Protein menu for a week for weight loss. The results of the protein diet

Beauty standards dictate that being overweight is unfashionable and ugly, doctors say that being overweight threatens health. Therefore, many seek to acquire the cherished parameters of body volumes and for this purpose resort to a wide variety of diets.

Among others, a protein diet stands out: it really helps to lose weight, the hated kilograms dropped have every chance of never returning, while sticking to this diet is easy, especially for meat lovers.

The peculiarity of the protein diet is that when eating foods with a high protein content, the body practically does not receive or receives in small quantities foods that contribute to the accumulation of fat. At the same time, protein digestion is a long process, so the feeling of hunger will not constantly haunt a person striving for harmony.

So, we will consider in detail protein nutrition for weight loss, a detailed menu, and also pay attention to contraindications to the use of this diet.

Find out how easy lose 10 kg in a week on a watermelon diet!

The protein diet for weight loss provides for the following rules:

  • Proteins are the basis of food during this diet.
  • The minimum consumption of fats, the norm per day is no more than 30 gr. (in terms of volume, this can be equal to 2 tablespoons).
  • Up to 14 hours, the use of complex carbohydrates, for example, various cereals, is allowed, but their volume should not be more than 6 tbsp. spoons.
  • When dieting for weight loss, protein nutrition may include vegetables that contain little or no starch, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and so on (recommended portions can be seen in the detailed menu). Potatoes are banned at this time!
Potatoes during a protein diet are strictly prohibited
  • You should also be careful with fruits, citrus fruits and unsweetened apples will be the most useful in a diet (the recommended rate per day is a maximum of 2 pieces).
  • Nutrition should be fractional, up to 7 meals per day, at regular intervals, preferably at the same time. In the evening, you should not eat late, it will not benefit a losing weight person.
  • Protein diet promotes the excretion of water from the body. Therefore, in order to prevent dehydration, you need to drink more water - up to 2 liters. in a day. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before meals.
  • Seasonings such as herbs, garlic, lemon juice, or soy sauce can be used to add flavor to food.
  • During the diet, alcohol and sweets are prohibited.
  • The duration of the protein diet is no longer than 2 weeks.
  • The results of a protein diet will be much better when combined with exercise. This diet goes well with running, aerobics and other active sports. Even ordinary evening walks will improve the result.

Note! The most difficult days for those who want to lose weight will be days 3-5, and the last 2 days. This is due to the fact that these days the body burns body fat more actively. Therefore, during such periods, be patient and, if possible, be distracted.

There are several options for a detailed menu of protein nutrition for weight loss.

Read the popular article heading: Watermelon diet: minus 10 kg per week

Sample menu for the day

The daily caloric intake of food should be approximately 1200 kilocalories.

For breakfast with a protein diet, cottage cheese is ideal, but with a minimum percentage of fat content or low fat


This meal must be satisfying.(about 30% of the daily diet).

As mentioned above, before it you need to drink water. Approximately 15 min. the main morning meal will take place, which includes: a cup of coffee, in which you can add milk if desired. You can drink tea instead of coffee.

In addition, in the morning it is advisable to consume fat-free cottage cheese or yogurt with a low calorie content. In the early days, when it is rather difficult to adhere to the new principles of nutrition, you can eat a double serving of dairy products, gradually bringing the amount of food to the recommended amount.

Important! If hunger is severe, green tea should help, especially with the addition of mint.

For the second breakfast (after about 3 hours), it is proposed to eat 1 of the fruits recommended above.


Lunch is much more varied than breakfast. Don't forget to drink water!

Lunch option 1: a small plate of fish soup and 2 small pieces of bread, 2 tomatoes, 1 tangerine, some dried fruit and green tea.

Lunch option 2: a small portion of veal or beef meat (about 150 gr.), Baked without oil and salt, and wild rice, cucumber, lettuce. If the meat seems too bland to taste, you should use the seasonings recommended above.

Lunch option 3: fish cooked in a double boiler, with any of the previously recommended side dishes.

For lunch, you can cook fish (boiled or steamed)

For an afternoon snack, an apple or fresh vegetables is suitable, you can drink low-fat kefir. If the feeling of hunger returns, it is worth remembering tea with the addition of mint.


Remember to drink water before meals.

Dinner option 1: salad of squid (about 100 gr.), corn and eggs, dressed with lemon juice, olive oil and garlic or onion

Dinner option 2: unsalted boiled shrimp (about 5 kg) with the addition of bay leaf, and wild rice. You can take the same dressing as in option 1, without garlic and onions.

Dinner option 3: Baked chicken breast and grapefruit (this is one of the most useful fruits for weight loss).

Dinner option 4: Baked veal with garlic, and fried in olive oil and soy sauce broccoli and cauliflower (half a pack), at the end of cooking, you can pour over the egg.

For dinner, you can supplement the above menu options, eat a small piece of bread, it is advisable to opt for black.

For dessert, you can treat yourself to a few (up to 3 pieces!) Cups of pineapple.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry: How to lose weight by eating low-calorie meals from the simplest products.

