Is it possible for the baby to sit. Developed bones and muscles are the basis of sitting. When the skill of sitting is developed

How many months can boys be planted? The question that is so actively discussed in the forums does not make much sense. Because motor development and, in particular, the skill of sitting in infants are in no way related to gender. Gross motor skills may be affected by genes, conditions prenatal development, childbirth, neurological, musculoskeletal disorders and even temperament. But not gender.

Boys and girls need the same physical activity. Without it, the child will not be able to fully develop either intellectually or mentally. Such a gross motor skill as sitting is not always easy for babies. It happens that the baby first and only then makes attempts. It is important that these attempts take place. Parents need to gently encourage them.

When the skill of sitting is developed

The skill of sitting in a baby boy is associated with his general physical development. If he is good, deft, began to crawl and actively explore the world, then he will learn to sit in time. There are boys who sit down early - at. There are heroes who are in no hurry to take a sitting position and can sit down at 8, or even. All these numbers are within the normal range.

When and how to teach

Boys can be seated with. How to do it right?

If a boy learned to sit early, on his own, without the active participation of his parents, this is not a reason for special pride. It's just that his body has matured for this skill. If the boy is 8-9 months old, and he does not make any attempts to sit down, this should alert the parents. Be sure to consult with a neurologist and an orthopedist to rule out neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.

Experience of foreign mothers: 3 incomprehensible questions

Russian-speaking mothers living abroad are often perplexed by the questions posed on the forums about seating the baby. In Europe, in Canada, in the United States, this topic is not raised or discussed at all. What are these questions?

  1. When to seat girls? When they are ripe for it. Not only mothers, but also pediatricians did not hear anything about the bending of the uterus and the effect on the female reproductive system.
  2. When can a baby boy be planted? A similar question that leads foreign mothers to a dead end. Moreover, in Europe, gender education at the present time is greatly modified. And its principles are not entirely clear to the Russian mentality. But that's a completely different story.
  3. When can babies sit down? When they want. In Europe, it is customary to travel with babies immediately after birth. They spend a lot of time in car seats and specialized child seats. Neither pediatricians nor orthopedists talk about contraindications to early sitting up, about the dangers of vertical load on the spine at such a young age. Maybe because abroad there are no such concepts as "accustom", "teach", "plant", "sit down". There, the children sit down on their own when the time comes - and that's it, no demagoguery around this topic.

These examples once again confirm how strongly parents are influenced by tradition and the mental environment. In the same tradition, professionals - doctors, whom we trust children learn and gain experience. The question is not whether it is good or bad. The question is in the spirit and strength of tradition.

If parents do not know what time boys can be planted, then to some extent they are happy in their ignorance. After all, there is no danger specifically in this case and in this ignorance. Worse, if moms and dads know too much and are at a loss as to what they should do right.


At the beginning of his life, the baby studies the world, lying: on the back or on the tummy. Over time, he learns to turn his head to the sources of sounds, toss and turn from side to side, reach for toys. There comes a time when the baby reaches forward to sit down. Boys and girls develop this skill differently. As a result, many mothers have a question: how many months can boys be planted?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, it is necessary to observe the baby, listen to the recommendations of the pediatrician, and also know the stages of infant development.

Stages of development and formation of planting skills in boys

During the neonatal period and until the end of the first year of life, the baby develops spinal curves. With the strengthening of the spinal column, the development of motor skills, the necessary muscle mass is gained to maintain the spine and balance.

  1. During the neonatal period and up to 2 months, the spine is fragile, so the baby is constantly in a horizontal position. It is allowed to stay in an upright position for a short time, especially after feeding, when it is necessary to let the child burp the accumulated air in the stomach. In this case, an adult must support the baby by the neck.
  2. At 2 months, in some babies, the first vertebral bend forms later - cervical. Toddlers hold their heads up and can explore the world around them in an upright position. Parents should hold the baby by the back, as the rest of the spine is still weak.

