Flaubert quotes. Gustave Flaubert - quotes

Gustave Flaubert

(fr. Gustave Flaubert; 1821 - 1880) - French realist prose writer, considered one of the largest European writers of the 19th century.

Will is the main element of any undertaking.

Our passions are like volcanoes: the rumble is heard constantly, eruptions occur only at times.

Passion is the best thing on earth, it is the source of heroism, delight, poetry, music, art, absolutely everything.

Bliss is a deception invented to make it even harder for a broken heart.

Without striving for the ideal, there is no truth.

The future is the worst part of the present.

The future worries us, but the past holds us. That is why the present eludes us.

To be respected by those below you, respect what is above you!

Great people never become great in their lifetime. Their descendants made them great.

Taste is defined as a special talent, speed of judgment, the ability to distinguish shades of beauty.

Stupidity is spreading fast.

The memory of the first love discolors the new love.

Life comes from sin, sin from desire, desire from sensation, sensation from contact.

Life is tolerable only on the condition that you always distance yourself from it.

Human life is a lie. Behind every smile there is a yawn, behind every delight there is a curse, behind every pleasure there is disgust, and from a sweet kiss a languishing thirst for new pleasures remains on the lips.

Life is a continuous decline! Joy, relatives, friends - everything dies, leaves, slips away.

Stupidity is something indestructible. Who attacks her, he himself breaks against her.

Brotherhood is one of the best inventions of social hypocrisy.

Imagination is a faculty that needs to be contracted to give it strength rather than expanded to give it extension.

Consistency creates style, just as consistency creates strength.

All inspiration is to sit down to work at the same hour every day.

If God had a will, had a purpose, if he acted for something, then he would have some need, then he would not be perfect. He wouldn't be God.

All misery comes from coercion. With the free manifestation of passions comes harmony.

For natures inclined to extremes, there is no danger of excess.

Every soul is measured by the immensity of its striving.

If the well-being of people increases, then the beauty of life disappears.

You can fatten human cattle as much as you like, bed them up to their belly, and even gild their stables - they will still remain cattle, no matter what they say.

High ideas, like firs, grow in the shade and on the edge of abysses.

Genius is refined pain, that is, the most complete and powerful penetration of the external world into our soul.

Extraordinary feelings give rise to lofty creations.

The main condition of beauty, its main principle is unity in diversity.

There are people whose purpose is to serve as intermediaries: they pass through them, as if over a bridge, and go on.

Deep feelings are like decent women: they are afraid that they will be unraveled, and they go through life with downcast eyes.

Everything that is beautiful is moral.

For other people, action is the more inaccessible, the stronger the desire that grips them.

Every instinct splits into two, forming a good and a bad beginning.

For everybody moral value art lies in what suits his interests.

Everything wears out, even grief.

Virtue is nothing but foresight.

From time to time you need to scratch your heart a little with a scraper of buffoonery in order to clear it of scabs.

The duty lies in understanding the great, worshiping the beautiful, and not at all in adhering to various shameful conventions.

The only thing that distinguishes man from animals is that he is able to eat without feeling hungry and drink without feeling thirsty - free will.

The dullness of everyday life causes dreams of luxury.

In the language there is only one word for the exact designation of an object, one epithet for its definition, one verb for expressing its action.

If there is on earth and among all the faces of non-existence a belief worthy of admiration, if there is something bright, pure, sublime, something that speaks to our irrepressible craving for the infinite and vague, called in our language the soul, then this is art.

You can’t touch the idols - the gilding sticks to your fingers.

If a delusion exists for a hundred thousand years, it does not follow that there is truth in it.

Art must be loved for the sake of art itself, otherwise it is better to take up any other craft.

Art embellishes passions.

Dramatic art is geometry turning into music.

Art is a luxury, it needs clean and calm hands.

Art is the highest manifestation of the soul.

If a piece of art does not care, it means that it does not reach the true goal of art.

There is a stupid axiom that says that the word expresses the thought - it would be more fair to say that the word distorts the thought.

Others could have had much more merit if they had not been deliberately sought after.

There are two varieties of vanity: public vanity and private vanity, called a calm conscience, human dignity, self-respect - the truth is so fair that two people live in each of us: the one who acts and the one who judges.

There is something more unpleasant than a harsh criticism - it is clumsy praise.

Blondes are more sensual than brunettes. Brunettes are more sensual than blondes.

A woman who has made great sacrifices can afford some whims.

A woman is the most ordinary creature, of which we have created too beautiful a picture.

The heart of a woman is a chest with a secret, with many drawers inserted one into the other; you try your best, break your nails - and finally find a dried flower, dust flakes or emptiness.