Sample menu of protein nutrition for weight loss for a week

The following is protein nutrition for weight loss, detailed menu for a seven-day course as an example:

Boiled beef with sauerkraut
  • Monday. Boiled beef - 300 gr. (2 times), sauerkraut with canned peas - 100 gr., a small piece of bread, cabbage salad with pepper and herbs - 100 gr., boiled fish - 150 gr., tea, beetroot salad - 100 gr.
  • Tuesday. Boiled beef - 100 gr., carrot salad - 100 gr., tea - a glass, boiled fish - 300 gr. (for 2 times), apple, bread - one piece, salad - 100 gr., apple juice - a glass.
  • Wednesday. Boiled fish - 100 gr., Legumes - 200 gr., Lean pork and vegetables - 150 gr. each, apple, sauerkraut with canned peas - 150 gr., tea.
  • Thursday. Cottage cheese - 100 gr., Green tea, stewed beef with carrots - 150 gr., Tomatoes with onions seasoned with oil - 150 gr.
  • Friday. Boiled fish - 200 gr., Lean pork - 200 gr., Apple, biscuit cookies - 2 pieces, kefir and apple juice - a glass each.
  • Saturday. Boiled fish - 150 gr., Legumes, fat-free cottage cheese, carrots with mayonnaise and vinaigrette - 100 gr. each, green tea.
  • Sunday. A little meat soup cooked with vegetables, boiled lamb - 300 gr. (divided into 2 times), vegetable salad - 100 gr., bread - a small piece, biscuit cookies - 2 pieces, a glass of milk.

You might be interested in an article about: Fractional nutrition for weight loss. Menu for the month

By following this diet and doing simple exercise every day for weight loss, you can lose weight pretty quickly. This is how a properly formulated protein diet will help you lose weight. For weight loss, such a detailed menu is approximate.

To achieve the goal of reducing body weight, strict adherence to just such a diet is not mandatory. Products can be slightly interchanged, but it is necessary to adhere to the menu as a whole.

How to diversify food

Protein nutrition for weight loss prohibits the use of many foods, as can be seen from the detailed menu. This makes you wonder, what can you eat, losing weight in this way?

Meat remains the main product in a protein diet., shows both animal meat (it is worth choosing lean meat) and poultry (preference for turkey and chicken, it is better to remove the skin).

Also, a significant part of the diet of losing weight should be fish. You can diversify the menu with boiled sausage, ham, veal liver, mushrooms are well suited.

Protein food can be varied with mushrooms

Many dairy products can also be consumed, however, their caloric content and fat content should be monitored, for example, yogurts, even low-fat ones, quite often have a high calorie content, therefore they are not recommended for a protein diet.

Drinking regimen: you can occasionally drink juices - tomato, apple and celery juice.

For the best effect, foods are best eaten boiled or steamed, sometimes it is allowed to eat small portions of fried foods, which are best fried using olive oil.

To diversify the menu with a diet, you can find a lot of interesting recipes on the Internet from the allowed products.

The duration of the protein diet

The time to comply with protein nutrition, as a rule, can be 7, 10 or 14 days, which is associated with a rather monotonous menu (just look at the detailed menu for weight loss proposed above, where the same products are very often repeated). This is a relatively short diet.

If you lose weight for 14 days, then repeat the nutrition of the first 7 days in the second week, only the sequence of the diet will be the other way around - from day 7 to the first.

Losing weight on protein nutrition: photos before, after a week and after 2 weeks

Note! In order not to harm the body, the protein diet should be repeated no more than once every six months.

By the way, the site has an article about: Desired body in 2 weeks: diet. Reviews

Contraindications to protein nutrition

Protein nutrition is not shown for weight loss to everyone who wants to follow it, so you need to carefully consider the contraindications to following such a diet. Before using it, the most reasonable option would be to consult a doctor. who, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's health, recommends or forbids this diet.

Protein diet is not shown:

  • older people due to an increased risk of blood clots;
  • people with diseases of internal organs, such as kidneys, heart, liver, as well as those with gastrointestinal disorders, because with such nutrition, the load on these organs increases or fermentation appears in the intestines;
  • people suffering from gout;
  • pregnant and lactating women need to be careful - before starting a diet, be sure to consult a doctor.

A protein diet is significantly superior to mono diets, however, a limited and unbalanced diet can adversely affect health. First of all, the condition of the hair and nails may worsen. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, during food restrictions it is worth taking vitamin complexes.

A protein diet based on the use of lean meats, fish, dairy products, and other foods containing proteins helps to lose weight

It must be added that a protein diet is not the best choice for those who love flour and sweets. Firstly, it will be quite difficult to comply with it. Secondly, after a short-term weight loss, when you stop the diet, the weight will quickly return if the love of sweets is stronger than the desire to look slim.

So, having considered protein nutrition for weight loss: a detailed menu, it is possible to come to the following conclusions: such nutrition will help to correct weight, quickly removing body fat. In this case, the weight lost usually does not return or returns very slowly.

However, like all other diets, protein has contraindications that must be taken into account before it is followed. The implementation of all recommendations will serve as a guarantee of gaining harmony and maintaining health at the same time.

Beauty to you and success in finding the desired forms.

How to lose 5 kg in a week - a protein diet will help with this:

The following video suggests a menu for a protein diet for a week:

How to lose weight with a protein diet - watch this video:

protein diet- one of the most popular and effective for weight loss. There are a number of reasons for this. The main point of the diet is to eat protein-rich foods.

Protein diet at home: basic principles

  • Protein saturates the body and gives the necessary strength.
  • The diet is designed for those who exercise, because protein perfectly restores energy. Such a protein "explosion" goes well with a 3-time weekly weight loss training regimen.
  • Protein "unloading" is designed for 7 days and belongs to the category of fast diets. During this time, if you follow the recommendations correctly, you can get rid of extra pounds without harming your well-being.

At the same time, you do not have to constantly experience a feeling of hunger, since our body is insured against exhaustion. In addition, you do not need to be limited in the choice of products, the diet is more than varied.

The only so-called "minus" will be the standard refusal to eat flour, sweets and fatty foods.

