The riddle about the ruler for children is short. Riddles about stationery

I present to you a selection riddles about cartoon characters and fairy tales. They can be used for thematic weeks, various quizzes and competitions.

1. From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl?

2. Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …


3. Baba beat - did not break.
Weak woman's strength!
Yes, the grandfather could not break it either.
After all, he is a hundred years old at lunchtime.
They called a norushka -
She broke like a toy
And ran down the stairs.
What did you break? …


4. Baba beat - did not break,
Grandfather hit - did not break.
Baba was very sad.
Who helped the grandmother?
The little girl ran into the house.
Broke an egg...


5. Mom gave birth to a daughter
From a beautiful flower.
Good, little one!
The little girl was about an inch tall.
If you've read a fairy tale
Do you know the daughter's name?


6. A house appeared in the field.
Settled in that house:
A mouse named Norushka,
And the frog Kvakushka,
Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.
And also shaggy Mishka
Later he settled here.
What is the name of the house?
Smoke curls over the chimney.
This house is…


7. Your home in the winter, in the cold
She made ice.
But the house stood beautifully in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by Zaika.
Now, reader, remember
Who drove the Rooster into the forests?
Who deceived the Hare? …


8. Grandfather and woman lived together,
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name?

(Snow Maiden)

9. What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Helped grandpa and grandma
Have you harvested root crops?


10. They are always together everywhere,
Animals - "nerazleyvoda":
Him and his furry friend
Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh.
And if it's not a secret
Please give me an answer:
Who is this cute fat man?
Piggy mom's son...


11. He played cards with his wife,
He got angry and said:
"You're crazy, Goat!
You beat the ace with a nine!
And swept all the cards to the floor.
Who scolded the goat? …


12. She taught Pinocchio to write,
And she helped to find the golden key.
That doll girl with big eyes
Like an azure sky, with hair,
On a pretty face - a neat little nose.
What is her name? Answer the question.


13. Behind smart brains
He went to town with his friends.
The barrier didn't scare me.
Was a daredevil...


14. Grandmother lives in the forest,
Herbs-potion collects,
The floor in the hut is swept with a broom.
In a mortar it flies through the sky,
From the bone of her leg.
This lady's name is...


15. Pies - in a basket.
Rushed down the path
The girl is running.
Dark forest all around.
I met a wolf there.
And he doesn't really know
How can he quickly
Was at the door
And lay down in bed, rogue?
What is the girl's name?

(Red Riding Hood)

16. That's quite easy,
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose?


17. The turtle is three hundred years old.
She is no longer older.
And she told
The secret that I knew
And which she kept
Pinocchio gave the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I'll stay here in the pond."
What is the turtle's name?


18. He is always like a day of jam,
Celebrates a birthday
Pressing a button on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy, "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me an answer.


19. Quickly remember a fairy tale:
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Snow Queen
Freeze your heart
But the girl is tender
The boy was not abandoned.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food, bed.
She went to help a friend.
What is the name of his girlfriend?


20. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.

(Puss in Boots)

21. What is the name of this old woman?
The grandmother asks for a hut:
"Unfold your facade:
To me - in front, to the forest - ass!
Stomp with a bone foot.
Call grandma...


22. This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Of course, - …

(Winnie the Pooh)

23. Who walked the streets,
spoke Turkish,
And when I was hungry
Swallowed the sun in the sky?
This is a greedy…


24. He likes to eat a sandwich
Not like everyone else, on the contrary,
He is in a vest, like a sailor.
Call the cat, tell me how?


25. Even first-graders know this,
That Cheburashka has a big friend,
He sings songs to the harmonica.
Everyone will name a friend.

(Crocodile Gena)

26. Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office is by the river.
The postman in it is an uncle ...


27. Who knows this fairy tale from childhood,
Understand what I'm talking about
What vehicle
Emelya brought to the king?


28. I ended up in a strange forest,
Marvelous forest of Wonderland.
I'm here with the rabbit.
Do you know what my name is?


29. A gray hare is crying,
Crying clumsy bear
Cry wolf and sparrow:
“Sun, come out soon!
Who swallowed the sun?
Greedy, fat...


30. Lying on a plate,
How cool and ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
To his misfortune - a fox.
She got a tooth
Round, delicious...


