Meaning grammatical meaning in the dictionary of linguistic terms. The grammatical meaning of the word

Moscow city

Lexical and grammatical meaning

(two lessons)

5th grade

Pupils of the 5th grade, mastering the course of the Russian language, get acquainted with a large number of definitions. Faced with an abundance of terms, children often do not understand their essence. A fifth-grader glibly gives a definition, but is lost if it needs to be reproduced in his own words. This is not due to the fact that the student has a poor skill in giving definitions. It's just that the child does not understand the inner content of the phenomenon, its essence, but he easily memorizes the formulation, like poetry or an expression in a foreign language, automatically.

Any textbook of the 5th grade offers the student and the teacher to master the conceptual apparatus, which, on the one hand, is a little familiar from the elementary school course, on the other hand, is not yet entirely clear, since in primary school definitions of linguistic phenomena are not always given. At the same time, already known things are considered again, and, of course, this should be done not only on a new scientific level, but in such a way as to interest the student, to show the unusual in the familiar.

By implementing such an approach to working with terms, we can reveal an already familiar phenomenon in a new way, arouse interest in it, help to understand it and comprehend it deeper.

The concepts that every fifth grader should be fluent in include the terms lexical and grammatical meaning.

Let's turn to textbooks. For example, let's take a textbook, traditionally used in many schools, edited by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.T. Grigoryan (1) and "Russian language" edited by M.V. Panov (2), which is either used as additional material or serves as the main textbook in a number of gymnasiums and schools with humanitarian classes. The terms under consideration are found in them when studying topics: 1) “Vocabulary”, “Word formation. Morphemics"; 2) "Vocabulary", "Morphology".
Let's see what definitions of lexical and grammatical meaning they offer.
In the textbook, ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya we read:

“Every word means something. For example, the word spruce forest means "a forest consisting of only fir trees." It is his lexical meaning. In addition to the lexical, the word also has grammatical meaning. For example, for nouns, you can determine the gender, case, number, for verbs - tense, person and number.

"Russian language" ed. M.V. Panova offers the following option:

Christmas tree- This is an evergreen coniferous tree with cone-shaped needles and long scaly cones. This is the main meaning of the word Christmas tree. It denotes the main meaning in the word, what we think about when we pronounce it. This meaning of the word is called lexical value.

Christmas tree is a feminine noun in them. pad. units h. Such values ​​are called grammatical values.

Agree, it is not very successful to give a definition through an example, but the essence is revealed very clearly.

Let us turn to the encyclopedia "Russian language", where general definitions are given.

Lexical meaning - the content of the word, reflecting in the mind and fixing in it the idea of ​​​​an object, property, process, phenomenon, etc.

grammatical meaning- a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic constructions and finding its regular expression in grammatical forms.

Of course, no one will offer such definitions in the 5th grade.

With the goal of combining the principle of a scientific approach with a fascinating presentation of the material, in this way to help students master it deeper, I used when studying the terms lexical And grammaticalmeaning famous phrase Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba.

The lessons are introductory to the topic "Vocabulary" according to the textbook, ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

About the dumb kuzdra

Lesson 1

Target :

1) introduce the concept lexical and grammatical meaning;
2) consolidate knowledge about parts of speech;
3) improve the skill of defining linguistic phenomena in your own words.


I. Introductory conversation.

Remember which sections of the science of language you already know that you have already studied.
Often the main object of our study was the word. We observed how it works in a sentence, a phrase, built texts from words.
How to name all the words of the language? (Vocabulary.)
Remember the name of the sections of linguistics and think: does the word have vocabulary more values?

II. Dictionary work.

The words are written on the board:

be nominated
popular print

Do you know the meaning of these words?
If the meaning of a word is unclear, how can you find out what it is? (Use a dictionary.)
Can any dictionary help us figure out the meaning of words? Why do we need dictionary? (It is there that the definition, the interpretation of words, is given.)
Before turning to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova, think about whether you can say something about each of the words. Consider them as parts of speech and write down the conclusions.

coloring- n., m. r., units. h., im. p. / c. P.
be nominated- verb, nesov. in., I ref.
popular print- adj., m. r., units. h., im. p. / c. P.

