Where the monument to Alexander III was originally erected. Monument to Alexander III

Trading House of Moscow merchant society- a building in Moscow, built in the rational modern style by the architect F. O. Shekhtel in 1909-1911. Located at Maly Cherkassky lane, house 2.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the People's Commissariat of Health was located in the building.

The building was built in the style of rational modernity, and in its appearance one can see elements of future constructivism and formalism. The facade composition is based on rhythmically changing vertical and horizontal articulations in the form of large windows and semi-elliptical vertical pilasters.

The windows occupying most of the plane of the facade became possible thanks to the use of the frame structure of the building. The vertical pilasters located between the windows at the level of the fourth floor are decorated with metal strips with relief and crowned with arched niches on the last floor, in which sculptural antique masks are located.

The last, fifth floor is slightly smaller in height; the building ends with a cornice with rounded corners.