John silver history. The story of John Silver (1 photo)

John Silver is a fictional pirate. Silver is a character in the novel Treasure Island. Written by Robert Lewis.

John Silver had several nicknames, such as "Lanky John", "One-Legged" and "Ham". Probably the nickname "One-legged" Silver received due to the fact that he did not have one leg. The parrot Captain Flint sat on his shoulder all the time. He constantly shouts out the same words: "Piastres, piastres, piastres!"

In the book, John Silver appears only in the second part. Squire Trelawny found him at Bristol. There Silver kept a tavern called "Spyglass". Trelawny was looking for a team with which he wanted to go on a treasure hunt on the Hispaniola ship. When he met with John Silver, he told him about his desire. Silver, without hesitation, hired a cook on the Trelawny ship. In addition, he recommended a whole team of sailors. Later, Trelawney proudly claimed that he thought he had found just a cook, but it turned out he had found a whole team.

Soon the whole team of pirates went for treasure. John wanted to capture the treasure before the squire and persuaded the crew to fulfill his dream with him. However, their plot was overheard by Jim Hawkins. He hid in an apple barrel. Therefore, when the pirates approached Treasure Island, the plot was revealed.

But that didn't stop John. He landed with his crew on the island. Several people remained on the ship. John Silver made a mistake, he set up a camp in a swamp. Because of this, he almost died, and half of his team fell ill with a fever.

When Silver saw that the doctor, Captain Smollett and the squire hid in the fort, he came there to negotiate with a white flag. However, he achieved nothing. Then Silver tried to storm the fort, but again the operation was not successful. Soon the pirate discovers that the ship "Hispaniola" has disappeared. Then he begins to think how he can get out.

It didn’t take long to think, because the next day Dr. Livesey came to the pirate with a white flag. He made a pact with Silver. Under the agreement, the pirates got the fort and the map. Immediately a team of pirates moved to the fort. Soon Jim Hawkins came to visit Silver. Naturally, the pirate was very surprised, because it was Hawkins who stole the Hispaniola. The boy and the pirate entered into an agreement: John had to save Hawkins from the rebellious team, and he, in turn, promised to testify in favor of Silver at the trial. If only the case had gone to court. And in the morning Dr. Livesey came with a white flag. Silver asks him to testify in court that the pirate saved the boy's life. And the doctor, in turn, hints to Silver that he should not rush to look for treasures.

However, Silver still goes in search of the treasure. In doing so, he uses the Flint card. The pirate quickly found the treasure, but was disappointed. Instead of seven hundred thousand, only two guineas were found. There was an altercation. The doctor, the squire, and the captain took advantage of this. They began to shoot at the pirates and immediately killed several people. Some managed to escape. As for John Silver, he repented and again entered the service of Captain Smollett.

And on the way back to England, Silver stole a boat and pocketed a few guineas. On a boat, he escaped the ship and was never seen again.

John Silver in the book

Description and character

John Silver had the nicknames "Ham", "Long John", "One-Legged". John Silver is missing his left leg, which he lost in battle. He often has his parrot named "Captain Flint" on his shoulder. The parrot can speak, most often he calls out "Piastres, piastres, piastres!"

In John Silver's own words, he served as a quartermaster and was feared by Flint himself. In the Russian version of the book, Nikolai Chukovsky translated the word "quartermaster" as "quartermaster" (eng. quartiermeister), that is, a person in charge of food. According to Mikhail Weller, in fact, Silver was a quartermaster, that is, the head of the quarterdeck:

“It was with the quarterdeck that the ship first of all touched the enemy’s hull, approaching and falling down with him in boarding. From here, first of all, they jumped over to the enemy deck. Here the boarding team gathered before the stall. Quartermaster John Silver was the commander of the quarterdeck, that is, the boarding team! On the pirate ship, he commanded the elite thugs, the vanguard, the amphibious assault, the capture team! ... Here Flint himself was afraid of him. ”

Michael Weller. "Feast of the Spirit"

In English naval terminology, a quartermaster means "helmsman", "navigator", "navigator", or "foreman of the helmsmen". On land, a number of other duties were assigned to the quartermaster, in particular, ensuring discipline in the team.