Write down the definition of these words from the explanatory dictionary below.
Tell me, are there any other words that have the meaning of "printed from popular prints"?
So the word popular print a unique value, that is, one that only it has.
Try to find words with the same characteristics as the adjective. popular print(see entry above). Are there many such words?

III. Formulation of concepts.

So, we have seen that each of the words we are considering has two meanings. How do they differ? (One is suitable for many similar words, the other is suitable only for a particular word.)
If vocabulary considers the meaning of words, which of the two meanings will we call lexical? Try to define it.
Lexical meaning is the meaning of a word, a meaning peculiar only to a given word, or a unique meaning. How will the grammatical meaning differ from it? (Not unique.)
Now, knowing that grammatical meaning considers a word in terms of a part of speech, try to define it.
Grammatical meaning - the meaning of a word as a part of speech; The features that this word has can be found in many other words.

IV. Fixing the material.

1) Write down the lexical meaning of the words:

caftan, based, exacting.

2) Indicate the grammatical meaning of these words and give a few (4-5) words with the same grammatical meaning.

3) Let's consider the phrase glokaya kuzdra. Write down its lexical and grammatical meaning. What meaning - lexical or grammatical - could you write down? What is easier to do? Why?
Do you think these words will be in other dictionaries?
Tell me: what part of the word helped you learn the grammatical meaning of words?

V. Checking the acquired knowledge.

1) Tell us how you understood what it is grammatical And lexical meaning.
2) How do they differ?
3) Which morpheme shows the grammatical meaning?
4) Name the words according to their lexical meaning:

demanding, strict...;
vintage long-brimmed men's clothing...

VI. Homework.

1. Prepare a story, what is the lexical and grammatical meaning.

2. Set the lexical meaning of words: comfortable, conveyor, bask, militia, take up arms, argue, curtsy.

3. Come up with your own phrases (3-4) from words that do not have a specific lexical meaning, but have a grammatical meaning.

When checking this task, it turned out that the greatest difficulties are caused by the explanation (not according to the dictionary, but one's own) of the lexical meaning of words. Undoubtedly, the proposed examples are complex, belong to the passive vocabulary, but one of the reasons why such words were given was the need to understand how (successfully or not) work with difficult words would work. The problems mostly arose with nouns. I believe this is due to the fact that for words conveyor, militia no synonyms can be found, only a detailed explanation is possible. Word curtsy, which has a synonym bow caused less problems. Such is the case with verbs. Choosing synonyms, fifth-graders determined for themselves the place of a particular verb in a number of related concepts.

Lesson 2

Target :

1) consolidate the concept of lexical And grammatical meaning;
2) establish how knowledge of lexical and grammatical meaning will help in the study of morphemics.

I. Checking homework.

Read the lexical meaning of these words. Were there words among them, in the definitions of which there were marks given in brackets?
What is the grammatical meaning of these verbs?
What parts of speech were more in the words given for analysis?
Were there words related to the sublime vocabulary? Used in a specific context?

II. Consolidation of concepts lexical And grammatical meaning.

Tell what is the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning using the example of words: run, runner, grow, sprouts.
Tell what meaning is unique to the word.
What meaning can be applied to a group of words?
Listen to the text.

A charade is a special riddle in which you have to guess a word by its parts.

For example:

First - forehead.
Second - a hundred years.
The whole is a rational being.

Answer: human.

The first charades appeared in ancient Roman literature, but they were especially loved in the 18th century.
Now tell me: where does the text begin? (From the fact that the lexical meaning of the word is given.)
This is a frequent technique for constructing a scientific text, which tells about some subject or phenomenon unknown to the reader.
Let's write the first sentence, explaining the punctuation marks.
Specify the grammatical meaning of the word charade. Are there words in the sentence with the same grammatical meaning? (Mystery.)

III. Mastering new material.

Listen carefully and think about what it is about.

Glokaya kuzdra shteko boked bokra and curls bokra.

