Dream to walk with your beloved man by the hand. Walk hand in hand with a man in a dream book

In order to answer the question of why holding hands in a dream, it is necessary to analyze in detail other fragments of the dream. However, in general, we can say that holding hands in a dream is a sign that a person is surrounded by reliable people.

Holding hands in a dream means closeness with the person whose hands you dreamed about. Most likely, this person is the most reliable support in life and it is worth starting to appreciate him. If you continue to treat this person with disdain, then you can lose his favor and subsequently regret it very much.

It is also important which parts of the hands are in contact and how strongly they are pressed against each other.

If in a dream a person (most often a woman) holds onto the elbow of another person, then most likely he will offer some kind of joint business or hobby in the near future, which will bring significant profit to both in the future.

If in a dream a person holds the palm of another person, then most likely he is preparing a pleasant surprise or a valuable gift for the dreamer.

It is also important where the action of sleep takes place. If the situation is familiar, pleasant or simply neutral, then you should trust the person who came in such a dream. If events unfold in a terrible place (for example, in a cemetery or in a basement), then on the contrary, it is less worth trusting a person with secret secrets and plans.

If a person who in a dream hugs or supports with a sign, then it is worth starting to treat him better. He will help as soon as possible when needed. If the person is not familiar, then most likely you should expect help and advice from a stranger. Such a person may be, for example, a friend or colleague from whom help is unexpected.

If in a dream a person holds a child by the leg or arm, then in the near future he will solve a problem that many cannot cope with. Activity and diligence will be appreciated and it is worth waiting for a promotion or bonus. If the task will concern personal life, then the recognition of loved ones and gratitude will not keep you waiting. In any case, if a person leads a child in a dream, he should prepare for hard work, which will be highly appreciated.

When a person sees hands in a dream, it is always a harbinger of work. The more tense the hands are in a dream, the stronger the handshake, the more strength will be required to perform life tasks, work duties or other matters. However, such a dream is a harbinger of a good reward that awaits a person after completion, and also predicts the accompaniment of ease, success, enthusiasm and good luck.

A handshake is a harbinger of help that can be expected from a person.

If you don’t want to let go of the hand of another person, or for some reason this cannot be done, then you should expect joint trials with a happy ending.

Equally important is the temperature of the hands. Warm hands portend short work and great success. The colder the hands are, the more likely it is that there will be a lot of work, and success will not be very loud.

To interpret a dream in which a person sees his own hands or the hands of another person, it is important to be attentive to all the details. The place of action, the features of the people who are present in the dream, and any others can help in correctly understanding the sign of fate.

Only the person who dreamed it can accurately understand the content of a dream. Dream Interpretations can help unravel the signs of fate. Sometimes it is enough for a person to read that his hands dream of working, as he immediately understands what his dream portends.

Dream Interpretation Guy who likes

What is the dream of a guy who likes in a dream from a dream book?

Dream Interpretation of Felomena regards a guy who likes as a harbinger of a fateful meeting, as well as upcoming changes in his personal life.

If in a dream you were visited by a young man who you used to like, you miss the object of the dream and are not averse to entering into a romantic relationship with him.

Who dreamed of a guy who likes? How often do you dream about the guy you like? What did the guy look like in a dream? With whom did you see in a dream the guy you like?

Who dreamed of a guy who likes?

The girl dreamed of a guy who likes

A girl dreams of a guy she likes - a dream warns of the need to exercise caution in communicating with him in reality, otherwise conflict cannot be avoided.

How often do you dream about the guy you like?

Constantly dreaming of a guy who likes

To constantly see in a dream a guy you like - in reality, this young man is also nice to you, but he cannot show determination and talk about his feelings. Do not rush things, fate has its own plan for you.

Often dreams of a guy who likes

Do you often dream of a guy you like? You show considerable interest in this person. Subconsciously you want to take part in his life, you are interested in any detail of his biography.

Every night I dream about the guy I like

If a dream about a guy you like repeats every night, you have mutual feelings for you. Do not discard the obvious signs of fate, saying that this boyfriend is an excellent match for you.

What did the guy look like in a dream?

Dreaming of a drunk guy who likes

I dreamed that the guy I like was drunk - you should carefully look at your current companion, perhaps he is not who he wants to seem. Difficult times await you together in the future, think about it.

