How loud. Paired consonants in Russian

In Russian, deaf and voiced consonants are separated. The rules for writing letters denoting them begin to be studied already in the first grade. But even after graduating from school, many still cannot write words without errors, where there are deaf and voiced consonants. This is sad.

Why do you need to write voiceless and voiced consonants correctly in Russian

Some people treat the culture of writing superficially. They justify their ignorance in this area with such a common phrase: “What difference does it make, as it is written, it’s still clear what it’s about!”

In fact, spelling errors indicate a low level of personality culture. You can't count yourself developed person not knowing how to write correctly in their native language.

There is another fact that testifies in favor of the rule of error-free spelling. After all, deaf and voiced consonants are sometimes found in words that are oral in speech are homophones. That is, they sound the same, but are spelled differently. Incorrect use of a letter in them is fraught with loss or change in the meaning of the context.

For example, the words "pond" - "rod", "cat" - "code", "horn" - "rock" are just included in this list.

shameful loss

Schoolchildren in the Russian language lesson can be told a funny episode from life. It should be based on the fact that several children did not know how to correctly write in words the letters denoting voiced and unvoiced consonants.

And it happened during the school team game "Treasure hunters". In its rules, it was noted that you need to move along the route indicated in the notes. Moreover, the place where the next letter was hidden was not indicated exactly. The note contained only a hint of him.

Here the teams received the first letters with the following text: "Road, meadow, stone." One group of guys immediately ran towards the lawn, found a stone there, under which the letter was hidden. The second, having mixed up the words-homophones "meadow" and "bow", ran to the garden. But, of course, they did not find any stone among the brightly green rows.

You can change history in such a way as if an illiterate scribbler wrote notes. It was he who, giving instructions to the members of his team, instead of the word "meadow" used "bow". Not knowing how paired voiced and deaf consonants are written, the “literate” misled the guys. As a result, the competition was cancelled.

The rule for writing dubious paired consonants for deafness-voicedness

In fact, checking which letter should be written in a particular case is quite simple. Paired voiced and deaf consonants raise doubts about writing only when they are at the end of a word or there is another deaf consonant behind them. If one of these cases takes place, you need to choose a single root or change the form of the word so that a vowel follows the dubious consonant. You can also use the option where the letter being checked is followed by a voiced consonant.

Mug - mug, snow - snow, bread - bread; rez - carved, sweat - sweaty.

Didactic game "Connect the word to be checked with the test word"

In order to have time to do more during class, you can conduct a game in which skills are consolidated without writing down. Its condition will be a task in which children are asked only to connect the test words with the traits being tested. It takes less time, and the work done will be extremely effective.

The game will become more interesting if it is carried out in the form of a competition. To do this, make up three options for tasks, where two columns are used. One contains test words. In the other, it is necessary to enter those in which voiced and deaf consonants are in a dubious position. Examples of words may be as follows.

First column: bread, ponds, snow, onion, meadows, twig. Second column: bow, bread, meadow, twig, snow, pond.

To complicate the task, you can include in the column with test words those that are not suitable for verification, that is, they are not the same root as those whose spelling is in doubt: snacks, servant, octopus.

Table of consonants by voiced-deafness

All consonants are divided according to several parameters. During the phonetic analysis of a word at school, characteristics such as softness-hardness, sonority or deafness are indicated. For example, the sound [n] is a consonant, solid, sonorous. And the sound [n] differs from it in only one characteristic: it is not voiced, but deaf. The difference between the sounds [p] and [p '] lies only in softness and hardness.

Based on these characteristics, a table is compiled, thanks to which it is possible to determine whether the sound has a pair of softness-hardness. After all, some consonants are only soft or only hard.

There are also voiced and unvoiced consonants. The table presented here shows that some sounds do not have a pair for this trait. For example, these are

  • d, l, m, n, r;
  • x, c, h, u.

