is to honestly raise questions, even not the most pleasant ones, in order to encourage people to think about themselves, about their morality, human viability.

Petrushevskaya was born in Moscow in 1938 and graduated from Moscow State University. Literary creativity began to engage after 25 years. The first book was published in 1988 - a collection of short stories "Immortal Love". In the 1980s, her works were often published in the Novy Mir magazine. The writer is known in the world, from time to time she lectures on Russian literature at Harvard University. A multi-genre writer, she continues the theme of the "little man" by talking about a man of our day. L. Petrushevskaya is a gloomy "adult" prose writer and playwright, but at the same time one of the brightest children's writers. She wrote the scripts for the animated films “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Tale of Tales”, cycles “Tales for the Whole Family”, “Wild Animal Tales”, plays “Two Windows”, “Nonsense Suitcase”, “Golden Goddess”, etc.

If possible, it is worth showing the children the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog".
The story "Glitch" is published in "AiF". 1999. No. 99.

In the second lesson, three questions were proposed for a short written work (10 min.):
- When you hear the word glitch What associations do you have?
Here is what the children said:

Glitch: mad man; ghosts; hallucination; illusion; composer; the appearance of a person and at the same moment disappearance; addiction; sick imagination; vision; drug; a story read in a newspaper; rave; madness; disease; game in the camp; disorder in the head; fever; heat; death; sheet; a gaping hole in time; the roof went; viper; there are often glitches in the desert; colorblind; writer.

What color do you associate this word with?

Children's answers: dark yellow; red; white; dark; oil color; green; grey; caterpillar; blue; muddy something; Navy blue; Violet; black spots.

- If a magician came to you and offered to fulfill your three wishes, what would you wish for?

If a magician came to the 8th "D" class of school No. 3 in Biysk, Altai Territory, then the students would ask him to fulfill the following desires:

    that everyone be healthy;

    so that there are no troubles;

    to live happily and long;

    study well;


    become a magician yourself;

    health for yourself and your family;

    grade "5" in all subjects in the second trimester;

    so that people don't die;

    for the whole world to be cleaner and more beautiful;

    well-being of the Earth;

    finish school with a medal;

    go to college;

    find a job that can live on a salary;

    good family relations between mom and dad;

    to get a good job;

    so that the New Year will soon come;

    I want to go to Moscow;

    so that sweets fall to the ground with rain, chocolate with snow, ice cream with hail;

    so that everyone in our class is smart and happy;

    so that there are no deuces;

    for our country to be reborn;

    so that there are no wars;

    to open other planets in the Universe;

    that I have many interesting books;

    so that the school becomes my second home, i.e. interesting, funny;

    to make me smaller;

    to make people forget the word war;

    to make the world a better place;

    to make money disappear from the face of the Earth;

    be able to fly, go fishing and hunting;

    I want to become intelligent;

    I want everyone living on this planet to be comfortable, there is a place for everyone;

    I would ask for a box of money and jewelry;

    meet with his dead grandfather;

    live to be at least 50 years old;

    so that there is no lie, deceit, impudence on the planet;

    I want to study Russian language and literature especially well;

    enter medical school.

The story must be read aloud. Written work is offered at home: “How did you understand the story?”. Here are some of the students' work.

Sasha Rachkovsky:

I liked the story of L. Petrushevskaya "Glitch" because it shows life in a natural way - in all its manifestations. The main character of the story - Tanya, a girl of 16-17 years old, represents a fairly large part of the youth of today. Its prototype can be found at any disco and similar events.
I understood the story of L. Petrushevskaya as a cruel prose of life. Fantasy, surrealism and reality are wonderfully intertwined in it. This makes such a composition that the work attracts from the first paragraph, from the first line. In "Glitch" there is a secret that makes you puzzle for a long time, there is also humor that puts you in a good mood, and there are moments that are hard to think about without a shudder in your soul: what is the scene after the guys took drugs. In some way, the work is twofold: it would seem that Tanya dreamed of all this in a drug delirium, but it turns out that all the guys from her class were ill with something strange for a week.


Surrealists portray the world as a meaningless chaos hostile to man.

Yulia Ershova:

I would title the topic of the lesson on the story "Glitch" by L. Petrushevskaya as follows: "The influence of the evil of the surrounding world on the younger generation." It is difficult to find an epigraph that accurately reflects it, because all more or less suitable ones seem too "soft". Perhaps the saying of the ancient Roman thinker “O times, o morals!” will be in place here.
If I had the opportunity to see Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya with my own eyes, first of all I would ask her what she wanted to say with her story, what made her write it and whether I understood it correctly.
I believe that the story reflects not just some specific people, but the vicissitudes and vices of our entire seriously ill society. They are shown truthfully and accurately, without the slightest attempt to keep silent or hide something. Perhaps the story expresses the personal pain of the writer for the new generation, fear for its fate.
I'm probably wrong, but I personally didn't like the story. In principle, I don’t like everything that kills hope, drives me to a dead end. Of course, it is necessary, like air, to tell the truth about the evil that surrounds us, and in no case should we hush it up, amuse ourselves and others with baseless illusions. This is just as unacceptable as to assure a hopelessly ill person that he will soon recover. And yet the word should heal, heal wounds, help, inspire, restore hope, but not kill it. However, this is just my opinion.

Natasha Oblog:

In the story of Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya "Glitch" reality and fantastic visions are interconnected.
The main character of the story is a girl Tanya. Tanya had few friends, and therefore she tried to win them over, fulfilling all their whims and desires. She agreed with all the bad ideas of her peers, but in the end it turned out not what she wanted so much. Tanya was a girl who did not think about the fate of other people, she thought about how they would pay attention to her and be considered the most beautiful. Tanya had no idea about the consequences of the evil she was doing. Tanya, in my opinion, was a strange girl, because at the age of fourteen she still watched cartoons. Maybe her parents just didn’t give her enough affection and love as a child. I think that after her fantastic visions, she will think about her behavior, about the people who surround her, about the importance of distinguishing between evil and good in people's lives, and, of course, will improve for the better.

Tasks were offered for the two-hour lesson: pick up an epigraph, illustrate a story (optional), find out the meanings of incomprehensible words, and make observations on the heroine's speech.

Vocabulary compiled by students

Chips (English)- potatoes fried in oil in the form of crispy slices.

Hamburger (English)- a soft warm bun, laid in the middle with a steak and vegetables.

Hippie (English)- 1) youth groups in Western countries that reject many of the values ​​and norms of society on the basis and in the spirit of "counterculture"; 2) a person of extravagant behavior, deliberately casually and pretentiously dressed.

locust- Insect pest of agriculture. Pounce on something like locusts (with greed, devastating everything).

Selfishness ( ego- I) - selfishness, preference for one's own interests over the interests of other people.

Altruism (fr.)- disinterested concern for the welfare of others, readiness to sacrifice one's personal interests for others (opposite to selfishness).

