How to cook delicious jelly. Pork leg jelly

is coming New Year! The old one will end, we will spend it as it should be, and we will meet the new one as it will. Traditionally, we will lay a rich table with different delicious meals and even more delicious drinks.

Traditionally ... What is traditional with us, then? BUT?

As my good friend says, from snacks on the table in new year's eve there should be Olivier, and jelly under. And everything else is pampering and an inappropriate tribute to someone else's fashion.

To be honest, I don’t remember New Year’s and Christmas meetings without jelly. It's blasphemy or something.
We call jelly "cold", rarely when "jelly". In Russia, especially in the western regions, in the Urals - "jelly". Or simply " ". For a long time I tried to understand the difference between jelly and jelly. They say it's the same. Maybe. But our jellied meat is prepared from a piglet. Or from pork legs, shins. Rarely, beef hooves or drumsticks are added. And, judging by the collections of recipes, jelly is usually made from beef: hooves, drumsticks, head.

The age-old question when cooking jelly is “will it freeze or not”, since adding gelatin is a sign of bad taste.

Jokes-jokes, freezes always. Even if there is no beef component. And how can a jelly from pork legs not freeze if a spoon floats calmly in a boiling brew?

The process of preparing high-quality jelly is very laborious and lengthy, especially if it is jelly from pork legs. How to cook jelly? I will answer - for a long time.

Recipe for excellent jelly


  • Pork legs 2 pcs
  • Pork shank 1 pc
  • Beef 1-1.2 kg
  • Carrot 1 pc
  • Parsley root 1 pc
  • Bulb 1 pc
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Black peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf, salt taste
  1. Given that the family loves a lot of meat in jelly, pork jelly is not particularly welcome at home. You have to add veal.
  2. We have never added chicken to jelly, and poultry in general.
  3. Historically, in our country, transparent jelly is considered not particularly honorable.
  4. It is better to buy meat at the market. There it is guaranteed not to freeze.

    Pork legs, shank and beef

  5. Thoroughly clean the legs, shins from the bristles, if necessary, tar over an open fire. Clean and rinse.
  6. Cut the pork legs in half lengthwise with a knife, and again in half at the joint. It is not worth chopping with an ax, there will be many small bones.
  7. Cut the drumstick into several parts, the large central bone can be left whole, not chopped.
  8. Cut the brisket into several pieces.
  9. Strictly speaking, the size of the pieces of meat for jelly is unprincipled.
  10. All meat must be washed and soaked in cold water, at least 2-3 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight in a cold place. The second option is preferable, because the jellied meat takes a long time to prepare, and it is better to start in the morning.

    All meat must be cut, washed and soaked in cold water.

  11. In the morning, rinse the meat again, put it in a saucepan or cauldron, pour cold water over it. Water should be 5-7 cm above the level of the meat.
  12. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil.

    Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil

  13. It is important not to miss the moment of boiling. There will be a lot of foam. It must be removed. Use a spoon to collect all the foam that continuously forms. After 5-10 minutes, foaming will stop completely. From now on, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the fire to the very minimum. The liquid in the pan should not even boil, but “move” a little. Under no circumstances should it be boiled violently. Only a slight boil.
  14. Leave the meat to boil for 4-5 hours. However, sometimes you can mix. Do not add water to the pot! Even if it partially boils away.

    Boil jellied meat for a long time on low heat

  15. After 4-5 hours, add peas of black and allspice, bay leaf, 1 tsp to the pan. rock salt and washed unpeeled onions, carrots, parsley roots and celery.

    Vegetables for broth and garlic

  16. If the liquid has boiled away, you will have to add boiling water from the kettle. Although this is not good, but the liquid is needed.

    Add onion, roots and spices

  17. Cover the pan with a lid and cook, at a low boil, for another 1-1.5 hours.

    Cooked broth for jelly - cools down

  18. Remove saucepan from heat. Pick out all the meat with a slotted spoon. Divide the meat on plates and let cool. Throw away onions, carrots, roots, although carrots can be left for decoration.