REFERENCE Insufficient intake of proteins with food causes various malfunctions in the work of internal organs: the structure of the liver, the hormonal background, the cycle of functioning of the secretory organs change. Protein deficiency can also be expressed in reduced performance, poor memory, a constant feeling of fatigue, pain in the heart and arrhythmia. It is especially dangerous to abstain from protein at a high level of physical activity - the body has nowhere to take the material necessary to maintain the muscles in order. In addition, a diet with a deliberately low protein content can negate the benefits of other macronutrients: with a lack of enzymes, a number of acids and vitamins are simply not absorbed.

However, such weight loss seems to be healthier than some of the ones that suggest consuming the same type of product every day.

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROVED:The combination of a protein diet with a passive lifestyle leads to swelling of the kidneys, the growth of a collagen sheath around the capillaries, and acidification of the urine. All these factors provoke the occurrence of urolithiasis. Therefore, doctors are sure: the use of proteins must be combined with a sufficient intake of water, vegetables and fruits. The liquid, fiber, and other digestive and detoxifying ingredients they contain can reduce the burden on the kidneys and minimize the risk of unpleasant “stones” and other diseases.

Cons and main disadvantages of a protein diet for weight loss

Like any diet, the protein diet for weight loss also has a number of disadvantages that you need to pay attention to.

With unlimited protein intake, our body quickly begins to quickly remove fluid and reserves of such an important element as calcium.

This fact, especially when playing sports, creates an increased burden on the kidneys, dry skin is observed, hair grows dull, and brittle nails increase.

List of contraindications:

  • severe kidney disease, in which an additional load on the kidneys is unacceptable;
  • liver disease, including some types of gallstone disease;
  • severe digestive diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe heart disease;
  • pregnancy (except for a specially designed diet).

Key Pros and Benefits of a Protein Diet

  1. The main and one of the most important advantages of a protein diet can be considered the fact that after eating the prescribed proportion of proteins, a person is deprived of hunger for a long time, and at this time the body continues to work for you. Protein is considered a complex food component, the digestion of which takes more time and effort, so hunger will not gnaw at you in an hour or a few hours.
  2. The second advantage of a protein diet, of course, is the fact that after the diet is completed, a person will not gain all those kilograms that he lost with such difficulty, while maintaining a balanced diet. Weight loss is especially noticeable in people with a large excess proportion of fat. Weight loss is fast enough, not allowing you to start missing sweets.

Diet and protein diet menu

Despite the fact that the protein diet menu is designed for a week, during this time the balance of vitamins can be significantly disturbed, because not only protein is needed for full functioning, but also fats, carbohydrates, as well as trace elements and fatty acids. This fact should not be neglected so as not to put your health at risk.

To avoid oversaturation with protein, you can take various vitamin complexes. To maintain water balance, drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Protein diet at home: what foods can you eat

Starting a "protein marathon" stock up on any meat, fish and eggs.

  • You can add a little fat, sausages, canned fish on the water and many, many raw vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, herbs, and especially tomatoes.

Since tomatoes contain lycopene, which enhances the effect of a protein diet, their presence on the menu is especially welcome.

  • Salads are best seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil. During the entire time that you have taken to comply with this diet, you will have to eat at least 5 times a day.
  • Particular attention should be paid to water - you will have to drink a lot and often. Before each meal, about half an hour before meals, you should drink a glass of water.

A lot of controversy over the presence of carbohydrate products in the menu boils down to the fact that it is still worth eating buckwheat and oatmeal twice a week.

What foods should not be eaten during a protein diet

The main thing at this time is to limit yourself to foods that can easily turn into fat.

  • First of all, you have to say goodbye to the sweet. Even simple fruits can spoil the result, not to mention cakes, cookies, pastries - all this will have to be abandoned.
  • We also exclude pasta, bread and rolls, fried.
  • Potatoes, butter, cereals, side dishes and desserts will not bring benefits either.

What can you drink while on a protein diet

  • During the diet, you can drink tea or coffee without sugar, herbal infusions, water, both ordinary and mineral.
  • In the menu of the protein diet for weight loss, any fruit juices and sugary drinks are prohibited.

With a protein diet, you can sometimes drink vegetable juices - tomato or celery with an apple. The main thing is that the composition contains as few carbohydrates as possible.

  • The diet completely eliminates alcohol, thereby reducing the burden on the liver, stomach and kidneys. In addition, alcohol blocks the enzyme pepsin, which breaks down animal protein in the stomach, and by eating protein foods and alcohol together, you will not only not lose weight, but it is also likely that you will “earn” indigestion.

The duration of the protein diet for weight loss

Typically, protein-type diets are prescribed in detail for one or two weeks. The menu is not very diverse: in the second week, if any, experts advise eating the same menu as in the first, following the diet from the last day to the first.