The third lesson began with a moment of poetry. The student read a poem by B.Sh. Okudzhava "Wish to friends".


- Look at the portrait of the writer. What can you tell about her by looking at her photo?

She is not indifferent to the fate of people, she worries about the younger generation, she is in pain.
He looks searchingly, intently, a piercing, questioning look, as if wondering: “What are you, a person, like?”.


- In one of the lessons you were asked to answer three questions. Do you want to know what associations the word caused you? glitch? (Writing on the board before the lesson, the student reads aloud.)

- What interpretations are close to the essence of the work? (Those words and phrases that shed light on the meaning of the story are underlined.)

- And if a magician came to you, what three wishes would you make? One of you would like to be a sorceress too. We put on gloves, give her a pointer, the student touches the box with the words “crible, crable, booms”, takes out a scroll with the answers of her classmates, reads aloud (both the elements of dramatization and the answers caused a stir in the class, undisguised interest in what sounded) .


- And Tanya, the heroine of the story, wanted to have a big house and a suitcase of money, to live abroad.
Is there something in common in your desires and Tanya, or maybe there is a difference? What are her and your needs?


- We have more spiritual ones, Tanya has more material, physiological ones. Tanya is far from being a good girl. Disco, parties, beer, deuces in mathematics - that's her whole life.

After the answers of the students, you can listen to the recordings of the songs of B.Sh. Okudzhava "Wish to Friends", "Georgian Song", read a poem by Semyon Boguslavsky:

Let's exclaim, admire each other.
High-sounding words are not to be feared.
Let's compliment each other
After all, these are all love happy moments.

Let's mourn and cry frankly,
sometimes together, sometimes apart, sometimes alternately.
No need to attach importance to slander -
because sadness always coexists with love.

Let's understand each other perfectly,
so that, having made a mistake once, do not make a mistake again.
Let's live, indulging each other in everything, -
especially since life is so short .

I will bury the grape seed in the warm earth,
and kiss the vine, and pick the ripe bunches,
I will call my friends, I will set my heart on love.

Gather, my guests, for my treat,
speak to me directly to my face, whom I say before you.
The King of Heaven will send me forgiveness for my sins.
Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth.

In her dark red, my distance will sing before me,
in my black and white I will bow my head before her,
and I will listen, and I will die of love and sorrow.
Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth.

And when the sunset swirls, flying in the corners,
let them float before me again and again in reality
white buffalo, and blue eagle, and golden trout.
Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth.

(B. Okudzhava)

Not necessarily wealth.
There is a paradise in a hut.
No envy, no sacrilege.
It's time to think about the soul.

Chains are not required.
I have nothing to punish myself for.
But there is something. And to the Eternal Book
Fate stretches the thread.

Pride is not necessary
Success, honor and incense.
But there is the greatness of the shrine
And what brings us to the temple.

Optional... But still
Earthly life as it is
Every new day is more dear to us,
And we live not there, but here.

We are looking for where it is warmer and cleaner,
But even with God, even with him
We eat earthly food
And we breathe earthly air.

(S. Boguslavsky)


– How does the content of the spoken poems and songs correlate in the story of L. Petrushevskaya?

The teacher invites the students to talk about the heroine of "Glitch". (Remind that the characteristics of a literary hero include appearance, speech (and inner voice), attitude towards others, actions, attitude of the author.)

- Tanya, capable, beautiful, walks around the market a lot, likes to sleep, does not wash her hair, eats sweets endlessly, nervous (shouting), does not respect her parents (“Mother also markets the same way”) She considers them sick. She stole money from them (she always looked for it wherever they hid it), drinks beer with her classmates.
Everything seemed to her not enough: "And whatever it takes for a rich life", "It is necessary that with a garden and a pool", can't wash. Her life is carefree. There is no squeamishness in her (drinks water from abandoned bottles). At her age, she prefers to watch cartoons. Lies to parents.
Rough, as evidenced by her speech: Anka, get out, straight, grunted, bazaar, fools, Lenka, nit, Seryozhka, telly, washer.
Vocabulary is colloquial, reduced, names are nicknames. Thinks math is bullshit.


- Now try to present the story as a whole and answer the question: what problems are raised by the author in the story?

- Tanya does not value life, the work traces the motives of loss (what?), And in a painful form; motive of thirst (what?).
In Tanya, there is a lack of spirituality, a lack of understanding of the important and the unimportant. The writer takes the reader into the world of cruelty, dirt. This is shocking, with the help of which they want to achieve shock therapy. As someone said: "Prose should heal, despite the blackness of life."
Tanya has mundane desires, this is from emptiness, spiritual decline.

- Write down in your notebook nouns that name what Tanya wants. (The record will look something like this.)

beer, chicken, ice cream, sweets; chips, hamburgers, pizzas, cigarettes.

swimsuit, towel; umbrellas, dresses (10 pieces), hats, scarves.


goggles, gloves.

Electrical appliances:

washing machine, refrigerator (one is not enough - two are needed), stove.

slippers, shoes.

sofa, mirror, carpet; cabinets.

– How did you understand the essence of Gluck?

Glitch - a dark, terrible force, in any guise can come. He is the tempter, the devil, Satan, evil.
Glitch is a nightmare life, an empty apartment.
According to religious beliefs, the devil (glitch) knows everything about a person, he tempts him.

At the lessons we are engaged in a non-standard task - translation from Russian into Russian words glitch.

How can it be understood differently?
"Glitch is the hero of the story", "Gluck the composer", "Glitch" is the title. And there is also a word Das Gluck German for "happiness".
In the text, Glitch - nonsense - a terrible dream - t 40 ° - invisible with a flashlight - a monster with a huge mouth, like a setting sun, devours everyone and everything, he is an insatiable vent, a millstone that grinds fate, Moloch.

When the refrigerator is full, Tanya's friends play locust, and the locust is voracious, destroying everything in its path, its countless hordes.

As an epigraph to the lesson, the teacher suggested the words of Firdousi:

Only in the mind is happiness, trouble without it,
Only reason is wealth, need without it ...
If the mind does not become your leader,
Your deeds will hurt your heart...

Here are the epigraphs selected by eighth graders for the lesson:

And buried in a damp grave
How will you go your hard way,
A uselessly fading strength
And unwarmed breasts.

(N. Nekrasov)

No, and not under an alien sky,
And not under the protection of alien wings, -
I was then with my people,
Where my people, unfortunately, were.

(A. Akhmatova)

(The last epigraph was proposed by Katya Shatkovskaya, perhaps in defense of the writer, L.S. Petrushevskaya.)

Further in the lesson there is a free discussion of the story; the teacher invites the eighth graders to discuss the statements and questions of the tenth grade students, as well as very adult readers.
Tenth grader's opinion:
“The story “Glitch” helps every teenager look at himself from the outside and maybe change.”
Another tenth grader, while reading the story, had the following questions:
“Is a person smarter when he goes through a lot?”, “Do I need to indulge my whims indiscriminately?”, “What are the consequences when you get used to losing a lot?”.
There are two diametrically opposed answers to the last question: becomes purer, becomes able to empathize, sympathize - one side; and another opinion acquires self-doubt, pessimism, becomes gloomy, embittered.