Women inspire men to great deeds, but do not leave time for their accomplishment.

Women distrust men too much in general and too much trust them in particular.

A naked woman is not shameless - shameless is a covering hand, a thrown cover, a carefully lined fold.

I think success with women is usually a sign of mediocrity.

The ideal of society is that each individual act according to his ability.

Praise is almost always clumsy if it comes from an ignorant person.

The idea of ​​happiness is almost the only cause of all human ills.

To be foolish, selfish, and in good health are the three conditions necessary to be happy. But if the first of them is not enough, then the rest are useless.

After all, all art can do is make the beast less evil.

Artificiality always leads to vulgarity.

When you get old, habits become tyrants.

Truth must be grasped by the heart.

Truth is never in the present. Whoever clings to him, perishes with him.

Every good deed is more than three-quarters based on pride, and a quarter on considerations of profit, on involuntary, purely animal motivation, on the desire to satisfy one's own need.

Pitiful as fiction is, it is still worth more than vile reality.

A book can be judged by the force with which it hit you and by the length of time it takes you to return to it.

The frantic pursuit of conclusions is one of the saddest and most fruitless manias inherent in mankind.

When you respect your talent, you will not resort to the means by which the crowd is won over.

Who knows little, he departs from religion; who knows a lot, he returns to her.

The caresses of the spouse cause a thirst for treason.

The best way to live calmly and freely is to settle on the top of a pyramid, no matter what, as long as it is high and with a solid foundation. It is not always fun there, and you are completely alone there, but you can console yourself - spit from a height.

Any dream eventually finds its embodiment; Every thirst has its source, and every heart has its own love.

Material success should be the result, not the goal.

Melancholy is nothing but an unconscious memory.

Thought is the sharpest kind of voluptuousness - voluptuousness itself is only imagination - do you happen to enjoy more in reality than in dreams?

Restored in the memory of the details lengthen the life lived.

Finding a form that fully corresponds to this idea is the secret of creating masterpieces.

The people eventually recognize any tyrant, as long as he is not prevented from sipping soup from the cauldron.

Persistence softens fate.

Words are a drawing bench on which any feeling can be stretched.

The word is a distant and weakened echo of thought.

What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained with the help of words that are not understood.

The nothingness that awaits us in the future is no more terrible than what is left behind us.

Ignorance is the other side of pride.

Cynicism is the irony of vice.

Extraordinary people can do anything without dropping themselves.

Happiness is an invention, the search for it is the cause of all disasters in life.

Happiness is a red cloak lined with rags: when you want to wrap yourself in it, everything scatters in the wind, and you remain tangled in a cold rag that promised so much warmth.

It is impossible to refer as evidence to the testimonies of the crowd, because it is impossible to verify them.

Joy is sometimes sad, and sadness is joyful.

It is necessary to have a sense of proportion, but the concept of proportion is changing.

Other faults, indifferent or intolerable in one person, delight in another.

There is no surer means of drawing hearts to religion than tolerance.

Man denies nature, crushes it, suppresses it, suppresses it even in his body, which he is ashamed of and hides like a crime.

Man is a grain of sand thrown into infinity by an unknown hand, a pathetic booger with frail paws, who tries to grab hold of any twig on the edge of the abyss, seeks support in virtue, in love, in selfishness, in ambition, and elevates all this to the rank of virtue, in order to be more reliable. hold on; clings to God, but always weakens, opens his fingers and falls.

It is human nature to be afraid.

Human speech is like a cracked cauldron, and when we want to touch the stars with our music, we get a dog waltz.

There is no tradesman who, at the time of rebellious youth, for at least one day, at least for one moment, did not consider himself capable of a deep feeling, of a bold feat.

It is not good to get used to inaccessible pleasures when the head swells with worries.

The well-being of the human race cannot serve as a consolation for the individual.

Nothing great can be accomplished without fanaticism.

Nothing makes me more contemptuous of success than the thought of what it costs.

You should always hope when you despair, and doubt when you hope.

Loneliness cannot be filled with memories, they only make it worse.

One trouble usually brings to mind all the others.

Desperation is the same as suicide.

Before parting, there is a moment when a loved one is no longer with us.

There is no idiot who does not think that he great person, there is no such donkey, which, contemplating itself in the river, would not look at itself with pleasure and would not find the devil of a horse in itself.

Skepticism terrifies only pitiful minds.

Let's try to understand everything and not judge anything. Here's a way to learn a lot and stay calm.

The beautiful is indestructible and unchanging, but we do not know its laws, for its origin is mysterious.

The prosperity of the wicked is a temptation to others.

