It's good that the owners were shot. Mysterious picture

According to estimates, as a result of collectivization for only two years (1932-1933), only from hunger and diseases associated with malnutrition, about seven million people died in Ukraine in some other regions:

As a result of the famine caused by forced collectivization, many regions of the RSFSR (the Volga region, the Central Chenozem region, the North Caucasus, the Urals, Crimea, part of Western Siberia), Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus suffered. From hunger and diseases associated with malnutrition, in 1932-1933, about 7 million people died. ..


Relatively soft form genocide is the forced expulsion of objectionable fellow citizens (for example, a class of creative intelligentsia - researchers, artists) abroad. In the USSR, a large-scale action of this kind took place in the USSR in the autumn of 1922. Images of relevant documents are available on the rusarchives website. Digitized versions are also available for some documents.

A similar expulsion (although formally within the same country) was applied to the Russian population of Chechnya after the collapse of the USSR. Wikipedia has a detailed article on the genocide of the Russian population in Chechnya in 1990-2005,
Around 2005, the ethnic cleansing was almost complete; There are an order of magnitude fewer Russians left in Chechnya than there were during the Soviet era.

The genocide of the Crimean Tatars during the USSR is discussed.

Putin-Dulles plan

In a certain sense, any form of genocide can qualify as terror. According to Adolf Hitler, terror is successful if it is not countered by a stronger terror. In Russian folklore, this opinion corresponds to the proverb "There is no reception against scrap if there is no other scrap."

A mild (but equally effective) form of genocide can also be called the targeted corruption of the population. The cult of violence, murder and fraud is usually applied after the most creative sections of the population (who could organize resistance) have already been destroyed or expelled. At the same time, the country is turning into a raw material base for more civilized neighbors, and indigenous people replaced by strangers, newcomers, migrants, usually from even less civilized (and more despotic) countries. Links to this form of genocide are collected in the Putin-Dulles Plan article. Such genocide is possible (and effective) in the conditions of the passivity of the population, the subordination of the population to corrupt officials. An apology for such passivity is presented in the article Burmatov's Philosophy.

An attempt to apply the above opinion about terror and scrap to confronting corruption in Russia in the 21st century is presented in the emulation Genocide of Corruptionists.

Term ambiguity

The simple definition above is controversial. In particular, with such a definition, it is not clear whether attempts to expel or imprison professional corrupt officials from the Party of Crooks and Thieves are genocide. In order to clarify the terminology, links on this topic are collected here.


Somewhere they fired from machine guns, in short bursts. Those residents who once served in the army determined by ear that about a platoon of submachine gunners was shooting and they were shooting not from ordinary domestic submachine guns, but from some other ones. The roar was heard for about three minutes, then subsided.
Only in the morning we were able to find out from which apartment the roar was heard. The fact is that in one apartment blood flowed from the neighbors from above. The police were called, they broke down the door and entered. It turned out that both owners of the apartment, an elderly husband and wife, are dead. They lay next to their bed, riddled with bullets. There were so many hits that in some places the bodies looked like chopped meat.
They began to conduct an investigation. Many questions immediately arose: who shot? Where can a whole platoon of submachine gunners come from in an ordinary house? And where does he go then? And why are there no footprints on the floor? Why are there a lot of bullets, but not a single cartridge case was found? Although the case received wide publicity in their city, it had to be closed soon because the investigators did not have a single lead.
Time passed... This apartment was inherited by the son of the former owners. He did not live in it, but sold it to other people, visitors. They did not know about the terrible tragedy that happened in this apartment, and the former owner voluntarily did not want to talk about it. By agreement, all the things of the former owners came to the full disposal of the new owners of the apartment. That son knew that there was nothing valuable in his parents' apartment, and he did not want to take out all that junk.
In this family there was a boy of nine years. He got the very room in which the former owners were shot. The room was recently renovated, it was necessary to hide the numerous traces of bullets in the walls. Only the picture on the wall remained from the previous situation, the rest had already been thrown away by the boy's parents. And so far, of all the furnishings in the boy's room, there was only his bed and a picture opposite the bed.
And here lies the boy in bed, looking at the picture. And the picture is the most ordinary, simple landscape: a lake, birch trees on the shore ...
Suddenly, a fascist came out from behind every birch, and they began to aim at the boy. But the boy was quite brave and also went to the karate section. He quickly fell to the floor, quickly crawled up to the wall, stood up and turned the picture back to front.
In the morning he turned the picture back. Again everything was as before: the lake, the birches. The boy did not tell his parents anything. Thought they wouldn't believe it anyway.
The next night, history repeated itself again. The boy again managed to turn the picture to the wall. And then a few more times... When the boy got tired of fiddling with this picture, he took and added two partisans to it. As if the partisans are lying in a clearing and aiming at birch trees with a machine gun. In vain all the next night he waited for the fascists to appear from behind the birches and shoot out between them and the partisans. Apparently, the painted fascists got scared and ran away ...
Parents, when they saw the partisans in the picture, even praised the boy. They had no idea that their son draws so well. And the boy then remained a habit for life. As soon as he sees a picture with a painted forest, he definitely needs to finish painting the partisans. When he was already nineteen years old, even staying at a hotel, he finished drawing the partisans in the picture that hung in the room. Just in case.

