October 28 is a day in history. International Animation Day


According to legend, in the 3rd century AD. In the small Roman town of Terni, there lived a young priest named Valentine. He was not only a clergyman, but also a skilled doctor who willingly helped people. Roman legionnaires had special respect for Valentine, because Valentine not only healed them from wounds, but also connected them with their lovers by marriage.

The fact is that the emperor Claudius, who ruled at that time, issued a decree forbidding soldiers to marry. He had huge plans for waging wars of conquest, and therefore the emperor believed that warriors should not be distracted by their families.

Contrary to the imperial decree, Valentine not only married couples in love, but also tried to reconcile those who quarreled, wrote love letters and handed flowers to girls on behalf of their lovers. When rumors of this reached the emperor, he ordered the arrest and execution of the recalcitrant priest.

While in prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter. On the eve of the execution, he wrote a touching letter to the girl with a confession. A flower of then very rare saffron was wrapped in it. According to legend, having received a letter, the girl received her sight and was able to read the message from her beloved.

The executed Valentine was buried in one of the Roman churches. After that, the gates of the temple began to be called the "gates of Valentine." It is said that every spring an almond tree blooms on the grave, and its pink flowers spread a unique aroma. Couples in love come to him and give each other an oath of love and fidelity.

In 496, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church, and the day of his execution - February 14 - became the feast of lovers. AT Western Europe Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 4th century, in 1777 it began to be celebrated in the United States. Valentine's Day came to Russia only in the 90s of the 20th century and has been very popular since then, although many consider it an alien holiday.

The origin of valentines is associated with the name of the Duke of Orleans, who in 1415, while in prison, wrote letters to his wife full of love. Since the 18th century, such messages have gained wide popularity. The lovers began to exchange messages in the form of hearts. The symbols of the holiday are roses, images and figurines of cupids or kissing doves.

In addition to Valentine's Day, February 14 is also celebrated on other, not so romantic holidays. Computer scientists consider this day their professional holiday. Jews in the leap year celebrate Purim katan. Bulgarians celebrate the day of viticulturists - Trifon Zarezan. The Catholic Church honors the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius. And in Venice and Nice are traditional carnivals.

Every year on February 14, people send out tens of millions of cards decorated with hearts, roses, kittens, kissing angels or doves. With a bang, boxes of chocolate are sold out, red roses with meter stems, touching Stuffed Toys, velvet pillows with confessions and wishes, various chains and pendants. On this day, many offer their hand and heart to their chosen one. February 14 is not a very ordinary day of the calendar - it is a holiday for all hearts in love. This is a day of romantic feelings, high spirits, a day of impulses of the soul. This is a holiday for all people in whose hearts love lives.

The court chronicler of the English court Samuel Pepys at the end of the 17th century. made a note that on February 14, lovers can exchange souvenirs: gloves, rings and sweets. It just so happened that a gift for Valentine's Day must necessarily include some kind of sweets in the shape of a heart: a cake, sweets, cookies, cakes, chocolate. St. Valentine's Day, as a holiday for lovers, has been celebrated on February 14 in Europe since the 13th century. In the USA - since 1777. In the CIS countries (open) - since the beginning of the 1990s.

The history of the holiday on February 14

The beginning of this beautiful February holiday on February 14 - Valentine's Day - was laid by a touching story of one love ... A long time ago, in the 3rd century AD, the Roman emperor Claudius III issued a decree forbidding people to marry. The warlike overlord decided that marriage kept men at home, preventing them from showing courage on the battlefields. And only one and only priest Valentine resisted the order and secretly continued to marry lovers. He was reported to the emperor, and Valentine was thrown into prison, sentenced to death.

The jailer's daughter, seeing Valentine and learning his story, fell in love with him. The priest reciprocated her. Since they could not see each other, the lovers communicated through correspondence.

On the day of execution - February 14, 270, the brave priest sent his last note to his beloved signed "From Valentine".

