Slenderman call. How to summon Slenderman in real life? Forest Ritual of Slenderman Summoning

The authenticity of the legends about the summoning of the Slender Man is quite difficult to verify, but on the old Internet forums you can find several versions of rites that can arrange a meeting with the Thin Man. Here is an instruction found on an abandoned forum. The post is dated 2005.

1. You can call a thin person only at night, preferably at three o'clock, when everyone is sleeping. You will need:
- five sheets of paper
- pencil
- flashlight
- Card deck
- glue
- thin tape
- high-rise building with a working elevator
- blindfold

2. At night, go up to the top floor, but in no case to the roof. Make sure there are no people here and no one is walking around. Turn on the flashlight, lay out the sheets.

3. you must have five sheets, these are the five stages of the spell. Next is very important:
- Draw a tree on the first sheet. It doesn't matter how well you do it, the main thing is that it is clear to everyone that a tree is drawn.
- Draw a face on the second sheet. Simple face: oval head, nose, two eyes and mouth.
- to the third sheet it is necessary to glue any card of spades suit with glue. Someone says that this item can be skipped and four sheets are enough, but the spade card will not become superfluous. They say it's best to stick the jack of spades.
- Draw yourself on the fourth sheet. The main thing is to designate one identification mark, for example, put on a red hat today and draw this red hat on your little man. The Thin Man needs to know what you look like. A small detail in the clothes will be enough.
- On the last sheet draw a multi-storey building. IMPORTANT: the number of floors must match the number of floors of the building you are currently in

4. Now that you have made five sheets (be sure to draw in the entrance), proceed to the ceremony itself:

It is necessary to hang sheets on the walls on the flights of stairs of the first five floors: a tree - on the first floor, a face - on the second, a jack of spades - on the third, an image of oneself - on the fourth, a high-rise building - on the fifth. After that, you need to go up to the top floor of the house, you can take the elevator, wait about half an hour, then go down to the first floor by the ELEVATOR and go to check the sheets.

5. What you should see:
- a hanging man will be attached to the tree on the first floor.
- The eyes and mouth will disappear from the face on the second floor, only the oval of the face will remain.
- The map on the third floor will remain. Someone says that it can be replaced with another card or smeared with a black pencil.
- You won't see anything on the fourth floor - the Thin Man takes your image for himself.

6. On the fifth floor, opposite one of the floors of the painted house, a mark will be made - probably a black cross. If the mark is made on the fifth floor, nothing will save you. Turn around and the Thin Man will pick you up. You can try to go down five floors with your back, this is the only chance to survive, but, they say, it doesn’t really help.

7. If the mark is made on another floor, it means - Thin wants to play. If you have the courage - go to the elevator and go to the marked floor. As soon as the elevator doors open, be prepared to fall into the clutches of the Thin Man.

P.S. if you go to the first floor, it is possible that the elevator will not listen to you and will take you straight to the thin person. Nobody knows the truth...

Thin man or Slenderman - to many famous character legends and horror stories. This tall man, dressed in a formal suit, with very long and flexible arms, but with an absent face, can also be seen in reality.

Considering the question of how to call Slenderman, it should be noted that it is necessary to carry out the ritual at a time when it has passed well after midnight. Thus, no outsider can interfere.

Is it true that Slender exists?

How many people, so many opinions, and therefore unambiguously answer that Slenderman actually exists would be stupid. To this day, this faceless creature is capable of instilling unthinkable horror in children and adults. Rumor has it that after meeting with him, a person disappears, and sometimes the loss was found, having expired on the branches of a tree.

So, the first mention of the Skinny Man was found in the early 1990s. In the premises of the Stirling City Library, the police found a photo of a certain man who painfully resembled Slenderman. This picture would not have been given special significance, if not for the fact that 14 children disappeared that day.

How to call Slenderman at home?

One of the basic rules for summoning this creature was mentioned above: it must be deep night outside the window. Remembering to take everything you need, it is recommended to get five sheets of A4 blank paper (landscape format). It is mandatory to take colored pencils, a flashlight, adhesive tape, a deck of cards, glue and a blindfold.

A prerequisite is that the ceremony should be carried out in a multi-storey building with an elevator. So, at the right time you need to be comfortable on the very last floor. Choose only the building where no one will interfere with the magical process, not a single person will wander around the entrance.

Light a flashlight. Get sheets. On each of them should draw the following:

  • sheet number 1 - a tree (after all, it is believed that it is the forest - a sort of native home slender);
  • sheet number 2 - a card from the brought deck is glued (suit of spades, king, queen or ace);
  • sheet No. 3 - oval face with painted eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth, ears;
  • sheet number 4 - your own image (let it be a schematic drawing, but the main thing is to be recognizable);
  • sheet number 5 - a multi-storey building in which a person is located.

The blanks of the above sheets should not be done in advance.