Okudzhava's song sings: "I will set my heart on love"; Tanya also attuned her heart, but not so much to love, but to the satisfaction of her needs, to receive pleasure. And this love is selfish, inactive.
Here is an adult reader's opinion of the story:
“The story is an exploration of the abyss of the human soul. What is more in it? The humanism of Petrushevskaya lies in the fact that through the veil of drug delirium, Tanya asks to save those who tried to deprive her of her freedom. And the fact that Petrushevskaya returns life to the heroes is not yet the triumph of good. “Nothing ended,” writes Petrushevskaya. “The problems remain the same.”

Here are some more questions that were born in eighth graders in the course of reading the story: “Why did Gluck come to Tanya? How does Gluck know everything about her? and etc.
One eighth grader tried her hand at writing a movie script.

Scenario based on the story "Glitch" (excerpt)

Overall plan. Pink bedroom. Tanya lies on the bed.
Close-up. Wide window. A light sea breeze blows.
Close-up. Table. On it lies an open suitcase with money.
Tanya's inner voice: “I have a bedroom like Barbie. I saw such a bedroom in the window of the Detsky Mir store.”
Overall plan. Tanya goes, inspects the house. Pink furniture everywhere.
Tanya's inner voice: "Dream!".
Medium plan. Bewildered, gasps.
Medium plan. Jumping on the couch, looking at what's in the closets (nothing). He goes to the kitchen. Opens the fridge... empty. Drinks water from the tap.
Tanya's inner voice: “It’s a pity that I didn’t think to say: “So that there is always food.” It was necessary to add “and beer”.
Voice behind the scene: “Tanya loved beer, she and the guys constantly bought cans. There was just no money, but Tanya sometimes took it from her dad from her pocket. Mom's stash was well known. You can't hide anything from children!
Tanya's inner voice: “No, you should have said to Gluck like this: “And everything you need for life”, no, “for a rich life”.
Close-up. Washing machine, unfamiliar to Tanya.
Medium plan. Wants to turn on the TV but doesn't know how.
Overall plan. Tanya sees that the house is on the edge of the sidewalk.
Tanya's inner voice: "I should have said 'with a garden and a pool'."
Close-up. Keys on a hook in the hallway.
Overall plan. Tanya goes up to the second floor, takes her suitcase and goes outside, but on the way down she notices that she is wearing a nightgown and old slippers.
Tanya's inner voice: "Still not enough!".
Overall plan. But she goes like this.

Alena Kurbatova

Another schoolgirl, who studies at a music school, picked up the music for some episodes of the work.

Music for the script based on the story "Glitch"

1. Tanya reads a magazine and, seeing Gluck, talks to him.
G. Berlioz. Fantastic symphony. 1st part - "Dreams and Passions".

2. Tanya ends up in a luxurious house and then wanders along the beach, losing everything.
G. Berlioz. Fantastic symphony. 2nd part - "Ball" (opposition of luxury and loneliness).

3. Tanya and the guys from the class are having fun in the new house.
G. Berlioz. Fantastic symphony. 4th part - "Procession to the execution."

4. Everyone surrounded Tanya, and decaying green corpses surrounded the bed.
G. Berlioz. Fantastic symphony. 5th part - "Dream on the Night of the Sabbath."

5. Waking up, Tanya saw the remains of a burnt house and a charred hand.
P.I. Tchaikovsky. Sixth symphony (main theme - tragic).

6. Tanya's return back to her parents. Nothing ended. But everyone was alive.
E. Grieg. Suite "Peer Gynt" - "Morning" (optimistic note).

Julia Pribytkova

The final part of the lesson is the creative work of students.

- Continue the thought, try your hand at creating limerick, acrostic, haiku, free breeze. (Assignments are optional.)

Lines for creative works:

1. Over your own life. (R. Rozhdestvensky)
2. My eternal judges. (R. Rozhdestvensky)
3. I do not like the truths of capital letters. (R. Rozhdestvensky)
4. Happy is the house where... (B. Okudzhava)
5. Why do I live on this eternal land. (B. Okudzhava)
6. Everything you need for life...
7. We got lucky ...



G looked in the mirror
L admiring yourself,
YU related to the eternal.
To How did you live your life man?

Vitya Kudryavtsev

fragile moth
at the flame of fire -
human life.

Vitya Kudryavtsev

I stand over my own life
Like over a cliff...
For my life
I won't give you a penny.
And with a rush of death
I'm going nowhere.
I'll give everything that was
In my life
For peace, earth,
For kind people.

Igor Sazonov

Over my own life
We think forever
What to delete and what
Change in destiny
That our life is not long at all,
What proudly we need to live it.

Lena Poteryahin

Life is over, I'm flying high
And the sky sways above my head,
And I know that I will never die again
That in the night I will sparkle with a distant star.
I would like to live, but not in that evil world
To be a speck of dust among greedy and stupid blocks.
There would be a world where violins and lyre would be played,
Wherever they live, they are not deaf to other people's troubles.
But I know I'm not allowed to go through this circle again,
And only the sky before my eyes,
And the moon is my eternal only friend -
He raves about the worlds I have imagined.

Alena Kurbatova

Unhappy is the house where there is everything, but there is no the most important thing - love and mutual understanding.

Anya Vorobieva

Happy is the house where kind and pure people live, guarded by angels.

Ivan Rykunov

Why do I live on this eternal earth?
I cannot answer this for you now.
But I don't think it's wrong
I will live on this earth.

Ilya Lopatin

- The story ends with the words: "But everyone was alive." And what's next? Continue the story of L.S. Petrushevskaya.
Here are the sequels created by the children:

“Nothing is over. But everyone was alive. And a week later, Tanya and her classmates went to school, but after the incident with Gluck, Tanya began to respect her parents and study better at school. She realized that her life depends entirely on herself. And most importantly, thanks to Gluck.

Natasha Oblog

Until Glitch reappeared. He seduced her with his dreams, he smelled of rot and stench. He took her with him to hell, from where he came. Good music played, her classmates sat on a luxurious carousel and invited her to ride. Tanya made a fatal mistake, succumbed to temptation.

Artem Dolbakheev

"Everything that is necessary for life is easy to imagine in dreams, but difficult to translate into reality."

Artem Dolbakheev


1. I advise you to throw away the pill.
2. Start a new life without drugs, cigarettes, alcohol.
3. Change friends or not do what "everyone does".
4. Since, I think, it will be difficult for you at first, then do something, for example, knitting, embroidery.