Protein diet menu for a week: option number 1

  • Monday
  • Breakfast: boiled chicken (150 g); grain bread (1 piece); tea
  • Lunch: boiled beef (200 g); vegetable salad (200 g);
  • Afternoon snack: citrus fruits (100 g);
  • Dinner: mozzarella cheese (50 g); tomato (1 pc)
  • Tuesday
  • cottage cheese with honey (200 g); tea
  • stewed beef with vegetables (200 g);
  • kiwi (2 pcs);
  • boiled fish (100 g); fresh vegetables (200 g)
  • Wednesday
  • chicken fillet (150 g); Orange;
  • stewed beans with vegetables (300 g);
  • 1% kefir; blueberry;
  • beef stew with cabbage (300 g)
  • Thursday
  • 1% kefir (1 glass); low-calorie cookies (2 pcs);
  • turkey fillet (200 g); apple (1 pc);
  • yogurt (1 jar); orange (1 pc);
  • steamed fish with vegetables (300 g);
  • Friday
  • cold boiled veal (200 g); apple (1 pc);
  • boiled fish (200 g); toast;
  • berries with kefir (1 cup);
  • steamed fish (150 g); vegetable salad (200 g);
  • Saturday
  • low-fat curd cheese (200 g); tea;
  • stewed beans (300 g); fresh vegetables (150 g);
  • tangerine (2 pcs); apple (1 pc);
  • boiled fish (150 g); vegetable salad (210 g);
  • Sunday
  • 1% milk (1 cup); low-calorie pastries (100 g);
  • minestrone soup; boiled beef (150 g); grain bread (2 pieces);
  • cottage cheese with low fat content (150 g); honey (5 g);
  • fruit salad of citrus and apples (300 g)

Protein diet menu option No. 2



Forecast of weight loss on a protein diet.

Subject to all the prescriptions of the diet, as well as when playing sports, the weight will go away quickly enough. But the decline occurs differently in people with different proportions of body fat.

FOR EXAMPLE With a height of 170 centimeters and a weight of 65 kilograms, in two weeks of a diet, you can easily lose from six to ten kilograms, depending on the duration and energy consumption in training.

To consolidate the results of such a protein diet, spend at least 15-20 minutes of light physical exercise. Three times will be enough.

Varieties of protein diet

1. Protein-vegetable diet for weight loss

This type of protein diet is designed for 5 days and allows you to lose up to 5 kg of weight. Throughout the vegetable diet, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water without gas per day.

Protein and vegetable diet menu:

  • Day 1. During the day: 2 liters of tomato juice, vegetable salad, vegetable stew or vegetable soup, 2 slices of bread.
  • Days 2 and 3. Breakfast - a slice of bread with butter, half a tablespoon of honey. Lunch - chicken broth with chicken without skin and fat, boiled beans, a slice of bread. Snack - a cup of tea with honey. Dinner - 2 hard-boiled eggs, half a pack of cottage cheese or 200 g of chicken fillet.
  • Days 4 and 5. Breakfast - fruits, a glass of yogurt. Lunch - vegetable soup, a slice of bread. Snack - some fruit. Dinner - vinaigrette, half a pack of cottage cheese, a slice of bread.

2. Vitamin-protein diet

A good option for those who fear for their health and want to move protein diets for weight loss with minimal loss to overall well-being. This diet lasts 10 days, during which you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

The menu of the vitamin-protein diet for weight loss:

  • Protein products: any meat, fish, sausage, cheese, fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Fruits: any, except carbohydrate-rich bananas, grapes, persimmons.
  • Vegetables: any, including beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet bell peppers, zucchini.
  • Mandatory alternation of protein and vitamin components (eg fruit for breakfast, meat for lunch).
  • As a drink, use mineral water without gas, unsweetened green or herbal tea.
  • You need to eat every 2.5 hours.
  • Seasonings and various sauces are prohibited.
  • Salt (in moderation).

The vitamin-protein diet does not have a strict menu, the main thing is to comply with the above conditions.

An approximate menu of a vitamin-protein diet for a day is:

  • Breakfast 1: 2 hard boiled eggs.
  • Breakfast 2: orange.
  • Lunch: 200 g of cooked meat.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 apples.
  • Dinner: 200 g of steamed fish.
  • Before bed: grapefruit.

3. Protein-carbohydrate diet

Protein diet for weight loss lasts 3 weeks. Its essence is to "forbid" the body to make fat reserves. This is done literally by fraud.

  • On the first day of the diet, proteins and carbohydrates are consumed in equal parts, on the second and third - the main part of the menu consists of proteins, the fourth is almost only carbohydrates (this is where we “deceive” our stomach), the fifth and sixth are proteins again, the seventh - carbohydrates.
  • From the second week we start anew with the menu of the first day.

Weight loss is very slow, but guaranteed. For each week, you can lose up to 5 kg of weight.

Among the advantages of a protein-carbohydrate diet is its simplicity and the absence of any special preparations.

Protein-carbohydrate diet menu

The essence of the protein-carbohydrate diet - the proposed products should be divided into 6 meals. Drink a cup of unsweetened coffee in the morning. Before meals - 50 ml of herbal infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula, taken in equal parts.

  • Monday: 400 g of potatoes baked in the oven, 2 cups of kefir (1%).
  • Tuesday: 400 g low-fat cottage cheese and 2 cups of kefir.
  • Wednesday: 400 g of fruit and 2 cups of kefir.
  • Thursday: 400 g of boiled chicken fillet and 2 cups of kefir.
  • Friday: 400 g of fruit and 2 cups of kefir.
  • Saturday: 1.5 liters of non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Sunday: 400 g of fruit and 2 cups of kefir.

4. Protein diet for pregnant women

It would seem, what can be a diet during pregnancy? Nutrition should be balanced in all positions - because the health of the unborn baby depends on it! However, often excessive weight gain threatens a woman with the most unpleasant consequences and something must be done urgently. This is where a specially adjusted recipe for a protein diet comes to the rescue.

A protein diet for pregnant women is called a protein diet purely conditionally - although proteins are one of the determining substances in the diet, they do not exclude the use of vegetables, fruits, cereals, butter, milk.

