Liber Kpadonu: biography, external data. Liber Kpadonu family

Liber Kpadonu was born in 1987 in St. Petersburg. The biography of the girl is of interest to viewers, especially for fans of the Dom-2 project. Her father is African, originally from Benin, and her mother is Russian. Today we know Libi as former member of the above TV project, but what happened before is of interest to both viewers, readers, and fans of the dark-skinned beauty. Let's open the veils of some secrets... but by the way, Libi gives the impression of a very open person and does not seem to be hiding any secrets. But several Interesting Facts from the life of Liber Kpadonu, the biography of the girl will be revealed to us in this article.

Mystery No. 1 - the love story of Gilbert and Hope

Father Liber - Addah Gilbert Kpadonu - candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, mother Nadezhda Evgenievna - Russian, lawyer by profession. Libi repeatedly told reporters that her father's family had three sisters and he had only four children, which is very few for Africa. Grandfather Libi, Gilbert's father, educated all his children. At first, Gilbert studied in France, then, upon arrival in St. Petersburg, he entered the Mining University. Mom Liber Nadezhda Evgenievna comes from the city of Oktyabrsky. My father came there for practice, where the young people met, and the story is as follows. Dad, in broken Russian mixed with French, asked mom how to get to the cinema, Nadezhda saw him off. It was love at first sight - the very next day, Gilbert proposed to Nadezhda, the future spouses eventually left for Leningrad. How many rumors and gossip there were in Oktyabrsky - and do not count! Still - an African took the girl away ... It was an Event for a provincial town thirty years ago. To be honest, the marriage was not approved by either the groom or the bride. But then a daughter was born - Liber Kpadonu, whose biography from the very beginning was already doomed to interesting, exciting pages, and it was the birth of a child in the family that marked the beginning of the reconciliation of the parents of husband and wife. The grannies couldn’t stop looking at their granddaughter, Gilbert’s mother said with emotion: “Oh, how fair she is!”.

Mystery #2 - Failed Athlete

The biography will also tell about the character of Liber Kpadon: the girl's year of birth - 1987 - passed under the element of the Fire Rabbit. Fire is what burns inside the sultry mulatto, and this can be seen from her behavior, communication with people, and her hobbies. Therefore, it is not surprising that she grew very athletic child, was the champion of St. Petersburg in athletics, and she was predicted to have a career in sports. But the family moved to Ufa when Libi was 14, and although the coaches asked her to leave, her parents were adamant. Libi did not like Ufa after Peter. And although she did not have to experience any particular difficulties in adapting to new school- her exotic appearance everywhere and always aroused interest - she hardly mastered and Bashkir language, and a new setting. But she is a strong, athletic girl, she could well fight back, so the guys didn’t climb on her, and everything eventually fell into place.

Adaptation did not take place at the new school Liber Kpadonu - the girl's biography keeps a funny incident that Libi likes to remember. On her first day at school, when she had to say the phrase "my name is Liber" in the Bashkir language, the boys suggested the right words to her. The phrase, of course, turned out to be abusive ...

Mystery number 3 - dancing in nightclubs

In 2009, Libi entered the Moscow State University Culture for the specialty "Organization of cultural events".

But in addition to positive moments, Liber Kpadonu's biography is also full of piquancy. The height, weight (170 cm and 50 kg) and the external data of the girl: exotic appearance, artistry and flexibility - contributed to the conquest of nightclubs, the work of a dancer in which brought good material wealth. The fact is that her work as a dancer was a certain form of protest - she really did not like it in Ufa, and she really did not want to interrupt her beginning sports career in St. Petersburg. And she showed independence. At the age of 16 she went to work as a dancer in one of the clubs, later combined this activity with her studies at the university. Upon learning of his daughter's work, the father was horrified. He gave her an ultimatum and said - live on your own, if your parents' word is not a decree, and you don't need your father's house. Libi accepted her father's challenge...

