A story about a living pencil and an eraser. History of the eraser

Alshina Julia, Zubakin Alexey, Kudryavtseva Vera, Ivanovskaya Lilia and other students of the 2nd grade

The presentation is made up of fairy tales about school supplies, invented by students of the 2nd grade GOU secondary school No. 425 in Moscow



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We compose fairy tales We compose fairy tales about school supplies and other items (grade 2)

School supplies We compose fairy tales about ...

The Tale of Pencil and Pen (composed by Vera Kudryavtseva) Once upon a time there were Pencil and Pen. They lived in a pencil case. Every day they went out to work in school notebooks. The Pen will come out - he will pee. Then the Pencil will jump out: it will emphasize what needs to be emphasized, somewhere it will highlight something (the ending or the root, for example). Where the Pen fails, the Pencil comes to the rescue. Where it is difficult for the Pencil - The pen is right there. So they lived - they were friends. Once there was a misfortune with the Pencil: the stylus broke. Bad for the handle alone! She ran to the sharpener. “Help, please, the pencil lead is broken!” asks the Pen. The sharpener helped sharpen the pencil. The stylus shone, the Pencil rejoiced. And the Pen and Pencil began to work even better in notebooks. Thanks Sharpener!

Who is more important? (composed by Melekhov Ilya) They lived - were in Sasha's pencil case: Ruler and Compass. One day they had a fight. Which of them is more important? The compass says: "You can't draw a circle without me!" “And without me, you can’t draw a straight line!” Line screams. Noise, argue. At this time, Sasha came and took the compass. The compass was delighted: “You see, Ruler, the boy chose me! I'm more important!" Sasha drew a circle with a compass and took a ruler. He added segments to the circle and appeared on a piece of paper ... the sun! Then both Compass and Ruler understood that they were equally important for the boy Sasha. Since then, they no longer quarreled.

About school subjects (composed by Julia Alshina) Once upon a time there was an Eraser, Paper and two Pencils. One pencil was Red and the other was Green. Once Red Pencil said to Paper: “Paper, can I draw on you?” The Green Pencil overheard this conversation and also decided to ask the Paper to draw on it. The paper was kind and allowed the Pencils to draw on it. And they began to draw pencils. But the Green Pencil did not work well. The pencils began to swear. Their quarrel was stopped by Eraser. The eraser said, “Don't swear. I am yours bad drawings I'll erase it without any problems." And the Pencils stopped quarreling, because if something didn’t work out for them, the Eraser came to their rescue.

Dispute. (composed by Ivan Ponomarev) Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Sharpener lived in the pencil case. Once Pen said: “I am the most important, because they always write to me.” “No, I am,” said the Pencil, “I am the most important, because everything is emphasized by me.” “And I can erase everything,” said Eraser. And the Sharpener said: "I am also in charge, because I sharpen pencils." “Don’t quarrel,” Penal said, “you are all needed to study!”

About the girl Dasha and ... (composed by Ivanovskaya Lilia) A girl Dasha lived in the same house. Dasha had a briefcase (she was already in 1st grade). That's how - once Dasha came from school, did her homework, played and went to bed. And from the briefcase came a thin voice. It was Eraser. He did not sleep: he was tormented by insomnia. He squeaked throughout the room: “I'm in charge. Listen to me all! Then the Pencil woke up and said: “Sleep. You are not in charge here. You erase everything and ruin everything." Other residents of the briefcase woke up from a scream. They also intervened in the dispute. This went on for several days. And on one of these nights, Dasha woke up. She opened the briefcase and… “Oh! - Dasha said in surprise - all objects talk. Dasha listened to their argument and said: “Don't argue. I need you all! It would be difficult for me to do without each of you.

Magic Pen (composed by Aleksey Zubakin) A boy Sasha studied at a Moscow school. He was very fond of playing, walking, watching TV, but did not like to do his homework. Once, on the way to school, Sasha found a strange Pen, which suddenly spoke: “Let's be friends with you. I will do homework for you for one A, but you should not have any friends except me. Sasha agreed. All day long, friends called him and invited him to the hill, to the skating rink, to play chess. And the Pen hissed: “You forgot our agreement, don’t go!” She did all the lessons for Sasha beautifully and without mistakes, but for some reason Sasha was not having fun. The next day he put the Pen back where he found it. “I will study myself, without you,” the boy decided.