The next stage of the rite, as one of the main ones, allows you to call the Slenderman. A man descends to the 1st floor. There, with the help of adhesive tape, sheet No. 1 with the image of a tree is glued to the wall. Further on each floor all other sheets are left.

Then you need to go up to the top floor. Going down half an hour later to the first one, on the sheet you can find out of nowhere the depicted gallows on the tree. The second floor with sheet No. 2 will remain unchanged (the map only strengthens the connection with other world). On the third, the oval of the face will not have any features (this is the face of Slender). The fourth sheet will be clean, as at the beginning of the ceremony. The image of the person will disappear. But the fifth sheet will be with a mark (a certain dot, a cross will appear on the drawn house, suggesting on which floor the Slenderman will grab the ritualist).

How to call Slenderman during the day?

In the daytime, you need to lock yourself in the bathroom, take a marker and matches with you. You should stand in front of the mirror. Stare at it for at least 6 minutes. Without unnecessary noise, write with a black marker on the mirror surface “no eyes”. Just light the match quietly. Didn't light up? This suggests that you need to try another day. If everything worked out, Slenderman is here.

It is rather difficult to confirm the effectiveness of the instructions for summoning the Slenderman by reliable cases of its successful application in practice, however, it is no less difficult to prove the very fact of the existence of the Thin Man.

Nevertheless, if you still believe that the faceless Skinny Man is walking somewhere near you, you can try to summon him using a special spell that has been wandering from site to site for several years now across the vast expanses of the Internet (true fans of the Thin claim that it actually works).

Instructions for calling Slenderman

Slenderman is a product of urban folklore, and therefore it is necessary to call him not in a barn, like some kind of village anchutka, but in a multi-storey building with an elevator.
You need to call Slenderman after midnight, at the hour when the forces of evil reign supreme, and all the residents of the house are already sleeping.

To call the Thin Man, you will need:

  • pocket flashlight;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • five blank white sheets of paper;
  • a deck of playing cards;
  • tape roll.

The order of the spell

  1. At night, enter the elevator and take it to the top floor.
  2. After exiting the elevator, climb onto the top landing. Before calling Slenderman, make sure everything is quiet on the floor, turn on the flashlight and lay out sheets of paper on the floor.
  3. Start casting a spell - on the first sheet, schematically draw a tree, on the second - a face. Draw the most primitive face, the one you drew in childhood (circle, dotted eyes, hooked nose, etc.). Glue a card of spades to the third sheet with adhesive tape - experts say that it is best to stick a jack or an ace. On the fourth sheet of paper, depict yourself as best you can, and on the fifth, draw the house in which you are now. It is important to draw exactly as many floors in the house as there are actually. Note: you can’t make blank pictures in advance, you need to draw them only on the spot, otherwise the magic will not work.
  4. Now, in the elevator, go down to the first floor and fix a picture with a tree on the wall there, go up to the second floor and stick a picture with a face on the landing, then proceed by analogy - on the third floor, fasten a piece of paper with a playing card, on the fourth - your self-portrait, on the fifth - the image of the house.
  5. Then take the elevator back to the very top, wait there for about half an hour and go down to the first floor to check how the spell worked.
  6. If you see that during your absence, someone has added a gallows to the tree, then the witchcraft has worked. Then on the second floor you will find that all features have disappeared from the painted face - this faceless one lets you know that he is already there. The map stuck on the third floor will remain in place or be replaced by another map, your self-portrait will disappear from the fourth floor (Slenderman will take it with him), and on the fifth floor you will find that a mark has appeared on the drawn house. Take a closer look at which floor is marked with a cross. If the fifth, then it's the end of the game! Slenderman is already standing behind you, and you can't escape from him! If another floor is marked with a cross, you can go up there and meet Skinny. Better yet, run away from home before Slenderman takes you to a place where no one comes back from!

If one Thin is not enough for you, you can try to call a fairy. How to do this is described in our article.

Slender or the Thin Man, as he is also called, is a character in many legends and horror stories that teenagers often talk about and claim that he can be summoned. To believe in its existence or not is everyone's business, but there is a certain rite for calling it.

It is believed that the ceremony must be carried out late at night, when it is unlikely that one of the outsiders will be able to interfere with you. It is better to perform it after midnight or after two in the morning, which is more preferable. The exact time does not matter here. The main thing is that it is dark and night.

You need to take all the components of the spell with you. We need blank paper - five sheets are better than landscape format. Next, we take a flashlight, pencils, preferably colored ones, a deck of cards, glue, adhesive tape, a blindfold.

The ceremony is held necessarily in a multi-storey building. If you live in another, then plan in advance where you will go. A nine-story building will be enough. There must be a working elevator. Theoretically, in multi-storey institutions, not only in residential ones, the ceremony can be performed, only at night you are unlikely to have access to such a place.

