The danger of anabolics. The effect of anabolic steroids on the body

And estrogens) are produced in the male and female gonads.

The production of sex hormones proceeds according to the feedback principle. The essence of this process should be clear to the athlete, because. this explains certain side effects from the use of anabolic steroids. The activation of the production of steroid hormones begins with the release of tropins by the pituitary gland. Penetrating with the bloodstream into certain glands, they activate the release of hormones. Each endocrine gland has its own starting tropes. For the gonads, these are gonadotropic hormones - follitropin and luteotropin. With an increase in the concentration of tropins in the sex glands, the synthesis of steroids is stimulated and, accordingly, with an increase in the concentration of steroids, the secretion of gonadotropic hormones is inhibited.

Anabolic steroid have a significant impact on improving the strength characteristics of an athlete due to the growth of mass and muscle strength. However, such a result can only be achieved in combination with training and the normal provision of the body with proteins and amino acids.

What are anabolic steroids

Androgens are part of the group of steroid hormones, which are reproductive hormones, in particular testosterone. Artificial analogues of androgens are anabolic steroids. But steroids are also glucocorticosteroids, which cause back reactions- catabolic.

Many anabolic drugs block glucocorticosteroid receptors and thus inhibit catabolism (decomposition with energy release).

Testosterone, which is a male reproductive hormone, is also synthesized in small amounts in women. This hormone has two main characteristics. The androgenic and anabolic effects of testosterone are used by bodybuilders to induce an increase in muscle size and strength. Androgenic effect and due to the design of male sexual characteristics. However, artificial anabolic steroids, made not at all for athletes, have a slightly different effect. Pharmacologists have developed artificial anabolics with a more pronounced anabolic effect. The androgenic effect of drugs is poorly traced.

Anabolic steroids contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and tissue damage, which is due to the acceleration of protein production, active muscle growth, increased physical strength, activation of the production of creatine phosphoric acid and the accumulation of glycogen in muscle tissue.

People who are professionally involved in sports quite often resort to anabolics. However, this is the wrong choice. A bodybuilder who is confident that anabolics will provide an increase in muscle volume and strength is mistaken. Anabolics give results only in combination with physical activity. By themselves, anabolics are useless. Popular sports journalist D. Brennan claims that anabolics seem to work at first, but later their effect fades. Their action is difficult to predict. Sometimes muscles begin to grow only a few months after the use of anabolic steroids. The search for methods of use begins. Many take steroids along with somatotropin. New medicines can be found on the black market, mainly with an insulin-like effect. And all this is shrouded in mystery. The veil of secrecy opens only after one of the bodybuilders, after immoderate doses, ends up in a hospital bed. Only then everything becomes clear. Analyzes usually indicate serious health problems. The conclusion is obvious - anabolics are dangerous to health.

Side effects of anabolics

Side effects of anabolic steroids are widely known. With an increase in the amount of reproductive hormones in the blood plasma due to their use, an athlete may have damage to the genital organs and infertility, the development of arterial hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, an increase in oily skin and the appearance of acne, as well as an increase in the likelihood of oncological diseases. In male bodybuilders who use anabolics, breast growth in the female type often begins, atrophy of the testicles and a stop in the synthesis of male reproductive hormones and spermatozoa. Then erectile dysfunction, baldness and prostate cancer develop.

The biochemical scenario for the occurrence of male infertility with the use of anabolics is as follows: in the body of a man, luteotropin is delivered to the testicles with the bloodstream, where androgenic hormones are synthesized with the help of cholesterol. This is mainly testosterone, a hormone known to every bodybuilder who uses anabolic steroids and carefully calculates the doses and program so that this hormone is not found in elevated concentrations in the urine.

The existence of certain testosterone molecules in the blood is short-lived. They quickly turn into estrogen molecules. The remaining molecules are involved in the production of spermatozoa and in various anabolic processes. However, it was not in vain that we analyzed the principle of feedback in the functioning of the pituitary-gonadal axis. When high doses of anabolic steroids enter the body, this principle does not play in favor of the athlete. As soon as the pituitary gland receives a signal of an increased concentration of testosterone in the blood plasma, it reduces the production of tropins. When the concentration of testosterone remains high for a long time, the pituitary gland completely stops producing gonadotropic hormones. Thus, male infertility develops under the influence of anabolics, based on the feedback mechanism.

In women, side effects are manifested in the growth of body hair, menstrual irregularities, a decrease in the volume of the mammary glands and a lowering of the voice. The destructive effect of anabolics on the female reproductive system has a similar principle. The only difference is that more purely female reproductive hormones are synthesized. The main one is estrogen. Female infertility develops due to imbalance of reproductive hormones.

D. Brennan in the journal Muscular Development talks about other side effects of anabolic steroid use. The journalist talks about a study carried out with the help of two bodybuilder twins who achieved the same results in bodybuilding. The only difference was that the first bodybuilder did not take steroids, while the second did. Analyzes have shown a difference in the amount of testosterone in the body of athletes. The testosterone concentration in an anabolic addicted athlete was significantly increased. Modern diagnostic methods using echocardiographic equipment made it possible to study the work and condition of the heart. A bodybuilder who used steroids was found to have pathological changes in the heart. It also turned out that the left ventricle of his heart was enlarged, and the myocardium lost its elasticity. The latter deviation is the main factor in the sudden deaths of bodybuilders who used anabolics.

24 cases are known when the use of anabolics caused severe liver pathologies. This is not surprising, since The absorption of androgens is carried out mainly in the liver. Therefore, this body becomes ill one of the first.

The list of real cases of pathologies that have developed as a result of the use of steroids is impressive. The following were officially confirmed: myocardial infarction, cerebral sinus thrombosis, myocardial infarction with intracerebral hemorrhage, a decrease in the concentration of low density lipoproteins, an increase in blood pressure, thrombosis, etc.

