Love and doves in Chuvash. movie love and doves

Are you Nadia?
- oh, I...
- and I to you!
- Where are you from?
- Actually, I'm from work, from management.

Samovar! How lovely!
- and here we have taco grief, taco grief!

Who are you in control?
- I work in the personnel department.
- why do you look so bad behind the scenes? They run where they want your shots.
- actually, you know, we have no turnover.
- and we have a toy! Oh, what a terrible mess we have!

Do you love him?
- what?
- Do you love this person?
- Yes, what a man! If it were a man, would he do that? This bitch swindled him, and he, a fool, hung his ears.

What, he's her first, or what? Don't go to her shashnadtsat!
- yes, not shashnadtsat! And not the first.

And if this is love, Nadia?
- what love?
- such love!

Are you, are you?
- I. Nadezhda, what is your middle name?
- what is being done! Ludk! Look what is being done! It's her!
- Hello, Luda! Are you going to make a fuss? I came to you as a smart adult woman.
- Oh, you bitch! painted.
Why is it painted? This is my natural color.

I understand that our meeting has come to an end. Thanks for attention. We will discuss the situation with Vasily and report the results in writing.
Goodbye, Luda, goodbye, Nadia! You don’t need to see me off. All the best! live together

Girls, take your mother away!

Interesting Facts:
Filming of the bathing episode of Raisa Zakharovna and Vasya was carried out in November. The water temperature was 14 degrees Celsius.

The film was shot in Karelia, in the city of Medvezhyegorsk, on the outskirts of the city, in a house on the banks of the Kumsa River.

In order to capture the “blooming tree” at the end of the picture, the famous trick with a cane from which flowers pop out was used. A magician was invited to the shooting, ten similar canes were attached to the tree, seven of them worked the first time - the frame was shot from the first take.

During the filming of the episode, when Vasily falls out of the doors of his house into the sea, the actor almost died. The episode was filmed like this: the actor fell off the pier, divers undressed him under water, and he emerged next to Gurchenko already in family shorts. The first take seemed slow to the director, so they decided to shoot the second one. During his filming, under water, there were problems with the tie, the actor almost drowned, the tie had to be cut. As a result, the third take entered the film, in which the previously cut tie was simply sewn together with a couple of stitches.

When Vasya looks out the window of his house at night, the TV sounds famous phrase“At 40, life is just beginning” from the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, Menshov’s previous work. In the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, a song from Menshov’s first film “Joke” sounds on TV (they show the tuning table, which achieves the comic moment of the episode), and in Menshov’s later work “Envy of the Gods”, the main characters by chance end up in the cinema, where in this moment the film "Love and Doves" is shown, which is a glitch, since the film "Envy of the Gods" takes place two years before "Love and Doves" was filmed.

According to the script, Nadezhda is a middle-aged woman, and Baba Shura is an old pensioner. However, the actress Nina Doroshina, who plays the role of Nadezhda, is 10 years older than Natalya Tenyakova, who played Baba Shura. At the time of filming, Doroshina was 50 years old, and Tenyakova was only 40.
The performer of the role of Baba Shura Natalya Tenyakova is married to the performer of the role of Uncle Mitya Sergey Yursky.

Natalya Tenyakova as Bab Shura

Natalia Tenyakova in her youth

creative tandem Yursky-Tenyakova

Many "interesting" scenes were cut from the film by "censorship". For example, the one in which a passer-by on the pier was finishing his beer from mugs of Uncle Mitya and Vasily. The film included a shot of a passer-by just starting to consume a large amount of beer. And it should be noted that a local resident, specially found to shoot this scene, managed to drink 5 mugs of beer in just a matter of seconds.

Seen blunders

At first, Vasya went to the resort in one tie, then, in the scene in gym he is already wearing a blue tie, and in the next scene he is again in an old tie in the market with Raisa Zakharovna trying on the same blue tie “to the eyes”.

Raisa Zakharovna is dancing in a bar, she has a dark red flower on the left of her costume, in the scene on the street the flower is gone.