Moreover, the sounds of the first row are voiced, and the sounds of the second are deaf. The rest of the consonants are in pairs. It is they who make it difficult to write, since a dull sound is often heard where a letter is written, denoting a voiced consonant.

Checks require only paired consonants - voiced and deaf. The table reflects this point. For example, the sound "b", falling into the final position or ending up in front of another deaf consonant, "stuns" itself, turning into "p". That is, the word "hornbeam" (wood species) is pronounced and heard as [grab].

The table shows that these sounds are paired in sonority-deafness. These can also be called “c” - “f”, “g” - “k”, “d” - “t”, “g” - “w” and “h” - “s”. Although the sound “x” can be added to the pair “g” - “k”, which often sounds in a stunned position in place of “g”: soft - soft[m'ahk'y], easy - easy[l'ohk'y].

Didactic game-lotto "Doubtful consonants"

So that classes in which the spelling of voiced and deaf consonants is studied do not turn into a tedious routine, they should be diversified. Teachers and parents can prepare for a didactic game special small cards with pictures and words that contain dubious consonant sounds. A doubtful consonant can be replaced by dots or asterisks.

In addition, larger cards should be made, in which there will be only letters denoting consonants paired in sonority-deafness. Cards with pictures are laid out on the table.

At the signal of the leader, the players take them from the table and cover with them the letters on a large card that are missing in their opinion. Whoever closes all the windows before others and without errors is considered the winner.

Extracurricular activities in the Russian language

Winning options for developing interest in this area of ​​science are evenings, competitions, KVNs. They are held outside school hours for everyone.

It is very important to create an exciting scenario for such an event. Special attention should be devoted to developing tasks that will be both useful and exciting. These activities can be done with students of all ages.

Interesting tasks can also be those that contain an element literary creativity. For example, it is useful to suggest to the guys:

Make up a story about how the sounds "t" and "d" quarreled;

Think of as many single-root words as possible for the word "horn" in one minute;

Write a short quatrain with rhymes: meadow-bow, twig-pond.

Consonant alternation in Russian

Sometimes, contrary to the laws of spelling, some letters in words are replaced by others. For example, "spirit" and "soul". Historically (etymologically) they are the same root, but they have different letters in the root - "x" and "sh". The same process of alternating consonants is observed in the words "burden" and "wear". But in the latter case, the sound "sh" alternates with the consonant "s".

However, it should be noted that this is not an alternation of voiced and deaf consonants that make up a pair. This is a special type of replacement of one sound by another, which occurred in ancient times, at the dawn of the formation of the Russian language.

The following consonants alternate:

  • s - f - g (example: friends - be friends - friend);
  • t - h (example: fly - I'm flying);
  • c - h - k (example: face - personal - face);
  • s - w - x (examples: forester - goblin, arable land - plow);
  • w - d - railway (example: leader - driver - driving);
  • h - st (example: fantasy - fantastic);
  • u - sk (example: polished - gloss);
  • u - st (example: paved - pave).

Often, alternation is called the appearance in the verbs of the sound “l”, which is in this case the beautiful name "el epentetikum". Examples are the pairs of words “love - love”, “feed - feed”, “buy - buy”, “count - graph”, “catch - catch”, “ruin - destroy”.

The Russian language is so rich, the processes taking place in it are so diverse that if the teacher tries to find exciting options for working in the classroom both in the classroom and outside the classroom, then many teenagers will plunge into the world of knowledge and discoveries, will really become interested in this school subject.