31. Write the address clearly
And mail everything.
He will deliver everything to Nadom -
Just Pechkin, ...


32. According to the first frost,
On the first snow
Who rides on the stove
Lying on your side?


33. He is a master of hooliganism.
In hooliganism - a champion!
Bunny decided to protect everyone,
Adventure ahead!
Well, my friend, guess
Who shouted: "Well, wait a minute!"?


34. Pooh with Piglet
He invited to his house.
Two friends planted at the table
Long-eared, kind ...


35. Though he insists that he is a master,
I got into trouble more than once,
He's just a big nerd
And his name is...


36. His father was seized by Lemon,
He threw dad into the dungeon ...
Radish is a boy's friend,
I didn’t leave that friend in trouble
And helped me get free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon.
And everyone knows without a doubt
The hero of these adventures.


37. Dishes endured for a long, long time
And I decided: "Let's get out of here!"
Even the spoons are gone and the glasses,
And only cockroaches remained.
Everyone left her, indiscriminately.
The name of this slut is...


38. Have you heard of him?
Knows everything and everything.
"Have you been to Tahiti?" -
Ask him yourself.
Yes, it's a simple puzzle!
What was the parrot's name?


39. In Prostokvashino their house,
Four people live.
Which of them have a fine day
Suddenly fell into a pond?


40. Live in peace, capital,
Watch both day and night carries
On a spire a golden bird
And the enemy will not approach secretly.

The city was surprised by the bird.
The bird left its stock,
Dadon was punished with a bird.
Who pecked the king? …


41. Malvina has a true friend.
If someone offends suddenly,
He will protect his girlfriend
Brave poodle...


42. Kesha has a lot of friends,
Well, the best friend is a sparrow.
Tell me, I forgot something
What is the name of that sparrow?


43. Leaving, mother asked
Don't open to anyone
But the children opened the door!
The toothy beast deceived -
Sang my mother's song.
Who then ate the goats?


44. Fat brothers lived,
All three noses are patches.
Big brother is smarter than everyone
The house was built from stones.
Answer it guys
Who are those brothers? …


45. The phone rang in the apartment.
Papa Elephant spoke to me,
Asked for chocolate. More pud!
Tell me, where did he call from?

(from camel)

46. ​​Guests knock, guests
He will ask the question: "Who is there?"
That is a chick. Guess it
What is his name? …


47. Konyok-Gorbunok told Ivan,
How to catch a bird. And gave him advice:
“You can burn your hand, you need a mitten,
It burns like fire and like the sun ... "


48. What kind of house on the edge
Gave shelter to the Hedgehog, Frog,
Mouse, Hare, Rooster?
House with a chimney at the top
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
This house is…


49. He is a lover of cleanliness.
Did you wash yourself in the morning?
If not, then the order
He will give washcloths immediately,
Terrible strict commander
Wash basin …


50. Carlson lived in a small house,
His house is above the roofs.
Carlson was friends with the boy,
Called him...


51. The fox house was made of ice.
The sun came out - suddenly the water.
From the bast house
Liska kicked out the oblique one.
Is this story familiar to you?
Who drove the fox out of the house?


52. Fly bought a samovar.
Flea was invited to visit.
These guests fled
When the fly was thrown into the net
Evil, nasty old man.
Call the villain...


53. Aibolit treated in the forest
Wolf, rabbit, fox.
On a mare suddenly a jackal
Jumped with a telegram.
And where, taking a bag,
The Doctor has begun his voyage?

(To Africa)

54. “Let me, Alyonushka, sister,
Drink from this puddle!”
"Don't drink, Ivanushka, trouble...
Yaga has poisoned the water!”

But he did not listen to his sister,
He bent down and… took a sip of water.
The brother was a boy. Child
Who has become now? Who is he? …


55. Zhenya, pulling a petal,
She said: "To the east,
North, west, and south
You fly, and after finishing the circle,
Make a miracle, petal!
What is the magical name of the flower?


56. There was fun at the table
And the house was full of guests.
An evil spider grabbed a fly,
Twisted the web.
This would be the end of the fly
Yes, the daring one has arrived!
No mercy for the spider:
Sharp saber on the side
And in the hands - a flashlight.
Saved the fly...