Important Tip: during sleep, it is not recommended to put a pillow under the baby's head, up to 6 months, since the cervical bend is not yet fully formed. In order not to numb the head of a child in a dream, you can tilt the head of the bed, just put a small board under the holder.

  1. Formation of a bend chest section of the spinal column lasts longer, up to 4-5 months. At this time, many mothers notice the desire of the kids to sit down. And it happens in this way: when the baby is in a reclining position, most often on his mother, and sees a bright toy in front of him, he can reach for it, while raising his torso. This is the first sign that the thoracic curve of the spine is formed and soon the time will come when the boy can be seated.
  2. Lumbar the spine acquires a bend closer to 7-8 months, at this time the babies make conscious attempts to sit down and can be naughty if they are placed in a horizontal position.

Many parents make the mistake of dropping their child off after noticing their first attempts to sit up. Pediatricians do not recommend planting a child until he learns to sit down on his own.

It is important to know: mothers should not worry about the fact that the baby cannot learn to hold his head or sit for a long time. Each child develops in their own individual way, and all skills will develop in due time.

Why is early planting dangerous for boys?

Dropping a child is especially dangerous for his spine, even if you place pillows around him. Early planting can lead to the following complications:

  • excessive load on the muscles of the back and spine;
  • inadequate breathing of the baby;
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • wrong posture.

There is no need to rush the baby to sit down as soon as possible, the child will sit down when he feels that he can do it. Moms just need to watch the baby and help him learn new movements.

Interesting fact: Toddlers develop the ability to sit in different ways. Some try to sit on their own already at 5-6 months, others are in no hurry to sit down even at 9 months.

How to determine the readiness of the boy to sit down?

The readiness of the child to sit down depends on his physical structure, in particular body weight. The larger and heavier the baby, the later it needs to be seated, as the body weight will overload the spine. Thin children sit down faster, they are more dexterous and mobile. The readiness of the boy to sit down depends on the following factors:

the ability to independently roll over from side to side;

  • keep head;
  • move arms and legs;
  • ability to lean on handles;
  • attempts to sit up, grasping the fingers of an adult.

All these factors allow you to assess the motor skills of the baby and his readiness for independent sitting.

When can I put a boy in a walker?

Often, parents use walkers to distract the baby and do household chores - a universal device for independent movement of the baby. Walkers can only be used when the child has already learned to sit independently, without support, at about 8-9 months.

At first, you can land in a walker for a short time - for 10-15 minutes. Over time, you can increase the time spent in a walker up to 40-45 minutes. The most important thing is to monitor the condition of the child, if he becomes capricious - it is better to remove the walker and let the baby rest.

Pediatricians believe that boys should be placed in walkers no earlier than 9 months and no more than 30 minutes. Finding a boy in a walker contributes to squeezing the perineum in boys, which affects blood circulation in the genitals. Therefore, mothers need to carefully monitor the behavior of boys in walkers - if the child fidgets or whimpers, it is necessary to remove him from the walkers and let him rest.

When can I put a boy in jumpers?

Jumpers are another interesting device for changing the position of the baby's body.

In total, there are two types of jumpers:

  1. With leg and pelvic support, including seat belts - for ages 9-10 months;
  2. With support for the back, legs and pelvis, with seat belts - for an earlier age - 6-8 months. These jumpers have back support.

Important: when a child is in jumpers, it is important to watch him so that he does not fall, since the fixatives can only hold the child, but not protect him from falling.

At what age can boys be placed in kangaroos?

With the help of the "kangaroo" it is convenient to move with the baby in public places: shopping centers, clinics or just walking. The device looks like a backpack, but it is contraindicated for a child to stay in such a device for a long time. If the walk is long, you can use the stroller.

The kangaroo can be used from 3 months of age, when the baby holds its head confidently and can turn its head from side to side. Kangaroos are selected by weight, the maximum weight of a child can reach 10 kg.

When choosing such a backpack, you must consider the following features in fixture:

  • comfortable and soft shoulder straps;
  • strong fasteners and fasteners;
  • belt on the belt (to relieve the load on the spine of an adult);
  • soft headrest;
  • natural breathable material;
  • comfortable seat.