    Pick out all the meat with a slotted spoon

  19. Small digression. Many people prefer completely transparent jelly. To do this, the broth must be clarified. How? Look for yourself, they say that egg white works well. I won’t say that I got it as transparent as glass, let’s say it is the transparency of amber. And no lighting.
  20. Salt the broth to taste and a little more. It should seem a little salty, literally just a little bit. Pepper with black pepper and add minced garlic. Stir the broth, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes
  21. Next, the broth must be filtered. It is better to do this through a naturally clean cloth. The fabric will filter out small bones, peppercorns, garlic, bay leaf. All this in the cold is superfluous. Leave the broth to cool. After 10-15 minutes, remove excess fat from the surface of the broth. You can just pick it up with a spoon.

    It is necessary to remove fat from the surface of the broth

  22. Or maybe a napkin. An ordinary paper napkin thrown on the surface of the broth is covered with a film of fat, removed and thrown away. If you repeat this several times, you can almost completely clean the surface of the fatty film. Yes, by the way, leave a little fat, then the surface of the finished jelly will be with “frost”.
  23. You can do a test that will give an answer to the question "will it freeze or not." Drop some broth on your index and thumb hands, and make sure that the fingers stick together well. If they don’t stick together, then you cooked aspic from bouillon cubes.
  24. Sort the cooled meat with your hands, separating and discarding all the bones. This is important because the bone can easily break a tooth. The meat can be cut into small pieces, can be divided into fibers, can be used as is, in pieces.
  25. Prepare several deep bowls or molds for jellied meat. It is very convenient to use large enameled rectangular containers, like a trough, or deep soup plates.
  26. At the bottom of each plate, you can put parsley, a piece of hard-boiled egg, carrots extracted from the broth.

In order to prepare a transparent jelly, you must remember
several simple rules, adhering to which it will be possible to easily create this culinary masterpiece.

Rule 1

The choice of the main ingredient is meat.
You can cook jelly from any meat (chicken, pork,
beef, pork legs, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right
main product.

Buying such an important component in aspic as meat is best on
market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen.
Pork legs, which are the key to solidifying the dish, must be well cleaned of bristles, and, if necessary, burned on fire, then rinsed. You can add any meat of your choice.

Will it be chicken, beef or all the same pork jelly - the hostess decides, but pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends with hooves) is a must, then no gelatin is needed.

If the meat is with a skin, then this will also play good role in
freezing of jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jelly does not play a big role.

The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, and large and
leave the central bone intact. To avoid small
bones, pork legs need to be cut in half lengthwise, and then again
in half along the joint.

But, oddly enough, you can not overdo it with meat. Necessary
observe certain proportions, otherwise there is a risk that
the dish still does not freeze: for several pork legs weighing
approximately 700 grams can be taken no more than one and a half kilos
other meat components.

Rule 2

Meat must be soaked before cooking. This procedure is necessary for
in order to remove the remains of clotted blood from the meat. Besides
the skin after soaking will be much softer and more tender.

Taking a pan and placing meat ingredients in it, you need to completely soak them in cold water, and leave for several hours (or better all night). In the morning, the meat can be washed again, carefully scrape the pork legs to remove the smoked places.

Just peel the skin on the rest of the meat components. A small "vegetable" knife is suitable for this task like nothing else. Then you can put the meat in a cauldron and start cooking.

Rule 3

The first water must be drained! The belief of some housewives that
that descaling with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems - not entirely correct.

It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, because with it
all excess fat and other unwanted components will be removed.
Moreover, the appearance of such a jelly will be much more attractive, its calorie content will noticeably decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant.

Ideally, you can also drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent, like a baby's tear.

After draining the broth, it is necessary to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water, which will remove small adherent remnants of coagulated protein. After that, you can put the meat back for the final cooking.

The amount of water should be above the level of the meat by about 2 centimeters. If the amount of water is more, then it will not boil away as expected. Therefore, the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which will also not have a very favorable effect on the final result.

It should also be taken into account that in order for the jelly to turn out transparent, the contents of the cauldron should not be allowed to boil. You need to cook the jelly over low heat, for about 6 hours, and then the result will exceed all expectations.

Rule 4

Spices and seasonings also have their turn.
After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, a whole onion and carrot can be added to the broth. If you do this earlier, then all the "charms" from adding these ingredients will evaporate along with the boiled water.