What is the dream of a naked guy who likes

A dream about a naked guy you like indicates that your young man has serious problems. He feels his own powerlessness, while not being able to do anything to avoid the blow of fate.

With whom did you see in a dream the guy you like?

Seeing in a dream a guy you like with another girl

What is the dream of the guy you like with another girl? In reality, you are tormented by doubts about the fidelity of the second half, as well as the sincerity of his feelings towards you. Perhaps the unrest is unfounded, but it will still be present.

Dream Interpretation "walk hand in hand" in a dream

Why dream of "going by the hand." Dream interpretation

A dream in which you walk with someone by the hand has various interpretations. If someone sees you off in this way, then be prepared for the fact that this person will try to impose his will on you. Be careful and careful about the details, and you will manage not to get addicted. If you walk hand in hand with your loved one, the dream symbolizes a tender and sincere relationship between you. Perhaps your loved one is not always ready to show you his feelings in reality, but you can trust him. If you walk hand in hand with a person and notice that your hands are dirty, the dream means that in real life you need to be more sensitive to your loved ones and not offend them. If your companion has dirty hands, then in reality you can expect such an attitude towards yourself.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about “walking by the hand” dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to walk hand in dream in Miller's online dream book.

Secrets of dreams: what is the dream of a guy who likes

Some dreams are difficult to explain, but still, if you carefully think about everything that happened in your subconscious, you can "catch" some prerequisites for real life.

Everyone experienced the time of constant falling in love. And therefore, almost all girls, girls and women asked themselves the question of what the guy who likes is dreaming of. It will be quite problematic to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors can affect this. One of the versions explaining what a guy likes in a dream says: the girl herself thinks about him very often, and real thoughts and experiences are transferred to a dream. After all, it is in a dream that we see what we want, right? There, in this second reality, you hug him, kiss him, hold his hand... Your most secret desires come true in a dream. And, waking up, you begin to think about this dream, dedicating free time thinking about what he could dream of. These reflections further consolidate in you the image of the person you like, after which you begin to dream of him with increasing frequency.

There is another explanation for what the guy who likes is dreaming of. Some believe that such dreams can be caused by the fact that you are not thinking about the person you like, but he is about you. Finding out whether this is true or not is possible only by asking the guy himself, and for many this is problematic to do. To stop these dreams, you just need to spend some time with the object of your adoration. Get to know him (if it has not already been done), and then it is likely that he will stop dreaming about you. Yes, and why these dreams, if your communication becomes real - it's much better, isn't it?

In some cases, the explanation of what the guy you like is dreaming of is not as rosy as the previous ones. These may be the so-called "prophetic dreams" that may warn you of some event, and perhaps the danger that awaits your loved one. So in some cases, you need to listen to dreams. Better to be safe, as they say.

There are separate interpretations, or rather, their peculiar "schedule". The reasons why your beloved guy dreamed are explained depending on when he appeared in your dream (but the veracity of this "schedule" is still a big question). So, if this happened on the night from Monday to Tuesday, then this indicates that the dreamer has a feeling of deepest respect for you. If the guy you like had a dream on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this means that he is thinking about you, if from Wednesday to Thursday, then you also came to his dream. If you dream of a guy from Thursday to Friday, then you can be congratulated - you won his heart, and if from Friday to Saturday, then you also made him feel an unpleasant feeling of jealousy. A dream involving a loved one from Saturday to Sunday suggests that this person is offended by you because of something, and from Sunday to Monday - that the object of your dreams dreams of meeting you.

Dreams are a mysterious and still unsolved area of ​​​​our consciousness, which can show the future, remind you of the past, or guide you on the right path in the present, and the main thing here is to learn to understand them.

Holding hands with a guy in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur holding hands with a guy. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter keyword from your dream to a search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean Holding hands with a guy, or what it means in a dream to see Holding hands with a guy.

Parents of an ex-boyfriend in a dream

The parents of the ex-boyfriend dreamed.

I don't remember exactly, but they did something for me. It was somewhere in the country. They shared something, saying, take it, take it ... My ex-boyfriend was there too, he made me a surprise with flowers and gave me a car ...

Why do the parents of the ex-boyfriend dream in a dream? Thanks in advance for your interpretation.

