We all die will live. We all die! Why do we die the most? Big list of reasons

A person's life is just a short moment that is given to him in order to test whether he will submit to the Almighty or obey Satan. A person, having submitted to the Almighty, will do as many good deeds as possible to gain the pleasure of the Almighty, and having listened to the devil, he will follow on his heels in disobedience to the Almighty. And depending on his deeds, there will be retribution in the Other World and punishment. And for this, a person must cross the barrier of death. Death, which will surely come to each of us without exception.

Death is not the end of a person, but his beginning, the test of worldly life is simply completed. The place of return is different for everyone. As the Almighty says about it:

فَرِيقٌ فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَفَرِيقٌ فِي السَّعِيرِ [الشورى:7]

Meaning: "One group to Heaven, the other to Hell."

In death there is a reminder, a prompting, a warning, and for the rational, exhortation is enough. As the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says:

كفى بالموت واعظاً

"Death is sufficient as a preacher."

But we, unfortunately, forget or try not to think about it. It is amazing when a reasonable person sees how his peers, neighbors, friends die around him and, without learning a lesson from this, continues to live in peace. Why? Or did he agree with the angel Azrael (the angel of death)?

Malik ibn Dinar said: "If people knew what they would meet tomorrow, then they would not enjoy tomorrow."

Mumin, who is already afraid of that day today, will be safe tomorrow (after death), because he is preparing to meet that day with dignity, acquiring as many good deeds as possible. But most people spend their lives in vain, wasting it in vain. Then, when death comes, they will cry:

رَبِّ ارْجِعُونِ [المؤمنون:99]

Meaning: "O Allah, bring me back!"

لَعَلِّي أَعْمَلُ صَالِحًا فِيمَا تَرَكْتُ [المؤمنون:100]

Meaning: “Maybe I will do the good that I left earlier.”

Why wait for this day? Why is it impossible to take advantage of the opportunity now given to us, health, and until the angel of death Azrael has come to visit us?

Graves and cemeteries should be enough for us as a lesson, because soon we will find ourselves there. Today, the one who carries the body of the deceased on a stretcher will soon himself rest on them. How few people think about it!

Luqman said to his son: “O my son, prepare for death, which, you don’t know when, but will come before it catches you by surprise with its unexpected visit.”

One of the salaf said: “Know that if a person did not expect fear, sorrow and punishment, except for the bitterness of death, then even then this should have made his life difficult, embarrassed joy. And he should think a lot about it and consider it a great thing to prepare for it. But we know that after the death of a person, a grave with its darkness awaits, a thin Sirat bridge, a complex report and horrors, the magnitude of which no one knows except the Almighty.

The grave is the first stop in Ahirat. And we treat this negligently, while between us and her there are only words: such and such has died. The Prophet (PBUH) said:

القبر أول منازل الآخرة فمن نجا منه فما بعده أيسر منه ومن لم ينج منه فما بعده أشد منه

“The grave is the first refuge in Ahirat. For those who escape from it, it is easier after that. And for those who are not saved, after it is even more difficult.

You, brother, meditate on the state of the dead. For that day will come to you, and that which has overtaken them will overtake you. So, without delay, start preparing now. Do not get distracted and do not forget the place of your return. At least once I imagined myself in the place of the deceased. Indeed, the great mercy of Allah is that He gave us the opportunity to learn lessons. So let's seize this opportunity, reprimand ourselves, and prepare for that day.

The hadith says:

إذا وضعت الجنازة واحتملها الرجال على أعناقهم فإن كانت صالحة قالت: قدموني، قدموني، وإن كانت غير صالحة قالت لأهلها: ياويلها أين تذهبون بها، يسمع صوتها كل شيء إلا الإنسان، ولو سمع الإنسان لصعق } [رواه البخاري]

“When the body of the deceased is put on a stretcher and people carry it on their shoulders, then if the deceased was a good person, he shouts: “Carry me faster, faster!”. If the person was not good, then he says: “Oh woe, where are you taking him (the body)!” This voice is heard by everyone except the person. If the person heard it, he would lose consciousness.

And now, for a moment, let's imagine ourselves in the place of that person that people carry on their shoulders and think, which of these mentioned ones would we like to be?