“When I was quartermaster, the old Flint pirates listened to me like sheep. Wow, what discipline old John had on the ship!

He instilled horror not with his strength, but with prudence, not typical for a simple pirate, and deceit.

However, despite his disability and age, John is not at all defenseless. For example, he personally killed the sailor Tom, who refused to join the pirates.

Intentions and actions

Silver is first mentioned in the book by Billy Bones as a mysterious person. Jim Hawkins puts it this way:

One day he took me aside and promised to pay me four pence in silver on the first of every month if I "look in both eyes to see if a sailor on one leg appears anywhere," and let him know as soon as I see such a one.

“... one thought occurred to me about John Silver, which promised to deliver many amusing minutes: to take one of my friends, whom I loved and respected very much (the reader, it may very well be, knows and loves him no less than mine), discard his refinement and all the virtues of a higher order, leave him nothing but his strength, courage, sharpness and indestructible sociability, and try to find their embodiment somewhere at a level accessible to an uncouth sailor.

Shortly after the publication of the novel, Stevenson wrote to his friend, the literati William Henley ( English), whose leg was amputated as a result of bone tuberculosis: “It's time to make a confession. Lanky John Silver was born at the contemplation of your crippled strength and authority ... The thought of a cripple who commands and inspires fear with one sound of his voice was born solely thanks to you.

According to other sources, the book “A General History of Robberies and Murders Committed by the Most Famous Pirates”, published in London in 1724 by Charles Johnson, containing stories about many one-legged pirates, as well as the life story of the pirate Nathaniel North, could have influenced the image of John Silver ( English), who was also first a ship's cook, then a quartermaster and leader of the robbers, and was also married to a black woman.

Incarnations in cinema

  • Ben Wilson "Treasure Island (film, 1912)"
  • Charles Ogle "Treasure Island (film, 1920)"
  • Wallace Beery "Treasure Island (film, 1934)"
  • Robert Newton "Treasure Island (film, 1950)"; "John Silver", 1954; The Adventures of John Silver, 1957
  • Orson Welles "Treasure Island (film, 1965)" / La isla del tesoro; Treasure Island (film, 1972)
  • Anthony Quinn "Treasure Island (film, 1987)" / "L" isola del tesoro "
  • Armen Dzhigarkhanyan "Treasure Island (cartoon, 1988)"
  • Richard Grant "Legends of Treasure Island", 1993; "Treasure Island (film, 1997)"
  • Jack Palance "Treasure Island (film, 2001)"
  • Tobias Moretti "Treasure Island (film, 2007)" / "Die Schatzinsel"

Other books

  • E.Chupak. John Silver: Return to Treasure Island. Novel. Per. from English. N. Parfenova. M.: AST, 2010. 318 pages, 3000 copies, ISBN 978-5-17-066280-7



  • Characters in alphabetical order
  • fictional pirates
  • fictional chefs
  • Fictional entrepreneurs
  • Fictional amputee characters
  • Treasure Island

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

The only person Flint feared was his quartermaster, John Silver, who later even named his parrot "Captain Flint" in derision.

John Silver was quartermaster. And Flint himself was afraid of him. No wonder - Lanky John is an exceptional personality. But what is the position of "quartermaster"? The note to the Russian translation says: "supervisor of food." Which is not true at all.

In the original, Silver was not a quartermaster - he was a quartermaster, that is, a master of some quarter.

On ships, and not only pirate ones, but on English ships of the Renaissance in general, the master is the head of the deck. A deck or deck is a horizontal surface covering at least two-thirds of the ship's length. Each deck has its own master. If there are cannons on the deck, the master is an artilleryman, if this is the lowest deck, then the hold-machine, I don’t know exactly how it sounded called. By the way, it was the holdout who was engaged in food, he is closer.