  • With such a diet, the taboo applies only to frankly harmful foods - sugar, chocolate, rolls, condensed milk, etc.
  • With a protein diet for pregnant women, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, fish, lean meat and poultry are used as protein sources.
  • The daily dose of protein is at least 120 g, but the amount of carbohydrates is gradually reduced, in the third trimester bringing it to 300 g. Missing calories are compensated with additional portions of proteins.
  • Fats should be consumed mainly in the form of vegetable oil, which is vital for maintaining the hormonal background of a pregnant woman and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

5. Protein diet of Pierre Dukan

This protein diet recipe was developed in France by the famous nutritionist Pierre Dukan and named after him. Celebrities and ordinary people get in shape with this unique technique, and the effectiveness and consistency of the ideal weight is consistently confirmed by excellent results.

The Dukan Protein Diet provides for the development of a diet with an emphasis on proteins, while limiting carbohydrates and fats. To achieve a pronounced and lasting effect, it is recommended to adhere to these dietary recommendations for several months, but ideally, the Dukan protein diet recipe should become a nutritional principle for life.

Among the prerequisites, the French nutritionist highlights:

  • drinking water (mineral);
  • oat bran is taken every day;
  • full walks are required;
  • taking vitamin complexes.

The Dukan protein diet menu includes 4 stages, each of which is thought out and has its own function.

  • Stage 1- is called "Attack" and involves the use of protein foods with virtually no restrictions.
  • Stage 2- "Alternating", when protein days follow one with more free days, the diet of which includes vegetables and some fats.
  • Stage 3- "Fixation". The diet continues to be predominantly protein, but fruits, cheeses, bread, cereals are allowed. In addition, once a week, a “belly holiday” is held, when one of the meals is dedicated to your favorite dish - even a high-calorie one.
  • Stage 4- "Stabilization", which consists in unloading protein days

In order to prevent severe dehydration, you can drink a glass of ordinary drinking or mineral water 15 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It must also be remembered that such a diet can be attributed to a moderately limited low-calorie diet, the total number of calories consumed per day should not be less than 1,200 - this is the minimum to maintain health. Before starting a protein diet, you should pay attention to some very significant factors:

  1. Adhering to a certain diet, it is advisable not to allow indulgences or various kinds of deviations in it. It is desirable that everyday meals take place at a strictly designated time for this, especially for dinners; eating too late will not bring benefits, and the body will have to work hard instead of rest.
  2. Always in front of your eyes, the recipe table will not let you forget about the compiled diet.
  3. A successful result directly depends on the volume of fluid consumed: it should be at least one and a half liters per day.
  4. The main purpose of the protein diet is given to active people, so exercise and exercise will not only not interfere, but, on the contrary, will help in obtaining an excellent result.
  5. Few people manage to combine work and diet, so it is best to stick to it in your free time, which can rightfully be a vacation or vacation. It is known that the most difficult days in overcoming hunger are the days from the third to the fifth, the last 2 days. It is at this time that the body, deprived of external support, begins to activate its forces, fat deposits go to “feeding”. You can overcome this time by being distracted by extraneous concerns and interests, but subsequently an excellent result is guaranteed and the feeling that there is willpower leading to an undeniable victory, and it is strong.

Recipes for a protein diet

For the duration of the diet, it is necessary to reduce the intake of carbohydrates and fats, so that your diet is not boring, we offer several recipes for protein dishes.

Every woman dreams of being beautiful and slim. If nature has not rewarded you with graceful forms, do not despair. Any young lady is able to correct her figure in the desired direction. However, some girls find it unbearable to go on strict diets while starving. If you can’t imagine your life without meat, and in general you like to eat plenty, then protein diet for weight loss will be a great solution for you. With its help, you will lose the hated kilograms without stress for the body. What is the essence of such a diet, how to follow it correctly and what results can be achieved, read on.

Today, a protein diet is used for weight loss very often and is rightfully recognized as one of the most effective, because you feel active and alert, without suffering from hunger. So, the essence of the course is the use of protein-rich foods that saturate the body and give it the necessary strength and energy. During such a diet, you can safely continue training or start exercising. With a lack of carbohydrates received, the body will begin to use the hidden reserves of glycogen from adipose tissue and muscle mass.

Losing weight on a protein diet is considered healthier than on mono-diets, when you are forced to consume the same product for several days in a row. The protein diet pleases with its diversity. The disadvantage of the presented diet is that you still have to give up flour, sweet and fatty. Deprived of carbohydrates and fats, the body uses its own reserves, due to which weight loss occurs.

It is important! Diets should be followed for no more than two weeks, and preferably 7-10 days. You can repeat the course no earlier than six months to a year.

If this rule is neglected, then due to the large amount of protein entering the body, an important element, calcium, is washed out of it, which is fraught with increased fatigue, brittle hair and nails, dry skin and a dull complexion. In addition, prolonged dieting with a passive lifestyle leads to swelling of the kidneys and even contributes to the development of urolithiasis. To avoid this and reduce the burden on the kidneys, you should consume sufficient amounts of fluid and fiber in the form of certain fruits and vegetables.

Protein diet rules

In order for the result of the diet to be positive, you need to remember some important rules:

  • During the course of weight loss, you should drink enough water, about 2 liters. Mineral water is the best way to restore the mineral balance in the body.
  • The number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1200.
  • It is advisable to take a complex of multivitamins and trace elements.
  • Food should be taken 4-6 times a day. In this case, the first meal - not earlier than half an hour after waking up, and the last 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • The diet is made only from permitted products, while 30 g of fats are allowed (for example, 1-2 tablespoons of linseed oil) per day.

Approved Products

  • lean fish;
  • poultry meat without skin (turkey, chicken);
  • veal, beef;
  • egg whites;
  • offal (heart, liver, tongue);
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • low-fat dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, bell peppers, zucchini and eggplant);
  • fruits (apples, citrus);
  • nuts;
  • drinks (mineral water, coffee and tea without added sugar).