General rule. Paired voiceless consonants p, f, t, s(and corresponding soft), k, sh at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants can be transmitted respectively by letters P or b , f or in , t or d , With or h , to or G , w or and . The same letters can convey paired voiced consonants b, c, e, h(and corresponding soft), g, f before paired voiced consonants (except in). In order to correctly write a consonant letter in these cases, you need to choose a different form of the same word or another word where in the same significant part of the word (the same root, prefix, suffix) the consonant being checked is before the vowel or before the consonants r, l, m, n, v(and corresponding soft), as well as before j(on the letter - before the separating b and b , see § 27–28). Examples:

Consonants in roots and suffixes:

1) at the end of a word: dub (cf. oak, oak), deepP (stupid, stupid), grab (rob), sypi (pour), butWith (noses), inh (carts),thd (of the year), crot (mole), wifet (married), handin (sleeves), crovy (blood, blood), shtraf (fines, penalty, penal), vymoto (get wet, get wet, wet), blueto (bruises), moG (can, could), smallw (baby, baby),montaand (mounting, mounting), drawzh (tremble, tremble); cf. izmorosz (frost, frost, freeze) and izmorocamping (drizzle, drizzle);

2) before consonants:

a) before the deaf dub ki(cf. oaks, oak), tryaP ka (rag, rag, rag, rag), kuP ca (merchant), aboutin ca (sheep),loin cue (dexterous), handin chik (sleeves), scalef chik (cabinets), neitherh cue (low), miWith ka (bowls), Wacamping ka (Vasya), Kusz ka (Kuzya, Kuzma), kad ka (tub), met cue (marks), toG ti (claw), loto ti (elbow), beG stvo (running, fugitive), loand ka (spoon, spoon), roomw ka (small rooms), wingsw to (wings); cf. togetherand ku (intersperse) and togetherw ku(mix), suP chik (soups) and sub chik (subject);

b) before paired voiced (except in): molobe ba (thresh), swad ba (weddings, wedding; do not check with a word woo), hod ba (walk), aboutcamping ba (ask), resz ba (cut), oxw ba (magic), boand ba (swear), vraand Yes(hostile), and gu (burn, burn), and to give (wait).

Exceptions: in words holed and open spelled With , although there are verbs open (Xia), open (Xia) and open (Xia), open up (Xia). In words abstraction, reaction, correction spelled to (although abstract, react, correct), in the word transcription spelled P (although transcribe); in these cases, the alternation of consonants in the source language (Latin) is reflected in the letter. About type relations prognosis - prognostic, diagnosis - diagnostics see a., paragraph 2, Note 1.

Consonants in prefixes (before a voiceless or paired voiced consonant, except in): in walk,in beat(cf. enter, enter), on thed prick (cut, tear), aboutb thrash, ohb fry (cut off, cut off, go around), aboutt talk aboutt call, oht advise (wean), ond throw, byd throw, byd send (bring, send), With do,With cunning(be able to, be able to, fail), Pred carpathian (Cis-Urals).

What is the difference between vowels and consonants and sounds? What rules do they follow? How is the hardness and softness of sounds and letters indicated? You will get answers to all these questions in the presented article.

General information about vowels and consonants

Vowels and consonants are the basis of the entire Russian language. Indeed, with the help of their combinations, syllables are formed that add up to words, expressions, sentences, texts, and so on. That is why quite a lot of hours are devoted to this topic in high school.

and sounds in Russian

A person will learn about what vowels and consonants are in the Russian alphabet from the first grade. And despite all the seeming simplicity of this topic, it is considered one of the most difficult for students.

So, in the Russian language there are ten vowels, namely: o, i, a, s, u, i, e, e, y, e. During their direct pronunciation, you can feel how the air passes freely through the oral cavity. At the same time, we hear our own voice quite clearly. It should also be noted that vowels can be pulled (ah-ah-ah-ah, uh-uh-uh, i-i-i-i-i, u-u-u-u-u and so on ).

Features and letters

Vowels are the basis of the syllable, that is, they organize it. As a rule, there are as many syllables in Russian words as there are vowels themselves. Let's give a good example: u-che-no-ki - 5 syllables, re-bya-ta - 3 syllables, he - 1 syllable, o-no - 2 syllables, and so on. There are even words that consist of only one vowel sound. Usually these are interjections (Ah!, Oh!, Woo!) and unions (and, a, etc.).

Endings, suffixes and prefixes are very important topics in the Russian language discipline. Indeed, without knowing how such letters are written in a particular word, it is rather problematic to compose a competent letter.