Sooner or later, cholesterol is involved in the processes of interaction of reproductive hormones. Problems appear when, with an increased amount of anabolic steroids in the body, the balance of low and high density lipoproteins is disturbed. Low density lipoproteins tend to form atherosclerotic plaques, disrupting the cardiovascular system.

Steroids can provoke an imbalance in the athlete's immune system. With an increase in the amount of reproductive hormones in the body, the activity of regulatory T-lymphocytes decreases. At the same time, the work of B-lymphocytes is stimulated. As a result, immunodeficiencies develop and the reactivity of the athlete's immune system decreases.

Thus, we can conclude that anabolic steroids are extremely dangerous and incompatible with

Synthetic analogues of male sex hormones are called anabolic steroids. The main action of anabolics is aimed at the redistribution of fat and muscle mass. Under the influence of synthetic hormones, muscle volume, strength and endurance increase. Due to their effects, anabolics have found application in medicine and sports.

Medical and athletic use of steroids

Anabolic steroids were first synthesized for medical use. Appointment to patients allows you to achieve the following results in treatment:

Appetite increase
Stimulation of metabolism
Normalization of cell nutrition
Acceleration of protein synthesis and new cells
Weight gain
Normalization of the endocrine function of the body
Strengthening bones
Increase in the number of red blood cells

Anabolics are prescribed in the complex therapy of such conditions:

Total exhaustion due to HIV / AIDS, severe diseases or oncopathologies
Recovery after radio and chemotherapy
Postoperative rehabilitation
Slow healing of fractures
severe anemia
Stunted growth in children
Puberty disorder
Lack of appetite

Anabolic steroids due to their ability to increase muscle mass are widely used in sports. Their regular use allows you to achieve quick and visible results. Steroids belong to the category of doping drugs. Effects of using synthetic hormones:

Stimulation of growth and development of muscles
Improving the relief of muscles
Increasing endurance and strength characteristics
Speed ​​up recovery after workouts
Strengthening of bone tissue
Decreased body fat mass

The effect of steroids on the human body

Synthetic analogues of hormones, although they allow you to achieve quick results, however, they also differ in a wide range of desirable and adverse reactions. The action of anabolics is completely identical to natural testosterone. While taking the drugs, it is important to monitor blood counts and follow the instructions for use.


The liver is the main filtration organ of man. Without a liver, a person cannot live even a day. Once in the body in tablets or solutions, anabolics undergo a series of metabolic changes in liver cells - hepatocytes. A long course of steroids can cause such undesirable changes in the structure of the body:

Damage and destruction of liver cells
Distortion of the action of enzymatic systems
Formation of internal hemorrhages
Nodular degeneration of the liver
Violation of protein synthesis and blood clotting factors
Malignant transformation of an organ
drug-induced hepatitis


The kidneys act as a filter that purifies the blood and removes human waste. The effect of anabolic steroids on the kidney is indirect. Stimulation of protein synthesis can indirectly lead to an increase in organ size. An increase in pressure, on the contrary, causes shrinkage of the kidney and a decrease in the number of active cells. Rare secondary events include:

The formation of kidney stones
tumor growth
The appearance of blood in the urine

The cardiovascular system

An excess of androgens also affects the activity of the heart and blood vessels. The primary increase in myocardial thickness contributes to an increase in endurance and fitness. However, prolonged action of steroids can cause irreversible damage to the structure of the cardiovascular apparatus. Among the adverse reactions, the most common are:

Impaired cholesterol utilization
Increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
An increase in blood pressure
Change in normal heart rhythm
High risk of heart attack and stroke
Decreased functionality of the heart
Impaired delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells

Impact on the immune system

Short courses of anabolic steroids do not pose a threat to human immunity. However, taking steroids for more than 8 weeks in a row is fraught with a weakening of the body's defense systems, which is fraught with frequent infections. The mechanism of negative impact includes such

Reducing the amount of protective substances: lysozyme, complement system factors, interferons, kinins
Decrease in the total number of immune cells
Reduction of the main immune gland - thymus
Excessive and inadequate production of antibodies and their destruction of their own tissues

mental disorder

Testosterone is responsible for the competitive behavior of men. Excess hormone affects the structure and function of the nervous system. Nerve cells - neurons, are considered the most sensitive to changes in the body, and a violation of their activity leads to a distortion of higher nervous activity. The negative effect of steroids on the brain and psyche is manifested by such signs:

Reduced brain volume and number of neurons
Increasing aggressiveness
Unmotivated rudeness and criticism
Sudden attacks of nervous excitement and rage
Mood depression
Hostility and irritability
Decreased memory, concentration and work performance
The drop in learning
Decreased creativity


Testosterone causes the formation of male secondary sexual characteristics. Abuse of anabolics can have such an effect on the skin and its appendages:

Hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands
Thickening of sebum
Changing the pH of the skin
Decreased protective functions of the skin
Acne formation
Excess body hair growth
Premature head hair loss


The harm from the use of anabolics is associated with such effects:

Destruction of tear fluid enzymes
Malnutrition of the eyeball
Fluid outflow change
Decreased activity of phagocytes
Decreased local immunity

Together, these factors can lead to the development of infectious and allergic diseases. The most formidable complication is steroid glaucoma. Pathology is an increase in intraocular pressure as a result of a violation of the outflow of fluid. Glaucoma can lead to blindness.

Features of the effect of anabolics on the female and male body

The effects of anabolic steroids on the reproductive system vary significantly in men and women. This is due to various hormones and structural features of the reproductive apparatus. Among the most formidable adverse reactions after the use of anabolic steroids is infertility.

