Why dota 2 card sets are needed. Player cards - review by Cyborgmatt

Collectors and lovers of achievements have found a new hobby for themselves in the Steam Trade Card, among which Dota 2 cards are especially popular and respected. Many Steam users have already encountered a system for exchanging cards for badges and other items, but in the case of Dota 2, the situation is much more interesting and more appetizing for connoisseurs.


The ways to get cards in DotA 2 are somewhat different from the standard ones, because Defense of the Ancient 2 is free game, which means there will be no free fallout. Like any other, cards in DotA 2 can be ordinary or metal (the latter are significantly higher in price and fall quite rarely).

However, card dota 2 of both types can be depicted with portraits of the following characters:

  1. Bounty Hunter. A very symbolic Treasure Hunter card, given the possible methods of obtaining (more on them below).
  2. Phantom Lancer. Many copies symbolize the amount of money that has already been spent.
  3. Razor. Similar to attack drain, these dota 2 cards start sucking money out of your pocket.
  4. Riki. An invisible threat that also adores gold.
  5. Tidehunter. With a love for sunken treasure, TX will be a great reward.
  6. Tiny. The Stone Giant, like your budget, grows with each action.
  7. Tusk. A mercenary who loves to fight is not cheap both in terms of games and cards.
  8. Vengeful Spirit. The spirit of vengeance, the receipt of which marks the possession of a badge.

Each dota 2 trading card is not only a beautiful item in the collection, but also a path to a great badge that can be leveled up.

Methods to get

There are several ways to get collectible cards from dota 2, each of which requires different efforts and finances:

  1. For every $9 spent in the in-game store. Remember, Dota 2 is a free game, which means that in order to make a profit, you must sell game content. If you can get a card according to all the rules, then it will drop out after a maximum of an hour of playing DotA.
  2. Buy on the marketplace. Valve allows its gamers to exchange cards for steam money.
  3. Exchange. You can get exchange cards only if you have something of equal value, interesting to the owner.
  4. From Booster Packs. They can be obtained every time you collect a Dota 2 badge. The higher the profile level, the higher the drop rate (after level 50 it is 100%). In addition, Boosters are also sold on the marketplace.

The easiest way is to buy DotA 2 cards on the site, but if you want to collect a metal reward, then you may not have enough parts available.


You should learn how to get collectible dota cards 2, you can immediately start collecting them to assemble very beautiful Steam community icons, which specifically for Dota 2 can be like this:

  1. support. Awarded for 100 experience.
  2. Disabler. Slightly harder to acquire, 200 exp.
  3. jungler. Something average and respected, 300 exp.
  4. initiator. Near the top, 400 exp.
  5. Ganker. The most valuable thing that can be obtained relatively quickly. 500 exp and a sea of ​​suffering.
  6. hard carry. It can only be obtained for metal cards. There are no other types of metal prize.

Getting a badge is more difficult than a separate constituent element, however, it will remain in the profile forever and cannot be exchanged / sold.


In addition to the badge, each Dota 2 player who collects cards and turns them into a badge will receive the following rewards:

  1. Profile background.
  2. Emotion (smile).
  3. Chance to get a coupon.
  4. 100 experience for the Steam profile.

On the this moment the following backgrounds are available:

  1. Dota Ancients.
  2. Tidehunter.
  3. Vengeful Spirit.
  4. dragon.
  5. Crystal Maiden and Lina.

Having collected the entire composition of one of the teams, you will receive a unique bonus.

2018 Battle Pass owners can now purchase Dota2 Player Cards. Having collected the entire composition, the user will receive a teleport effect with the emblem of the selected team. With the release of a new update that happened last night, the owners Battle Pass 2018 received a unique Dota2 logo sticker.

Compared to last year's packs, card sets are easier to open, because now you do not need to click on each hero card. Received players open immediately. This year, you can also create a player card that users want using dust. The cost of such a purchase is 30 dust.

True, the developers from Valve hurried with the release of fantasy cards. Not only is Fear still listed as part of Evil Geniuses, but also the nicknames of some players are displayed from the pub, and not their official nicknames.

In addition, the game has added a system of predictions for The International 2018, but it will be possible to make your predictions only after the end of the TI8 group stage. Even the owners of the Battle Pass will be able to choose their favorite team.

In yesterday's update valve added player cards expected by users. Unlike the experiences of previous years, developers Dota 2 offer not just to collect a collection of players, but to conduct a full-fledged fantasy test, already familiar to fans of many sports. One way or another, we will review the entire system from beginning to end, so that each user can correctly choose a team and get the opportunity to earn maximum points for the compendium.

Each owner of the compendium is initially given 15 sets of 5 cards. Total - 75 , however, it is possible that in the sets you will come across the same cards. You can disenchant extra copies using the dust to get new sets of cards.

There are three types of cards: regular, silver and gold. The second and third types give different bonuses (more on that later), so spraying them will give you more dust - respectively 2 and 5 units. If you didn’t have time or simply didn’t want to spray the cards from the very beginning, you can do it later: the general menu will show if you have two copies of the same card.

As a result, the resulting dust can be exchanged for new sets of cards at a rate of 10 to 1. You can also spray uneven cards if you do not need them. For example, it would be logical to get rid of the players of those teams that will finish their participation in the tournament.