When Uncle Mitya ran to tell about the incident with Vasily, he was holding a pack of cigarettes in his hands. After the words “I don’t understand the kikimor, put it away, Nadezhda,” he again takes out cigarettes from his pocket.
At the beginning of the same scene, Lenka is sawing firewood by the barn. At the end - he is shown with the same saw, but in a vegetable garden with potatoes.

When Nadya comes to Vasily on the embankment, there is a colored scarf on her head, with different ends - one dark, the other light. Depending on the plan, the location of the dark and light ends changes their places.

In the scene of a quarrel between Uncle Mitya and Baba Shura (after his words: “However, there will be a flood now”), Uncle Mitya starts backing up to the closet and in one frame he has a checkered shirt, and in another - green.

During the reading of the letter before the start of the crying scene, Nadezhda sits with her back to the window. After the start - back to the wall with a closet.

At the 50th minute of the film, immediately after the scene with the letter, Nadezhda, addressing Lena, calls him Leshka for some reason. However, to what extent this moment can be considered a movie blunder is still unclear. Since in Russian families the passport name Alexei is very often replaced with Leonid and vice versa. It is possible that in the Kuzyakin family such a form of treatment was the norm.

After the scene when Uncle Mitya announces the death of Baba Shura ("mycardial infarction, such a scar!"), Baba Shura herself, Nadya and Lyuda run after him, descending from a wooden ladder. Frame change - and the same heroes descend from the same ladder again
When Uncle Mitya announces the death of Baba Shura, he enters the yard, then from the left side (from auditorium) there is no bench, and when Lyudka arrives and is told about the death of Baba Shura, she sits down on a small bench, which was not there before this shot.

When Nadia pounced on Raisa Zakharovna, you can see that the dishes to Nadia's left fell earlier. When Lenya was not allowed to go to the restroom, during the words "Be patient, son", you can see someone's shadow of a head flashing by the washbasin.

When Raisa Zakharova hits Vasily on the cheeks, the dog starts barking, in fact the dog is silent.

Favorite lines from the movie:

Your bad mother is at home, and your good folder - you got yourself a mother for a friend.

Oh, you bitch, you are beautiful!
- Why is it dyed, it's my natural color!

Girls, take away your mother!!!

I brought terrible news to your house, Nadezhda! Call the children!

Kikimor I don't understand! Take it away, Hope!

Your father has gone crazy, Lyudka!.. Everything, now it will remain so...
- What's left?
- I'm sorry, what? Strabismus!!!
So is he alive?
- What are you croaking, you fool? Of course alive! What did you think?!

Someone's, Ludko? Pys pys what?
- Postscript. Afterword.

Do you know what she called me? Nobody knows! I tell her - Sanyushka! And she is Mityunyushka to me!

Died, says, grandfather, your grandmother ..
- Micardial infarction! Here is such a scar! The autopsy showed

Shaw is characteristic, they loved each other! ..

Laziness, Baba Shura is dead!
- Fine...

And it burns right in the chest! Just burn, as if the heat had swallowed from the stove! ..

Ludko, oh Ludko! Ugh! Village!

And if this is love, Nadia?
- What love?!
- Such love! That's what you should have thought about first, Nadya!

I'm sorry I bothered you to hide the money.

Is this where such a handsome uncle came from to us? Ile Che forgot to say came? Oh, look, he doesn’t look into his eyes - he probably got a deuce!

Are you going to this gorgon?
- No, I'm with my wife.

Well… Bastille Day was wasted!

Salt is a white poison.
- So sugar is a white poison!
- Sugar is a sweet poison.

Raisa Zakharovna, maybe with bread, huh?
- Bread is generally poison!
- No, now I would have poisoned myself with pink salmon! .. Well, really, I want to eat!
- Do not "eat", but "eat"!
- Cho?
- Not "cho", but "what"!

My dad really wanted a boy, but a girl was born.
- What was it called?
- Whom?
- Girl something??
- Raisa Zakharovna!