A kangaroo is a great way to carry a baby, but keep in mind that sitting in one position for a long time can tire the baby, especially on hot days.

When can a boy be planted among the pillows?

The opinion of pediatricians is unanimous - the boy does not need to be planted in pillows. Pillows contribute to the curvature of the spine, difficult digestion of food and breathing. Pillows will be useful when the boy sits on his own, after 6 months. Previously planted in pillows is not recommended.

At what age can a boy be potty trained?

Many parents are ready to put their baby on the potty as soon as he has learned to sit on his own. This is wrong, because 1-1.6 years old children relieve themselves reflexively and unconsciously. Many kids consciously begin to go to the potty at the age of 1.6 -2.6 years. Early planting on the potty can also scare the baby, because instead of a stable support below for sitting, he will get a space that goes down sharply. This can lead to enuresis, further aggravating potty training. Therefore, pediatricians do not recommend planting a baby on a pot until the age of 1.6 - 2 years.

At what age can a boy sit on a highchair?

  • the boy holds his head and back;
  • the child sits independently without support;
  • the child is fed.

It is not recommended to keep the baby in the highchair for a long time, even if he likes to sit there, it is better to let him crawl or place him in the arena.

At what age can boys be placed in a stroller?

Modern strollers are equipped with all the amenities for small passengers, but this does not guarantee that the child will be comfortable in such a stroller. In the period from newborn to the first year of a baby's life, it is better to walk in a recumbent stroller with a backrest lock. As the vertebral curves develop, the back in such a stroller can be raised to the required level. Over time, with the development of the child's ability to sit independently in a stroller (closer to 6-7 months), you can fix the back and walk the child in a sitting position. After a year, when the child has already slowly begun to walk, you can transplant him into a stroller.

At what age can a boy be put in a car seat?

It is difficult to answer this question, because children's hypermarkets sell all kinds of restraints for children: infant carriers - for children from birth to 9 months, and car seats - for children from one year old, from 3 years old, etc. It is recommended to put in a car seat from the year when the child is already sitting confidently and can stay in this position for a long time. Before buying a chair, you should consult with a pediatrician or orthopedist.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

All children are individual in their development. Some are in a hurry to learn to crawl, roll over, sit. Others are in no hurry to learn about the world around them, but not because they do not show interest, but because they are comfortable and so. With the formation of motor skills: crawling, sitting, grasping - kids begin to master new territory. Moms during this period need to be on the alert - children can climb into the most unexpected places.

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With the normal functioning of the spinal column, babies begin to sit at the age of 7-8 months, some later, and this is also the norm. Almost all children reach forward, grabbing an adult's finger - this is a sign that you can slowly plant the boy, but for a short time - 5 minutes for the first time will be enough. At the same time, you can entertain the child, offer him toys. Over time, this ability to gain a foothold and it will be possible to plant babies for a longer time.

Thus, the opinions of pediatricians and Dr. Komarovsky agree on one thing - there is no need to rush to plant the boys ahead of schedule. You need to wait until the child can sit down on his own and do it without the help of an adult. The task of parents is to observe the development of the baby and follow the advice of the doctor.

Everything that is connected with small children bears the imprint of expectation. First, parents expect them themselves, then they wait for their first smile, cooing, turning from back to tummy, first feeding and other things. By 3-4 months, we are already waiting, when will it be possible to plant a child? Grandmothers of the "old school" began to sit down their children as early as 2-3 months. The opinion of modern doctors on this matter is quite different.

Many mothers have heard that a child cannot be planted until a certain time. However, the abundance of all kinds of children's devices (car seats from 0+, walkers, jumpers, high chairs) casts doubt on this. And everything is explained very simply. There are several approaches to the question of when to sit down a small one.

