Molière is a tradesman in the nobility in abbreviation. Molière, a short retelling of "The tradesman in the nobility

How to prepare for dictation.

Dictations are different. Most popular in primary school auditory dictation, when the teacher dictates and the children write.

One often hears indignant exclamations: “And what are they being taught? I come home from work, I tell him to write a dictation, he doesn't know anything! Error upon error! Why is he given "3" ("4")? Or: “We wrote this dictation ten times at home, there were no mistakes! And in the class he wrote again on “2!”

First of all, we must remember that by the evening the child gets tired, it makes no sense (in most cases) to write dictations at home in the evenings. Yes, and it is important to give the dictation correctly. There is a special technique. " Primary school teacher"- This is a profession that takes more than one year to obtain. Parents should not try to replace the teacher at home. Better to work together.

Well, when the text of the dictation is well known to the child, written several times at home, then a rare student does not lose self-control in the lesson, because he knows everything, he succeeded! In such cases, the child usually wrote one thing, but reads exactly what he was supposed to write, does not see his mistakes.

Moreover, an experiment was conducted several years ago, when the teacher dictated an unfamiliar rather simple text, pronouncing each word almost syllable by syllable. As a result, it turned out that the number of errors increased dramatically even among well-performing students. And for those who are experiencing difficulties in the Russian language, to whom this method of writing a dictation was addressed, the errors almost doubled.

In order to write an auditory dictation with a minimum number of errors, the child must master the rational way of writing a dictation.

In textbooks, quite often there is a task to prepare for a dictation on this material and a wide variety of material is offered:

    individual words, phrases, individual sentences, texts.

A child experiencing difficulties in learning the Russian language needs the help of parents. Preparation for the dictation should be rational.

If a child knows that he often writes dictations unsatisfactorily and worries in advance, it is necessary to reassure him, to convince him that everything will work out before preparing for the dictation: “The one who does nothing is not mistaken!” In the morning on the day of writing the dictation, be sure to cheer up the child: “You will succeed!” Sometimes it psychological condition, the fear of this or that type of work does not allow the child to maximize their potential. It is important that the child goes to school calm, not worried and not afraid of the upcoming work.

How to prepare for a dictation on this material without overloading the child.

It is important to preparation didn't work.

Methods of preparation depend on the material that is offered.

Separate words.

It can be:

    only dictionary words, words for learned rules, dictionary words and words for learned rules.

Only vocabulary words.

Vocabulary words are studied in the classroom, at home the child gradually memorizes them. It happens that while the word occurs often, the child remembers how it is spelled. But when time passes, this vocabulary dictation comes up, everything is forgotten.

Preparation for the dictation according to these vocabulary words is somewhat specific. Definitely suitable for every child different ways. Offered helped in the most difficult cases.

Write (to the child) all vocabulary words in a column. Before writing a word, it is necessary to read it syllable by syllable and repeat 2-3 times by syllables. Orally compose a phrase with each word. Shade all vowels (letters should not show through). Above the shaded vowels in a different color (not red and not black), write the missing vowels. If a mistake is made in a word, the child looks for it in the textbook and writes it down next to it.

* Children love this kind of work. On the one hand, such tasks allow you to keep the interest and attention of the child, on the other hand, they help to form spelling vigilance, reading prediction, clarify and expand vocabulary. Shade the consonants. Restore consonants. Repeat all over again with the words in which mistakes were made.

It is advisable to start preparation 2-3 days in advance.

Words on learned rules.

First of all, we analyze what rules the words met. If possible, we select test words, remember the schemes of the rules. We group the words according to the rules. Write down groups of words. In each group, we exclude, and then restore the vowels, then the consonants.

Similarly, we work with material containing vocabulary words and words on the learned rules.. But in this case it is necessary to divide the words into these two groups.


Make up a sentence with each phrase. Highlight the main word, put a question to the dependent, indicate the ending in the question and in each word of the phrase. Speak phrases in syllables. An adult reads fluently, and a child slowly repeats syllables 2-3 times. Write out the words in which mistakes were made during pronunciation and analyze their spelling (why this and not otherwise). Speak only those words in which mistakes were made. Selectively write down dictation phrases in which no mistakes were made, and those in which mistakes were made. It is better to take phrases not in the order in which they are located in the textbook. For this task, it is better to photocopy the text of the textbook. Delete and then restore vowels, then consonants.

It should be borne in mind that preparing for the dictation is part of homework and usually occurs in the afternoon. It is best to keep the child's writing to a minimum. You can't write the same thing over and over .

Those adults are deeply mistaken who believe that if a child makes a mistake in a word, he should write this word for at least a few lines. The child writes the word correctly at first, and then again makes mistakes, writes incorrectly, but with each new spelling, this error is fixed.

If it is possible to prepare for the dictation on the weekend, then it is necessary to do this in the morning.

sentences and text.