Salt in aspic also needs to be added after 4-5 hours, because in the process
boiling water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is
the likelihood of simply oversalting the dish.

It is better to add allspice, lavrushka and other spices to taste thirty minutes before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even the most scrupulous critics.

Rule 5

How long does it take to cook jelly.

Pork jelly (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;

Jellied chicken 3-4 hours;

Beef jelly 7-8 hours.

But the best thing is to cook jelly from assorted meat, then it will turn out
more tasty and rich.

Rule 6

Bones are removed by hand, not a meat grinder.

After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from
pots. It is most convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. The broth must be filtered through a colander, and preferably through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot, peppercorns and bay leaf.

Slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted out with your hands, separating it from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife).

It is better to cut meat by hand, and not with a meat grinder, as this will be a guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to break teeth, will not fall into the plate of any of the guests.

It is better not to throw away skins and cartilage, because they will give the jelly a fortress.

At the bottom of the plate, in which the aspic will solidify, you can put greens or cut out various figures from carrots - this will be a wonderful decoration for such an interesting dish. After that, having decomposed the meat mass into the prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

Rule 7

The right temperature is the key to success. The best place for
solidification of jelly is not a window sill and not even a cold balcony.
The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf

After all, if the jelly is not cold enough, then it will not freeze, and if,
on the contrary, it will freeze, then it will lose all its wonderful taste
quality. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

Rule 8

If the jelly is not frozen (jelly with gelatin).

If the jelly has not frozen, you should not worry. The dish can be easily salvaged by pouring it back into a clean pot and simmering for a few minutes. Next, you need to dilute the gelatin in a separate bowl according to the instructions on the package (the dosage should be seen there).

Pour the gelatin into the jellied meat and mix well, pour into plates. After such a procedure, the jelly will harden for sure, there is no doubt.

jelly recipe

To prepare a delicious jelly, you will need the following products:

Pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram;

0.5 kg of pork;

One bulb;

2-3 bay leaves;

5-6 peas of allspice;

2-4 cloves of garlic;

2.5 liters of water;

Cold preparation:

1. Prepare the meat: rinse and pour water, soak for a couple of hours.
After that, clean the shank well and cut it into two parts.

2. Pour cold water into a saucepan and place all the meat in it.

3. After boiling, drain the first broth and add 2.5 liters to the meat
cold water.

4. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat as much as possible (so that the broth barely
boiled). Cook jellied meat for 5 hours.

6. Remove the meat from the pan, and put garlic crushed with a knife blade into the broth.

7. Divide the meat into small pieces. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or clean cloth.

8. Put the meat into the jellied molds and pour in the broth. Allow to harden (preferably in the refrigerator on the middle shelf).

9. Serve jelly, pre-garnished with herbs, with mustard or

Blitz tips for cooking jelly

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate some basic tips that will help you properly, and most importantly, tasty, cook jelly.
1. Meat must be fresh.

2. In order for the jelly to freeze better, it is better to take pork knuckle or animal legs for cooking.

3. To make the jelly taste good, the meat must first
soak in cold water.

4. It is better to drain the first broth.

5. Spices and seasonings should be put shortly before the end of cooking
jelly to keep their flavor.

6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand.

7. The jelly should solidify at the right temperature - at medium
refrigerator shelf.

8. If the jelly is not frozen, you can simply add gelatin, after boiling the jelly.

9. Do not add too much water, as the jelly may not
freeze. Too little water is also not the best option.

10. You need to salt the jelly at the end of cooking, so as not to oversalt the dish.

That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. All you need is
carefully choose the meat, and carefully consider its cooking, and then
jelly is doomed to success!

We wish you bon appetit!

How to cook delicious aspic- the basic rules for making good jelly. In order to prepare a transparent jelly, you need to remember a few simple rules, following which you can easily create this culinary masterpiece.

Rule 1. The choice of the main ingredient - meat. You can cook jelly from any meat (chicken, pork, beef, pork legs, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right main product.