The effect of steroids on the body of men

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men, its concentration in plasma exceeds that in women by 30 times. A change in indicators in the direction of decreasing or increasing significantly affects the entire reproductive system. The harm of steroids for men includes the following manifestations:

Violation of the formation of their own sex hormones
Decreased sexual desire
Erectile dysfunction
Premature ejaculation
Reducing the volume of the testicles
Change in the structure of spermatozoa
Enlargement of the prostate gland
Changes in the composition of the prostate secretion
Increased risk of prostate cancer
Increase in the amount of body fat in the area mammary gland(gynecomastia)

The effect of steroids on the body of women

Female fertility depends on the concentration of estradiol and progesterone. Under the influence of anabolic steroids, a woman acquires the features characteristic of men (the effects of masculinization and virilization):

Fat reduction
Decreased concentration
clitoris enlargement
Menstrual irregularity
Suppression of ovulation up to complete absence
Breast reduction
Atrophy and diseases of the mammary glands
Spontaneous abortions

Other harms of steroids for women that are not related to the reproductive system include:

Despite the fact that testosterone is not alien to the body (it is produced there in its natural form), attempts to adjust its level with the help of its artificial counterpart - anabolic steroids - are fraught with serious health consequences.

In terms of their action, steroids are really admirable, they work wonders, but this is how our world works: a miracle, as a rule, always has a price. The price of using steroids is the risk of losing health.

Numerous scientific studies confirm the harm of steroids, the presence of side effects, many of which are beyond popular opinions and myths.

We have prepared one of the most complete lists of the consequences and side effects of the use of anabolic steroids on the Runet, compiled on the basis of reliable scientific facts.

The main reason for the occurrence of side effects of steroids is their use in large doses, significantly exceeding the natural level of testosterone in the body and medical prescriptions (10-100 times), as well as combining with other sports pharmacology drugs, which is a common practice.

The problem concerns mainly amateur athletes who do not have knowledge in pharmacology and who have great confidence in the opinions of sellers and "handicraft" experts.

Most side effects are studied directly on users, without the need for scientific experiments: for scientists, such studies would be impossible for reasons of medical ethics.

Another non-obvious reason for the increased risk of steroid use is that they are moved to the list of illegal drugs.

The situation is very similar to that observed in the drug market. The ban on distribution and use always leads to the development of a black market for drugs that are produced in clandestine laboratories in third world countries and are obviously of very low quality.

"Over the past 20 years in the United States, thanks to the effective work of law enforcement agencies, the sale of illegal steroids has moved to the black market.

This in turn makes steroid use even more dangerous, since those drugs that are on the market (we are talking about the USA) are produced in other countries and smuggled (often from Mexico) or made in clandestine laboratories.

In any case, they do not meet safety standards and can be chemically contaminated, and therefore doubly hazardous to health."

The situation in the markets of our countries is not much better.

Most of the steroids sold on the market are produced clandestinely or smuggled in => No quality control, health risk doubles

Anabolic steroids: consequences of use

The use of anabolic steroids is accompanied by serious side effects that affect a wide range of organs and systems.

Of particular concern are their effects on the cardiovascular system, blood, psyche, as well as hormonal and metabolic changes.

Some physiological and psychological side effects of steroid use have the potential to affect anyone who takes them, others are specific to men and women. The list below is not exhaustive.

Male specific side effects:

  • breast growth (mammary glands);
  • reduction of the testicles;
  • impotence;
  • decreased sperm production.

Women specific side effects:

  • coarsening of the voice;
  • cessation of breast development;
  • hair growth on the face, abdomen and upper back;
  • enlargement of the clitoris;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

The consequences of the use of steroids are characteristic for both men and women:

  • acne or “pimples” (a lot);
  • increased risk of tendon rupture due to the fact that the ligaments do not have time to acquire strength according to muscle mass; very often tendon rupture is observed after the end of the course of taking steroids;
  • baldness;
  • liver dysfunction and the development of cancerous tumors;
  • in the case of adolescents taking steroids, growth retardation (due to the closure of the growth centers of long bones) and development (including sexual), as well as the risk of future health problems;
  • an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol (low density lipoprotein);
  • lowering the level of "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein);
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • aggressive behavior, anger or violence;
  • mental disorders such as depression;
  • drug addiction;
  • infections or illnesses, such as HIV or hepatitis, while injecting drugs;
  • increased aggressiveness and sexual desire, which can lead to abnormal sexual and criminal behavior;
  • refusal to use anabolic steroids can be accompanied by depression, and in some cases, suicide.

Anabolic steroids: photos and videos of side effects

Below we provide photos and videos of some of the side effects that occur with the use of steroids. Information from the website of the American Anti-Doping Agency (

Acne ("pimples")

Baldness in men

Breast growth in men

Baldness in women

Stunting in teenagers

Coarsening of facial features and growth of facial hair in women

1 Cardiovascular side effects of anabolic steroid use

For many decades of the history of the use of doping (mainly steroids), scientists and doctors have recorded a variety of side effects of steroids on the cardiovascular system of athletes:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • strokes;
  • violations of the patency of blood vessels;
  • blood clotting disorder.

Recent major scientific reviews have lumped together all these effects, and some have been confirmed by scientific experiments. We present the most important and reliable of them.

Important : In one recent study of the cadavers of 87 men who used steroids, it was found that all of them the mass of the heart was significantly larger than that of ordinary people, even after adjusting for body weight and age.

Another study of 4 cadavers of steroid users after death due to heart failure showed ventricular hypertrophy (increase in size) associated not with an increase in heart muscle mass, but with fibrosis (overgrowth of connective tissue, which is usually the result of chronic inflammation) 5 .

Athletes on steroids have more heart mass, but not due to an increase in the mass of the heart muscle, but due to the growth of connective tissue

Studies of the electrical conduction of the heart muscle in athletes on steroids have shown decreased electrical stability of the heart, abnormal functioning of the system of regulation of cardiac tone and impaired repolarization of the ventricles of the heart; the latter finding has also been demonstrated in rats fed steroids.