Anya Vorobieva

“Every person has freedom of choice. The choice exists daily, momentarily. varying in severity. different in their consequences. To step or not to step? Shut up or answer? To endure or not to endure? Overcome or retreat? Yes or no? Where to go to study? How to live? What to do?
Bulk questions and dwarf questions. Questions-oceans and questions-drops...»

(According to R. Rozhdestvensky)
RYASH. 2000. No. 4

Text by R.I. Rozhdestvensky was not chosen by chance, because it was written by Altaic poet.

Here is the work of Yulia Ershova:

“...Questions lie in wait for us everywhere. And even the most trifling, petty ones require an answer, and a thoughtful answer, which in the end will not lead to disastrous consequences. After all, life is made up of little things, no matter how insignificant they may seem, as they say. However, you shouldn't get hung up on them. It is better to turn to more global issues. But for any choice, whatever it may be, the main thing is the mind. In any choice, one must be guided not only by feelings, intuition, but above all by reason. It is for this that God gave people to use it, at least occasionally.

Lessons of extracurricular reading based on the story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Glitch". 8th grade

Lessons of extracurricular reading based on the story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Glitch". 8th grade.

The theme of the lessons is “The story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Glitch" as a mirror of the social and moral problems of modern society.

Epigraph to the lesson: “Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” (A.P. Chekhov.)

Lesson Objectives:
- training in thoughtful reading of a work of art, understanding the writer's intention;
- the formation of high moral qualities among students: kindness, responsibility for their actions, desire for spiritual needs;
- to reveal the ideological and artistic originality of the story.

Equipment: reproductions of Vrubel's paintings "Seated Demon", "Defeated Demon"; portrait of L. Petrushevskaya; illustrations of students for the story "Glitch".

Methodical techniques: analytical reading of the story, conversation.

Teacher Kisurina L.G., Syzran Lyceum.

During the classes.

Before reading the text (small written work):

1. When you hear the word glitch, what associations do you have?
2. If a wizard came to you and offered to fulfill three cherished wishes, what would you make? (answers remain with the children for introspection).

Let's acquaint eighth graders with the features of the writer's work (the word of a teacher or a pre-prepared student).

L. Petrushevskaya defines the face of modern literature - the literature of postmodernism. L. Petrushevskaya is characterized by harsh naturalism in depicting the dark sides of the inner world and social life of a person. However, Petrushevskaya does not believe that the purpose of her work is to show the unsightly features of a contemporary. She believes that the task of the writer is to honestly raise questions, even not the most pleasant ones, in order to encourage people to think about themselves, about their morality, human viability.

Petrushevskaya was born in Moscow in 1938 and graduated from Moscow State University. The first book was published in 1988 - a collection of short stories "Immortal Love". The writer is known in the world, she lectures on Russian literature at Harvard University. A multi-genre writer, she continues the theme of the "little man" by talking about a man of our day.

L. Petrushevskaya is a gloomy "adult" prose writer and playwright, but at the same time - one of the brightest children's writers. She wrote the scripts for the animated films "The Hedgehog in the Fog", "The Tale of Tales", the cycles "Tales for the Whole Family", "Wild Animal Tales", the plays "Two Windows", "A Suitcase of Nonsense", etc.

The story is read aloud by the teacher (on each desk there are photocopies of the text of the story).

Homework: Answer (in writing) the following questions:
1. How did you understand the story?
2. What questions did you have after reading the story?
3. Draw illustrations for the story.

Lesson 2
During the classes.

Today we continue the conversation about L. Petrushevskaya's story "Glitch". Before you is the text of the story and notebooks with answers to questions. Before reading the story, I asked you to write:

“What associations does the word “glitch” evoke in you?”

(Those who wish to read their answers).

(Children's answers: crazy person, ghosts, hallucinations, illusion, composer, drug addiction, delirium, illness, fever, crazy…)

At the beginning, you remember, reading the story made you happy, by the end of reading the mood changed dramatically. The story had the effect of shock therapy.

What is your first impression of the story? How did you understand it? What questions do you have?

Here are some of the students' work.

Amelshina Oksana.
I liked the story "Glitch" because it shows life naturally - in all its manifestations. The main character of the story - Tanya, a girl of 16-17 years old, represents most of the youth of today. Its prototype can be found at any disco. In "Glitch" there is a mystery over which you puzzle for a long time, there are also such moments that it is difficult to think about without a shudder in your soul.

Fomenko Alexander.
I personally didn't like the story. I don't like everything that kills hope, leads to a dead end. Of course, we need to tell the truth about the evil that surrounds us. And yet the word should heal, heal wounds, restore hope, and not kill it.

Akhmetzyanova Lucy.
The main character of the story is a girl Tanya. Tanya had few friends, and therefore she tried to win them over, fulfilling all their whims and desires. She agreed with all the bad ideas of her peers, but in the end it turned out not what she wanted so much. Tanya was a girl who did not think about the fate of other people, she thought about how they would pay attention to her and be considered the most beautiful. Tanya had no idea about the consequences of the evil she was doing. Tanya, in my opinion, was a strange girl, because at the age of fourteen she still watched cartoons. Maybe her parents just didn’t give her enough affection and love as a child. I think that after her fantastic visions, she will think about her behavior, about the people who surround her, about the importance of distinguishing between good and evil in people's lives, and, of course, will improve for the better.

I see that the story made a strong impression on you and you understood much of it correctly.

The purpose of today's lesson: to learn to read a work of art thoughtfully, to understand the intention of the author of the story "Glitch", i.e. at the end of the lesson, we will have to answer the questions: “What did L. Petrushevskaya want to say with her story? What problems does it make you think about?

So let's get to the story.

(In the course of the analysis of the story, students note the compositional parts of the work: exposition, plot, development of the action, climax, denouement).

Exposure. Glitch in Tanya's room.

glitch. -What is he?

Learner: - Handsome, like a film actor, like a model. Bold, unceremonious, knows everything about Tanya, speaks her language ("puts a bucket").

- "I want you well." Is it so?

At first glance it seems not. But after all, he also tells Tanya that she "does not waste desire on nonsense."

Tanya. - What do we learn from the conversation of the heroes about Tanya? (Remind that the characteristics of a literary hero include appearance, speech, inner voice, attitude towards others, actions, attitude of the author).

I read a beautiful magazine, sleeps little, walks a lot at the disco, tries narcotic pills. The speech is rough (the teacher calls “Marya”, “Get out of here”, “Mother Bazaar”), the vocabulary is poor. Doesn't teach math, English. She rarely washes her hair, she is fat. Likes to go to the market. She likes Seryozhka, who is already drinking vodka. Tanya drinks beer, takes money without permission.

Conclusion. Are you interested in Tanya?

No. Her life comes down to eating, going to the market, disco, partying. She does not learn lessons, does not strive for perfection. Doesn't read fiction. Her life is uninteresting, so she tries to decorate it with drugs.

Why does she like a boy like Seryozha?

She doesn't respect or appreciate herself. She has low self-esteem. Tanya has no other social circle.