  1. American approach. The child is planted almost from birth. It is for American users that so many sun loungers, kangaroos, baby sitters and other items of the children's industry are designed.
  2. Domestic approach (followed by pediatricians in Russia and Ukraine). The child can be seated only when his abdominal and vertebral muscles get stronger, that is, not earlier than at 6-7 months. Otherwise, pressure is exerted on the baby's spinal column, which leads to its scoliotic changes.
  3. The natural parenting approach advocated by many psychologists and pediatricians. According to him, the baby can be planted when he sits down himself. And this can happen at 3, and at 4, and at 7 months. If the baby sat down by himself, then his muscles finally got stronger for this. Needless to say, parents pay great attention to strengthening the muscles of their children, doing gymnastics with them?

The inconsistency of approaches between various experts on the issue of the time of planting a child has given rise to many myths among parents, which are catching up with false fear and plunging deeper into the abyss of ignorance. You may encounter the following views:

  • If the baby is covered with pillows, then he will quickly learn to sit.

In fact, sitting in pillows leads to an arched position of the spinal column and "compression" of the spinal discs. Rolling on one side (which often occurs in this position) leads to the development of scoliosis in school years. The baby is deprived of the opportunity to accumulate its own experience of sitting down, its muscles do not work. Guess if he sits down faster with this approach?

  • The child needs help when he tries to sit up.

For the full development of the baby's muscular system, he just needs to go through the experience of clumsy attempts to sit down. All his attempts to roll over, rise, all falls, repulsions, only strengthen him, allow him to feel his body and learn how to control it. For physical development little man such attempts are like gymnastic exercises. Helping him, supporting him, you deprive him of the opportunity to learn from his mistakes.

  • In no case should you plant too small ( 4-5 months) child. His attempts to sit down can and should be thwarted.

Each of the newly born children is an individual. Everyone has a different pace of development. And if the baby makes attempts to sit down on his own already at this age, then he should not be hindered. You won't tie him up, will you? And if your "obstacles" are announced by loud children's protests, you and him strive to get into the neurologist's office in a short time. You need it?

  • If a girl is planted early, then she will form a bend in the uterus (due to the flexibility of the pelvic bones) and she will have difficulty conceiving, bearing or giving birth.

This point of view takes place not only among mothers, but also among doctors. However, no scientific facts it is not confirmed. Numerous discussions on women's forums show that the bending of the uterus does not affect the ability to conceive, bear or give birth to a child. It's just that if it is possible not to seat girls before the due time (6-7 months), then it is better not to do this. Boys are allowed to sit down a little earlier (5-6 months).

  • The ability to sit is formed when crawling has formed.

This is partly true. Even Dr. Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, recommends not to sit down the baby, but to stimulate his crawling. The most natural and physiological way to develop human skills is a chain: crawling - sitting - standing up - walking. However, in practice, everything happens quite differently: the child first sits down, and then crawls or does not crawl at all, but immediately gets to his feet and walks. Individuality does not fit into the framework of the norms established by someone!

The baby can sit not only on the bed or the floor. There are a number of devices in which it can be planted, but this is undesirable. Of course, these devices make life easier for parents to some extent, but for a child they can be fatal. It's about about walkers, jumpers, kangaroos, car seats, sun loungers and tables for feeding.

Few people know that these products can only be used from the age of six months. Some of them are adjustable in order not to plant, but to sit down the baby. However, then the fears of parents are incomprehensible, who do not drop girls off, but quite calmly “throw” them into a kangaroo, baby sitter or walker. It is not advisable to sit children in car seats or sun loungers until at least 3 months old. It is better to transport the baby in a basket for newborns, and rock him in his arms.

All of these devices are harmful to the emerging spine. Deformations can be subjected not only to the spinal column, but also to the legs (for example, in walkers). It is better to pay attention to gymnastics and massage of the baby and wait until he sits down himself. If your son or daughter started to crawl, you can not plant, but a little "suggest" how to do it. To do this, one leg of the little one (when it is in a position on all fours) should be bent under its body and, supporting the body with your hands, lift it up and to the side. After a few demonstrations, you won't have to specifically seat your child. The child will do it himself!

Let's sum up a little: you don't need to force the baby to sit down. When the muscles responsible for sitting are formed in him, then he will sit down on his own. However, parents can help him even from the cradle, doing firming massages and gymnastics. Patience, dear mothers!

