Tricks for children with a pencil. How to perform simple magic tricks

A pen is an item that you can always have at hand. This means that even when you are on the street, you can surprise your friends or ordinary passers-by with an amazing trick. It is not so difficult to carry a pen in the inside pocket of a jacket or jacket, so for many magicians this item is part of a kind of "gentleman's set" for illusionists. Let's take a look at how to learn pen tricks and surprise people with ease.

Before you start doing tricks with a pen, you need to practice your manual dexterity well, since most tricks are based on this.

holey banknote

To prepare the trick, you need to collect the following set of items: a sheet of paper, a simple ballpoint pen, and also exactly the same pen, but divided into two parts by an inconspicuous magnet. Instead of paper, you can also use a bill - in this case, the focus will be even more effective. You can make your own magnet pen or buy it from an illusion store.

Once all inventory is ready to use, ask the audience to gather around you. Show them the usual ballpoint pen, ask several people to personally feel it, so that no one has any doubts that there is no catch here. Next, ask someone in the audience to give you a bill. If there were no people willing to give away their property, then take a pre-prepared sheet of paper or a banknote lying on the table. In one hand you will have a ballpoint pen checked by the audience, and in the other a bill. Put your hands behind your back while talking to the audience, thereby diverting their attention.

Execution Success further action depends on your manual dexterity. With your hands behind your back, replace your regular ballpoint pen with a pen with a built-in magnet. After that, insert the banknote between the magnetic parts and connect them. Pull this design out from behind your back and show it to the audience. It will seem to all viewers that the banknote is pierced by a pen, and you confirm this idea by turning the banknote from all sides.

Then, the final stage of the trick comes - this is pulling out the punctured bill completely unharmed. To do this, pull it out of the magnetic parts of the pen with a sharp movement. In order for the focus to turn out perfectly, you need to prevent it from splitting - this is easily achieved by hard training.

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"It is important!" Don't try this trick if you can't get the bill out of the magnetic parts of the pen successfully from time to time. Only when 10 out of 10, 100 out of 100 times you successfully pull out a bill, you can demonstrate the trick to the audience. Otherwise, because of the excitement, your chances of making a mistake will increase significantly.

amazing pen

To demonstrate this trick, you need to find two absolutely identical pens and a regular small handkerchief. Take the prepared handkerchief in one of your hands. Ideally, it should be plain, both on one side and on the other, and an ironed strip right in the middle of the material should also be a big plus in favor of the choice. The handkerchief must be placed on a soft surface. After the handkerchief is laid out, disassemble the pen into all its constituent elements, and place them neatly right in the middle of the material.

Start folding the elements of the handle into a handkerchief, at the same time grabbing the second handle prepared in advance. To successfully show the trick, you need to place the second prop right in the place where the handkerchief will fall. After the disassembled parts are folded, you just have to show a whole and unharmed pen, and quickly hide the handkerchief with the details in your pocket and no longer focus on it.

Self pen

This focus requires careful preparation and hard training, as it is the most difficult of all listed. Start it when learning tricks with a pen, which are not difficult, is given to you with extraordinary ease.

Stand in front of the audience, holding a small stack of ordinary postcards in one hand. On the opposite side of the audience, take a simple ballpoint pen. Unexpectedly, the audience will witness an extraordinary event: the pen itself signs postcards especially for them. While the pen is doing its job, you start pulling out already signed envelopes and throwing them straight to the audience. Your autographs are clearly visible on them.

The secret of the trick is not on the surface, but once you know it, you will understand how interesting this trick is. The whole trick lies in a pre-prepared tin ring, on which a small rim is attached, into which the handle is inserted.

This ring should be put on before the show of focus. thumb left hand, which is covered with envelopes on all sides. Envelopes should also be prepared by you before the focus is shown: write your autographs or any other inscriptions on them. Before the demonstration, fold them so that the inscriptions are visible only to you, and only the sides with pictures are in front of the audience.

Holding the envelopes, only the thumb should remain behind them, place all other fingers on the front side, so that they are directed towards the audience. When you take the pen from the opposite side of the audience, carefully, and at the same time, quickly insert it into the rim on the ring. As soon as the handle is firmly fixed in the rim, you can begin to drive it up and down. With such movements, the audience will have the illusion that the pen writes the inscriptions by itself, because your right hand and four fingers of the left pen are under full control people in the hall.

Now you know how to do tricks with a pen, and you can always surprise both young children and adults.

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Do you want your children to enjoy school? Experiments for children will help to fall in love with physics, chemistry. From the article you will learn about tricks and their secrets.