57. How the cold came,
The house was made of ice.
The sun shone day by day
And this house melted.
She kicked out the oblique
From the bast house.
But a rooster came with a scythe -
Again in the house oblique.
Who is in the distant forests
Gone forever? …


58. The fox asks the crane:
"Give me a sip of water to drink!"

Crane was known to be cunning,
With a narrow end gave the jug.

The fox's nose didn't get through.
With that, I had to close the issue.

A day, another has flown by
Crane wanted to drink.

What is Kuma Fox made of
Did you give the crane a drink?

(From a saucer)

59. Who fled through the bridge,
Did you tear off a leaf from a maple tree?
It's a goat from a fairy tale.
Her name - …


60. Just walking along the road
And I found a penny
I bought myself a samovar
I gave tea to all the beetles.
Who is the young mistress?
It - …

(Fly Tsokotukha)

61. "Uncle Fyodor, on the porch!
Here is a letter for you, Fedor.
Mom sent this to you
And from dad - a telegram.
Who said that on the porch?
The postman knows...


62. He is not a soft toy,
And from a fairy tale an animal.
He worked at the zoo
And lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is...


63. Answer without prompting
Who is the author of this tale?
In the fairy tale cat on two legs
Walks in red boots
Is there a fluffy feather in the hat?
The author of the story is...

(Charles Perrault)

64. He is an actor with Karabas.
He is sad, but he is not a crybaby.
And there is a reason for sadness -
He likes Malvina.
Even more! He is in love.
He composes poems for her,
I took paper and pen.
What is the poet's name? …


65. The hero of that fairy tale is famous
In a butter hat. He is iron!
He is bold, brave, with an axe.
But only, that's the trouble, while
Afraid of water. Just laugh!
Hero - ...


66. He whispers: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid ..."
He is the King of Beasts and he is also a coward?
Give Goodwin courage. Osmelev,
The coward starts to growl ...

(A lion)

67. Smoke, smoke is all around!
Who runs with a big bucket
Who with a tub ... What a nightmare!
Whose house is on fire?
Burned whose tail a little?
Firefighter - aunt ...


68. Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
Touched the kid, casually.
Cold, unkind became ...


69. A splinter hit the heart of an ice floe
And the boy became impudent and prickly.
He sat down in the sleigh of the Queen, and she
He was carried away to the realm of snow and ice.
And Gerda, the boys friend
A friend went to search.
Found him. She asked: "Thaw,
Frozen heart! Wake up, honey…”


70. He is so lilac,
Waving his hand cheerfully.
He fell to us from the moon -
They know they love kids.


1. From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe

Lost on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl?

2. Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …

3. Baba beat - did not break.
Weak woman's strength!
Yes, the grandfather could not break it either.
After all, he is a hundred years old at lunchtime.
They called a norushka -
She broke like a toy
And ran down the stairs.
What did you break? …

4. Baba beat - did not break,
Grandfather hit - did not break.
Baba was very sad.
Who helped the grandmother?
The little girl ran into the house.
Broke an egg...

5. Mom gave birth to a daughter
From a beautiful flower.
Good, little one!
The little girl was about an inch tall.
If you've read a fairy tale
Do you know the daughter's name?

6. A house appeared in the field.
Settled in that house:
A mouse named Norushka,
And the frog Kvakushka,
Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.
And also shaggy Mishka
Later he settled here.
What is the name of the house?
Smoke curls over the chimney.
This house is…

7. Your home in the winter, in the cold
She made ice.
But the house stood beautifully in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by Zaika.
Now, reader, remember
Who drove the Rooster into the forests?
Who deceived the Hare? ...

8. Grandfather and woman lived together,
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name?

9. What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Helped grandpa and grandma
Have you harvested root crops?

10. They are always together everywhere,
Animals - "nerazleyvoda":
Him and his furry friend
Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh.
And if it's not a secret
Please give me an answer:
Who is this cute fat man?
Piggy mom's son...

11. He played cards with his wife,
He got angry and said:
"You're crazy, Goat!
You beat the ace with a nine!
And swept all the cards to the floor.
Who scolded the goat? ...

