Actors of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater about the situation. Who is behind the scandal in the family and theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Having a long history, and very young. In 1996, a troupe was formed in the capital under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. "Theater D", as the master called his brainchild, was immediately able to win the hearts of the audience and today is one of the most popular cultural institutions in Moscow.

Creativity of Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan

The theater is, first of all, a collection of interesting personalities who want to convey their vision of life to the viewer, so the story about MDT should begin with creative biography its creator.

Today it is difficult to find a person who has never seen films with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Arriving in Moscow from Yerevan at the age of 32 and having several film and theater roles behind him, he began to successfully perform on the stages of the capital's theaters. However, the popularity of the actor was brought by film works in such famous films as “The New Adventures of the Elusive”, “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Hello, I'm your aunt!”, “Dog in the Manger”, and many others. In the early 1990s, Armen Borisovich taught at VGIK, and in 1996, based on his course, he founded "Theater D".


The Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, which reviews are mostly positive, was originally located on Cooperative Street and had auditorium for 96 seats. Its opening was marked by the premiere of a performance based on the play by W. Shakespeare "Twelfth Night, or As You Like" staged by Krikor Ghazaryan.

Over the years of existence in the theater, a galaxy of actors has literally matured, who today are loved not only by theatergoers in the capital, but also by spectators throughout Russia. This is largely due to the fact that MDT often tours the country and has even visited regions located thousands of kilometers from Moscow.


In a short time, a rather extensive repertoire was formed, which also included the one-man show "Krapp's Last Tape" with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. The theater also became famous for its performances of Pushkin's Little Tragedies, plays by Molière, Vampilov and Bulgakov. Among the performances that can be seen in the near future, I would like to note the production of the play by Lyudmila Ulitskaya “Russian Jam”. The play affects eternal theme the inability of the Russian intelligentsia to live “outside the window”. Spectators who have already visited the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater and seen this performance note that while watching it, one gets the feeling that the heroes are characters. Chekhov's plays, who somehow miraculously ended up in Russia of the 21st century. In MDT, you can also watch a play about corruption and social vices, which, although it was written 140 years ago, remains quite relevant today. It's about about the play “Wolves and Sheep”, which has been on the stage of the theater for many years and invariably gathers full houses. The production of “Crime and Punishment” is also very popular with the audience, making you think about eternal questions, and today tormenting modern young people.

Troupe MDT

As already mentioned, the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater was founded on the basis of the VGIK course, which was led by the master. Among the "oldest" members of the troupe who have been serving in the theater since the first years of its foundation, one can name Pyotr Stupin, Vladimir Kapustin and Elena Fomina. In addition, Alexey Shevchenkov, Kirill Pletnev, Nina Zabelinskaya, Stanislav Duzhnikov, Elena Ksenofontova and others played there in different years. Most of these actors and actresses are not just former students of Dzhigarkhanyan: the theater created by the master has become their home and a forge of professional skill.

The play "Nameless Star"

This work by the Romanian playwright M. Sebastian is familiar to many from the well-known film adaptation by Mikhail Kozakov, in which the main roles were played by Igor Kostolevsky and Anastasia Vertinskaya. This is a touching story about how the life of a modest teacher Miro from a provincial town is invaded by an eccentric socialite Mona, accustomed to luxury. She falls in love with a young man and, after spending the night in his house, in the morning declares that she is going to stay in his shack. However, since “no star can deviate from its path”, Mona leaves with her patron Grieg, leaving Miro to suffer from the realization that his dream of reuniting with his beloved is unrealizable.

“Nameless Star” (Dzhigarkhanyan Theater): reviews

For several years now, the play, which tells about a chance meeting between Mona and Miro, has been on the stage of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. The composition of the actors involved in it has changed several times, and today the main roles are played by Alexei Annenkov, Mikhail Zheleznov, and Alexei Lapshin. Previously, this performance was called "Mona", and main character personified by Elena Ksenofontova. After her departure from the theater, it was decided to make new production. The scenery was also changed, and so successfully that when the audience is asked if they liked the play "Nameless Star" (Dzhigarkhanyan's theatre), the reviews primarily concern the excellent work of the graphic designer Konstantin Rozanov. The author of the production is director Dmitry Isaichev, who managed to recreate the atmosphere of a provincial town. In the new performance, its inhabitants have a special role to play, and their collective image is the key to understanding the tragedy that happens to the main characters.

