Why dreams don't come true (and how to deal with it). Why don't all dreams come true? Dreams don't come true

Sometimes it happens that a person’s desires are not fulfilled at all, or it happens extremely slowly, with difficulty. Everyone has probably encountered this problem. It seems that the person follows all the necessary rules, thinks positively, and internally lets go of what he wants. But still the dream remains a dream - distant and inaccessible.

Where do the difficulties associated with materializing intentions lie?

“Why don’t dreams come true?” such a person begins to think in a state of disappointment. After all, at first it seemed that everything should go like clockwork. But then something happens - and all hopes of achieving what you want are destroyed. To understand why dreams do not come true, it is necessary to turn to the basics, the root causes of this problem.

The fact is that any phenomenon, before appearing in the physical world, first appears in the spiritual world. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato spoke about this, emphasizing that all objects in the material world once lived in the “world of ideas.” There is also a biblical statement from the Old Testament that says that “in the beginning was the Word.”

The process of realizing a dream

This is why even global events or phenomena begin with a simple word or a seemingly insignificant emotion. A special energy-informational clot appears. It has basic energy. Like all things in our Universe, this clot strives for development. One of the indispensable components of this development is materialization, or manifestation in the physical world. All that is necessary for this is to gain a sufficient amount of energy. After this, the idea is embodied on the physical level.

It always takes time to gain this energy. That is why there is a certain time gap between a dream and its realization. This time can be shorter or longer only due to lack of energy. So, to receive a bouquet of flowers as a gift from your husband, you need little energy. Much more of it will be needed if you need to realize a larger desire - buying a car, or, for example, acquiring a new character trait.

Causes of problems. Other people's desires

Several factors can interfere with the process of filling this desire with energy. One of the most important reasons why a dream does not come true is this: a person simply makes a wish that is not his own. In reality, it was imposed by society, and deep down the individual resists its implementation. Other people's wishes, however, can also be fulfilled. Only this will require much more energy from a person, and in the end will bring much less joy and satisfaction compared to true dreams.

It also happens that other people say: “Dreaming is not harmful!” But usually such a phrase is just a manifestation of envy. If someone is trying to impose his desire, he is unlikely to use such expressions. Therefore, by the reaction of other people, one can judge their interests. If they do not coincide with the dream, well, these are their personal difficulties.

Excessive fixation on only one desire option

Another common reason why dreams don't come true. The problem is that a person who wishes for a certain thing begins to create certain pictures in his imagination. They are based on the experience that he has. This is how the human brain works - it can only imagine what it has already encountered once before.

How to free your mind?

But the Universe is structured completely differently. She has a huge number of possible options for solving a person’s problems and fulfilling his desires. However, by being fixated on any one option, the dreamer himself does not allow higher powers to realize his intention.

In such a case, you can use meditation practices. This state allows you to achieve detachment and complete relaxation. Then the brain will finally stop straining. A person will stop attributing only one version of fulfillment to his dream and will begin to notice the signs of the Universe.

Lack of personal energy

When a person, weakened by constant stress, quarrels or illnesses, asks why a dream does not come true, he can search for an answer to this question for a very long time. The fact is that it lies right under his nose, and that is why this explanation is always not obvious to the individual. Making your dreams come true is not just about waving a magic wand or performing some mysterious magical ritual.

The materialization of intentions presupposes the holistic work of the individual on himself. In the process of this work, a person goes through a long and sometimes painful path from a loser, constantly worried and worried about everything in the world, to a strong and healthy person.

Work on yourself

All an individual needs to do for this is to hear what the Universe wants from him and take these steps. The first thing you can start with is cleansing the energy. To do this, you need to forgive and let go of all grievances, no matter how difficult this step may be. Then you can begin to calm down and relieve stress. Often, working with a psychologist and various spiritual practices can be helpful in this regard. Also important is the attitude towards your body. A spiritually developed person is not necessarily an old man exhausted by fasting. An ordinary person, not a saint or a righteous person, definitely needs to take care of the condition of his own body. After all, he receives energy primarily from a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