Important: And perhaps the most important and serious side effect: numerous studies using different methods have shown that athletes (both amateurs and professionals) “on steroids” develop cardiomyopathy- Structural and functional changes in the heart muscle 6 .

Another study showed deterioration of elasticity of the aorta those who use steroids. Such changes can be very serious, but may be reversible (at least partially) after stopping the use of steroids. However, one of the possible reasons for the loss of elasticity may be an increase in the content of connective tissue in it as a result of cell damage by steroids. In this case, the process is likely irreversible 7 .

One of the most serious and dangerous consequences of steroid use is cardiomyopathy - structural and functional changes in the heart muscle.

In addition to acting directly on the heart muscle, steroids can cause dyslipidemia, i.e. violation of the ratio of “bad” high-density cholesterol and “good” low-density cholesterol. This is fraught with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (“blockage” of blood vessels). the effect especially characteristic of oral steroids 8 .

In one study of 14 professional weightlifters who used steroids for a long time, it was found significantly higher calcium in the coronary arteries(those vessels that feed the heart itself with blood) than normal. Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels is the likely cause of many known cases of heart attacks and strokes in young men who used steroids 9 .

"Blockage" of blood vessels that feed the heart itself is the most likely cause of most deaths of young people "on steroids" due to heart attacks and strokes. Especially characteristic of oral steroids

2 Mental side effects of steroid use

Modern science has mostly accumulated material on the mental (and other) side effects of steroid use, sometimes doing its own experiments, which are not credible due to the sensitivity of the topic. The main sources of facts about the harm of steroids are:

  • interviews with steroid users, including those who "dabble" with drugs in parallel with them;
  • comparing the mental state of athletes "on steroids" with normal athletes;
  • long-term observations of the same athletes and comparison of mental state during the intervals of taking steroids and "rest" from them.

The most common mental effects of taking steroids are:

  • hypomanic or manic;
  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • hyperactivity;
  • reckless behavior, and sometimes a loss of a sense of reality (behavior does not correspond to the environment);
  • symptoms of acute depression during steroid withdrawal (depressed mood, loss of interest in normal activities, increased sleepiness, loss of appetite, loss of libido and, in extreme cases, suicidal tendencies).

The mental effects listed above are shown individually; in most "steroids" only some of them are observed, and only in a very small part - serious degrees of deviations.

Important: In general, behavioral deviations are typical for those who use large doses of steroids equivalent to >1000 mg testosterone per week 10.

Mental abnormalities are common in athletes who use large doses of steroids equivalent to >1000 mg of testosterone per week.

It is impossible to predict what specific mental consequences the use of steroids in a particular person will lead to. Moreover, scientists talk about the existence individual sensitivity as to an excess of testosterone in the blood, as well as refraining from using.

Some observations of athletes "on steroids" note very aggressive or violent behavior in those who did not show signs of anything like this before the start of the course of steroids. For example: the commission of murder or attempted murder by previously healthy people or the manifestation of other aggressive behavior is uncharacteristic for a person.

All the above facts are collected - the result of observations "in the field" of real athletes using steroids.

Rigorous scientific experiments to study the effect of steroid use on the mental state of people have also been carried out. However, in almost all of them (probably for reasons of safety for the test subjects), the maximum doses of testosterone did not exceed 300 mg per week - this significantly less than those usually used by athletes on steroid cycles, which are about 500 mg per week, and often more than 1000 mg per week. Therefore, the results of such studies do not deserve attention and trust.

The results of scientific studies of the effects of steroid use on mental health are not credible, since all of them use sparing doses of steroids, far from those taken by athletes in reality. Only observations of athletes in the "field" are indicative.

Several experiments have examined mental symptoms in patients who received 500 mg of testosterone per week. Of the 109 men, 5 (4.6%) demonstrated hypomanic or manic syndromes. Almost all men had increased aggressiveness in response to provocations 11 .

Deviations in behavior when using large doses of steroids are mainly explained by their action on certain parts of the brain.

In animals (rats, monkeys) the same thing is observed: steroids lead to defensive and attacking aggression, dominant behavior, anxiety, sensitivity to other illegal drugs, drugs, in particular opioids.

3 Consequences of Steroid Use: Addiction Development

Important: Approximately 30% of steroid users develop dependence on them 2,4 .

Approximately 30 out of 100 people who use steroids develop addiction

Unlike most other drugs that are addictive but deliver a “high” at first, there is no intoxicating effect when using steroids; the main purpose for which they are taken is a delayed reward in the form of an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. In spite of this, steroid addiction can become a chronic and dangerous disorder. There are three mechanisms for its development12:

1 "I want to look like He/She"

Many amateur athletes start taking steroids because they want to quickly transform, gain muscle mass and lose fat. It all starts, probably, with the desire to become like someone (for various reasons: likes, girls, etc.) against the backdrop of a strong discrepancy between "I am now" "I am desired" 13 .

This condition is very often the reason for starting the use of steroids. Further, with use, people with such problems often fall into extreme concern and anxiety that if they stop using steroids, then the muscle mass will “deflate” and everything will return to its place 12 . This is where the dependency comes in.

2 Suppression of natural testosterone synthesis

These are the factors influencing steroids on the nervous system and thyroid gland. The use of steroids leads to the suppression of the mechanisms of natural testosterone production, which involves certain parts of the brain and testicles. This can lead to a significant decrease in its natural synthesis in the body after the end of the course of steroids 14 .

To avoid this, steroid athletes use various methods to complete the course of steroids. In particular, they take clomifin(clomiphene) or human growth hormone gonadropin at the end of a steroid cycle. But, even with these methods, which do work, suppression of natural testosterone production is seen within a few weeks or months after steroid use is stopped 15 .

Associated symptoms of fatigue, loss of libido, and depression may prompt some users to quickly resume steroid use to get rid of them.