Can this be understood? Why?
This phrase was invented for his students by the famous linguist L.V. Shcherba.
(Leaflets with this phrase are handed out.)
Is it possible to understand what parts of speech Shcherba uses, what members of the sentence?
Why do we understand this?
If we carefully analyze by what part of the word we recognize it, we will see that this is the ending. Can you tell which morpheme is associated with the grammatical meaning? We see that the ending carries the grammatical meaning of the word.
Try to drop the endings, can we recognize the parts of speech in this case?
Learn the phrase; Does it have any single words? How to find out? If we recall that the main meaning, the meaning of the word, is contained in the root, then this morpheme is the bearer of lexical meaning.
How and from what the word is formed bokrenok?

bocre<-- бокренок

Which value element adds -enok- ? Think about what meaning - lexical or grammatical - this suffix expresses.

    For classes that know the morpheme composition well, it can be noted that -l- , Unlike -enok- , conveys a particle of grammatical meaning, indicating the tense of the verb.

IV. Output.

We tried to look for elements of grammatical meaning and lexical meaning in an unfamiliar, artificially created text. Are there morphemes in the words that help to find out whether a word belongs to a certain part of speech, to establish its grammatical features? What morphemes are carriers of lexical meaning?

V. Homework.

Try to compose your own sentences, the text where the endings help to reveal the grammatical meaning of the word, and the roots have an unclear lexical meaning.

Form nouns with meaning:

- baby animal
- a resident of a locality;
- a person by occupation -
from roots:


Try to form other parts of speech.

Examples of creative work of 5th grade students of the Pirogov School in Moscow

1. Temochka nokla to get tired, but the borer roared. And she had to wake up as a Kima. Bryashnaya camory!

Hanna Brener

2. Surkalos. A companion grunted along the path. "Apparently we're a freak?" - he was guiding at the rvubatnik, who was shuddering with him. The rogue didn't answer. Svoblo 2 30 , and the satellite spoke to the buzzer and ordered to shut up. The rogue rattler slathered his teeth, and they chuckled a little.

Dmitry Leonkin

3. Vomil Turlut Furklu: “Do not sweat on Mabrak without drabrus. In Mabrak the pablos are full. They scribble. Pralomey did not quarrel.
But Furkl didn't snitch Turlut. Furkle burned in Mabrak without drabrus. Dud Furkla and skryapali. But the dud spoke of Furkla Turlyut, who had gone astray. Turklut smashed the tukalka and went to Mabrak, for the sake of pouring pablo and ticking the tukalka on the fool. The pabl was confused and quarreled, and Furkle blurted out of the foolish pabl.

Meaning of GRAMMATIC MEANING in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms


(formal) meaning. A meaning that acts as an additive to the lexical meaning of a word and expresses various relations (relation to other words in a phrase or sentence, relation to a linden performing an action or other persons, relation of a reported fact to reality and time, a speaker’s attitude to the reported, etc. .). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. So, the word country has the meaning of the feminine, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains the grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine, perfective. Grammatical meanings find their morphological or syntactic expression in the language. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

a) affixation. Book, book, book, etc. (case values);

b) internal inflection. Collect - collect (values ​​​​of imperfect and perfect form);

c) accent. Houses. (genus. falling singular) - at home (named after falling. plural);

d) suppletivism. Take - take (values ​​of the form). Good - better (values ​​of the degree of comparison);

f) mixed (synthetic and analytical methods). To the house (the meaning of the dative case is expressed by a preposition and a case form).

