Hydrochloric acid 6. Hydrochloric acid

Today we invite you to talk about the preparation and use of a solution of hydrochloric acid and the acid itself in particular. It has found wide application in various branches of human activity. It is also used in medicine.

The use of hydrochloric acid in medicine.

Hydrochloric acid contributes to the following processes:

balances the acid-base balance of the body;

treats oncological diseases;

inhibits the development of malignant tumors;

digests proteins in the stomach.

Treatment of low acidity of the stomach with hydrochloric acid.

How to prepare a solution of hydrochloric acid and before treating low acidity, you must consult a doctor and consult with him and in no case make any attempts at self-treatment. He will prescribe you a treatment, according to the individual characteristics of your body, as well as taking into account the results of your tests.

In addition to drugs with hydrochloric acid, you can take drugs that help stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the body. In addition, to date, herbal remedies (wormwood, peppermint, calamus) have been developed that also stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the body, thereby helping to increase the level of stomach acidity.

With the help of preparations containing hydrochloric acid, it is possible to prevent stomach cancer, reduce the risk of hepatitis, as well as diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, cholelithiasis, rosacea, urticaria, asthma and many others.

How to prepare a hydrochloric acid solution and how to use it.

In order not to wonder how to prepare a hydrochloric acid solution, we suggest that you study the following information that will be useful to you. The prepared solution with hydrochloric acid is sometimes called aqua regia. This cooking recipe was invented by Bolotov and in order to cook it, we need the following substances. IN liter jar water, add 0.5 cups of grape vinegar, then 1-2 teaspoons of sulfuric acid and 1 tablespoon of 38% hydrochloric acid, without violating this sequence. At the end, you need to add 4 tablets of nitroglycerin. With the help of the resulting hydrochloric acid solution and other ingredients, it is possible to break down cancer cells that provoke the appearance of a disease such as cancer. As for the application, you need to use a similar solution three times a day, 1-2 teaspoons, which are diluted in 0.5 cups of liquid (this can be ordinary water, tea or coffee) before or after meals. If the disease has taken an acute form, the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon per half glass of water.

Treatment with hydrochloric acid solution of hemorrhoids.

In connection with a sedentary lifestyle, a disease such as hemorrhoids can develop. The most common treatment for this disease is traditional medicine. The use of such a recipe is considered very effective. We take half a glass of water and add 1-2 tablespoons of a 3-5% hydrochloric acid solution there. The resulting solution is recommended to use half a cup before meals.

Thus, knowing how to prepare a solution of hydrochloric acid, and knowing what it is used for, you have a chance, at home, to recover from many diseases.

- (HCl), an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Obtained by the action of sulfuric acid on common salt, as a by-product of the chlorination of hydrocarbons, or by the reaction of hydrogen and chlorine. Hydrochloric acid is used for ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Hydrochloric acid- - HCl (SC) (hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride) is a solution of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in water, an antifreeze additive. It is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor, without suspended particles. ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

HYDROCHLORIC ACID- (hydrochloric acid) solution of hydrogen chloride in water; strong acid. A colorless liquid fuming in air (technical hydrochloric acid is yellowish due to impurities of Fe, Cl2, etc.). Maximum concentration (at 20 .C) 38% by mass, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

HYDROCHLORIC ACID- (Acidum muriaticum, Acid, hydrochloricum), a solution of hydrogen chloride (HC1) in water. In nature, it occurs in the water of some sources of volcanic origin, and is also found in gastric juice (up to 0.5%). Hydrogen chloride can be obtained ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

HYDROCHLORIC ACID- (hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid) a strong monobasic volatile acid with a pungent odor, an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride; the maximum concentration is 38% by mass, the density of such a solution is 1.19 g/cm3. Used in... ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

HYDROCHLORIC ACID- (hydrochloric acid) HCl aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, strong monobasic acid, volatile, with a pungent odor; impurities of iron, chlorine stain it yellowish. The concentrated S. to sell contains 37% ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

hydrochloric acid- n., number of synonyms: 1 acid (171) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

HYDROCHLORIC ACID Modern Encyclopedia

Hydrochloric acid- HYDROGENIC ACID, aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride HCl; a fuming liquid with a pungent odor. Hydrochloric acid is used to obtain various chlorides, pickling metals, processing ores, in the production of chlorine, soda, rubber, etc. ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

hydrochloric acid- (hydrochloric acid), a solution of hydrogen chloride in water; strong acid. A colorless liquid "fuming" in air (technical hydrochloric acid is yellowish due to impurities of Fe, Cl2, etc.). Maximum concentration (at 20°C) 38% by mass,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Hydrochloric acid - (hydrochloric acid, an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride), known as the formula HCl, is a caustic chemical compound. Since ancient times, people have used this colorless liquid for various purposes, emitting a light smoke in the open air.