A fairy tale about school supplies (composed by Polina Lebedeva) Once upon a time there were school supplies. Once, going to school, they began to check: are they all there? Pens and pencils are in place, notebooks and textbooks are in place, a ruler and a pencil case are in place. And suddenly it turned out that there was no eraser. Accessories began to look for him in the briefcase. Not in this corner, not in this one either. And then the ruler suggested that he could remain on the desk. Yesterday the girl learned lessons and took him. The briefcase stood on a chair near the table. The ruler lay between the briefcase and the table, like a bridge. She said: “Pen, follow me to the table and see if there is an eraser there?” The pen moved along it to the table on the table and began to look for an eraser. She saw an eraser on the other side of the table. He lay, crushed by a computer disk. The handle ran up and tried to lift the disc. But he was heavy. Then she called the others for help. School supplies ran up and all together easily released the eraser. The entire satisfied company returned to the portfolio.

About the boy Kostya and ... (composed by Liza Sudakova) Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Kostya. Kostya was a bad boy. he broke everything: he broke pens, pencils, and he simply broke erasers into several parts. He did as he pleased. He listened to no one and loved nothing. And then one night an unusual rain began - starry, magical. We all know that when the stars fall, you have to make a wish. And Kostya made a wish: “I want to be small!” In the morning he woke up, and it turned out that his wish was fulfilled. He became small: the growth of a finger. Kostya decided to see what was happening in his pencil case. He opened it and saw: A pen with a broken arm; A pencil with a broken leg; An eraser with a broken back. They all wept bitterly. They saw Kostya and shouted: “Go away, evil, worthless boy. Don't come near us or we'll beat you." Kostya was frightened for the first time in his life and wept bitterly. He began to sob and ... a miracle happened: he became big again, like all the other boys. But since then, he no longer breaks pencils, pens, or any other objects.

Magic Penal (composed by Chergesbiev Ali) A beautiful pencil case was bought for a boy at school. It had everything a schoolboy needed: blue and colored pens, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a square, scissors, and glue. But this pencil case turned out to be magical. You will ask why? Yes, because as soon as the boy received the “five”, the inhabitants of Penal began to argue. Blue pen declares to everyone that she writes beautifully, which means she is the most important. And the Green Hand answered her: “I don’t, because I am allocated all dangerous places - spellings.” Eraser argues with everyone: "And I can erase any mistake!" And Ugolnik and Ruler say that without them, the boy would not have received an excellent mark in mathematics. Scissors and Glue are also not far behind: “Without us, you can’t glue or cut anything at labor lessons.” What do you think: which one of them is the most important?

Katin pencil case (composed by Ismailova Maryam) There lived a girl Katya in the world. She was an excellent student. Katya did everything on time: she walked, played, taught her lessons, collected her briefcase and went to bed. Once she had a dream: all the inhabitants of the briefcase came to life and started an argument. Who is the most important among them? Pencils, Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, Compasses and Ruler were arguing. Everyone argued that Katya was an "excellent" student only because of him. The girl came to school and it turned out that her pencil case did not contain either a pencil, or a pen, or a ruler ... Katya began to get bad grades. She cried every day and did not understand why this was happening. And all the residents of the pencil case finally realized that Katya needed them all. They didn't run away anymore. Good thing it was a dream. Katya woke up and ran to see if everything in her pencil case was in place? All accessories were in place. The happy girl ran to school.

About the girl Galya and ... (composed by Mazikina Vika) Once upon a time - there was a girl. Her name was Galya. She already went to school and studied for one five. Everyone praised her. And then one day, when Galya went for a walk, the following happened .. The briefcase suddenly opened and first a Pen came out of it, then a Pencil, followed by an Eraser and a Felt-tip pen. "Let's travel!" they decided. But the old Briefcase tells them: “Don’t, it’s very dangerous!” But friends did not listen and went under the bed. Galya came from a walk, undressed and ... suddenly she climbed onto the bed and began to jump on it. And Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Felt Pen were sitting under the bed and did not know what to do. They were very afraid. The pen said, "Why didn't we listen to the Portfolio?" They really wanted to go back. Galya jumped a little (she did it only when no one was at home) and went to the kitchen. And school supplies returned to their home (in a briefcase). Since then, they always listen to adults.

Night dispute. (composed by Blinov Nikita) One night school supplies were sitting at the table and drinking tea. They argued. Which of them is more necessary for a student? The first to enter into the dispute was the Pen. "I'm more needed than anyone," she said confidently. “Without me, schoolchildren would not be able to write a dictation, a text ...” “And I do a special job ...” - said Pencil. “But if the children make a mistake using you, then it will be hard to correct it without me,” said Eraser. This is where textbooks come into play. The argument went on for an hour. Penal could not stand it and said: “Do not argue, you can argue all your life, and there will be no sense in it. None of you can be better than the other. Each of us is needed in our own way.”

Dishes, toys and other items We compose fairy tales about ...

