Anton Belyaev voice sting. Anton Belyaev: about life after the "Voice" and the wave of success

One by one, the shows on television channels change, and the participants who a few months ago basked in the rays of glory are forgotten. Anton Belyaev, the star of the Voice project, managed to catch the wave of his success and swim in the right direction. Now the soloist of the group Therr Maitz has fallen in love with fans and proposals for collaborations.

Like all people - from childhood, like all musicians - from music school. Then there were School of Music, institute, a lot of things ... Prison, madhouse, "Voice". (Laughs)

- When you moved to Moscow from Magadan, where did you have to work?

I went to Moscow, in general, at my own peril and risk. In the Far East, I reached a certain ceiling, played with the old Therr Maitz and was never a session musician. After moving to Moscow, I immediately began some kind of production and arranging activity - at first quite "childish", microscopic, then expanded. that I take a responsible attitude to what I do, and almost every one of my works carried the next one in. There was always the right response, and the base quickly accumulated.

How did your colleagues from Therr Maitz react to your decision to participate in The Voice? Did someone say that the project is too pop ("pop") for you?

This is obviously not pop, so the question was not. But the question of the first-channel framework - stood. But in defense of the "First" a few words must be said. When we are out of the situation, we are guided by some legends and myths about how everything happens on TV, that these are all solid technologies. In fact, everything is quite simple, and there is no Satanism in this. Nobody burns books, nobody dances around fires. (Laughs) There is an opportunity - you have to use it. This is already your personal story: can you show yourself in the proposed circumstances or not, to what extent you are able to transform within the framework of the project. Because no contracts with the same "First" can make you a different person. People often come up with some things for themselves and look for an excuse for their mistakes in them.

In general, what I thought played a big role. It was my piece of meat that went on television. Most of all, I worried about myself.

Therr Maitz

Even before the project, you were a professional artist, moreover, you were familiar with one of the jury members - Pelageya. Did this somehow affect the successful passage of the casting?

In the end, no. One way or another, I was familiar with all the members of the jury, except for Gradsky. But only Pelageya could recognize my voice. If only she had turned, then I would have felt embarrassed - only my friend wanted me to stay ... Then I probably would have refused to participate - there was such a thought. But everything happened the way it happened - nothing happened!

I didn't think about it for a second! For me the question solo career is a matter of age. There will be some very personal music - maybe I'll do it. Here I am not thinking about my positioning in terms of the product - bad or good marketing and so on. This is a state of mind. Now I want to do collective creativity. Tomorrow may be different, but so far I like everything.

After the reality show, many artists become hostages of one image. Did it pass you or not? After all, the majority of viewers expect from you the songs that they heard on the "Voice", and not the work of Therr Maitz.

Thank God it's not exactly like that. Some, of course, can return tickets by coming to our concert. They left after the third or fourth song, there were such precedents. But out of 1,000 people, that's five. We don't keep anyone. We perfectly understand what some people are waiting for, and even go to meet them, it's not difficult for us to sing half a verse of Wicked Game. At the same time, we are focused on our creativity, and people, fortunately, accept it.

you participated in New Year's shows Channel One. What other projects do you propose to take part in? Do you often refuse?

I refuse often, but I will also agree. This is good Information support, it's just important to find an organic shape. I do not like some of the musical nuances of my performances in the "Voice" (not everything turned out as I wanted), but I am absolutely not ashamed that I was there. The same will be in relations with the channel further. There are proposals, they are many, they are different. Mostly this is the maintenance of programs, plus some formats will go to this package. It remains to choose what is most interesting.

- With which of the Russian artists will you never record a duet? With whom with pleasure?

I would record with Lenya Agutin. But with the vast majority of performers - never.

- How did your song become the soundtrack to the film "Only Girls in Sports"?

It was an amazing accident. The filmmakers contacted us, we offered them a fan of songs from the new album. Moreover, at first the emphasis was on another song, but in the end they settled on Make It Last.

-Tell us about your creative plans for the coming year.

In the spring we release new album and go on tour. We hope to catch our creativity and Europe.