The grammatical meaning in a word can also be expressed with the help of other words with which this word is associated in a sentence. The tram left the depot. - The tram left the depot (the meanings of the accusative case of the indeclinable word depot in the first sentence and the genitive case in the second are created in both cases by different connections of this word with other words). see also ways of expressing grammatical meanings.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is GRAMMATIC MEANING in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • GRAMMATICAL SIGNIFICANCE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic constructions and finding its regular (standard) expression in the language. IN …
    INTERPRETATION - interpretation of the rule of law, which consists in the analysis of the structural connection of words in order to clarify its meaning and content. GT. assumes that...
  • MEANING in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. Z. of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, ...
  • MEANING in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • MEANING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The meaning of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, ...
  • MEANING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, cf. 1. Meaning, what a given phenomenon, concept, object means, means. 3. look, gesture. Determine h. words. Lexical …
    LEXICAL MEANING, the semantic content of a word, reflecting and fixing in the mind the idea of ​​an object, property, process, phenomenon and ...
  • MEANING in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SIGNIFICANCE, importance, significance, the role of an object, phenomenon, action in human activity. The content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign ...
  • MEANING in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, ...
  • MEANING in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -I'm with. 1) Meaning, content of smth. Gesture value. Meaning of the word. She is disturbed by dreams. Not knowing how to understand it, the dreams of a terrible ...
  • MEANING in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • MEANING in the Russian Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: significance, significance, importance, role Ant: insignificance, unimportance, secondary importance 2. Syn: ...
  • MEANING in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    meaning, mind; weight, importance, authority, dignity, strength, value. Real, figurative, direct, own, strict, figurative, literal, broad sense of the word. "This girl...
  • MEANING in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    Syn: significance, significance, importance, role Ant: insignificance, unimportance, secondary Syn: ...
  • MEANING in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. 1) What does someone mean. or something; meaning. 2) Importance, significance, purpose. 3) Influence, ...
  • MEANING in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    value, ...
  • MEANING in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    meaning, …
  • MEANING in the Spelling Dictionary:
    value, ...
  • MEANING in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    meaning, what a given phenomenon, concept, object means, denotes the Z. of a look, gesture. Determine h. words. Lexical words (meaning...
  • MEANING in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    1) importance, significance, the role of an object, phenomenon, action in human activity. 2) The content associated with a particular expression (words, sentences, ...
  • MEANING in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    values, cf. (book). 1. Meaning, what the given object (Word, gesture, sign) means. The word "knowledge" has several meanings. The word sick...
  • MEANING in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    value cf. 1) What does someone mean. or something; meaning. 2) Importance, significance, purpose. 3) Influence, ...
  • MEANING in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    cf. 1. What someone or something means; meaning. 2. Importance, significance, purpose. 3. Influence, ...
  • MEANING in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I cf. Possessing the property to express, to mean something, to have any meaning. II cf. 1. Importance, significance. 2. Influence, ...
    - interpretation of the norms of law, which consists in the analysis of the structural connection of words to clarify its meaning and content. this year suggests that in the words ...
  • GRAMMATICAL INTERPRETATION in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
    - see grammatical interpretation ...
    - interpretation of the norms of law, which consists in the analysis of the structural connection of words to clarify its meaning and content. This year suggests that in the words ...
  • GRAMMATICAL INTERPRETATION in the Big Law Dictionary:
    - see Grammar interpretation ...
  • TIME GRAMMAR in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    grammatical, grammatical category that serves to localize in time the event that is indicated by the verb or predicate of the sentence: temporary forms express the relationship ...
  • JAKOBSON ROMAN in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (1896-1982) - Russian linguist, semiotician, literary critic, who contributed to the establishment of a productive dialogue between European and American cultural traditions, French, Czech and Russian ...
  • INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
  • INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW in the Big Law Dictionary:
    - the activities of state bodies, various organizations and individual citizens, aimed at understanding and explaining the meaning and content of the obligatory will of the legislator, ...
  • JAPANESE LANGUAGE in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    For a long time it was believed that the Japanese language is not included in any of the known language families, occupying in the genealogical classification of languages ​​...
  • VAK in the Dictionary of Yoga:
    , Vah (Vak or Vach) Oral speech; pronunciation, pronunciation. "Vakya" means a grammatical sentence, and "Mahavakya" means "great speech", ...
  • INTERPRETATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    STANDARDS OF LAW - the activities of state bodies, various organizations and individual citizens, aimed at understanding and explaining the meaning and content of the universally binding ...
  • INTERPRETATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT - understanding the true intention of the parties to the treaty and the actual meaning of its provisions. The purpose of the interpretation is to be as complete as possible ...
  • INTERPRETATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • SENTENCE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    the main unit of coherent speech, characterized by certain semantic (the presence of the so-called predication - see below) and structural (choice, location and connection ...
  • INVERSION in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    violation of the order of words accepted in colloquial speech and, thereby, the usual intonation; the latter with I. is characterized by a larger than usual number ...
  • DIALECTOLOGY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    department of linguistics, the subject of study of which is the dialect as a whole. So. arr. unlike other departments of linguistics, distinguishing in ...
  • GRAMMAR in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [from the Greek grammata - "letters", "scriptures"]. In the original understanding of the word, G. coincides with the science of linguistic forms in general, including ...
  • ENGLISH LANGUAGE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    lang. mixed. In its origin, it is associated with the western branch of the Germanic group of languages. (cm.). It is customary to share the history of A. Yaz. on the …
  • FORTUNATOV in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Philip Fedorovich (1848-1914), linguist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1898). The founder of the Moscow, the so-called. Fortunatovskaya, linguistic school. Since 1876 professor at Moscow University. IN …
  • FRANCE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • FORM OF THE WORD in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    words, 1) a set of morphological and phonological characteristics of a word that determine its grammatical meaning. So, the composition of the morphemes of the word "teacher" (uchi-tel-nits-a) indicates ...

