Presentation on the topic "Thunderstorm" A. Ostrovsky - the history of creation"

"Ostrovsky Thunderstorm" - The play "Dowry". A.N. Ostrovsky. The influence of life at the Kabanovs on Katerina. Constant spiritual rebellion. Closure, disappointment in family life. Condensed retelling. Decisiveness, courage. moral purity. The cruel attitude of Kabanikhi. For the first time, an angry protest against tyranny and family despotism sounded in the play.

"Lightning strike" - Many nations made medicines from stones that were struck by lightning. Lightning has been considered a message from the gods in many cultures. Lightning is a serious threat to human life. Lightning damage is possible both on the street and at home. There are a lot of lightning in the anomalous zone on the Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. Can lightning lead us astray?

"Ostrovsky Thunderstorm Lesson" - The plot is the chicanery of the Kabanikhs. Tikhon vs Kabanikhi. The main conflict: Katerina and Boris against the "Dark Kingdom". Ideological and artistic originality of the drama "Thunderstorm". The struggle against progressive aspirations for the equality of the human person. Genre originality. Boris vs Wild. Curly vs Wild.

"Thunderstorm Play" - Track how the motives of sin and death are realized in the text. Motivational organization of drama. A.N. Ostrovsky. Thunderstorm. And how did you miss the thunderstorm in the poster? The system of images of drama. Find how the motives of sin and death are realized in the text. The meaning of the title of A. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". S. Shevyrev.

"Drama Thunderstorm" - Katerina, remembering her childhood, talks about sewing on velvet with gold. G. N. Fedotova as Katerina. P. A. Strepetova as Katerina. "Thunderstorm". Sketch of Barbara's costume for the production of A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm". The talented cheerful actress Kositskaya has always been the soul of society. Fog rises over the river.

"Thunderstorm of the twelfth year" - From August 29, 1812 - the head of the rear guard (then the vanguard) of the Russian army. "Who helped us here?" Opinion of the historian E. V. Tarle: Military art of generals. Rise of the people's "war without rules". Multimedia projector, student presentations. Assimilation of Napoleonic experience by 1812 made the Russian army stronger.

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The drama "The Thunderstorm" was conceived under the impression of Ostrovsky's trip along the Volga (1856-1857), but was written in 1859. The Thunderstorm, as Dobrolyubov wrote, is without a doubt Ostrovsky's most decisive work.

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The Thunderstorm premiered on December 2, 1859. The new play made a strong impression on the audience and caused a heated discussion. The dispute unfolded, first of all, around the interpretation of the character and fate of Katerina Kabanova.

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A detailed analysis of The Thunderstorm was given by N.A. Dobrolyubov, a critic of the Sovremennik magazine. His article "A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom", written from the position of a democratic revolutionary, continued his reflections on Ostrovsky's dramaturgy, begun in the article "The Dark Kingdom". Dobrolyubov used the exact images-symbols of the "dark kingdom" and "a ray of light in the dark kingdom." His analysis remains a classic interpretation of the work.

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In the image of Katerina is a decisive, implacable Russian character. But first of all, its originality is striking. There is nothing alien, external, everything comes from within. From her stories about her childhood, it is clear that the mother did not force her daughter to anything and loved her very much. Katerina walked, prayed, embroidered. In general, she was brought up in the conditions of the old way of life. Katerina (R. Nifontova)

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But from the old, somewhere harsh upbringing, she adopted only what was close to her pure, bright soul. Any phenomenon in Katerina is processed and leaves a special imprint in the soul. That is why she tried to comprehend and ennoble everything in her soul, until the heavy hand of Kabanikha fell upon her.

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From Kabanova's point of view, Katerina is strange, but for this reason Katerina cannot accept Kabanikhin's views. Under the heavy hand of the mother-in-law, there is no scope for her bright dreams. At first, because of her innate nobility and kindness, Katerina will try not to violate the peace and rights of others. But when she realizes that she needs love and freedom, then her strength of character will manifest itself. Katerina (P. Strepetova)

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In her young soul, a dull protest begins to emerge against the "dark kingdom", which did not give her the desired love and freedom, independence. This protest grows. Katerina commits suicide. Katerina (R. Nifontova)

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The life and customs of the Russian merchants were capable of bringing a person to moral and physical death, and Ostrovsky in his works shows all the terrible in their routine and typical circumstances that accompany such a tragedy.