Meeting with an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I met with ex-boyfriend. At first, we communicated normally with him, we sat in a cafe. Then came his girlfriend, who turned out to be a witch. They wanted to take revenge on me, to tell my current boyfriend about my secrets.

Cheating on a guy in a dream

Happy holiday to you! Please help me understand what my dreams mean. Very often I dream that I am cheating on my boyfriend with both strangers and acquaintances. And at the end of each dream, I think why I did it, and how I will continue to live with it, and it becomes terribly ashamed and insulting, and I wake up.

I don’t understand why this is a dream, in my life I love my boyfriend and I could never cheat on him, and there are no such thoughts.

Reconciliation with an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I decided to break up with the guy because of the coldness on his part. Now he accuses me and says that I traded him. I miss him very much, because this is my first love, real ...

But now he does not want to put up. Everyone says that our next parting is not serious, that we will reconcile. But I can hardly believe it .. I dreamed that we had just reconciled, were hanging out with his younger brother and sisters. Could this be a sign? How can I try to get it back?

The wife of a beloved guy who in real life is not in a dream

I dreamed that my beloved has a wife and three children - two girls and a boy, very small, although in reality he is not married and without children. In a dream, he somehow keeps aloof from them and they do not interest him at all. Then I see him as a salesman in a kiosk, and I buy something from him.

At the end of the dream, he leaves his wife and children for me. He and I stand silently together and I am shocked that he left his family, but on the other hand, I feel calm that he is with me. Clarification - in real life, we are now in a quarrel and our future joint future is unclear. Can this dream somehow clarify the situation, and how do you interpret it at all?

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I had a few dreams last night, but he was in all my dreams. He came back to me in a dream, and said that he wanted to be with me. Kissed me. I felt every kiss, as if it was really a reality ... I don’t understand what it is for .. After all, I just gathered my thoughts to forget him, and then such a setup = (... What did my dream mean, please tell me ...

Dream about a guy

I have a dream ... My boyfriend Sasha is standing and calling me, I go take his hand, he leads me to the place where he died and says, look at the sun, because you want to know the truth ...

I see how he is walking along the side of the road with a friend and suddenly his friend pushes, he turns around, and I keep shouting Sasha get away ... But he does not hear me and he is hit by a car ... And then some dark spot appears and you say next and the numbers go...

Dating a guy in a dream

I dreamed that I was walking with a young man whom I was in love with, but we did not meet with him. I dream that we are meeting with him, well, etc.

The fact is that I had this dream not once, but several ... Already 12 times already ... Approximately .... What is it for?

P.S. My friend also dreamed that we were dating him.

A call from a guy in a dream

Tonight I dreamed that while I was sleeping (in a dream) I was trying to get through to a guy with whom we have mutual sympathy and a relationship is planned, but everything happens very slowly, then when I woke up and I don’t remember how we got in touch (like on the Internet) he I was told that he called and asked why I did not pick up the phone. Then I found a phone and either the sound was turned off on it, or it was far away ... This is where the dream ended ... Usually I don’t remember dreams AT ALL, but for some reason this and the previous one (in the previous one I was met by my ex, began to hug and kiss me, but without hesitation I told him that nothing could happen, and on the same day after this dream, he wrote to my girlfriend and asked if someone had appeared at me) remembered ... Etc. I also remember the last dream and, one might say, became prophetic, I’m very interested in what this dream means ...

The dead mother of my boyfriend in a dream

The first dream was: I ran to the ruins, his mother runs up to me and says, "Olenka. I am very sorry that I did not have time to get to know you during my lifetime, it is very important for me, please take care of my boys" (the boys are her husband , my boyfriend and his little one year old brother)

The rest of the dreams were like ordinary conversations in unusual places or conditions. I always dreamed of her cheerful and cheerful.

But, today I dreamed about how she looked during her illness (thin, tired, bones are visible), I don’t remember what she said, but she was sad. Then, in the same dream, I found my cross, which was stolen from me a very long time ago, I was glad that I found it. And abruptly in the same dream I dream about how I punish some man with someone (I don’t remember how I punish, only the essence of what the punishment was)

Dream about a guy who used to like

In a dream, I dream of this guy, as if I saw him at the crossing, why this dream? The main thing is that I just dreamed of such a fleeting meeting, but in reality it happened that after a while this guy adds me as a friend on VKontakte and starts communicating, now he is in the army, I’m wondering if this dream means that he remembered me or something else ? Not without reason, he first dreamed of me, and then reappeared in my life and began to communicate.

