Sinkwine Lensky from Eugene Onegin. Country of education

psychological exercises for trainings

Game "Shaggy Dog"

Age: preschool.

The situation of this game has a plot character. It creates an image of a character that needs to be feared. The task of the child is to go towards this danger and not run away until a certain signal (the last word of the text). Thus, the game teaches children to manage their behavior, overcome fear and not give in to difficulties.

The figurative nature of this game contributes to the development of imagination, and joint activities - to the rapprochement and unification of children.

Game description

The teacher draws a circle on the ground - this is a house for " shaggy dog". At a distance of 2-3 steps from it, a line is drawn, to which children must reach. At a distance of 15-20 steps from this line, a second line is drawn, where the children will escape from the shaggy dog.

Such preparation for the game attracts the attention of the kids. Using this, the teacher sets them up for the game and explains the rules. At the beginning, the teacher takes on the role of a shaggy dog. At his direction, all the children approach the line of their house, hold hands. One of the children, the most organized, is in the center of the line; he will guide the movement of others and set the pace. To show how this should be done, the teacher first leads the line himself and pronounces the following words, which are repeated by all the children:

Here lies a shaggy dog, In his paws, with his nose buried. Quietly, quietly, he lies, Either dozing, or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see if something happens!?

Under this text, all the children, holding hands, sneak up to the devil. At the last words of the text, they stretch out their hands and touch the shaggy dog. The dog should not move at this time: he, sitting with eyes closed, allows himself to be stroked.

Suddenly, unexpectedly for the children, the dog opens his eyes and barks, and the kids run away to their house (beyond the line). The dog runs after the children, barks at them and returns to his house again. The game starts over. Each dog performs its role twice (the children themselves portray the dog's tutor).

Rules of the game

  1. Do not touch the dog until the end of the text.
  2. The dog does not move or open its eyes until it is touched.
  3. You can run to your house and escape from the dog only after he barks.

At the beginning of the game, it is very important to try to create expressive image a shaggy dog, good-natured, but angry: he does not like to be disturbed, but does not cause any harm to children and does not even catch them, but only scares him with his loud barking. The role of the dog is played out with the help of expressive movements: he walks around his house, enters it, squats down, hides his nose in his palms, as if closing his eyes, and does not look at the children. When explaining this role to children, it should be emphasized that the dog does not move when the children touch him, but they should not push or pull him, because he may become angry. It is important that the dog barks unexpectedly for children. This moment can be prompted by the educator himself, touching the child who portrays the dog, or giving him a signal when to bark. The rules of the game do not include catching children. In order for the children to have time to rest from running, it is necessary that the dog moves in free space, barks, plays his role well before he takes his place again or chooses a new dog.

Usually children are very attracted to the role of a shaggy dog; they can't wait to do it. Going towards them, you can choose not only the dog, but also two of his puppies.

I have a child in kindergarten playing this game, she is so delighted with her, you can’t imagine
Very interesting game I enjoyed putting it into practice in the garden.
Someone is not lucky enough to be in practice in kindergarten)
I like it
Very active and fun game!

Outdoor games

P / I "Shaggy dog".

Here lies the shaggy dog

In your paws, sticking your nose.

Quietly he lies

Whether dozing, or sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens.

P / I "Brave mice".

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible sound!


The mice are out!

(the cat is chasing the mice-children)

F/N "Run to me!"

Game material: flags of four colors.

Children take the flag of the color they like. The teacher has flags of all colors. The teacher shows 1 flag and says: “Run to me!”

(Only those children whose flags match the color of the teacher's flag run up to the teacher).

P / I "Hares and the wolf".

Children depict hares with the words:

Jumping hares hop-hop-hop

To the green, to the meadow.

Grass pinching, listening

Is the wolf coming?

At the end of the words "wolf" tries to catch the hares, and they run away into the "minks".

P / I "Mice and a cat."

Children lead a round dance, in the middle the cat “sleeps”.

Mice dance

A cat is napping on a couch.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break our round dance.

The cat wakes up, catches mice. The mice run into the houses.

P / I "Rooster".

Ruh- tuh- tuh! Ruh-tuh-tuh!

A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs, a tail with patterns.

It's under the window. Screams all over the yard.