grammatical meaning

The grammatical meaning accompanies the lexical meaning of the word; The differences between these two types of values ​​are as follows:

1. Grammatical meanings are very abstract, so they characterize large classes of words. For example, the meaning of the verb aspect is always present in the semantic structure of the Russian verb. The lexical meaning is more specific than the grammatical one, therefore it characterizes only a certain word. Even the most abstract lexical meanings (for example, the meanings of such words as infinity, speed) are less abstract than grammatical meanings.

2. The lexical meaning is expressed by the basis of the word, the grammatical meaning is expressed by special formal indicators (therefore, grammatical meanings are often called formal ones).

So, grammatical meaning is an abstract (abstract) linguistic meaning expressed by formal grammatical means. A word usually has several grammatical meanings. For example, the noun 'wolf' in the sentence I would have gnawed out bureaucracy (M.) expresses the grammatical meanings of objectivity, animation, masculine, singular, instrumental (comparison value: `like a wolf, like a wolf`). The most general and most important grammatical meaning of a word is called categorical (general categorical); such are the meanings of objectivity in a noun, quantity in a numeral, etc.

The categorical meaning of the word is supplemented and specified by private (private categorical) grammatical meanings; Thus, a noun is characterized by particular categorical grammatical meanings of animateness ~ inanimateness, gender, number and case.

Grammatical meaning always accompanies lexical meaning, and lexical meaning does not always accompanies grammatical meaning.

For example: ocean - person (different lexical meaning, but the same grammatical meaning - noun, singular, I.p) [Lekant 2007: 239-240].

Ways of expressing grammatical meanings

In Russian morphology, there are different ways of expressing grammatical meanings, i.e. ways of forming word forms: synthetic, analytical and mixed.

With the synthetic method, grammatical meanings are usually expressed by affixation, i.e. the presence or absence of affixes (for example, table, table; goes, go; beautiful, beautiful, beautiful), much less often - alternating sounds and stress (die - die; oils - special oils), as well as suppletive, i.e. formations from different roots (man - people, good - better). Affixation can be combined with a change in stress (water - water), as well as with the alternation of sounds (sleep - sleep).

With the analytical method, grammatical meanings receive their expression outside the main word, i.e. in other words (listen - I will listen).

With a mixed or hybrid method, grammatical meanings are expressed both synthetically and analytically, i.e. both outside and inside the word. For example, the grammatical meaning of the prepositional case is expressed by the preposition and ending (in the house), the grammatical meaning of the first person by the pronoun and ending (I will come).

Formative affixes can express several grammatical meanings at once, for example: in a verb there is an ending - ut expresses both person, number, and mood [Internet resource 6].