What wishes did Tanya express? She faces a choice.

House, money, live abroad.

Now think about your desires written in notebooks.

Do they make you anxious? Are you satisfied with yourself?

(You do not need to answer aloud).

The plot, the development of the action. "Bang!" Tanya is abroad.

How did Tanya feel in her new home?

-"Class! Dream!"

Is she happy with magic?

No. Little, not everything is easy.

What difficulties did she face?

Eat, drink, dress - she herself could not!

How does Tanya's mood change?

She develops fatigue, irritation, envy, anger, despair.

What do these words mean in terms of morality, religion?

These words are a list of grave sins.

Analysis of the episode "Tanya around the children".

Tanya loses her soul. But she's getting smarter.

With the help of what words does L. Petrushevskaya convey the motive of loss?

Words with a negative particle and the prefix “not”: “not distinguishing”, “not afraid”, “unhappiness”, “not seeing”, “not visible”.

Did Tanya understand that this test was not accidental? Did you repent?

Analysis of the "Glitch's Second Appearance" scene.

What is he now - Glitch?

He had a "terrible noiseless flashlight". “There was a strong smell of rot somewhere.” The writer suggests: Tanya is on the verge of death, near the underworld.

Why Gluck comes to Tanya?

She is easily tempted.

Maybe he really wants the best for her?

Yes and no. After all, she could think not only about material needs. A person in difficult times prays for patience, fortitude, willpower. And Tanya again “orders”: a full refrigerator, all the guys from the class. Food and fun is the meaning of the heroine's life.

Why did Tanya need this?

For everyone to see! She triumphed. “Finally, she was no worse than the others.”

The climax of the story. "It was like a bad dream."

Let us turn to the epigraph of our lesson - the words of A.P. Chekhov:

“Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” Did Tanya care that her soul and thoughts were beautiful?

No. She tried to please all her friends so that they would love her. And there was nothing to love about her.

- “The eyes shone no worse than flashlights”, “Tanya felt no worse than the queen”, “Here I am in charge.” Tanya exalted herself above everyone, above the whole world.

Students look at illustrations of Vrubel's paintings depicting a demon.

Did Tanya know about the consequences of the evil she did? Why was she happy to offer her friends the drug? Write down key words that convey the state of adolescents after taking the drug.

- “Twisted tongue”, “with a sly look”, “evil look”, “completely insensitive Seryozhka” and, finally, “everyone was lying in the corners like rag dolls”, “Seryozhka’s eyes rolled up, squirrels were visible.” Tanya did not she understood that after taking a drug, a person loses his will, and this is exactly what those who incite people to this terrible and dangerous action need.

The story of L. Petrushevskaya is a warning story: taking drugs often ends in crimes and death. How does the author describe the picture of the "terrible dream"?

This description resembles a picture of hell: “Tanya writhed as best she could ... the words slipped away”, “Everyone surrounded Tanya, grimacing and laughing”, “green corpses surrounded the bed”, “it was unbearably painful”. The glitch has poisoned people's minds.

Interchange. "When Tanya woke up ...". Analysis of the final episode.

What happened to Tanya? What is the ending of the story? Why does L. Petrushevskaya write "Nothing ended"?

The temptation pill lay in a cosmetic bag.

Life constantly confronts a person with a choice, he goes through life like steps. Whether these steps will lead upwards, to spiritual growth, to self-improvement, or whether they will be downward steps, to the loss of the soul, to degradation, depends on the person himself.

How did you understand the essence of Gluck?

Glitch - a dark, terrible force, in any guise can come. He is the tempter, the devil, Satan, evil.

Glitch is a nightmare life, an empty apartment.

According to religious beliefs, the devil (glitch) knows everything about a person, he tempts him.

At the lessons we are engaged in a non-standard task - translating the word glitch from Russian into Russian.

How can it be understood differently?

“Glitch is the hero of the story”, “Gluck the composer”, “Glitch is the name”. And then there is the word das gluck in German - "happiness".

In the text, Glitch - nonsense - a terrible dream - t 40 C - invisible with a flashlight - a monster with a huge mouth, like the setting sun, devours everyone and everything, it is an insatiable vent, a millstone that grinds fate, Moloch.

When the refrigerator is full, Tanya's friends play locust, and the locust is voracious, destroying everything in its path, its countless hordes.

Listen to the statement of the poet R. Rozhdestvensky "Choice".

“Every person has freedom of choice. The choice exists daily, momentarily. different in severity. Unequal in its consequences. To step or not to step? Shut up or answer? To endure or not to endure? Overcome or retreat? Yes or no? Where to go to study? How to live? What to do? Bulk questions and dwarf questions. Questions-oceans and questions-drops ... "

Do you think this story is optimistic or pessimistic?

Do you think this story is for adults or for children? Pay attention to one remark at the end of the story: “Doesn’t it seem to you that this is some kind of sect of a new religion ... Where did they lure the children?” The author draws the attention of readers to another terrible threat to our society - to the numerous religious sects that involve not only adults, but also children. Why is this happening? Probably, a person, even the most limited, has a need for spiritual food. And if his spiritual world is poor, he easily succumbs to any influence.

(Children answer this question very seriously, in an adult way. They talk about the responsibility of parents, schools, and society not only for the material well-being of children, but also for their moral education.) Therefore, this story is addressed to both adults and adolescents.

What issues are covered in the work? What questions does the author ask you to think about?

What is good and what is evil. What is it - the spiritual world of our contemporary? This story makes you look at yourself from the outside. One of the main problems of the story is the problem of choice.

In the final part of the lesson, students can be introduced to one of the main principles of postmodern literature (the term is introduced in the first lesson) - intertextuality (correlation of the text with other literary sources).

The postmodern text forms a new type of relationship between literature and the reader. The reader becomes a co-author of the text. The perception of artistic values ​​becomes ambiguous. Literature is considered as an intellectual game.

What works of fiction can be correlated with the story "Glitch" (Gospel. "Jesus in the Desert." A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Goldfish." N.V. Gogol. and Margarita". V.P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake", etc.)


1. L.S. Petrushevskaya. Gluck "AiF".1999. No. 99.
2. E.N. Luchkina. Lessons of extracurricular reading based on the story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Glitch". RYASH. 2002. No. 29.
3. R. Rozhdestvensky. Choice. RYASH.2000. No. 4.

Series: "Youth Library"

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya is widely known as a playwright, prose writer, poet and screenwriter. She is also an artist and director of her own animated films, a composer and a singer. Lyudmila Stefanovna's plays have been repeatedly staged by famous directors - Roman Viktyuk, Mark Zakharov, Oleg Efremov and Yuri Lyubimov on the leading Russian theater stages. The presented edition includes prose works, which comprised three sections: "Glitch", "Unripe Gooseberries" and "Real Tales".