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One of the inhabitants of the city, Kuligin, says: "Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel!" Kuligin (Markushev)

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Everyone obeys, so representatives of the “dark kingdom”, like Kabanova and Dikoy, can freely establish their own rules.

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The boar is an extremely disgusting character, she is cruel, power-hungry, but at the same time stupid and limited. She is hypocritical, in her soul there is no pity or compassion for others. PASHENNYA VERA IS A BOAR IN A.N. OSTROVSKY'S DRAMA "Thunderstorm"

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They say about her that she is a hypocrite, “she gives clothes to the poor, but she completely ate at home.” Kabanikha constantly reproaches everyone around for the fact that they do not show proper respect and respect for her. However, there is absolutely nothing to respect her for. Kabanova pesters her household so much that they quietly hate her. Otherwise, it simply cannot be treated. Kabanikha (V.N. Pashennaya)

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Kabanova is considered a respected and influential woman in the city. She and the merchant Wild make up the "color" of the city's nobility. It is no wonder that such a suffocating atmosphere reigns in the city, because all orders are established by such limited and evil people. Kabaniha (N. Rykalova)

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Wild, like Kabanova, is uneducated. He does everything according to his whim, regardless of others. He blackmails his nephew in every possible way, threatening that he will not receive his money if he is not respectful enough and obedient to his will. Wild does not pay money to the peasants, he humiliates people, trampling on their human dignity. Wild (M. Zharov)

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In such an atmosphere of "cruel morals" a proud, free, honest person cannot be formed, and therefore each of the heroes of the play can be called a victim of the "dark kingdom".

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Under the pressure of this dark force, the characters of Tikhon and Barbara develop. And this force disfigures them - each in his own way. Tikhon (D.S. Pavlov) Y. Burygina (Barbara)

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Tikhon is depressed, pitiful, impersonal. Not only can he be loved, but he cannot be respected. Tikhon (Sadovsky)

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Tikhon loves Katerina, but does not dare to show this love. "And I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with my finger ..." - he admits to Kuligin. His will is paralyzed, and he does not even dare to help his unfortunate Katya.

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Barbara does not want to endure the power of tyrannical force, does not want to live in captivity. But she chooses the path of deceit, cunning, dodging, and it becomes habitual for her - she does it easily, cheerfully, without feeling remorse. Y. Burygina (Barbara)

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Varvara claims that it is impossible to live without lies: their whole house is based on deceit. "And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary." Her worldly philosophy is very simple: "Do whatever you want, as long as it is sewn and covered." Y. Burygina (Barbara)

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However, Varvara was cunning as long as it was possible, but when they began to lock her up, she ran away from home. Varvara (O. Khorkova)

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. He himself says about himself: "I walk around completely dead ... Driven, beaten down ..." This is a kind, cultured person, standing out against the background of the merchant environment. However, he is not able to protect either himself or his beloved woman, in misfortune he only rushes about and cries and is unable to object to scolding. Boris (V.Babyatinsky) The most weak and pitiful nephew of Diky, Boris Grigoryevich. Boris (N. Afanasiev)

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The drama is called "Thunderstorm" because in this work a thunderstorm is not only a natural, but also a social phenomenon. An explosive situation was brewing in the city, and finally it happened: under the influence of the environment and the people around, the unfortunate woman voluntarily lost her life.

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The creation of the "Thunderstorm" was preceded by Ostrovsky's trip along the Upper Volga, undertaken on the instructions of the Naval Ministry. The result of this trip was Ostrovsky's diary, which reveals a lot in his perception of the life of the provincial Upper Volga region. “Merya begins from Pereyaslavl,” he writes in his diary, “a land abundant in mountains and waters, and people and tall, and beautiful, and smart, and frank, and obligatory, and a free mind, and a wide open soul.