3 Steroids are drugs...

Some animal studies suggest that steroids may stimulate certain parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure. This produces an effect similar to that which occurs with the use of drugs 16 .

4 Consequences of Steroid Use: Neurotoxicity

Important: Scientific studies show that when the level of testosterone is higher than natural, it leads to the death of certain types of cells, in particular, neuronal brain cells 17, but not only. This has been confirmed both in studies and in animals, in one of which, after the administration of steroids to rats, there was a clear loss of spatial memory. Overall, scientific evidence strongly supports the risk of developing irreversible mental disorders those who use steroids for a long time 18 .

Scientific evidence suggests that with long-term use of steroids, irreversible mental disorders can develop.

In a human study of 31 weightlifters "on steroids" and 13 non-users, researchers found significant deficits in visual and spatial memory in those "on steroids"; and the extent of this deficiency is largely related to the total duration of use of steroids during life 3 .

In this way, the toxicity of steroids to brain cells is obvious and requires further study.

5 Consequences of Steroid Use: Impact on Thyroid Function

As we have said, steroids unambiguously suppress thyroid function 19 . At the end of a long course of steroids (several months or more), thyroid function may remain depressed for months or even years 20 ; some people have normal natural testosterone levels already never recovers.

The use of steroids leads to suppression of thyroid function, which is not restored for months, years, and in some cases never. This leads to low natural testosterone levels.

In addition, steroids can be toxic to the testes, sometimes irreversibly 21 . As a result, there is a decrease or complete cessation of the production of a number of hormones (except testosterone). This condition is correctable, with several studies reporting successful treatment with clomiphene, a human gonadotropin growth hormone. However, there are cases where these methods did not work.

In general, to date, there are no systematic studies in the treatment of hormonal dysfunction due to steroid use. Suppression of hormone production naturally when using steroids, it can lead to impaired sperm production by the testes, infertility in men and women, irregular menstruation in women.

6 Consequences of Steroid Use: The Spread of Infectious Diseases

In addition to the direct side effects of steroid use, steroid athletes are susceptible to infectious diseases associated with the use of contaminated needles, contaminated black market preparations, or others.

While sharing injection needles is not common among today's athletes, a recent online survey found that 65 out of 500 steroid users (13%) confirmed sharing injection needles, reusing needles, and sharing the same syringe with multiple doses of steroids to administer to multiple people. Given that Internet users participating in surveys tend to be more educated and more affluent than the general population of athletes on steroids, the numbers above are probably far from reality 1 .

Therefore, it is not surprising that various infectious complications have been documented in the scientific literature with the use of steroids, including:

  • blood-borne pathogens;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • skin infections;
  • soft tissue infections.

The main cause of all of them is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus).

The first case of HIV infection in a steroid user was recorded almost 30 years ago, later in the United States and Europe.

There are also widespread cases of infection with hepatitis B and C 22 .

The greatest risk of transmission of HIV infection and other diseases among steroid users is associated with the sharing of injection needles. This in turn is explained great popularity among athletes testosterone and nandrolone that are administered intravenously.

Sharing needles is common among athletes on steroids, which is the cause of infection with HIV, hepatitis B and C

However, unsafe needle use is only one possible risk factor for contracting HIV and other infectious diseases. A study of homosexuals in London gyms found that steroid gay athletes, in contrast to non-steroid users, were significantly more likely to engage in unprotected anal sex with unknown partners 23 . Given that steroids are widely available among homosexuals, both illegally and by prescription for the treatment of wasting syndrome associated with HIV infection, the likelihood of HIV transmission among them is high, both through needles and sexual intercourse.

There are many steroid users who have been incarcerated in prison, and evidence suggests an increased risk of hepatitis and HIV among prisoners,

And the last. Professional athletes who use steroids are more likely to experience soft tissue infections And abscesses 24 .

7 Consequences of steroid use: the effect of steroids on other organs and systems

1 Blood

The use of steroids leads to an increase in hemoglobin (carries oxygen to cells) and concentration of red blood cells in proportion to the dose. Steroids stimulate the production of red blood cells by increasing sensitivity to erythropoietin (a hormone secreted by the kidneys that regulates the rate at which red blood cells are formed) 25 .

2 muscles

Important: Athletes, weightlifters and bodybuilders, when using steroids, may experience rhabdomyolysis 26 - a condition in which damaged muscle fibers are destroyed very quickly, which is accompanied by muscle pain, weakness, vomiting and confusion; while the urine has the color of tea, the heart rhythm is irregular. This condition, in turn, can lead to an increase in urinary creatinine, a decrease in the filtration rate of the kidneys, and sometimes the development acute renal failure 27 .

One recent study documented kidney problems (inflammation) in 10 athletes who used steroids frequently 28 .

3 Liver

The use of steroids can sometimes lead to liver toxicity, with consequences such as Peliosis hepatis: the formation of cysts (cavities) in the liver filled with blood, as well as various types of liver cancer 29-30 .

Important: Almost all side effects associated with liver toxicity are caused by oral steroids 17α-alkylated 31 .

Liver toxicity is most commonly caused by oral steroids.

In general, the harm of steroids to the liver and the incidence of intoxication are exaggerated.

4 Tendons

Important: The use of steroids can lead to adverse side effects of the musculoskeletal system, in particular tendon rupture. Tendons often tear after the end of a course of steroids. This is explained by the fact that the muscle strength of hypertrophied muscles increases very quickly and the ligaments do not have time to get stronger, as well as by the effect of steroids on the structure of the tendons themselves 32 .

Steroids can negatively affect immune system, lungs, and also, on other organs and systems, cause abundant formation of pimples(acne). Science still has limited evidence in these areas.

When using steroids and after the end of the course, tendon rupture may occur, which do not have time to get stronger according to muscle strength.