Dream about a guy

In a dream, I dream that a guy who likes to delete VKontakte from friends, what can this mean? That I'm afraid of losing contact with him or something else? The most important thing is that when I woke up, I immediately went to his page and saw that he deleted about 20 of his friends and left me as a friend, it made me happy, maybe it was some kind of premonition in a dream, just somehow unusual, I wake up and really see that my friends have been deleted.

Dream about a doppelgänger

But after, I see such a picture as if his double comes out and he is already with another girl, with his girlfriend, as he tells me in real life, what is this dream for?

Dream about a guy you like

In a dream, I see myself at the prom, or at some evening, I can’t say exactly where, well, my mother and the guy I like are there. So, I dream that in a dream a guy is dancing at an evening with my mother. Help me figure out what this dream means?

Reconciled with a guy in a dream

I broke up with my loved one. I had a strange dream. It's like I'm trying to get him back in every way. And he runs away from it all. Then I receive a message from him on my phone with the following content: "Yes, we made up. Everything is fine)) ***" ... Then I pretend that I did not see this message. As if in a dream I wanted him to say it to my eyes. And then I woke up.

i dreamed of a guy who likes holding his hand



you got a note, to reciprocate it

Nikolay Magikov

the dream says that you will have a relationship with him

Alexey Revenkov

If young people often dream of each other and in a dream they are a couple, then they must be together all their lives, they are narrowed by an invisible world. The Adult Mind gives us feelings in order to bring together the people it needs, but also to test their mind, you must control all your feelings in life with your mind, not do any stupid things under their influence, do the right thing. The constricted is, first of all, the business of the adult mind, its material interest in the union of these people. But whether you will be together is up to you


think about the lessons !!! dream about your desires that will never come true)))


you think a lot about him, but you dream about your fantasy.

Katya Lanskaya

Thinking about you being his girlfriend

I dreamed that a guy who likes me is holding my hand. How to arrange a dream.


Alexander Rasputin

Fuskov's ointment


Prokhorina Olga



You just think about it a lot

Hidden in every dream hidden meaning- even if it sometimes seems to us that the dream is completely insignificant. If you dreamed of hands - at least your own, but at least someone else's, you know, this is no accident.

In general, the body and its individual parts are symbols in dreams, and often indicate something very important. And hands are no exception. The human hand, hand is the most important part of the body, without which a person cannot live fully. How many sayings and proverbs are connected with hands, how many metaphors! And of course, in a dream, they are also a metaphor. So, what are the hands for?

Having opened the dream book, we can see many interpretations. To get the right one, you need to remember the details - what exactly you dreamed about, your hands were yours, or someone else's, and other various nuances. There may be many, such as:

  • Dreaming of one's own palm - left, right, or both at once.
  • Hands covered in blood or dirty.
  • Dreaming of a fracture, amputation, severed, torn off or cut off brush.
  • Hairy arms of a man or his.
  • Wash dirty or black palms with soap, launder.
  • Give someone a hand, take, hold or go by the hand.

These are far from all options; you will find more in the dream book. And do not be afraid, even if there was a dream, and you dreamed of a fracture, amputation or severed brushes. Remember, all this, even in nightmares, is just a metaphor. Their meaning may not be bad, and even vice versa - very favorable. Let's find out what hands are dreaming of!

Just a vision

Did you do something, or did you just see the brushes in your dreams? If you just saw it, then carefully scroll through the dream in your memory and remember the details. They will be your key to deciphering the dream.

As the dream book says, hands, namely your own palms in dreams, are a symbol of the fact that in reality you will have a chance of success. Good luck is near, chasing you, and it remains only to catch it by the tail. Take your chances and know that inaction will not lead to happiness.

If the hand and fingers in a dream were beautiful, clean and tidy, well-being and a lot of happiness await you. The dream book promises everything you dream of - you will get it, and in the most favorable and private way.

If you dreamed of a cut off brush, in - do not be afraid, nothing threatens you. This is just a hint that you do not trust yourself (if the body part belonged to you, and it was your amputation). Try to understand yourself! If she was a stranger, then you are tormented by distrust of someone close to you, you are afraid to trust. Try to be more objective.

