Revenge arguments of the work. Arguments OGE (Piggy bank)

What wonderful childhood memories! How much has already been written about this by the classics of Russian literature! But it’s strange: each new generation of writers again turns to childhood memories and finds only their innermost in them ... “Happy, happy time of childhood ...” These words of L. Tolstoy can also be attributed to these memories

Man lives for himself only in childhood. Only in childhood is he happy with his happiness and full, stuffing his own tummy. Only in childhood is he infinitely sincere and infinitely free. Only in childhood, everyone is brilliant and beautiful, everyone is natural, like nature, and, like nature, devoid of worries. Everything is only in childhood, and therefore we are so drawn to it, having grown old, even if it was tough, like a soldier's overcoat.


The sensational statement was made by a famous Russian businessman and one of the richest people on the planet Vladimir Potanin. The head of the Interros holding decided that after his death, his entire fortune, which is estimated at billions of dollars, would be donated to charitable purposes, mainly to support educational projects.


The book of the English writer E. Porter "Pollyanna" stumbled upon such thoughts. The father taught the heroine to find positive aspects in everything. He showed her that even in an unpleasant situation, you can find a reason for joy. For example, when a poor girl was given crutches instead of a doll by a charity society, she consoled herself with the fact that she did not need these crutches. Since then, Pollyanna has been involved in an exciting game: she began to look for joy in all life's trials, even those when "there seems to be nothing to rejoice at."


It is my deep conviction that writers should always be at the forefront of importance, should remain dedicated to their work until the end of their lives. Overcoming unbearable pain, N. A. Nekrasov and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin did not let go of the pen from their ossifying hands. Everything that the poet lived with amazing power sounded in his dying verses. In the poem "Sowers" Nekrasov calls: Sow reasonable, good, eternal! Sow!

The sincerity of the writer is his only ticket to the reader's soul.

It seems to me that the Writer is the Creator. He creates a world that did not exist before, and inhabits it with people born not of a woman, but of himself. He controls the events in this world he created, he knits from the events of history, he makes the sun shine when he wants it, and sends rain and bad weather at his own will. He has a huge, divine power in the worlds, woven by him from his own insomnia, and therefore, he must be fair, as the highest judge. And justice is the victory of good.


Loneliness is a terrible punishment for a person at any age, especially when the “autumn of life” comes. In this regard, I recalled lines full of bitterness from the famous story of K. Paustovsky "Telegram" Through the mouth of Katerina Ivanovna, the author says: "God forbid you live to such a lonely old age!"

For 15 years, Rabizon Crusoe lived alone on a desert island. Why didn't he learn to speak? Why survived? Defeated loneliness?! Crusoe helped communication. “That was the happiest year of my life on the island. After all, now I was no longer alone, Friday was with me, and from this I became braver ... "

good, good deeds

In the story "Gooseberries", Chekhov writes that behind the door of every happy person there should be a person with a hammer and with his knock remind of those who are unhappy, destitute, in need of help. It seems to me that the writer himself was such a “man with a hammer”. True, he did not stand outside the door, but he himself took care of those in need, striving to remake and change the life of each of us for the better.

No matter how the world around us changes, no matter what cataclysms shake our society, there will always be people whom Dahl called the righteous. This is Matryona from the story "Matryona Dvor".

Respected by all, Halima Akhmatovna, over the years of work in the juvenile inspectorate, helped many teenagers find their place in life. Where with a kind word and an affectionate look, where with her strictness and impeccable behavior, she instilled hope in them, made them believe in their strength. Such people with their being keep a certain spiritual level at the proper height, to which we all reach and reach.

Arguments from Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Child"

1. The problem of education.

The parents of little Stella Nudolskaya from Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Child" worked hard and were very busy people, but they always found time to organize intellectual games for the child, teach the girl languages, drawing and singing. For the rest of her life, she remembered the important rules of a “good person”, who is not afraid of difficulties, “unties all the knots himself” and knows how to endure. All this helped Stella to become truly strong, courageous and free.