Prohibited Products

  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • butter;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • any canned food;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • mayonnaise and any fatty sauces;
  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, all legumes), as well as carrots and beets;
  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • alcohol.

It is important! Food can be steamed, in a slow cooker or baked. To taste, the dishes are seasoned with soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Frying food is strictly prohibited!

Protein express diet menu for a week

Based on all of the above, we have compiled a detailed menu for a week with a protein diet in the form of a table. Let's make a reservation right away that the diet is only approximate, you can change something, focusing on the list of allowed high-protein foods.

Day meal Menu for the day
Monday Breakfast boiled chicken (150 g); grain bread (1 slice); glass of green tea
Snack 1 apple
Dinner boiled beef (200 g); vegetable salad (200 g)
afternoon tea 100 g yogurt
Dinner mozzarella cheese (50 g); tomato (1 pc)
Tuesday Breakfast cottage cheese with honey (200 g); tea
Snack 1 orange
Dinner beef stew with vegetables (200 g)
afternoon tea kiwi (2 pcs)
Dinner steamed fish (100 g); fresh vegetables (200 g)
Wednesday Breakfast chicken fillet (150 g); 1 orange
Snack 1 fruit (any)
Dinner stewed beans with vegetables (300 g);
afternoon tea 1% kefir; blueberry
Dinner beef stew with cabbage (300 g)
Thursday Breakfast 1% kefir (1 glass); low-calorie cookies (2 pcs)
Snack 1 apple
Dinner turkey fillet (200 g); grapefruit (1 pc)
afternoon tea yogurt (1 glass); orange (1 pc)
Dinner steamed fish with vegetables (300 g)
Friday Breakfast cold boiled veal (200 g); apple (1 pc)
Snack 4 tangerines
Dinner boiled fish (200 g); toast
afternoon tea berries with kefir (1 cup)
Dinner steamed fish (150 g); vegetable salad (200 g)
Saturday Breakfast low-fat curd cheese (200 g); tea
Snack 1 orange
Dinner stewed cabbage (300 g); fresh vegetables (150 g)
afternoon tea tangerine (2 pcs); apple (1 pc)
Dinner vegetable salad (200 g); boiled fish (150 g)
Sunday Breakfast low-calorie pastries (100 g); 1% milk (1 cup)
Snack 1 fruit (any)
Dinner minestrone soup; grain bread (2 pieces); boiled beef (150 g)
afternoon tea cottage cheese with low fat content (150 g); honey (5 g)
Dinner a cup of fruit salad (citrus fruits and apples (300 g))

Such a menu for every day with a protein diet will allow you to quickly feel the effect. The great thing is that the list of foods that you can eat is pretty solid. This means that there is a place where fantasies can roam and you can cook quite a variety of dishes.

It is important! A protein diet should be combined with sports and a healthy lifestyle, visit nature more often, pamper your body with massages and other procedures, then the effect of losing weight will multiply and last for a long time, and you will look and feel healthier and younger.

The results of a protein diet for weight loss are truly impressive - in about a week you can lose up to 5 kg of weight (depending on the initial parameters and your activity). For maximum effect, the diet is recommended to be combined with training and a healthy lifestyle. Walk, get enough sleep, say goodbye to bad habits. However, such a protein menu is not suitable for everyone due to the individual characteristics of the body. Reviews are both positive and negative, but weight loss is observed in almost every follower of this diet.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

Personally, I am not a supporter of protein diets, as they are quite "aggressive". I think most of my colleagues agree with me on this.

I recommend to my patients to lose weight with diets based on the principles of healthy eating. When compiling a weight loss scheme, I always calculate the recommended daily calorie content. And I give recommendations on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. I explain to patients what the glycemic index and “fast” carbohydrates are. All this must be taken into account when losing weight. And at the same time, the body needs to be given physical activity. Yes, physical activity, exercise and going to the gym is an important part of the weight loss process.

Of course, protein diets have a right to exist. But they should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to lose weight by other methods. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful with protein diets. You should “sit down” on them only after consulting a nutritionist. And pay attention to one more thing. The amount of protein in the diet should be strictly dosed. After all, their excess can cause serious harm to the body.

How to get out of a diet for weight loss?

After completing a weight loss course, it does not mean that the next day you can eat what and how much you want. To properly exit this diet and maintain the result, you need to do it gradually. Teach yourself to drink coffee and tea without sugar, do not get carried away with sweets, fatty foods and pastries. Before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of plain water. In the morning it is very desirable to eat oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, low-fat soups, meat and fish, steamed, grilled or in the oven, are a great solution. Avoid fried foods. Lean on vegetables, enjoy fruits - tasty and healthy! In the early days, avoid potatoes - they have too much starch. Introduce familiar foods into your diet gradually. Eat often, 3-5 times a day, but in small portions.

Diet Contraindications

It must be remembered that even such a nutritious diet for weight loss has its own nuances. Of course, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Older people are also undesirable to sit on such a diet. The fact is that eating exclusively within the framework of a protein diet increases blood clotting, which in turn can lead to blood clots in the vessels.

In addition, strict contraindications are:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncology.