The past serves as a guarantee for the future.

The past is that which no longer exists; the future is that which is not yet; the present is absolutely fleeting, it is constantly moving, and art takes this or that phenomenon out of this stream and makes it eternal.

Disappointment is the property of the weak. Do not trust the disappointed - they are almost always powerless.

Strength is a property that you enjoy only if you use it.

It is good to repent, but not to do evil is even better.

The heart in its affections, like humanity in its ideas, is constantly expanding in circles.

The human heart is doomed to eternal loneliness.

If not a single beautiful creation went unnoticed, then, on the other hand, there was no such shame that would not deserve applause, nor such a fool who would not be declared a great man. The posterity sometimes changes an estimation.

Too close adherence to the truth harms beauty, and excessive adherence to beauty distorts the truth.

Arguing is much easier than understanding.

Despondency is generated by the monotony of an aimless, hopeless existence.

Statistics is the most accurate of the inexact sciences.

Nothing so frightens and comforts at the same time as the forthcoming long work.

The accuracy of thought determines the accuracy of expressions.

Confidence in complete safety gives courage.

The plot means nothing, it all depends on the execution.

The more beautiful the thought, the more sonorous the phrase.

Selfishness is a solid foundation of chastity.

To have talent, you need to be sure that you have it.

Good prose should be as accurate as verse and just as resonant.

Civilization is something turned against poetry.

You can't live by inspiration. Pegasus walks more often than jumps.

All books taken together are not worth personal observation.

The main advantage of the writer is the knowledge of what is not necessary to write about.

The topic is not chosen. This is what neither the public nor the critics understand. This is the secret of the masterpiece, that the theme is a reflection of the temperament of the writer.

Poetry, like the sun, makes the dung heap cast gold.

Poets are like statues that are dug up in ruins; they are sometimes forgotten for a long time, but then they are found untouched in dust that no longer has a name.

The muse, no matter how intractable she may be, causes less grief than a woman.

There are great geniuses who have only one defect, one vice, namely, that they are felt mainly by vulgar souls, hearts accessible to easy poetry.

What is equality but the negation of all freedom, all superiority, even of nature itself? Equality is slavery.

In style, as in music, the most beautiful and rarest thing is the purity of tone.

The feeling of bitterness, mixed with desires, only strengthens them.

A joke is the most powerful force in the world and the most formidable, it is irresistible - there is no court that could call it to account either for the reason or for the feeling that caused it - what is ridiculed is dead - laughing more saddened.

What is called the pleasure of a good deed is a lie and is no different from the pleasure of digestion.

There are people great talent which have the misfortune to arouse the admiration of small natures: boiled beef is unpleasant mainly because it is the main dish in small farms.

Ecology of Life: People. Gustave Flaubert was one of the most important European realist writers of the 19th century. We offer you quotes from his most famous works "Madame Bovary", "Education of the Senses", "Salambo" and "Bouvard and Pécuchet".

Quotes from the classics of French literature

On December 12, 1821, the classic of French literature Gustave Flaubert was born. He was one of the greatest European realist writers of the 19th century. His most famous works are the novels "Madam Bovary", "Education of the Senses", "Salambo" and "Bouvard and Pécuchet".

We selected from them 10 quotes:

To be foolish, selfish and in good health are the three conditions necessary to be happy. But if the first of them is not enough, then the rest are useless. ("Madam Bovary")


High-sounding words usually cover up a very shallow affection.("Madam Bovary")


Words are a drawing bench on which any feeling can be stretched. ("Madam Bovary")


The self-confidence of a person depends on the environment that surrounds him. ("Madam Bovary")


Nothing great can happen without an idea.. ("Education of the Senses")

Deep feelings are like decent women: they are afraid that they will be unraveled, and they go through life with downcast eyes.("Education of the Senses")


The future worries us, but the past holds us. That is why the present eludes us. ("Education of the Senses")


We take refuge in mediocrity despairing of the beauty they dreamed of.("Education of the Senses")


The crowd always follows the beaten path. Progress, on the other hand, is only sought by a minority.. ("Bouvard and Pécuchet")

Gustave Flaubert, (1821–1880), French writer

The budget never stays in balance.

Extraordinary feelings give rise to lofty creations.

A people made up of atheists could not survive.

Melancholy is nothing but an unaccountable memory.

When you respect your talent, you will not resort to the means by which the crowd is won over.

Arguing is much easier than understanding.

The word is nothing but a distant and weakened echo of thought.

The accuracy of thought determines the accuracy of expressions.

The muse, no matter how intractable, causes less grief than a woman.