2. The problem of the role of literature in human life.

The main character of Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Baby" Stella remembers that books were an important part of their family's life. They had an excellent library and a tradition of evening reading aloud. This is how the child developed ideas that the book is a friend, adviser and support in any situation. Later in exile, in a Kyrgyz village, these readings will be resumed for people united by a common misfortune. They will listen to both poems and poems by A.S. Pushkin, and the Kyrgyz epic Manas. So literature will unite people of different nationalities and ages with different life experiences and education.

3. The problem of overcoming life's difficulties, perseverance and patience.

The main character of Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Child" Stella Nudolskaya, together with her mother, were subjected to repression: they were sent into exile as members of the family of an enemy of the people. It was difficult for a woman who had suffered from bone tuberculosis to cope with hard physical work, she was afraid for the fate of her daughter, but she never complained of pain or fatigue. It was the stamina, courage and perseverance of the mother that helped her and Stella survive in inhuman conditions and at the same time remain proud, internally free people.

4. Mercy problem.

The main character of Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Baby" Stella remembers how the Yuzhakovs, risking their freedom, unselfishly helped the exiles survive, simply because they saw how hard it was for a woman and her daughter to cope with poverty and illness. The Yuzhakovs took care of Stella and her mother: they treated, fed, helped with the move, brought food. This is an example of compassion.

5. The role of parental love.

Recall the biography of Stella Nudolskaya from Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Child". A woman who has endured many troubles, injustice and cruelty in her life, remembers with gratitude her parents, who treated her with love and always supported her. In childhood, they always devoted a lot of time to their daughter: they played with her, read books to her, taught her languages. From childhood, Stella learned many truths that helped to educate her character, the main one being “Slavery is a state of mind. A free man cannot be made a slave."

6. The problem of industriousness.

An example of a hardworking person is Savely Yuzhakov from Olga Gromova's book Sugar Child. This man devoted his whole life to hard peasant labor and from childhood he attached children to work: the boys, along with their father, plowed, sowed, mowed, the girls helped their mothers around the house in everything. In addition, Savely beautifully carved wood, made shoes, and his wife and daughters spun and sewed. The efforts of the whole family were bearing fruit: the economy of the "Southerners" was strong, despite the difficulties, collectivization, and the difficult climate.

7. The problem of finding the meaning of life.

Let us recall Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Child", which tells about the fate of a repressed family. Stella, the main character of the work, thinks more than once what is the meaning of life, what are the guidelines that should be followed on the path of life. Brought up, despite all the difficulties, by a free person, Stella considers the main goal of life to be the multiplication of good. Having endured many hardships, even in old age she does not refuse an active life position and participates in raising funds for humanitarian aid to people affected by the earthquake.

8. The problem of the struggle for truth, justice

Let us turn to Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Child", which focuses on the fate of the repressed girl Stella Nudolskaya. The girl, even under the threat of being expelled from the pioneers, which was considered a shame in those years, refuses to paint over with ink the portraits of Blucher and Tukhachevsky in the textbook, as she considers them worthy people who have contributed to the history of our country. This is a worthy deed, showing the strength of the character of the heroine of the work.

9. The problem of patriotism

Recall the book by Olga Gromova "Sugar Child". Stella Nudolskaya, the main character of this work, despite the difficulties of the fate of a person who was repressed in childhood and declared a family member as a traitor to the homeland of a person, remains true to her Fatherland. She doesn’t even think about emigration, because she understands that the country is not only leaders, the government, but also the people, therefore it is impossible to leave one’s native land in a difficult time for the Fatherland, one must serve people and do good.

10. The problem of responsibility for moral choice.

Olga Gromova in the book "Sugar Child" reflects on how to make the right moral choice so as not to lose self-respect and not lose human dignity. Stella Nudolskaya, the main character of the work, talks with her mother about why honest and hardworking people who served the people are declared enemies of the people and kulaks. At the end of the conversation, the girl understands that when evaluating people, you need to “listen to your heart” and think for yourself, and not blindly believe in big words, slogans, accusations and glorifications. Stella comes to the conclusion that everyone must choose which side he takes and be responsible for his own decision.