- How does your wife Julia feel about the huge number of new fans? How did you meet your wife?

We met in Moscow, in a restaurant. I took the initiative and did not regret it for a second. (Laughs) She is a little worried about the fans, it is not always easy for her. But she has access to all my accounts, and she can calm herself down at any time.

- How do you spend free time what are you interested in?

I have no hobby. If I don’t do music (and on vacation I also devote most of my time to it), then I can go to the pool or to the hammam, watch a movie. In the summer I ride a bike in Gorky Park.

- who were yours musical idols as a child, who do you listen to now?

Such serious figures as Stevie Wonder and Sting, in the first place. But it was in childhood, and now everything is somehow smeared, now I no longer have idols. I won’t even name any favorites - I would have to spend a lot of time to explain how I perceive music. Even when I listen to it in my spare time, I listen to it at work. I'm just kidding myself that I'm resting.

- If it wasn't for music, what would you do?

I would be an ice cream man! I would be a super ice cream man - I now understand this. I would just stand and sell these awesome wands! (Laughs)

0 January 28, 2014, 21:10

Anton Belyaev is one of the brightest participants in the second season of the Voice show. Although the musician did not win in the television project, the video with his performance of Chris Isaac's hit Wicked Game instantly became an Internet hit, and Anton himself was compared in the press - no more, no less - with Elton John and Sting.

We met Belyaev on the set of the video for the first single of his band's new album, Therr Maitz. The song Make It Last was included in the soundtrack of the Russian film, where the main roles were played by Ekaterina Vilkova, Lyanka Gryu, Alexander Golovin and Ilya Glinnikov.

Anton, the song of your band Therr Maitz was included in the soundtrack of the film "Only Girls in Sports". Are you friends with sports?

I'm bad at sports! I don't like to watch it at all. Except when the wife is snowboarding. The film "Only Girls in Sports" is in this sense the topic, because the heroes are snowboarders. And personally, I sometimes swim in the pool and go to the hammam - that's all my sport.

How did you and your wife meet? Was it love at first sight?

We met in Moscow. I hit on the ladies in a restaurant like a boy. She was among them. And away we go!

Your wife, as I understand it, is your concert director and PR manager. Is it easy to work together or are there quarrels?

She is essentially a general manager, she is responsible for everything. It is relatively easy for us to work, you just need to be able to switch. It's easier for me than for my wife. That is, I can now arrange a planning meeting, and after 15 minutes pour her some tea and chat about something else. Of course, there are some disputes and disagreements, but ... until the marriage is destroyed! (Laughs.)

Tell us what your new video will be about?

Like the song, the video is just a kind of photograph of the moment. There is no powerful message here. This is a beautiful sketch that gives you the opportunity to dream up and think of something. Plus, our footage will be interspersed with stills from the movie.

Would you like to act in films? Has there been such an experience?

There were no clear attractive proposals. There were some very dirty, uninteresting. And I would not say that there is a great desire, that there is a dream. But maybe it will, we'll see.

You said in an interview that you love "pop" movies. What movie has impressed you lately?

The farther, the more sad impression they make on me Hollywood movies. The magic seems to be gone. It probably happens with age. (Laughs) I like fantasy, serious sagas - " star Wars"," The Lord of the Rings "," The Hobbit ".

How has your life changed since The Voice? Did you expect such popularity?

Naturally, we did not expect such a resonance. Normal people don't expect that! (Laughs) Of course, we thought that the audience of our group Therr Maitz would expand a little, and it would become easier for us to work and live. But to such we weren't ready! However, the emotions are generally positive. Joyfully, but because of the crazy tour schedule, fatigue is accumulating, there is no getting away from it.

What advice would you give to people who are going to participate in such shows?

Here, even, probably, it is not necessary to talk about competitions, but simply about how to achieve success in your field. You just have to not stop. And maybe less afraid. It's not scary!

How do you feel about such a phenomenon as Russian show business and do you consider yourself a part of it? What is the main problem in our show business?