Have you seen male, hairy hands in dreams? This is a great symbol! In reality, they love and protect you, you can safely rely on your partner or friend - he is reliable, will not let you down, so you can be calm. This man has good intentions and is honest. You're lucky!

If the brushes were black, dirty, it doesn’t matter if they are yours or men’s, this indicates deceit and bad intentions. Understand yourself - do you have any plans and thoughts in your head that could harm someone?

What is the dream of your hand and specifically the left one? Dream Interpretation says that left palm- a symbol of the fact that you are afraid that you will be deceived, and do not want to trust people, possibly relatives. Check, be objective, so as not to fall for deception. But don't be suspicious for no reason!

And why is the right hand dreaming? This is a symbol of the faithful true friendship. You are really lucky! There is next to you faithful friends who it makes no sense not to trust. You can rely on them! Maybe, we are talking about your beloved - and believe me, there is no man in the world more faithful and devoted than him. With him you can go to the ends of the world, no doubt!

If the fingers were cold and insensitive, you have a cold mind and calculation in everything. This is not bad in general, but maybe it’s worth being a little softer, giving in to feelings too? Without emotions it is boring to live in the world!

If your arms were hairy, don't be afraid - this is a wonderful dream. He promises you great wealth, fame and a great position in society! You will be happy, and life will soon flow for the better.

What happened?

Let's see what the hand is dreaming of if you not only saw it, but also did something. For example, why dream of washing your hands with soap, or taking, holding and walking by the hand with someone, and much more.

If your palms itched and itched in dreams, you have been quite conflicted lately, and your nerves are at the limit. You urgently need to calm down so as not to provoke a big quarrel with your loved ones! Try to put your thoughts and emotions in order, rest a little. Maybe you're just tired of people, and you should be alone?

Cut hands in blood - a symbol of your carelessness. Don't be rash, be careful! Watch your actions and take care of yourself, be more careful in communication and the words you pronounce. But what a broken arm is dreaming of, the fracture itself, the dream book will tell without difficulty. This indicates difficulties in matters for which you are not ready. But you will overcome them, moreover, you will gain invaluable experience.

Let's see why we dream of washing our hands. As the dream book describes, washing your hands, especially with them, is a sign of pleasant events and good news. Something very good is waiting for you!

And if you were without hands at all in a dream, then in reality you will feel confused. Perhaps a situation will arise for which you are not ready, and you will not know what to do. This does not mean that something bad will happen, not at all! You will just be surprised. Try to be ready for anything.

Did you have many limbs, more than two? In reality, expect fruitful work, you have to work hard, but this will lead to excellent results!

  • Giving someone a hand is a symbol that in reality one of your loved ones needs help or support, and you can give it. Do it!
  • And holding a handle with someone in a dream is a good sign. You will have a very good, trusting relationship with someone, kind and honest. It's either a friend or a loved one.
  • To take someone by the hand in a dream is a symbol of reconciliation and understanding. The conflict will be resolved, you will be able to reach an understanding with someone in reality, a period of happy and pleasant relationships will come.

This symbol is complex and multifaceted, it is impossible to understand it unambiguously. Try to feel what the higher powers want to tell you, what are they hinting at? And draw the right conclusion!

Why does a girl dream of holding a guy's hand? The dream interpretation considers this plot depending on the details and sensations in a dream. Therefore, a vision can promise a harmonious relationship and a happy future with a chosen one, a common business with a colleague, or trouble, obstacles, deceit.

Miller's dream book: be careful

Did the girl dream of seeing how she held hands with a young man, and he brings her hand to her lips and kisses her? The dream warns: you need to be more careful so as not to compromise yourself in the eyes of others.

Close relationships possible

Why does a girl dream of holding a guy's hand herself? The dream interpretation reports: a close relationship between them may soon arise on her initiative.

The interpretation of sleep depends on the sensations experienced by the dreamer. If she felt a surge of strength, enthusiastic emotions - a harmonious serious relationship lies ahead. Not the fact that it will end with a wedding, but the feelings will be deep and mutual. If in a dream the sensations turned out to be unpleasant - there will be an affair with a mercenary, insincere man who can deceive trust.