But this cannot go on forever, is it possible to respect yourself by dancing "go-go"? Perhaps it is precisely because of disrespect and dislike for herself that the beauty does not develop relationships with young people. Liber Kpadonu, whose biography is not a secret for the inhabitants of the Internet, is a very spectacular girl, but ... Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy. She says that the reason for her failures on the love front is her appearance - none of the potential mothers-in-law wants to have an African daughter-in-law. But in vain - because this race is famous for very talented and hardy people.

Secret number 4 - relationships with men

She loves to play computer games, although this can hardly be called her hobby. September 20, 2011 Libi, after futile attempts to find and build relationships with men, came to the television project "Dom-2" to Relations with him did not work out. Gleb offered sex. Right away and, as they say, "on the forehead."

But Libi, like any girl, wanted romance, relationships, foreplay, development. It immediately became clear that Gleb was not her prince. Evgeny Rudnev were among her lovers. Without going beyond the TV project, she married the latter, but the project remained, and the marriage broke up. The young people did not live together for long - they did not get along in character. And not only. Eugene was mired in financial problems, and Libi did her best to help him get out of trouble. And financial issues often became a stumbling block in a young family. Whatever you say, sooner or later Liber Kpadonu's biography should be replenished with marriage. Family and children are in the first place among Africans - this was said by both Libi herself and her father.

Secret number 5 - about children

Today, Liber does not smoke (quit), does not abuse alcohol (although she often indulged in strong drinks before). Liber is free and ready for a new relationship and a family. But she has pain ... Female, intimate ... She had ectopic pregnancy, so she says that when planning a child, you may have to resort to artificial insemination to eliminate the risk of miscarriage. Maybe this is the reason for her failures in relationships with men - she cannot get pregnant. We wish Liber Kpadonu's biography to be filled with health and sonorous children's laughter as soon as possible - the age is already the most suitable. At about 30 years old, a woman begins to clearly understand and realize what she needs in life, what mistakes to avoid when raising children.

Secrets of "House-2"

There was so much here... Libi came here twice! She even won the Person of the Year award. I sold the car (the prize), and donated part of the money to charity. She has kind heart and a sober mind. And how many intrigues, spoiled relationships, tears and joy were played here ... But she does not like to lie to herself. And so she left the Dom-2 project due to the inability to combine her plans outside the perimeter with participation in a TV show. Well, right! "Show mast go he", but it's not real life, and her blind. We must go through life, and not in her image, and Libi, free from marriage and obligations, decides to leave the TV project for free swimming. Right! Perhaps the reason for leaving was a young man. But Kpadonu prefers not to talk about it, perhaps she does not want to jinx her happiness, for which she hopes and waits so much!


What does the biography tell us about the character of Liber Kpadonu? Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius, she is an incorrigible romantic, frisky, artistic, kind, open, cheerful girl. Extrovert. She will defend her point of view to the last. She won't let anyone break her. And, for example, while on the Dom-2 project, she more than once took an active part in skirmishes and fights.

Perhaps her combative nature scares men away? Although, again, depending on what kind of man she needs, perhaps a quiet home boy will be to her liking, because someone is in charge, and someone is always a follower.

Career Secrets

Libi "lit up" in the cinema - she starred with Dmitry Dyuzhev in the film "The Leader of the Diverse." She loves to sing and dance, she says that singing is her life, air and water. In terms of a film career, she plans to turn around, but what exactly is still a secret, Libi remains intriguing.

She loves gold, she has a lot of jewelry, and the business that she ran on the Dom-2 project (and perhaps still does) is the sale of jewelry. She says it's features African traditions- to have a woman a lot of gold. And Libi with pleasure jewelry wears and collects, accepting gifts.

By the way, the jewelry business is a family affair: the parents of Liber Kpadonu, whose biography has so far been completed in our story, are involved in the business process. They are constantly expanding their product range (there are jewelry for both wealthy customers and people with average incomes). "Dom-2" made a good advertisement for their business. Well - we wish good luck and prosperity to the Kpadonu family!

