"The Tale of Two Gnomes". A fairy tale about mutual assistance, kindness, non-judgment, forgiveness and true friendship

Two gnomes

In a small house
There lived two gnomes.
White and black.
Good and evil.

There lived two gnomes
Together under the roof.
In a small house
Their cry was heard.

The black dwarf always walked gloomy,
He hid his eyes under his thick brows.
The little white dwarf was smiling and cheerful,
He always avoided adversity.

Black worked in the sweat of his face,
In the village, everyone in him is a scoundrel.
And the white one sang and walked until the morning.
He returned home slightly tired.

And the inhabitants saw him as a young man,
A smile hid a scoundrel in the soul.

The gnomes quarreled.
Resentments settled.
Here is word by word.
The plates flew.

And the kind behind the mask was hiding dashing,
Inside he was dark with emptiness.
Darker than a dwarf, in whom he did not see good,
No one, because he was looking in the wrong place.

The house is shaking.
Walked shaking and creaking.
And the white plan boiled in his head.
How to get rid of a black brother in an instant.

He asked the townspeople for help,
Like, to live with the gloomy and evil was no longer the strength!
They all gathered together.
And they hurried into the forest.
To the house of the gnomes
To make judgment.

And the black one was waiting for them.
Sitting on the threshold
And he sang a quiet song to himself.
Beasts immediately attacked the gnome.
Shouted, shouted, rattled dishes,
And they thought: “how to punish him?”

And the black one was silent and sighed wearily,
And every time he raised his eyes to the white.
And as soon as the screams ceased,
And the air became empty.

"I forgive you",
It escaped his lips.
Laughter resounding in an instant,
Illuminated the whole area.

“How do you, stupid dwarf, address a friend?”
Only the white one suddenly, somehow haggard.

Puzzled, he shouted at the same moment:
"Do you forgive me?
And why, old man?
Or maybe for

"Maybe you're too gloomy,
For our home?
You would not leave
Without fuss and defeat!

The black gnome is gone
And blossomed!
Settled far away
Raised the house.

And white in the shadow of loneliness wilted,
Communicated only with the shadow,
Like a doppelgänger.
His face became blank and unhappy.

And soon, it turned out to be completely impassive.
But when this dwarf came to the threshold.
Black simply could not help but take pity.
Was white sickly and unhappy.

He let him into the house, gave him strong tea to drink.
The white man said to him: “How we miss you!”
The black smiled slightly at this.

"I lived next to you,
But now I've woken up.
You were needed because of disputes and strife.
Now I'm alone
It's too late to call me back."

The little white dwarf didn't answer.
I drank tea.
And quickly left.

Black stared at his silhouette for a long time,
And closed the door.
Started preparing dinner.
The silence was a miracle, a godsend.

And then he suddenly realized
How long have you been waiting for a dream.
Loneliness has become sweeter than the hype

We must remember for centuries
What a soul, alas.
You can't see with your eyes.
Let the pure heart

Face and sullen.
But he opens the door
Into your soul.

All coincidences are random, associations are incorrect, statistics are taken from the ceiling.
Tale about Ivan Ivanovich
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was a wise man. As soon as he learned to read and write, he learned that, according to statistics, one in three parents uses violence against their child. And therefore, the parents were firmly told: no, they say, such a number will not work with me, otherwise I will complain and you will be nuts! Papa, in fright, threatened his well-read son with his fist and grabbed his heart! The worst suspicions began to come true. Ivan Ivanovich immediately complied civic duty to protect himself - called the guardianship authorities. The authorities suddenly reacted clearly, Ivan Ivanovich received an excellent four-bed room in the nearest shelter and meetings with his relatives twice a month. At first, Ivan Ivanovich was even upset, but soon realized that statistics were now on his side. And comforted.

Ivan Ivanovich somehow didn’t make friends in the shelter and school, because he knew: according to statistics, every third child is a carrier of worms, every tenth has lichen, and every twentieth has encountered lice at least once in his life. Not to mention dysentery. Does he need it? But he had impartial statistics and disinfectants.

At the age of eighteen, Ivan Ivanovich said goodbye to the shelter and tried to return to the bosom of the family. By this time, he began to worry about another fact taken into account by statistics: every third group of relatives faced misunderstandings when dividing property. But Ivan Ivanovich knew exactly what to do. Forewarned is forearmed! The parental apartment was sold, he received the third due and rejoiced. Now his relationship with his parents was not overshadowed by anything. However, for some reason, the relationship did not become.