Who will hear. He's running!

P / I "Birds-small".

We are little birds

We love to fly in the sky

You try

Catch us!

P / I "Bear-couch potato".

Teddy bear, couch potato

Stop sleeping, stop sleeping.

We want to play with you bear, play.

You catch up with funny kids, catch up!

P / I "Mice".

That's how tired the mice are

They chewed everything, ate everything.

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

How to put mousetraps

We'll catch it at the same time!

Funny boys

Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site, and several circles are drawn on the side. This is the leader's house. The players gather behind the line on one side of the court and say in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch us!

One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch!" everyone runs to the opposite side of the site. The driver must catch one of the runners before he crosses the second line. Caught becomes in a circle - the house of the driver. Then the children read the verses again and run across the playground in the opposite direction.

After 2-3 attempts, they count how many children are caught, choose a new driver and the game continues.


Holding hands, the children walk in a circle and say:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For planet walks.

What we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

As soon as the last word is said, everyone scatters around the “rocket sites” and tries to take their places in any of the pre-drawn rockets as soon as possible. Up to 5 circles are marked inside each rocket. This is the place for the participant. But there are fewer circles in rockets than participants. Latecomers to the rocket become in a general circle.


From among the players stands out "owl". Her nest is away from the site. The players on the court are randomly placed. "Owl" - in the nest.

At the signal of the host: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, bugs, etc. At the second signal: “The night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which they were caught by the signal. "Owl" goes hunting. Noticing the moving player, she takes him by the hand and takes him to her nest. In one exit, she can get two or even three players.

Then the “owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.

After 2-3 exits of the “owl” to hunt, it is replaced by new drivers from among those who have never caught it.

The rules forbid the "owl" to watch the same player for a long time, and the caught one to escape.


The players become in a circle. A rope is lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely

Carousels spun, and then around,

And then around and around

All run, run, run.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the host "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't sleep!

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two

So the game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and scatter around the site.

Fisherman and fish

The teacher stands in the center of the circle, holds the rope at one end - this is a fishing rod, the children are fish. Passing the rope across the floor, circling, he “catches” a fish. In order not to be caught, the fish jump up and down when the rope approaches. Whoever did not have time to jump is caught and out of the game.

Find your place

Geometric figures stand on chairs, children have cards with various shapes. On a signal, the children take their places at the appropriate chair.

Similarly, you can play a game to fix colors, classify animals, etc.

Flying - not flying

Children move freely around the room: running, skipping, circling. The host calls any words (fish, plane, tree ...). If what is named can fly, the children imitate flight; if what is named can swim, they imitate swimming; if it doesn’t swim, doesn’t fly, then the children stop. The most attentive is the one who has never made a mistake.

Whose link is more likely to gather

Children have different colors and different sizes. geometric figures. IN different places group placed symbols. Children must determine their place (by color and size).


The players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, and the outer circle in the other direction. At the signal of the leader, both circles stop. Those in the inner circle raise their hands to form a gate. The rest then run into the circle, passing under the gate, then run out of it. Suddenly, the leader gives the next command, and the players of the inner circle abruptly lower their hands down. Players who are inside the circle are considered trapped. They join those in the inner circle and join hands. After that, the game is repeated.


At one end of the court, the players line up. At the other end, with his back to the players, the leader becomes, covers his face with his hands and says: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn! Stop!" while the driver pronounces these words, all the players become closer to him as quickly as possible. But with the command "Stop!" they must stop and freeze in place. The driver looks around quickly. If he notices that one of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least a small movement, the driver sends him back beyond the starting line. After that, the driver again takes the starting position and pronounces the same words. This continues until one of the players manages to approach the driver and stain him before he has time to look back. After that, all the players run for their line, the driver pursues them and tries to tarnish someone. The stained becomes the driver.

Carp and pike

On one side of the site there are "carp", in the middle - "pike". At the signal "carp" run across to the other side. "Pike" catches them. Caught "carp" (four, five) join hands and. standing across the site, form a network. Now the "carp" should run across to the other side of the site through the net (under the arms). "Pike" stands behind the net and lies in wait for them. When there are 8-10 "carp" caught, they form "baskets" - circles through which you need to run. There can be only one such basket, then it is depicted, holding hands, 15-18 participants. "Pike" takes a place in front of the basket and catches "carp".

