literary opposition. What is antithesis in literature? Antithesis as a means of expression

Opposite to the process of the disappearance of words from the language is the process of the appearance in it of new words - neologisms.

Neologisms are words that appear in the language to denote new concepts, phenomena of reality, as well as to rename already known objects that are not included in the active language. vocabulary and having a shade of novelty, freshness and unusualness.

The term ʼʼneologismʼʼ is derived from the Greek. neos - new + logos - concept.

Given the dependence on whether this word is new at all or whether it is the use of an already existing word to express a new concept, neologisms are divided into:

I. General language (linguistic or usual)

Let's consider each of the groups separately.

General language neologisms are divided into:

1. Actually lexical neologisms . Οʜᴎ arise together with a new concept and perform a nominative function. These neologisms are the names of new ones:

Sciences scientific directions Keywords: astrobiology, biocybernetics, cosmochemistry;

New substances and materials: glass tiles, polyethylene;

New professions and specialties: astrobiologist, virologist, loader (trading without loads), Quaternary (specialist in the field of Quaternary geology).

2. Lexico-semantic neologisms, combining new values ​​already famous words:

geography - distribution, placement of something in any area,

to prick - to be in an unpleasant position,

tomahawk - cruise missile with a nuclear warhead,

Afghan - about a soldier who took part in the war in Afghanistan.

It is extremely important to distinguish individual author neologisms from linguistic neologisms - ϶ᴛᴏ words that are formed by artists, publicists in order to enhance the expressiveness of the text. Unlike linguistic neologisms, individual author neologisms perform not a nominative, but an expressive function, and rarely pass into a literary language. Like linguistic neologisms, occasionalisms are formed according to the laws of the language, according to models from the morphemes that are available in the language, for example, to lift, to chamber, to rise high (Mayakovsky); eyes were starry (shone) (K. Fedin); the wind gravitated the waves (M. Sholokhov).

Occasionalisms are not reflected in dictionaries. Nevertheless, many author's neologisms have entered the literary vocabulary:

M. Lomonosov: pendulum, pump, attraction, constellation;

N.M. Karamzin: love, distraction, touching;

V. Mayakovsky: prosessed;

A.P. Radishchev: citizen;

Topic No. 11. Vocabulary of the modern Russian language from the point of view of expressive and stylistic.


1. Emotional vocabulary.

2. Expressiveness of speech.

New words and their types. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "New words and their types." 2017, 2018.

new words, or neologisms, such words are called that appear to denote new concepts, for example: cybernetics, interferon(drug) and others. Especially actively replenished new words modern scientific and technical terminological systems. Similar words form a group of so-called proper lexical neologisms.
The emergence of new names for those concepts that already had a name in the language is also one of the ways to replenish the composition. proper lexical neologisms. AT this case there is a loss of some words due to the activation of others, synonymous with the first, and then the transition of the repressed words into passive layers of vocabulary, that is, their archaization. Such a path was traversed in due time by the words difference instead of diversity and difference, disaster instead of disaster other.
To lexical neologisms also include words newly formed according to certain normative models from words that have long existed in the language. For example: atom - nuclear-powered ship, nuclear scientist, nuclear scientist; space and others.
special group neologisms make up such lexical units, already known in the language, which have developed a new meaning: foreman 1) a military rank in the tsarist army, 2) the head of a team of people at an enterprise, factory. The words that arose as a result of rethinking the names existing in the language refer to lexico-semantic neologisms. Appearing along with a new concept or with a new reality, neologism not immediately included in the active composition of the dictionary. As soon as a word becomes common, generally understood, it ceases to be neologism. For example, the words high-altitude, subbotnik and others.
Many words that were perceived as new in the 19th century (citizenship, validity, equality, freedom), in modern Russian are the property of an active stock of vocabulary. At the same time, a lot new words, which appeared quite recently, managed to move into the passive stocks of the dictionary.
Hence, neologism- a relative concept, depending on the activity of the process of development of the life of society and its language. Everyone historical period makes changes to the composition of new words. In modern Russian, along with neologisms, which are general language (or usual), new words created by individual writers, publicists, public figures with a specific stylistic purpose are distinguished. Neologisms of this type are called individual, or contextual-speech (that is, occasional). Some of them entered the dictionary of the literary language, for example, neologisms M.V. Lomonosov - pendulum, pump, attraction, constellation, mine, blueprint. Others remain among the occasional formations that play a figurative and expressive role, primarily in the context of the author.