The only deck on which the master was not responsible for the order was the uppermost deck, where the boatswain was in charge. This in no way infringed on the rights of the captain, who commanded the ship as a whole. The boatswain ensured only the proper performance of the part of the crew employed on the bridge of their duties.

But there was another deck, often virtual, sometimes built temporarily - the quarterdeck, so named because it did not exceed a quarter of the ship's length. Quarterdeck included quarterdeck (platform or deck in the stern of a sailing ship, one level above the waist, where the captain was, in whose absence - watch and guard officers, and compasses were installed there) and a canopy temporarily built over the bridge, usually assembled before an attack and more often on military or pirate ( special case combat) ships.

There, on the quarterdeck and quarterdeck, was the boarding party, the Marines of that era, a team of desperate thugs with a high probability of dying in an attack. In short boarding battles, the team that acted as a single organism, that is, was assembled, prepared and organized by a skilled and strong leader - the quarterdeck master, or quartermaster, won. Thus, John Silver was not the head of the production of feasts at Flint, but the chieftain of the Marine Corps.

Squabbling is a type of hobby for him, let's recall a similar character, professional amateur chef John Casey Ryback, performed by Steven Seagal (films Capture, etc.). Here everything immediately falls into place, Flint would be a fool if he were not afraid of such a person. I think so any captain, unless he combined the duties of a quartermaster with his basics (Blackbeard), was afraid of his chieftain. Something had to be done to counter it. Flint and opposed. On pirate ships, only one person, the captain, knew navigational science. At sea, the death of the captain meant the death of the team, only this kept Silver from attacking Flint. An interesting fact is that when the team was captured by pirates, they could leave the life of anyone, but a person with knowledge of navigation and navigation had no chance of surviving. They killed so that there would be no temptation of rebellion and the removal of the captain.

For the first time the world learned about the existence of John Silver (aka Lanky John, aka Ham) from the children's magazine "Young Folks", in which parts from 1881 to 1882 laid out the history of Treasure Island by the beginning writer Robert Louis Stevenson (Robert Louis Stevenson, aka Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson).

In 1883, a separate book was published and, in fact, this year is considered the year of writing. The novel became popular and instantly sold out in quotes.

I don’t see the point in retelling the plot, since everyone has read it. And who has not read, run to do it ...

I'll say a few words about sequels

In 1973, the story Ronald Frederick Delderfield / Ronald Frederick Delderfield was published. The Adventures of Ben Gunn describing the life of Ben Gun before and after the events of the novel.
We almost immediately began to print it in parts in the magazine "Around the World".

In 1977, a good sequel was released, which was written by Denis Judd / Dennis Judd The Adventures of Lanky John Silver

A complete description of the life of John Silver, in which the episode on the island occupies only a small chapter is described by Björn Larsson in the novel Lanky John Silver: A True and Captivating Tale of My Free Life as a Gentleman of Fortune and an Enemy of Mankind

The old pirate John Silver, already on his deathbed, recalls his bloody past and the treasures of Flint himself, buried on Skeleton Island.

In 2001, Irish writer Frank Delaney (under the pseudonym Francis Bryan) wrote a sequel novel Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island

Francis Bryan wrote the best continuation of Treasure Island - with the same characters, only a little matured and aged, with the preservation of storylines, with pirates, fights and chases, and most importantly, with the preservation of the scene - the main events of the novel all take place on the same " Treasure Island. Moreover, the novel is written exactly as Stevenson himself would have written it. He probably would have read it with great pleasure. In any case, this book will give pleasure to all modern readers.

In 2009, Yevgeny Nikanorov released a good sequel called Treasure Island Mystery

In 2010 Edward Chupack John Silver: Return to Treasure Island

The backstory of your favorite characters - and their new adventures. The truth about who and when buried Captain Flint's piastres on Treasure Island, the path to which is indicated on the map of Billy Bones. Delicious pirate flavor, a sharp plot and an unforgettable protagonist - One-legged John Silver, the most famous and charming image of the "gentleman of fortune" in world literature!