The content of the article:

A child can feel like a real illusionist if he learns to show tricks with coins, water, oil and other auxiliary materials. The secrets of these miracles are quite simple. They are based on the laws of physics and chemistry. By telling and showing your child how to make spectacular numbers, you will help him become the soul of the company among his peers, better master school subjects.

Tricks with water

If you want it to turn into ice right before your eyes even on a hot day, then pour water into plastic bottle put it in the freezer. The liquid should cool well, but not have time to freeze. Periodically monitor the water, as soon as it is close to freezing, remove it.

It is optimal to put the liquid in the container in the freezer for 1.5 hours, setting the temperature to -18 ° C.

Even earlier, you need to pour an incomplete bowl of water, freeze the liquid well. Remove this container at the same time as the chilled water. Pour cold liquid on ice, and this substance will freeze before your eyes.

Let the children make their own rainbow water. As a result, there will be a multi-layered liquid in a transparent glass.

Here's what you need to do these tricks with water:

  • 4 glasses;
  • sugar;
  • tea spoon;
  • water;
  • paints;
  • large transparent glass.
Leave the first glass empty for now, pour half a spoonful of sugar into the second, whole into the third, 1.5 tsp into the fourth.

Now add water to each glass, stir the sugar with a spoon or brush. Dip the brush into scarlet paint. Dip it in a container in which there is no sugar, stir. In the water in the next glass, drip green watercolor. Color the liquid in the third glass with black gouache, and the water in the last glass with yellow.

Now type the red liquid into the syringe, pour it into a transparent glass.

Then fill the syringe with green water, also pour it into a glass. After that, in the same way, add black water to the glass, and the very last yellow water.

Look how beautiful rainbow water you have turned out.

The secret of the trick is that the more sugar in the liquid, the more dense the solution is, and the lower it falls.

Such interesting tricks with water are shown with pleasure by children, whom they distract from gadgets, computers and provide an opportunity to have an interesting time.

The next water trick is quick and easy. For it you will need only 3 components:

  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • water;
  • small bag of ketchup.
Roll the sachet into a roll so that it enters through the neck of the bottle into the container. Fill it with water, but not to the top. Make passes with your left hand, following it, the bag will either fall or rise. Actually you will right hand slightly squeeze the bottle, and the flow of water will regulate the movement of the bag.

Other tricks with water are no less interesting. Fill a transparent plastic bag with it, pierce it with a pencil on one side so that it comes out on the other. In this case, water will not spill out of the bag.

This trick will help your child get interested in chemistry. After all, this science explains that water does not flow out because the deformed molecules of the bag create a kind of seal, sealing the area between it and the pencil.

You can pierce the bag with not one, but several pencils, or use long nails instead.

Tricks with coins

Some of them also used water. Surprise the child by saying that you have a magic jar that increases money. Pour water into it and toss a coin. Then cover the neck with a napkin, move your hand over it, uttering a spell. Remove the napkin, ask the child to look into the jar through the top. He will see that there is more money.

Such tricks with coins are based on the law of physics for the refraction of light. Before the illusion begins, put three coins under the jar. If you look at the container from the side, they will not be visible, but you can only see the coin that you put inside the transparent container.

And at the end of the attraction, ask the child to look into the jar through its top, and then he will see that there is more money.

No less interesting are other tricks with a coin. Place the following items on the table:

  • a plate;
  • paper;
  • matches or a lighter;
  • a glass that is a third or a quarter filled with water;
  • dry glass;
  • coin.
Put the coin in a plate, fill it with water from a glass. Tell those present that they must get the money without getting their fingers wet. To do this, you can use only those items that are on the table. The plate can not be taken by hand, turned over.

If the audience does not know how such tricks with coins are done, impress them. Crumple the paper, place it in a glass and set it on fire.

Take the glass with a gloved hand, quickly turn it upside down and immediately lower it in this form onto a plate of water. Soon the liquid will flow into the glass, and the coin will remain lying nearby. Wait a little for it to dry, then remove it without getting your fingers wet.

Tricks and their secrets reveal the mystery of this attraction. Atmospheric pressure forced the water in the glass to move. When the paper burned, the air pressure in the glass increased and forced some of it out. After the glass was turned over, the paper went out, the air cooled. The pressure weakened, air began to enter the container, which drove the water inside with it.

Magic tricks with coins can turn into real performances. To arrange one of them, you will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • map;
  • two completely identical coins;
  • a glass of water;
  • a straw for a cocktail;
  • magnet.
Arrange three matches on the table in the form of a triangle, tell the audience that this is the "Bermuda Triangle", in which all sorts of miracles take place. Place a coin in its center, put a card on it, and put a glass of water and a straw on top.