Saint Valentine's message
Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine and I served as a priest in Rome in the third century. At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius II. I did not like Claudius, and many shared my feelings.
Claudius wanted to have a huge army, but there were very few volunteers, no one wanted to fight for him in unnecessary wars, people did not want to leave their wives and families. Claudius did not like this state of affairs, and he issued a completely insane decree banning all marriages.
Everyone understood that it was a ridiculous law that no one supported, including me!
After the issuance of this law, I continued to perform ceremonies - secretly, of course!
Imagine a small, candle-lit room, just the bride, the groom, and the priest. We whispered the words of the ceremony while listening to the sound of footsteps.

One day, we heard footsteps. It was scary! Thank God the couple I was pairing at that moment managed to escape.
But I was caught, thrown into prison. I knew what was waiting for me.
I tried not to lose heart. I partly succeeded in this, since a lot of people visited me, they threw flowers and notes at the window of my cell. I knew they believed in the power of love.
One of them was the jailer's daughter, whose father allowed me to visit. Sometimes we talked for hours, she thanked me for ignoring the emperor's order and continuing to perform secret marriages. On the appointed day, I left a small note for my friend, thanking her for her friendship and support, and signed "From your Valentine."

Now, every year on this day, people think about love and friendship.

The note written by Valentine on the day of his execution began the tradition of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. And now such notes are called "valentines", which subsequently began to mean a declaration of love and fidelity. The execution is over.

The remains of Valentine were buried in the church of St. Praxidis in Rome, after which the gate in this church became known as the "gate of Valentine". According to the legend, in spring, a pink almond tree blooms near his grave, which is considered a symbol of true love.

In our country, the holiday of July 8 is much more loved and revered - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Our native holiday of love is quite young - for the first time Russians celebrated it in 2008. The idea of ​​​​creating such a significant holiday for many was born, of course, among the residents of the city of Murom, located in the Vladimir region. It was in it that several centuries ago the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia lived, who are considered the patrons of Christian marriage. The day chosen for our national holiday of Love Day - July 8 - is the date of their memory.

Of course, the holiday of February 14 is not our Russian holiday, and far from being celebrated on such a scale in Russia. But why not take advantage of the situation and confess your love to your loved ones, congratulate your loved ones, give them warm signs of attention? We congratulate all people on the spiritual holiday of February 14, Valentine's Day and from the bottom of our hearts we wish that every person on earth has someone on this frosty February day, on a hot summer day on July 8, and just say these magic words every day "I love you".

The article pays attention to one of the most famous and anniversaries, as well as global holidays on this day.

What kind of holiday is February 14 Valentine's Day and lovers, its history, who celebrates and where did the maternity hospital come from

It is customary to celebrate St. Valentine's Day (all lovers), on which Valentine Interamnsky is remembered, it is customary to give valentines with congratulations and declarations of love, as well as organize romantic evenings and thematic meetings in schools and kindergartens, not forgetting about watching films about true love.

The date is associated with a legend that tells of a bishop of the third century who had the gift of healing, in which prayers helped him, and which helped to convert many unbelievers to Christianity.

The celebration has traditions and rituals that have remained unchanged for centuries. One of them is to give gifts in the form of postcards, which are made in the shape of hearts and in which they write pleasant words to the one they like. It is mandatory to depict any symbol of romance, for example, cupid or a rose.

It is noteworthy that not all countries support this holiday. For example, in Saudi Arabia there is a ban on any events on this day.

February 14 is a holiday in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Germany, USA, America, Japan, in different countries of the world

Unofficially, Computer Engineer Day is held, which was initiated in 1946 after the demonstration of a real personal computer called ENIAC I.

Vine growers celebrate Trifon Zarezan, which in Bulgaria has ancient roots and praises the god Dionysus, who rules wine and vines. Also today is the pagan holiday Disting, in which attention is paid to the awakening of the vitality of those who fall asleep during the Winter Night.

The “Ski Track of Russia” is being held, which is a mass skiing in which both amateurs and professionals can participate, and this action is annual, and was first held in 1982.