12. She taught Pinocchio to write,
And she helped to find the golden key.
That doll girl with big eyes
Like an azure sky, with hair,
On a pretty face - a neat little nose.
What is her name? Answer the question.

13. Behind smart brains
He went to town with his friends.
The barrier didn't scare me.
Was a daredevil...

14. Grandmother lives in the forest,
Herbs-potion collects,
The floor in the hut is swept with a broom.
In a mortar it flies through the sky,
From the bone of her leg.
This lady's name is...

15. Pies - in a basket.
Rushed down the path
The girl is running.
Dark forest all around.
I met a wolf there.
And he doesn't really know
How can he quickly
Was at the door
And lay down in bed, rogue?
What is the girl's name?

16. That's quite easy,
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose?

17. The turtle is three hundred years old.
She is no longer older.
And she told
The secret that I knew
And which she kept
Pinocchio gave the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I'll stay here in the pond."
What is the turtle's name?

18. He is always like a day of jam,
Celebrates a birthday
Pressing a button on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy, "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me an answer.

19. Quickly remember a fairy tale:
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Snow Queen
Freeze your heart
But the girl is tender
The boy was not abandoned.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food, bed.
She went to help a friend.
What is the name of his girlfriend?

20. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.

21. What is the name of this old woman?
The grandmother asks for a hut:
"Unfold your facade:
To me - in front, to the forest - ass!
Stomp with a bone foot.
call grandma...

22. This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Of course, - ...

23. Who walked the streets,
spoke Turkish,
And when I was hungry
Swallowed the sun in the sky?
This is a greedy…

24. He likes to eat a sandwich
Not like everyone else, on the contrary,
He is in a vest, like a sailor.
Call the cat, tell me how?

25. Even first-graders know this,
That Cheburashka has a big friend,
He sings songs to the harmonica.
Everyone will name a friend.

26. Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office is by the river.
The postman in it is an uncle ...

27. Who knows this fairy tale from childhood,
Understand what I'm talking about
What vehicle
Emelya brought to the king?

28. I ended up in a strange forest,
Marvelous forest of Wonderland.
I'm here with the rabbit.
Do you know what my name is?

29. A gray hare is crying,
Crying clumsy bear
Cry wolf and sparrow:
“Sun, come out soon!
Who swallowed the sun?
Greedy, fat...

30. Lying on a plate,
How cool and ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
To his misfortune - a fox.
She got a tooth
Round, tasty...

31. Write the address clearly
And mail everything.
He will deliver everything to Nadom -
Just Pechkin...

32. According to the first frost,
On the first snow
Who rides on the stove
Lying on your side?

33. He is a master of hooliganism.
In hooliganism - a champion!
Bunny decided to protect everyone,
Adventure ahead!
Well, my friend, guess
Who shouted: "Well, wait a minute!"?

34. Pooh with Piglet
He invited to his house.
Two friends planted at the table
Long-eared, kind...

35. Though he insists that he is a master,
I got into trouble more than once,
He's just a big nerd
And his name is...

36. His father was seized by Lemon,
He threw dad into the dungeon...
Radish is a boy's friend,
I didn’t leave that friend in trouble
And helped me get free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon.
And everyone knows without a doubt
The hero of these adventures.

37. Dishes endured for a long, long time
And I decided: "Let's get out of here!"
Even the spoons are gone and the glasses,
And only cockroaches remained.
Everyone left her, indiscriminately.
The name of this slut is...

38. Have you heard of him?
Knows everything and everything.
"Have you been to Tahiti?" -
Ask him yourself.
Yes, it's a simple puzzle!
What was the parrot's name?

39. In Prostokvashino their house,
Four people live.
Which of them have a fine day
Suddenly fell into a pond?

40. Live in peace, capital,
Watch both day and night carries
On a spire a golden bird
And the enemy will not approach secretly.

The city was surprised by the bird.
The bird left its stock,
Dadon was punished with a bird.
Who pecked the king? ...

41. Malvina has a true friend.
If someone offends suddenly,
He will protect his girlfriend
Brave poodle...

42. Kesha has a lot of friends,
Well, the best friend is a sparrow.
Tell me, I forgot something
What is the name of that sparrow?

43. Leaving, mother asked
Don't open to anyone
But the children opened the door!
The toothy beast deceived -
Sang my mother's song.
Who then ate the goats?

