How easy it is to open a Schengen visa. Which country is the easiest to get a Schengen visa?


France - this country is one of the most loyal to visa candidates from Russia. The consulate in Moscow issues multiple-entry Schengen visas already at the first application, and those who travel constantly are often given multiple-entry visas lasting 5 years! This is an unprecedented period, other countries do not do this. At the same time, the documents need to be shown only for the first trip. It is best to indicate France as the country of entry, and in the column for the number of entries, check the box next to the multiple value. In the Length of stay field, enter 90 days. In fact, there is no direct connection between the duration of the visa and the value in this field, the employees themselves decide which visa to issue you. Be sure to make the first trip as described in the accompanying documents, and in general, it is better to get French stamps more often.

AT last years Italy began to show special benevolence towards Russian tourists. The consulate of the country willingly provides applicants with multiple visas for up to a year, and during 2014 the country has a promotional year of tourism from Russia, many applicants unexpectedly receive a multiple-entry visa for 2 years. If over the past couple of years you have made at least two trips to the Schengen country, then you can safely count on a multivisa for at least a year. But be careful, the Italians carefully check all hotel reservations and air tickets.

Another country that easily issues long-term and multiple-entry visas to Russian tourists is Spain. It is not at all necessary to visit Spain before applying, even the presence of Schengen visas in the passport is not required. A six-month multivisa at the first application is a reality, and if you are an active traveler, you can count on even more. It is recommended to put a tick in front of the “multi” column when choosing the number of entries. True, some tourists note that if you received a visa from this southern country, but your stamps cannot say that you spent a lot of time there, then the next time you apply, there is a risk of obtaining an internal visa that allows you to stay only in Spain.

There are other countries that sometimes issue long visas to Russians. For example, Slovakia has promised that it will issue visas for tourists from Russia for 2 and 5 years, but in reality, this does not happen as often as we would like. There is no way to predict the decision of the Consulate of Slovakia in advance.

Greece is a country that has always been easy to issue visas to Russians, but they are very rarely long. As a rule, the period of stay does not exceed the declared first trip. However, a trend towards improvement has already been outlined, Greece has begun to issue multiple visas more and more often, especially to those who often visit the country.

Finland - This country treats applicants from the Northwest region very well. They are almost guaranteed to receive a long-term multivisa, provided that they have a local residence permit. For other applicants, Finland is not so generous.

List of countries issuing Schengen multiple visas for a period of 6 months to 5 years

The process of obtaining a visa, especially the Schengen multivisa, sometimes resembles a lottery. A variety of factors can influence the decision on extradition: the availability of trips to the countries participating in the agreement, compliance with the visa code on the procedure for moving around the Schengen area, family and professional status, the reliability of the information provided to the consulate, and much, much more.

It is unlikely that anyone, except for consular employees, can give an absolute guarantee of whether a multivisa will be issued or not. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: a person who goes on a trip for the first time is given a multi-visa without any problems, and an avid traveler who has been traveling around Europe for several years is suddenly given a visa for a period only within the declared travel dates.

Nevertheless, according to the statistics accumulated by travel companies, Internet portals and tourist forums, in some embassies the Schengen multivisa is much more willing than in others, writes Skyscanner. Let's take a closer look at this list.


According to many travelers, France is one of the most loyal to Russian tourists member countries of the Schengen Agreement. For several years, the French consulate in Moscow has often issued multiple-entry visas for tourists valid for up to 5 years. At the same time, it is necessary to collect supporting documents only for the first trip.

When filling out the questionnaire, you need to indicate France as the country of the first entry, put a mark in the column on the number of entries - multiple (repeatedly) and indicate 90 days in the column "Term of stay". The last point, by the way, sometimes does not play any role in making a decision on issuance: a “long” visa was sometimes issued even to those who had a week or two indicated in the “Term of stay” column.

Even those who have never been to France can get an annual multiple-entry visa: any Schengen visa in the last two years will be enough.


The Italian consulate often issues a Schengen multivisa for up to a year to applicants. However, the more Italian "Schengen" in the passport, the higher the chances of getting a multivisa. The presence of two stamps for the last two years with almost a 100% guarantee can provide a "long" visa.

However, no one has canceled the strict observance of the visa code, and the Italians are quite meticulously checking this.