Lack of self-confidence

The man says: “I want my dreams to come true!” But is this enough to achieve what you want? Not at all. After all, an intention comes true only if the person himself is filled with faith in its fulfillment. Confidence that a dream will become reality is an integral part of the process of materializing any desire. What needs to be done to make the dream come true, and how to fill this intention with enough strength to make it come true? To do this, you can use the following algorithm:

  • Make a wish.
  • Imagine that this dream has already become a reality. Imagine the feelings that will fill the soul at the moment when the intention takes on physical, tangible forms.
  • For a certain period of time, repeat the exercise at least twice a day (or more).
  • In the remaining hours of the day, you should let go of the desire with a light heart - as if its embodiment had already happened. It is necessary to give the Universe complete freedom in exactly how the dream will be realized. If you continue to constantly worry about whether your wish will come true, or try to foresee possible ways of its materialization, this will harm the process.

Believing that your dream will come true allows you to bring your dreams closer to fruition. Confidence in a positive outcome of events is the key to the successful and quick realization of any dream.

The importance of support

It often happens that a person becomes enthusiastic about a certain idea. But there are people nearby who tell him: “Dreaming is not harmful. This won't change anything anyway. Everything you think about is complete nonsense. It would be better if you did something useful.” If a person continues to believe that their dream is possible, then eventually they say: “I told you everything would be great! It was I who believed in you and supported you on this difficult path.”

But in the presence of a negative environment, a person often notices that his dreams do not come true. Why this happens, he does not always guess. But these people continue to take away his strength and energy, and therefore the desires of this person also turn out to be weakened. Due to the low energy level, they cannot come true.

That is why it is necessary to look for those who will always support you - both in happiness and in difficult circumstances. It’s good if such people are relatives and friends. But this doesn't always happen. In such cases, you can look for support using modern capabilities. These could be various trainings, forums, or thematic groups where people support each other. The main thing is that the message from the regulars of these forums is positive.

“May your dreams always come true!” - approximately this is the message a person needs from others in order for his intentions to be realized. If there are people around who are not in the most positive mood, every effort should be made to correct this situation. After all, the most important thing - the embodiment of desire - depends on this.

How to achieve your dream?

The best way to make your desires come true is to combine esoteric practices with active actions to achieve your goal. Of course, such an algorithm is appropriate if the dream itself suggests such an option - although most often this happens. After all, those desires that do not fit into a person’s reality most often do not come true.

For example, if someone dreams of turning from a poor person into a billionaire, most likely, such a desire is unlikely to become a reality. If a person wishes for his salary to increase by one and a half times, this is a more acceptable option. Most likely, it will be implemented. A dream that never comes true always radically contradicts the picture of the world in which a person lives. It can't be that great wealth suddenly fell upon him, or that aliens came and took him to another planet.

Practice two approaches

How to combine an esoteric approach with a practical one? For example, if a person dreams of going abroad for permanent residence, he can practice dream visualization and at the same time take active steps to achieve his goal: prepare the necessary documents, learn a foreign language.

Visualization of what you want, complemented by sincere belief in the possibility of its implementation, allows you to work miracles. Vividly imagining that the desired has already become a reality, a person endows this image with great energy. After some time, his intentions become reality.

We all dream of something, but for some reason we immediately classify our most cherished desires as unrealistic. While most of them are actually quite feasible. What prevents us from achieving our goals and how to deal with it, says psychotherapeutic coach and business trainer Yulia Redkina.

We all dream about many things since childhood. Someone become an astronaut or a veterinarian. Someone to marry a prince. Someone to become the richest. We dream in childhood with such a force that can move mountains if we start to act. It seems to us that everything is in our hands, and all obstacles are surmountable. Many of us are supported in our childhood fantasies by our parents and friends...we are happy.

But here we are growing up. And only a few of us become the strongest and most successful, marry princes or fly into space. What about the rest? Stop dreaming? Or do they prefer to live with a dream without taking steps towards its fulfillment? Unfortunately, the second one.

There are several main reasons why we do not make our dreams come true.

The dream you live with is not yours

Many of us live in an unconscious state. As if by inertia received in childhood. And in adulthood, we still continue to use the defensive behaviors, emotions and reactions that developed before the age of five. Often we didn’t even develop them ourselves, but simply adopted what worked well in our parents’ family. After all, it’s natural to take the best from your parents. But we often take our dreams from there too. We copy from each other or from adults who are significant to us. And we ourselves, having become adults, still do not dare to test them for environmental friendliness (namely, to subject our dreams to the test of truth and belonging to ourselves). By the way, this is easy to do, just ask yourself the question of why you are only dreaming, but have not yet taken a single step towards fulfilling your dream.