5 Steroids and cancer

Also exists little evidence for a link between steroid use and cancer, with the exception of rare reports of cancer of the liver, testicles, and kidneys. There is currently no clear evidence that steroid use causes prostate cancer; only two clinical cases of prostate cancer in bodybuilders are known, both recorded more than 20 years ago. However, the likelihood that when using large doses of steroids in adolescence genetic changes may occur that increase the likelihood of developing cancer (including the prostate) later in life.

Convincing evidence of the association of steroid use with the development of cancer is lacking.

Considering that we live in a time when those who once were pioneers at the beginning of the era of steroid use (1980s) are aging, very soon science and medicine will be able to give more definite answers to the question of the effect of steroids on prostate cancer and others. side effects.

8 Drugs, steroids and alcohol

Steroid use very often occurs in conjunction with other classic drugs such as opiates, for example.

For what?

The effect of building muscle mass when using steroids is greatly enhanced by intense training. Combining steroids with drugs helps you train despite muscle and joint pain.

As a result, drug dependence on opium develops. According to statistics, among all drug addicts there is a large percentage of those who use steroids 33 . Approximately 50% of these people have mental disorders 12 .

Athletes on steroids often start using drugs in order to reduce pain during training to further stimulate muscle growth.

The scientists also found a relationship between steroid and alcohol use in humans and rats. Chronic steroid use in rats leads to increased sensitivity to alcohol consumption. The reason is that when using steroids, there is a change in certain relationships between amino acids in the part of the brain responsible for pleasure. This manifests itself in hypersensitivity to alcohol And an increase in the desire to use it 34-36. A similar effect has been seen with respect to cocaine 37 and amphetamine 38 in rats pumped with high doses of steroids.

The use of steroids with analgesics (to reduce pain) or stimulants provokes training at a very high load, which can lead to serious injury.

The use of steroids leads to an increase in sensitivity to alcohol and an increase in the desire to drink it.

Consequences and side effects of steroid use
Organ/SystemSeverity/probability of manifestation
The cardiovascular system
Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle)++
Violation of the electrical conduction of the heart muscle+
Blood clotting disorder+
Polycythemia (abnormal increase in hemoglobin in the blood, either due to an increase in the number of red blood cells or a decrease in blood plasma volume)+
Hypertension (increased blood pressure)+
Neuroendocrine system (men)
Suppression of the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland, cessation or significant decrease in the hormonal activity of the testes and testicles++
Gynecomastia (breast growth)+
Prostate hypertrophy (enlargement)+/-
Prostate cancer+/-
Violation of masculinization processes (manifestations of male characteristics)+
Neuroendocrine system (women)
Side effects of different organs and systems++
Psychoneurological system
Behavioral disorders: mania (strong arousal, euphoria, delirium and hyperactivity), hypomania (moderate mania), depression++
Aggression, violence+
Steroid addiction++
Nerve cell death, cognitive impairment+/-
Inflammation and cholestatic effect (impaired flow of bile)+
Peliotic hepatitis (rare, blood-filled cavities in the liver)+
Tumor formation+
Premature closure of growth centers in adolescents+
tendon rupture+
Impaired kidney function, a consequence of rhabdomyolysis (destruction of muscle cells)+
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (impaired filtering ability of the kidneys)+
Tumor formation+
The immune system
Suppression of immune function+/-
Acne (pimples)+
Striae (stretch marks)+

(++) - reliably confirmed, serious consequences; (+) - reliably confirmed, but either do not always appear, or cause not very serious consequences; (+/-) - not well studied and confirmed, some probability of manifestation

Scientific references

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Which contribute to the hypertrophy of muscle tissue. In our country, the distribution and sale of these substances is punishable by law, since they are equated to potent ones. Depending on the amount of material found, the unlucky seller can face from three to fifteen years. It is difficult to overestimate the harm of steroids to health - literally before our eyes in a matter of weeks, they radically change the appearance and psycho-emotional state.

Anabolic steroids in bodybuilding

At one time, these drugs produced the effect of an exploding bomb in the world of sports. No one thought about the dangers of anabolic steroids - athletes without fear used any novelties to impress competitors in competitions with their strength, speed and endurance. As a result, in the middle of the last century, almost all the medals were in fact obtained illegally. To date, all athletes before competitions undergo special testing for the content of such substances in the blood.

In bodybuilding, steroids are especially loved and popular. These hormonal drugs allow you to achieve maximum muscle hypertrophy in a short time. The bodies entwined with veins and muscle tissue that we see at numerous competitions such as "Mr. Olympia" are the result of taking such drugs. In our country, many guys who are passionate about power sports also use anabolic steroids, the harm to health of which is huge.

Anabolic steroids for women

Girls are no exception. IN last years such a sports direction as body fitness has become widespread. The female body, due to its anatomical features (in particular, the low level of endogenous testosterone), is not able to produce enough substances that are responsible for the growth of muscle tissue. As a result, girls take a lot of steroids and anabolics to participate in competitions, the harm to which for the female body is even greater than for the male.

There are soft preparations for women. For example, "Oxandrolone" or "Turinabol". But do not underestimate their effect on the body: these tablet steroids, when taken continuously, cause irreversible changes in the female hormonal system.

Influence on hormonal status in men

Against the background of taking anabolic steroids in men, the production of their own hormones decreases, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the size of the testicles and problems with erection. To partially avoid such consequences after the course, the so-called post-course therapy is carried out. This is the reception of other drugs, which is designed to somehow solve the problem with the production of one's own hormones.

For women, post-cycle therapy is not needed. The harm of steroids for women is irreversible.

General effect on well-being and psyche

The harm and benefits of steroids go hand in hand. With all the negative consequences, there are benefits. Due to the increase in the level of testosterone in the body, a person's psycho-emotional state changes:

  • increased self-esteem;
  • increases social significance in their own eyes;
  • a person wants to compete with someone, he feels the need to be better than others;
  • motivated (and sometimes not) healthy sports aggression appears;
  • feels the need for everything around him to be the way he wants.