To obtain an annual visa, it is necessary to indicate 180 days in paragraph 25 of the questionnaire.


Spain has been pampering Russian tourists with multiple visas since 2011. To obtain it, even a phased visit to Spain or other countries of the Schengen zone is not necessary. That is why many novice travelers go to the Spanish embassy for their first "cartoon".

However, Spanish generosity should not be abused. If the consulate finds that, having received the Spanish Schengen, you spent most of your vacation in other European countries, in the future you can get a VTL visa instead of a Schengen one, which gives you the right to move only within Spain.


On December 21, 2012, Slovakia promised to issue Schengen visas valid for up to 2 years to citizens of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Then the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia assured that tourists who had already used one Schengen visa once would be able to obtain a Slovakian visa for 5 years.

However, tour operators note that so far there are no clear requirements for documents, and tourists are still arguing what is better to indicate in the questionnaire column “Duration of visit”: 90 days or only the duration of the first trip.

There are no clear requirements on the website of the consulate itself, and the wording is extremely vague. However, there are cases of issuing a visa for 2 years and 5 years, and you cannot call them rare.


Greeks almost never refuse Russian tourists a Schengen visa. True, a multivisa will have to be issued in stages: if you have a Schengen visa of another country, when you first contact the Greek consulate, you can count on a multivisa for up to six months. Then, if you make a note in the questionnaire “365/90”, you can get a multivisa with a high degree of probability.


The Finns are most loyal to their neighbors - the inhabitants of the North-Western region of Russia. The St. Petersburg consulate of Finland at the first application often issues a visa for 30 days of stay, and upon repeated application there is a rather high chance of obtaining a multivisa, however, with a reduced period of stay, for example, 45 days within six months.

Moscow visa centers Finland, according to rumors, is not so generous, although in the capital, cases of obtaining Finnish “multivisas” are not rare. The key to success, as elsewhere, is the previous marks of visiting the country and strict adherence to the rules of the visa code.

Multivisa Schengen in 2017, 2018 will allow you to move freely within the territory of any EU country from the Schengen area. This multiple document is handy if you travel a lot, study or own a business abroad.

Why do I need a Schengen multivisa?

A Schengen multivisa will allow you to move freely within the territory of any EU country from the Schengen area. This multiple document is handy if you travel a lot, study or own a business abroad.

It is difficult to issue a Schengen multivisa, and the practice of issuing is constantly changing depending on current political relations. It is best to turn to specialists - after all, they know exactly all the subtleties in obtaining documents. Which countries give Schengen multivisa are the most readily available to know for an ordinary person.

What determines the receipt of a Schengen multivisa?

There are several factors that are significant for permission to enter the Eurozone countries:

  • previous trips to the EU;
  • compliance with the visa code on the procedure for moving;
  • availability of an invitation from relatives, friends, employer or business partner;
  • reliability of the information submitted to the embassy (consulate).

Which countries issue multiple Schengen visas more willingly?

Of course, the rules for issuing entry permits in all EU countries are the same, but some states are more loyal to the Russians.

Countries that give multivisa more willingly are presented below.

1. Spain. Excellent climate, warm sea - and the easiest way to get the long-awaited stamp. Therefore, it is easiest for a novice traveler to apply for a multivisa in Spain.

2. France. One of the most beautiful countries in the Eurozone and at the same time the most loyal to the Russians. The French consulate in Moscow willingly issues multiple visas valid from six months to five years. And only for the first trip, supporting documents are required.

3. Italy. The Italian consulate is more willing to issue multiple visas, the more "Italian" stamps are in your passport. True, their validity period is up to one year (it is promised to be increased over time).

4. Slovakia. There are very frequent cases of issuing visas for 2 years or 5 years. Moreover, if you already had a Schengen visa, it is easier to get a multivisa to cozy Slovakia.

5. Greece. This flourishing country is always waiting for Russians to visit. True, at the first application, the term of the multivisa is likely to be short - six months, with the second application, you can get permission for a longer period.

6. Finland. The Consulate of Finland in St. Petersburg issues a visa for the first time (for 30 days), and for the second time - a multi-visa (albeit with a reduced period of stay). Centers in Moscow also often issue such permits.

Remember, in whatever country you try, following the visa code and records of previous visits to EU countries is the key to your success.