Fear and self-distrust interfere

“Aren’t you scared?” This is the most popular question we hear when planning to take steps towards making our dreams come true. Moreover, those around us ask this question several times - in the hope of hearing that we are really scared. But the brave are truly scared, and often they do not hide it. But even if it’s scary, some people prefer to move forward; in their heads, fear is not equal to stopping. But for others, fear constrains them and they remain in place.

The fact is that moving towards your dream, even the most cherished one, is stressful in any case. After all, even if the usual way of life is dreary, uncomfortable and boring, we are still in the comfort zone, where everything is familiar, familiar, nothing spontaneous. And in order to pursue your dreams, you need to leave your comfort zone, be prepared for difficulties and surprises, and cope with doubts and fears. By the way, it is easier to leave your comfort zone and take the first steps if you have resources: support from family and friends, an important goal, inner drive.

Confusing the opinions of others

Dependence on the opinions of others, often unflattering, is one of the most inhibiting factors when moving towards the fulfillment of a dream.

We can be very successful financiers, lawyers, teachers, but not be happy. And secretly, alone with yourself, dream of becoming photographers, travelers, decorators. Or dream of moving to India. Or dream of having ten children. Unfortunately, just when we are ready to make a plan and get moving, many of us have doubts about what others will say if we go from being successful professionals in our field to being new to something else. After all, we all live in a society where parents and teachers instill in us from childhood the need to look at the opinions of other people.

The fact is that, in fact, realizing and making our dreams come true is often not included in the plans of those around us. Especially the closest, beloved and loving people. Strange, isn't it? After all, it is their support that is so necessary and important for us. The main problem is that fulfilling your dreams can greatly affect their comfort zone, and not always in a positive way. After all, the symbiosis in your relationship is already firmly established and it is based on old habits, desires and interests.

The main fears of loved ones, which contribute to their negative attitude towards our successes, are absolutely selfish:

  • “she will stop supporting me financially”
  • “I can’t be proud of her, but now I can tell everyone - my daughter is a financier!”
  • “she will move away from us and find new friends”
  • “We will have different interests, and she will get bored with us”
  • “but I don’t dare / never decided to make my dream come true”
  • "If she moves, we won't be as close."

It is obvious that with such conscious, and perhaps unconscious, experiences, those around them will not be inclined to support the dreamer. Rather, they will impose their fears on the daredevil, convince him that it is better to leave everything as it is, or, even worse, threaten to break off the relationship.

Making your dream come true is not romantic

Agree that dreaming of a happy life on the seashore is romantic and pleasant. And studying and collecting documents, renting or buying real estate, enrolling children in a new school, learning a foreign language and a host of other things is troublesome and expensive.

But in order to make a dream come true, you must first make a decision about it, which is associated with a lot of worries and stress. Then translate the decision into an intention, and then transform the intention into an action plan. And in order to implement a plan, as a rule, it is necessary to spend a lot of resources, including financial ones. And if we talk about finances, then there is no time for romance.

Every dream has its own backside - these are possible difficulties associated with its implementation: lack of finances, lack of support from loved ones, fears of losing your comfort zone. But if the decision to implement it is made, then all these difficulties will be followed by a reward - you will not just dream, you will begin to live your dream every day. And also be very proud of yourself!

Are thoughts material? Thoughts are material. This is on everyone's lips now. Many people believe in this and find hundreds of examples to support this, of how someone thought very strongly and intensely about something and it appeared in their life. Books about the power of thought and the subconscious are popular. Almost everyone has seen the movie "The Secret". This is already a classic. Then why don't dreams come true?

This movie taught us to dream. Everyone began to imagine and visualize, but how many lives did “The Secret” really turn for the better? Of course, I don’t presume to say, but for some reason I intuitively feel that he did not make a revolution.

Is the law of attraction not working?

For myself personally, I answered this question. The law of attraction works. But so many people constantly send their desires and dreams into Space, but nothing comes true. The thought is material. We believe in this, many people believe, although in reality few people have truly felt this materiality to the fullest.