When the time comes, you need to go to the top floor of the multi-storey building. There you will need to light a lantern. No need to climb onto the roof, you need to be right in the entrance. No one should be around, no one should walk along the porch.

Let's start with sheets. On each sheet you will need to draw different images. On the first sheet you need to draw a tree. It can be anything - oak, birch, it doesn't matter, you can draw it with a simple pencil schematically. The main thing is to be recognizable that this is a tree. On the second sheet, you also need to schematically draw a face. Just an oval with eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears. To make it clear that this is a face. Glue a card from the deck to the third sheet. Choose a card of spades. It is desirable that something is depicted on the map. For example, we choose the highest values, jack, king. Better jack. Some believe that cards can be omitted altogether, but on the other hand, spades are considered very strong and will help to get everything right. On the fourth sheet you need to draw yourself. Also schematic, but distinguishable. Put a hat on your head, for example, and draw yourself in this hat. And keep the color. For example, a blue hat. They say that in this way Slender will recognize you. On the fifth sheet, you need to draw a multi-storey building, you need to draw as many floors as there are floors in the house in which you are.

Please note that drawings cannot be prepared in advance, everything must be drawn on the spot, at the entrance.

Now we go down to the first floor. On the first flight of stairs, glue a drawing of a tree with tape, on the second an image with a face, on the third - yourself, on the fourth sheet with a map, on the fifth - a drawing of a multi-storey building. Then we go up to the last floor again, you can use the elevator. After 20-30 minutes we go down to the first floor. On the first floor, a hangman should be drawn on a sheet on a tree, on the second floor, all the facial features that you drew should disappear. On the third, everything will remain unchanged, but on the fourth you will not find your image, it will disappear. On the fifth floor, on one of the floors of the drawn house, there will be a mark. This label indicates the floor where Slender is located. You can go to that floor, but there is a chance that he will catch you. Some say that he will inevitably catch, no matter what floor he is on.

It sounds creepy, even implausible, but there are probably those who have tried this ritual.

let's try))
It is rather difficult to verify the authenticity of the legends about the summoning of the Slender Man, but on the old Internet forums there were several versions of the rites that can arrange a meeting with the Thin Man. Here is an instruction from an abandoned forum. The post is dated 2005.

1. You can call a thin person only at night, preferably at three o'clock, when everyone is sleeping. You will need:
- five sheets of paper
- pencil
- flashlight
- Card deck
- glue
- thin tape
- high-rise building with a working elevator
- blindfold.

2. At night, go up to the top floor, but in no case to the roof. Make sure there are no people here and no one is walking around. Turn on the flashlight, lay out the sheets.

3. You must have five sheets, these are the five stages of the spell:
- Draw a tree on the first sheet. It doesn't matter how well it turns out, the main thing is that it is clear to everyone that this is a tree.
- Draw a face on the second sheet. Simple face: oval head, nose, two eyes and mouth.
- Any card of the spades suit must be glued to the third sheet. Someone says that this item can be skipped and four sheets are enough, but the spade card will not become superfluous. It is believed that it is best to glue the jack of spades.
- Draw yourself on the fourth sheet. The main thing is to designate one identification mark, for example, put on a red hat and draw this red hat on your little man. The Thin Man needs to know what you look like. A small detail in the clothes will be enough.
- On the last sheet we draw a multi-storey building. IMPORTANT: the number of floors must match the number of floors of the house you are currently in.

4. Now that you have drawn five sheets (necessarily in the entrance), proceed to the ceremony itself:

It is necessary to hang sheets on the walls on the flights of stairs of the first five floors: a tree - on the first floor, a face - on the second, a jack of spades - on the third, an image of oneself - on the fourth, a high-rise building - on the fifth. After that, you need to go up to the top floor of the house, you can take the elevator, wait about half an hour, then go down to the first floor by the ELEVATOR and go to check the sheets.

5. What you should see:
- a hanging man will be attached to the tree on the first floor.
- the eyes and mouth will disappear from the face on the second floor, there will be only an oval.
- the map will remain on the third floor. Someone says that it can be replaced with another card or smeared with a black pencil.
- there will be nothing on the fourth floor - Thin Man takes your image for himself.

6. On the fifth floor, opposite one of the floors of the painted house, a mark will be made - probably a black cross. If the mark is made on the fifth floor, nothing will save you. Turn around and the Thin Man will pick you up. You can try to walk backwards five floors down, this is the only chance to survive, but, they say, this does not really help.

7. If the mark is made on another floor, then Thin wants to play. If you have the courage - go to the elevator and go to the marked floor. As soon as the elevator doors open, be prepared to fall into the clutches of the Thin Man.

PS: if you go to the first floor, it is possible that the elevator will not listen to you and will take you straight to the Thin Man. Nobody knows the truth..