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

والله لوتعلمون ما أعلم لضحكتم قليلاً ولبكيتم كثيراً

“By Allah, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and cry a lot.”

This speech of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was addressed to his companions. But what will it be like for distracted, careless people? A person behaves as if death, the grave, resurrection, and the great horrors of the Day of Judgment do not await him. How callous is the human heart!

Traditions say that when a sinner is laid in a grave, the earth says to him: “By Allah, you are the person who caused my anger when you walked on me. Today you have come to me and you will see what I will do to you.”

Consider this, brother, how it will be for you when you are in the grave, and the earth will tell you the same. And then sadness, crying, crying and groans will no longer help you.

Also, the hadith says that when two angels come to a person in the grave and ask him about the Lord, religion, the Prophet. And if this person died in sins, he will not be able to answer these questions. And then the grave will narrow for him so that the ribs will go into each other and he will be hit with an iron club, which if you hit the mountain, it will collapse. A window to hell will be opened for him and his place of residence will be shown there. And from there, heat will descend into his grave. So he will be punished according to his deeds. If a person was obedient to the Almighty and did good, then he will be helped in answering the questions of angels, for him the grave will expand and illuminate. He will be shown the place of residence in Paradise, and he will enjoy until the Day of Judgment.

My brother, what do you want? What is easier for you: the worship of Allah or the horrors of the grave? Without a doubt, the worship of Allah is many times easier than the forthcoming grave torments. So what are you waiting for?

The diamond mirror is my true friend, because when I show the number 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10, it will never show other numbers.