Now say any spell, while saying that you turn the coin into water. To do this, draw some water from a straw into your mouth, and then put the coin, which allegedly turned from water into money, on the back of your hand and demonstrate it to those present. Show the audience that there is no coin in the old place. Remove the matchbox from the map, pick it up. In addition to three matches, there will be nothing there, including money.

Such magic tricks with coins are admirable. Not everyone will understand how such a trick is done. In fact, everything is simple.

Even before the focus begins, the coin must be put in the mouth by the cheek, hold it with the tongue.

Better take the money big size so as not to accidentally swallow it. With this part of the trick, you need to be extremely careful so that the coin in your mouth does not lead to trouble.

Before you do your coin tricks, place a flat magnet at the very bottom of the box. Place matches on top. When you place a box on a card, the coin underneath will be magnetically attached to the card.

When you pretend to turn the coin into water and drink it, take the money out of your cheek and demonstrate to others that the money, supposedly in a liquid state, has risen up the straw and ended up in your mouth. Next, pick up the box of matches along with the card, holding it. Demonstrate to the audience that in the Bermuda Triangle of matches, the coin has disappeared.

Show them reverse side cards so that they can see that there is no money there either. Now you need to take a diversion to hide the coin. To do this, slowly open the box of matches by removing it from the case. Hold the money inconspicuously. Put the matches in the box, move the coin from the underside of the case under the bottom of the box with your finger. Put a cover on the matches.

Now you can show the viewers of the boxes from all sides, so that they make sure there is no money. Here's how to do tricks with coins to impress those around you.

For beginners, other manipulations can be advised that will delight the audience. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective and will make a splash.

Easy tricks

Arrange a spectacular volcanic eruption. To implement your plan, you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • tray;
  • vinegar essence;
  • plasticine;
  • 1 tsp dishwashing liquids;
  • 2 paperclips;
  • red gouache.

Cut out a circle from cardboard, use scissors to make a cut on the side, fold in the form of a cone. Secure it at the top and bottom with staples. At the top, cut a round hole, this will be the mouth of the volcano. Put the workpiece on a tray, stick around it on the sides and top with plasticine. Pour soda into the vent, pour dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, paint.

After these preparations, you can begin to do light tricks, which, despite their simplicity, are very effective. Pour some vinegar essence into the mouth of the volcano and watch how it starts to erupt, foam beautifully.

Attention! Vinegar essence is very concentrated acid. You have to be extremely careful with her. Do not allow children to do this trick, show it to them yourself.

Trick training continues the interesting egg trick. Since matches will be used, one must also be extremely careful in carrying out a spectacular action. Here's a complete list of everything you'll need:
  • Glass bottle;
  • boiled egg;
  • paper;
  • matches.
Crumple up a sheet of paper, set it on fire and immediately lower it into the bottle. Without hesitation, place an egg on top of the neck and enjoy the spectacle of how it gradually finds itself inside the vessel.

And here is another interesting trick with an egg. You will learn how to make a pliable substance out of it, similar to rubber. To do this, you only need three things:
  • egg;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • mug.
Put a raw egg in a mug, fill it with vinegar, leave for a day. After this time, carefully drain the vinegar, pour the egg cold water. Pull it out. You will see that in a day the vinegar completely dissolved the shell of the egg, which consists of calcium, and it became slightly transparent and looks like rubber. But you need to be careful with such a toy, since the yolk inside is liquid and when the shell is pierced, it will simply pour out through the hole.

Experiments in chemistry

Your attention is invited to a few more spectacular tricks, which are based on the laws of chemistry. If you show your child the fascinating transformation of water, liquid soap and other ingredients into magic foam, children will surely love this science, and it will be much more interesting for them to study this subject at school.

To make magic foam, you will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • liquid soap - 5–6 tbsp. l.;
  • flavoring, for example, cinnamon;
  • dye.

Pour all these ingredients into a bowl, mix with a blender. You will get a beautiful colored fragrant foam, which is so pleasant to play with. It can be transferred to various containers, build castles in the air. Children will surely find a use for colored foam.

If you want the foam to not fall off for as long as possible, add a drop of glycerin to it before whipping.

Interesting experiments in chemistry help to admire volcanic lava at home. For the next experiment you need:
  • a glass filled to the top with warm water;
  • sunflower oil;
  • dye;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • effervescent aspirin tablets.
You need to pour vegetable oil into a glass of water, it is lighter than water in density, so it will not mix with it, but will rise to the top.

Now add the dye, mix. Sprinkle salt, mix too. Since its density is greater than that of oil, it will drag it to the bottom.