From 2010 to 2013, a wonderful graphic novel was published in 4 parts about the further adventures of John Silver, which takes place 20 years after the main events. Screenwriter: Xavier Dorison. Artist: Mathieu Lofrey

In 2013 Russian writer Viutor Tochinov released an "investigative novel" Island without treasure”, in which he proves that the apparent plot inconsistencies of the novel turn out to be subtly thought out plot moves, behind which the true face of the characters is hidden. In particular, the parents of Jim Hawkins traded in smuggling, from which Squire Trelawney received income, Dr. Livesey was a spy for the Jacobites, the pirates on the Hispaniola did not plot a rebellion at all, etc.

And now we raise the sails and sail towards the cinema.
(The team is distributed as follows: Jim Hawkins, John Silver, David Livesey, John Trelawney, Alexander Smollett.)

Cunning Americans were the first to understand the commercial benefits and made their debut in 1912.

Treasure Island
USA, 1912.
Director: J. Searle Dawley
Cast: Addison Rothermel, Ben F. Wilson, Richard Neill (Ben Gunn).

Ben F. Wilson

Treasure Island
USA, 1918.
Director: Chester M. Franklin, Sidney Franklin
Cast: Francis Carpenter, Violet Radcliffe, Virginia Lee Corbin, Buddy Messinger, Lewis Sargent (Ben Gunn)
The first rethinking of the novel: the roles of Silver and Trelawney are played by girls. Violette Radcliffe, who plays Silver, is only 10 years old.

Several similar films were made to illustrate a couple of shots from Aladdin:

Treasure Island
USA, 1920.
Directed by: Maurice Tourneur
Cast: Shirley Mason, Charles Ogle, Charles Hill Mailes, Sydney Deane, Harry Holden, Lon Chaney (Blind Pew / Merry).
Actress Shirley Mason as the boy Jim. And the brilliant thousand-faced Lon Chaney.

Shirley Mason

Treasure Island
USA, 1934.
Director: Victor Fleming
Cast: Jackie Cooper, Wallace Beery, Otto Kruger, Nigel Bruce, Lewis Stone.
The film ends very positively. Silver isn't such a villain after all.

Now a small reason for patriotism: the second country to film the novel was the USSR.
Treasure Island
USSR, 1938.
Director: Vladimir Vainshtok
Cast: Claudia Pugacheva, honored art. rep. Osip Abdulov, Honored Art. Rep.-Order Bearer V. Ershov, People's Art. USSR-Order Bearer Mikhail Klimov, Alexander Bykov, Honored. art. rep. Nikolai Cherkasov (Billy Bones)
Music: Nikita Bogoslovsky, lyrics: poet-order-bearer V. Lebedev-Kumach.
"Beat, drum, marching alarm. Time does not wait. Comrades, on the road!"
about world revolution. Pirates spend their leisure time singing and dancing. Jim is a girl who nurses wounded rebels in the attic and then dresses up as a boy. Sings dreary patriotic songs. Trelawney is a traitor and a bastard. Treasures are needed to win the revolution. "Thank you, Jenny," the rebel commander says at the end, "you didn't dress up as a boy in vain... You proved that young patriots are able to fulfill their duty to the Motherland."
"Whoever is not with us is both a coward and an enemy."

By the middle of the century, the British decided to film the novel of their compatriot.

Treasure Island
UK, 1950
Director: Byron Haskin
Cast: Bobby Driscoll, Robert Newton, Denis O'Dea, Walter Fitzgerald, Basil Sydney
The first color film about the OS.
The film ends the same way that the Jack Sparrow trilogy ended later: Silver sails away on a small boat under sail.

The first series arrived.
Treasure Island
UK, 1951
Cast: John Quayle, Bernard Miles, Valentine Dyall, Raymond Rollett, Derek Birch
1 season, 8 episodes.