If you think you don't have enough cards, Marketplace there are plenty of those who are not at all interested in this - you can buy as many additional sets as you like to strengthen your team.

Now to what all this is for. Every day you must make up your world team from among the players you have, and their real actions in the tournament The International will earn you points. At the end of the tournament, the best will receive rewards for the compendium, depending on the points scored relative to other users.

  • Best 10% will receive 16,000 points for your Battle Pass;
  • Best 25% will receive 8,000 points for your Battle Pass;
  • Best 50% will receive 4,000 points for your Battle Pass.

Thus, giving advice and following the same tactics regarding the choice of players for us and for you does not make sense - even a large number of fantasy points scored may not bring success if many use the same strategy. Therefore, we will simply limit ourselves to recommendations general so that you can imagine how it is better to assemble a team and what affects the points earned.

Change team

Firstly, great value has the fact that you can change the composition of your team every day. First of all, you will need to follow the schedule: for example, on August 2, only four teams will perform - EHOME, compLexity, Escape Gaming and Execration. Thus, no matter how well they play TI6 Dendi or loda, their presence on the team on dates they are not playing will not earn you points.

From August 3 to 5, you will hardly have to think about it: the group stage matches involve the participation of all sixteen teams that will be involved in the final stage. Remember only that the losers in wild-card teams will definitely not be able to play in the tournament, which means that their players will not add the coveted points to the piggy bank. However, the most stubborn should think about the fact that on some days certain teams play less/more games than others.

From the 8th to the 13th, everything will be quite variable: before assembling a team for this day, be sure to look at the schedule - the list of teams playing on a given day will be determined based on the results of the group stage and the games of the previous day. Keep an eye on the teams that have been eliminated - it's unlikely that the coolest carry will help you if his team does not play a single match.

On the last day, only three teams will remain in the tournament, from which you will need to choose.

Remove the weak

If you are determined to get 16 additional levels and you have little interest in the collection, then think about the fact that when compiling a team, you are unlikely to need all the players. So, it is unlikely that you will use cards of outright outsiders - isn't it easier to immediately dispel into dust what you are not going to use, getting additional opportunities to get the cards you need? Take into account that the weakest role in the fantasy league is the hardliners, who only rarely bring more points than the midlaners or carries of the same teams.

It should, of course, be taken into account that The International maybe surprise - who knows, maybe you will regret that you rushed to remove all the players TNC from your pool. Perhaps this game is not worth the candle, but one thing is for sure - you need to get rid of those players who left the tournament in time: they will definitely not bring you points.

Not all that glitters is gold

Don't pay too much attention to gold cards. Of course, they give an advantage and increase the fantasy points scored by the player, but if the player himself is weak and not able to score many points, will the quality of the card help him? Wouldn't it be better to replace it with a regular card from a stronger player?

You should also take a close look at the benefits that the card provides if you are in doubt. Is it possible that these bonuses will allow him to score a large number of points? All this must be analyzed, considered in detail and calculated if you intend to be among the best.

Some statistics

Now let's see how these points are scored. To begin with, a few rules for those who have not yet entered the new Compendium or missed it by yourself:

  • 0,3 points for the kill;
  • 5 points minus 0,3 for every death;
  • 0,003 points for each last hit/deny;
  • 0,002 point for every point GPM;
  • 1 a point for killing a tower;
  • 1 point for kill Roshan;
  • Before 5 points for involvement in team battles;
  • 0,5 points for set Observer Ward;
  • 0,5 points for a stacked camp of neutral creeps;
  • 0,25 points for the selected rune;
  • 4 points for spilled first blood;
  • 0,05 points for every second.

No matter how hard we tried valve(if they tried at all), the balance in the fantasy league did not work out. We tried to highlight the main trends that will allow everyone to make the right choice by studying the statistics.

Wards and stacks of neutral creeps are too expensive. On average, a good support can set the order 10 wards, and in long games - and much more. However, you need to keep an eye on who exactly in the team deals with wards and stacks: for example, art style, Unlike SoNNeiko, almost never puts wards, and this is mainly done by a position 5 support. At the same time, some carries themselves stack neutrals with the help of Helm of the Dominator, while others trust it to supports.

You can get a lot of points for team fights: you just need to identify teams with an active style of play (for example, OG or Na "Vi), and use these players: constant teamfights during a long map can bring a lot of points to your piggy bank.

These are the two main indicators that, under good circumstances, can bring a huge amount of points. Slightly less important are deaths - good game can allow a cautious carry or mid laner to keep almost the maximum indicator and score more than 4 points - and runes: for example, or, let's say, io can collect more than ten of them and add a couple of points to himself.

Immediately four points will be brought to you by the one who sheds first blood, but it's really difficult to guess. And if it’s not so difficult to decide which team is stronger in this, then in the turmoil of the struggle for the rune, supports are unlikely to risk leaving extra gold for carries. However, core heroes will be able to earn some points on kills. Roshan, kills and taken towers.

In the same time valve set too low for some important indicators: for example, indicators GPM and the number of killed creeps generally decide very little and are able to bring a maximum of one or two points per game.

One way or another, we hope that each of you can enjoy the fantasy game and get enough points to get a few extra levels. Battle Pass.