I also watched The Secret. And, of course, I immediately began to imagine every day what I wanted (now I don’t remember exactly). It was probably his own house, big and beautiful, a car, big and beautiful, or better yet two. Every day, I spent probably half an hour on this kind of visualization. At the same time, I tried to control my thoughts, to make sure that, God forbid, a bad one would flash among them. It turns out to be hard work.

And the most interesting thing is that even those people who have devoted their entire lives to spiritual self-improvement, yoga and meditation cannot completely clear their minds of bad thoughts, of pride, envy, and irritation.

To take complete control of your mind, you must at least devote yourself to spiritual life. An ordinary person cannot do this. But, of course, it is possible to somehow filter your thoughts, your attitude to the world and problems. That's what I did.

Nothing has changed.

Then, of course, the passion disappeared, faith began to weaken, and it wasn’t every day that I imagined myself as what I wanted, my thoughts kept running around in my head. Everything is back to normal. Somewhere deep down I understood that I probably just didn’t go to the bitter end and gave up too quickly, but still... but still.

Later, logical analysis came into play. I figured out how I could get a house, big and beautiful, if I didn’t even have a small and ugly apartment, for example. Where will it fall on my neck? Present? Winning? Well, it's just not clear. What about unshakable faith? The calculation turned out to be more convincing than unfounded faith.

That is, I thought, you just need to set real goals and think about them, and not imagine what is impossible to achieve. In general, in order not to rant for a long time, I will say that the result is the same.

That is, there is no result.

Why don't dreams come true? Causes.

1. Time.

Our day is scheduled, our day is busy. In the morning we go to work, in the evening we go home, where a series of everyday questions awaits us. And I want to do everything. And it’s still good if you want to. Therefore, the maximum that we can allocate to ourselves for, say, the same visualization is 15 minutes a day. 15 minutes for meditation, 15 minutes for yoga. This is just an example. That is, the first reason is time.

Of course, you have to start somewhere. If it is not possible to free up at least an hour, you need to find at least 15 minutes. But the main problem here is that you will be able to see the result of these 15 minutes on your life very, very not soon.

The seeds that you now sow with positive, positive practice will definitely sprout, but they will take a long time to germinate. During this time, you will lose all faith, 15 minutes will turn into 10, then you will start skipping days and eventually stop doing anything at all.

The result you you won't have time to feel, but you can convince yourself that it doesn’t work and there’s no point in wasting your time anymore.

So what should we do then? The main reason why life does not change is not this. I thought for a long time and found the answer.

2. Reality adapts to your actions.

What you do most is how the direction develops. What you are most busy with is what fills your mind. This is probably too simple. That is why it requires clarification.

You need to deal with your dreams.

Look. Let's imagine that you have a strong dream about your personal project. In your dreams, you imagine how you realized it, how you started earning money, how everything is going so well for you. To make all this a reality, you need to work a lot.

But what do we actually get? You spend most of your free time on the Internet, aimlessly reading everything, playing computer games, watching TV. This . Therefore, you can safely expect that the Universe will build a life for you in which there will be a lot of opportunities to play games, surf the Internet and watch TV. After all, the project is only in your head. And this will make you even more unhappy.

That is, what happens. If thoughts and actions are mismatched, then you will never see results.

The thought must be connected with the goal, and the goal must be connected with the actions. When the head can and wants to do something of its own, but the actions do something completely different, then it no longer matters what is in the head.

Hence the conclusions.

How to trigger the law of attraction? How to change your life for the better?

1. The law of attraction works for your actions.

Actions that are subordinated to a core idea that is deeply ingrained in your brain. And if it’s not rooted, it means you either don’t really want it or you never believe in it. Mere daydreaming and visualization will not help.

Perhaps at the initial stage, this makes sense, when you don’t yet have a main idea and goal. It makes sense for their creation. But there will be no further effect. , invented, is doomed to failure.

You need to cling to an idea, create a goal for it, build actions and occupy your free time with these actions. Then, and only then, reality will transform and adapt to your actions, freeing up additional time for this, sending new thoughts into your head to realize your ideas.