The Tale of the Teapot and the Cup (composed by Diana Dzyubenko) Once upon a time there was a Teapot. It was old porcelain. Scale had firmly ingrained into its walls, and the blue flowers on the sides had faded with time and charred in the fire. When tea was brewed in it, he grumbled and spat boiling water. He always didn't like something. And a cup lived nearby. Plain, with a gold rim and with flowers on the sides. The cup was the teapot's favorite student. In the evenings, the Lady came to them. She sat down, and the three of them drank freshly brewed tea. The teapot every now and then, dripping on the tablecloth, told Cup something about the old days or just about life. The cup loved the old, already ugly Kettle, and listened to his stories with fascination. But one day, when the Cup was standing on the windowsill, a gust of wind opened the window ... The Cup, crying plaintively, fell down and broke. That same evening, mourning for the Cup, the Teapot on the stove cracked. It had to be thrown away, like the Cup. The lady wept bitterly. It turns out that the dishes can be friends.

A fairy tale about toys (composed by Ivanovskaya Lilia) One girl lived - there were: a soldier, a Marina doll and a rubber rabbit. One day the girl forgot to put away her toys. At night, when everyone was sleeping, the cat Vaska came running and wanted to grab the doll ... But the rabbit grabbed Vaska by the tail with his strong teeth, and the soldier began to beat the cat on the paws with his wooden gun. Marina was able to escape and hide on the top shelf. Cat Vaska has not tried to "play" with the doll since then, because she has such defenders.

Topic. The story of the pencil.

Course progress.

1. Preparatory stage.

Identification of significant features.
- Today's lesson we will start with a riddle: Clever Ivashka, All his life in one shirt, He will pass through a white field - Every trace will understand him.
- That's right, it's a pencil. Take it in hand. - What pencil? - What does a pencil look like? What do pencil and charcoal have in common? (The pencil is black and the charcoal is black, you can draw, burn, inanimate objects, bond with wood, etc.)
- What can they do? (Draw, play, knock, scratch the back of the head, insects can swim on it, etc.) Making sentences.
- 3 words are given: pencil, lake, bear. Make a proposal out of them. (The boy drew a bear by the lake with a pencil. The bear saw a pencil in the lake.)

2. Main stage.

- Before moving on to a fairy tale, let's think about where a pencil can live? (In a pencil case, in a table, etc.)
Who is next to him? (Eraser, pen, sharpener, etc.)
Think about who can be friends with a pencil, and who can not? (Listen to the children's versions.)
Now try writing a story. (Work in groups.)

Tales of children. Pencil and eraser.

Once upon a time there was a pencil and an eraser. They fought all the time. The pencil drew, and the eraser immediately erased everything. The pencil drew again, and the eraser erased again. So they argued, did not want to give in to each other, and the pencil was all drawn, and the eraser was worn out. And there was no pencil, no eraser. Pencil and kitten. Once upon a time there were pencils in a pencil case. They decided to get out to freedom, as it was very crowded in the pencil case. They began to bounce, and the lid of the pencil case flew off. Pencils got free and began to run around the room. The kitten heard a noise in the room, crept up to one of the naughty and grabbed him with his teeth, so hard that he broke a tooth. "Ouch! What kind of mouse is this? It hurts,” the kitten screamed. "I'm in pain too! I'm not a mouse, but a pencil!" - sounded the answer. The kitten was surprised and ran into the kitchen. The pencils were so frightened that they also decided to return to their pencil case. Even though it's cramped, it's safe.

Bedtime stories

What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime stories! Short good tales overnight calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

"The Tale of the Simple Pencil"

There was a pencil in the world. The most ordinary pencil is simple. He lived in an art salon in a box with the rest - colored pencils, which were terribly proud of themselves!

They were proud and boasted with each other:

Look how wonderful I am! - said one - I am an absolutely green pencil, well, what could be better than being a pencil of the color of fresh spring foliage ?!

Just think - green, - said the other - but I'm yellow! The most beautiful thing that can be in the world will be drawn by me: the sun, flowers...

Yes stop you! - the third interrupted them - All the same, you can’t keep up with me in beauty and indispensability - with a red pencil ...

This usually went on for a very long time. Colored pencils could argue and brag about themselves all day long, but most of all they liked to laugh at a simple pencil - here they were usually unanimous and extremely caustic:

And this one, just look! Well, what to take from him? No color, no content. Can such a color inspire something? No flight of fancy - dullness and simplicity!!!

It was a shame for a simple pencil to listen to such words in the layer, but he was very modest and shy, and could not give the offenders a fitting rebuff - it was not in his nature to brag, engage in narcissism and bully others, but in fact he was very worried, secretly sad and sometimes even sighed!

And then one day an artist came to the salon and bought a box of pencils! He brought it home, opened it, and laid out all the pencils in front of him next to the music stand, on which was still a blank sheet of paper. The pencils became agitated and began arguing with each other again:

Now he will take me. And draw a beautiful sun!

Why is it you? He will take me and draw a beautiful forest.