When there are more “crucian carp” caught than not caught, the players form a corridor of the “crucian carp” caught, through which the uncaught ones run. "Pike", located at the exit catches them. The winner is the one who remains last. He is given the role of the new "pike".


Hey hey hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show up

Spin the wheel!

The teacher invites all children to portray a snake. Children put their hands on each other's shoulders and slowly “snake” move forward after the teacher. Obstacles (cubes, arcs, etc.) can be placed in front of children, which the snake must go around without knocking over.

Round dance game Bunny

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center of the circle is a sad bunny. Children sing:

Bunny, bunny! What happened to you?

You are sitting very sick.

You get up, get up, jump!

Here's a carrot! (2 times)

Get it and dance!

All the children come up to the bunny and give him an imaginary carrot. The bunny takes a carrot, becomes cheerful and begins to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is selected.

Round dance game Cucumber

The teacher chooses Cucumber, who sits in the center of the circle. Children, together with the teacher, walk in a circle and sing:

Cucumber, cucumber,

You are just like a human.

We fed you

We fed you

They put them on their feet (they approach the cucumber and pick it up)

Forced to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose who you want.

Cucumber dances, children clap their hands. After the dance, Cucumber chooses another child to take his place, and the game continues.

Hen and chickens

Children under the guidance of a teacher at one end of the playroom arrange chairs. The number of chairs must correspond to the number of participants in the game. The driver-cat is selected. The teacher acts as a mother chicken. The rest of the participants are her chicken children.

The mother hen invites all her chicks to hold hands. Together they walk in a circle and say the following words:

The chicken came out

With her yellow chicks,

The chicken cackles: ko-ko,

Don't go far.

The hen and chicks gradually approach the cat sitting on a separate chair.

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes.

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing.

After these words, the chickens scatter, each trying to take his chair. Mother chicken worries about them, waving her winged arms. A captured chicken becomes a cat. The game restarts from the beginning.

Bold mice

The leader is chosen. He will be a cat. The mice stand on the opposite side of the room from the cat, who is sitting on a chair. Mouse children slowly move towards the cat during the following words:

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights. (Teacher claps his hands loudly)

Suddenly there was a strange sound...

The mice ran away.

The cat wakes up and tries to catch the mice. They, in turn, run away to their place. The mice that are touched by the cat are considered to be caught.

And letaratura OSM named after S. Sifullin

South Kazakhstan region, Ordabasinsky district

Theme of the lesson: “Was happiness possible? ... Onegin and Tatiana”

To continue the formation of students' knowledge of the novel, to identify the causes of the unhappiness of the heroes of the novel, and in the course of the study to find out whether Onegin and Tatyana had the opportunity to be happy.

The development of oral and written speech of students, the ability to think critically, observe, work with text;

Contribute to the education of the right attitude to universal human life values.

Type of lesson: combined, lesson - research

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, search, research.

Techniques of TRCM: "Associative ranks", "Fishbone", "Sinquain".

Forms of work: group, individual

Equipment: a textbook, the text of the novel, illustrations for the work, a notebook, a multimedia presentation “Images in the novel “Eugene Onegin”, a computer and a video projector with a demonstration screen.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Organization of students' attention to perception educational material. Division into 2 groups (Mosaic method)

Psychological mood. (Video "Rain Waltz")

I. Stage "Challenge"

Introductory speech of the teacher

You just listened to very gentle and beautiful music. I'm sure it touched the thin strings of your soul... After all, it's about love...

At your young age, you have often thought about what happiness, friendship, love are. What is the true beauty of a person? How to find the very happiness that every person dreams of, that Pushkin's heroes dreamed of ...

So what is happiness? Using the technique of word associations, we will explain what happiness is. (scheme "Cluster")

Happiness is a peaceful life, love, home, family, children, a sense of accomplishment of duty, service to the Fatherland. But did Eugene Onegin, the protagonist of the novel, have all this? What was valuable to him? How did he feel about love?

What is love for you? (a feeling that inspires, brings hearts together, gives strength, makes you suffer, suffer, worry ...)

What is this word associated with?