Consonants and sounds in Russian

Vowel and consonant letters and sounds differ significantly. And if the former can be easily pulled, then the latter are pronounced as short as possible (except for hissing ones, since they can be pulled).

It should be noted that in the Russian alphabet the number of consonant letters is 21, namely: b, c, d, e, g, h, d, k, l, m, n, p, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, sh. The sounds denoted by them are usually divided into deaf and voiced. What is the difference? The fact is that during the pronunciation of voiced consonants, a person can hear not only the characteristic noise, but also his own voice (b!, z!, p!, etc.). As for the deaf, they cannot be pronounced loudly or, for example, shouted. They create only a kind of noise (sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, s-s-s-s-s, etc.).

Thus, almost everything falls into two different categories:

  • voiced - b, c, d, d, f, z, d, l, m, n, r;
  • deaf - k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w.

Softness and hardness of consonants

Not everyone knows, but vowels and consonants can be hard and soft. This is the second most important feature in the Russian language (after voiced and deaf).

A distinctive feature of soft consonants is that during their pronunciation, the human language takes on a special position. As a rule, it shifts slightly forward, and its entire middle part rises slightly. As for when they are pronounced, the tongue is pulled back. You can compare the position of your speech organ yourself: [n] - [n '], [t] - [t ']. It should also be noted that voiced and soft sounds sound somewhat higher than hard ones.

In Russian, almost all consonants have pairs on the basis of softness and hardness. However, there are those who simply do not have them. These include hard ones - [g], [w] and [c] and soft ones - [th "], [h"] and [w"].

Softness and hardness of vowels

Surely few people have heard that the Russian language has soft vowels. Soft consonants are sounds that are quite familiar to us, which cannot be said about the above. This is partly due to the fact that in high school there is practically no time for this topic. After all, it is already clear with the help of which vowels the consonants become soft. However, we still decided to dedicate you to this topic.

So, soft letters are those letters that are able to soften the consonants that come before them. These include the following: i, e, i, e, u. As for such letters as a, y, s, e, o, they are considered hard, since they do not soften the consonants going in front. To see this, here are a few examples:

The designation of the softness of consonants in the phonetic analysis of the word

The sounds and letters of the Russian language are studied by phonetics. Surely, in high school you were asked more than once to make a certain word. During such an analysis, it is imperative to indicate whether it is separately considered or not. If yes, then it should be marked in the following way: [n '], [t '], [d '], [in '], [m '], [n ']. That is, at the top right, next to the consonant letter in front of the soft vowel, you need to put a kind of dash. The following soft sounds are also marked with a similar icon - [th "], [h"] and [sh"].

Sound is the smallest unit of language, pronounced with the help of the organs of the speech apparatus. Scientists have discovered that at birth, human hearing perceives all the sounds that it hears. All this time, his brain sorts out unnecessary information, and by 8-10 months a person is able to distinguish sounds that are unique to mother tongue, and all the nuances of pronunciation.

33 letters make up the Russian alphabet, 21 of them are consonants, but letters should be distinguished from sounds. A letter is a sign, a symbol that can be seen or written. The sound can only be heard and pronounced, and in writing it can be designated using transcription - [b], [c], [d]. They carry a certain semantic load join together to form words.

36 consonants: [b], [h], [c], [d], [g], [g], [m], [n], [k], [l], [t], [p ], [t], [s], [u], [f], [c], [w], [x], [h], [b "], [h "], [c"], [ d "], [th"], [n"], [k"], [m"], [l"], [t"], [s"], [n"], [r"], [ f "], [g"], [x"].

The consonants are divided into:

  • soft and hard;
  • voiced and deaf;

    paired and unpaired.

Soft and hard consonants

The phonetics of the Russian language has a significant difference from many other languages. It contains hard and soft consonants.