As the salt dissolves, it will lift it up again. As a result of this chemical experiment, you will see the violent boiling of lava if you drop a effervescent aspirin into a glass.

Such tricks for beginners look even more impressive if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight at the time of the seething liquid. Such a sight is truly magical.

The following experience will help you make smart plasticine or space slime. For it you will need:
  • PVA glue - 100 g;
  • brilliant green;
  • sodium tetraborate - 1 vial.
Pour the glue into the bowl, add sodium tetraborate and brilliant green.

Stir the mass until it thickens. You have made a smart clay that children love to play with so much.

That's how much interesting you can see by applying experiments in chemistry at home. Many tricks with water, with other subjects are also based on the sciences that take place at school.

To see other interesting experiences that you can do at home with your children, the following stories will help you.

Guess the magic number. This is a simple trick in which the magician asks the person to do some simple math, which leads them to pretty much the same answer every time. Here is what you should tell the viewer:

  • "Think of any number between 2 and 10."
  • "Multiply it by 9."
  • Add the first digit of this number to the second.
  • "Subtract 4 from the result."
  • "Remember the new number - it's your secret number!"
  • “Now guess the letter of the alphabet corresponding to this number. That is, if you get 1, then this is the letter A; 2 - the letter B and so on.
  • "Think of a European country that starts with that letter."
  • "Think of a large animal for the 3rd letter of this country."
    • When the viewer has followed all your instructions, simply say, "I know what you're thinking... it's the number 5 and the rhino in Denmark!" This should work every time.
  • Guess the magic vegetable. This simple trick almost always works. All you need is pieces of paper, pens, and a few trusting onlookers. To begin, put one sheet of paper labeled "cucumber" in your left pocket, and the other, labeled "tomato" in your right pocket. Remember where you put each of the sheets. You are ready to start the focus:

    • First, distribute paper and pens to all interested viewers.
    • Have them do some simple math, like multiplying 2 by 2, dividing 10 by 5, adding 3 and 3, and so on. You can say that this is a preparatory stage before reading thoughts.
    • Then say: “Quickly write the name of the vegetable!” Make sure people do it as quickly as possible; don't let anyone think long.
    • Call a random viewer and ask them to name the recorded name of the vegetable.
    • If he calls "cucumber," pull out the piece of paper labeled "cucumber" from your left pocket. If he calls "tomato", pull out a piece of paper with the inscription "tomato" from the right pocket. Tell the audience that you have such a developed mind reading ability that you were able to predict what they would write before the actual trick began.
    • People in Russia choose one of these vegetables most of the time. If the person doesn't name one of those two vegetables, then you'll have to quickly move on to another trick! If you live in another country with other common vegetables, you will have to look for your own "magic vegetable".
  • Guess the name of a famous person. This is a fairly simple trick, but may take a little time. All you need is a hat, about 10 spectators, a pen, something to write your prediction on, and as many sheets of paper as there will be in attendance. Here is what you should do:

    • Ask an audience member to name a celebrity.
    • Write the first name on a piece of paper and throw it into the hat.
    • Ask the others to name famous people.
    • Pretend you are writing down each name, when in reality you will only write down the first name over and over again. This is what practice is for.
    • When the hat is full, ask someone in the audience to help you.
    • Say that you can predict what name he will pull out of the hat. Of course, you will predict the first name. Write it on a board for everyone to see.
    • Ask the spectator to take any piece of paper out of the hat. All viewers will see that the first name is written there and, lo and behold, you made the correct prediction!
  • Put on a sweater with long, loose sleeves. You will need to use a special technique, thanks to which the pen will disappear into the sleeve. Dark clothes with sleeves that are not very tight around the wrists, but do not dangle, are best. Try to find something in between.

    • The color of the handle should match the color of the clothes. If you have a white handle, a white sweater will do. The darker the pen, the darker the clothes should be.
  • Take the pen with both hands. Grasp the two ends of the handle with your index fingers and thumbs. The fingers should be facing the audience. With the middle finger of your dominant hand, press down on the handle, as if trying to push it into your palm.

    • You should hold the pen in front of you at a distance of 30 centimeters. Elbows should not be pinched and tense.
  • Use your middle finger to push the handle toward your wrist. Practice before showing the trick to friends. The middle finger should push the handle into the palm, where the handle will stay for a fraction of a second. Try to do it very quickly and discreetly.