Everything that is connected with small children bears the imprint of expectation. First, parents expect them themselves, then they wait for their first smile, cooing, turning from back to tummy, first feeding and other things. By 3-4 months, we are already waiting, when will it be possible to plant a child? Grandmothers of the "old school" began to sit down their children as early as 2-3 months. The opinion of modern doctors on this matter is quite different.

Approaches to the issue of planting a baby

Many mothers have heard that a child cannot be planted until a certain time. However, the abundance of all kinds of children's devices (car seats from 0+, walkers, jumpers, high chairs) casts doubt on this. And everything is explained very simply. There are several approaches to the question of when to sit down a small one.

1) American approach. The child is planted almost from birth. It is for American users that so many sun loungers, kangaroos, baby sitters and other items of the children's industry are designed.

2) Domestic approach (followed by pediatricians in Russia and Ukraine). The child can be seated only when his abdominal and vertebral muscles get stronger, that is, not earlier than at 6-7 months. Otherwise, pressure is exerted on the baby's spinal column, which leads to its scoliotic changes.

3) The natural parenting approach advocated by many psychologists and pediatricians. According to him, the baby can be planted when he sits down himself. And this can happen at 3, and at 4, and at 7 months. If the baby sat down by himself, then his muscles finally got stronger for this. Needless to say, parents pay great attention to strengthening the muscles of their children, doing gymnastics with them?

Myths around planting a peanut

The inconsistency of approaches between various experts on the issue of the time of planting a child has given rise to many myths among parents, which are catching up with false fear and plunging deeper into the abyss of ignorance. You may encounter the following views:

· If the baby is covered with pillows, then he will quickly learn to sit.

In fact, sitting in pillows leads to an arched position of the spinal column and "compression" of the spinal discs. Rolling on one side (which often occurs in this position) leads to the development of scoliosis during the school years. The baby is deprived of the opportunity to accumulate its own experience of sitting down, its muscles do not work. Guess if he sits down faster with this approach?

· The child needs help when he tries to sit up.

For the full development of the baby's muscular system, he just needs to go through the experience of clumsy attempts to sit down. All his attempts to roll over, rise, all falls, repulsions, only strengthen him, allow him to feel his body and learn how to control it. For the physical development of a small person, such attempts are like gymnastic exercises. Helping him, supporting him, you deprive him of the opportunity to learn from his mistakes.

A few more misconceptions

s In no case should a child that is too small (4-5 months old) be planted. His attempts to sit down can and should be thwarted.

Each of the newly born children is an individual. Everyone has a different pace of development. And if the baby makes attempts to sit down on his own already at this age, then he should not be hindered. You won't tie him up, will you? And if your "obstacles" are announced by loud children's protests, you and him strive to get into the neurologist's office in a short time. You need it?

s If a girl is planted early, then she will form a bend in the uterus (due to the flexibility of the pelvic bones) and she will have difficulty conceiving, bearing or giving birth.

This point of view takes place not only among mothers, but also among doctors. However, it is not supported by any scientific facts. Numerous discussions on women's forums show that the bending of the uterus does not affect the ability to conceive, bear or give birth to a child. It's just that if it is possible not to seat girls before the due time (6-7 months), then it is better not to do this. Boys are allowed to sit down a little earlier (5-6 months).

s The ability to sit is formed when crawling has formed.

This is partly true. Even Dr. Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, recommends not to sit down the baby, but to stimulate his crawling. The most natural and physiological way to develop human skills is a chain: crawling - sitting - standing up - walking. However, in practice, everything happens quite differently: the child first sits down, and then crawls or does not crawl at all, but immediately gets to his feet and walks. Individuality does not fit into the framework of the norms established by someone!

Devices for children

The baby can sit not only on the bed or the floor. There are a number of devices in which it can be planted, but this is undesirable. Of course, these devices make life easier for parents to some extent, but for a child they can be fatal. We are talking about walkers, jumpers, kangaroos, car seats, sun loungers and tables for feeding.