11. friendship problem

Let us turn to the book by Olga Gromova "Sugar Child", in the center of the story of which is the fate of Stella Nudolskaya. Being repressed and finding herself with her mother in distant Kyrgyzstan, the main character of the work understands the value of friendship. When a girl is expelled from the pioneers because she refuses to cross out the portraits of Blucher and Tukhachevsky in a textbook, her comrades do not leave her in trouble. Sapkos and Frida support Stella and remain true friends, despite the fact that they could also be condemned by communicating with her.

Arguments from the story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev "My horses are flying ..."

    The problem of love for a small homeland.

The problem of love for a small homeland was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author admits that he was “fabulously lucky” to be born in Smolensk. With a sense of pride, the prose writer tells about the history of the city, about the people who live in it, about the oak, which has preserved the “eternally living warmth” of the past. The narrator understands that there are more beautiful cities on earth, but it was Smolensk that became dear, because it is the "cradle of childhood."

    The problem of patriotism

The problem of patriotism was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author admits that his love for the Fatherland began with respect for the history of his native city, with the ability to appreciate the traditions of his family and his people. It is for Smolensk, where he spent his childhood, that the young lieutenant Vasiliev goes to fight, realizing that the "cradle of childhood" cannot be given to the enemy.

    The problem of being kind to others

Many writers raised the problem of a good attitude towards other people in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In this work, the author, talking about his childhood, recalls that it was "saturated with Good." Helping neighbors who were having a hard time was the norm, and there was no expectation of praise or reward for this. This "simplest form of kindness" helped the narrator to form moral values, to preserve humanity until old age.

    The problem of education

The problem of education was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author, talking about his childhood, demonstrates how his parents raised him, instilling in him "a great sense of everyday domestic internationalism", diligence, a reverent attitude to the book, the ability to sacrifice what is necessary for the sake of people. Parents, by their example, showed the boy how to live in order to be a “quite good” person. For example, my father never once allowed himself to use a company car for personal purposes, because he considered such an act dishonorable.

    The influence of nature on man

The problem of education was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In this work, the author talks about a huge old oak, "the most ancient inhabitant" of Smolensk. The beauty and grandeur of this tree, which keeps the history of centuries, the boy remembered for the rest of his life. It was this oak that made him think about the role of history in the life of every person.

    The problem of the role of childhood, childhood memories in human life

The problem of the role of childhood, childhood memories in a person's life was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In this work, the author, a person who has experienced a lot, recalls with a trembling feeling those who “gave him childhood and warmed him with their own hearts”, because it was in childhood that those traits were laid that helped to survive in the difficult years of the war, which made him a creator and a person who values ​​spirituality above all else.

    The problem of self-sacrifice, love for people

The problem of self-sacrifice, love for people was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In this work, the author tells about the fate of Dr. Jansen, "the holy city of Smolensk." This man devoted his life to selfless service to people. A doctor in the area where the poor lived, he worked seven days a week and holidays, was always polite and patient. Dr. Jansen sacrificed himself to save two boys who, while playing, fell into a sewer shaft and could suffocate. The whole of Smolensk came to the funeral of this worthy man.

    The problem of the role of art in human life

The problem of the role of art in human life was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In this work, the author sees the function of art in saturating human life with meaning, teaching people to doubt, feel and suffer. All this, according to the writer, prolongs physical and spiritual life.

    The problem of finding the meaning of life

The problem of the meaning of life was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about how, trying to comprehend the purpose of his own existence, he turns to his father with the question: “Why has a person been released so much?” And he gets a short but capacious answer: "For work." It was this conversation that helped the young man to believe in "the need for hard, daily, frantic work." In this he saw a lofty goal, multiplying goodness in the world.

    The problem of the role of labor in human life

Many writers raised the problem of the role of labor in human life in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his family, in which everyone worked. From early childhood, the narrator remembers his hands burned with weeded grass, his father, who repaired and restored something in his spare time, his mother and aunt, who always darned and altered something. For them, a person who did not want to work was "obviously perceived with a negative sign if he was healthy."