Bernard Miles

TV show "Studio One" (10 seasons, 1948-1958)
Treasure Island
USA, 1952.
Director: Franklin J. Schaffner
Cast: Peter Avarmo, Francis L. Sullivan

In 1954, a sequel to the 1950 film was filmed. " Return to Treasure Island". Has nothing to do with the novel, except for the characters. Silver is again played by Robert Newton. Directed by Ewald André Dupont.
Outraged that his theme and actor are being used with might and main without him, Byron Haskin (director of the 1950 version) makes the film " Long John Silver"All with the same Robert Newton.

Australia picked up the Jolly Roger and Robert Newton to shoot
The Adventures of Long John Silver
Australia, 1955
Series, 1 season, 26 episodes.

Inspired by the example and opportunities, Europe became thoughtful... And let's create series and films for TV.

Belgium, 1957
Director: Piet van de Slype, G. Dyckhoff-Ceunen
Cast: Alex Wilequet, Dries Wieme
TV series.

Treasure Island
UK, 1957
Director: Joy Harington
Cast: Richard Palmer, Bernard Miles, Valentine Dyall, Raymond Rollett, Derek Birch
TV movie. 1951 remake. Replaced Jim, the rest of the actors are the same.

Expanding on the topic, the British are filming
The Adventures of Ben Gunn
UK, 1958
Cast: John H. Watson, Peter Wyngarde, John Moffatt (Ben Gunn), Meadows White (Old Ben Gunn)
Series, 1 season, 6 episodes.

The Italians are not far behind.
L "isola del tesoro
Italy, 1959
Directed by: Anton Giulio Majano
Cast: Alvaro Piccardi, Ivo Garrani, Roldano Lupi, Leonardo Cortese, Arnoldo Foa
TV movie.

In "The DuPont Show of the Month" (4 seasons, 34 episodes) comes out
Treasure Island
USA, 1960.
Director: Daniel Petrie
Cast: Richard O "Sullivan, Hugh Griffith, Michael Gough, Douglas Campbell, Barry Morse, Boris Karloff (Billy Bones).

"Shirley Temple's Storybook" (2 seasons, 41 episodes)
The Return of Long John Silver
USA, 1961.
Starring Silver: James Westerfield

Die Schatzinsel / L "île au trésor
West Germany-France, 1966
Directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Cast: Michael Ande, Ivor Dean, Georges Riquier, Jacques Dacqmine, Jacques Monod
Series, 1 season, 4 episodes.

Treasure Island
UK, 1968
Directed by: Peter Hammond
Cast: Michael Newport, Peter Vaughan
A series was planned. It hit the screens in 1980.

Carry on Christmas
UK, 1970
Directed by: Alan Tarrant
Cast: Barbara Windsor, Sid James, Kenneth Connor, Terry Scott
TV movie. Based on the. There are girls on the island. Jim is not being played by a boy again.

The carnival of serials and TV shows is temporarily interrupted
Treasure Island
USSR, 1971.
Director: Evgeny Fridman
Cast: Aare Laanemets, Boris Andreev, Laimonas Noreika, Algimantas Masiulis, Yuzas Urmanavichus, Vladimir Grammatikov (Joyce).
Music: Alexei Rybnikov, lyrics: Y. Mikhailov (Yuli Kim).
Brilliant cast. Painful music of pirate adventures.
Very close to Stevenson's text.
Good movie.

First cartoon.
Treasure Island
Australia, 1971
Directed by: Zoran Janjic

Another film with a good actor.
Treasure Island
France-Italy-Spain-England-Germany, 1972.
Directed by: John Hough
Cast: Kim Burfield, Orson Welles, Ángel del Pozo, Walter Slezak, Rik Battaglia.

The second island multipliers were the Americans.
Treasure Island
USA, 1973.
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Voices: Davy Jones, Richard Dawson
Pay attention to the name and surname of the actor who voiced Jim. That's the name of the main villain in "Pirates caribbean"performed by Bill Nighy.

Mysterious film from Romanian filmmakers
Insula comorilor
Romania, 1975
Director: Gilles Grangier, Sergiu Nicolaescu

Treasure Island
UK, 1977
Cast: Ashley Knight, Alfred Burke, Anthony Bate, Thorley Walters, Richard Beale
Mini-series, 4 episodes.