A grammatical category is a set of morphological forms opposed to each other with a common grammatical content. For example, the forms I write - you write - write indicate a person and therefore are combined into a verbal grammatical category of a person; the forms I wrote - I write - I will write express time and form the category of time, the word forms table - tables, book - books express the idea of ​​the number of objects, they are combined into the category of number, etc. We can also say that grammatical categories are formed private morphological paradigms. Grammar categories in general have three features.

1) Grammatical categories form a kind of closed systems. The number of members opposed to each other in the grammatical category is predetermined by the structure of the language and does not vary in general (in the synchronous section). Moreover, each member of the category can be represented by one or several single-functional forms. Thus, the grammatical category of the number of nouns is formed by two members, one of which is represented by singular forms (table, book, pen), the other by plural forms (tables, books, pens). Nouns and adjectives have three genders, a verb has three persons, two kinds, etc. The quantitative composition of some grammatical categories in the literature is defined in different ways, which is actually related not to the volume of the category, but to the assessment of its components. So, in nouns, 6, 9, 10 and more cases are distinguished. However, this reflects only different methods of highlighting cases. As for the grammatical structure of the language itself, the case system in it is regulated by the existing types of declension.

2) The expression of grammatical meaning (content) between the forms that form the category is distributed: I write means the first person, you write - the second, writes - the third; table, book, pen indicate the singular, and tables, books, feathers indicate the plural, large is masculine, large is feminine, and large is neuter, the form large does not indicate gender.

3) Forms that form morphological categories must be united by a common content component (which is reflected in the definition of a grammatical category). This is a prerequisite for highlighting a grammatical category. Without this generality, grammatical categories are not formed. For example, the opposition of transitive and intransitive verbs does not form a morphological category precisely because it is not based on a common content. For the same reason, other lexico-grammatical categories distinguished in independent parts of speech are not morphological categories [Kamynina 1999: 10-14].

Significant and service parts of speech

Parts of speech are the main grammatical classes of words, which are established taking into account the morphological properties of words. These word classes are important not only for morphology, but also for lexicology and syntax.

Words belonging to the same part of speech have common grammatical features:

1) the same generalized grammatical meaning, called part-of-speech (for example, for all nouns, the meaning of objectivity);

2) the same set of morphological categories (nouns are characterized by the categories of animateness / inanimateness, gender, number and case). In addition, words of the same part of speech have word-formation proximity and perform the same syntactic functions as part of a sentence.

In modern Russian, independent and service parts of speech, as well as interjections, are distinguished.

Independent parts of speech serve to designate objects, signs, processes and other phenomena of reality. Such words are usually independent members of the sentence, carry verbal stress. The following independent parts of speech are distinguished: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb.

Within the independent parts of speech, full-significant and non-full-significant words are contrasted. Fully significant words (nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, most adverbs) serve to name certain objects, phenomena, signs, and non-full-significant words (these are pronouns and pronominal adverbs) only indicate objects, phenomena, signs, without naming them.

Another distinction is important within the framework of independent parts of speech: names (nouns, adjectives, numerals, as well as pronouns) as parts of speech that are declined (changed by cases) are opposed to the verb as a part of speech, which is characterized by conjugation (change in moods, tenses, persons) .

Service parts of speech (particles, conjunctions, prepositions) do not name the phenomena of reality, but denote the relationships that exist between these phenomena. They are not independent members of the sentence, usually do not have verbal stress.

Interjections (ah!, hurray!, etc.) are neither independent nor functional parts of speech, they constitute a special grammatical category of words. Interjections express (but do not name) the feelings of the speaker [Lekant 2007: 243-245].

Since parts of speech are a grammatical concept, it is obvious that the principles, the grounds for distinguishing parts of speech must be primarily grammatical. First, such grounds are the syntactic properties of the word. Some words are included in the grammatical composition of the sentence, others are not. Some of the sentences included in the grammatical composition are independent members of the sentence, others are not, since they can only perform the function of a service element that establishes relationships between the members of the sentence, parts of the sentence, etc. Secondly, the morphological features of words are essential: their mutability or immutability, the nature of the grammatical meanings that a particular word can express, the system of its forms.