It is best to buy such an important component in aspic as meat on the market, because there it was guaranteed not to be frozen. Pork legs, which are the key to solidifying the dish, must be well cleaned of bristles, and, if necessary, burned on fire, then rinsed. You can add any meat of your choice. Will it be chicken, beef or all the same pork jelly - the hostess decides, but pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends with hooves) is a must, then no gelatin is needed. If the meat is with a skin, then this will also play a good role in the solidification of the jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jelly does not play a big role. The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several pieces, and the large and central bone can be left whole. In order to avoid small bones, pork legs must be cut in half lengthwise, and then again in half along the joint.

But, oddly enough, you can not overdo it with meat. Certain proportions must be observed, otherwise there is a risk that the dish will still not freeze: for several pork legs weighing approximately 700 grams, you can take no more than one and a half kilos of the rest of the meat components.

Rule 2. Meat must be soaked before cooking. This procedure is necessary in order to remove the remains of clotted blood from the meat. In addition, the skin after soaking will be much softer and more tender. Taking a pan and placing meat ingredients in it, you need to completely soak them in cold water, and leave for several hours (or better all night). In the morning, the meat can be washed again, carefully scrape the pork legs to remove the smoked places. Just peel the skin on the rest of the meat components. A small "vegetable" knife is suitable for this task like nothing else. Then you can put the meat in a cauldron and start cooking.

Rule 3. The first water must be drained! The belief of some housewives that descaling with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems is not entirely correct. It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, since all excess fat and other undesirable components will be removed with it. Moreover, the appearance of such a jelly will be much more attractive, its calorie content will noticeably decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant. Ideally, you can also drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent, like a baby's tear. After draining the broth, it is necessary to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water, which will remove small adherent remnants of coagulated protein. After that, you can put the meat back for the final cooking. The amount of water should be above the level of the meat by about 2 centimeters. If the amount of water is more, then it will not boil away as expected. Therefore, the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which will also not have a very favorable effect on the final result.

It should also be taken into account that in order for the jelly to turn out transparent, the contents of the cauldron should not be allowed to boil. You need to cook the jelly over low heat, for about 6 hours, and then the result will exceed all expectations.

Rule 4. Spices and seasonings also have their turn After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, a whole onion and carrot can be added to the broth. If you do this earlier, then all the "charms" from adding these ingredients will evaporate along with the boiled water.

Salt should also be added to the jelly after 4-5 hours, because in the process of boiling the water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is a chance of simply oversalting the dish.

It is better to add allspice, lavrushka and other spices to taste thirty minutes before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even the most scrupulous critics.

Rule 5

  • - pork jelly (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;
  • - jelly chicken 3-4 hours;
  • - jelly beef 7-8 hours.

But the best thing is to cook jelly from assorted meat, then it will turn out to be more tasty and rich.

Rule 6. The bones are removed by hand, not by a meat grinder. After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from the pan. It is most convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. The broth must be filtered through a colander, and preferably through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot, peppercorns and bay leaf.

Slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted out with your hands, separating it from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife). It is better to cut meat by hand, and not with a meat grinder, as this will be a guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to break teeth, will not fall into the plate of any of the guests. It is better not to throw away skins and cartilage, because they will give the jelly a fortress. At the bottom of the plate, in which the aspic will solidify, you can put greens or cut out various figures from carrots - this will be a wonderful decoration for such an interesting dish. After that, having decomposed the meat mass into the prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

Rule 7. The right temperature is the key to success. The best place to freeze aspic is not a window sill or even a cold balcony. The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. After all, if the jelly is not cold enough, then it will not freeze, and if, on the contrary, it freezes, it will lose all its excellent taste. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

Rule 8. If the jelly is not frozen (jelly with gelatin) If the jelly is not frozen, you should not worry. The dish can be easily salvaged by pouring it back into a clean pot and simmering for a few minutes. Next, you need to dilute the gelatin in a separate bowl according to the instructions on the package (the dosage should be seen there). Pour the gelatin into the jellied meat and mix well, pour into plates. After such a procedure, the jelly will harden for sure, there is no doubt.

jelly recipe

To prepare a delicious jelly, you will need the following products:

How to cook delicious jelly from pork legs and chicken - a recipe with a photo step by step

My mom always cooks this recipe. The jelly is very tender and tasty due to chicken meat. To solidify aspic without gelatin, take pork legs, they will give viscosity and stickiness to the broth.