Many believe that it is better to err in the crowd (herd), while others alone in search of truth. We were sincere in our delusions so that we are not mistaken, everything is justified by life. My research has shown that so far they have been wrong even in the addition and multiplication of 2 integers. They say that there should be a single science in the world - Arifgraf, on its basis the only education. In this science, the main role is played by a cube - a rubik of the order of 2400 - the size of the universe. Recall that the rubik's cube of order 3 appeared in 1974 as a toy for sale, and that its properties coincide with the properties of integers, I have recently established. The set of integers Z consists of X - even - female, where the last right (left for peoples write from left to right) digit: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and Y - odd - male, where the last right digit: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Then there is no whole number, both odd and even (simultaneously feminine and masculine). About this A. S. Pushkin: The queen gave birth on the night of either a son or a daughter ... A rubik's cube of the order of 2400 is assembled from 2400 x 2400 x 2400 = 13824000000 cubes of the same size and color, even adding 1 or removing 1 cube violates integrity. It is clear that Z = 13824000000, X = 6912000000 (even - female) and Y = 6912000000 (odd - male). If Z = 13824000000 we put the cubes in one row or on top of each other, without gaps, then we get a horizontal or vertical segment, where each cube has a number: even - female or odd - male. Every 6 bases of a Rubik's Cube 2400 there is a large square divided into 2400 x 2400 = 5,760,000 small squares. This can be shown on graph paper. We know that 1 m = 1000 mm, then 2 m 40 cm = 2400 mm. Then the model - the map of the Universe is 2400 mm x 2400 mm = 5760000 sq. mm, where 1 sq. mm - there is a planet with a size of 1000 km x 1000 km - 10 st.6 sq. km, altitude 1000 km. The earth cube is a rubik of the order of 24, and not a globe, which should be inside the rubik, the diameter is a segment, the length is 24,000 km. Center (middle) of the segment (n/2) +1= (24/2) + 1 = 13 - intersection of 3 lines: vertical, meridian and equator, radius 12000 km - there is a point of intersection of 4 states - holy place 360: northern Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, southern Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, eastern Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, western Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Each 6 base is a 3 square matrix and a 3 square patrice. This can be imagined as a 24-story cubic house, where each floor consists of 24x 24 = 576 apartments - states. Then the planet Earth consists of 576 x 24 13824 apartments - states, where each state has an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1000 km x 1000 km - 10 st. 6 sq. km.
Now let's make a table of addition and multiplication of 1 (female and male units), because each integer is unique, but the distances between them are different and differ in gender:
X=2, Y=2; Z = X + Y = 4, Z = XY = 11 x 11 = 121; X=3, Y=2; Z=X+Y=5, Z=XY=111x11=1221;
X=3, Y=3; Z=X+Y=6, Z=XY=111x111=12321; X=4, Y=3; Z=X+Y=7, Z=XY=1111x111=123321;
X=4, Y=4; Z=X+Y=8, Z=XY=1111x1111=1234321; X=5, Y=4; Z=X+Y=9, Z=XY=11111x1111=12344321;
X=5, Y=5; Z=X+Y = 10, Z=XY=11111x11111=123454321;
X=6, Y=5; Z=X+Y=11, Z=XY=111111x11111=1234554321;
X=9, Y=9; Z=X+Y=18, Z=XY=111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321;
X=10, Y=9; Z=X+Y=19, Z=XY=1111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678998765421
X=10, Y=10; Z=X+Y=20, Z=XY=0111111111x1111111110=0123456789876543210;
X=11, Y=10; Z=X+Y=21, Z=XY=01111111111 x 1111111110=01234567899876543210.
All these operations are performed by a 20-bit calculator, there are no errors.
Based on the table of addition and multiplication of 2 integers, we will generalize. The number 9876543210 is 9 billion 876 million 543 thousand 210. So the number 10 st. 10 is 10 billion, then the number 01234567899876543210 is one of the variants of the number 10, article 20, which is from 20 zeros to 20 nines.
If the integer is 100 st.100, then 10 st.200 \u003d 10 st.100 x 10 st. 100. Then 1000 st.1000 = 10 st.3000 = 10 st.1000 x 10 st.1000 x 10 st.1000. We know that integers go to the next number system after 3 digits, then the base of integers is 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10, i.e. a rubik's cube of the order of 10 - a rubik of the order of 10 is made out of 1000 cubes. Then a rubik of the order of 1000 is made out of 1 billion \u003d 10 st. and considered a rectangular (Cartesian) coordinate system.
X=12, Y=12; Z =X +Y =24, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…11(12)11…21;
X=13, Y=12; Z =X +Y =25, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…11(12) (12)11…21;
X=180, Y=180; Z =X +Y =360, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…179(180)179…21.
X=181, Y=180; Z =X +Y =361, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…179(180) (180)179…21.
X=1000, Y=1000; Z = X + Y = 2000, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…999(1000)999…21.
X=1001, Y=1000; Z = X + Y = 2001, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…999(1000) (1000)999…21.
If at the ends of the segment 2000 we put a cube with a charge (+) plus, and at the other end a cube with a charge (-) minus, then they, attracting each other, meet simultaneously in the middle of the segment, each passing a distance of 1000 units, if there are no obstacles. Then give them the charges of the same name, then they will return to their original positions at such a speed. Then Newton's universal law of gravity add repulsion.
I offer new DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) - small from a millimeter and RNA (Ribonucleic acid) - large from a millimeter there are cells that every organism contains.
The bases of integer n and 1/n (respectively +n and +1/n, - n and - 1/n) numbers are 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 and 1/1000 = 1/ (10 x 10 x 10). Then, respectively
+1000 = +(10 x 10 x 10); 1/1000 = +1/(10 x 10 x 10).
- 1000 = - (10 x 10 x 10); - 1/1000 = -1/(10 x 10 x 10).
RNA: 1000 st.0 = 1, 1000 st.1 = 1 thousand. 1000 st.2 = 1 million,
1000 st. 3 = 1 billion. 1000 st. 4 = 1 trillion, 1000 st. 5 = 1 quadrillion, 1000 st. 6 = 1 quintillion, 1000 st. 7 = 1 sextillion, 1000 st. 8 = 1 octillion, 1000 st. 9 = 1 septillion, 1000 st. 10 = 1 ionillion.
DNA: 1000 Art. 0 = 1, 1000 st. -1 = 1 milli, 1000 st. -2 = 1 micron, 1000 st. -3 = 1 nano, 1000 st. -4 = 1 pico, 1000 st. -5 = 1 femto, 1000 st. -6 = 1 otto, 1000 st. -7 = 1 butto, 1000 st. 8 = 1 sona, 1000 st. 9 = 1 surai, 1000 st. 10 = 1 murad. It is clear that Z = X + Y is a linear function, where X is an even integer and Y is an odd integer. DNA, RNA were considered spirals, but they turn out to be a linear function.
Let's find a new living language capable of uniting Humanity. Currently, the words in the dictionaries of the peoples of the world do not have numbers, so automatic translators make mistakes when translating. There are more than 1 million 200 thousand words in the English language. Of these, take 1 million words that are often used, give them numbers from 6 zeros to 6 nines, then each word will have a single meaning, then the translators are not mistaken. So it is possible to create in the Universe a single language - a single people, a single education, a single science - Arifgraf and a single religion. So, we do not educate and teach Men - Gods and Women of the Goddess, but we stamp 25-year-old ideal couples, then the needs of educational and educational institutions disappear. Let's get rid of existing animal breeding methods. Reproductive organs used for purification and pleasure of organisms
Now the Presidents of the states of the world will be offered:
- change the map - models of the Earth - 576 states of only floors out of 24, the Universe - 13824000000 states - planets, the table of addition and multiplication of 2 integers;
- enter: New calendar for the Earth and the Universe, new DNA; RNA;
- to create: A single language - a single people, a single science - Arifgraf, on its basis a single education, a single religion, ideal pairs are cloned: Men - Gods and Women - Goddesses, we stop the existing animal methods of reproduction,
- Fermat's Great Theorem and the Pythagorean theorem are the proof of the theorem of M. Saparov - mine, then it turns out that we still confused the proof with the theorem, not knowing the theorem itself, then the reaction in:
- USA - immediate impeachment;
- Japan - the Prime Minister resigns, the Minister of Education makes hara-kiri;
- China - an extraordinary congress of the Communist Party is announced;
- European - early re-elections with the coming to power of the opposition;
- African - another armed coup;
- Asian - immediately find the authors and punish them as opponents of the will of Allah;
- Russia - all those admitted to the air are lining up to say that these are long overdue decisions, but now they are especially relevant.