44. Fat brothers lived,
All three noses are patches.
Big brother is smarter than everyone
The house was built from stones.
Answer it guys
Who are those brothers? ...

45. The phone rang in the apartment.
Papa Elephant spoke to me,
Asked for chocolate. More pud!
Tell me, where did he call from?

46. ​​Guests knock, guests
He will ask the question: "Who is there?"
That is a chick. Guess it
What is his name? ...

47. Konyok-Gorbunok told Ivan,
How to catch a bird. And gave him advice:
“You can burn your hand, you need a mitten,
It burns like fire and like the sun ... "

48. What kind of house on the edge
Gave shelter to the Hedgehog, Frog,
Mouse, Hare, Rooster?
House with a chimney at the top
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
This house is...

49. He is a lover of cleanliness.
Did you wash yourself in the morning?
If not, then the order
He will give washcloths immediately,
Terrible strict commander
Wash basin...

50. Carlson lived in a small house,
His house is above the roofs.
Carlson was friends with the boy,
Called him...

51. The fox house was made of ice.
The sun came out - suddenly the water.
From the bast house
Liska kicked out the oblique one.
Is this story familiar to you?
Who drove the fox out of the house?

52. Fly bought a samovar.
Flea was invited to visit.
These guests fled
When the fly was thrown into the net
Evil, nasty old man.
Call the villain...

53. Aibolit treated in the forest
Wolf, rabbit, fox.
On a mare suddenly a jackal
Jumped with a telegram.
And where, taking a bag,
The Doctor has begun his voyage?

54. “Let me, Alyonushka, sister,
Drink from this puddle!”
"Don't drink, Ivanushka, trouble...
Yaga has poisoned the water!”

But he did not listen to his sister,
He bent down and ... took a sip of water.
The brother was a boy. Child
Who has become now? Who is he? …

55. Zhenya, pulling a petal,
She said: "To the east,
North, west, and south
You fly, and after finishing the circle,
Make a miracle, petal!
What is the magical name of the flower?

56. There was fun at the table
And the house was full of guests.
An evil spider grabbed a fly,
Twisted the web.
This would be the end of the fly
Yes, the daring one has arrived!
No mercy for the spider:
Sharp saber on the side
And in the hands - a flashlight.
Saved the fly...

57. How the cold came,
The house was made of ice.
The sun shone day by day
And this house melted.
She kicked out the oblique
From the bast house.
But a rooster came with a scythe -
Again in the house oblique.
Who is in the distant forests
Gone forever? ...

58. The fox asks the crane:
"Give me a sip of water to drink!"

Crane was known to be cunning,
With a narrow end gave the jug.

The fox's nose didn't get through.
With that, I had to close the issue.

A day, another has flown by
Crane wanted to drink.

What is Kuma Fox made of
Did you give the crane a drink?

59. Who fled through the bridge,
Did you tear off a leaf from a maple tree?
It's a goat from a fairy tale.
Her name - ...

60. Just walking along the road
And I found a penny
I bought myself a samovar
I gave tea to all the beetles.
Who is the young mistress?
It - ...

61. "Uncle Fyodor, on the porch!
Here is a letter for you, Fedor.
Mom sent this to you
And from dad - a telegram.
Who said that on the porch?
The postman, you know...

62. He is not a soft toy,
And from a fairy tale an animal.
He worked at the zoo
And lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is...

63. Answer without prompting
Who is the author of this tale?
In the fairy tale cat on two legs
Walks in red boots
Is there a fluffy feather in the hat?
The author of the story is...

64. He is an actor with Karabas.
He is sad, but he is not a crybaby.
And there is a reason for sadness -
He likes Malvina.
Even more! He is in love.
He composes poems for her,
I took paper and pen.
What is the poet's name? …

65. The hero of that fairy tale is famous
In a butter hat. He is iron!
He is bold, brave, with an axe.
But only, that's the trouble, while
Afraid of water. Just laugh!
Hero - ...

66. He whispers: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid ..."
He is the King of Beasts and he is also a coward?
Give Goodwin courage. Osmelev,
The coward starts to growl ...