edited news Anomaly - 25-08-2011, 19:53


As you know, a "demotivator" is walking on the net based on a painting by the Soviet artist A.I. Laktionov (1910-1972) Moving to a new apartment(1952). This is a reference work of poster socialist realism of the late Stalin era, on a par with Stalinist Empire style And A book about tasty and healthy food(especially, editions of the same 1952):

This settlement is often interpreted as the entry of new tenants into the apartment of the former owners who were repressed or even shot, which, of course, is not true. Here - new flat, a room or two in which gave these happy Soviet people. Yes, and the time was no longer the same when, indeed, the Soviet people were relatively massively settled in the vacated square of the enemies of the people. That time - the thirties, the era of the notorious great terror. But there was a time even earlier, immediately after the revolutionary catastrophe, when there were still former, which compacted or completely ousted the victorious people, especially its Bolshevik elite. This kind of phenomenon was reflected in his picture not by a Soviet, but by a Russian artist, a famous author Bathing a red horse K.S. Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939). This is a picture - Housewarming. Worker Petrograd(1937):

Particularly telling is the view from the window with plywood in binding, in which blue fortress and Neva. This is an apartment of real former, of the highest parsing, after all, on the very Palace embankment.! But in addition to a purely genre load, the picture carries more deep meanings, referring in particular to the composition last supper, mockingly parodied in the spirit new world. This is what a "demotivator" should be made of It's good that the owners were shot! Or even: It's good that we won!

And, for comparison, the third picture with the introduction, New owners(1913) N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky (1868-1945):

Here are the new inhabitants noble estate, but moved into it by right, legally acquiring it from the former owners or from the Noble Bank, to which the estate was transferred from the owners who pledged it. This picture reflects the turbulent social dynamics of the Empire in its last period, when there was an energetic influx of new residents into the upper floors of the building of Russian society. We note in passing that the author of the picture, unlike Petrov-Vodkin, did not make mistakes, but preferred to continue a normal life in limitrophe emigration, which, alas, did not save him from a terrible end.

The first shock passed, and a lot of questions immediately appeared - painful and gnawing; kids are raising animals.

Other questions arise, purely technical ones, in the field of formal logic - where does the blatant inconsistency of all the information that pours into the ears of the population, shocked and frozen in front of the screens, catch every word about the Kerch tragedy that shocked everyone with horror and pain?