Varieties of protein diet

There are different variations of the protein diet, consider the most popular of them:

  • Protein-carbohydrate. The essence of such a diet is that you should alternate the days of eating proteins and complex carbohydrates. Today is one thing and tomorrow is another. This option is recognized as more balanced, and it is even allowed to adhere to more than 14 days.
  • Protein-vegetable. A very effective way to lose weight is to eat protein foods in combination with vegetables. Don't forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day!
  • Protein-vitamin. Great for those who are wary of all sorts of food restrictions. The main rule of such a course is an indispensable combination of protein and vitamins, for example, fruits for breakfast and meat for lunch. Any fruits and vegetables are suitable for eating. This protein diet does not have a strict menu, and its basic principles are the same as we discussed above.
  • . Its second name is Hollywood, beloved by many celebrities. Dr. Atkins advises eating mainly protein and even fatty foods, but carbohydrate-containing meals are taboo.
  • . In fact, this is a system of proper nutrition, which is desirable to adhere to throughout life. The emphasis is on eating protein foods and limiting fats and carbohydrates.

Protein Diet Recipes

So that your protein diet is not boring, we offer a selection of simple and healthy dishes.

  • Protein salad. Boil eggs, chop them, add boiled chicken breast and squid, season with sauce to taste.
  • Okroshka on kefir. Grate radishes, finely chop chicken meat or lean ham. Also chop boiled eggs, pickled cucumber, green onions and parsley or dill. Pour the mixture with kefir and add vinegar to taste.
  • Omelet with tomatoes. Stew the chopped tomatoes in a pan without peel for a couple of minutes, then pour them with beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste, and after 5 minutes you can already remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle greens on top of the dish.
  • Beef with eggplant. Cut the eggplant into rings and leave in salted water for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness. Cut a couple of tomatoes, then put in a saucepan, sprinkle with herbs and garlic, bring to a boil. Then add eggplant and simmer everything for about 30 minutes. Next, put the vegetables on a dish, top with chopped meat and bake for about 15 minutes.
  • Curd dessert. A simple, delicious and nutritious dessert. Mix low-fat cottage cheese with slices of apples and orange, beat everything with a mixer, arrange in molds and freeze. When ready, the dessert looks like ice cream.
  • Soup with meatballs. Put the meatballs into the broth boiled on the chicken bone (you need to make them from chicken meat, previously passed through a meat grinder), add chopped bell pepper, green beans, herbs and bring the soup to readiness.

Conclusions about the protein diet

According to the consensus of nutritionists, the best diet is one that you feel comfortable with without suffering from weakness, hunger and counting calories. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for quick weight loss. However, in all the variety of options available today, everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves. What is good about a protein diet is that it allows you to lose extra pounds without the threat of starvation and a nervous breakdown and gives energy for sports. To get the desired shape, do not forget to strictly follow the rules outlined above and adhere to the diet program, then the result will not be long in coming.

Protein diet can be called one of the most popular and effective weight loss methods. Eating protein-rich foods helps to quickly saturate the body and restore strength after physical exertion. Protein diet in combination with additional exercises in the gym, fitness, aerobics, shaping, etc. (at least 3 times a week) gives exceptional results - 5-7 extra pounds in 7 days.


The essence of the protein diet

A 7-day protein diet involves eating exclusively protein foods for a week, excluding carbohydrate foods and foods high in fat. Our body receives energy from carbohydrates, since their use is prohibited during the diet period, the body experiences stress and begins to use up internal reserves or the so-called glycogen, which is found in muscles and fat deposits. The breakdown of fats starts the process of weight loss. Usually, with an insufficient intake of carbohydrates, the body begins to lose muscle mass, this does not happen with a protein diet, since the diet is saturated with protein-containing foods (proteins). In the early days of such nutrition, the body will rapidly lose weight due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. On average, you can lose 5-7 kg of excess weight per week.

Video: Protein diet for weight loss in the Doctors program

Protein diet requirements

  1. Alternation of animal and vegetable proteins (1:1).
  2. Protein should take 60 or more percent of the daily diet, the calorie content of which should not exceed 1000 kcal.
  3. During the day, there should be 6 meals at regular intervals, the last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  4. Complete abstinence from alcohol.
  5. Drink 2 liters of clean drinking or non-carbonated water daily (drink should be half an hour before or after a meal).
  6. Among meat, it is important to give preference to non-fat varieties (beef, poultry).
  7. Cooking food only in healthy ways (stewing, baking, boiling), the use of a double boiler and a slow cooker is welcome.

The effectiveness of a protein diet will be much higher if combined with physical activity in the gym (fitness, shaping, aerobics, etc.).

Allowed foods and drinks during the diet

  1. Eggs.
  2. Poultry meat (turkey, chicken) without skin.
  3. The fish is not fatty.
  4. Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels, scallops).
  5. Skimmed dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt).
  6. Hard cheeses, tofu (up to 30 g per day).
  7. Nuts (almonds, cashews) a few pcs. in a day.
  8. Green beans.
  9. Tomatoes.
  10. Pepper.
  11. Cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli).
  12. Cucumbers.
  13. Champignon.
  14. Sweet and sour apples.
  15. Natural juices from allowed fruits and vegetables, preferably apple and orange (no more than 200 ml per day).
  16. Any teas, berry fruit drinks, respectively, without sugar.

In the protein diet menu for 7 days, it is additionally allowed to include kiwi, grapefruit. They are full of antioxidants and vitamins, which during the seven-day restriction will help support the body.

Prohibited products of the protein diet

  1. Any fatty dairy and meat products.
  2. Bread and flour products.
  3. Sugar in any form.
  4. Butter.
  5. Any confectionery.
  6. Alcohol.
  7. Sweet fruits (apricots, bananas, peaches, pears, grapes, plums, pineapples).
  8. Canned food and semi-finished products.
  9. Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn).

Three days before you “sit down” on a protein diet, you should make the menu less high-calorie and cleanse the intestines. You can combine products as you wish.

Combining products on the protein diet menu is allowed at your discretion and taste. There are several diet options.