After analyzing the dictionaries of neologisms, it is possible to identify the basic principles for the development and expansion of the lexical system in the Russian language. The following ways of the emergence of new words are distinguished:

1. Morphological, in which new formations in the language are the result of derivational (word-forming) processes. For example: "mental", "small things". Derivation implies the formation of new words according to certain patterns from morphemes that already exist in the language.

2. Lexico-semantic. In this case, new meanings appear for known words. For example: "case" (a type of garage), "zebra" - a pedestrian crossing.

3. Lexico-syntactic (unproductive). With this method, word formation occurs on the basis of phrases. For example: "today", "now".

4. Morphological-syntactic (unproductive). This is a way in which one part of speech passes into another. For example: “thanks to” (whom?) - a gerund, (what?) - a preposition.

5. External influence. Borrowings are one of the ways of word-formation stock. This includes words such as: “felt pen”, “know-how”, “ikebana”, etc.

According to researchers, the result of word formations in our language is more than 90% of all neoplasms of the last few decades. The main way today remains morphological, when new words appear from the bases and affixes already existing in the language. They, as a rule, are created on the model of already existing words. For example: "PR man" - by analogy "debater".

  • Scientific and technological progress and the development of human civilization in general necessitate the emergence of more and more new words. Each ethnic language solves this problem in its own way. The Russian language has about a hundred thousand roots, so the possibilities for systemic composite combinatorics in it are inexhaustible.

    Kik .. (kickstarter ‘foot starter of a motorcycle’, kickboxing ‘foot box’), which entered the Russian language with the meaning ‘foot’. From this component we form the suffixoid …kiksy, denoting ‘shoes’. Thus, we can get the words that form their logoseries:
    begokicks - shoes for runners

    Boxing shoes - shoes for boxers

    Swamp shoes - shoes for walking on swampy terrain

    Bosokiks - light summer shoes (sandals, sandals, etc.)

    Velokiks - shoes for cyclists

    Gornokiks - shoes for climbers

    Paratroopers - shoes for paratroopers

    Sailorsocks - shoes for sailors

    Space shoes - shoes for astronauts

    Lunokiks - shoes for lunar astronauts

    Galoshes, galoshes - wet shoes,

    Ballet shoes - ballet slippers

    Kanatotapy - tightrope walker's slippers

    Altariza (exercise from altareriza) - clothes, vestments of a priest during worship

    Budniriza - everyday wear

    Voyenriza - military uniform

    Demiriza - demi-season clothing

    Detoriza - children's clothing

    Dozhderiza - clothes for rainy weather

    Domoriza - home clothes

    Genorise - women's clothing

    Zimoriza - winter clothes

    Confessiriza - clothes of a clergyman (confession)

    Letoriza - summer clothes

    Modoriza - fashionable clothes

    Mugerise - men's clothing

    Non-factory - non-factory clothing (not a confection)

    Odetoriza - the clothes that someone is wearing at the moment

    Officer (exercise from officer) - officer uniform

    Paradorisa - ceremonial clothes

    Pilotoriza - flight uniform

    Podvodoriza - diving clothes

    Privatiza - civilian (non-uniform) clothing

    Retroriza - retro style clothing

    Sportoriza - sportswear

    Fabriza (ex. from fabriz - factory riza) - confection

    Formoriza - uniforms

    Veloshona - a cap for cyclists

    Vyazoshona - knitted headdress

    Glavoshona - headdress

    Demishona - demi-season headdress

    Zimoshona - winter hat

    Letošona - summer headdress

    Makushona (crown + shona) - a headdress such as a skullcap, yarmulke

    Formochon - a uniform headdress (cap, cap, etc.)