Properties of a chemical compound

HCl is used in various fields of human activity. It dissolves metals and their oxides, is absorbed in benzene, ether and water, does not destroy fluoroplastic, glass, ceramics and graphite. Its safe use is possible when stored and operated under the correct conditions, with all safety precautions observed.

Chemically pure (chemically pure) hydrochloric acid is formed during gaseous synthesis from chlorine and hydrogen, giving hydrogen chloride. It is absorbed in water, obtaining a solution with an HCl content of 38-39% at +18 C. An aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride is used in various fields of human activity. The price of chemically pure hydrochloric acid is variable, and depends on many components.

Scope of application of an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride

The use of hydrochloric acid has become widespread due to its chemical and physical properties:

  • in metallurgy, in the production of manganese, iron and zinc, in technological processes, in metal refining;
  • in galvanoplasty - during etching and pickling;
  • in the production of soda water to regulate acidity, in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages and syrups in the food industry;
  • for leather processing in light industry;
  • when treating non-potable water;
  • for optimization of oil wells in the oil industry;
  • in radio engineering and electronics.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in medicine

The most famous property of a hydrochloric acid solution is the alignment of the acid-base balance in the human body. A weak solution, or drugs, treats low acidity of the stomach. This optimizes the digestion of food, helps fight germs and bacteria that enter from the outside. Hydrochloric acid hch promotes normalization low level acidity of gastric juice and optimizes the digestion of proteins.

Oncology uses HCl to treat neoplasms and slow their progression. Hydrochloric acid preparations are prescribed for the prevention of stomach cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, asthma, urticaria, cholelithiasis and others. In folk medicine, hemorrhoids are treated with a weak acid solution.

You can learn more about the properties and types of hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid is an inorganic substance, monobasic acid, one of the strongest acids. Other names are also used: hydrogen chloride, hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid.


Acid in its pure form is a colorless and odorless liquid. Technical acid usually contains impurities that give it a slightly yellowish tint. Hydrochloric acid is often referred to as "fuming" because it releases hydrogen chloride vapor, which reacts with atmospheric moisture to form an acid mist.

It dissolves very well in water. At room temperature, the maximum possible mass content of hydrogen chloride is 38%. An acid concentration greater than 24% is considered concentrated.

Hydrochloric acid actively reacts with metals, oxides, hydroxides, forming salts - chlorides. HCl interacts with salts of weaker acids; with strong oxidizing agents and ammonia.

To determine hydrochloric acid or chlorides, a reaction with silver nitrate AgNO3 is used, as a result of which a white cheesy precipitate precipitates.


The substance is very caustic, corrosive to skin, organic materials, metals and their oxides. In the air, it emits hydrogen chloride vapors, which cause suffocation, burns to the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, damage the respiratory system, and destroy teeth. Hydrochloric acid belongs to the substances of the 2nd degree of danger (highly dangerous), the MPC of the reagent in the air is 0.005 mg/l. It is possible to work with hydrogen chloride only in filtering gas masks and protective clothing, including rubber gloves, an apron, safety shoes.

If acid is spilled, it is washed off with large amounts of water or neutralized with alkaline solutions. Victims of acid should be taken out of the danger zone, rinse the skin and eyes with water or soda solution, call a doctor.

It is allowed to transport and store a chemical reagent in a glass, plastic container, as well as in a metal container, covered from the inside with a rubber layer. The container must be hermetically sealed.


Commercially, hydrochloric acid is produced from hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas. Hydrogen chloride itself is produced in two main ways:
- exothermic reaction of chlorine and hydrogen - in this way a reagent is obtained high purity, for example, for the food industry and pharmaceuticals;
- from accompanying industrial gases - an acid based on such HCl is called off-gas.

It's curious

It is to hydrochloric acid that nature "entrusted" the process of splitting food in the body. The concentration of acid in the stomach is only 0.4%, but this is enough to digest a razor blade in a week!

The acid is produced by the cells of the stomach itself, which is protected from this aggressive substance by the mucous membrane. However, its surface is updated daily to repair damaged areas. In addition to participating in the process of digestion of food, acid also performs a protective function, killing pathogens that enter the body through the stomach.