The chosen one will become a reliable support

Holding on tightly with your hands in a dream is a symbol of relationships. The dream interpretation explains: if it turned out to be a friend, take a closer look at him: he is able to become your reliable support, support. Neglect should be avoided, because you can lose his favor, and then regret it very much.

I dreamed of seeing how you hold the hand of the guy you like? This means: a romance can begin, but the main thing is not to rush things. A very favorable plot where you walked along beautiful places- you can be sure of a happy future with your chosen one.

Reminisce about the past soon

Holding hands with a young man who likes - luck and good news on this day.

Why dream of holding hands with an ex? The dream book tells you: you will have to remember a case that has remained in the past and has already been safely forgotten.

Did you dream about the touches of a former young man that turned out to be unpleasant? In reality, you will encounter difficulties in solving cases. It is better to postpone important undertakings for a while.

Who did you see in your dream?

Remember which guy was touched:

  • a friend - you will be engaged in a common cause, perhaps organizing some kind of event;
  • colleague - ahead of a joint task;
  • unfamiliar - subconsciously want to trust someone;
  • beloved - you have to overcome troubles together, look for a way out of a difficult situation;
  • ex - meet old acquaintances or friends with whom you were connected by common affairs.

Mutual support, joint work

Why dream of a vision of how they held the hand of a guy - a good friend, friend? The dream interpretation indicates: in reality you will support each other in case of difficulties, you will be able to overcome some obstacles together.

Sometimes little attention is paid to movements and actions, both in reality and in a dream. In fact, it is a special language that can suggest more than words. Why, for example, did you dream that a man was holding his hand? A dream can be interpreted depending on your attitude towards this representative of the stronger sex, mood, and other circumstances. The dream book will tell you how to decipher this plot and tell a lot of interesting things.

Miller's interpretation

Miller is sure that the dream that a stranger is holding his hand can lead to unpleasant consequences for the sleeping woman. In reality, she will receive a rather ambiguous, obscene proposal that will mislead and cause confusion.

A slightly different interpretation is given to the vision of a young lady who dreamed that the young man took her brush in his and kissed her. The predictor warns the young dreamer that she needs to be more selective in making new acquaintances and be wary of unexpected events.

About mutual assistance and consent

Need to support loved one, this is what, according to the Family Dream Book, dreams of touching the hand of a sleeping man. Probably, her relatives will need her participation, and you should not refuse. In addition, this plot can anticipate problems in the life of the sleeping woman herself, with which she cannot cope alone. She will need the help of family members or true friends. If a woman who has a dream relies on her husband in everything, then the couple will unite even more, having endured difficulties together.

Warning signs

According to the version of the same Family Dream Book, a midnight vision in which a loved one holds the hand of someone else's lady is already an alarming signal. Most likely, everything is far from being well in the sleeping family, and relations with the faithful are strained. And if you do not take seriously such a message from higher powers, your couple may be on the verge of a break, divorce, and the dream will come true.

Why did the girl dream that her boyfriend was walking hand in hand with the other? Regrettably, but such a plot tells her that her lover does not plan to lead her down the aisle, but simply meets for pleasure, entertainment, looking for another candidate for the role of the bride along the way.

Important Details

The predictions of the dream book largely depend on the nature of the touch. So, if in a dream the representative of the stronger sex held the lady under the elbow, then honest, sincere, but friendly relations developed between the sleeping woman and the hero of the night fantasy.

I dreamed that a man was forcibly holding you, which means that in reality someone is persistently pressing, trying to influence you. Walking with a nice gentleman by the arm? Then there is no reason for alarm, your partner is faithful, devoted, the union is strong.

Are your fingers gently but firmly intertwined with the hero of the dream? Then in reality your feelings and the passion of your loved one are strong, your romance is developing successfully.

Children's theme

A reflection of the desire to build a full-fledged family, to give birth to a baby, that's what it was like to dream that a man was holding a child by the hand. Moreover, this is proof of the plans not only of the sleeping woman, but also of her partner. And if such a vision fell to a woman who has long dreamed of becoming pregnant, then she is about to receive proof that she is carrying a child under her heart.

Longo, in his dream book, explains the same plot in a different way. He believes that the man holding the baby by the hand is a reflection of the character of the dreamer, who is rather infantile or deliberately "plays" with the girl. At first, such a position can be tender, but then it becomes ridiculous, burdensome for a partner. So don't play around!