  • Pork legs - 1 kg
  • Chicken carcass - 1 pc
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Peppercorns - 10 peas
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 leaves

First you need to soak the meat overnight in order to remove the blood from the meat. You can't skip this step if you don't want a cloudy broth. After soaking, rinse the meat well under running water. Scrape the pork legs with a knife, if necessary.

Cut the chicken into three parts and put together with the pork legs in a saucepan. Pour water no higher than 3-4 cm from the meat and put on the stove.

For the transparency of the broth, at the first boil, you need to drain the water, rinse the meat and pour new water.

Important! It is better to collect the foam before the broth boils.

As soon as the water in the pot begins to boil, reduce the heat on the stove, without letting the broth gurgle - boil away. Cook the meat with the lid slightly open to avoid excessive water evaporation. Do not forget to remove excess fat along with the foam - this will also affect the quality of the broth during solidification.

After 3 hours of cooking meat, add vegetables - onions and carrots.

The jellied meat will be boiled for 5-6 hours at a low heating temperature of the plate. Half an hour before readiness, add garlic cloves, bay leaf and peppercorns.

To check the readiness of the broth to solidify, scoop the broth into a spoon and put it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. If during this time the broth in the spoon becomes jelly, then the broth is boiled.

Remove meat and vegetables from the pot and set aside to cool.

While the meat is cooling, strain the broth through a sieve. Instead of a sieve, you can use gauze folded into several parts. In the strained broth, add chopped garlic to taste, about 3-4 cloves.

The meat has cooled down, separate it from the bones and cut into small pieces. It is even better to disassemble it with your hands into fibers, so you will avoid getting small bones into the jelly.

Take the forms in which the jelly will solidify, lay out the meat and pour the broth.

Remember! For perfect solidification of jelly, there should be two parts of meat and one part of broth.

Close the molds with lids or cling film, and put them in a cold place to harden.

When the jellied meat has hardened so that it can be easily pulled out of the mold, lower the mold with jellied meat into a container of warm water, 3 minutes will be enough, then gently go around the edges with a silicone spatula and turn the mold over onto a dish.

Delicious jelly is ready. Serve aspic with horseradish or mustard. Enjoy your meal!

Jellied pork legs, shank and beef - a recipe with a step by step description

The coming year is the year of man's friend, the Dog. And this means that on festive table must have meat dishes. The jelly will come in handy on the table. And how to cook it correctly and tasty I will tell below. The main thing here is not in a hurry, aspic does not tolerate haste.


  • Pork legs - 2 pcs
  • Pork shank - 1 pc.
  • Beef - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Peppercorns - 10 peas
  • Allspice black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Meat for jelly is better to use fresh, not frozen, for this it is best to buy meat on the market. Before cooking, the meat must be soaked for 3-4 hours, even better overnight. Since jelly takes a long time, start cooking in the morning.

Pig feet need to be cleaned and washed. Cut the legs in half at the joint with a knife. Cut the drumstick and brisket into several pieces. The size of the pieces does not matter, the main thing is that the meat fits in a cauldron or a deep pan.

Rinse the meat again and put it in a cauldron or pan, fill it with water and put it on the stove. Foam will form during the first 10 minutes of cooking, it must be removed. Drain the first broth after boiling, pour cold water 5-7 cm above the meat level and put the pan on the stove. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heating temperature to a minimum, close the lid and leave to cook. You can stir if desired.

In no case do not add water to the pot with meat while cooking.

After 5 hours, add to the cauldron or pan to the meat, onion straight in the skin for a golden color of the broth, carrots, black peppercorns. Salt the broth, I advise you to salt it a little, when everything is ready it will turn out just right. Cover with a lid and leave to cook for another 1.5 hours.

When the meat is cooked, it should easily separate from the bone, remove it from the broth to a plate and set aside to cool. The broth must be filtered using a sieve or gauze folded into several parts, you can also use a clean cloth. Then add finely chopped garlic to the broth.