The third film made in the USSR.
Treasure Island
USSR, 1982.
Director: Vladimir Vorobyov
Cast: Fyodor Stukov, Oleg Borisov, Viktor Kostetsky, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Konstantin Grigoriev, Leonid Markov (Billy Bones), Olga Volkova (Mrs. Hawkins), Valery Zolotukhin (Ben Gunn), Nikolai Karachentsev (Black Dog), Yuri Solomin (voice) from the author).
Filmed for TV, 4 episodes.
The stellar cast, great acting work made this film a hit for a couple of decades among fans of the genre.

Planetat on Treasury
Bulgaria, 1982
Director: Rumen Petkov
The first attempt to transfer the plot from a desert island to another planet.

Treasure Island
UK, 1982
Directed by: Judith de Paul
Cast: Piers Eady, Bernard Miles, David Kernan, Harold Innocent, Christopher Cazenove.
TV movie.

Treasure Island
France-England-USA, 1985
Directed by: Raoul Ruiz
Cast: Melvil Poupaud, Vic Tayback, Lou Castel, Martin Landau (Old Captain), Tony Jessen (Ben Gunn)

Our cartoon
Treasure Island, Two Series: Captain Flint's card and Treasures of Captain Flint
USSR, 1986.
Director: David Cherkassky
Voices: Valery Bessarab, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Yevgeny Paperny, Boris Voznyuk, Viktor Andrienko, Yuri Yakovlev (Ben Gunn)
Music, songs, intrigues and dances.
Zongs about smoking and stuff - brilliant.
Dzhigarkhanyan's voice makes me want to voice all the pirates.

Return to Treasure Island
UK, 1986
Director: Alan Clayton
Cast: Christopher Guard, Brian Blessed, Peter Copley, Bruce Purchase, Richard Beale
TV series (season 1, 10 episodes) "based on".

The second Australian cartoon.
Treasure Island
Australia, 1987
Voice of Silver: Ross Higgins

Another cartoon.
The Adventures of Ronald McDonald: McTreasure Island
USA, 1989
Voices: Susan Blu, Tim Blaney

If Anthony Quinn had not played John Silver, then the world would not be what it is now.
L "isola del tesoro
Italy-Germany, 1987.
Directed by: Antonio Margheriti
Cast: Itaco Nardulli, Anthony Quinn, David Warbeck, Philippe Leroy, Klaus Löwitsch
Mini series Sci-Fi.
Star Wars and Pirates.

Immediately after the end of the 80s, a landmark film is released. With great actors.
Treasure Island
UK-US, 1990.
Director: Fraser Clarke Heston
Cast: Christian Bale, Charlton Heston, Julian Glover, Richard Johnson, Clive Wood, Oliver Reed (Billy Bones), Christopher Lee (Blind Pew).
And again we see that "Pirates of the Caribbean" used its predecessors with might and main.
This is Christian Bale's fifth film.
Heston, Reid and Lee became pirates immediately after the movie Return of the Musketeers (1989).

England continues to produce serials.
The Legends of Treasure Island
UK, 1993
Cast: John Hasler/Dawn French, Richard E. Grant, Robert Powell, Hugh Laurie, Chris Barrie.
2 seasons, 26 episodes.

Japan joins with cute Silver.
Japan, 1978-1994.
Directed by: Osamu Dezaki, Hideo Takayashiki
Voices: Marek Harloff, Michael Grimm/Genzô Wakayama, Harald Pages, Gerd Marcel, Klaus Dittmann

England decided to surprise
Treasure Island
UK, 1995
Directed by: Ken Russell
Cast: Gregory Hall, Hetty Baynes (Jane Silver), Bob Goody (Livesey), Michael Elphick (Billy Bones), Charles Augins (Blind Pew).
The director's husband came up with a project for his wife.

Hetty Baynes & Ken Russell

In 1994, the USA released " Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins". The same year in the same country in the film " The Pagemaster"Silver, played by Jim Cummings, runs through the episode. We also run past" An Awfully Big Adventure(1995), in which Silver is played by Peter O "Farrell and Past" Return to Treasure Island"1996 (Stig Eldred), but stay at the Muppets.