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 02/28/2019

The dreams that appeared from Wednesday to Thursday have great importance. It is highly likely that this night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem, ...

I had a dream today. It's like I'm having a party at my house and my ex MCH is also there.

And now he comes up to me, says something pleasant .... And then we are already sitting with him, holding hands, it turns out my right palm - in his right, left in his left and ... I know, fingers to fingers ... Or something)))

And I tell him “we can’t hold on like that, we’ll quarrel” and I try to remove my hand, but he doesn’t give it and says “we won’t quarrel, we won’t quarrel anymore, even if we hold on like that”

After some time, he leaves, and seeing him off, I have the thought "I need to sprinkle sugar after him. Then he will return" (on this moment we are not together, he is with another ...)

And in the end, he leaves and I pour sugar after him .... Why dream of holding hands in a dream?

Holding hands in a dream

In general, I had a dream about how I was holding the hand of a girl whom I loved for a long time at school (but she didn’t seem to know about it). In reality, she said that I am not the guy of her heart, she does not love me in general. And I love her, but not so much after she offended me.

And the dream was like this: the two of us are on the roof of some tower of a medieval castle together celebrating dawn or sunset ... She first put her hand on my right hand, then I put my hand on her other hand ... An unforgettable feeling .. The heart was definitely ready to pop out of the chest...

P.S. I looked at the dream book, but I didn’t find an answer, it only said about hairy, dirty or injured hands. Decided to apply here. And if the details are obligatory, then no one's hands are hairy, not dirty, not injured ... On the contrary, they are beautiful, both mine and hers)))

Holding hands in a dream

Today I had a dream. I'm in country house with a man. (In reality, our relationship with him ended about 3 months ago). In a dream, we hold hands all the time, and then he confesses his feelings to me, says that he did a great stupidity that he allowed us to cut off all contacts, that he wants us to be together. I am insanely happy, I feel like an incredible wave of happiness embraces me more and more. At the same time, there is a constant emphasis on the fact that we hold hands, then we kiss and I wake up

Holding hands in a dream

We were holding hands with the guy I love, but we can't be together. At night they walked down the street and I showed him my grandmother's house. Then we met my mother, I was a little embarrassed that we were going hand in hand. But he was confident, said hello, talked and I woke up.

Why would you dream of Holding hands in a dream ??

Holding hands in a dream

I had a dream, with a young man whom I really like, we walked with him and held hands, while in life we ​​hardly communicate with him now, but in a dream he did not want to let go of my hand from his hand, he smiled and we we talked ... And always when I dream of him, we hold hands.

hold hands in a dream

I dreamed that I took the hand of the guy I like (we are very good friends in life). From the beginning of sleep, then I took him by the hand, then he took me.

We walked holding hands. In a dream, pleasant emotions were overwhelmed. The dream was so real that for a while I thought it was real, until I remembered that I had such a dream.

Holding hands on a subway escalator in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was going down the escalator with a guy I knew, we were talking. Since he is tall, he stands in front of me, I don’t remember exactly who takes who first by the hand, but we go down the escalator holding hands as a couple. I feel that he has cold hands. We walk along the platform of the metro station. He accidentally touches a man who is familiar to him in a dream. But he does not pay attention to him, because this man begins to say all sorts of nasty things after him. I look at my friend and see that he is sad and thoughtful. We both understand that this man is telling the hard truth (past) about my friend, who did not want me to know about it, and therefore sad. I also understand that my friend wants to be better with me, as in the quote: I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


Holding hands in a dream

I walk down the street and accidentally meet the girl I met, she smiled at me and we went for a walk, then she took my hand and looked at her (as if she was looking for something on her), but she did not let her go and we continued to walk hand in hand . In the morning, when remembering this dream, there is joy in my heart.

I imagined a big beautiful python, and these were some pathetic and not beautiful ... Gray .... I was also surprised at my reaction that I was holding them and was not afraid ... At that moment, one of them began to particularly pinch and pull out tongue... In the beginning, I squeezed my hand harder, and then fear overcame me and I threw them away, jumping to the side. But before I left the mall, I screamed that there were snakes... And a girl ran up to catch them... One of the snakes was more nimble and I think she slipped away... I didn't really watch... She left the hall when I saw that they were being caught.