67. Smoke, smoke is all around!
Who runs with a big bucket
Who with a tub ... What a nightmare!
Whose house is on fire?
Burned whose tail a little?
Firefighter - aunt ...

68. Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
Touched the kid, casually.
Cold, unkind became ...

69. A splinter hit the heart of an ice floe
And the boy became impudent and prickly.
He sat down in the sleigh of the Queen, and she
He was carried away to the realm of snow and ice.
And Gerda, the boys friend
A friend went to search.
Found him. She asked: "Thaw,
Frozen heart! Wake up, honey…”

70. He is so lilac,
Waving his hand cheerfully.
He fell to us from the moon -
They know they love kids.

10. Piglet. 11. GOAT. 12. MALVINA. 13. Frightened. 14. YAGA.
37. FEDOR. 38. KESH. 39. BALL. 40. COCKER.
41. ARTEMON. 42. KOLYA. 43. WOLF. 44. PIGS.
48. TEREMOK. 49. MOIDODYR. 50. BABY. 51. COCK.
52. SPIDER. 53. TO AFRICA. 54. GOAT.
64. PIERO. 65. TIN WOMAN 66. LION.
67. CAT. 68. KAY. 69. KAY. 70. LUNTIK

Riddles about school
Large, spacious, bright house.
There are a lot of good guys in it.
Beautiful writing and reading.
Children draw and

Riddles about September 1
On this day, a merry crowd
Together we walk to school.
(September first)

Riddles about first graders
Every year the door opens.
Warmly welcomes all children.
Toddlers - new settlers move in.
Do you know what they are called?
(First graders)

Riddles about call
The students are told to sit down.
Then get up and leave.
At school, he tells many
It's calling, calling, calling.

Riddles about lesson
school riddle,
about the same period
Which guys
The bell will ring.
Riddles about school bag
I'm fine inside
In piles and notebooks.
(School bag, backpack)

Riddles about table-desk
There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Riddles about a diary
A notebook in a school bag
And what kind of notebook is a mystery.
The student will receive an assessment in it,
And in the evening he will show his mother ...
(A diary)

How do you learn tell
All estimates will instantly show.
(A diary)

Riddles about school supplies
Riddles about notebook
On her leaves
And the numbers are in the line.
Leaflets in a cage and in a ruler,
You can write exactly in it!
Riddles about brush
Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.
Riddles about pencil
You will sharpen your nose sharply.
Draw whatever you want.
There will be a sea, a beach.
What is this?

Black Ivashka,
wooden shirt,
Where the nose will pass -
Puts a note there.

Riddles about handle
With a sharp beak, like
Drives straight across the page.
And in your notebook
The lines should be smooth.
(A pen)
Riddles about felt-tip pen
Draw posters master -
bright, subtle...
(Felt pen)
Riddles about eraser (eraser)
I'm small ,
I wash diligently.
If you give me a job
The pencil worked in vain.

Riddles about a piece of chalk
Melted in the teacher's hands.
Left marks on the blackboard.

Riddles about pointer
I am friends with the teacher.
I'll show you everything on the board.
You follow me without fear.
Do you know who I am? I - …
Riddles about ruler
I am straight.
I help you draw.
Anything you without me
Draw a bag.
Guess guys
Who am I? — …

Riddles about book
I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I am always silent.
To befriend me
You need to learn to read.

Wonderful riddles about school and school supplies with answers. Interesting, not complicated, they can be easily answered by students or preschoolers who are about to cross the school threshold. In a fun and entertaining way, children will spend their time. The main thing is that there is a benefit from this.

Riddles about stationery:

for preschoolers 5-6 years old and children of primary school age.