    Coton - cotton fabric

    Linon (lat. linum ‘linen’, cf. linoleum) - linen fabric

    Sinton - synthetic fabric

    Silkon - a fabric made from natural silk

    Sherson (wool: t is a suffix, cf. a handful) - woolen fabric

    Monocotton - 100% cotton

    Monolinon - 100% linen

    Linosynthon - fabric, where more than 50% is synthetics, the rest is linen

    Syntholinon - fabric, where more than 50% is linen, the rest is synthetic

    To increase the word-formation possibilities of the Russian language, in the field of naming various means and preparations, it makes sense to create the corresponding suffixoids:
    ... gon (cf. drive away) - a remedy, a drug for something

    ... min (cf. vitamin) - a remedy, a preparation for something

    ... pun (isolation from shampoo) - detergent

    ... pestilence (cf. insecticide) - a remedy, drug, poison for the destruction of weeds and pests, for example:
    bologon - pain reliever

    Rotten - antiseptic

    Headache - a cure for headaches

    Grippogon - a cure for the flu

    Cashlegon - cough medicine

    Komarogon - means (repellant) from mosquitoes

    Listogon - defoliant

    Baldness - a cure for baldness

    Mukhogon - a remedy (repellant) from flies

    Pakhnogon (to smell) - deodorant

    Pishegon - a tool for removing erroneously written

    Pugogon (scare) - repellent

    Stain - stain remover

    Aromamin - flavoring agent

    Britomin - shaving agent

    Volosomin - hair care product

    Desnomin - means for strengthening or treating gums

    Kogemin - skin care product

    Manitimin (beckon -) - attractant

    Ozvezhemin - air freshener

    Pishemin - means (liquid) for writing (ink, paste, ink)

    Rancomin - a means for treating wounds

    Sushilomin - desiccant

    Tkanemin - dressing

    Belepun - laundry detergent

    Vannopun - bath shampoo

    Katopun - car wash

    Kafelepun - a means for washing tiles, bathtubs, sinks

    Kovropun - a means for washing carpets and carpets

    Motopun - a means for washing motors

    Oknopun - window cleaner

    Posudopun - dishwashing detergent

    Vredomor - herbicide and / or insecticide

    Zhukomor - insecticide from the Colorado potato beetle

    Krysomor - rat poison

    Insect mosquito (ex. Insect mosquito) - insecticide

    Weed - herbicide

    Tarakanomor - a remedy for cockroaches (chlorophos, etc.)

    The appearance in the Russian language of new foreign words supermarket, shop indicates that this word-formation area is weak and needs to be strengthened by forming the corresponding word that can become an affixoid. We form a new word: traded (bargaining + ... al, cf. quarter, portal) ‘trading establishment, outlet (shop, kiosk, stall, etc.)’. Next, you can form the appropriate words. For example:
    velomototorgal - shop selling bicycles and motorcycles

    Gostorgal - state store

    Inotorgal - shop owned by foreigners

    Katotorgal - car shop

    Kiksotorgal - shoe store

    Mebletorgal - furniture store

    Minitorgal - a small shop

    Pittorgal - grocery store (food)

    Privatorgal (ex. from privatorgal) - a private store

    Promtorgal - department store

    Rizotorgal - clothing store

    Supertorgal - supermarket

    Tutorgal (ex. from tutotorgal, cf. local) - distributor (company)

    Firmotorgal - company store

    Torgalada (cf. colonnade) - a row of torgals

    Trader - seller, employee of a trader

    Torgaloset - a network of traders

    Torgalochek - shop receipt

    (podium-discussion) - a public discussion taking place on a dais (podium), i.e. on some stage, stage.

    Glamorous - (English glamor) means "spectacular, attractive, charming, charming, brilliant", but not "glossy".

    Flyer- (pass to the event with a discount), (in any of its meanings), like the player, should be written without the letter d before e.

    Concentrate" and "concentrate", is there a difference?
    Concentrate and concentrate - two versions of the same word, both are correct, there is no semantic difference between them.
    How legitimate is it to use foreign words if there are their Russian counterparts? For example, instead of "coffee break" quite often in conference programs they write "coffee break". And instead of the word "goalkeeper" they began to say "goal-keeper".
    There are in a number of terminological spheres such pairs of absolutely synonymous words - Russian and foreign, as a goalkeeper - a goalkeeper. Fortunately, they are few; this particular case is explained by the predominance in football terminology English words. And the word coffee break is more convenient to use than coffee break, because it is shorter than a three-word phrase, and thus its appearance can be justified by the principle of language economy. By the way, this principle in many cases explains the appearance in modern Russian of new words, including foreign ones.