“The theater of the times of Seneca and Nero”

Another performance, which, judging by the reviews of the audience, represents the greatest interest, devoted to the relationship between the tyrant and his teacher. Based on Edvard Radzinsky's The Theater of the Times of Seneca and Nero, it offers a new look at the nature of this Roman emperor's cruelty. The role of Seneca is played by Armen Borisovich himself, and the audience calls his eloquent silence the most powerful scene in the whole performance. According to some reviews, the play about Nero, which can be seen in MDT, is not just a story about a sadist who breaks people's lives, but a story about a boy deprived of his parents' love and betrayed by a teacher whom he trusted infinitely.

Children's repertoire

The Dzhigarkhanyan Theater is a great place to introduce the younger generation to the art. In his repertoire there are several children's performances, such as "All Mice Love Cheese", "Tales of the Scientist Cat" based on Pushkin's fairy tales, etc.

As for teenagers, they can be recommended to watch the play “The Thirteenth Star”. This is a parable that tells about rabbits who are forced to take part in the race, where the losers face death. In fact, the creators of the performance invite the viewer to think about whether it is worth stepping over love and friendship in order to save one's own life.

Ticket prices

The Dzhigarkhanyan Theater is visited by people from different backgrounds. Prices for performances there are much lower than in most other metropolitan institutions of this kind. In particular, to see children's performance(beginning at 12:00), it is enough to pay only 300 rubles, and tickets for “adult” productions cost from 1000 to 1500 rubles. On weekdays, the box office of the theater is open from 12:00 to 20:00, and on weekends you can buy tickets from 11:00 to 20:00.

Is it worth visiting the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater? “The Nameless Star”, “The Theater of the Times of Seneca and Nero”, “Vasa” and other performances certainly deserve attention.

On Wednesday, October 26, information appeared about the raider seizure of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

The head of the literary part of the theater Dzhigarkhanyan Natalia Alexandrovna Korneeva in an interview with "VM" spoke about what is happening in the theater today.

How are things in the building now?

The people who took Armen Borisovich away two weeks ago in an unknown direction do not let him out of their hands and continue to pursue their goals. True, they do not voice their requirements. But these people, Dzhigarkhanyan's friends, led by Artur Soghomonyan, ensured that the director of the theater Vitalina Tsymbalyuk (Dzhigarkhanyan's wife, with whom he came into conflict and who turned out to be the owner of all the property of an elderly actor - "VM") wrote a letter of resignation from the theater own desire. Late last night they brought Armen Borisovich to the theater, and he spent the night there under the supervision of a nurse. Armen Borisovich is trying to manage the theater, and these people also interfere in the activities of the theater, although they are not connected with the theater in any way. These people control the actions of Dzhigarkhanyan, do not allow those who were in the team of Vitalina Viktorovna to approach him. Yesterday, after my speech on Andrey Malakhov's program "Let them talk", a man called me with threats, and his voice was similar to the voice of Dzhigarkhanyan's friend Artur Soghomonyan.

How were you threatened?

This man said that I was behaving ugly and should not support Vitalina Viktorovna. True, I did not listen to him to the end - I interrupted the conversation. Arthur behaves like a theater owner. If threats against me are repeated, of course, I will contact the police.

Nobody fired you from the theater. Do you go to work?

Yes, I was at the theater all day and only now I am returning home.

In some media it is written that today the theater has undergone a raider seizure. Was force used? And, excuse me, if that's the case, where are the police looking?

Despite the order issued in the theater "Do not let strangers in," Arthur and his people are in the theater.

Why did Vitalina Viktorovna write a letter of resignation from the theater of her own free will? In no program, and there were many, she did not comment on this act?

Vitalina Viktorovna wrote a statement of her own free will, because she did not want to make the theater a hostage to her family drama. But it did not help. Outsiders - Arthur and his team - occupied the theater. Vitalina Viktorovna satisfied the desire of Dzhigarkhanyan's friends, but this did not solve the problem.

We live in a legal state. Theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - state state-financed organization that runs on taxpayer money. Do you understand what to capture government agency- tantamount to the capture of the telegraph office in 1917. Is it illegal and in the center of Moscow can not be in principle?

Understood your question. We do not know the position of the Moscow government. Of course, the department of culture of the Moscow government is aware of our problem. But the government has yet to intervene.

Please answer the question: "Are there law enforcement officers in the theater"?

Don't know. The theater has security. Someone saw the police, too, but not today, but earlier. The precinct of our district is aware of the situation - he came to the theater.

If a police officer controls everything - why are you talking about the raider seizure of the theater?