T. Lavrova

My friend, though small,
But he works with heart.
All the mistakes, squiggles,
What does a pen put in a notebook,
Removes in one go.
Even blots also “eat”!
How good, chewy -
Soft light school...( eraser)

Still life, landscape, portrait
I have been painting for hundreds of years.
I'm very friendly with colors
And I serve artists.
Soft as a pussy
Thin...( tassel)

I am friends with objects
I will tell you all about them.
I measure height, length,
Width and depth.
Though the price is a trifle, a penny,
I'm great...( ruler)

What's with the weird box?
It has a ruler, pens, cork.
Simple pencil, toffee,
Last year's note.
Well, did you guys guess?
Everything lies in mine..( pencil case)

L. Kusturova

I open the doors to the house.
I check if it contains:
pen, eraser, pencil.
I am your master now.(Pencil case)

N. Afromeeva

I have a cube in my pencil case
Pink colour.
But it's not gum at all.
it's not candy.
The pencil suddenly brought out a letter,
like a tadpole.
That's when I need
my helper...( eraser)

G. Puntusova

Everyone knows the little thing -
Just a wonderful dancer!
Performing a pirouette
Leaves a blue trail
Letter, letter, squiggle...
Hello everyone! Yours....( A pen).

S. Neversky

Not right on paper
you put out the words with a paste.
It used to be more common
pump ink into it.
Children, what is this?
Well, together...(Pen)

He's like a magician's wand
just turn your eyes
on cardboard and paper
draw your own pattern.
This friend is in our pencil case.
Let's say kids...(Pencil)

He is different colors, flexible,
mistakes are not terrible for us.
Everything is in his power to fix.
Let's say kids...(Eraser)

We will get our paints -
"oil", watercolor, gouache.
The leaf turned green.
And it will be painted...(Brushes)

Make it faster
any pencil is sharper.
colorful girlfriend,
shavings come out of it.
We say: "What are you, what are you,
because you get tired of work!"
She has a smirk in response!
Children, this is...(Sharpener)

N. Gubskaya

Without her, I say
Straight line
You won't draw one
You can't measure the length.
Answer me quickly!
It's called...( ruler)

We write to her in a notebook
letters in order.
Something we really need
And it's just called...( a pen)

N. Kechatova

The pencil puffed and drew,
I created a long-and-in line ...
Suddenly, he called out in the wrong place - hello!
Well, where is our smart ... ( eraser)

Not lost so that, in a bunch
Eraser, pencil and pen,
Buttons, compasses - I collected everything
Loving order...( pencil case)!

To make the circle even,
A true friend will help us
True, ma-scarlet hole
Will leave on the sheet ... ( compass)!

V. Tunnikov

House for pens and pencils.
It is zippered for kids.
His schoolchildren take to school
And together with notebooks they put in a satchel.
(Pencil case)

M. Blinnikova

Draw straight lines
we can't. How to be?
Line like a snake?
It needs...( ruler)

You can get into the paint with your finger,
there is only a better way.
The colors are very tired
Well, when will you take... brush)

A. Chugunnikov

I don't read books at all.
And without them I know a lot
Never say
And I create without a voice
Just take it in your hand
And write words for me.
I am the granddaughter of the goose feather
And am I called? ( Pen).

D. Loginov

Two sheets in between
He fastens, open the cap.
You can smear, do not be sorry.
And everyone calls him...? glue)

Hook bent from wire
Connect the sheets into a lock
And fasten the leaf very tenaciously.
We call her...? clip).

S. Podgorskaya

The pencil is my best friend
Wipe the excess around.

T. Efimova

It will crawl across the paper
Everything will be cleaned, everything will be licked,
Like a little tooth!
Well, of course it is?!

The vase suddenly broke! Ouch!
How do you deal with adversity?
Don't worry and hurry up
Fasten again to super

Guess what a miracle!
I will glue this film!
Can easily help
Even glue a book!?

Putting together a portfolio using will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. In developing classes in preparation for school, children will like such school riddles.

In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.
(A pen)

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka -
wooden shirt,
Where the nose will lead
Puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

The students are sitting behind her.
There are textbooks on it.
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but (desk)

You talk to her more often
Become four times smarter

Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

By black white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
(School board)

Who am I if honesty
My main feature?

magic wand
I have friends
With this wand
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

He confessed to the knife:
- I am without work.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!

Her sheets are white-white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them.
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, gum, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can't deal with her.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the rubber band all the way ...

Huddling in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on six
Sat smart circles
And count out loud
Only heard: knock yes knock!

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.

colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly sat down on the page.
Because of this bastard
I received a unit.

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this bunny?

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.

The students write to them
Answering at the blackboard.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful…

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have ... (clay)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my bag I have...
(A diary)

I'm ready for training starts
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every student understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here…

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run. (Knapsack)

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)