    College and yogurt?
    College is a rather old borrowing, both variants of the accent in it - on o and on e - are equal and equally used. In the word yogurt, which has recently come into wide use (in the last 10-15 years), as can be seen, the emphasis on o. This is exactly how this word is given in the Russian Spelling Dictionary (2005), in the latest dictionaries foreign words (E.N. Zakharenko et al., 2003; L.P. Krysin, 2005).

    Happy ending and weekend?
    In the newest normative "Russian Spelling Dictionary" (ed. 2nd, M., 2005), the words happy end and weekend are proposed to be written in the same way, with a hyphen, although just in the source language, with all the "similarity of their derivational structures” they are spelled differently: cf. happy end and week-end in the New English-Russian Dictionary (M., 1994).

    The words realtor, realtor should be written with the letter e, not e. After the vowel and in Russian spelling, the letter e was fixed: cf. diet, sharp, siesta, spaniel, applicant, coefficient, etc.

    Fresh juice, grilled vegetables, french fries, oven;
    Combinations such as fresh juice, grilled vegetables, french fries (with invariable adjectives following the word being defined) are written separately. But such combinations as grill-oven, grill-bar, where the element grill is part of the compound word as its first part, are written with a hyphen. Wed else, for example: net weight, mini skirt, but net weight, mini skirt.

    In the interlingual sphere, at the ethnic, psychological, technocratic level, as civilization develops, there is a constant and increasingly intense exchange of words and phrases. Each language is unique and adjusts the newly acquired from the outside, verbal and phraseological innovation, to its ethnic group, to its linguistic style.
    Russian, Great and Mighty, the language, like other languages, is like an ocean, it will survive and survive everything, remove the seething foam, calm down, enriched with fresh infusions.

  • The development of society, technological progress, objects and processes in everyday life - all this is reflected in the language, and specifically - in the emergence of new words and phrases. It is they who will be called neologisms - which, translated from ancient Greek, means nothing more than a “new word” (“neos” - new, “logos” - a word).

    Neologism is a word or phrase that has recently appeared in the language. Most often these are borrowed words from other languages. Over time, words lose the status of neologism.

    The specificity of neologisms lies in the fact that, against the background of commonly used words, they may not be understood by everyone, they belong to the category of passive vocabulary, while they may look somewhat colorful and original. Dead languages ​​do not have such new words, but developed languages ​​are replenished with them not even annually, but monthly and daily. This is due to the very rapid development of progress, information technology, the sphere of relationships, thanks to which these words appear in people's everyday life.

    Talking about what is neologism, it should be noted that the word will be in this status only for a certain period of time. Having lost its innovation and incomprehensibility, having become a familiar word for most people, neologism passes into the category of commonly used concepts. And new words come to replace, and this is how the renewal of the language goes.

    Examples of neologisms.

    Here are a few neologism words with their meaning as an example:

    Florist a botanist who studies plants (flora). Often applied to sellers in flower shops. In most cases, it means a person who understands flowers and works in the field of selling flowers and other plants.

    Manager- an employee of the company involved in the management of something. Currently used too widely to give precise definition. Initially, a manager is a manager (from the English "manage" - to manage, manage, dispose).

    Security- security. word borrowed from in English- security, translated as protection. Borrowed as a fashion for "glamorous" job titles. This is just a security guard, not a security guard or a security manager.

    Shoes by Christian Louboutin.

    Types of neologisms.

    Experts divide neologisms into several groups, highlighting:

    • general language;
    • author's (words created by the authors of works of art).

    They also distinguish lexical neologisms themselves, and semantic neologisms - old words, but with a new meaning (menu, zebra).

    Author's neologisms are unusual, and it is important that they are usually tied to a certain work of art and in a different context may not be understood. Among the most famous authors who composed new words and phrases are such luminaries as V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, I Severyanin, M Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    Features of the appearance of neologisms

    Neologisms in Russian, as in any other, appear constantly, but a particularly large influx of them is observed in special periods:

    • change in the type of society, forms of government, social structure (revolutions, wars, upheavals);
    • modernization and technological progress.

    Fundamental changes in society entail various changes in all areas, and the language will not be an exception. After October 1917, a huge number of neologisms appeared: the Komsomol, the workers' faculty, shock workers, collective farms and others.

    The rapid development of technology at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, various political and economic processes also caused the appearance of new words in the language: offshore, life science, coach, selfie, roaming, security, spread, rating, catering and many others.