Protein diet - menu for 7 days

Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 100 g boiled lean beef.
Dinner: 150 g steamed fish, 100 g boiled rice.
Afternoon snack:½ apple.
Dinner: cabbage salad with green peas and onions (150 g).
Before bedtime:

Breakfast: 200 ml skimmed milk or kefir.
Lunch: a portion (200 g) of rice porridge on the water.
Dinner: baked beef (150 g).
Afternoon snack: a serving of vegetable salad (200 g) or an apple.
Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad.
Before bedtime: a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.

Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 2 crackers.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled rice and non-fat beef meat.
Afternoon snack: a large apple or 2 kiwis.
Dinner: 100 g of steamed fish and boiled rice.
Before bedtime: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: fat-free cottage cheese (100 g).
Dinner: boiled chicken breast (150 g), salad with fresh vegetables and herbs with olive oil.
Afternoon snack: a portion of boiled rice (100 g), ½ apple.
Dinner: 200 g of tomato salad with a little olive oil.
Before bedtime: A glass of tomato juice.

Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: a piece of boiled beef or chicken breast (100 g).
Dinner: portion of vegetable soup.
Afternoon snack: boiled rice (150 g).
Dinner: 100 g boiled veal, vegetable salad.
Before bedtime: a glass of apple or orange juice.

Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: 70 g of boiled chicken meat and crackers.
Dinner: 150 g of vegetable salad and 100 g of boiled rice.
Afternoon snack: salad of fresh cabbage and green peas (100 g).
Dinner: 200 g boiled lamb or chicken.
Before bedtime: a glass of kefir or tea.

Breakfast: 200 ml milk, 1 cracker.
Lunch: a serving of carrot salad (100 g).
Dinner: boiled or baked fish (150 g), 2 baked or boiled "in uniform" potatoes.
Afternoon snack: vegetable salad with a little olive oil.
Dinner: 100 g of young lamb.
Before bedtime: a glass of kefir.

In between meals, do not forget about drinking water.

Strict version of the protein diet for 7 days

With this option, only white chicken meat, lean red meat, low-fat fish, seafood, fat-free or one percent kefir, cottage cheese are allowed during the week. No vegetables and fruits, carbohydrates and fats. There are only three meals, the volume of servings can be adjusted independently, the total calorie content of the daily diet should fit into 1000 kcal. This diet option is a strong stress for the body, so during this time it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, it is desirable that they be prescribed by a specialist. If during such a diet the state of health worsens, weakness appears, you can limit yourself to 4 days of the diet.

Sample menu for the week

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: turkey meat.
Dinner: a portion of seafood, a glass of kefir.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a piece of cheese.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast.
Dinner: stewed fish.

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: baked or boiled veal.
Dinner: seafood cocktail.

Breakfast: natural yoghurt without sugar.
Dinner: boiled red meat.
Dinner: seafood.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, cheese.
Dinner: stewed chicken liver.
Dinner: Steamed fish.

Breakfast: cottage cheese, cheese.
Dinner: poultry meat.
Dinner: seafood, a glass of kefir.

Breakfast: egg, kefir or yogurt.
Dinner: boiled meat.
Dinner: steamed fish, natural yoghurt.

Protein diet contraindications

  1. Violation of the kidneys and liver.
  2. Heart disease and various disorders of its work.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Diseases of the joints.
  5. Diseases of the digestive system (colitis, chronic pancreatitis, etc.).
  6. Older age due to the high risk of blood clots.

Getting out of the protein diet

It is very important to maintain the achieved effect of losing weight. If you follow the correct diet after the diet, weight gain does not occur. New foods should be introduced into your diet gradually, keeping in mind portion sizes. It is advisable to significantly limit the consumption of sweets and starchy foods, giving preference to vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, and dairy products.

You can repeat the protein diet in a month.

Fashionable methods of weight correction are built on the principle: remove fats and carbohydrates, eat proteins. This is how the popular diets of Elena Malysh and Pierre Dukan work. Advertised weight loss programs require a strict menu and are designed for a long period. Sitting on such a diet is not easy, so the girls experiment and simplify well-known methods into express options. So, in particular, a menu for 7 days of a protein diet for weight loss appeared.

Foods rich in fats and simple carbohydrates contribute to weight gain. That is why the essence of the protein diet is this: to minimize pastries, bread, sweets, fried foods, butter, sauces, etc.

Why meat makes you lose weight

Here is a detailed description of the diet: not getting the usual energy from carbohydrates, the body draws strength by breaking down fat. At the same time, new fats are not supplied in sufficient quantities, and reserves have to be used.

Protein helps to avoid exhaustion during weight loss. Mostly of animal origin. As a result, the diet is based on meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Also in some schemes, special attention is paid to citrus fruits. It is believed that fruits rich in ascorbic acid accelerate fat burning processes. And also act as antioxidants and vitamin help for the body during times of stress.

Some vegetables are allowed. Mostly green, non-starchy and tomatoes. They contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, which provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness and stimulate intestinal motility.

A protein diet must be preceded by a consultation with a doctor. The method is not suitable for a number of diseases and is not acceptable during pregnancy and lactation.

What attracts a fast protein diet? First, a hearty and boring diet. Secondly, the prospect of a quick "plumb line". Reviews of the protein diet indicate that protein nutrition takes almost a kilo a day. So, within a week it is realistic to achieve a result of minus 7 kg.

Popular protein methods of weight correction

The sensational diets of Malysheva and Dukan refer specifically to protein weight loss techniques. These methods have supporters and opponents. Nevertheless, even celebrities practice these diets.