11/ The problem of spirituality, moral values

    The role of literature and reading in the formation of personality

The problem of literature and reading in the formation of personality was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his family, the main value in which were books. For the rest of his life, the boy remembered how in the evenings they read aloud the classics, literature, which "they read, figuratively speaking, taking off their hats." So he discovered Turgenev, Goncharov, Gogol, Lermontov... The works of great writers formed the best character traits of the future writer, while he "remained on his knees before Literature."

    Problem with animals

The problem of attitudes towards animals was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author encourages readers to see in the animal not fun, not a whim, but helpers needed by people and therefore respected. It is then that animals ennoble a person, make him kinder, more demanding of himself. The main thing is not to forget about the responsibility to our smaller brothers and to be merciful to them. This is exactly what you can call the father of the narrator, who fed the dogs abandoned by people, and they responded to him with devotional service.

    The problem of perseverance in overcoming difficulties

The problem of perseverance in overcoming difficulties was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his father, who never quit what he started, because he believed: "it's all about desire and work." This man always had the strength to overcome obstacles. For example, he took on the responsibility of repairing decommissioned cars in order to teach newbies how to drive. Sparing no time, the officer worked, and he managed to "breathe life into these car corpses."

    The problem of courage and heroism

The problem of courage and heroism was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his father, a modest and laconic man who, in an extreme situation, showed fortitude and courage. When, due to the boy's negligence, a fire broke out in the garage, threatening to spread to residential buildings, his father, risking his life, pulled out an already ignited barrel of gasoline, which saved people from the fire.

    The problem of conscience

The problem of conscience was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his father, a modest and laconic man who, despite the fact that he had the right to a private car and had three cars at his disposal, never used them for personal purposes, because he was ashamed in front of people, because the technique and gasoline were state property.

    The problem of mercy, the ability to live not for oneself

The problem of mercy, the ability to live not for oneself, was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his grandmother, who knew how to sympathize with someone else's misfortune. For example, when she finds out that one of her friends has been living without electricity and a stove for a month, she gives her kerosene along with a can and does not regret it at all.

    The Problem of Mother's Love

The problem of maternal love was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author talks about his mother, who gave him life, risking her own, because she was "burned by consumption." The narrator carried this feat of maternal love, self-denial and sacrifice through his entire life. The writer recalls with gratitude that his mother taught him not to complain about life, to be friends with people, not paying attention to their nationality, to read classical literature.

    The problem of historical memory

Many writers raised the problem of historical memory in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author shares his views on the role of the memory of ancestors in the life of each of us. The prose writer believes that the words of A.S. Pushkin that one should be proud of the glory of one's ancestors, and not respect it - shameful cowardice. It is history that links generations, preserves traditions and “does not allow a person to remain a barbarian.”

    The problem of the teacher's role in human life

The problem of the role of the teacher in human life was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". In it, the author gratefully talks about his first teacher, who saw her duty not to “stuff” children with knowledge, to make future “robot-specialists” out of them, but to “educate Citizens of the Fatherland”. It was she who allowed the children to touch the past of the Motherland, instilled in them a love for history.

21. The problem of the influence of war on the fate of man

The problem of the influence of war on the fate of a person was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ...". Being participants in the Second World War, Boris Vasilyev says that it is still impossible to take off the weight of it. He calls this time a charred piece of biography and considers it his duty to write about that wartime. That is why the story “I was not on the lists” appears. This is a wreath of memory for the grave of his closest friend Nikolai Pluzhnikov. The military generation was devoid of youth: early responsibility made them young adults.

Arguments from the book of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about kindness"

    Finding purpose and meaning in life

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that "increasing good in the world around us" is the highest and most worthy goal of human life. The one who considers career or material wealth to be the main value is mistaken, because all this can be lost in one moment. And a person who rejoiced in each of his good deeds does not lose, but gains the respect and gratitude of those around him.

    The problem of honor and dignity

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that every person should follow the wise folk proverb and protect honor from a young age. After all, our actions live in the memory of people. The worthy ones will warm their hearts in old age, while the bad ones will not let them sleep peacefully at night.

    The problem of love

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that love is necessary, since it is love that makes a person better, helps him gain wisdom. However, this feeling should not be unconscious, blind. You need to see the shortcomings of a loved one and help him deal with them.