Women inspire men to great deeds, but leave no time for them.

The future worries us, but the past holds us. That is why the present eludes us. To be foolish, selfish and in good health are the three conditions necessary to be happy. But if the first of them is not enough, then the rest are useless.

All the progress one can hope for is to make people somewhat less evil.

Everything wears out, even grief.

Everything that is beautiful is moral.

Every soul is measured by the immensity of its striving.

The main virtue of a writer is knowing what not to write.

Women distrust men too much in general and too much trust them in particular.

When you get old, habits become tyrants. It was once believed that only sugar cane produces sugar, but now it is mined from almost everywhere. It is the same with poetry: let us extract it from anywhere, for it is in everything and everywhere. There is no atom of matter that does not contain poetry.

I love to love, I love to hate.

We have lost faith even in vice.

Persistence softens fate.

You can't live by inspiration alone. Pegasus often walks than gallops. The whole talent is to make him walk in the gait you want.

Loneliness cannot be filled with memories, they only make it worse.

Poetry is a special way of perceiving external world, a special organ that sifts matter and, without changing, transforms it.

It is good to repent, but not to do evil is even better.

The topic is not chosen. This is the secret of the masterpiece, that the theme is a reflection of the temperament of the writer.

What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained with the help of words that are not understood.

What is well written never gets boring. Style is life itself, it is the blood of thought.

The accuracy of thought determines the accuracy of expressions.

The artist must be present in his work, like God in the Universe: to be omnipresent and invisible.

To have talent, you need to be sure that you have it.

I would have died of laughter watching one person judge another, if this sight did not inspire me with pity.

French writer - Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Rouen, in the family of the head physician of the city hospital.

Flaubert lived until the age of 18 in his father's service apartment in the hospital. Since childhood, he had an unusual attraction to death and disease, as a small child, he often examined corpses in the morgue, he liked to watch the sick.

From 1823 to 1840 Flaubert studied at the Royal College of Rouen, where he did not achieve much success, but showed an interest in history and big love to literature.

He read not only the romantics fashionable at that time, but also Cervantes and Shakespeare. At school, he met the future poet L. Buie, who became his true friend for life.

In 1840 Flaubert was sent to Paris to study law. After studying for three years, he failed to pass the exams. And in 1843, Flaubert was diagnosed with a nervous disease similar to epilepsy. Flaubert was saved from seizures only by hot baths, the adherent of which the writer remained all his life.

Flaubert's lifestyle was characterized by isolation, he tried to devote time and energy literary creativity. In 1845 Flaubert made a trip to Italy.

In 1845, his father died, Flaubert returned home for the sake of his mother, who suffered alone. They settled in a small and very beautiful estate near Rouen.

Since 1846, Gustave devoted himself entirely to creativity. At the same time, he meets Louise Cole, the only love of his life.

Luckily, he had a fortune that freed him from the need to earn a living. And also, he could fulfill his dream of traveling. In 1846 he traveled around Britain, in 1849 he made a trip to the East (he visited Syria, Egypt, Greece and Palestine).

Flaubert's fame came with the publication of the novel Madame Bovary (1856) in a magazine. Soon after, Flaubert and the editor of the Revue de Paris were sued for "insulting morality." Acquittal after a sensational trial allowed the release of the novel separate edition (1857).

Flaubert's second novel, Salammbo (1862), was the result of a trip to Africa in 1858. Obviously, the author's desire to renounce everyday life, creating an epic canvas on themes of hoary antiquity.

In the third novel, The Education of the Senses (1869), Flaubert writes the story of his generation, confused by romanticism, but forced to descend to earth after the catastrophe of 1848 and the collapse of idealism. Sense Education is a portrait of a lost generation.

Fulfilling your civic duty, during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. Flaubert served in the army as a lieutenant and was awarded the order Legion of Honor.

In 1877, he published in magazines the stories "A Simple Heart", "Herodias" and "The Legend of St. Julian the Merciful", written in between work on latest novel Bouvard and Pécuchet, which he has been writing for the last eight years, has remained unfinished.

One of Flaubert's greatest creations was his Letters (published 1887-1893). In casual communication with friends, he expresses his thoughts without worrying about style and providing a unique opportunity to see the artist analyzing his work in the process of daily creation.

Flaubert's personal life was not easy. Not wanting to put his offspring at risk of disease, he did not marry and did not continue his family, although he had several mistresses. After all, despite his average height, Flaubert made an impression on women who liked his green eyes and slightly curly hair. He was known as an athlete, fond of swimming, canoeing and horseback riding.

