What can you bet on cs go lounge. Features of the betting system and its use at CS: GO Lounge

Earnings on the Internet is becoming more and more popular every year. This not only provides an opportunity to earn money while working from home, but also to do what you love. One of these possibilities is CSGO bets lounge. Some gamers mistakenly underestimate the earning potential through betting. Because you just need to understand what you love and this leads to great success. Why are these bets so popular now and how to learn how to make them correctly?

Betting on CS GO Lounge – how to prepare an account on Steam?

The first thing a person needs to do in order to correctly place a bet is to prepare an existing Steam account. It is important to consider that bots will work with the user, so you need to open the privacy settings first.

First of all, change the “profile status” and check the box next to “Open”. Now the user's status will be visible to all users on the Internet, including Bots.

It is also necessary to do it in the "comments" column. Make them open so that everyone has the opportunity to leave notes. In this case, it will be possible to communicate with the bot, which makes bets on the CS GO Lounge.

CS GO Lounge bets - how to do them correctly?

Once the Steam account has been prepared in order to bet, you will need to log into the CS GO Lounge website and the user will immediately see a list of upcoming matches. Each of them contains the following information:

  • names of opposing teams;
  • icons of each team;
  • probability of winning as a percentage.

After a certain match is selected, the entire inventory of the user is opened before the user. The only exceptions are chests and items that cannot be sold. Also, the user is not shown things that cost more than sixty dollars.

To place a CS GO Lounge bet, you must select a maximum of four items from your skins that are in your inventory. It remains only to choose the team that impresses the most and the bet will be made.

It should be borne in mind that the amount of winnings will depend on the percentage of winning. The lower it is, the more and more expensive different skins will be available to the user if the team wins.

It is important to keep in mind that it is impossible to change your bet. It is only possible to change the team that the user bets on or add more items to the existing bet if there are less than 4 of them.

CS:GO Lounge bets are becoming increasingly popular. This is a great affordable opportunity to increase the number of items in your inventory. You can successfully do this with the help of our portal.


(No ratings yet)

You are given a message
Can't get items. Possible reasons:
- This profile is set to private
- Could not connect to Steam servers;
- Backpack is empty.

Unable to display inventory. Possible reasons:
- Profile private
(Check 1 point of the guide)
- Unable to connect to Steam servers(Most common reason)
- Inventory empty

This almost always means that the site is overloaded and you either have to wait or click the button many times Inventory

Sometimes it helps to switch the site language to English

Please do not write to me more about this problem, I will not help you ..

2) Green window under the bet

This means that you did not carefully read the section Account preparation
You need to copy your , paste it into this frame and click Submit

3) Sorry, you can't bid right now.

They always do not work after the end of the match or just before it starts, the only option here is to wait. Putting things from the inventory will not work, only from returns.
It is best to place bets in the morning, at 12 o'clock, at this time there is usually the least load on the site

This error means that the site went down due to a large influx of people, usually occurs after the end of the match, and usually lasts no more than 5-10 minutes

5) Oh no-e-e-e-e-e-t! Sorry, something went wrong:

If you logged in from a device or browser, you need to wait 7 days

To make an exchange, you need to go to the program itself Steam click on the envelope and on the button "Exchanges offered"

If you also have Steam the same thing is written, then you need to wait 7 days, there are no other options

6) The "Your offer is ready" button does not appear, Wait for a return offer...

Instead of a button Your offer is ready inscription Wait for a return offer...
This means that you need to wait for the bot's response, it even translates to "Wait for an offer"

Sometimes the site is just buggy from the load, nothing can be done about it, but people write to me about it ..
I ask me not to write about this and not to downvote the manual.

The video was recorded when the site was not as popular and was less loaded..

7) Why didn't I receive the winnings from the bet (not in full)?

First of all, the rules state:
In some cases, if the potential winnings are very low there is a chance that you will not be able to win something.

What does it mean:
All skins that were bet on the losing team are distributed among the people who bet on the winning team. Priority is given to people with higher stakes.
As you know, a skin that costs, for example, $10 cannot be divided into 10 $1 skins. As a result, it is not possible to completely distribute the things bet on the losing team among all the winners.

Simplified example:
1 person made a bet on the losing team with one item worth $10.
3 people placed a bet on the winning team, and their potential winnings are:
1) 8$
2) 1.5$
3) 0.5$
Since 1 item cannot be broken into three parts, the highest bidder (the first in this example) will receive an item worth $10, although this is more than his potential winnings, and the rest are nothing.
This example is very rough, but shows how the system works.

Now, esports has become an official sports discipline and is now respected. It is worth noting that the money in it is just as huge in other popular sports. If we talk about bets on the totalizator, then here e-sports is almost on a par with football, lately, and at the same time, their popularity is constantly growing. IN this moment There are two most popular types of bets, these are roulette and bets on matches. Since everything is quite simple in roulette, everything is much more complicated in betting on matches. Winning on bets can depend on many nuances that affect the outcome of the game. But the advantage here is that when betting, you can use not only money, but also your skins from CS:GO. We will tell you some details and precautions in this article below.