    The problem of truth, honesty

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that lies, cunning are always directed against the deceiver. The academician considers fidelity to truth and justice to be the highest feeling. A wise person will not dodge, the truth gives him the most valuable thing in life - a calm conscience.

    The problem of patriotism and nationalism

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that you need to be patriots, not nationalists. There is no need to hate other nations if you love yours. A true patriot should know and appreciate the history of his country, strive to do everything possible for the prosperity of the Fatherland.

    The problem of being kind to people

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that it is necessary to be open, tolerant of other people's shortcomings. You have to look for the good in people. This ability to see in a person the "obscured" beauty enriches spiritually.

    The problem of resentment and revenge

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that you should not stoop to resentment, because excessive touchiness is a sign of complexes, so you need to learn to forgive and never take revenge, as this allows a person to pay more attention to good feelings.

    The problem of greed

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that greed is "forgetfulness of one's own dignity", a disgusting feeling, humiliating for a person, hostile to him and others. Greed, in contrast to reasonable thrift, is a disease that takes possession of the mind.

    The problem of preserving the purity of the Russian language

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that language is an indicator of human culture, the degree of psychological balance, and spiritual strength. “Spitting words” people injure others, a self-confident person will not swear, use jargon: he knows that his word is already weighty.

    The problem of manifestation of conscience

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, it "is cleansed to some extent." It is this feeling that “gnaws” a person for his bad deeds. Besides, conscience is never false. A truly honest person considers it his life guide.

    The problem of intelligence

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that a person must be intelligent under any circumstances. What is intelligence? It is not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to understand others, to be tolerant of other people's opinions, and to honor all the best traditions of the past.

    The problem of envy

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that envy is a terrible, destructive feeling that is characteristic of people who have not found their way in life, insecure and notorious. To get rid of envy, it is necessary to develop unique traits in yourself, to strive to be yourself.

    The problem of education

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that a well-mannered person is one "who wants and knows how to reckon with others." It is not enough to read and study books about the rules of etiquette, you need to learn to take care of the world and people, respect the past of your country.

    The Problem of Happiness

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that a “spiritual culture” makes a person happy, because it is it that fills people’s lives with meaning. The happiest can be considered those who follow the "roads of good."

    The problem of education, enlightenment

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that one should always study, but a particularly favorable time for getting a good education is youth. Knowledge grows and multiplies, therefore, self-education is necessary, which contributes to intellectual growth and broadening of horizons.

    The problem of historical memory

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that young people should strive to better know the past of their family, city, country and the whole world. However, this is not enough: it is also necessary to carefully preserve cultural monuments, objects left from the ancestors in order to convey history to the descendants. After all, a people that forgets about the past has no right to the future.

    The problem of the influence of works of art on a person

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that art ennobles a person, opens his soul for the perception of beauty, and teaches humanity. It is only necessary when dealing with great works to be "armed with knowledge", information. After all, knowledge is power, and art is "inaccessible to the powerless."

    The problem of nature conservation

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that the laws of ecology must be observed, because their violation will lead to the physical death of people. In addition, the landscape of each country is an important element of national culture, since nature is “the expression of the soul of the people”. Do not protect it - destroy the culture of your country.

    Vandalism, destruction of cultural monuments

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that the "stock of monuments" of culture is extremely limited and is depleted at a progressive rate. Therefore, in order not to be “not remembering kinship”, we must carefully treat the cultural environment, otherwise we will have nothing to leave to our descendants.

    The problem of mercy and compassion

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist convinces young readers that a person should be caring, merciful. Compassion is a manifestation of morality, it unites people, makes them fight for humanity, justice, preservation of nature and the past of their country. This feeling helps people not to harden their souls, since it has been forgotten, it needs to be revived.

    The problem of the scientist's responsibility for the discovery

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The academician convinces young readers that a man of science bears moral responsibility for his discoveries. In the age of machines and robots, atomic energy and biological weapons, scientists must be especially careful and try not to harm the environment and people.

    Memory problem

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that memory is the overcoming of time and death, therefore "a person without memory is an ungrateful, irresponsible and incapable of noble deeds person." The younger generation needs to take care of memory and know that it is “our wealth”.