Why do the media confidently state the words of the Investigative Committee that: "this is not a terrorist attack, but the murder of two or more citizens", that the investigation has already been completed and all irrefutable evidence has been collected, all the witnesses who survived the massacre have been interviewed, all ends have been made - "the investigation is over, forget"?
No, the investigation has just begun, but everything is already clear to everyone, because official version tragedy: a lone killer, then they are investigating exclusively in this direction -

The Ombudsman said that the source of the aggression of the shooter will be looked for in the family

MOSCOW, October 17 - RIA Novosti. The sources of the aggressive behavior of the student who shot at Kerch, first of all will be searched in the family , and then already at school, Irina Klyueva, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Republic of Crimea, told RIA Novosti ...

"The sources of such aggressive behavior, including the family will be looked for. And even in the first place in the family. Secondly, in schools and so on. As usual, this happens," Klyueva said.

According to the children's ombudsman, the influence of the company and social networks will also be worked out.
Clear. The family is to blame, of course. The family in the Russian Federation generally has a presumption of guilt.
The issue is officially closed - the train of thought is clear, the direction of the investigation has been set, and this is generally very trendy, the family is always blamed for everything, only it, worthless, inferior, responsible for everything, guilty all around.

A society built not on cooperation, but on fierce competition - nothing to do with it; the system of "optimized" to the state of complete degradation of education - nothing to do with it; the authorities that abolished the ideology and forbade the school to educate, leaving only the "provision of educational services" - nothing to do with it; capitalism, which imposes on everyone the rule of life: "man is a wolf to man" and "you die today, and I will die tomorrow" - nothing to do with it.
Do not even dare to think in this direction - this is sedition from sedition and rocking the boat.

Blame it all, of course, exclusively traditional Russian family, where family violence reigns everywhere, and parents, losers and untermensch, massively do not know how to raise their children properly - therefore, apparently, hello, saving juvenile justice, guardianship and foster families?

OK. The main idea is clear. We immediately thought so.
It would be strange if we thought differently, this idea has been drummed into us for many years, we have almost got used to it and accepted it, but what remains for us? We are guilty. Untermenschi. Wild people.
Then means what? So, they study the family and find it, but what about, dysfunctional -

The mother of the Kerch shooter was fond of the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses*
Details about the family of the Kerch shooter have become known.

According to a source in the Ministry of Education of Crimea, the family of the suspect Vladislav Roslyakov could not be called prosperous, since the young man's father is disabled and lived separately, and the boy's mother worked as a nurse in an oncology center. At the same time, a few years ago, a woman became interested in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses *," the ministry said.

The relationship between mother and son could be tense due to the fact that the woman was a supporter of this teaching. It is known that she searched the young man when he came home.

According to the source, Roslyakov studied "not at full strength" - in triples. In general, he developed normal relations with classmates. Previously, he did not show himself in aggression.

In order to identify the motives of the shooter, investigators are working with his parents. Searches have already been carried out at their place of residence, who live separately, according to the Zvezda TV channel.

* "Jehovah's Witnesses" - a religious association that was recognized as banned in the Russian Federation.

Let's say so. Probably so. How many such dysfunctional families in Russia?
Weight. A sectarian mother of a destructive forbidden sect? But not a son.
Is the father disabled? Mental illness or not? Again, he did not live with his family.
The guy is a non-aggressive, quiet threesome, he has not been seen in anything reprehensible before.
The same RIA writes: "Vladislav Roslyakov legally received a weapons permit after checking with a psychiatrist" - that is, a month ago everything was in order with the guy?

Why are they so vague about what happened? Are all direct witnesses dead?
What kind of explosions were there before the shots, and how did the youngster manage to carry the entire arsenal to college alone?
AND main question: why do a bunch of witnesses talk about a group of several people, and the official infa stubbornly talks about a lone killer who managed to arrange a pitch hell for dozens of people in one person?

After all, at first there was a mass of eyewitness accounts of "several" shooters, then they all disappeared, in RBC, for example, there is a striking contrast in the published testimonies with a difference of half an hour, I did not have time to fix it, it has already been cleaned up, there are no those remarks that spoke of several - why are they removed?
In RT, there are still similar replicas at this point in time -

Kerch college janitor Natalya Panikorovskaya told RT that criminals could not enter through the main entrance.