Recently, people's fears due to combat robots have become more frequent. And really, what if the robots do not recognize the target in the same way and instead of the enemy they will kill their own? But it turns out that the danger of such phenomena has existed for a very long time. And all because mankind invented fighting robots in the middle of the last century. He spoke about this problem.

Older than we thought

While the public may be uneasy about so-called "killer robots", the concept is not new - SWORDS machines were used in Iraq as early as 2007. But our relationship with such weapons goes even deeper into the past. This is because when people say "robot" they can mean any technology with some form of "autonomous" element that allows it to perform a task without the need for direct human intervention.

During World War II, a fuse was developed to bring artillery projectiles closer together at a given distance from their target. This made projectiles much more effective than before by reducing the number of decisions entrusted to the human and, in some cases, removing the human from the loop entirely.

Man vs. robot

One of the most contentious issues related to the war is the role of the drone or "operator". Like all personnel, these operators are required to "do their job well". However, the conditions for success are far from clear. The task of drone operators is not so much to make a human decision, but to follow instructions exactly. If the computer tells them to kill, is there any reason why they shouldn't?

A similar argument works for the modern soldier. Soldiers today carry numerous devices that link them into an extensive network. This network tracks and controls soldiers at every turn. This fact leads to an ethical conundrum. If a soldier's purpose is to follow orders - and his superiors monitor him with cameras - then why do we even care about human soldiers?

Ethical cover

After all, machines are much more efficient than humans and don't suffer from fatigue and stress in the same way that humans do. If soldiers act like robots, then what's the point of spilling unnecessary blood of allies? The answer here is that the human serves as a kind of "ethical front" for what is in reality an almost entirely mechanical, robotic act.

Just as the task of a drone operator is to watch over a computer-controlled drone, so the human role is only to act as an ethical front in case something goes wrong.

Read more:

When I say to myself: “We are all going to die,” my mood immediately rises. I want to work, love, listen to some energetic music. Doctor, aren't you? Well, try it, say to yourself: “We will all die, we will all die, we will all die ...” Aha, you see - you are smiling!

And don't you want to live from Franz Liszt's "Funeral Songs"? What about Mozart's Requiem? And from the deadly heavy songs of Peter Mamonov or "Radiohead"? Why is the theme of the inevitability of death so invigorating?