- In medicine and pharmaceuticals - to restore the acidity of gastric juice in case of its insufficiency; with anemia to improve the absorption of iron-containing drugs.
- In the food industry, this is a food additive, acidity regulator E507, as well as an ingredient in seltzer (soda) water. Used in the manufacture of fructose, gelatin, citric acid.
- In the chemical industry - the basis for the production of chlorine, soda, sodium glutamate, metal chlorides, for example zinc chloride, manganese chloride, iron chloride; synthesis of organochlorine substances; catalyst in organic synthesis.
- Most of the hydrochloric acid produced in the world is used in metallurgy to clean workpieces from oxides. For these purposes, an inhibited technical acid is used, which contains special inhibitors (retarders) of the reaction, due to which the reagent dissolves oxides, but not the metal itself. Metals are also poisoned with hydrochloric acid; clean them before tinning, soldering, galvanizing.
— Treat the skin before tanning.
- In the mining industry, it is in demand for cleaning boreholes from deposits, for processing ores and rock formations.
— In laboratory practice, hydrochloric acid is used as a popular reagent for analytical studies, for cleaning vessels from hard-to-remove contaminants.
– It is used in the rubber, pulp and paper industry, in ferrous metallurgy; for cleaning boilers, pipes, equipment from complex deposits, scale, rust; for cleaning ceramic and metal products.

Hydrochloric acid does not belong to those substances from which it is possible to prepare a solution of exactly concentration by sample. Therefore, an acid solution of approximate concentration is first prepared, and the exact concentration is established by titration with Na 2 CO 3 or Na 2 B 4 O 7 .10H 2 O.

1. Preparation of hydrochloric acid solution

According to the formula C (HCl) \u003d

the mass of hydrogen chloride required to prepare 1 liter of an acid solution with a molar equivalent concentration of 0.1 mol/l is calculated.

m(HCl) = C(HCl) . Me(HCl) .V(solution),

where Me(HCl) = 36.5 g/mol;

m(HCl) = 0.1. 36.5. 1 = 3.65 g

Since a solution of hydrochloric acid is prepared from concentrated, it is necessary to measure its density using a hydrometer and find from the reference book what percentage of acid of such density corresponds. For example, density (r) = 1.19 g / ml, w = 37%, then

m(p-ra) = G;

V (solution) \u003d m (solution) / r \u003d 9.85 / 1.19 \u003d 8 ml.

Thus, to prepare 1 liter of HCl solution, C(HCl) = 0.1 mol/l, about 8 ml of hydrochloric acid (r = 1.19 g/ml ), transfer it to a flask with distilled water and bring the solution to the mark. The HCl solution thus prepared has an approximate concentration (> 0.1 mol/l).

2. Preparation of standard sodium carbonate solution

A weighed amount of sodium carbonate is calculated, which is necessary to prepare 100.0 ml of a solution with a molar equivalent concentration of 0.1 mol/l.

m (Na 2 CO 3) \u003d C e (Na 2 CO 3) . Me (Na 2 CO 3). V (solution),

where Me (Na 2 CO 3) \u003d M (Na 2 CO 3) / 2 \u003d 106/2 \u003d 53 g / mol;

m (Na 2 CO 3) \u003d \u003d 0.53 g.

Previously, 0.5–0.6 g of Na 2 CO 3 is weighed on a technical scale. The sample is transferred to a watch glass, previously weighed on an analytical balance, and the glass with the sample is accurately weighed. Transfer the sample through a funnel into a 100 ml volumetric flask, add to approximately 2/3 of the volume of distilled water. The contents of the flask are stirred gently. rotational movements until the sample is completely dissolved, after which the solution is brought to the mark.

3.Standardization of hydrochloric acid solution

To establish the exact concentration of hydrochloric acid, a prepared Na 2 CO 3 solution of the exact concentration is used. An aqueous solution of sodium carbonate due to hydrolysis has an alkaline reaction of the medium:

Na 2 CO 3 + 2H 2 O \u003d 2NaOH + H 2 CO 3 (hydrolysis reaction);

2NaOH + 2HCl = 2NaCl + 2H 2 O;


Na 2 CO 3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H 2 CO 3 (titration reaction).

It can be seen from the overall equation that as a result of the reaction, weak carbonic acid accumulates in the solution, which determines the pH at the equivalence point:

pH \u003d 1/2 pK 1 (H2CO3) - 1/2 lgС (H2CO3) \u003d 1/2.6.35 - 1/2lg 0.1 \u003d 3.675.

Methyl orange is best for titration.

Rinse the burette with the prepared HCl solution and fill it almost to the top with hydrochloric acid solution. Then, substituting a glass under the burette and opening the clamp, fill the lower end of the burette so that no air bubbles remain in it, the lower meniscus of the HCl solution in the burette should be at zero division. When counting on the burette (and pipette), the eye should be at the level of the meniscus.

Definition progress. 10.00 ml of the prepared Na 2 CO 3 solution is taken into the flask for titration with a pipette, 1-2 drops of methyl orange are added and titrated with HCl solution until the color changes from yellow to orange-pink. The experiment is repeated several times, the results obtained are entered in table 4, the average volume of hydrochloric acid is found and its molar concentration of the equivalent, titer and titer for the analyte are calculated.