The reality TV star managed to appreciate the man who supported her. Liber Kpadonu enjoys a candy-bouquet period and prefers not to think about what this relationship holds tomorrow. According to the girl's entourage, she is not going to get married.

Joseph courted Libi when she was still paired with Rudnev

The divorce of Liber and Evgeny Rudnev has become one of the most scandalous on the project. They got married on December 12, 2014, and six months later they decided to leave. Family life did not work out because of her husband's betrayals and constant quarrels, which reached the point of assault.

“I am ashamed that I did not see a monster in Zhenya and allowed him to enter my family, introduced me to my parents,” recalls 28-year-old Liber.

A month after the divorce, she left the project. Behind the perimeter of the TV set was waiting for her close friend, former member"House-2" Joseph Mungolle. He was always there in difficult times, supported Libi - for example, when he saw Yevgeny Rudnev yelling at his wife and hitting her on the air, he tried more than once to challenge the opponent beyond the perimeter to a “duel”.

“He wanted to meet Zhenya in person and punch him in the face,” Lieberg says. “But I stopped, I didn’t want to bring the situation to such baseness ...”

Liber and Eugene got married on December 12, 2014, after a year of relationship
// Photo: Sergey Milansky

Mungolle's finest hour came when Kpadonu became free. “Libi was depressed,” recalls Katya, a close friend of the girl. Joseph did everything for her comfort. He rented an apartment for her in Moscow, made surprises - he would bring flowers, then he would give perfume ... He often came to Libi to cook something tasty for her - meat with beans in spicy sauce, a cake. Over time, she got used to it and could no longer imagine life without him.

Liber Kpadonu spoke frankly about life after “House-2”

Due to an unsuccessful marriage, Kpadonu is not yet ready to go down the aisle again
// Photo: TNT channel

But for a long time she did not reciprocate, she saw in him only a best friend. “We all teased her, they say, why are you lost? Katya continues. - The guy is handsome, noble, does not have a soul in you, besides, he is not poor - co-owner of karaoke in the center of the capital, works as a fitness trainer. And she heard us: on June 5, the whole company went to a friend's birthday, celebrated on a yacht. It was fun - we swam, danced. And suddenly I look - Libi and Jozik are kissing! Since then they have been together. Now they have a candy-bouquet period, there is no talk of living together yet. Liber is afraid of a serious relationship. And this is not surprising - after such an experience ... Now you can’t drive her down the aisle, so for now, she and Jozik enjoy the romance and don’t think about the future.

The biography of Liber Kpadonu is of great interest to fans of the Dom-2 television project, because the exotic mulatto conquered the whole country with her appearance and vocals. Kpadonu became one of the brightest participants in the reality show and was remembered by the audience as a reasonable and self-confident girl who is not afraid of difficulties.

Childhood and youth

Addah Gilbert Kpadonu came to practice in the town of Oktyabrsky. The African guy first studied in France, and then moved to St. Petersburg to enter the Mining University.

Gilbert saw his chosen one by chance: Nadezhda was a passer-by stranger, in whom a young man in broken Russian asked how to get to the cinema. The girl saw off an interesting companion, and since then they never parted again: the very next day after they met, Kpadonu made an offer to a white-skinned beauty. It was love at first sight. /p>

The parents of the newlyweds were initially against such an alliance, but the girl Liber, who appeared on December 17, 1987, forced both sides to try on.

The daughter grew up in an educated and intelligent family, her father is a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, and her mother is a lawyer by education.

Young Liber studied at school with diligence, and was also fond of sports: she went in for athletics and was even a champion in her hometown. Coach Lieberg prophesied her a sports career, but when Kpadon was 14 years old, the family moved to Ufa. In a new city future star I didn’t like the TV project, and at school they didn’t want to communicate with a new student who had an unusual exotic appearance.