How to bet on CS:GO Lounge

You may have already heard about such a site as Lounge. It exists for both CS:GO and Dota 2. For those who don't already know, Lounge is a service that allows you to trade and sell skins, as well as place bets. In order to do all this, you need to know a lot of nuances such as: the strength of the team, its results this season, the composition of the team, its tactics of fighting and the tactics of fighting their opponent. This is just a small list of what they pay attention to when betting on a particular team.

To start placing bets, the first thing you need to do is find the CS:GO Lounge and log in with your Steam account. The site does not ask for any personal data and the selection of an account is also absolutely not profitable for him. No one will risk losing a multi-million dollar business because of your Steam account. In addition, the site has an amazing reputation, which he is also not interested in spoiling. After authorization, you insert your link into the trade and you can start betting and winning your first money on CS:GO.

Well, your account is ready to place bets and you just have to choose the appropriate matches and the teams you want to bet on based on your calculations or preferences. The procedure for placing bets is very easy with a few clicks of the mouse. Moreover, the Lounge has the necessary tips for newcomers. After you select a game and your favorite to bet on, your cs go inventory will be opened for you to choose your bet. In order to bet on your team, the following items will not work:

  • Cases
  • Items that cannot be sold
  • Skins over $60

It is worth mentioning that the Lounge has a limit of four items, so you will have to put not only those skins that everyone wants to get rid of (Consumer goods), but also something more valuable. Also, if you decide to return your bet, then the skins without stickers will be returned to you. Otherwise, all the rules are not complicated, you only need to transfer things using the bot. Your winnings will depend on the coefficient of a particular team.

Roulette bets

Now consider another, more complex in terms of winning, method. If everything is very clear for you at the CS:GO Lounge, that is, you bet on one of the two teams in whose victory you believe more and here the responsibility lies only with you for the fact that you lost. Roulette is a little more difficult. In it, it is not necessary to know how much a thing costs, but if you want to really earn money, then you will have to know all this and delve into all the intricacies of this business. Naturally, on each such site there is an assessment of things, but it is associated with the steam market and the prices are not always those that correspond to reality. The betting mechanism itself is very similar to the CS:GO Lounge, but the only difference is that you don't have to bother with choosing teams.

Bets themselves are made directly with the help of a trading bot, but this time, the limit of things placed is no longer 4, but 10-20, it all depends directly on the site. Issuance of winnings is the same as on the Lounge, with the help of trade bots. You are given a certain amount of time to claim your winnings, so don't get lost and try to claim your prize. One more caveat. Never try to place a bet in the last seconds. The probability that you will be transferred to the next game is 80-90%, which means that you will surely lose all your skins. Here it is much more profitable to bet on teams, because here it will be very difficult to make a mistake.

Popular Mistakes

One of the most popular ways to get skins and money is still betting. Despite the simplicity of the whole process, you need to know that not stupid people are also sitting here and it’s not worth expecting a large number of laymen who bet on no matter what. The next thing to note is that sometimes going against the flow is quite a profitable business. How many times have there been such moments in eSports that an outsider beat a top team? A lot of! And sometimes, you can bet on such "Dark Horses" and hit the big jackpot.

Also, it is worth mentioning the betting system, which is far from perfect. From time to time there is such a situation that the skins that came to you, in total, amount to much less than you won. But if we talk about sites for betting on CS:GO, then there is only one, but a very significant problem, and that is to find an honest resource. Many players have already felt through their own bitter experience that there are many roulettes that are aimed only at your money and it’s not even worth trying to win at least something on them. In this case, it is better to go betting on teams. Here you will definitely not be deceived.

We have shown you the pros and cons of both methods. Which one to choose is up to you!

Greetings to many dear users of the site. Site Series Lounge has already gained its high popularity and has been kept in the hearts of traders and sellers for a long time. Betting on esports has already gained such popularity that the entire Internet is teeming with groups and sites with predictions for different matches. How do such sites work? Let's say there is a team of X and Y. People bet a certain currency (on this site - in-game items). For example, team X won and team Y lost. In such cases, everything that was bet on the Y team goes to those who bet on the X team. But almost always, such offices take a small percentage for themselves, which benefits such sites.

But let's move specifically to the csgolounge site. This site has a maximum bet threshold, it is available in the amount of $ 240. This is because no matter how much a thing costs, on this site it will cost a maximum of $60. Further I will use the term maximum bet, I think everyone has already understood that this is $ 240.

Let's move on to the main thing - if you make the maximum bet on a team that has a high coefficient (80-90%), then approximately you will be given a long-awaited reward in the amount of $20-26, it seems to be nothing, but there is one caveat. Let's give an example, a person put things more expensive than $25 on team Y, but this team lost and the company is forced to give these expensive things to those who should receive their $25. And it turns out that some lucky ones get a huge benefit from this. In simple words: when you place the maximum bet, you get a chance to "get the jackpot", that is, the so-called overpayment. However, I will say right away that the choice of the lucky one passes only from those who set the maximum bid. Even if you bet $239.99, you won't get that chance.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, I will give examples:

Most recently, we are going between two high-level teams LDCL - HR. If you place the maximum bet on LDLC, then the reward is $27.

But what do you think? It was this man who received his reward in the form of an overpayment.

Until recently, there were two matches in which the dAT Team took part with different odds.