Publisher: "Komsomolskaya Pravda, Direct-Media" (2015)

Format: 84x108/32, 352 pages

Place of Birth:
Years of creativity:



"Through the Fields"

Works on the site

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya- Russian prose writer, playwright. Born May 26 1938 in the employee's family. She lived a difficult military half-starved childhood, wandered around her relatives, lived in a pod.

After the war, she returned to Moscow, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism. She worked as a correspondent for Moscow newspapers, an employee of publishing houses, since 1972 - an editor at the Central Television Studio.

Petrushevskaya began writing poetry early, writing scripts for student evenings, without seriously thinking about writing.

The very first plays were noticed by amateur theaters: the play "Music Lessons" (1973) was staged in 1979 in the theater-studio of the House of Culture "Moskvorechye" and almost immediately banned (it was published only in 1983).

The production of "Cinzano" was carried out by the theater "Gaudeamus" in. Professional theaters began to stage Petrushevskaya's plays in the 1980s: the one-act play "Love" in, "Columbine's Apartment" in "", "Moscow Choir" in. For a long time, the writer had to work "on the table" - the editors could not publish stories and plays about the "shadow sides of life." She did not stop working, creating joke plays (“Andante”, “Columbine’s Apartment”), dialogue plays (“Glass of Water”, “Isolated Box”), a monologue play (“Songs of the 20th Century”, which gave the name to the collection of her dramatic works ).

Petrushevskaya's prose continues her dramaturgy in thematic terms and in the use of artistic techniques. Her works are a kind of encyclopedia of women's life from youth to old age: "The Adventures of Vera", "The Story of Clarissa", "Daughter of Xenia", "Country", "Who will answer?", "Mysticism", "Hygiene" and many others. In 1990, the cycle "Songs of the Eastern Slavs" was written, in 1992 - the story "Time is Night". He writes fairy tales for both adults and children: “Once upon a time there was an alarm clock”, “Well, mom, well!” - "Tales told to children" (1993); "Little Sorceress", "Puppet Romance" (1996).

According to the scenarios of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, a series was staged:

  • Lyamzi-tyri-bondi, the evil wizard (1976)
  • Stolen Sun (1978)
  • (1979, dir.)
  • Bunny tail (1984)
  • The Cat Who Could Sing (1988)
  • Piglet Peter (2008)

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya lives and works in.


There is conflicting evidence as to whether Petrushevskaya's profile served as a prototype for the title character of Yu. Norshtein's cartoon "". On the one hand, this episode is directly described in Petrushevskaya's book. . On the other hand, Norshtein himself described the process of the appearance of the hedgehog differently. It is authentically known that Petrushevskaya served as Norshtein's prototype of the Heron in the cartoon "The Crane and the Heron".


Husband - Director of the Gallery on Solyanka Boris Pavlov.

Piglet Peter

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya in 2002 created three books about Peter the Pig (“Pig Peter and the Car”, “Pig Peter and the Shop”, “Pig Peter Goes to Visit”) Readers liked these books so much that a cartoon was created, and they still write since.


see also


  • Creativity of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya at The Electronic Literary Database
  • Anniversary year of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Krasnoyarsk (organizers - MA "Live Classics")

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    Gurova A.Glitch'o za and the vampire princeOne day, an ordinary girl Gluck "o za was locked in a parallel reality. In a huge city where future technologies coexist with magic and ancient weapons. Where mutants and cyborgs fight with ... - @Kid (AST), @ @ cool detective @ @ 2008
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    Glitch'o za and the vampire princeOne day, an ordinary girl Gluck "o za found herself locked in a parallel reality. In a huge city where future technologies coexist with magic and ancient weapons. Where mutants and cyborgs fight with ... - @Harvest, Astrel-SPb, AST, Astrel, @ (format: 60x84/16, 224 pages) @ @ @2008
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    Petrushevskaya Lyudmila "Glitch"

    Once, when the mood was as usual in the morning, the girl Tanya was lying and reading a beautiful magazine. It was Sunday. And then Gluck entered the room. Handsome as a film actor (you know who), dressed like a model, he took it and easily sat down on Tanya's ottoman.

    Hello, - he exclaimed, - hello, Tanya!

    Oh, - said Tanya (she was in a nightgown). - Oh, what is it.

    How are you, - asked Gluck. - Don't be shy, it's magic.

    Straight, - Tanya objected. - These are glitches with me. I don't sleep much, that's all. Here you are.

    Yesterday he, Anka and Olga at the disco tried the pills that Nikola brought from his friend. One tablet was now in reserve in a cosmetic bag, Nicola said that the money could be given later.

    It doesn't matter, let the glitches, - Gluck agreed. - But you can express any desire.

    Well, you first express, - Gluck smiled.

    Well ... I want to finish school ... - Tanya said hesitantly. - So that Marya doesn’t put a deuce ... Mathematician.

    I know, I know, - nodded Gluck.

    I know everything about you. Certainly! It's magic.

    Tanya was confused. He knows everything about her!

    Yes, I don’t need anything, and get out of here, - she muttered embarrassedly. - I found a pill on the balcony in a piece of paper, someone threw it.

    Gluck said:

    I'll leave, but won't you regret all your life that you drove me away, but I can fulfill your three wishes! And don't waste them on nonsense. Math can always be adjusted. You're capable. You just don't do it, that's all. That's why Marya put a bucket for you.

    Tanya thought: indeed, this glitch is right. And my mother said so.

    Well, - she said. - I want to be beautiful?

    Well, don't be stupid. You're beautiful. If you wash your hair, if you walk for a week for an hour a day just in the air, and not in the market, you will be more beautiful than she (you know who).

    Mom's words, for sure!

    And if I'm fat? - Tanya did not give up. - Katya is thin.

    Have you seen fat people? To lose those extra three kilograms, you just have to not eat sweets endlessly. This you can! Well, think!

    Earring to ... well, that's the most.

    Earring! Why does he need us! The earring is already drinking. You want to marry an alcoholic! Look at Aunt Olya.

    Yes, Gluck knew everything. And my mother said the same thing. Aunt Olya had a nightmare life, an empty apartment and an abnormal child. And Seryozhka really likes to drink, but he doesn’t even look at Tanya. He, as they say, "climbs" with Katya. When their class went to St. Petersburg, Seryozhka grunted so much on the way back on the train that they could not wake him up in the morning. Katya even beat him on the cheeks and cried.

    Well, you are just like my mother, - Tanya said after a pause. - Mother also markets the same way. She and her father are screaming at me like they are sick.

    I want you well! - Softly said Gluck. - So, attention. You have three wishes and four minutes left.

    Well ... A lot of money, a big house by the sea ... and live abroad! - Tanya blurted out.

    Bang! At that very moment, Tanya was lying in a pink, strangely familiar bedroom. A light pleasant sea breeze blew through the wide window, although it was hot. On the table lay an open suitcase full of money.

    “I have a bedroom like a Barbie!” thought Tanya. She saw such a bedroom in the window of the Detsky Mir store.