And the positive effect and result is GUARANTEED. No options! This is where the law of attraction works in all its glory.

2. To do this, you must learn to be honest with yourself.

This is necessary in order not to allow your dreams to take you into the clouds and tear you away from reality. You need to realize what you are doing, where you're really moving. For real, not in dreams.

You can daydream and even believe somewhere deep that you already are who you imagine yourself to be. If this happens, then you will never really become one. Look at what you do most of your free time. And then answer the question, does the law of attraction work or not? Are thoughts material? It works and to the fullest extent. But dreams, they are dreams. And nothing more.

Thought is material, and the law of attraction is not a myth. If you occupy your free time with what you dream about, what you really want, and not with idleness and laziness, then believe me, you will succeed. New interesting ideas and new opportunities will appear. Don't be afraid to dream, no. Believe that you can be the person you dream of, feel that way and do whatever that person in your mind would do.

Why don't dreams come true? Because you are now sitting on the Internet and not doing a damn thing!


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What do we not dream about during our lives! To be beautiful and successful, loved and highly professional, to have a villa in the Caribbean and a small cozy dacha in the Moscow region... But why don’t our wishes come true?...

If all human desires were fulfilled, the globe would become hell.
Pierre Buast

Man is the only creature whose development depends entirely on his desires and on interaction with his own kind in the process of their implementation. He has a sense of the past, present and future, is influenced by the environment and himself influences it.

Can weigh his chances and adjust his behavior. With the awakening of another desire, new needs are born in him, and he feels the need to satisfy them. To accomplish this task, he is forced to evolve.

If a person does not feel lacking in anything, he stops developing. Only an unsatisfied desire forces us to activate our minds and look for ways to solve the problem.

Desire is the engine of progress. It is this that pushes us forward, determining everything that happens to a person individually and to humanity as a whole. The continuous development of desire shapes the present, as well as the future to which we are moving.

Why then does a person experience permanent stress, Finding yourself captive to your unfulfilled desires?

The original message has been distorted

The main reason is faulty motivation.

A person’s desires are sometimes connected not only with the needs of his survival, well-being and development, but also with competition.

Yes, a person is constantly changing, but this is due not so much to the degree of comfort of his existence as to the desire to possess what others have.

All the trouble is that he not only wants to have much more than his neighbor, it is important for him that the latter has less than him. Therefore, very often human desire is designated by such terms as “egoism”, “desire for exceptional pleasures” or “desire to receive the highest pleasure”.

Why do we envy the employee who quit marry a rich foreigner and left for permanent residence in America, why are we ready to look for flaws in her and gossip about the fact that there is no smell of love there, just naked calculation?

Why are we in a hurry to stigmatize the successful, expose the successful, criticize the talented, denigrate the hardworking, doubt the kind and smart? Why?

Because We would not only like to be the same ourselves, but also to surpass, to prove our exclusivity, irreplaceability, originality, uniqueness, etc. Without even realizing it, we only put ourselves in the “highest grade” category. As a result, we end up with the permanent stress of unfulfilled expectations.

The bar is too high

How to understand your desires? They constantly change, interact, complement and mutually exclude each other. Sometimes we overload our brains...

Michael Jackson has repeatedly said that he would like to live forever. And he was obsessed with the idea of ​​cloning. And how did it all end?..

    I want a lover, strong, rich, kind, free, blue-eyed, handsome, smart, enterprising, sensitive, gentle, courageous, without bad habits, with a car, a country house, a good job, position in society, relatives on the other side of the world... Maybe , stop?..

    I want to graduate from university, get an excellent certificate and move to Paris!

  • Who doesn't love me, let him love me!
  • I want to go down in history...

    I want to be a champion...

  • I want to have a baby!
  • I wanna be with you!

    I want lilac shadows!

  • I want to be baptized in the Spirit, I want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven...
  • I want a man!

  • I want to go to the sea!
  • Oh, I saw such a cool red Nissan Qashqai! Want!!!

    I would love to eat lasagna!

  • I want to go to space!
  • “And I want, and I want to run across the rooftops again, chasing pigeons...”

Stop, stop! Decide what is most important to you and what you want first: ice cream or a villa in the Caribbean? And then weigh your chances.