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“We are standing on the steepest mountain, under our feet is the Volga, and ships go back and forth along it, either on sails or barge haulers, and one charming song haunts us irresistibly ... And there is no end to this song ... Impressions from the Volga cities and villages , from the most beautiful nature, meetings with interesting people from the people accumulated in the soul of the playwright and poet for a long time, before such a masterpiece of his work as “Thunderstorm” was born.

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For a long time it was believed that Ostrovsky took the plot of the drama "Thunderstorm" from the life of the Kostroma merchants, and the sensational case of the Klykovs was put at the heart of the work. Until the beginning of the 20th century, many Kostroma residents pointed with sorrow to the place of Katerina's suicide - a gazebo at the end of a small boulevard, which in those years literally hung over the Volga. They pointed to the house where she lived.

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A.P. Klykova was given away at the age of sixteen to a gloomy merchant family, consisting of old parents, a son and a daughter. The mistress of the house, a stern Old Believer, forced the young daughter-in-law to do any menial work, refused her requests to see her relatives. At the time of the drama, Klykova was 19 years old. In the past, she was brought up by her beloved grandmother, she was a cheerful, lively, cheerful girl. Her young husband, Klykov, a carefree, apathetic man, could not protect his wife from the nit-picking of his mother-in-law and treated them indifferently. The Klykovs had no children. And then another person stood in the way of Klykova, Maryin, an employee of the post office. Began suspicions, scenes of jealousy. It ended with the fact that on November 10, 1859, the body of A.P. Klykova was found in the Volga. There was a noisy trial, which received wide publicity.

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Many years passed before the researchers of Ostrovsky's work established for sure that "Thunderstorm" was written before the Kostroma merchant Klykova rushed into the Volga. But the very fact of such a coincidence speaks of the playwright’s sagacity of genius, who deeply felt the dramatic conflict between the old and the new that was growing in the merchant life of the Upper Volga, a conflict in which Dobrolyubov saw “something refreshing and encouraging” for a reason.

Travel along the Volga

In 1856-1857, A.N. Ostrovsky participated in the famous

"Literary Expedition" organized by the Marine

ministry. A trip along the Volga, stay in the Volga

cities expanded the playwright's understanding of Russian

reality. This initiated work on

drama Thunderstorm.

The story of the creation of the drama "Thunderstorm"

The play was written quickly: started

in July and completed in October 1859.

The playwright recreated unusually bright, lively and recognizable characters in life. Residents of several Volga cities argued about where the events shown in the drama Thunderstorm actually took place.

"The Volga gave Ostrovsky plenty of food,

showed him new topics for dramas and comedies

and inspired him ... ”(participant of the“ Literary

expeditions" S.V. Maksimov ) .

Genre originality of the play

2) a literary genus belonging simultaneously to theater and literature.

Drama Feature:

conflict, division of the plot into

stage episodes, solid

the chain of characters' statements, the lack of a narrative

Main conflict

A.N. Ostrovsky showed how “a protest against age-old traditions is ripening

and how the old Testament way begins to crumble

under pressure from the demands of life.

The conflict between the "dark kingdom" and the new

a person who lives according to the laws of conscience.

System of artistic images

literary characters

"Dark Realm"

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna

Wild Savel Prokofich

wanderer Feklusha

tradesman Shapkin

maid Glasha

"dark kingdom"


Meaning of names in drama

Ekaterina - colloquial Katerina,

translated from Greek: pure, noble.

Barbara - translated from Greek: foreigner, stranger.

Martha - from Aramaic: mistress.

Boris is an abbreviation of the name Borislav, from Bulgarian:

struggle, from Slavic: words.

Savel - from Saveliy, from Hebrew: requested

Tikhon - from the Greek: successful, calm.

The city of Kalinov and its inhabitants

The action takes place in the city

Kalinov, located on

the banks of the Volga. Downtown-

Market Square nearby

old church. Everything seems peaceful and calm, but rude

and cruelty differ

masters of the city.

  • Tell us about the inhabitants of Kalinov.
  • What are the rules in the city? (Substantiate your answer with text).

Life and customs of the "dark kingdom"

"Nothing sacred, nothing pure,

nothing right in this dark

world: dominion over it

tyranny, wild, insane,

wrong, drove everything out of him

consciousness of honor and rights…” (N. Dobrolyubov)

1. Do you agree with this statement of the critic?

2. Prove the validity of the words of N. Dobrolyubov.

"Samodurs of Russian life"

Wild Savel Prokofich - typical

representative of the "dark kingdom".