Separate the meat from the bones and divide it into fibers with your hands, so small pieces of bones do not get into the jelly. Put in a form where the jelly will solidify. Pour the strained and cooled broth into the mold. Cover the mold with a lid or stretch film and refrigerate for 6 hours to harden. Any form for jelly is suitable for you or there may be several.

Such a jelly can be decorated with garlic cut into slices, halves of a boiled egg, green peas, boiled carrots and fresh parsley leaves. What is not a dish for the holiday. Eat with pleasure!

Cooking jelly from pork legs and chicken in a slow cooker

Cooking in a slow cooker is a pleasure, it makes life very easy, I tell you. There are no difficulties at all, the main thing is to choose the right mode and, if provided in the settings of your model, set the cooking time. Personally, I increasingly began to turn to this miracle technique for help. So, we will cook jelly from pork legs and chicken. There is no significant difference in cooking on the stove or in a slow cooker, but since we decided to make our work easier, let's get started.

List of required products:

  • Pork legs - 2 pcs
  • Pork (pulp or entrecote can be used) - 500 g
  • Chicken legs - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Seasonings - salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste

Meat before cooking aspic should always be soaked in cold water and the longer the better. You can soak overnight and start cooking in the morning. I will not write about the fact that pork legs need to be thoroughly cleaned, scraped, you already know this.

The meat was soaked, washed, now we put everything in a saucepan in a slow cooker. Immediately add vegetables - onions, carrots, black peppercorns and salt. I salt by eye, if the broth is undersalted in the end, it’s not scary, we’ll salt it at the end. Pour water into the multicooker saucepan to the maximum allowed mark, I have 3.5 liters.

And now the most interesting thing, close the lid, set the "Extinguishing" mode, set the time to 5-6 hours and wait for the magic signal of readiness. You can also put meat and vegetables on jelly to cook at night, in the morning the multicooker will wait in the heating mode. Very comfortably!

So, we take out meat and vegetables from the broth, the broth must be filtered and, if necessary, salted. Grind the meat into small pieces and immediately add chopped garlic here. We spread it in a mold and I advise you to sprinkle fresh finely chopped herbs on top of the meat with garlic. Fill with broth, close and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Such jelly can be served with sauce: rub horseradish and garlic on a fine grater, mix with finely chopped greens and pour sour cream. A minimum of effort, a lot of free time for other things. Ideal if you have a celebration and need to prepare a few more dishes. Delicious and easy!

How to cook jelly from pork legs in a pressure cooker

Very easy video recipe

Recipe for jellied pork legs and turkey

Turkey is a dietary meat. If you are watching your weight, this recipe is for you. The principle of cooking jelly from pork legs and turkey does not differ from classic recipes. Now I will tell you how to cook this dish deliciously.


  • Pork legs - 2 pcs
  • Turkey drumstick - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Black peppercorns - 8 peas
  • Salt - to taste

Peel the pork legs and soak for 4 hours in cold water. Rinse the turkey drumstick and put it in a saucepan along with the soaked pork legs, pour the meat with water. Put the pan on the fire and wait for the first boil. I advise you to drain the first broth so that the excess fat content is gone and the broth turns out to be transparent when solidified. Rinse the meat and the pan, pour in cold water and put back on the fire.

Do not forget to remove the resulting foam, if this is not done, it will settle in the pan in flakes, which will then affect the quality of the broth.

Once the water boils, reduce the heat on the stove. For a high-quality rich broth, boiling is not necessary, the water should, as it were, “move”. Cook the meat for 5 hours and add vegetables: onions, carrots. Half an hour later, as vegetables were added to the broth, salt and add black peppercorns, cook for another half hour.

Remove meat and vegetables from broth and let cool. The broth must be filtered and garlic passed through a press is added to it. Divide the meat into fibers and put in a mold or container where the jelly will solidify, pour the broth with garlic on top.

A traditional dish is jelly, maybe from different types meat. With the addition of turkey, jelly will turn out tender and dietary. I'm sure even kids will love this recipe.

How to cook jelly from pork legs and ears

Jelly from these offal is very useful for the joints. It tastes like compressed meat. Cooking is simple and such jelly freezes with a bang.