    She got up, not understanding anything, where is that. The house turned out to be two floors, pink furniture everywhere, like in a doll's house. Dream! Tanya gasped, was amazed, jumped on the sofa, looked at what was in the cabinets (nothing). There was a refrigerator in the kitchen, but it was empty. Tanya drank some water from the tap. It’s a pity that I didn’t think to say “so that there is always food.” It was necessary to add “and beer” (Tanya loved beer, she and the guys constantly bought cans. There was just no money, but Tanya sometimes took them from her dad out of pocket. Mom’s stash was also well known. You can’t hide anything from children!). No, you should have said to Gluck like this: "And everything you need for life." No, "for a rich life!" There was a machine in the bathroom, apparently a washing machine. Tanya knew how to use the washing machine, but at home she was different. You don't know where to press which buttons.

    There was a TV in the house, but Tanya could not turn it on, there were also incomprehensible buttons.

    Then we had to see what was outside. The house, as it turned out, stood on the edge of the sidewalk, not in the yard. I should have said: "with a garden and a pool." The keys hung on a brass hook in the hallway, by the door. Everything is provided!

    Tanya went up to the second floor, took a suitcase of money and went out into the street with it, but found herself still in her nightgown.

    True, it was a shirt like a sarafan, with straps.

    On Tanya's feet were old flip-flops, still not enough!

    But I had to go like this.

    They managed to lock the door, there was nowhere to put the keys, not in a suitcase with money, and I had to leave them under the rug, as my mother sometimes did. Then, singing with joy, Tanya ran wherever her eyes looked. The eyes looked out to sea.

    The street ended in a sandy road, small summer houses were visible on the sides, then a large wasteland turned around. There was a strong smell of a fish store, and Tanya saw the sea.

    People were sitting and lying on the shore, people were walking. Some swam, but few because there were high waves.

    Tanya wanted to immediately take a dip, but she didn’t have a swimsuit, only white panties under her nightgown, Tanya didn’t show off in this form and just wandered through the surf, dodging big waves and holding slippers in one hand, in the other suitcase.

    Until evening, hungry Tanya walked and walked along the shore, and when she turned back, hoping to find some kind of store, she confused the area and could not find the wasteland from where the straight street led to her house.

    The suitcase of money pulled her hands away. The slippers were wet from the surf.

    She sat down on the damp sand, on her suitcase. The sun was setting. I was terribly hungry and especially thirsty. Tanya scolded herself with the last words that she had not thought about returning, had not thought about anything at all - she had to first find at least some store, buy something. Food, slippers, about ten dresses, a swimsuit, glasses, a beach towel. Mom and dad took care of everything at home, Tanya was not used to planning what to eat, what to drink tomorrow, what to wear, how to wash dirty clothes and what to put on the bed.

    The nightgown was cold. Wet flip flops were heavy with sand.

    Something had to be done. The beach is almost deserted.

    Only a couple of old women were sitting and screaming in the distance, about to leave the beach, some schoolchildren led by three teachers.

    Tanya wandered in that direction. Hesitantly, she stopped near the screaming children like a flock of crows. All these guys were dressed in sneakers, shorts, T-shirts and caps, and each had a backpack. They shouted in English, but Tanya did not understand a word. She studied English at school, but not like that.

    The children drank bottled water. Some, not having finished drinking precious water, threw the bottles away in a big way. Some, fools, threw them into the sea.

    Tanya began to wait until the noisy children were taken away.

    The preparations were long, the sun had almost set, and finally these crows were lined up and led under a triple escort somewhere out there. There were a few bottles left on the beach, and Tanya rushed to collect them and greedily drank the water from them. Then she wandered further along the sand, still peering into the coastal hills, hoping to see in them the way to her home.

    Night suddenly fell. Tanya, not distinguishing anything in the dark, sat down on the cold sand, thought that it would be better to sit on the suitcase, but then she remembered that she had left it where she sat before!

    She wasn't even scared. She was simply crushed by this new misfortune. She wandered off, seeing nothing, back.

    She remembered that two more old women remained on the shore.

    If they are still sitting there, then you can find a suitcase next to them.

    But who will sit on a cold night on damp sand!

    Behind the sandy hills, lanterns had been burning for a long time, and because of this, nothing was visible on the beach at all. Darkness, cold wind, icy slaps, heavy from wet sand.

    Previously, Tanya had to lose a lot - her mother’s best shoes at the school disco, hats and scarves, countless gloves, umbrellas ten times already, and she didn’t know how to count and spend money at all. She lost books from the library, textbooks, notebooks, bags.

    Until recently, she had everything - a house and money. And she lost everything.

    Tanya scolded herself. If she could start all over again, she would, of course, think hard. First, it was necessary to say: “May everything that I want always come true!” Then she could say now: “Let me sit in my house with a full refrigerator (chips, beer, hot pizza, hamburgers, sausages, fried chicken). Let there be cartoons on TV. Let there be a telephone so that you can invite all the guys from the class, Anka, Olga, and Seryozha! Then it would be necessary to call dad and mom. Explain that she won the big prize, a trip abroad. So that they don't worry. They are now running around all the yards and have already called everyone. Probably, they filed a statement with the police, as a month ago the parents of the hippie Lenka, nicknamed Paper, when she left for St. Petersburg hitchhiking.

    But now, in only a nightgown and damp slippers, you have to wander in complete darkness along the seashore when a cold wind blows.

    But you can’t leave the beach, maybe in the morning you’ll be lucky to be the first to see your suitcase.

    Tanya felt that she had become much smarter than she was in the morning, when talking with Gluck. If she had remained the same fool, she would have left this damned coast long ago and would have run to where it is warmer. But then there would be no hope of finding the suitcase and the street where the native house stood ...

    Tanya was a complete fool three hours ago, when she didn’t even look at her house number or the name of the street! She quickly grew wiser, but she wanted to eat to the point of fainting, and the cold pierced her to the bones.

    At that moment, she saw a flashlight. It approached quickly, as if it were the headlight of a motorcycle - but without noise.

    Again glitches. Yes, what is it!

    Tanya froze in place. She knew that she was in a completely foreign country and could not find protection, and here was this terrible silent flashlight.

    She swerved and thrashed in her iron-heavy slaps over the sand-heaps towards the hills.

    Here are three more wishes for you, Tanechka. Speak!

    Tanya, now already smart, blurted out hoarsely:

    I want my wishes to always come true!

    Always! - answered, all trembling, Tanya.

    There was a strong smell of rot somewhere.

    There is only one moment, - said the Invisible with a flashlight. - If you want to save someone, then your power will end there. You will never get anything. And you yourself will be bad.

    Yes, I don’t want to save anyone, ”Tanya said, shaking from cold and fear.“ I’m not so kind.

    I want to be in my house with a full refrigerator, and that all the guys from the class were there, and the phone to call my mother.