  • What does the word "selfish" mean?
  • What is your idea of ​​Wild?
  • What causes unbridled

arbitrariness of the Wild?

  • How does he treat those around him?
  • Is he sure of his infinity?

6. Describe speech, manner of speaking,

communicate wild. Give examples.

Let's draw a conclusion

Wild Savel Prokofich - "a piercing man",

"Swearer", "tyrant", which means wild, tough at heart,

domineering person. The purpose of his life is enrichment. Coarseness,

ignorance, scolding, swearing are habitual for the Wild. Passion

to swearing becomes even stronger when he is asked for money.

"Samodurs of Russian life"

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is a typical representative of the "dark kingdom".

1. What is your idea of ​​it


2. How does she feel about her family?

What is her attitude to the "new orders"?

3. What are the similarities and differences in characters

Wild and Boar?

4. Describe the speech, manner of speaking, communicating Kabanova. Give examples.

Let's draw a conclusion

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna - the embodiment of despotism,

covered in hypocrisy. How did you describe it correctly?

Kuligin: "The hypocrite ... He clothes the poor, but completely seized the home!" For her, there is no love, maternal feelings

to your children. Boar is the exact nickname given to her by people. She is the "guardian" and protector of customs and

orders of the "dark kingdom".

Young heroes of the play


Describe each literary character .

Let's draw a conclusion

Tikhon is kind, sincerely loves Katerina. exhausted

reproaches and orders of the mother, thinks about how

break out of the house. He is a weak-willed, submissive person.

Boris - soft, kind, really understands

Katherine, but he can't help her. He is not capable

fight for your happiness, chooses the path of humility.

Barbara - understands the meaninglessness of the protest, for her

lies - protection from the laws of the "dark kingdom". She ran away

from home, but did not submit.

Curly - desperate, boastful, capable of sincere feelings, not afraid of his master. He is everyone

fights for his own happiness.

Katerina's struggle for happiness

  • How is Katerina different from others?

heroes of the drama "Thunderstorm"?

2. Tell the story of her life. Lead

examples from the text.

3. What is the tragedy of her position?

4. What ways is she looking for in the struggle for happiness?

Katerina's struggle for happiness

  • Comment on the illustration

to the work.

  • Why is Katerina alone?

with your grief? Why didn't Boris take her with him?

3. Why didn't she return to her husband?

  • Are Boris and Tikhon worthy of her love?
  • Did Katerina have another way out,

other than death?

Katerina's struggle for happiness

  • Why did Katerina decide to publicly repent of her sin?

2. What role does the thunderstorm scene play?

3. Read the monologue expressively

Katerina in the scene of repentance. What

he plays a role in revealing the ideological

The meaning of the title of the drama "Thunderstorm"

Thunderstorm is an elemental force of nature,

scary and unexplored.

A thunderstorm is a thunderstorm

society, a thunderstorm in the souls of people.

A thunderstorm is a threat to the departing, but

still strong world of boar and wild.

Thunderstorm is a Christian belief:

the wrath of God that punishes sins.

Thunderstorm is ripening

new forces in the fight against

old relics of the past.

End of the play

  • Prove that the development of the action

inevitably leads to a tragic end?

  • Could Katerina find happiness in the family? Under what conditions?
  • What is the heroine struggling with: with a sense of duty or with the "dark kingdom"?
  • Read aloud Katerina's last words. Who is to blame for her death?

"Thunderstorm" in Russian criticism

N.A. Dobrolyubov: “Katerina is a ray of light in a dark kingdom.

At the tragic end ... a terrible challenge to self-foolish power is given.

In Katerina we see a protest against Kaban's notions of

morality, a protest brought to the end ... ”(N.A. Dobrolyubov“ A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom.

D.I. Pisarev: “Education and life could not give Katerina

neither a strong character, nor a developed mind ... She cuts

tied knots by suicide, which is completely

unexpectedly for her."

(D.I. Pisarev "Motives of Russian drama")

What is your opinion and why?