On this day in 1895, one of the last plays by Oscar Wilde was staged, and in 1918, the Gregorian calendar began to be used in Russia ( new style). In 1950, the USSR and China signed a friendship treaty, and in 2005, YouTube appeared.

February 14 what kind of church holiday is this according to the church calendar, Orthodox, Catholics, Catholics, Slavs, pagans, Armenians, Jews

Today, pagans pay attention to Zyabuh, and also talk to mice, which often spoil bread and do not forget to feed livestock to their fill. Also today is the fore-feast of the Meeting of the Lord and they remember St. Peter of Galatia.

Catholics celebrate the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who is considered to be the enlighteners and patrons of the Slavs and Europe, as well as the creators of the alphabet.

No less famous is the holiday called Tryphon's Day (Tryphon mousegon, winterer), on which mice are expelled from the house, weddings are celebrated and fortune-telling is made. By folk omens if there is fog in the evening, then wait for warmth in the morning, and a clear sky at night indicates the late arrival of spring.

Armenians today have Tyarndarach (Meeting of the Lord), in which they remember the offering of the forty-day Jesus to the Lord, which happened in the Jerusalem temple. Services and prayers are held, and candles are lit at St. The table, after which the believers take a fire for themselves on candles and take it to their home.

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, the most romantic holiday, is celebrated in most countries of the world on February 14 - on this day for more than one and a half thousand years people have confessed their love to each other.

It is curious that initially the celebration of the memory of St. Valentine was established as a veneration of his martyrdom, without any connection with the patronage of lovers.

Gradually, St. Valentine's Day turned from a Catholic holiday into a secular one. Many people celebrate this holiday with pleasure, although it is not listed on the calendar among official holidays.


St. Valentine's Day has existed for more than 15 centuries, but according to pagan traditions, the "Love" holidays were popular even in ancient times.

Yes, in Ancient Rome On February 15, every year they celebrated the feast of abundance - Lupercalius - in honor of the god Faun (Luperk is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of herds. And the day before the Lupercalia, the feast of the Roman goddess of marriage, motherhood and women Juno and the god Pan was celebrated.

© photo: Sputnik / Pavel Balabanov

On this day, the girls wrote love letters, which were placed in a huge urn, and then the men pulled the letters. Then each man began to court the girl whose love letter he pulled out.

AT ancient Greece this holiday was called Panurgy - ritual games in honor of the god Pan (in Roman mythology - Faun) - the patron saint of herds, forests, fields and their fertility. According to mythology, Pan is a merry fellow and a rake, plays the flute beautifully and always pursues the nymphs with his love.

Information has been preserved that this day was also called the "Bird's wedding", since it was believed that birds form mating pairs precisely in the second week of the second month of the year.

Saint Valentine

There are many legends associated with the name of Saint Valentine. The most beautiful and romantic of them is the story of a Christian preacher who, in 269, married the legionaries of the Roman Empire with their lovers, despite the prohibition of Emperor Claudius II.

To preserve the military spirit, the emperor issued a decree prohibiting legionnaires from marrying, since it was believed that a married man was thinking about how to feed his family, and not about the good of the empire and military prowess.

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Blinov

Romantic event "Knight of Love"

Saint Valentine sympathized with the lovers and tried to help them in every possible way - he reconciled quarreling lovers, composed letters for them with declarations of love, gave flowers to young spouses and secretly married soldiers.

Claudius II, having learned about this, ordered the priest to be thrown into prison, and soon signed a decree on his execution. halo of romance shrouded and last days Valentine's life.

According to legend, the blind daughter of the jailer fell in love with him, but Valentine, as a priest who had taken a vow of celibacy, could not return her feelings. However, on the night before the execution on February 13, he wrote a touching letter to her, where he spoke about his love. And the girl, having read the message after the execution of the priest, received her sight.

It is assumed that it is from there that the tradition of writing love notes on Valentine's Day - "valentines" originates.

© photo: Sputnik / Igor Zarembo

According to the Catholic Church, Saint Valentine really healed a blind girl - the daughter of a dignitary Asterius, who believed in Christ and was baptized. Claudius then ordered the execution of Valentine. That is, Valentine suffered for the faith, and therefore was canonized as a saint.