If anyone has not understood yet, this is a column about National Unity Day. But first things first.

Recently I was digging a grave. Where, to whom, why - you can find out from my next report in the Russian Reporter. But really, that's not what matters. Something else is important. It turns out that digging graves is also a surprisingly positive activity. I recommend it to everyone as the best remedy for depression. But on one condition: the deceased must die a natural death, preferably in seventy years, so that his life can be survived to the end. Only then will you achieve enlightenment. Only in this case will you feel with your whole body that the funeral of a naturally deceased person is the same part of life as childbirth, wedding, christening or seeing off a child for the first time in first grade. This sensation, multiplied by the production of endorphins through a fair amount of physical activity, results in an amazing effect.

I remind you again: this column is about national unity. But let's move on.

Of course, I am afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death. Someone is simply afraid of her with animal fear, without any attempt at awareness. Someone - because he believes that after that there will be nothing at all, insects will simply come, climb into the eyes, ears, gnaw through the armpits, and in a month they will crawl away about their business. Someone is not even afraid, but the eternal torment that he honestly earned in this life. Only the greatest sinners are not afraid of death, who are sincerely sure that a place in paradise has been reserved for them and a visa has been issued. I am not a great sinner, I am an ordinary sinner, so I tremble a little on the plane, and on a dark night I try to avoid violent people.

But fear is fear, and “memento mori” for some reason still cannot but rejoice. Just some endless source of positivity - like watching kittens or jumping on a trampoline.

Positive first. "We all die" as a hand relieves any tension. The session is just around the corner, the deadline is overhead, the salary is still half a month away - Lord, how petty and ridiculous it all is compared to the fact that we all will soon get out of this only one-way train.

Second positive. "We all die" instantly extinguishes any aggression. Some fool got nasty to you, and at the most inopportune moment, when all the nerves are already on end. Horror, how I want to spoil his face, or at least his mood. But one has only to accept a little “we are all dead” - and now you are drawn not to kill your offender, but to hug. After all, we have so much in common with him. We all die.

“We will all die” does not allow what is called conscience to completely fade away in a person. You will not always be influential and omnipotent. Sooner or later, important ties will break, strong patrons will all die, you will become as helpless as those whom you oppress today. Yes, and in front of descendants somehow uncomfortable. I want them to tell legends about you, compose songs, raise toasts. And I don’t want to curse the day you were born. “We will all die” is the only judge on this planet who cannot be bribed, cannot be killed.

Finally, "we will all die," like an aspirin after a hangover, cures any social tension. Who should be jealous if everyone sooner or later becomes corpses and is buried in the ground by the strong hands of positive gravediggers? Is this something to envy - which on TV glows under the spotlights? Or over there - at a table in a cool restaurant with a beautiful madam? Or maybe a teenager who just cut you off, who disperses the Moscow smog on his father's Bentley? Or the inhabitant of the grave, who lies under three tons of granite and a pile of flowers?

I really hope that I will not see the day when stupid humanity comes up with a cure for. Or at least doping, prolonging life two or three times. I do not believe in the possibility of the first, but the possibility of the second is not excluded. But from the moment the first video advertising this rubbish is released in the media, we will all begin to die much faster than before. Because life expectancy depends not only on the characteristics of the vital activity of the organism, but also on the external impact on it of blunt and sharp objects. The probability of which increases sharply in an era of violation of the balance of power and opportunities in society.

“We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​Russia. “We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​all the states of this world. “We will all die” is a human-forming circumstance, without which world peace would instantly end, and very soon the whole history of the human race would end. E the only thing that at the moment unites us truly, tightly. The state ideology, geopolitical orientation, the alignment of forces in the world - all this can change at any moment. Universal and inevitable death is the only indestructible factor of stability and a call for a meaningful life. Well, how can you not rejoice. We're all going to die, we're all going to die, we're all going to die... Take care of yourself.

Doctor, I have something wrong with death ... When I say to myself: “We are all going to die,” my mood immediately rises. I want to work, love, listen to some energetic music. Doctor, aren't you? Well, try it, say to yourself: “We will all die, we will all die, we will all die ...” Aha, you see - you are smiling!