Read the proposal in full. Analyze punctuation. Write a sentence outline using punctuation marks.
For example: Yellow, red, brown leaves flew from the trees.
__ ______ ______ ______ , ______ , _______ ______. Highlight those words that the child has no doubts about writing. Separately write down those words, the spelling of which causes difficulties. Analyze difficult words. Delete and then restore vowels, then consonants. Write down in random order (not like in a textbook) those sentences in which difficult words are encountered.

To successfully write a dictation in the classroom, it is desirable:

    set the child up for success, reassure, the child should not know the text of the dictation by heart, you should not write the whole text at home, the preparation should go in a calm, friendly atmosphere.

It may very well be that the first time success will not be achieved. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the number of errors. They are usually slightly less. For several days, repeat those words, phrases and sentences in which the child made mistakes.

Such work in preparation for the dictation should be carried out systematically. Gradually, the child will develop the necessary skills, he will more carefully analyze the spelling of certain words, the spelling vigilance of the child, his linguistic instinct will develop.

One of the most important indicators school performance is considered literacy writing dictations. But it happens that it is difficult for a child to cope with this seemingly simple task. Are there ways to help learn how to write dictations? How to improve literacy, teach to write without errors and not discourage the desire to learn? Let's consider these and other questions further.

What is the essence of dictation

From grade 2, students write dictations regularly

Dictation is a type of written work that involves checking the spelling and punctuation knowledge of the literary form of the language. Dictations by mother tongue is an integral part of schooling from grades 2 to 11. However, the requirements for writing this type of writing control work united:

  • the child must reproduce in the notebook the text read by the teacher (according to sentences);
  • each sentence the student hears three times (for familiarization and understanding of certain rules, for writing and for checking);
  • when writing, the student applies the studied spelling rules, checks punctuation marks in accordance with the intonation of the teacher;
  • after the dictation is over, the students independently reread what they have written, make corrections if necessary.

Thus, dictation is a form of work that tests the literacy of schoolchildren.

At what age should you pay attention to literacy

To increase the level of literacy of the child, it should be dealt with individually

This is interesting. According to a nationwide study of the level of literacy in the country, 70% of schoolchildren make more than 4 mistakes when writing dictations.

How parents rejoice when the baby begins to babble the first words, and then his speech becomes more and more understandable, meaningful. Then moms and dads begin to teach the baby to write. And do it without errors. However, this is a serious miscalculation of parents - the time must come for learning to write correctly. Scientists have found that the formation of the level of literacy is almost completely completed by the 4th grade. That is, it is necessary to deal with the child in increasing the level of spelling most intensively from grades 2 to 4. Further, there is an increase in knowledge about the language, which falls on the already well-established informational soil formed in the initial link.

Please note that if it is impossible to teach a child to spell, dysgraphia should be excluded - a violation of the principle of writing when normal development intellect. This disease is usually accompanied by speech disorders and some mental disorders.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without errors

Reading - The best way improve literacy

So that your child does not have to blush for bad grades in dictation, you will have to make an effort and find an approach to teaching the student. There are several common methods.

  1. Write dictations regularly. This is a rather boring activity, but 2 dictations weekly will give their results in a couple of months. It is only necessary to analyze the mistakes together with your student, focusing on the correct spelling of those words that previously caused difficulties - so the baby will remember their spelling even better. By the way, in this technique, tips are only encouraged. Also, complex words should be repeated 2-3 times and written down.
  2. As for exercises, they should be selected according to the rule of language that causes difficulty for the child. For example, if these are unstressed vowels in the root, then the exercises can be for substitution or filling in the missing letters, selection of test words. It is very important to point out the error correctly. Do not highlight it with red paste. It is much more efficient to write out a misspelled word surrounded by correctly spelled words. And the child is invited to rewrite the entire list several times and identify the error. So the student will not only carefully think about the rules of writing, but also remember the graphic image of the words.
  3. Read aloud systematically. Reading is great for developing literacy. After all, it involves all types of memory. This truth has been proved by more than one generation of disciples. It is desirable, of course, to select texts that are interesting for the child. But it is still worth considering the fact that the purest literary language is presented in the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov and Bunin. It is only necessary to read them correctly: breaking words into syllables. It will also be effective to teach the baby “role-playing” reading: the baby must read the text as we write, and then as we speak (older children can be offered to explain the rules for writing certain words).
  4. Turn learning into play. Children love to play - this is an indisputable fact. And best of all, they remember the knowledge that they received during the game. Prepare cards with those words in which the child makes mistakes, and hang them over the desk. Visually bumping into them, the baby will remember the spelling. Periodically play “cards” with him: you should prepare a stack of compound words, from which the child draws a card and explains the spelling. You can periodically do the "Hour in reverse": invite your student to be a teacher for several minutes, explaining a rule or dictating a dictation on this norm of the language.
  5. Offer peer review. Dictate short texts to each other. Intentionally make a few mistakes, exchange dictations and check what you have written. If the child cannot find your mistakes, give a hint: specify the number of misspelled words or missing punctuation marks. With the help of such a game, the student develops attention and memory in relation to words, phrases and punctuation rules.
  6. Motivate. Few schoolchildren clearly understand why they need literate writing skills. The task of teachers and parents is to convey to the consciousness of the younger generation that their literacy is the basis of the life of the literary language, as well as a very remarkable sign of the maturation of the individual. For clarity, you can take the baby to your work (or to friends) so that he understands the importance of the correct and competent preparation of legal papers and contracts.