Perhaps your burning dream of becoming a famous basketball player will run into a simple and understandable objective reality associated with short stature.

How to stop chasing your dreams?

Consequences of unfulfilled desires

If desires are constantly not fulfilled, a person becomes despondent and experiences stress.

Stress is a consequence of disappointment from unfulfilled desires. How does this happen?

Here is what V. A. Latyshev writes about this in his book “Energy Therapy - EURASIA”:

“As a result of the failure to fulfill a desire, a strong focus of “frozen” - undischarged emotion is formed in the cerebral cortex, which subjugates all the activities of the body - its energy flows, all thoughts and actions of a person.

To restore harmony, it is necessary to eliminate, discharge the “frozen” emotion (a clot of “perverted” energy) or sublimate this energy potential.

Otherwise, following the appearance of a focus of “frozen” emotion, a chain reaction begins to develop - the hypothalamus is excited, which causes the pituitary gland to release a lot of adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH) into the blood.

ACTH causes the adrenal glands to secrete andreneline and other physiologically active substances (stress hormones), causing a multifaceted effect: strong heartbeat, rapid breathing, unstable blood pressure, headaches and other ailments, as well as corresponding feelings of anger, fear, excitement, etc.

If a subsequent energy discharge does not occur, biologically active substances circulate in the human blood for a long time, which haunt neither the nervous system nor the internal organs.

Due to the fact that the stressful situation persists - “frozen” emotions are not discharged, the unsatisfied need sends impulses to the cerebral cortex and stress hormones (energy imbalance) continue to be released.

The task of a person, as a living energy system, is to satisfy his needs without entering into conflict with himself, with the people around him and with the entire outside world, that is, without causing new tensions.

Each satisfied need brings a person closer to the goal- to harmony with oneself, with the world around us and a feeling of security (freedom from anxiety - tension).”

Sometimes a person neutralizes stress caused by the impossibility of fulfilling desires with strange, newly acquired manias and habits. For example, he becomes a television or computer “maniac” and does not crawl away from the saving illusion of the blue screen, which replaces real life for him.

Living sexual desires are not satisfied? You can resort to virtual sex or video. The dream of love does not come true - you can invent it through correspondence with the same ethereal user under a universal faceless nickname.

Surrogates of love, sex, life... How many modified phantoms of fulfilled desires there are now. But in the morning, evening and day, reality suddenly overtakes...

Then new manias overtake the person:

An impulsive desire to buy everything. Oniomania and shopping mania with its own varieties: salesmania (sale mania) - a painful desire to buy things on sale, labelomania (label mania) - dependence on advertised brands.

The pursuit of a “company” turns into an obsessive state, into the inability for a person to buy anything else. Turns around, for example, gadget addiction - a passion for the constant acquisition of all technical innovations, which in 99% of cases are unnecessary. Or "leads" junk food addiction - obsessive desire to visit fast food restaurant chains.



Music mania


The worst thing is that drinking, eating, drowning out his internal impulses in all sorts of ways harmful to his body, a person does not think about the consequences of such consolations.

And he does not notice how the stress gradually caused by disappointment in unfulfilled desires leads to the inhibition of the machine of his desires. And sometimes even to a complete stop. It’s as if the person gives up on himself and doesn’t want to do anything anymore. This means it stops in its development.

How to free yourself from the captivity of desires

Each of us already has what he needs at the moment at this level of his development. Not everyone can accept this immutable and deafening fact with joy and gratitude and make it the launching pad for a new round of life.

We just want to compare ourselves with someone more successful and prosperous and include in our list of priorities what we don’t yet need or can’t afford. We, like magpies who see a bright object, set off to hunt for prey, and then this object gathers dust on our shelf and finds no use.

But in pursuit of it, we experienced many side effects that rapidly move us away from a harmonious state of happiness. What to do?

1. Get rid of the future tense. Constant thoughts about the future poison the present.

2. Give up the habit of constantly comparing yourself to others!

3. Make a list of your joys today. It may turn out to be unexpectedly long. This will cheer you up and make you think that not everything is so bad.

4. Review everything unnecessary that you already have, and what else do you want. After all, “the desire for what we do not have destroys the use of what we have” (Michel Montaigne).