Muppet Treasure Island
USA, 1996
Director: Brian Henson
Cast: Kevin Bishop, Tim Curry, Kermit
3 nominations in various awards: Saturn Award, Golden Satellite Award, Young Artist Award.
Kermit plays Captain Livesey.
The crustacean has a hook on Silver's shoulder instead of one claw.

And again cartoons.
Treasure Island
USA, 1996
Directed by: Diane Eskenazi

Treasure Island
UK, 1997
Directed by: Dino Athanassiou
Voices: Dawn French, Richard E. Grant, Robert Powell, Hugh Laurie, Chris Barrie
Dawn French had already played Jim in the 1993 series.
Hugh Laurie voices Trelawny.

Treasure Island
England-Canada, 1999.
Directed by: Peter Rowe
Cast: Kevin Zegers, Jack Palance, David Robb, Christopher Benjamin, Malcolm Stoddard
A few spoilers: Trelawney, Livesey and Smollett trick Jim into taking his share of the treasure. But good-natured Jim joins (along with Ben Gunn) the pirates and carefully takes revenge by killing Trelawny, Livesey and Smollett.

So sadly ended the 90s.

The new century began with the series " Search for Treasure Island"(2000, 2 seasons, 14 episodes), which is completely" based on ". In the role of Silver - Chris Baz, Jim - Julian Dibley-Hall.
Then there was a beautiful cartoon
treasure planet
USA, 2002
Director: Ron Clements, John Musker
Voices: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Brian Murray

Treasure Island
USA, 2002
Directed by: Will Meugniot

Pirates of Treasure Island
USA, 2006
Director: Leigh Scott
Cast: Tom Nagel, Lance Henriksen, Jeff Denton, Dean N. Arevalo, James Ferris

Die Schatzinsel
Germany, 2007
Directed by: Hansjörg Thurn
Cast: François Goeske, Tobias Moretti, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Christian Tramitz, Jürgen Schornagel
TV movie.

L "île au (x) trésor (s)
France-England-Hungary, 2007.
Directed by: Alain Berberian
Cast: Vincent Rottiers, Gerard Jugnot, Jean-Paul Rouve, Alice Taglioni, Michael Culkin
The idea is freely inspired by Stevenson.
Now there will be some spoilers. The film begins with the completely drunk Dr. Livesey sawing off a healthy leg to John Silver, who was wounded in the arm. Jim Hawkins serves as a guard at a prison that holds an old pirate. On the night before the execution, the pirate draws a map of Treasure Island on the floor of the cell and, not having time to hand it over to Silver, who disguised himself as a monk, dedicates Jim to the secret, forcing the latter to remember the drawing. Jim and Silver, in order to hire a ship, are forced to dedicate a secret to the aristocratic Evangeline Trelawne, who suffers from a split personality (the second personality is a nymphomaniac killer). Jim completely forgets the map from a blow to the head. On the ship, by the will of fate, is the drunken Dr. Livesey. The island is inhabited, it is inhabited by several Spaniards and the wild Ben Gunn, who dreams of a piece of fried meat. There are still all sorts of adventures, heaps of corpses, Jim alone dumps from the island and, subsequently, becomes known as Blackbeard.
I like this film.

And two more series complete our review
Treasure Island
UK, Ireland, 2012
Directed by: Steve Barron
Cast: Toby Regbo, Eddie Izzard, Daniel Mays, Rupert Penry-Jones, Philip Glenister

Black Sails
USA, 2014
A prequel series focusing on the early life of Flint, Silver, and Ben Gun.
Cast: Toby Stevens (Flint), Hannah New (Eleanor), Luke Arnold (Silver), etc.

We lower the sails, drop anchor and go to the tavern "Admiral Benbow" or "Spyglass" (as you like) drink rum, look at pirates and listen to the cry of a parrot from strange name Captain Flint: "Piastres! Piasters!"
Or sing along