Based on the foregoing, all the words of the Russian language are divided into sentences included in the grammatical composition and not included in this composition. The former represent the vast majority of words. Among them stand out the words significant and official.

Significant words are independent members of the sentence. These include: nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs, category of state.

Significant words are usually called parts of speech. Among the significant words, according to the morphological feature of mutability-invariability, on the one hand, names and a verb are distinguished, on the other hand, an adverb and a category of state.

The last two categories - adverbs and the category of state - differ in their syntactic function (adverbs serve mainly as a circumstance, the category of state - as a predicate of an impersonal sentence: "I'm sad because you're happy" (L.), and also in that, unlike the adverbs of the word categories of state are able to control ("I'm sad", "it's fun for you"; "How fun, having shod with sharp iron on your feet, To slide along the mirror of stagnant, even rivers!" - P.).

Service words (they are also called particles of speech) are united by the fact that they (being part of the grammatical composition of a sentence) serve only to express various kinds of grammatical relations or participate in the formation of forms of other words, i.e. are not part of the offer. From a morphological point of view, they are also united by immutability.

These include prepositions, conjunctions, and particles. At the same time, prepositions serve to express the relationship of a noun to other words, unions establish a connection between the members of a sentence and parts of a complex sentence. Particles are involved in the formation of certain verb forms, in the construction of a certain type of sentence (for example, interrogative ones). Words that are not part of the grammatical composition of the sentence include modal words, interjections and onomatopoeia.

Modal words (possibly, of course, maybe, probably, apparently, perhaps, of course, etc.) express the attitude of the speaker to the content of the statement. Interjections serve to express feelings and volitional impulses (oh, oh-oh-oh, scat, well, etc.). Onomatopoeia - words that convey some sounds and noises. These last three categories of words, like auxiliary words, are unchangeable [Rakhmanova 1997: 20].

Not all words have a lexical meaning, that is, an internal meaning, but only those that can express concepts. Such words are called full-valued or independent. From a grammatical point of view, these include: nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs, pronouns.

Functional words, modal words and interjections do not designate concepts, and they are not connected with objects of reality. These words have special meanings: they express finding attitudes and feelings towards something: certainly, fortunately, etc. The lexical meaning, which only full-meaning words have, is based on the concept, but there is no equality between the lexical meaning and the concept . A concept is a copy of the subject of reality in our thinking. The concept in a word is always one, but there can be several meanings. For example, the concept of green can have the following meanings:

Green pencil (color characteristic);
Green fruit (degree of ripening, compare: ripe fruit);
Green face (characteristic of ill health, degree of fatigue);
Green age (degree of social maturity).

Only if the word is a term does the concept coincide with the meaning. For example: suffix, root, phoneme, etc. The main difference between a concept and meaning is that a concept is a copy, an exact designation, and the meaning always includes an emotionally expressive coloring (modality). For example: the word sun - there is a diminutive connotation here; the word grandmother is a derogatory connotation. There cannot be these shades in the concept (compare: the use of the words morphemochka, phonemochka is illiterate).

Every word also has a grammatical meaning. Grammatical meanings complement lexical meanings and reflect the belonging of a word to a certain grammatical category. Grammatical categories are the meanings of gender, number, case, declension, voice, aspect, etc. Grammatical meanings help to classify the vocabulary of the Russian language. For example, the words plane, school, walking have nothing in common in terms of lexical meaning, that is, content, but their grammatical meanings are the same and allow them to be attributed to nouns in the singular, nominative case.

Not a single word in the Russian language remains without grammatical meaning. Lexical meanings in all languages ​​are formed in exactly the same way (subject -> concept -> sound shell -> name). Grammatical meanings are formed differently in different languages. That is why there are 6 cases in Russian, in German- 4 cases, and in French and English they don't exist at all. The carrier of lexical meaning is the basis of the word. For example: high, height. The grammatical meaning is expressed with the help of endings, suffixes, prefixes, stresses, auxiliary words. For example, in the word side, the ending -a shows that it is a feminine noun, singular, nominative, 1 declension. When the lexical meaning changes, the grammatical meaning of the word also changes. This is especially noticeable when one part of speech passes into another (on horseback, around, dining room - these words now have different grammatical meanings than before).