And don't you want to live from Franz Liszt's "Funeral Songs"? What about Mozart's Requiem? And from the deadly heavy songs of Peter Mamonov or "Radiohead"? Why is the theme of the inevitability of death so invigorating?

If anyone has not understood yet, this is a column about National Unity Day. But first things first.

Recently I was digging a grave. Where, to whom, why - you can find out from my next report in the Russian Reporter. But really, that's not what matters. Something else is important. It turns out that digging graves is also a surprisingly positive activity. I recommend it to everyone as the best remedy for depression. But on one condition: the deceased must die a natural death, preferably in seventy years, so that his life can be survived to the end.

Only then will you achieve enlightenment. Only in this case will you feel with your whole body that the funeral of a naturally deceased person is the same part of life as childbirth, wedding, christening or seeing off a child for the first time in first grade. This sensation, multiplied by the production of endorphins through a fair amount of physical activity, results in an amazing effect.

I remind you again: this column is about national unity. But let's move on.

Of course, I am afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death. Someone is simply afraid of her with animal fear, without any attempt at awareness. Someone - because he believes that after death there will be nothing at all, insects will simply come, climb into the eyes, ears, gnaw through the armpits, and in a month they will crawl away about their business. Someone is not even afraid of death, but of eternal torment, which he honestly earned in this life. Only the greatest sinners are not afraid of death, who are sincerely sure that a place in paradise has been reserved for them and a visa has been issued. I am not a great sinner, I am an ordinary sinner, so I tremble a little on the plane, and on a dark night I try to avoid violent people.

But fear is fear, and “memento mori” for some reason still cannot but rejoice. Just some endless source of positivity - like watching kittens or jumping on a trampoline.

Positive first. "We all die" as a hand relieves any tension. The session is just around the corner, the deadline is overhead, the salary is still half a month away - Lord, how petty and ridiculous it all is compared to the fact that we all will soon get out of this only one-way train.

Second positive. "We all die" instantly extinguishes any aggression. Some fool got nasty to you, and at the most inopportune moment, when all the nerves are already on end. Horror, how I want to spoil his face, or at least his mood. But one has only to accept a little “we are all dead” - and now you are drawn not to kill your offender, but to hug. After all, we have so much in common with him. We all die.

“We will all die” does not allow what is called conscience to completely fade away in a person. You will not always be influential and omnipotent. Sooner or later, important ties will break, strong patrons will all die, you will become as helpless as those whom you oppress today. Yes, and in front of descendants somehow uncomfortable. I want them to tell legends about you, compose songs, raise toasts. And I don’t want to curse the day you were born. “We will all die” is the only judge on this planet who cannot be bribed, cannot be killed.

Finally, "we will all die," like an aspirin after a hangover, cures any social tension. Who should be jealous if everyone sooner or later becomes corpses and is buried in the ground by the strong hands of positive gravediggers? Is this something to envy - which on TV glows under the spotlights? Or over there - at a table in a cool restaurant with a beautiful madam? Or maybe a teenager who just cut you off, who disperses the Moscow smog on his father's Bentley? Or the inhabitant of the grave, who lies under three tons of granite and a pile of flowers?

I really hope I don't see the day when stupid humanity comes up with a cure for death. Or at least doping, prolonging life two or three times. I do not believe in the possibility of the first, but the possibility of the second is not excluded. But from the moment the first video advertising this rubbish is released in the media, we will all begin to die much faster than before. Because life expectancy depends not only on the characteristics of the vital activity of the organism, but also on the external impact on it of blunt and sharp objects. The probability of which increases sharply in an era of violation of the balance of power and opportunities in society.

“We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​Russia. “We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​all the states of this world. “We will all die” is a human-forming circumstance, without which world peace would instantly end, and very soon the whole history of the human race would end. The only thing that really unites us at the moment, tightly. The state ideology, geopolitical orientation, the alignment of forces in the world - all this can change at any moment. Universal and inevitable death is the only indestructible factor of stability and a call for a meaningful life. Well, how can you not rejoice. We're all going to die, we're all going to die, we're all going to die... Take care of yourself.

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich