The traditional way and ritual of the Cossacks presentation. Presentation on the topic "Rites and traditions of the Cossacks."

Very often, behind the events, And behind the hustle and bustle of the days of Antiquity, we do not remember, We forget about it. Although more familiar To sit in a circle for all of us, Let's remember the customs of the Kuban, Let's remember our old days. The farther into the future we enter, The more we value the past And we find beauty in the old, Though we belong to the new. (Vadim Shafner).

A holiday is a bright, memorable spectacle, fun. The rite is a tradition of worshiping the spirits of the earth, water, sun, Christian saints.

New Year The evening before the New Year is called "generous evening". That evening, in every house they cooked dumplings with cheese and potatoes, fried sausage, baked pies with cabbage, meat, and potatoes. Boys and girls went to be generous. They went up to the window of some hut and shouted generously. "Generous Evening"

Christmas about The holiday began in the evening. They cooked cereals, added honey, sweets and wore "kutya" to friends and relatives.

Carols Later, in the evening, boys and girls walked the streets and called “Kolyada” at every house. "Kolyada" is a human-like creature that brings abundant harvests and domestic happiness to the peasants. They sang carols, wished happiness and blessings to the owners of the house.

Divination One of bright features Christmases were all sorts of divination. In the evenings, girls arranged fortune-telling to find out their fate for the next year. Girls at midnight performed a wide variety of fortune-telling, hoping to understand whether they would be able to get married in the new year.

Maslenitsa. This holiday is coming to us early spring How many joys He always brings with Him! ice mountains They are waiting, And the snow is sparkling, Sledges are running down the hills, Laughter does not stop. At home, the aroma of pancakes Festive wonderful, We invite friends to pancakes, We will eat them together. Noisy, fun Cheese Week will pass, And after it - great post, Time to pray.

Paskha After fasting came a great religious holiday - "Easter". Elegant Cossacks and Cossacks went to church and carried festive Easter cakes, Easter and painted eggs. Met a friend with the words: -Christ is Risen! - You are truly risen! Colored eggs, sausage, bacon were carried to the church to be blessed. At home they waited for the consecrated food to be brought. And then they started eating.

Raduni tsa "Radunitsa" is a holiday of remembrance of the dead. Trinity a Holiday of farewell to spring, meeting of summer. They covered the floors in the house with herbs. In the Kuban, mint and thyme were brought into the houses.

Ivan Kupala July 7 is the holiday of Ivan Kupala. On this day they burned bonfires, danced round dances, Jumped over the fire, swam in the rivers.

The Kuban-land is like this: from bread the golden steppe side. She meets guests and sings songs, And opens her soul transparent to the bottom. Cossack fire is beautiful, young, Kuban is such a land: Once caress - you will love forever! This is not to share, it is one, the life of a person with a dear Motherland!

Life, traditions and family rituals

Cossacks on the Don

At the birth of a boy, the Cossacks' grandfather and father fired guns, thereby letting the villagers know that a warrior was born, a defender of the borders of the Fatherland.

Neighbors and relatives came to visit the mother of the newborn with delicious treats. This holiday was called "Conduct".

The Cossacks strictly observed the old customs.

On the seventh day the baby was baptized. Christian baptism meant the entry of the child into the world.

At baptism, children received the name of the saint who was celebrated a week before birth.

The godmother sewed the first christening shirt. She was worn only once - at the time of the baptism of the child. She was then kept for the rest of her life. It was burned only after the death of a person, along with the first cut strand of hair and personal belongings (Letters, underwear, bedding, etc.).

At the age of forty days, the Cossack was dressed in chain mail and attached to the side "Shablyuk".

Until the age of 1 year, it is not customary for Russians to cut hair for children. On the anniversary of birth godmother with relatives (but without her own mother) she sat the Cossack on an inside-out fur coat (felt felt) and cut off a lock of his hair crosswise, then the boy was cut completely.

At the age of 7, the godfather was already cutting the teenager’s hair “in a bracket”, after which the Cossack girl went for the first time to wash with men in the bathhouse.

The third, last time, ritually sheared at the age of 19, when enrolling in the Cossacks and taking an oath of allegiance to the service.

Important in the life of a Cossack was the ceremony of obtaining the first pants, which he received at the age of 3. It was from that time that they began to teach him horseback riding. From the age of 5, the boys worked in the field: they drove oxen to plow, they grazed cattle. The favorite game of the shepherds was jiga , or head over heels .

The birth of a girl was not celebrated as widely as the birth of a boy, the news of her birth did not rumbled shots. But it was a quiet, domestic joy, covered with legends and prayers.

Godmother, the nannies “washed away cares from the daughter” - for the first time they washed the girl with songs.

The father ate "father's porridge", burnt, salted, peppered, so that "the girl got less bitter in her life."

The Don Cossacks developed their own, peculiar

cultural and everyday appearance.

The life cycle of a Cossack was accompanied by special customs and traditions. Some of them have been lost today, but the main ones: christening, hair cutting in the first year of a child’s life have survived to this day.

With the revival of the Cossacks on the Don, forgotten traditions are revived, new ones appear.

The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher

MBOU Novo-Ukrainian school №14 Panasyuk Irina Mikhailovna

A Cossack cannot consider himself a Cossack if he does not know and observe the traditions and customs of the Cossacks. A Cossack cannot consider himself a Cossack if he does not know and observe the traditions and customs of the Cossacks. Merciless to enemies, the Cossacks in their midst were always complacent, generous and hospitable. There was some kind of duality at the heart of the Cossack's character: either he was cheerful, playful, funny, or extraordinarily sad, silent, inaccessible. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the Cossacks, constantly looking into the eyes of death, tried not to miss the joy that fell to their lot. On the other hand - they are philosophers and poets at heart - they often reflected on the eternal, on the vanity of existence and on the inevitable outcome of this life. Therefore, the basis in the formation of the moral foundations of the Cossack societies was the 10 commandments of Christ. Merciless to enemies, the Cossacks in their midst were always complacent, generous and hospitable. There was some kind of duality at the heart of the Cossack's character: either he was cheerful, playful, funny, or extraordinarily sad, silent, inaccessible. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the Cossacks, constantly looking into the eyes of death, tried not to miss the joy that fell to their lot. On the other hand - they are philosophers and poets at heart - they often reflected on the eternal, on the vanity of existence and on the inevitable outcome of this life. Therefore, the basis in the formation of the moral foundations of the Cossack societies was the 10 commandments of Christ.

Do not kill, do not steal, do not fornicate, work according to your conscience, do not envy another and forgive offenders, take care of your children and parents, value girlish chastity and female honor, help the poor, do not offend orphans and widows, protect the Fatherland from enemies. But first of all, strengthen the Orthodox faith: go to Church, observe fasts, cleanse your soul - through repentance from sins, pray to the one God Jesus Christ and added: if something is possible for someone, then we are not allowed - WE ARE COSSACKS. do not kill, do not steal, do not fornicate, work according to your conscience, do not envy another and forgive offenders, take care of your children and parents, value girlish chastity and female honor, help the poor, do not offend orphans and widows, protect the Fatherland from enemies. But first of all, strengthen the Orthodox faith: go to Church, observe fasts, cleanse your soul - through repentance from sins, pray to the one God Jesus Christ and added: if something is possible for someone, then we are not allowed - WE ARE COSSACKS.

Attitude towards elders In the presence of an elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (to join without his permission), and even more so - to speak obscenely. In the presence of an elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (to enter without his permission), and even more so - to speak obscenely. It was considered obscene to overtake an old man (older in age), it was required to ask permission to pass. When entering somewhere, the elder is skipped first. It was considered obscene to overtake an old man (older in age), it was required to ask permission to pass. When entering somewhere, the elder is skipped first. It was considered indecent for the younger to enter into conversations in the presence of the elder. It was considered indecent for the younger to enter into conversations in the presence of the elder. To the old man (senior) the younger is obliged to give way. To the old man (senior) the younger is obliged to give way. The younger must show patience and restraint, in any case not to argue. The younger must show patience and restraint, in any case not to argue. The words of the elder were obligatory for the younger. The words of the elder were obligatory for the younger. With common (joint) events and acceptance With common (joint) events and acceptance

Cossacks and guests Immeasurable respect for the guest was due to the fact that the guest was considered a messenger of God. The most expensive and accomplished guest was considered to be an unfamiliar from distant places, in need of shelter, rest and care. The one who did not show respect to the guest was deservedly subjected to contempt. Regardless of the age of the guest, he was given the best place at meals and at rest. It was considered indecent to ask a guest for 3 days where he came from and what was the purpose of his arrival. Even the old man gave way, although the guest was younger than him. Immeasurable respect for the guest was due to the fact that the guest was considered a messenger of God. The most expensive and accomplished guest was considered to be an unfamiliar from distant places, in need of shelter, rest and care. The one who did not show respect to the guest was deservedly subjected to contempt. Regardless of the age of the guest, he was assigned the best place at the meal and at rest. It was considered indecent to ask a guest for 3 days where he came from and what was the purpose of his arrival. Even the old man gave way, although the guest was younger than him.

Attitude towards a woman Respectful attitude to a woman - a mother, wife, sister, the concept of the honor of a Cossack, the honor of a daughter, sister, wife - was determined by the honor and behavior of a woman, the dignity of a man was measured. Whoever the woman was, she had to be treated with respect and protected - for a woman is the future of your people. Typical example protection of a woman is described in the story of the Cossack writer Gary Nemchenko. A respectful attitude towards a woman - mother, wife, sister determined the concept of the honor of a Cossack woman, the honor of a daughter, sister, wife - the dignity of a man was measured by the honor and behavior of a woman. Whoever the woman was, she had to be treated with respect and protected - for a woman is the future of your people. A typical example of the protection of a woman is described in the story of the Cossack writer Gary Nemchenko.

In 1914, in the morning, a Cossack with a red flag galloped along the village of Otradnaya, announcing the war. By evening, the Khopersky regiment was already moving in a marching column to the gathering place. Along with the regiment, of course, were the mourners - old men and women. One of the women drove a horse harnessed to a cart and drove one side of the wheels across the landowner's field. One of the officers, known to the entire regiment by the name of Erdeli, rode up to the woman and whipped her for it. A Cossack rode out of the column and cut it down. In 1914, in the morning, a Cossack with a red flag galloped along the village of Otradnaya, announcing the war. By evening, the Khopersky regiment was already moving in a marching column to the gathering place. Along with the regiment, of course, were the mourners - old men and women. One of the women drove a horse harnessed to a cart and drove one side of the wheels across the landowner's field. One of the officers, known to the entire regiment by the name of Erdeli, rode up to the woman and whipped her for it. A Cossack rode out of the column and cut it down.

Cossack in everyday life Another characteristic detail of the Cossack life: the Cossack perceived clothes as the second skin of the body, kept it clean and tidy and never allowed himself to wear someone else's clothes. Another characteristic detail of the Cossack life: the Cossack perceived clothes as the second skin of the body, kept it clean and tidy and never allowed himself to wear someone else's clothes. The Cossacks loved the feast, communication, they also loved to drink, but not to get drunk, but to sing songs, have fun, dance. At the table at the Cossacks, they didn’t pour vodka, but brought it on a rack (tray) and, if someone had already intercepted the “surplus”, then they simply carried him around, or even sent him to sleep. The Cossacks loved the feast, communication, they also loved to drink, but not to get drunk, but to sing songs, have fun, dance. At the table at the Cossacks, they didn’t pour vodka, but brought it on a rack (tray) and, if someone had already intercepted the “surplus”, then they simply carried him around, or even sent him to sleep. It was not customary to captivity: if you want, drink. If you don’t want to, don’t drink, but you must raise and sip a glass, the saying said “you can serve, you can’t captivate.” The drinking song reminded: "Drink, but do not drink away the mind." It was not customary to captivity: if you want, drink. If you don’t want to, don’t drink, but you must raise and sip a glass, the saying said “you can serve, you can’t captivate.” The drinking song reminded: "Drink, but do not drink away the mind."

Funeral in a Cossack family A Cossack girl who died in her maiden years was carried to the cemetery only by girls, and not by women, and even more so not by men. This was a tribute to chastity and purity. The deceased was carried to the cemetery on a stretcher, the coffin was covered with a dark veil, and the girls were covered with white. The graves were dug deep. A niche was dug (equipped) on the side of the grave. Two or even three Cossacks set up the coffin there. A Cossack girl who died in her maiden years was carried to the cemetery only by girls, and not by women, and even more so not by men. This was a tribute to chastity and purity. The deceased was carried to the cemetery on a stretcher, the coffin was covered with a dark veil, and the girls were covered with white. The graves were dug deep. A niche was dug (equipped) on the side of the grave. Two or even three Cossacks set up the coffin there.

A Cossack's horse It was not customary for the Yaik Cossacks to have a combat (combat) mare horse. It was not customary for the Yaik Cossacks to have a combat (combat) mare horse. Before the Cossack left for the war, when the horse was already under the marching pack, the wife first bowed at the horse's feet to save the rider, and then to her parents, so that prayers for the salvation of the warrior were constantly read. The same thing happened after the return of the Cossack from the war (battle) to his farmstead. Before the Cossack left for the war, when the horse was already under the marching pack, the wife first bowed at the horse's feet to save the rider, and then to her parents, so that prayers for the salvation of the warrior were constantly read. The same thing happened after the return of the Cossack from the war (battle) to his farmstead. When the Cossack was seen off on his last journey behind the coffin, his war horse under a black saddlecloth and his weapon strapped to the saddle followed, and his relatives followed the horse. When the Cossack was seen off on his last journey behind the coffin, his war horse under a black saddlecloth and his weapon strapped to the saddle followed, and his relatives followed the horse.

Dagger at the Cossack Line (Caucasian) Cossacks and Kubans considered it a disgrace, in the past, of course, to buy a dagger. The dagger, according to custom, is either inherited, or as a gift, or, oddly enough, stolen or obtained in battle. There was a saying that only Armenians (who bought them for resale) buy daggers. Linear (Caucasian) Cossacks and Kubans considered it a shame, in the past, of course, to buy a dagger. The dagger, according to custom, is either inherited, or as a gift, or, oddly enough, stolen or obtained in battle. There was a saying that only Armenians (who bought them for resale) buy daggers.

The Cossack and the Cossacks The Cossacks in their dormitory were tied to each other like brothers, they abhorred theft among themselves, but robbery on the side, and especially from the enemy, was an ordinary thing with them. They did not tolerate cowards and generally considered chastity and courage to be the first virtues. The Cossacks in their hostel were tied to each other like brothers, they abhorred theft among themselves, but robbery on the side, and especially from the enemy, was an ordinary thing with them. They did not tolerate cowards and generally considered chastity and courage to be the first virtues.

The word of the Cossack Cossacks by nature were a religious people without hypocrisy and hypocrisy, they kept their oaths sacredly and given word believed, honored the feasts of the Lord and strictly observed the fasts. The people are straightforward and chivalrously proud, they did not like unnecessary words, and matters in the circle (Rada) were resolved quickly and fairly. In relation to their guilty Cossack brothers, their assessment was strict and true, the punishments for crimes - treason, cowardice, murder and theft were cruel: "To the sack, yes to the water." By nature, the Cossacks were a religious people without hypocrisy and hypocrisy, they kept their oaths sacredly and believed the given word, honored the holidays of the Lord and strictly observed fasts. The people are straightforward and chivalrously proud, they did not like unnecessary words, and matters in the circle (Rada) were resolved quickly and fairly. In relation to their guilty Cossack brothers, their assessment was strict and true, the punishments for crimes - treason, cowardice, murder and theft were cruel: "To the sack, yes to the water."

The military judge usually played the role of an investigator, while the executors of sentences were always convicts who were obliged to execute each other in turn. For theft, they were usually chained to a pillory, where the offender was beaten with cues (sticks) by their own comrades. For insulting the authorities and not repaying a debt, a comrade was chained to a cannon with chains, and only recently in the Sich was exile to Siberia due to this. For the great theft or, as they would say today, theft on an especially large scale, the perpetrators were waiting for the gallows. Shibenitsa could be got rid of only if some woman or girl expressed a desire to marry a convict. The military judge usually played the role of an investigator, while the executors of sentences were always convicts who were obliged to execute each other in turn. For theft, they were usually chained to a pillory, where the offender was beaten with cues (sticks) by their own comrades. For insulting the authorities and not repaying a debt, a comrade was chained to a cannon with chains, and only recently in the Sich was exile to Siberia due to this. For the great theft or, as they would say today, theft on an especially large scale, the perpetrators were waiting for the gallows. Shibenitsa could be got rid of only if some woman or girl expressed a desire to marry a convict.

He who does not respect the customs of his people He who does not respect the customs of his people does not keep them in his heart, he dishonors does not keep them in his heart, he dishonors not only his people, but first of all not only his people, but above all does not respect himself, his family, does not respect himself, his family, his ancient ancestors. their ancient ancestors.

Respect for the elder is one of the main customs of the Cossacks.

In the presence of an elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (to enter without his permission), and even more so - to speak obscenely. It was considered obscene to overtake an old man (older in age), it was required to ask permission to pass. When entering somewhere, the elder is skipped first. It was considered indecent for the younger to enter into conversations in the presence of the elder. To the old man (senior) the younger is obliged to give way. The younger must show patience and restraint, in any case not to argue. The words of the elder were obligatory for the younger. At general (joint) events and decision-making, the opinion of the elder was necessarily sought. In conflict situations, disputes, strife, fights, the word of the old man (senior) was decisive and its immediate execution was required. In general, among the Cossacks, and especially among the Kubans, respect for the elder was an internal need in the Kuban, even in circulation one can rarely hear - "grandfather", "old" and so on, but affectionately pronounced "father", "father".