In fact, it turns out that most of our desires belong to the area of ​​so-called surpluses, which we can completely do without. “If you do not desire much, then a little will seem like a lot to you.” (Democritus)

5. Be clear about what you want. Sometimes there is such a mess in our heads that even a modern brain, trained with large amounts of information, cannot clear it up.

For some of our desires overlap and even exclude others, but we do not notice it. For example, we want to marry a rich and famous man, not work and still reach the top of our careers. Few people know how this can be combined.

6. Think about the consequences of fulfilling your desires. Just imagine how the fulfillment of the desire to become a billionaire can turn out for simple Masha Penkina, a saleswoman from the wholesale market.

Remember the words of one wise woman: “If you want to have something, it means that at the same time you will have it!” (Dina Dean)

7. Let go of your desires! Think of them only as the engine of your progress, and not as a noose around your neck. Then it will be easier for you to cope with the disappointments that are inevitable along our path.

8. Don't run away from the stress of unfulfilled desires into the sphere of artificial gratification, which is associated with psychotropic substances and other manias. No alcohol, drug or antidepressant will make you a happy person.

9. If you are a believer, read the wise prayer of the Optina elders in difficult moments of disappointment.

“Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me.

Let me completely surrender to Your Holy will.
At every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.
In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen".

And I also think it is very useful to listen to the words of those who, by example throughout their lives, showed that “there are two desires, the fulfillment of which can constitute a person’s true happiness - to be useful and to have a clear conscience” (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy).


Sometimes it happens: we do everything to make our desire come true, but for some reason this does not happen. What's the matter? Why doesn't my wish come true? Many people have blocks that prevent their desires from being realized.

Why your wish doesn't come true - 6 steps to your dream

Today we’ll tell you how, using 6 simple steps, you can remove the mental and emotional blocks that prevent your desires from coming true.

Step 1. More positive thoughts!

There is such a Law of Attraction - we attract what we focus on emotionally. Use the power of this law!

Imagine that you have already achieved what you wanted, that your wish has come true.

If this is a new, spacious apartment, imagine that you already live in exactly that! Don't forget about the details - think about what color the walls will be, how you will arrange the furniture. Focus on the emotions you experience while in your imaginary apartment! Rejoice at this sincerely, write down what you feel in a notebook - this is very important, because the Law of Attraction responds specifically to your emotions, and not to your thoughts.

Step 2. You deserve it!

Everyone has a bad mood, a state when their head is filled with negative thoughts on the topic: “How poor and unhappy I am.” Don't let such thoughts lower your self-esteem and set you up for failure.

Every time bad thoughts like “I’m so bad” enter your head, interrupt this monologue! Think about what your close friends, parents, and loved ones say about you.

Think about yourself in a positive way. Remember once and for all - you deserve to have your dreams come true!

Step 3. Every day is beautiful!

Sometimes we get so caught up in our worries that we don’t notice how the day goes by. But the power is in the present moment!

Many people have a bad habit of focusing so much on the future or past that they no longer have any time or energy left for the present. Why doesn't the wish come true in this case? Because that's not possible.

Live every day, find time every day for your favorite things: a walk. meditation, drawing, music, reading - whatever!

This way you will establish a connection with the power of the moment, and it will be easier for the Universe to help your desires come true. Make every day your best day!

Step 4. Give thanks!

Thank the Universe for what you already have. Many people know the power of gratitude. Switch from regretting what you don't have to enjoying what you do have. This will put you in a positive mood and give you the strength to turn your desires into reality. Your energy goes where your thoughts go. The Universe will be favorable to you if you are sincerely happy with what it has already given you. Place the Higher powers towards you!

Do you want to learn about a really working technology for making wishes come true and make your dreams come true? Register for a new free webinar.

Step 5. Be confident in your desire!

Setting big goals takes a lot of effort. Get into the habit of thinking through each week in detail what you want and making changes to your desires, improving them.

And don’t forget: for a wish to come true, you must sincerely want it. Think carefully, is this really what you need? Listen to yourself - your heart will not deceive you!

Step 6. Get rid of the excess!

In order for something new to appear in your life, you need to clear space for it. Go through all your things and get rid of what you no longer need. Donate what is still usable to charity, and recycle the rest. See for yourself how soon the things you need will “come” to you.

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