Yes, well, him! We do not consider ourselves a part of it. Even when you are part of some dunghill, it is better not to voice it! (Laughs.) The main problem is the lack of real work, the lack of the right details. It's all imitation. Rest on laurels and past merits. A couple of times they did something and then they go on the knurled. But this is not always the fault of the artist, there is already a vicious circle. Oh, many, many problems.

Who and where do you see yourself in ten years?

I hope that I will continue to make music. But the scale of these activities will determine the time! (Laughs) Ten years is, of course, a long way off... To some extent, we plan to expand to the borders of Europe already this year. Let's see how successful it will be. The next year or two will be indicative and critical. Let's see what we deserve.

You said that after the very first broadcasts of Golos, you began to receive many letters in in social networks. What is written most often? Do you read letters?

Crazy amount, yes. This collapse acquires some kind of geometric progression. After the first broadcast, I received probably 1000 letters. I answered 500 - it became 2000, I answered 1000 - it became 3000 ... I read and answer myself, as far as possible, management and friends also help. I try to give clear answers to meaningful personal letters. But more often people simply express respect, thank you for the fact that there is such a wonderful group - this is the main idea that can be traced. I'm still waiting for some nasty things, but so far nothing...

Was fame your dream? Or have you always made music solely for the sake of music?

There is a fine line here. It’s also not worth lying about your spiritual purity, everyone understands everything. Glory is part of one whole. Music is internally a little more important for me, but it is clear that through all this popularity it gains the opportunity to be conveyed to people. This is a mechanism.

Was there a moment where you felt like you were famous?

Are there any downsides to being famous? And what is its main advantage?

Gone is the opportunity to retire and not be seen. It is difficult to calmly go to a cafe, it is difficult to defile after a concert - to go to friends in the hall and drink a glass. Now it turns into an endless photo shoot. But sometimes it can cheer you up. And, most importantly, it affects the work: it's nice to feel needed.

How do you spend your free time?

I don't have any hobby. I work with music and get distracted by music. And, well, also with what we started the conversation - swimming, hammam. And I also ride a bike - I remembered! I have my own bike, and I live opposite Gorky Park - it's convenient.

Therr Maitz: Nikolai Sarabyanov, Artem Tildikov, Victoria Zhuk, Anton Belyaev, Boris Ionov

On July 11, I decided to go to the shooting of the program "Live Sound" with the group "Therr Maitz". It became interesting to me after watching the show "Voice" with the participation of the soloist of this group - Anton Belyaev. I also heard about him from Xenon (Xenia Buzina). Moreover, it was on Friday, in the park. Gorky, at 18:00, and even for free. All this took place on the summer stage of the Moscow 24 TV channel. I already knew its approximate location, since I accidentally found it.

As always, (I can't live without it) I got a little lost, but in the end I found a stage near which an impressive crowd of people had already gathered. Only for some reason everyone was standing about 10 steps from the stage, and I also decided to stand up as well. In the crowd, I saw with my eyes Yulia Zoriy with her friend Tanya and went up to them. When the group took the stage, Anton Belyaev said: "Why don't you come closer? Are you shy?" And everyone rushed to the stage screaming. Then I noticed how many fans the Therr Maitz group has. Mostly they are schoolgirls and students. At times I did not understand what I was doing in this crowd. When the people rushed to the stage, I found myself in the second row and lost sight of Yulia, but then I found it during the concert.

First, Anton was given a mini-interview for the Moscow 24 TV channel.

Then the concert began. The first 3 songs were frankly boring to me. Everyone sang along, but I didn’t know a single word at all. In addition, they sing in English, and I don’t remember foreign songs by ear. Afterwards, things were much better. The fourth was the song "See you". It's very danceable, and since the word anyway was repeated a lot, I was even able to sing along a bit.

I was also very pleased with the song "I" m feeling got tonight". Very driving. Even a small spectator could not stand still.

There were 6 songs in total, since the program is designed for only half an hour. When the crowd dispersed, and we also headed towards the exit from the park, I saw how Anton Belyaev was surrounded by a huge crowd of girls asking to be photographed and leave an autograph. Naturally, I did not participate in this and went home.