Few people know that these products can only be used from the age of six months. Some of them are adjustable in order not to plant, but to sit down the baby. However, then the fears of parents are incomprehensible, who do not drop girls off, but quite calmly “throw” them into a kangaroo, baby sitter or walker. It is not advisable to sit children in car seats or sun loungers until at least 3 months old. It is better to transport the baby in a basket for newborns, and rock him in his arms.

All of these devices are harmful to the emerging spine. Deformations can be subjected not only to the spinal column, but also to the legs (for example, in walkers). It is better to pay attention to gymnastics and massage of the baby and wait until he sits down himself. If your son or daughter started to crawl, you can not plant, but a little "suggest" how to do it. To do this, one leg of the little one (when it is in a position on all fours) should be bent under its body and, supporting the body with your hands, lift it up and to the side. After a few demonstrations, you won't have to specifically seat your child. The child will do it himself!

Until recently, your newborn baby was just beginning to open his eyes and looked at his crib with surprise. But time flies, and now he is already interested in seeing everything that happens in the world around him. Parents try to show the baby as much as possible of interesting things, they carry it in their arms, and I begin to think about when it is possible to let the child sit on its own. All this is enhanced by the presence at home of all kinds of chairs, chairs, rocking chairs and slings that you so want to experience.

Meanwhile, the question of when to plant a child is very important, because the baby's body, his bones and muscles are not yet strong enough, and any wrong movements can cause him injury. And since the baby is not yet able to speak, he will not let you know that he feels pain or discomfort.

When can I start planting a baby

Usually, babies begin to actively try to sit down by themselves at 4-5 months. It is believed that the baby's muscles are ready to keep his body in a sitting position at the age of six months. Therefore, all pediatricians strongly recommend that parents do not try to plant a baby earlier than 5-6 months. And it is best to wait until the child sits down on his own. He will roll, rise and fall, cling to the side of the crib with his handles and push off the floor, in general, do his best to sit down. And at this time, his muscles will train, and become strong enough so that such a seat is safe for the baby.

Why You Shouldn't Have a Baby Early

If the parents themselves begin to seat the child without any prior preparation, his weak skeleton, especially the spine, may not be able to cope with the load, and the connections between the vertebrae may be broken. Such a spinal injury is dangerous with possible consequences in the future. At an older age, the child may develop scoliosis.

If the girl is seated too early, this can lead to a curvature of the pelvic bones, and at childbearing age the girl will have a problem with the difficulty of natural childbirth. In addition, many doctors argue that the early disembarkation of girls leads to the occurrence of a bend in the uterus and other pathologies, including infertility. Many parents, not trusting Russian doctors, take as an example the American system, when children are imprisoned almost from birth. But if there is even the slightest chance of injury, it's not worth the risk. And it is better to wait until six months.

How to properly seat a child

Now that we have decided on what time to plant the child, we need to remind you of all the devices that cannot be used before this age. After all, a child can sit not only on the floor. For example, a children's table, a baby sitter. Even though its backrest can be adjusted, it should not be used for up to six months. The same applies to the child seat in the car. If you need to take a ride with the baby, hold him in your arms in a prone position.

Up to six months, it is not recommended to use a baby kangaroo bag, as in it the baby occupies a position that is dangerous for a fragile spine. Even if you carry a child up to six months in your arms, try not to take him under the ass. Better press his back to your stomach, and let him put his head on your chest.

At this time, while the child’s independent sitting is dangerous, you need to do a set of exercises every day that develops the musculoskeletal system and prepares the child’s muscles. Very useful massage and gymnastics for newborns. In addition, when the baby is lying on a soft surface, you can give him your fingers so that he grabs them and gently pulls him up, tearing his head off the surface. You can pull until the baby himself throws his arms and falls back on his back.

When the baby is gaining weight, but it is still impossible to plant him, it is difficult for the mother. Because it is not easy to manage an active child who is interested in everything, and who at the same time weighs 8-9 kg. But it is worth waiting a little, and you will already be able to seat the child without any fear.