There is speculation that the Church introduced Valentine's Day as a counterweight to the popular pagan holiday of Love, which could not be eradicated with the advent of Christianity.

Around the same time, a legend appears to explain why St. Valentine patronizes lovers.

One way or another, two hundred years later, Valentine was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all lovers.

However, in 1969, as a result of the reform of worship, St. Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. The reason for this was the fact that there is no information about this martyr, except for the name and information about beheading with a sword.


The very first valentine greeting card in the world is considered to be a note sent by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife from the Tower of London, where he was imprisoned in 1415.

© photo: Sputnik / Artem Zhitenev

Participants of the flash mob "1000 hearts"

Valentine cards were very popular in the 18th century, especially in England. They were exchanged as gifts. Lovers made postcards from multi-colored paper and signed with colorful ink. By the beginning of the 20th century, with the improvement of printing technology, handwritten postcards were replaced by printed ones.

Today, on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give each other valentines in the form of hearts, with declarations of love, marriage proposals, or just jokes. On this day, they also like to arrange weddings and get married.


In Europe, this holiday has been widely celebrated since the 13th century. In England, they used to carve wooden "spoons of love" and give them to their loved ones. They were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which symbolized that the path to the heart is open.

The ancestor of the tradition of giving red roses to loved ones is considered Louis XVI, who presented such a bouquet to Marie Antoinette. According to legend, Aphrodite stepped on a bush of white roses and stained the roses with her blood, so red roses appeared.

According to an ancient custom, in England and Scotland on the eve of the holiday dedicated to St. Valentine, young people put tickets in an urn with the names of young girls written on them. Then each took out one ticket.

The girl, whose name went to the young man, became his “Valentina” for the coming year, and he became her “Valentine”. This meant that for a year relationships arose between young people, similar to those that, according to the descriptions of medieval novels, arose between a knight and his "lady of the heart."

© photo: Sputnik / Vitaly Belousov

Electric boots for lovers installed in Sokolniki Park

According to legend, in Britain, unmarried girls on February 14 get up before sunrise, stand near the window and look at the passing men - the first man they see is their betrothed.

Italians call February 14 sweet day and give sweets and sweets. Valentines are mailed in a pink envelope with no return address. In romantic Denmark, dried white flowers are usually sent to each other, and in Spain it is considered the height of passion to send a love message with a carrier pigeon.

In France, it is customary to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, the French also hold various romantic contests. For example, the competition for the longest serenade - a song about love - is very popular. And it was in France that the first quatrain message was written.

Valery Melnikov

In Japan, on Valentine's Day, which began to be celebrated in the 30s of the XX century, it is customary to give men chocolate - usually in the form of a Valentine's figurine. This is not so much a declaration of love as a sign of attention.

The tradition of giving sweets on this day appeared at the suggestion of one large chocolate manufacturing company. In addition, the Japanese hold a competition for the loudest and brightest love message. Boys and girls climb onto the platform and shout from there about their love.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1777. The tradition of giving gifts on this day has grown stronger every year and for some has become a fairly successful business. AT early XIX century, Americans have a custom - to give lovers on this day figures of marzipan. And marzipans in those days were considered a great luxury.

In the post-Soviet space, people first paid attention to Valentine's Day about two decades ago. But only last years celebrate en masse with valentines, congratulations and declarations of love.

Valentine's Day is also celebrated in Georgia, despite the fact that the country has its own Love Day, which is celebrated on April 15th.

© photo: Sputnik / Natia Tsirekidze

It is curious that the Georgian Day of Love was once introduced as an alternative to St. Valentine's Day, a tradition to celebrate which came to the newly independent states from Western countries. Romantic Georgians, like many other countries that have their own alternative day of Love, today celebrate both holidays, according to the principle, the more the better.

But there are countries in the world where the holiday of Love has been tabooed. First of all, this is Saudi Arabia, which is the only country in the world where this holiday is officially banned, moreover, under pain of heavy fines.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.