    The role of youth, youth in the fate of a person

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness". The scientist is convinced that youth is a time when a person makes real friends, develops habits that will help or hinder him in the future. For example, it is important to instill diligence in youth, since there is no more unfortunate "man who is lazy and avoids effort." It must be remembered that deeds committed in youth will warm the heart in old age, and bad deeds "will not let you sleep."

What is revenge? It is pain that gives rise to the desire to harm the offender. But is there a need for this?

One of the problems raised in the text proposed for analysis by V. A. Soloukhin is the problem of the need for revenge. The narrator recalls how long he had been planning revenge for an unreasonable blow to the back from a friend who had sneaked up behind him, and how easy it was on his soul when he nevertheless decided to forgive the offender. Although the position of the author is not explicitly expressed, it is reflected by the logic of the text: from his point of view, there is no need to take revenge on a person who has offended something, vindictiveness is a negative quality that negatively affects primarily its owner, depriving him of joy and peace. One cannot but agree with this: it is much better to resolve the conflict peacefully than to resort to aggression.

But there are situations in which the offender cannot be forgiven. To prove my judgments, I will give two examples from Russian classical literature.

The novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" can serve as the first argument. After the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin, during which the latter vilely struck at the moment he distracted the enemy, Pyotr Andreevich forgave his opponent because he was smart and understood that this person could not be corrected by anything and therefore there was no point in continuing to conflict with him. But Alexey continued to treacherously take revenge on his opponent, writing a denunciation of him to his parents. In the course of the continuation of the story, Shvabrin more and more revealed himself as an immoral person, his actions became more and more low and dishonorable. As a result, the generous Grinev did not tarnish his honor and found true happiness, and his enemy was left with nothing but a burden on his soul.

Now let's consider "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov" by M. Yu. Lermontov. This poem tells how the merchant Kalashnikov killed the guardsman in a fight, who defiled the honor of his wife, thus taking revenge on him. In this case, it is impossible to say for sure whether the merchant should have gone for the kill or not. On the one hand, every person, whatever he may be, has the right to life. But on the other hand, Kalashnikov can be understood: the former reputation of his wife cannot be returned (in the sixteenth century, what Kiribeevich did with Alena Dmitrievna was considered a great shame), and negotiations with the offender would not lead to an improvement in the situation, nor to spiritual relief. And the state would not have resolved the conflict fairly, since the offender was the king's favorite. Thus, there are such critical situations in which the culprit must be punished.

Revenge or not taking revenge is a choice that each of us can face. The main thing - in no case should you succumb to momentary emotions. And remember: revenge is a dish best served cold.

Is it necessary to take revenge on those who hurt you, inflicted a cruel insult? Can you forgive someone who hurt you emotionally? It is these questions that arise when reading the text proposed for analysis.

Revealing the problem of forgiveness, the author relies on an everyday case, the life experience of his characters. The narration is in the first person. Husband and wife live next door to a certain Nyushka, who killed a pet and family pet - a kitten nicknamed Athanasius. The narrator's wife demanded that he take revenge on his neighbor by shooting her dog Rubicon. The hero tried to convince his wife that revenge is not an option, that it will only get worse.

He suggested that his wife take a pack of yeast that was in short supply at that time, which he brought from Moscow, to a neighbor. After indignation and long moral hesitation, the wife obeyed her husband and went to a neighbor from the world. Not expecting anything good, Nyushka reached for her grip, but when she saw that her neighbor had brought her yeast, she came in peace, not war, and burst into tears. So the two women cried together on each other's shoulder.

The position of the author is expressed directly and clearly. V. Soloukhin is convinced that the main thing in the relationship of people is not to lose humanity, not to respond to evil with evil. The most difficult thing is to step over yourself, your grievances and principles and forgive the offender. You need to be able to stop in time, delve into the essence of the problem and solve it correctly, humanly, with dignity, and not like a primitive man, with the help of claws and clubs.