    And then she was in what - in wet slippers and a nightgown, she found herself, as in a dream, in her new house in a pink bedroom, and her classmates were sitting on the bed, on the carpet and on the sofa, and Katya and Seryozha were in the same chair.

    There was a telephone on the floor, but Tanya was in no hurry to call it. She had fun! Everyone saw her new life!

    Is this your house? - the guys were noisy. - Cool! Class!

    And I ask everyone to go to the kitchen!” said Tanya.

    There, the guys opened the refrigerator and began to play locust, that is, to destroy all the supplies in the cold. Tanya tried to warm up something, some pizzas, but the stove did not light up, some buttons did not work. It took more ice cream, beer, Seryozhka asked for vodka, the boys for cigarettes.

    Tanya slowly, turning away, wished herself to be the most beautiful and everything that the guys ordered. Immediately outside the door, someone found a second refrigerator, also full.

    Tanya ran to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was curly from the sea air, her cheeks were like roses, her mouth was plump and red without lipstick. His eyes shone like flashlights. Even the nightgown looked like a lacy evening dress! Class!

    But Seryozhka sat with Katya, and sat. Katya quietly cursed with him when he opened the bottle and began to drink from the neck.

    Oh, why are you raising him, raising him! - Tanya exclaimed. - He will leave you! I allow everything! Ask for whatever you want guys! Do you hear, Seryozha? Ask me what you want, I will allow you everything!

    All the guys were delighted with Tanya. Anton came up, kissed Tanya with a long kiss, as no one had ever kissed her in her life.

    Tanya looked triumphantly at Katya. They were still sitting in the same chair, but they had already turned away from each other.

    Anton asked in his ear if there was any weed to smoke, Tanya brought cigarettes with grass, then Seryozhka said with a slurred tongue that there is a country where you can freely buy any drug, and Tanya replied that such a country is here, and brought a lot of syringes. Seryozhka, with a sly look, immediately grabbed three for himself, Katya tried to snatch them from him, but Tanya decided - let Seryozhka do what she wants.

    Katya froze with her hand outstretched, not understanding what was happening.

    Tanya felt no worse than a queen, she could do anything.

    If they had asked for a ship or a flight to Mars, she would have arranged everything. She felt kind, cheerful, beautiful.

    She did not know how to inject, Anton and Nikola helped her. It was very painful, but Tanya just laughed. Finally she had many friends, everyone loved her! And finally, she was no worse than the others, that is, she tried to prick herself and was not afraid of anything!

    Head is spinning.

    Seryozhka looked strangely at the ceiling, and the motionless Katya looked at Tanya with an evil look and suddenly said:

    I want to go home. Serezha and I must go.

    And what are you doing for Seryozha? Go alone! - Tanya said, barely moving her tongue.

    No, I must return with him, I promised his mother! - Katya shouted.

    Tanya spoke:

    Here I manage. Got it, bitch? Go away!

    I won’t leave alone!” Katya squeaked and began to look, unable to move, at the completely insensible Seryozhka, but quickly melted away like her squeak. No one noticed anything, everyone was lying in the corners, on the carpet, on Tanya's bed like rag dolls. Serezha's eyes rolled back, whites were visible.

    Tanya climbed onto the bed, where Olga, Nikola and Anton were lying and smoking, they hugged her and covered her with a blanket. Tanya was still in her nightgown, in lace, like a bride.

    Anton began to say something, babble like “don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid,” for some reason, with a naughty hand, he shut Tanya’s mouth, and called Nikola to help. Drunk Nikola crawled up and leaned over. There was nothing to breathe, Tanya began to tear, but a heavy hand flattened her face, her fingers began to press on her eyes ... Tanya writhed as best she could, and Nikola jumped on her with his knees, repeating that he would now take a razor ... It was like a bad dream. Tanya wanted to ask for freedom, but she could not form words, they slipped away. There was no air at all and the ribs cracked.

    And then everyone jumped up from their seats and surrounded Tanya, grimacing and laughing. Everyone openly rejoiced, opened their mouths. Suddenly Anya's skin turned green, her eyes popped out and turned white. Decaying green corpses surrounded the bed, Nikola's tongue fell out of his open mouth right on Tanino's face. Seryozha lay in a coffin and choked on a snake that crawled from his own chest. And there was nothing to be done about all this. Then Tanya walked along the black hot earth, from which tongues of flame jumped out. It went straight into the open mouth of Gluck's huge face, like the setting sun. It was unbearably painful, stuffy, the smoke corroded my eyes. She said, losing consciousness: "Freedom."

    When Tanya woke up, the smoke was still eating her eyes. Above it was a sky with stars. It was possible to breathe.

    Some grown-up people crowded around her, she herself was lying on a stretcher in a torn shirt. The doctor bent over her, asked her something in a foreign language. She did not understand anything, sat down. Her house had almost burned down, only the walls remained. On the ground around lay some heaps covered with blankets, from under one blanket protruded a black bone with charred meat.

    I want to understand their language, - said Tanya.

    Someone nearby said:

    There are twenty-five corpses. Neighbors reported that this is a newly built house, no one lived here. The doctor claims that they were children. On the remnants of unburned bones. Syringes found. The only surviving girl says nothing. We will interrogate her.

    Thanks chief. Don't you think that this is some sect of a new religion that wanted to commit suicide en masse? Where were the children taken?

    Until I can answer your question, we need to take a statement from the girl.

    And who is the owner of this house?

    We will find out everything.

    Someone energetically said:

    What scoundrels! Kill twenty-five children!

    Tanya, shaking from the cold, said in a foreign language:

    I want everyone to be saved. To keep everything as it was before.

    The earth immediately split open, it stank of unthinkable rubbish, someone howled like a dog that had been stepped on.

    Then it became warm and quiet, but my head ached a lot.

    Tanya lay in her bed and could not wake up.

    A beautiful magazine lay nearby.

    Father came in and said:

    How do you? The eyes are open.

    He touched her forehead and suddenly opened the curtains, and Tanya screamed, as she always does on Sundays: “Oh, let me sleep once in my life!”

    Lie down, lie down, please, - the father peacefully agreed. - Yesterday the temperature was forty, and today you are screaming like a healthy one!

    Tanya suddenly muttered:

    What a terrible dream I had!

    And the father said:

    Yeah, you've been delusional for a whole week. Your mother gave you injections. You even spoke some language. An epidemic of flu, you have a whole class lying around, Seryozhka generally ended up in the hospital. Katya was also unconscious for a week, but she was the first to fall ill. She said about you that everything is in some kind of pink house ... She was talking nonsense. She asked to save Seryozha.

    But everyone is alive?” Tanya asked.

    Who exactly?

    How about our whole class?

    But how, - answered the father. - What are you doing!

    What a terrible dream, - repeated Tanya.

    She lay and thought that in the cosmetic bag, which was hidden in her backpack, there was a pill from the disco, for which Nicola had to pay money ...

    Nothing ended. But everyone was alive.