Gain in muscle mass, strength and endurance

You can not ignore this factor, describing the benefits and harms of steroids. Already after two weeks, the prima athlete feels completely different, not only in psychologically but also in the physical. In particular, body weight grows (subject to proper nutrition and competent training) precisely due to the muscles, while the body fat decreases. The appearance of a person is changing before our eyes.

Endurance becomes greater, this is facilitated by special preparations that are intended for use during the period of being on the "drying". These are Stanozolol, Oxandrolone. Increased endurance provides the ability to perform cardio training for one and a half to two hours.

Tablets and injections also affect the increase in strength in a positive way. Athletes' testimonies indicate that already ten days after the start of the course, working weights grow by at least five kilograms. So the harm and benefits of anabolic steroids are like two sides of the same coin. You can not talk only about harm, forgetting about the benefits.

Corticosteroids and their effect on the body

Corticosterone and aldosterone are hormones produced by the human adrenal glands. Some athletes take aldosterone in tablet form.

Corticosterone helps to synthesize carbon, while the body receives the necessary energy reserves and can function normally. In this case, a large amount of glycogen accumulates in human muscle tissue.

Aldosterone is a steroid that is considered essential for human life, since it is he who regulates the amount of potassium, sodium and electrolytes. Due to this, the distribution of fluid in the body occurs in a normal mode.

- major hormones

Androgen is produced by the male testicles, while estrogen is produced by the female ovaries. These are essentially two different hormones that represent femininity and masculinity. Androgen contributes to the appearance of a deep voice, stubble, body hair. Estrogen promotes the formation of body fat female type, high voice, fragility and feminine character traits.

When you try to introduce an imbalance in the hormonal system, a failure begins, which inevitably leads to a disruption of the entire system. As a result, masculine traits begin to be visually visible in women, and feminine traits in men. In some cases, this property is even useful. For example, when changing sex with transvestites. But athletes usually have completely different goals, and they don’t need side effects.

Synthetic and anabolic steroids: what is the difference

Synthetic steroids are not produced by the adrenal glands themselves, but are taken orally in tablet or injectable form. Representatives of the weaker sex use such substances to restore and normalize the menstrual cycle, and men to gain muscle mass and treat certain inflammatory processes and diseases.

Anabolic steroids can also be obtained from the outside, according to the principle of action, they are as similar as possible to endogenous testosterone, only they have a slightly different structural formula. These are the classic steroid profile drugs, which are most often discussed by professional athletes.

The harm of steroids and anabolics for women

In the fair sex, with regular use of tableted or injectable steroids, there are following changes in appearance and character:

  • sits down and roughens the voice;
  • there is a craving for competition and rivalry;
  • there is a desire to engage in extreme sports;
  • characteristically dangerous behavior on the road when driving a car;
  • body hair begins to grow in a male pattern;
  • stubble begins to grow above the lip, and then on the cheeks;
  • the clitoris and genitals are enlarged.

All these processes in the body due to changes in hormonal status are called virilization. They are characteristic even when using a relatively safe and mild steroid "Oxandrolone", which is synthesized using special raw materials, and the cost of which is several times higher than conventional testosterone-based steroids.

Steroids - these are synthetic derivatives of the testosterone molecule, which have different and-ro-gene-ny and ana-bo-li-ches-ki-mi indices, in connection with which, they distinguish the ana-bo-li class -ches-kih and a class of androgenic steroids. And although the effects of both of them are similar in many ways, they show different activity in one or another of their manifestations. At the same time, there is no doubt that all types of steroids contribute to the growth of skeletal muscles and strength indicators, and also have a similar effect on all other body systems. But, despite the fact that the history of pro-is-hoj-de-niya of the first steroids originates in the first half of the 20th century, their practical application is still poorly understood. The fact is that the real do-zi-dov-ki, some of which are used by athletes, are much higher than those that ethical norms allow us to use during the -tse-bo-cont-ro-li-rue-my wounds-to-mi-zi-ro-van-nyh research-sle-to-va-ny,.

However, even such relatively insignificant dosages show non-ambiguous results! For example, the use of 300-600 mg of testosterone per week contributes to hyper-trophy and hyperplasia of type I muscle fibers, and the use of more than 600 mg in non-de-lu stimulates growth type II fibers. At the same time, these seemingly non-existent do-zi-ditches cause a lot of side effects,, etc., about which we are more in-go-in-rim in the relevant chapter. And, by the way, precisely in connection with these data, we do not recommend anyone to use stereos! And for those who have decided for themselves that they are ready to take risks, we always use re-ko-men-do-wa-whether protocols for taking steroids, which are time-study-before-va-ny. And that is why all the proposed options for “courses” on our website are “short-mouthed” and relatively “light”, although this causes a lot of experienced benefits -lei far-we. Let them laugh, health is more expensive!

Pharmacodynamics of steroids

The action of steroids is still not fully understood and requires additional research, but in general terms, the mechanism and consequences are known. Although it is worth remembering that and-ro-ge-ny and ana-bo-li-ki act differently. The differences are associated with the specificity of the binding of the active substance to the receptors of protein structures and the interaction with various enzymes responsible for the metabolism of the roi-dov. If pre-para-rate mainly binds to androgen receptors, how ma-te-ron , then he pri-na-et-sya and-ro-genome, and if the active substance is reluctantly connected with and-ro-gene-ny-mi re-chain-to- ra mi like winstrol , then it is recognized as ana-bo-li-com. And there are such things as anadrol , which do not bind at all with and-ro-gene-ny receptors and act only after trans-for-mi-ru-yut-sya into di-hydro-ro-for -mu.