Let's try to prove our position by referring to literary arguments. Let us recall the epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" and its heroes. Andrei Bolkonsky could not forgive Natasha's betrayal, he wanted to take revenge on Anatole Kuragin, who seduced an inexperienced girl. Prince Andrei looked everywhere for his enemy in order to challenge him to a duel. Both heroes were wounded in the battle of Borodino and ended up next to each other in a tent on the operating table. With difficulty, Prince Andrei recognized the sobbing man, who had just had his offender's leg amputated. Bolkonsky felt pity and compassion for his enemy, wept pure, childish, love tears and understood the “happiness of forgiving,” which his sister Princess Marya told him about.

Revenge destroys the soul of a person, makes him callous, cruel, selfish.

The problem of forgiveness is also revealed in M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin writes in his journal that he loves enemies, but not in a Christian way, they are hot and excite his blood. He forgives no one for baseness and meanness, challenges Grushnitsky to a duel and kills him. True, then the sun seemed dim to him. With the help of this detail, Lermontov shows that even such an egoist as Pechorin is restless after revenge. Vera behaves in a completely different way - the only person who fully understood the essence of Pechorin, who loves him with all his shortcomings and virtues. He brings her nothing but suffering, but she continues to love him, forgiving him again and again.

It seems to me that the ability to forgive is the most important human quality that leads to peace and harmony. Resentment and revenge are low feelings that destroy a person. You need to be kinder and be able to understand people. Forgiveness is generosity.

Friendship is a disinterested personal relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. People who are related by friendship are called friends. In my opinion, a friend is someone who understands you as himself. Who knows all your shortcomings, but does not pay any attention to them. Such friendship is not afraid of either distance, or age difference, or the presence of different interests, because such friendship is REAL.

A.S. Pushkin "Pushchin"

Friendship A.S. Pushkin and Ivan Pushchin.

When the poet was in exile in Mikhailovsky, his lyceum friend Pushchin, not afraid of punishment for violating the ban, visits Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich was grateful to his friend for this last meeting, which was reflected in his poem "Pushchino"

My friends, our union is beautiful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal...

bright an example to follow is the attitude of Wilhelm Kuchelbecker to his lyceum friend A.S. Pushkin. Kyukhlya, as his comrades called him, realized the genius of the young poet like no one else and did not hide his sincere admiration for him. And A.S. Pushkin highly valued his comrade. Andersen's Snow Queen. Gerda overcame many obstacles to save Kai.

in the story V. Zheleznikova "Scarecrow" Lenka is betrayed by her friend. And such cases in people's lives are not uncommon. But not all people are able to survive this, although those who still cope with the situation will forever remember bitterness and resentment. The "wind of the past" will "whip" them "in the face". Lenka turned out to be a strong person, able to rise after such an insult and humiliation, able to remain a merciful and devoted friend.

Let's remember another literary hero - Pechorin, to find a true friend who was also prevented by selfishness and indifference. This man was passionate only about himself, his own interests and experiments, so people for him were just means to achieve his goals.

The hero of the fairy tale A. de Saint-Exupery also needed a real friend. The little prince lived on his small planet and took care of the only close creature - the beautiful Rose. But Rosa was very capricious, her words often offended the baby, and this made him unhappy. But one day the Little Prince left his planet and went on a journey through the universe in search of true friends.

Let us also recall one of the friends of A.S. Pushkin - V.A. Zhukovsky, who always came to the aid of the poet, even in the most difficult moments. For example, during the Mikhailovsky exile, Vasily Andreevich petitioned the court for the release of A.S. Pushkin, and in the 30s he tried to achieve reconciliation between his friend and the tsar, believing that this would benefit the poet. A.S. Pushkin saw this, appreciated and loved his older friend, recognized him as his only adviser.

And here's another sad story about a lost friendship. One of the works of A. Aleksin tells about two friends - Lucy and Olya, whose friendships were doomed, because one of them - Lucy - always took care of her friend, and the other did not. Even when Olenka had the opportunity to please Lucy, she did not consider it necessary to use it, which greatly offended her friend. Olya acted selfishly, she did not think about the interests and desires of Lucy, so their friendship came to an end.

The relationship of the main characters of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" is a classic example of true friendship. D "Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis live under the motto: "One for all, all for one", the heroes of the novel overcome all difficulties thanks to true friendship