Bring me shells... And a palm tree
- Oh, daughter, to shove a palm tree on yourself?
- A twig.

I'm leaving the store, I'm shaking all over.

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Artists Felix Yasyukevich , Natalia Moneva

  • As a result of the big fire in 2011, famous house on the slope has not survived to this day
  • Nina Doroshina before the film played the role of Nadia in the theater, which she continues to do to this day
  • For the role of Nadia, the director initially considered the candidacy of Lyubov Polishchuk
  • According to Menshov, famous story about the possible death of Alexander Mikhailov, greatly embellished, since the shooting took place not at sea, but in an outdoor pool
  • Members of the artistic council insisted that the scene in which the tree blossoms be removed from the film
  • Lada Sizonenko, who played the role of Vasya's youngest daughter, despite repeated attempts, did not play anymore in the movie
  • At the pre-premiere screenings, the picture was subjected to a flurry of criticism from Menshov's colleagues and members of the arts council.

More facts (+4)


  • When Vasily falls from the door directly into the sea, after he emerges, next to him you can see the shirt that the actor took off underwater
  • Walking with Raisa Zakharovna through the market, Vasily looks closely at the blue tie, in which he already appeared in the scene with shaking simulators
  • When Uncle Mitya talks about the tragedy that happened to Vasya on the pier, he takes the same pack of cigarettes out of his pocket several times.
  • When Nadia comes dressed up to Vasya's river hut, the elements of her scarf change places from frame to frame.
  • Throughout the conversation between Nadia and Vasya, there is no dry tree on the river bank behind, but before the kiss it appears and blooms
  • When Vasya is kicked out of the house after returning from the resort, his suitcase constantly changes position on the wooden path
  • In the scene with the ax, Vasya takes off his cap to put it under his head, but in the next frame with a close-up of Vasya's face, there is no cap
  • When Uncle Mitya talks about "mycardial infarction", various objects around him (a small bench, cans, a can, a tin basin, a goat for drying dishes) repeatedly change position, or appear out of nowhere
  • In the episode of farewell to Vasya, when he comes close to the door, the color of the jacket on the hanger changes, the color of the wall, as well as the shape of the door jamb
  • Near the porch, on which the whole family lined up, meeting Vasily, there is a broom and a shovel, but when Lenka picks up an ax, the broom and shovel disappear
  • During the dances at the resort disco, you can see that Raisa Zakharovna has a flower-shaped decoration hanging on her chest, however, when the heroes go outside, there is nothing on her costume
  • When Baba Shura discovers broken bottle in a tank of water, Uncle Mitya is preparing to run in one shirt, and in another frame the shirt is already changing color and pattern
  • When the Kuzyakins are reading a letter from Vasily with the whole family, Nadezhda first sits in front of the window, and then, when they show her in tears, she is already next to the closet
  • During the parting scene of Raisa and Vasily, the dog in the arms of the actress barks without opening her mouth.
  • Judging by the final shots of the film, an ordinary ordinary soldier conducts the army band, but in real life a military man with the rank is appointed to this position

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Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

Such a story could happen to anyone, but no one could have thought that this would happen in the friendly village family of the Kuzyakins. The head of the family, Vasily Kuzyakin, calmly worked at a local shipyard, chasing pigeons into free time, and Nadia, his wife, was busy at home with the housework. For a while, they had to shelter their eldest daughter, who returned from the city, where she had a disagreement with her husband. The son was in his senior year, and the youngest daughter went to school and did not know that one day her father would leave them.

On a typical workday, Vasily is injured while working with a winch. Nothing serious, but nevertheless, the authorities reward Vasya with a ticket to Pitsunda as compensation. Meanwhile, Uncle Mitya is once again trying to hide from his strict wife, Baba Shura, in order to have a drink. Turmoil covers the Kuzyakins' house. Nadezhda tries not to forget anything, sewing a secret pocket to Vasya's shorts, the daughter asks her father to bring a palm tree, the son of batteries for the radiogram, and Uncle Mitya tells his stories, hoping to "sip" for his friend's departure.