  • Pork legs - 2 pcs
  • Pig ears - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Seasonings - black peppercorns, dried basil, bay leaf, salt - to taste

Do not forget the main rule - meat for jelly should always be soaked for high-quality broth. Clean the ears especially in hard to reach places and legs. Now put the pork legs on the bottom of the pan, and the ears on top, they are embossed, so try to put them as compactly as possible and fill with water. There should not be too much water, 4-5 cm above the contents of the pan. And put it on the stove.

After the first boil, drain the broth, rinse the legs and ears. Fill with cold water again and place on the stove. When boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, boiling is the enemy for the jelly, so the broth will evaporate, which we do not need. Remove the foam immediately when it appears, you can’t pull it here, everything will go to the bottom and you will get a cloudy broth.

You need to cook such a jelly for 4-5 hours. An hour before cooking, add onions and seasonings. Salt is best at the end of cooking.

Separate the legs from the bones and cut the meat into pieces, the ears can be folded into molds as a whole or also chopped if desired. Mix the strained broth through a sieve or gauze with garlic, you can not grind it much, cut it into thin slices and fill the ears with meat.

Cover the mold and put it on the middle shelf in the refrigerator to set.

Here we have such a delicacy. Garnish the frozen aspic with parsley leaves. Jellied pig ears will appeal to lovers of cartilage, it will be nice to crunch on your teeth, connoisseurs will understand. When cut, the aspic will have an interesting meat pattern. Cook and eat with pleasure.

Pork jelly on the festive table

A rare feast takes place without jelly, especially in winter. This dish is loved and appreciated and there is a reason for it. There is nothing difficult to prepare, you just need to stock up on time and patience. Meat appetizer - jelly can be decorated for every taste and please even the most fastidious guest.

Put the radish cut into thin circles on top of the jelly, and put the bell pepper cut into cubes along the contour. Very spicy!

Use a cake mold, decorate the jelly with green peas and boiled carrots figured out.

Simple and concise. Boiled carrots in the form of a flower in the middle and parsley leaves around the edges.

If you really want to surprise everyone, put roses from boiled carrots and garnish with parsley leaves. Making roses is not at all difficult, but you need to put them upside down on the bottom of the mold, pour in the broth, let it harden, and then just put the meat on top and pour the remaining broth.

Make jellied jellies. To do this, put the meat in cupcake molds and garnish with boiled carrots and canned corn.

In the end, I want to give you advice. Never boil jelly from frozen meat, the broth will be very cloudy and you are unlikely to want to treat guests with such jelly. Ahead of the New Year, we are all waiting for this holiday and a big weekend. Cook goodies and delight your loved ones. With coming!

The New Year is coming! The old one will end, we will spend it as it should be, and we will meet the new one as it will. Traditionally, we will lay a rich table with various delicious dishes and no less tasty drinks.

Traditionally ... What is traditional with us, then? BUT?

As my good friend says, from the appetizers on the table on New Year's Eve there should be Olivier, and jelly under. And everything else is pampering and an inappropriate tribute to someone else's fashion.

To be honest, I don’t remember New Year’s and Christmas meetings without jelly. It's blasphemy or something.
We call jelly "cold", rarely when "jelly". In Russia, especially in the western regions, in the Urals - "jelly". Or simply " ". For a long time I tried to understand the difference between jelly and jelly. They say it's the same. Maybe. But our jellied meat is prepared from a piglet. Or from pork legs, shins. Rarely, beef hooves or drumsticks are added. And, judging by the collections of recipes, jelly is usually made from beef: hooves, drumsticks, head.

The age-old question when cooking jelly is “will it freeze or not”, since adding gelatin is a sign of bad taste.

Jokes-jokes, freezes always. Even if there is no beef component. And how can a jelly from pork legs not freeze if a spoon floats calmly in a boiling brew?

The process of preparing high-quality jelly is very laborious and lengthy, especially if it is jelly from pork legs. How to cook jelly? I will answer - for a long time.