It is worth noting that, although all types of steroids stimulate the synthesis of protein structures, they act differently on target cells of different types of tissues. Male sexual glands, skin, pros-ta-ta, brain, lungs, fat cells and bones are more responsive to and-ro-genes, and the heart and muscles to anabolics . The fact that methane especially pronouncedly affects the results precisely in the bench press,,, at dosages of at least 10 mg per day. And tes-to-steron en-an-tat affects strength indicators at dosages of at least 3.5 mg per kilogram of weight at-le-ta per week, which also corresponds to data on the effect -nii steroids for the growth of muscle tissue.

Positive effects of steroids

All the positive properties of steroids are associated with their ability to stimulate the synthesis of protein structures, which, in turn, affects the growth of power effects and hypertrophy, and hyperplasia of muscle fibers,. It is important to note that steroids also stimulate the growth of satellite cells, while steroids have a particularly powerful effect on muscle tissue growth in the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms and necks , , . It is possible that this is what determines the belief of the pot-re-bi-te-lei far-we that in the main it is necessary to train the legs and back. Nevertheless, these data allow us to assert that, without corresponding genetic data, to beat that -some proportions, like professional bodybuilders, without headlights, we are not-possible.

It is also worth considering the fact that steroids are able to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue without friction, and have a significant impact on the rate of gaining muscle mass for beginners, but the efficiency of steroids is directly pro-por-cio-on-len to the experience of an athlete. Experienced athletes from steroids are more than you-go-dy than beginners! But losing weight with the help of pharmaceuticals is not good, but with its help you can gain pure muscle mass,, and / or save more muscles during weight loss, thanks to in-gi-bi -ro-va-niu ste-roi-da-mi gluco-cor-ti-coid hormones, moreover, they interfere with the development of proteins , not fatty structures.

Negative effects of steroids

Physical: the consequences of the use of steroids that affect the physical state of the consumer can be divided into possible and mandatory. But it also follows, for no reason, that the regular use of steroids in the vast majority of cases causes certain possible side effects,. And, nevertheless, love-be-te-lyam should, first of all, be afraid of the consequences that we-the-fly are obligatory-but and not-for-med-whether tel.

These include: increased blood pressure, which is due to the synthesis of hemo-glo-bin-on, leukocytes and platelets; a decline in the level of endogenous tes-to-ste-ro-on and its pre-six-ven-n-kov, gonadotropin, lu-tei-ni-zi-ruyu-go and fol-li-ku-lo-sti- mu-li-ruyu-shche-go hormones, as well as a deterioration in the quality of sperm, up to oli-go-sperm. In addition, glucose metabolism and sensitivity to in-su-lin-nu are disturbed, and the state of the thyroid gland is also affected,. And do not forget about the shift in the balance of whether-by-pro-tei-new you-with-coy and low density in favor of the latter,,, and about reducing them-mu-no-te-ta. As for the complete recovery after the “course of steroids”, then it is after 6 months of per-m-nent-no-th reception takes from 4 months to a year,.

The possible side effects of taking steroids are generally striking in their sophistication and variety. There are quite harmless cosmetic consequences, such as ak-ne, gi-ne-ko-mas-tia, which they unsuccessfully try to stop with ta-mok-si-fe-nome, but the device-ra-thread which is possible only surgically, as well as about-ly-se-nie and one-time-men-but increased growth of hairline throughout the body. There are more serious side effects associated with a violation of collagen synthesis, in connection with which, we often get bone fractures and you are su-ho-zhi- li , . But there are also such side effects that generally affect the appearance, such as acute skeletal muscle necrosis, kidney cancer, prostrate cancer, exacerbation of us-ice- venous coproporphyria and destruction of the liver,,. From-del-but it follows you-de-pour the negative effect of steroids on the heart-dech-but-so-su-dis-thuyu sys-te-mu, because this is the most common nen-noy at-chi-noy death of pharmaceutical consumers.

Psychological: I have them! These include such side effects as an increase in li-bi-do, ag-res-siv-ness, un-balance-but-ve-s-ness, low self-esteem, unsatisfactory-years-in-ren-external nose-tew, smoothly flowing into reverse ano-rexia, when it seems to a person that he is too thin, so to speak, “the syndrome of the ever-thing-thing”, as well as dependence on AAS and the development of schizophrenia. Not-rarely take steroids with depression. Also, users of headlights, we often complain about demon-sleep-ni-tsu, which quite logically follows from the side effects voiced above, like physio- lo-gi-ches-th sense, and psychological.

Women things: firstly, it should be noted that side effects in women are much more pronounced from androgens than from anabolics, but they are all similar. From-no-syat-sya to them: breast reduction, atypical sexual behavior, manifesting in lesbian inclinations, lowering the timbre of the voice and increasing the cli-to-ra . And all this is especially horrifying, since the scope of de-wush-ka-mi steroid use is so huge that in fact 9 out of 10 athletes are pot-re-bi-te-la-mi far- we . And, as you understand, the girls show not only their spe-ci-fi-chess in barrels, but also all the rest. And some of them are stronger on girls than on men, for example, reverse anorexia, which turns women into some bitches. Girls, please stay fragile and beautiful, after all, the world is terrible enough!

Conclusion: the use of androgenic anabolic steroids is not recommended for anyone, since it is dangerous to health and can cause addiction. If a person has firmly decided for himself that he is ready to take risks, then he should keep one of the protocols for using steroids, use -but-go during the kli-ni-ches-kih is-py-ta-ny pre-pa-ra-ta. This does not guarantee safety! But this pos-vo-lit mi-ni-mi-zi-ro-vat rice-ki, and will allow you to predict the result. Those whose professional activities are associated with the obligatory use of pharmacology can only be felt, since they will have to ruin their health in order to win and give and defend the honor of Ro-di-na. It is unfortunate that this is so, but until the means of do-ping-count-ro-la are not perfected, there will be those who will use pharmacology, and “na-tu-ral” “hi-mi-ku » not co-per-nick! And, nevertheless, we hope that in the future the use of steroids will not be in Le-tu.