Soon, Vasya successfully reaches the resort, where he accidentally meets an imposing city woman, Raisa Zakharovna. Together they spend a lot of time, which ends up in bed in a drunken stupor. After some time, the Kuzyakins receive a letter from Vasya, in which he talks about his vacation and says that he will not return home, as he met another woman. Nadezhda and the youngest daughter are in tears, the son threatens to kill his father upon meeting.

Meanwhile, Vasya misses his dovecote, children, wife and cannot get along in the frantic pace of the city. After a series of quarrels with Raisa, he still returns to native home where it causes a huge scandal. He is escorted out of the door, in connection with which he settles in a makeshift hut by the river. Time runs, autumn comes, Nadia and Vasya are gradually establishing their former relationship. Nadezhda often goes to her husband's hut, which ends in pregnancy. Soon Vasily moves home, reconciles with his son and shows Nadia that pigeons are actually beautiful and intelligent creatures, and not childish tomfoolery. The son leaves for the army, the Kuzyakin family, Uncle Mitya and Baba Shura escort him to the train.

An impeccable ensemble cast: Alexander Mikhailov, Nina Doroshina, spouses Natalya Tenyakova and Sergei Yursky... But the most hilarious of all is the image of the psychic Raisa Zakharovna and its implementation by Lyudmila Gurchenko. All her dialogue is pearls.

Nadyukha: Well, what a business! And then there are pigeons.
Lyudka: But he doesn't drink.

Uncle Mitya: Well, I didn’t drink! Didn't drink! Although there is a reason. Bastille Day was wasted. "80th birthday..." Wow! And she's already 80!

Uncle Mitya: Look how the horsemen put this question: when they talk, she won’t enter the room! Because the miners! That is, these are people from the mountains.

Oh, what a beauty it turned out!

Uncle Mitya: Then I look - I have already begun to stain ... I was still lying. I’ll take a step - they don’t hold their legs, like cotton wool legs. They are still shaking. Arms.

Mycardial infarction. Here is such a scar. An autopsy showed ... What is characteristic - they loved each other.

I tell her: Sanyushka, and she is Mityunyushka to me.

Nadia: What hatched?
Uncle Mitya: I'm sorry I prevented you from hiding the money.

Nadia: ... Put it here, fasten it with a pin.
Vasya: Will it unbutton?
Nadia: Oh. You will prick.

- What have you done?
- Stroked...

Uncle Mitya: I have the right to say goodbye to a friend.
Nadia: Did you bring it?
Uncle Mitya: Customs.

Uncle Mitya: You are flying, then? What is this place called?
Vasya: The resort of the organs of movement, Yoshkin cat!

Aunt Shura: Oh, and my widower is here!

Uncle Mitya: You look on TV: how cultured - so in a tie.

Olya: Bring me shells. And a palm.
Vasya: Oh, daughter, can you carry a palm tree on yourself?

Raisa: Be careful, comrade, you splashed me all over! I'm already wet from head to toe!

Raisa: Comrade Kuzkin?
Vasya: Yeah. Kuzyakin.
Raisa: Vladimir Valentinovich?
Vasya: Yeah. Vasily Egorovich.
Raisa: Oh, right, I have a professional memory.

Raisa: Haven't you heard anything about this?
Vasya: I'm doing all the housework...
Raisa: ...Wait a minute, I'll read the editorial.

Raisa: She took a shoe - an ordinary shoe - lifted it by the lace and let go of her hand. And the boot remained hanging in the air.
Vasya: Raisa Zakharna, how is it?
Raisa: Telekinesis is the movement of objects with the help of a glance. Now this phenomenon is widely studied by special psychic laboratories - of course, not yet on official beginnings. But they didn’t recognize genetics either, remember?

Raisa: I will definitely introduce you to her. Only no-no.
Vasya: Got it, the grave.
Raisa: And then, after all, as a psychic is detected, he is immediately registered. He then works on a national scale - he foresees what is happening abroad. Just a little, the government turns to a psychic: so, they say, and so, they say, - how? Across astral bodies the answer comes and only after that the government makes a decision. But this is detrimental to the psychic, nervous system can't stand it!
Vasya: Well, still - every day to think for the government!