What nonsense, he will certainly begin his masterpiece, taking me in his hands, and draw a deep, bottomless, amazingly beautiful sky ...

And these disputes would have continued further, but then the artist extended his hand and took ... a simple pencil! Colored pencils gasped in amazement, or maybe out of indignation - they were not understood, underestimated ... and a simple pencil even froze in amazement! At first he thought that the artist must have made a mistake, mixed up, because there are so many pencils of the most diverse and beautiful colors and shades around, and the artist chose him ?! Meanwhile, the artist touched his lips with the blunt end of the pencil, looked at the empty sheet, thought... and miracles began to happen!

With a slight movement of the artist's hand, sad thoughts simple pencil began to dissipate. Here the artist outlined the horizon line, where the old, wise forest rustled in the distance. Then he gave birth to a full-flowing river and a thin weeping willow at the cliff, behind a distant hill he gave birth to a new day - the dawn sun greeted the landscape, and its rays pierced the light clouds on the horizon!

A simple pencil gave life to the New: a new day, new waves in a bizarre bend in the river, new freshly blossomed leaves on thin willow branches. He watched with bated breath the work of the artist's hands, and did not believe what he saw!

Is it really all - I: the sun, and the river, and trees, and even light, weightless clouds - also me?

From delight, he could no longer find words to somehow describe his happiness and simply silently, following the hand of the artist, gave life to the picture ... When the artist returned the Simple pencil to its place, the rest of the pencils were embarrassedly silent and did not dare that either tell him. No wonder, because they always teased him, laughed at him, and said that he was good for nothing - dullness, simplicity, and then it turned out that without his participation not a single one would be born new picture! Pictures will be dressed in bright colors later, but it is he - a Simple pencil - that will give the pictures life!

In one poor district of the city, a pencil lived, by his vocation he was an artist, a gentle and kind character, but since he was poor, he had no friends, which he was very upset about.

Day and night he worked on his paintings, but they turned out to be gray, lifeless, sometimes rough, dim and dull. While working on a picture, he made numerous mistakes. But how to fix them? He did not know. Therefore, he threw the spoiled work into the corner of his workshop and started all over again.

The money from the sale of such paintings was barely enough to live on. But one day, the unthinkable happened. Completing another job, he broke his working lead tool. What to do? How to live on? thought the artist. Distressed and dejected, he wandered through the streets of the city, not noticing anyone. Arriving at the park square, he sat down on a bench, and tears dripped from his eyes. The day turned out to be overcast and gloomy, the sun disappeared behind the clouds and began to drizzle a fine rain.

But the artist did not notice this, he continued to sit and get wet on the bench. Coming to his senses, he got up, and already wanted to go back home, but then he noticed two strangers hiding from the rain.

Who are you?” the pencil asked.
- I'm an eraser.
- Oh, I'm Sharpener. We have no home, we have become old and useless and have been thrown out into the street, we have nowhere to live, they answered.

The artist was with a kind and soft heart, and of course he invited his new friends to his studio. Having dried and warmed up, he told about his grief, saying that he could no longer work on paintings.

I'll help you, said the sharpener, and quickly sharpened the working tool of the pencil. The stylus was as good as new, better than before, its thin sharpened tip sat proudly in its place, and from this the pencil shone and jumped with joy.

From his overflowing delight, he began to draw his new creation, his new masterpiece - after all, he was a very talented artist, but having made another mistake, he frowned and was upset. But no wonder he met such true friends. At this moment, an eraser came to his aid - the most ordinary gum.

She erased the lines spoiled by the artist, and he kept drawing and drawing. The picture turned out to be of amazing and subtle beauty, but something was missing in it.

Yes, yes ... exactly, bright and rich colors.
And our friends, an eraser, a sharpener, decided to help the artist. They knew where the colored pencils lived and persuaded them to paint his picture. Those who first decided to look at the creation of a poor artist, but from the beauty they saw, they took their breath away, because they were also artists.

Colored pencils could no longer tear themselves away from the picture, they filled it with new juicy and bright shades of all kinds of colors. The picture was filled with form, meaning and content.

The poor artist's tears welled up with joy and inspiration of the miracle that had happened. Now he has made new friends, and the new life creations and creations.
In this fictional and invented story, you, my dear readers, can understand and appreciate the essence and meaning of seemingly simple things that can be found in every home, but without which it is impossible to do

This story is instructive in that even the oldest things, seemingly unnecessary at first glance, can help at the most critical moment and come to the aid of everyone in trouble.

Therefore, before throwing away a broken pencil or a worn rubber band, think about what if they are still useful to you. So, my Dear Readers, with the help of true and devoted friends, you can change and accomplish a lot in your life, as in this story that happened to a simple but such a brilliant pencil artist.