At the time of pronunciation soft sound the tongue is pressed against the palate more strongly than when pronouncing a hard consonant sound, preventing the release of air. This is what distinguishes a hard and soft consonant from each other. In order to determine in a letter whether a consonant is soft or hard, you should look at the letter immediately after a particular consonant.

Consonants are classified as solid in such cases:

  • if letters a, o, u, uh, s follow after them - [poppy], [rum], [hum], [juice], [bull];
  • after them there is another consonant sound - [pile], [hail], [marriage];
  • if the sound is at the end of the word - [gloom], [friend], [table].

The softness of the sound is written as an apostrophe: mol - [mol '], chalk - [m'el], gate - [kal'itka], fir - [p'ir].

It should be noted that the sounds [u ’], [d ’], [h ’] are always soft, and hard consonants are only [w], [c], [g].

The consonant sound will become soft if it is followed by "b" and vowels: i, e, u, i, e. For example: gene - [g "en], len - [l" he], disk - [d "isk] , hatch - [l "uk], elm - [v" yaz], trill - [tr "el"].

Voiced and deaf, paired and unpaired sounds

According to the voicedness, consonants are divided into voiced and deaf. Voiced consonants can be sounds created with the participation of the voice: [c], [h], [g], [b], [g], [d], [m], [d], [l], [p] , [n].

Examples: [boron], [ox], [shower], [call], [heat], [head], [catch], [pestilence], [nose], [genus], [swarm].

Examples: [count], [floor], [volume], [dream], [noise], [u "uk], [choir], [king"], [ch "an].

Paired voiced and deaf consonants include: [b] - [n], [g] - [w], [g] - [x], [h] - [s]. [d] - [t], [c] - [f]. Examples: true story - dust, house - volume, year - code, vase - phase, itching - court, live - sew.

Sounds that do not form a pair: [h], [n], [c], [x], [p], [m], [l].

Soft and hard consonants can also have a pair: [p] - [p "], [n] - [n"], [m] - [m"], [c] - [c"], [d] - [ d "], [f] - [f "], [k] - [k"], [h] - [h "], [b] - [b"], [g] - [g"], [ n] - [n "], [s] - [s"], [l] - [l "], [t] - [t"], [x] - [x"]. Examples: true story - white, height - branch, city - cheetah, cottage - business, umbrella - zebra, skin - cedar, moon - summer, monster - place, finger - pen, ore - river, soda - sulfur, pillar - steppe, lantern - farm, mansions - hut.

Table for memorizing consonants

To visually see and compare soft and hard consonants, the table below shows them in pairs.

Table. Consonants: hard and soft

Solid - before the letters A, O, U, S, E

Soft - before the letters I, E, E, Yu, I

Hard and soft consonants

Another table will help memorize consonant sounds.

Table. Consonants: voiced and voiceless
UnpairedL, M, N, R, YX, C, H, W

Children's poems for better mastering of the material

The letters are exactly 33 in the Russian alphabet,

To find out how many consonants -

Subtract ten vowels

Signs - hard, soft -

It will immediately become clear:

It turns out the number is exactly twenty-one.

Soft and hard consonants are very different,

But not dangerous at all.

If we pronounce with noise, then they are deaf.

Consonant sounds proudly say:

They sound different.

Hard and soft

Actually very light.

One simple rule to remember forever:

W, C, F - always solid,

But H, W, Y - only soft,

Like cat paws.

Let's soften the others like this:

If we add a soft sign,

Then we get spruce, moth, salt,

What a clever sign!

And if we add the vowels I, I, E, E, Yu,

We get a soft consonant.

Signs-brothers, soft, hard,

We don't pronounce

But to change the word

Let's ask for their help.

The rider is riding a horse

Kon - use in the game.

Ownership oral speech very important for social life and development of the individual. Much attention in the study of the native (or foreign) language is paid to colloquial speech - the correct pronunciation of phonemes. There are many words that differ only in individual sounds. Therefore, special attention is paid to the functioning of the organs of speech and sound formation.