"I don't know how they infiltrated . There were children, there was a stream, I gave a call, as usual, let the children through. As soon as a stream of children passed, there was an explosion. I thought the TV exploded. Then the second explosion. And then people came down, they said that they heard shooting on the second floor, ”she said.

According to her, attackers could climb over the fence "from the back."

“There are such gates, there is no camera, you can safely climb over,” the watchman said.

About what happened in college, RT was told by one of his students.

“First, there was an explosion in the dining room, and immediately after it, people with machine guns started running out of the toilets. They had masks on their faces. It was impossible to understand what nationality they were. There were a lot of them, but I can't say exactly how many. They shot at students and teachers - at everyone who came across them on the way. I don't think that many people were hurt by the shooting, I saw only one or two. Besides, these people threw explosives", he said.

We draw the readers' attention to the fact that this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

"Why they chose us scoundrels? We have a thousand full-time students, a serious access control. broke in, apparently. They didn't take we are hostages, we have a lot of exits. As the surviving employees told me, they closed the doors of the offices, they pulled from the other side, jumped from the windows, ”the testimony of the teacher was quoted by law enforcement agencies.
Total. Several witnesses, including a student, a watchman and a college teacher, claim that there were many shooters, which is recorded in the RT. They talk about it directly. With eloquent details.
Where did they get it from? Do they have collective hallucinations? Agreed in advance and lie in unison? Oh well.
Where, then, did the official version of the lone shooter suddenly arise and take hold?

Why did the investigation, having scored on the initial version of the terrorist attack, which was quite logical, themselves regularly warned that there was a high probability of Ukrainian terrorist attacks in Crimea, for example, was it undermined to find out the family situation of one of the shooters?
Where is the certainty that it was he who shot? And how did he alone manage to shoot so many people, and even plant two intricate devices?

He's been shot and won't say anything? Yes. Did he shoot himself? And where are the rest? Why are all officials silent about them like a fish on ice?
It's easier? Blame everything on one, already killed guy? And to blame the poor mother-nurse from oncology for everything that has not brought up her son? And a "dysfunctional" family with a disabled dad?

We are watching a heated discussion at Kassad, a post in the night rating in 19th place and we see that the owner and a dozen Kremlinbots, several known to everyone and others disposable, are promoting the same topic: a) there was one shooter, b) the guy was crazy, c) the family is to blame, d) weapons should be banned, e) social networks should be dealt with.
Who would doubt - this is exactly what they lead to ....

October 18, 2018, 08:28:12
There was a team operating there, and this is just a set-up. A poor guy from a dysfunctional family would be fine.

godilla 18 October 2018, 09:00:04
There is even about Breivik.
Immediately after the breivikiada, witnesses also claimed to have seen several shooters. But they were quickly persuaded, and only Breivik remained, who, being a notorious narcissist, gladly plays the role of "great and terrible." And the people believe, because in Hollywood films everything is like that: they shoot with three hands and stack them in piles ...


October 18, 2018, 11:39:06 AM
I should have listened to Solovyov yesterday, when he openly said that the guy was a left-wing radical, an anarchist and ... a tough ANTIFA. That is, it turns out to be an anti-fascist is already a sin - (well, what to think after such a statement?). Here in the anti-Maidan movement, please. Well, if it’s real, Of course, he could collect bombs, smuggle a pump-action shotgun too. By the way, a bad weapon in terms of survivability, that is, the wounded are most likely heavy and can die further. But it's not an automatic. That is, it took a VERY MUCH TIME to kill and injure so many people. Well, God bless him, let him be alone and he had 3 bombs and this gun with 150 rounds. But it had to be wielded for 40 minutes. And all this time no one called the police and tried to do nothing to save people? Something almost looks more incredible than Breivik's crime.