Nobody offended Liber, since the athlete could calmly give back to the hooligan. But they often made fun of the mulatto because she did not know the Bashkir language. One day, her classmates suggested a curse word to her instead of the right word, and Kpadonu pronounced it in front of the whole class. The girl considers this case funny, so she remembers school years with a smile.

Liber earned her first money in her youth. When the long-legged mulatto beauty was 16 years old, the art director of a nightclub noticed her and offered the young girl to work as a dancer. Despite his father's prohibitions, Kpadonu agrees and starts a career as a dancer.

After graduating from school, the mulatto moves to the capital and enters a Moscow university as an organizer of cultural events - Liber is a very creative person.

She managed to study at the university, and worked as a go-go dancer, and also sang songs. They say that Kpadona was even invited to a cameo role in the film. Also, a young university student manages to surprise her friends with gourmet dishes - Liber is seriously engaged in the development of her culinary skills.

"House 2"

Coming to the reality show "love TV show", Liber Kpadonu set a clear goal - to find her chosen one. Liber did not manage to find love outside the perimeter because of her exotic appearance. When the parents of her gentlemen found out that their sons were dating a mulatto, there was no question of marriage. And Liber, like any girl, dreamed of a cozy family life.

Liber Kpadonu without makeup on the project "Dom-2"

Having come to the project on September 20, 2011, Liber expressed her sympathy for the extravagant guy Gleb Klubnichka. But the beauty did not have a relationship with a young man. Despite this, Liber did not despair of finding her chosen one within the walls of "House-2".

The second choice of Kpadon was Antti Kurhinen. But even with this young man it was not possible to build love, since the participants of the execution place came to the conclusion that the newly made couple was a fictitious one, and sent Antti out of the gate.

The next guy who liked the African beauty was. Initially, the young man came to Ekaterina Tokareva, but Liber managed to impress Vanya. Their relationship was short-lived and was accompanied by either happy emotions or conflict situations. The guy did not like the girl's bad habits: she loved to smoke, and the participants of the show accused her of alcoholism.

Vanya and Liber left the gate together. But after six months of living together, the young people separated, and in the spring of 2013, Kpadonu returned to the show again.

The divorced Yevgeny Rudnev became the new chosen one of Liber. Initially, the participants of the show reproached the lovers for being a fictitious couple, but the young people decided to refute these rumors and got married, although the marriage of the newlyweds lasted only six months.

After the project

Liber is a purposeful and self-confident girl. Outside the project, Liber keeps dance school, and also owns the Libere jewelry store.

Kpadonu does not communicate with all people, according to the girl, already at the moment of meeting she feels the energy of the interlocutor. Liber appreciates in men kindness, love for children and animals (Kpadonu loves dogs), and most importantly, purposefulness and intelligence. According to the ex-participant of the project, she appreciates in the chosen one not even the presence of a diploma, but worldly wisdom.

Like other members of "House-2", Kpadonu has both fans and ill-wishers. But to the negative comments under the photo in Instagram the girl treats with humor: Liber is a perky and cheerful person who loves to laugh. &

It is known that Liber is fond of computer games, for example, in one of the episodes of the show, you can see how a mulatto plays Dota2.

Has Liber parted ways with her bad habits after the project, the fan is left to guess. Moreover, some viewers of the show are sure that Kpadonu's alcoholism is an invention of the project's producers to increase ratings.

Liber Kpadonu now

In 2017, Liber Kpadonu continues to appear on Dom-2, but only as an invited guest. On this moment she is not married.

The sultry brunette radically changed her image and said goodbye to long hair, making a haircut under the caret.

In 2016, Liber Kpadonu recorded new song"Rain Lines" The girl actively develops her vocals and sings in the classroom under the guidance of Eteri Beriashvili, a participant in the Voice TV project.

Rumor has it that the participant of the TV project had to close the jewelry store for an unknown reason. Some sources are sure that the Liber business closed due to bankruptcy. According to breaking news, Kpadonu decided to put her energy into another business idea: ex-member scandalous show became the owner of a laser hair removal and tattoo removal salon, which she willingly talks about in social networks.