Recipe for excellent jelly


  • Pork legs 2 pcs
  • Pork shank 1 pc
  • Beef 1-1.2 kg
  • Carrot 1 pc
  • Parsley root 1 pc
  • Bulb 1 pc
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Black peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf, salt taste
  1. Given that the family loves a lot of meat in jelly, pork jelly is not particularly welcome at home. You have to add veal.
  2. We have never added chicken to jelly, and poultry in general.
  3. Historically, in our country, transparent jelly is considered not particularly honorable.
  4. It is better to buy meat at the market. There it is guaranteed not to freeze.

    Pork legs, shank and beef

  5. Thoroughly clean the legs, shins from the bristles, if necessary, tar over an open fire. Clean and rinse.
  6. Cut the pork legs in half lengthwise with a knife, and again in half at the joint. It is not worth chopping with an ax, there will be many small bones.
  7. Cut the drumstick into several parts, the large central bone can be left whole, not chopped.
  8. Cut the brisket into several pieces.
  9. Strictly speaking, the size of the pieces of meat for jelly is unprincipled.
  10. All meat must be washed and soaked in cold water for at least 2-3 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight in a cold place. The second option is preferable, because the jellied meat takes a long time to prepare, and it is better to start in the morning.

    All meat must be cut, washed and soaked in cold water.

  11. In the morning, rinse the meat again, put it in a saucepan or cauldron, pour cold water over it. Water should be 5-7 cm above the level of the meat.
  12. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil.

    Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil

  13. It is important not to miss the moment of boiling. There will be a lot of foam. It must be removed. Use a spoon to collect all the foam that continuously forms. After 5-10 minutes, foaming will stop completely. From now on, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the fire to the very minimum. The liquid in the pan should not even boil, but “move” a little. Under no circumstances should it be boiled violently. Only a slight boil.
  14. Leave the meat to boil for 4-5 hours. However, sometimes you can mix. Do not add water to the pot! Even if it partially boils away.

    Boil jellied meat for a long time on low heat

  15. After 4-5 hours, add peas of black and allspice, bay leaf, 1 tsp to the pan. rock salt and washed unpeeled onions, carrots, parsley roots and celery.

    Vegetables for broth and garlic

  16. If the liquid has boiled away, you will have to add boiling water from the kettle. Although this is not good, but the liquid is needed.

    Add onion, roots and spices

  17. Cover the pan with a lid and cook, at a low boil, for another 1-1.5 hours.

    Cooked broth for jelly - cools down

  18. Remove saucepan from heat. Pick out all the meat with a slotted spoon. Divide the meat on plates and let cool. Throw away onions, carrots, roots, although carrots can be left for decoration.

    Pick out all the meat with a slotted spoon

  19. Small digression. Many people prefer completely transparent jelly. To do this, the broth must be clarified. How? Look for yourself, they say that egg white works well. I won’t say that I got it as transparent as glass, let’s say it is the transparency of amber. And no lighting.
  20. Salt the broth to taste and a little more. It should seem a little salty, literally just a little bit. Pepper with black pepper and add minced garlic. Stir the broth, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes
  21. Next, the broth must be filtered. It is better to do this through a naturally clean cloth. The fabric will filter out small bones, peppercorns, garlic, bay leaf. All this in the cold is superfluous. Leave the broth to cool. After 10-15 minutes, remove excess fat from the surface of the broth. You can just pick it up with a spoon.

    It is necessary to remove fat from the surface of the broth

  22. Or maybe a napkin. An ordinary paper napkin thrown on the surface of the broth is covered with a film of fat, removed and thrown away. If you repeat this several times, you can almost completely clean the surface of the fatty film. Yes, by the way, leave a little fat, then the surface of the finished jelly will be with “frost”.
  23. You can do a test that will give an answer to the question "will it freeze or not." Put a drop of broth on your index and thumb fingers, and make sure that the fingers stick together well. If they don’t stick together, then you cooked aspic from bouillon cubes.
  24. Sort the cooled meat with your hands, separating and discarding all the bones. This is important because the bone can easily break a tooth. The meat can be cut into small pieces, can be divided into fibers, can be used as is, in pieces.
  25. Prepare several deep bowls or molds for jellied meat. It is very convenient to use large enameled rectangular containers, like a trough, or deep soup plates.
  26. At the bottom of each plate, you can put parsley, a piece of hard-boiled egg, carrots extracted from the broth.