- 16 humanoids were found at the accident site... You know, such wise sad eyes!
- Have you seen them, Raisa Zakharna?
- I? seen? Nobody saw them.
(Kinolyap: Vasya in a tie, which they have not yet bought according to the plot).

Raisa: I bring her a photo of another person - you know, he somehow suddenly disappeared...
Vasya: Did you find it? Have you found a man?

Raisa: ...I brought her to my office, undressed her, put her on the table. And then with his bare hands, without any sharp objects, he pushed it apart (they have some secrets there - the skin itself parted). "You're not hurt," he asks. "No, very good!" He took out all the insides - and into the basin! There I washed them almost with a brush, rinsed ...
Vasya: Yoshkin cat!
Raisa: Uh-huh. Fuck! And everything that hurt - in the trash.
Vasya: Why, ours still don’t know how?
Raisa: Well, this is specific Philippine medicine!
Vasya: Raisa Zakharna, is this woman still alive?
Raisa: Oh, still alive! Feels great! The truth is, no one knows.

"And how did it happen that you and I ended up here together?" Under this magical southern sky - how, Vasily ?!
- So on tickets. One organization.

- Do you breed pigeons? How lovely!
- Raisa Zakharna! What are you? I'm not for sale, I'm for the soul!

My dad really wanted a boy, and a girl was born ...
- What was it called?
- Whom?
- A little girl?
- Raisa Zakharovna ...
- Do not understand.

Raisa: ...How those stupid birds are capable of tenderness. Why are people different?
Vasya: Exactly! She asks me: Where is the money of deeds, where is the money of deeds!
Raisa: And where does the money go?

From Vasya's letter:“I probably feel good - I still don’t understand ...”

Lyudka (reads): "Of course, now we cannot live without each other."
Nadyukha: Lyudk, I don’t understand anything - who writes something? His neighbor, huh?

Nadyukha: Oh, woe to me, woe, oh, how woe! Oh what to do! Lyoshk, gave the piglets?

Raisa: I work in the personnel department.
Nadyukha: Oh, why are you looking so bad behind the scenes? Your cadres run wherever they want, but you don’t care.
Raisa: Actually, you know, we have no turnover.
Nadyukha: And we have a toy, oh, what a terrible toy we have!

Nadya: Oh you! Bitch you are beautiful!
Raisa: Well, why is it dyed? This is my natural color!

Raisa: Girls, calm down your mother!

- Salt is a white poison.
So sugar is a white poison.
- Sugar is a sweet poison.
- Raisa Zakharna, maybe with bread, huh?
- Bread is generally poison.
- No, right now I would have poisoned myself with pink salmon ... Well, the truth is to eat hunting!
- Do not "eat", but "eat".
- What?
- Yes, her “what”, and “what”!

A raw foodist, a lover of Masne and alternative medicine - and Vasily. It's hard to imagine a more ridiculous alliance.

Why do you need me, Ray? Look, I can't wash socks and shirts.
- But you already learned!
- Cursing!
- I like it, it's spicy; I'm used to. Do you want me too: Yoshkin cat!

- Are you going to this Gorgon?
- No, I'm with my wife.

As usual in the cinema - an empty suitcase (Vasily's arrival home). Will the actors really work too hard if they put at least some book in their movie briefcases - for weight, so that their “props” do not sway in the wind?

Aunt Shura: I’ll die - I’ll call Vaska to the wake, but I won’t let you in, ohlamonka!

Nadyukha: Well, let it be that she was. Our lovebird, Rhys-Pisa is yours... To know, it didn't matter when she showed me everything. How I love you, how you love me...

Lyoshka: Tell her!
Vasya: What can I say?
Lyoshka: So as not to cry!
Vasya: Nadya, don't cry!

Uncle Mitya: Sanka, maybe we'll go with you too, we'll make ourselves a Snow Maiden?