    • Turn your thumbs up as your finger pushes the handle. So the fingers will hide the pen from the audience. For now, your fingers should be pointing inward, as if you were trying to show someone a token of approval.
    • After pushing the handle, make a slight up and down movement. This won't help you much with focus, but it will make the audience think you're doing something to make the handle disappear, causing your body to wiggle slightly.
  • Drop the pen into your sleeve. When the pen touches your wrist, quickly (very, very quickly!) flick it inwards. When it's in your sleeve, open your palms and show the surprised onlookers that the pen has evaporated.

    • Turn your hands to all sides, show your palms - the audience should see that there is no handle. Then twist your arms and wave them so that the handle is not visible in the sleeve.
  • Roll up your sleeves to enhance the effect. Waving your arms, roll up your sleeves - it will look even more believable. To prevent the handle from falling out, push it higher. It will remain in the elbow area due to gravity and will not be visible to the audience.

    • When you get your hands full, you can roll up your sleeves. before start of focus. But do not roll them up too much - just tuck them in quite a bit. If you've rolled up your sleeves too much, pull them down a bit before tucking the handle in your sleeve.
  • Practice in front of a mirror. More than once you miss the sleeve or push the pen the wrong way and it ends up in the palm of your hand. To make everything go smoothly, practice in front of a mirror until you can confidently perform this trick.

    • Make the show more spectacular. First, show the handle, trying on with your hands to the desired position. Pretend that you are very focused. The more elements in the view, the more it will distract the audience.

  • Perhaps everyone in childhood believed in magic and took tricks in the circus or street performances at face value. As they grew older, the share of skepticism became more and more, and the tricks no longer seemed like something supernatural. However, you must admit, you always wanted to know how a magician levitates in the air or a woman “cut” in half remains safe and sound.

    1. Soaring fakir

    A popular trick with levitation is often practiced by street magicians. But in fact, this is nothing more than a cunning ploy. The whole secret of levitation lies in an ingenious design, the base of which is hidden under the rug. main support is the staff that connects the lower support to the seat. It is almost impossible to see the construction behind the magician's voluminous attire, so the trick looks very impressive and is still very popular.

    2. Zigzag girl

    The secret of one of the most popular stage tricks lies in the flexibility and ability of the magician's assistant. The girl climbs into a box with unusual holes. When the magician moves the central part of the box, the girl arches her body, while her arms and legs remain in a position as if she were standing straight.

    3. Sawing a girl

    Previously, the trick with sawing the girl made the audience tremble with horror and wait with trepidation for the moment when the assistant would emerge from the box safe and sound. However, over time, the public realized that there was a catch in the trick and that no one was actually sawn. The thing is that the magician's box consists of two parts and there are actually two girls too.

    4. Focus with a bill and a pencil

    Tricks with money are always admired by the audience. But most often they have nothing to do with magic. Most often, these are just deft movements of a magician and little tricks. For example, in a popular trick, when a magician cuts a banknote with a pencil, the main tool is a pencil, or rather its halves are connected by magnets. With a deft movement of the hand, the magician puts the edge of the bill between two magnets and carefully holds out the pencil.

    5. The disappearance of the coin

    A simple and at the same time spectacular and very popular trick with the disappearance of a coin can be seen in the circus or at children's events. Moreover, everyone is capable of learning to show such a trick. This will require White list paper, a coin and a transparent glass sealed with paper. So that the guests do not see through the magician ahead of time, the glass must be kept upside down on the sheet.

    6. Michael Jackson tilt

    At one time, Michael Jackson was a real icon, striking fans not only with vocals, but also with dance performances. So, the famous 45-degree tilt, which was demonstrated by the singer himself and his entire troupe in the video for the song "Smooth Criminal", made a splash, although in fact it turned out to be only a well-thought-out trick. The whole secret of this tilt was hidden in the heels with special holes and metal pins that left the stage at a certain moment.

    7. Rising ring

    Another trick that anyone can master. To do this, you will need a ring and a regular rubber band for money. First of all, the gum must be cut. Next, we put the ring on the elastic band, and clamp its ends in our hands so that a long tail remains in the hand that is below. Hide it discreetly in your fist and slowly release it, the elastic will lengthen, and the ring will quickly crawl up.

    8. The disappearance of the glass

    Another trick that practicing magicians often show in their performances. The magician covers the glass with a napkin, moves it for a few seconds, and then abruptly raises the napkin, under which there is no longer a glass. The secret of the trick is extremely simple, at a certain moment, with a deft movement of the hand, the magician brushes the glass into a special bag attached to the table, or on his knees if he is sitting at that time.

    9. Flying pencil

    Can you move objects with the palm of your hand? Not? You can learn right now. To do this, you will need props: two pencils and a wristwatch or a bracelet that fits snugly around your hand. One pencil should be hidden behind the watch strap and use it to pick up the second one lying on the table.