Were the heroes of A. Pushkin's novel able to withstand the test of love?

Was it possible for Onegin and Tatyana to be happy?

We will find answers to these questions by doing a little research.

II. Stage "Comprehension"

The class was offered to work in groups on the task: to trace the movement of the images of Onegin and Tatyana from the first chapter to the last, while using the characterization plan, questions, text artwork, own observations and reasoning.

Compilation of the table "Features of similarities and differences in the characters of Tatyana and Onegin":


Tatyana's originality, Onegin's "inimitable oddity".

Tatyana's proximity to the "folk foundations of life" and Onegin's isolation from folk roots.

Her daydreaming, his "unwitting dreams


She misses the society, he is unsociable.

Simplicity, gullibility, inability to deceive -

stay with Tatiana and life experience at

He was sick of hard work,

And "her pampered fingers knew no needles."

Tatyana was never disappointed, Onegin is chilled, fed up with life, disappointed.

In books.

Tatyana finds her place in life, but Onegin failed

To do this.

Love story in the table:

Strategy "Double Entry Diary" (DDZ) - dividing the sheet into two parts, on the left side, students write out phrases from the text that they consider the most important for themselves, and write comments on them on the right.

Founding Phrase

A comment

I would choose another when I was

how are you, poet?

Right. Tatiana struck him with depth

peace of mind, poetry, lock-

nutty. Onegin saw his resemblance to her.

And in the heart the thought was planted;

The time has come, she fell in love.

She imagined him as the hero of her novel, Onegin was not like those people who surrounded Tatiana in the village

With whom does Tatyana share her secret? Why?

But the nanny does not understand Tatyana, since she did not marry for love, her feelings have long faded

It is in the highest predestined council ...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours;

It was necessary to fall in love very much in order to decide to write first. Tatyana believes in his nobility, otherwise she would not have written. Her act is bold enough.

Your hateful freedom

I didn't want to lose.

He preferred cold peace and freedom to the joys of love.

And little by little it starts

My Tatyana understand

The one for whom she sighed

I realized that Onegin is selfish, over-

changed, disappointed in life, in people, but at the same time suffering from his

shortcomings, lonely, needy-

a person in love and support. But she cannot fall in love with him.

for poor Tanya

All were equal..

“My mother begged me with tears of spells.”

No, every minute to see you.

Follow you everywhere

The smile of the mouth, the movement of the eyes

Catch with loving eyes...

He saw a lot, experienced a lot, love came to him for the first time. IN

Tatyana is in love like a child ...

I love you (what to dissemble)

But I am given to another

And I will be faithful to him forever

Confesses her love for Onegin, but honor is more important to her

Poetic moment. 1. Expressive reading by heart of an excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatiana's letter.

Did Tatyana surprise you? How do you feel about her bold act? Do you approve or condemn? What feelings are conveyed in the letter?

2. Reading Onegin's monologue.

Why did Onegin reject Tatyana's love?

3. Reading Onegin's letter.

Why did Onegin reject the love of the "county lady" and so passionately

fell in love with Tatyana in St. Petersburg?

Is love for Tatyana saving or destructive?

Whose letter do you think is more tragic? Why?

(It is more difficult for a mature person to love. It is difficult to write such a letter to a person whose love he has rejected. And Onegin foresees that his confession may not be understood).

Problematic question for groups:

The problem of happiness is one of the most topical for humanity at all times. What prevented two lovers from being happy? Was happiness possible for Onegin and Tatyana?

Fishbone reception. Group work.

Find the problem and figure out the cause and effect relationships.

The top fins are arguments or reasons.

The lower fins are facts from the work that support the arguments

Conclusion: Their happiness did not take place for many reasons (mistakes that both of them made): tribute to fashion; Tatyana's ignorance of the laws of secular life, her imprudence; the desire to be free from family ties by Onegin; duel; Marriage of Tatiana

III. Reflection. Reception "Sinquain" is an individual independent task.

Write a cinquain dedicated to your favorite image from the novel "Eugene Onegin"


Draw the happiness of Tatyana and Onegin

· Try to write an essay - an essay (6-7 sentences, very subjective, in a colloquial form): How do you see the modern Tatyana Larina or Eugene Onegin?