Video: Dictation example to prepare your toddler for class work

The problem of the quality of writing is faced by all schoolchildren. The education system itself is now aimed not at understanding, but at memorizing rules and texts. By itself, cramming is useful, but not in all cases. Children who know the rules of the Russian language perfectly make mistakes in dictations and essays. Therefore, it is not worth relying on school as a stronghold of knowledge. Take your child's literacy into your own hands.


The first basic rule - do not point out to the child the wrong spelling. From a purely psychological point of view, your phrase “There is not “b”, but “p”” will be perceived as affirmative, that is, in the subconscious of the child, it is postponed that it was necessary to write exactly “b”.

Read aloud yourself. Teach him to highlight sentences in the text by ear, then words, and only after that proceed to the study of syllables and sounds. Our education system for a long time acted in the opposite direction - from private to. Usually, learning to write begins with the study of sounds, then syllables, and only after that they study words and sentences. This is not entirely correct.

Do dictations. In a school textbook, it is quite enough practical exercises. Read clearly. How younger child, the slower the dictation. Watch how the child writes. If you see that he draws the wrong one, note that the letter “a” or “o” is written here. Again, don't say the wrong word. Let the child know only the correct spelling.

One well-known methodologist Tikhomirov has developed a very effective technique that helps many teachers to successfully deal with the illiteracy of schoolchildren. Purely in practice, this theory is as follows: invite the child to read an arbitrary text not as we usually say, but literally - as we write. This technique is called spelling. There is no need to be afraid that the child will always speak the way he reads. He is quite aware that the way we write is different from the way we speak. The child needs to break words into syllables and pronounce the words, highlighting their constituent parts, but this must be done quickly enough. When performing this exercise, the child uses three types of memory at once: motor, auditory and visual.

In the article, we will talk about how to prepare for a dictation in Russian. We will give useful practical advice because, how to write a good dictation!

Dictations are usually a nightmare for schoolchildren, and not only. But in fact, there is nothing wrong with dictations if you know how to write them. And then, there are not only control dictations, but also learning dictations. Teachers are required to conduct training dictations from time to time, so that students learn something, and only then check them with control dictations. But if the teacher does not do this, then you can prepare yourself for the dictation.

How to prepare for the dictation? To do this, you can buy special audio recordings on which dictations are recorded in mp3 format. And all you need to do is practice. Or, ask someone to play the role of a teacher.

In fact, in order to write dictations well, you need to know the Russian language well and know the spelling. How to learn to write correctly? In order to be able to write correctly, you need to read a lot, while reading, the correct spelling is recorded in memory, and then it is less likely that you will write with errors. And one more good way remembering the correct spelling of words is to read words syllable by syllable, focusing on each syllable, and it is advisable to do this at least once a week, focusing on compound words. True, they used to advise something simpler, just rewriting the text, that is, reading aloud and writing, also helps.

And also important! during the dictation is not to worry, concentrate and write. This is the second reason why preliminary teaching dictations are organized so that knowledge is consolidated in the process of education (, but at the same time the habit of writing under stress is developed. Because anyway, dictation is stressful. And the rehearsal will allow you to overcome this state and save students from the mistakes that they can make against the backdrop of stress.

A few tips for writing dictation correctly:

  1. Do not get distracted during the dictation. Remove everything superfluous from the table, turn off the phone, ask your desk neighbors not to disturb you. 90% of all mistakes in dictations are made due to inattention, and not because you don’t know something or have forgotten.
  2. Listening to the text the first time and trying to figure out the style, general structure, etc. will help you get the punctuation right later on. The first impression of the text is laid in the head best of all and this will help you.
  3. When you hear a text, you should automatically imagine how it is written. From the first time you hear it, you must think about it.
  4. When you are given time to check, you should first check the spelling and then the punctuation, preferably moving from the end to the beginning, so that the meaning of the text itself does not distract you.
  5. When checking, try to read the text as if it does not belong to you, and as if you are reading it for the first time, and if nothing attracts your attention and does not make you think, feel free to turn in your work.

Following these tips, you will write a good Russian dictation. It only remains for us to wish you good luck in writing dictations and excellent grades!
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