One thing I can say - all this is savagery. And this is just the beginning of the drama. I never thought that I would become an unwitting participant in this disgrace.

Acting Acting Appointed at the Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan CEO. According to RIA Novosti, this post will be held by Elena Gilvanova. According to the media, which continue to actively monitor the development difficult situation in the theater, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who held the post of director of the spouse of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, left him of her own free will. It is noted that she not only quit the theater, but also intends to file for divorce.

Moscow actor Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Ivan Gordienko in conversation with NSN spoke about how the team took the departure of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

“We were okay with it. She gathered everyone, said goodbye, even burst into tears a little. But everything was fine. It’s a pity for the person, but, as they say, with "est la vie. Comment on the information that because of Tsymbalyuk she left the theater large group actors, I can’t, because I never delved into these matters. As for Stas Duzhnikov, he left on his own, because he had filming in the TV series Voronins. And I don’t know everything, just because I’m doing business here, creativity,” Ivan Gordienko said.

Answering the question whether the theater could be closed due to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's illness and the scandal surrounding his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the interlocutor NSN stated that this issue, if it arises, will be decided by "higher authorities".

“But it seems to me that this will not happen, because the team is “alive”. Where do people go? Some have been in the theater for many years. For example, for 56 years I have been working in the best theaters Soviet Union. Where are we in our old age?” NSN actor.

“The public is well received by Tramway Desire. They go to the Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneca. Armen Borisovich came out and, I think, he will play. We live, in a word. And we hope that we will continue to live. The most important thing is that Armen Borisovich is alive and well, that he was released from the hospital. The media wrote earlier, Vitalina told us that he was dying, which is difficult. Well, there must have been such a moment. We were all very worried. And now, I hope, everything will be fine with us in order, ”summed up the actor of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

We add that the representative of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya announced that she decided to leave the theater for the reason that Dzhigarkhanyan "continues to dishonor her in every possible way."

Numerous media outlets have previously reported that the last spat between the spouses was the reason that the 82-year-old actor's chronic illness worsened. As a result, he was hospitalized in one of the hospitals in Moscow. While there, Dzhigarkhanyan accused his current wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya of stealing and wanting to kill him. He also announced that he intended to divorce her.

The ex-wife staged a persecution of the actor's associates. She is considered a "gray cardinal".

Businessman Artur Soghomonyan continues to bully the theater team under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. For example, Natalia Korneeva, who holds the position of director and press secretary in the theater, began to receive threats from persons of Armenian nationality by phone immediately after the broadcast of Andrei Malakhov's program dedicated to the scandal in the family and theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, in which she participated.

After it became known that Korneeva filed an application with the Investigative Committee of the city of Moscow about the seizure of the theater by the Armenian group on October 26, telephone threats were repeated. And then a man called who did not introduce himself and demanded that Natalia come to him at st. Nametkina, house 11, building 1, to office 11 for a survey on Sunday, October 29. This address is the office of the Investigative Committee of the Southwestern District.

“I expressed distrust of this caller and refused to come,” Korneeva told Dni.Ru. “But this man insisted and threatened to be brought. Then I demanded to send me an official summons explaining in what capacity I was called and for what reason. I got the notice on Sunday. A piece of paper without an envelope was wrapped around the front door handle. I am on sick leave with a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infections and officially notified this by telegram to the investigator, Senior Lieutenant M.D. Mizonov, who sent or brought this summons himself. Since my statement of October 26 is currently under consideration by the Investigative Committee of the City of Moscow and has not been sent to the department of the Investigative Committee of the Southwestern District, I suspected Investigator Mizonov of corruption in connection with the Armenian group, which is headed by Artur Soghomonyan, and turned to competent authorities with a statement to this effect.

The atmosphere in the theater is very tense. "Compiled hit lists objectionable, - employees told Dni.Ru. “People are being squeezed out of the theater by all means. The Armenians who seized the theater forced not only the general director Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to resign, but also the financial director and the lawyer. Eleven people from the troupe are now on sick leave, but people are afraid to return to the theater, they are afraid of physical violence.

According to employees, Tatiana Vlasova is behind all these black deeds, ex-wife Dzhigarkhanyan. “Even when Vlasova lived in America, she remained a “grey eminence” in the theater,” the employees assure. “Through her closest friend Margarita Cheres, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s personal dresser, Vlasova was aware of all the news.” It was the ex-wife, as they believe in the theater, who brewed all this mess. The goal is to leave a good inheritance to his son Stepan, until Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya lays hands on him.