Sound production

Sound formation occurs as a result of mental and speech activity of a person. Voice apparatus consists of the diaphragm, larynx, epiglottis, pharynx, vocal cords, nasal and oral cavity, uvula, palate (soft and hard), alveoli, teeth, tongue, lips.

The tongue with the lower lip is actively involved in sound production. teeth, palate, upper lip remain passive.

The production of sounds (phonemes) includes:

  • respiration, breathing
  • phonation - the use of the larynx and vocal folds to create phonemes,
  • articulation - work for sound production.

Noisy (deaf) Russian

There are exactly 33 letters in the Russian language, and much more sounds - 42. There are 6 vowel phonemes consisting of a clear voice. The remaining 36 sounds are consonants.

In the creation of 16 consonant phonemes, only noise is involved, which is formed as a result of overcoming certain obstacles by the exhaled air flow, which are interacting speech organs.

[k, ], [n, ], [s, ], [t, ], [f, ], [x, ], [h, ], [u, ], [k], [n], [s ], [t], [f], [x], [c], [w] - deaf consonants.

To learn how to determine which consonant sounds are deaf, you need to know their main features: how and in what place they are formed, how vocal folds are involved in their production, whether there is palatalization during pronunciation.

Formation of noisy consonants

In the process of producing deaf consonant phonemes, the interaction of various organs of the speech apparatus occurs. They can close with each other or form a gap.

Deaf consonants are born when the exhaled overcomes these barriers. Depending on the type of obstacles, deaf phonemes are divided into:

  • stop plosives [k, p, t, k, p, t];
  • occlusive fricatives (affricates) [c, h,];
  • slotted (fricative) [s, f, x, u, s, f, x, w].

Depending on the places where barriers are formed, among deaf phonemes there are:

  • labial-labial [n, n];
  • labio-dental [f, f];
  • anterior lingual dental [s, s, t, t, c];
  • anterior-lingual palatine-tooth [h, u, w];
  • posterior lingual posterior palate [k, x, k, x].

Palatalization and velarization

Noisy phonemes are classified according to the degree of tension in the middle of the language. When in the process of sound production the anterior and middle regions of the tongue rise to the hard palate, a palatalized consonant (soft) voiceless sound is born. Velarized (hard) phonemes are produced by raising the root of the tongue to the posterior region of the soft palate.

6 soft and 6 hard noisy deaf phonemes make pairs, the rest do not have pairs.

Paired deaf consonants - [k, - k], [n, - p], [s, - s], [t, - t], [f, - f], [x, - x]; [c, h, sh, u,] - deaf unpaired consonants.


The combination of all the work of the individual organs of the speech apparatus involved in the pronunciation of phonemes is called articulation.

In order for speech to be understandable, one must be able to clearly pronounce sounds, words, sentences. To do this, you need to train your speech apparatus, work out the pronunciation of phonemes.

Having understood how deaf consonants are formed, how to pronounce them correctly, a child or an adult will master speech much faster.

Sounds [k - k, x - x,]

Lower the end of the tongue, slightly move away from the incisors of the lower jaw. Open mouth. Raise the back of the tongue so that it comes into contact with the border zone of the raised soft and hard palate. Through a sharp exhalation, the air overcomes the barrier - [k].

Press the end of the tongue against the lower front teeth. Bring the middle and back of the tongue closer to the middle-posterior region of the hard palate. Exhale - [to,].

In the production of phonemes [x - x,] the organs of speech are arranged similarly. Only between them remains not a link, but a gap.

Sounds [p - p,]

Close the lips, leave the tongue free to lie, slightly move its tip away from the lower incisors. Exhalation. The air jet breaks through the lips - [p].

The lips are the same. Press the end of the tongue against the incisors of the lower jaw. Raise the middle of the tongue to the hard palate. A sharp push of air overcomes the labial barrier - [p,].