AT last years Flaubert's life was haunted by misfortunes: the death of his friend Bouillet in 1869, the occupation of the estate by the advancing enemy army during the Franco-Prussian War, and finally, serious financial difficulties. He did not know commercial success when publishing his books, which for a long time caused rejection by critics.

At the end of his life, Gustave suffered greatly from a nervous breakdown, he was constantly depressed. The disease debilitated an already weak body.

Gustave Flaubert died on May 8, 1880 from apoplexy on his estate. In 1890, a monument was erected in Rouen to the unique and extraordinary genius writer Gustave Flaubert.

The future worries us, but the past holds us. That is why the present eludes us. The budget never balances. The whole talent of a writer, after all, consists only in the choice of words. Everything that is beautiful is moral. The main advantage of a writer is knowing what not to write. boor, then he certainly unrecognized genius , the chosen soul, etc., so that because of their natural tendency to squint, they see neither the true when they meet it, nor the beautiful where it is. Their common illness is to demand oranges from the apple tree. There are two varieties of vanity: public vanity and private vanity, called a calm conscience, human dignity, self-respect - the truth is so fair that two people live in each of us, the one who acts, and the one who judges. A woman is young as long as she is loved. Women are too distrustful of men in general and too trust them in particular. When a plan is built too long and carefully, it disappears as a result. When you respect your talent, you will not resort to means who want to warm their feet by the sun will fall to the ground. Melancholy is nothing but an unconscious memory. Persistence softens fate. creation. There is no stupidity that would not be applauded, and such a fool that he would not be known as a great man, or a great man who would not be called a nerd. One should always hope when one despairs, and doubt when one hopes. Consistency creates style, just as constancy creates strength. The public honors busts, but does not worship them very much. They are admired for decency. The word is nothing but a distant and weakened echo of thought. Arguing is much easier than understanding. Passion for knowledge is the source of high joys prepared for noble souls. Happiness is a red cloak lined with rags: when you want wrap yourself in it, everything is blown away by the wind, and you remain wrapped in cold rags that promised so much warmth. You don’t choose a theme. That is the secret of a masterpiece, that the theme is a reflection of the writer's temperament. What is well written never gets boring. Style is life itself, it is the blood of thought. An artist must raise everything to the surface, he is like a pump, he has a huge tube descending into the very depths of objects, into the deep layers. He draws into himself and releases into the sunlight in gigantic sheaves what was crushed by the earth and no one can see. A person denies nature, crushes it, suppresses it even in his body, which he is ashamed of and hides like a crime. To make the subject interesting, long enough look at it. The tongue is like a cracked cauldron on which we tap out tunes that sound as if they were meant for bear dances, while we would like to touch the stars with them. Nothing great can happen without an idea! Without the great, there can be nothing beautiful! To be a fool, an egoist, and to have good health are the three conditions necessary to be happy. But if the first of them is not enough, then the rest are useless. All progress that can be hoped for is to make people a little less evil. Everything wears out, even grief. Every soul is measured by the vastness of its aspiration. .He who writes well has two enemies: firstly, the public, because the style makes her think, encourages her thoughts to work, and secondly, the government, because it feels that we are a force, and the authorities do not tolerate being around no other power with them. There are phrases that remain in the head, relentlessly haunting, like melodies that sound in the ears all the time and are so sweet that they hurt. Women inspire men to great deeds, but do not leave time for their performance. Book - organism is complex. And any amputation, any alteration made by someone else will cripple her. It can get better, it doesn't matter, it won't be the same book! When you get old, habits become tyrants. It is the same with poetry: let us extract it from anywhere, for it is in everything and everywhere. There is no atom of matter that does not contain poetry. People with taste are a strange caste: they have their own little saints whom no one knows. We have lost faith even in vice. Do not trust the disappointed. They are almost always powerless. There is no such atom of matter that would not have a thought; so let us accustom ourselves to look at the world as a work of art, the techniques of which we need to inherit in our works. does not inspire me with such contempt for success as the thought of what price it is achieved. Loneliness cannot be filled with memories, they only aggravate it. drinking all day long becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the most stupid occupations. Laughing at life is useful, and sometimes beautiful - if only to live. Statistics is the most accurate of all inexact sciences. Happiness is a fiction, the search for it is the cause of all disasters in life. Talent is recognized only when it walks over corpses, and thousands of shells are needed to make a hole in Fortune. What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained using words that are not understood at all. Accuracy of thought determines the accuracy of expressions. The artist must be present in our work, like God in the universe: to be omnipresent and invisible. Human speech is like a cracked cauldron, and when we want to touch the stars with our music, we get a dog waltz. To keep our conscience pure, we must raise it above the conscience of all other people.