Thus, the word, which is the unity of form and content, that is, the unity of the sound shell and meaning, thereby represents the unity of lexical and grammatical meanings. Each word, naming this or that object or phenomenon, always informs. For example: Pick this flower for me. The word flower has two functions in this sentence: it means specific subject, which I need at this moment, and it denotes an object in general, that is, an object with some specific features, thanks to which a person recognizes it among Other objects. Thus, each word performs two functions in the language.

Words act as the building blocks of language. To convey thoughts, we use sentences that consist of combinations of words. In order to be linked into combinations and sentences, many words change their form.

The section of linguistics that studies the forms of words, types of phrases and sentences is called grammar.

Grammar has two parts: morphology and syntax.

Morphology- a section of grammar that studies the word and its change.

Syntax- a section of grammar that studies word combinations and sentences.

In this way, word is an object of study in lexicology and grammar. Lexicology is more interested in the lexical meaning of the word - its correlation with certain phenomena of reality, that is, when defining a concept, we try to find its distinctive feature.

Grammar, on the other hand, studies the word from the point of view of generalizing its features and properties. If the difference between words is important for vocabulary House And smoke, table And chair, then for grammar, all these four words are absolutely the same: they form the same forms of cases and numbers, have the same grammatical meanings.

Grammatical meaning e is a characteristic of a word from the point of view of belonging to a certain part of speech, the most general meaning inherent in a number of words, independent of their real material content.

For example, words smoke And House have different lexical meanings: House- this is a residential building, as well as (collected) people living in it; smoke- aerosol formed by products of incomplete combustion of substances (materials). And the grammatical meanings of these words are the same: noun, common noun, inanimate, masculine, II declension, each of these words can be determined by an adjective, change by cases and numbers, act as a member of a sentence.

Grammatical meanings are characteristic not only of words, but also of larger grammatical units: phrases, components of a complex sentence.

Material expression of grammatical meaning is an grammatical tool. Most often, grammatical meaning is expressed in affixes. It can be expressed with the help of function words, alternation of sounds, changes in the place of stress and word order, intonation.

Each grammatical meaning finds its expression in the corresponding grammatical form.

Grammatical forms words can be simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical).

Simple (synthetic) grammatical form involves the expression of lexical and grammatical meanings in the same word, within a word (consists of one word): read- the verb is in the past tense.

When the grammatical meaning is expressed outside the lexeme, complex (analytical) form(combination of a significant word with an official): I will read, let's read! In Russian, the analytical forms include the form of the future tense from imperfective verbs: I will write.

Individual grammatical meanings are combined into systems. For example, singular and plural values ​​are combined into a system of number values. In such cases, we are talking about grammatical category numbers. Thus, we can talk about the grammatical category of tense, the grammatical category of gender, the grammatical category of mood, the grammatical category of aspect, etc.

Each grammatical category has a number of grammatical forms. The collection of all possible forms given word called the word paradigm. For example, the paradigm of nouns usually consists of 12 forms, for adjectives - of 24.

The paradigm is:

universal– all forms (full);

incomplete- there are no forms;

private according to a certain grammatical category: declension paradigm, mood paradigm.

Lexical and grammatical meanings are in interaction: a change in the lexical meaning of a word leads to a change in both its grammatical meaning and form. For example, the adjective voiced in the phrase ringing voice is qualitative (has forms of degrees of comparison: voiced, louder, most voiced). It's the same adjective in the phrase media is a relative adjective (voiced, i.e. formed with the participation of the voice). In this case, this adjective has no degrees of comparison.

And vice versa grammatical meaning some words may directly depend on their lexical meaning. For example, the verb run away in the meaning of "move quickly" is used only as an imperfective verb: He ran for quite some time until he collapsed completely exhausted. The lexical meaning (“to escape”) also determines another grammatical meaning - the meaning of the perfect form: The prisoner escaped from prison.

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