Sounds [s - s,]

Stretch your lips, almost close your teeth. Touch the end of the tongue to the front teeth of the lower jaw. Bend the tongue, lifting the middle back to the palate. Its lateral edges are pressed against the upper chewing teeth. The air flow passes through the groove formed in the middle of the tongue. Overcomes the gap between the alveolar arch and the anterior back of the tongue - [s].

The phoneme [s, ] is pronounced similarly. Only the middle of the tongue rises higher, and the front arches more (the groove disappears).

Sounds [t - t,]

Open lips. Rest the end of the tongue against the incisors of the upper jaw, forming a bow. A jet of exhaled air breaks through the barrier with force - [t].

The position of the lips is the same. Press the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors. Touch the upper alveolar arch with the front of the tongue, creating a bow. Under the pressure of the air jet, an obstacle is overcome - [t, ].

Sounds [f - f,]

Slightly retract the lower lip and press the upper incisors against it. Raise the back of the tongue to the back of the soft palate. On exhalation, the air passes through a flat gap formed by the lip and teeth - [f].

Lips and teeth in the same position. Move the tip of the tongue to the lower incisors. Raise the middle part of the tongue to the palate. The air flow penetrates through the labio-dental fissure - [f,].

Sound [ts]

Sound is produced in two stages:

  1. Stretch slightly tense lips. Press the end of the tongue to the front lower teeth. Raise the front of the tongue, closing with the hard palate (just behind the alveolar arch).
  2. The air flow enters the oral cavity. Slightly bend the tongue - raise the middle part, lower the back, press the lateral edges to the chewing teeth. The bow turns into a gap and the air comes out - [c].

Sound [h,]

Phoneme formation consists of two phases:

  1. Slightly round and push the lips. Press the end and front of the tongue against the hard palate and alveolar arch, creating a barrier.
  2. Push out the air: at the place of the connection between the tongue and the palate, a gap will be obtained. At the same time, it is necessary to raise the middle of the tongue - [h,].

Sound [w]

Slightly rounded lips push. Raise the end of the tongue to form a narrow passage with the palate and the alveolar arch (1st gap). Lowering the middle of the tongue, raise its back (2nd slot). Press the edges to the chewing teeth, forming a bowl. Exhale smoothly - [sh].

Sound [u,]

The lips are slightly extended and rounded. Raise the end of the tongue to the alveolar arch, without pressing, so that there is a gap. Raise the tongue to the hard palate (except for the front part), press the edges against the molars of the upper jaw. Exhale slowly. The central part of the tongue goes down, creating a groove through which air flow. The tongue tenses - [u,].

In a speech stream, voiceless consonants coexist with other phonemes. If a vowel follows after a noisy phoneme, then the lips assume a position for the articulation of the latter.

Comparison of noisy deaf and voiced phonemes

Voiced are phonemes, in the formation of which both voice and noise are involved (the latter predominates). Some voiced have paired sounds from among the deaf.

Paired deaf consonants and voiced: [k - g], [k, - g, ], [p - b], [p, - b,], [t - d], [t, - d, ], [ s - h], [s, - h, ], [f - c], [f, - c, ], [w - g].

Voiced and voiceless unpaired consonants:

  • [d, l, m, n, p, l, m, n, p] - voiced (sonorous);
  • [x, h, u, x, c] - noisy deaf.

Designation of noisy phonemes by letters

The ability to write well is just as important as speaking. Mastering written speech is even more difficult, since some sounds on paper can be written in different letters or letter combinations.

Deaf consonants when written are transmitted by similar letters if they are in strong positions.

According to deafness-voicedness: before a vowel, [in - in,], other noisy ones (applicable to paired deaf people!).

By hardness-softness: before the vowel, [b, m, g, k, p, x, b, m, g, k, p, x,] - for sounds [s, s, t, t, ], at the end the words.

In other cases, to determine the correct letter (or combination of letters) for a deaf consonant phoneme, certain rules of the Russian language must be applied. And sometimes you just need to remember the correct spelling of words (dictionaries).