But young Ivan Ivanovich wanted love. He began looking for his wife. The problem was that, according to statistics, every second woman deceives a man and says that he is her first, and he is not the first. How could Ivan Ivanovich allow this? Trust but check! For some reason, the demand for a certificate from a gynecologist on the first date embarrassed the applicants, and Ivan Ivanovich was convinced every time that he was right! They do not carry a certificate - there is something to hide! I had to check myself. AI rejected two attempts, and on the third decided that he had met his dream. But he wasn't about to relax. Every second family brings up someone else's child! You're giving a paternity test! Every second cafe poisons its customers! We don't go there without a test tube! And then immediately to the SES! Every second colleague wants to sit you down and take your position! Polygraph! Every second guest stole at least once. Frame at the exit from the house! Every second cat shits in your slippers! Eh...

Our Ivan Ivanovich is tired, exhausted. How else? If you don’t check, you will be raising someone else’s child like a fool, walking in smelly slippers and eating in tasteless cafes. And dishonorable wives, vile colleagues, guests with pockets full of silver spoons and impudent shameless cats will laugh around the gullible Ivan Ivanovich.

Sorry for Ivan Ivanovich. I'm sorry to tears.

A gnome seen in a dream portends minor troubles at work. Perhaps gossip will be spread about you, but do not worry and do not try to justify yourself - they will believe you, because your reputation is beyond praise. If you saw a gnome in the forest, a boring and changeless life awaits you. Seeing several gnomes in a dream - they are plotting something vile against you. Beware of a treacherous stab in the back, they want to harm you with the help of cunning. If you see a gnome in your own house, it is likely that you are too rarely in the family circle and you are in trouble if you do not change your lifestyle. If you saw yourself in the image of a gnome, it is likely that you will feel insecure and incapable of decisive action. If the gnome in your dream is female, you will have to show all your ingenuity in order to keep your beloved near you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

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Dream Interpretation - Gnomes

Gnomes - your interest in antiquity, art, stones, is realized in the nature of their activities.

In addition, to see them in your home - fortunately and to an increase in property.

To meet them in the forest, in the mountains - to miss a happy opportunity.

To see that they are replacing your child - he has a great future ahead of him.

To show hostility or deceit towards someone is to make some kind of unknown to you, but a fatal miscalculation.

To see their king - your lucky star has risen.

Do them a favor - you act alone the right way/ live in harmony with the law of the cosmos.

Treasures or dust that they cherish or consider, to see - to find out the price of the treasures accumulated in your soul.

Seeing them forging is indirectly learning something about your future incarnation. They reveal the secret of the treasure - in life a great temptation or test lies ahead.

Interpretation of dreams from

Nina Gusova (Kalyagina)
"The Tale of Two Gnomes". A fairy tale about mutual assistance, kindness, non-judgment, forgiveness and true friendship

"Tale of two gnomes"

In one magical forest, where it was always warm and it didn’t rain, there lived, there were two gnome.

They lived on the same tree, were very good friends, and both loved to swing on the same branch. Only one the gnome was lazy and the other is industrious.

The latter, even in order to have breakfast, got up early and early and climbed to the very top of the spruce to collect soft, juicy needles with sourness there.

He, of course, always shared with a friend who never thought of doing this way up every day!

So. They lived, did not grieve.

But one day they wanted to build houses on the ground.

And they climbed down from the tree and set to work.

Lazy gnome built a good house, but without a roof. Hard working is great! And the house had a roof.

One marveled at the other:

How will you live without a roof over your head? What if it rains or something.

I wonder, friend, how you can live like this, always calculating everything and being afraid of everything. Boredom --- and gnome yawned- In my house it will always be light and sunny.

Gnomes went their separate ways houses: cooked, cleaned, hung pictures.

Several days have passed.

And then one day. a fox appeared in the forest. Industrious at this time gnome sat at home and looked at the neighbor window: he was looking forward to when his sleepy neighbor would wake up, and they would jump along the branches together, as in the old good times.

He was very frightened when a fox's nose rested against his window. The fox sniffed the whole house, and, not finding anything appetizing, turned towards the neighboring house.

She stuck her sharp muzzle into the box where he slept gnome and open mouth. All of a sudden, bam! Someone attacked the fox with a bump! She got scared and ran away. When gnome woke up, his neighbor is everything to him told.

Will you build a roof now?

Well, you are weird. This is a case that rarely happens. You see how lucky I am. I'm alive.

Several days have passed. In the forest, such a downpour began that even young cones fell off the Christmas tree. Economic gnome sat in his warm, dry house, drinking mint tea and watching the rain run down the glass. "Oh my God! What is the matter with my friend! Is he still alive!" dwarf and rushed with all his might to the door. He heard the unfortunate friend shouted: "Help, drown, drown!".

The gnome opened the door, and a whole ocean of water poured out on him. An exhausted and frightened friend gnome took to his home. I gave him tea with fragrant mint and flower honey, let him rest.

When the friend woke up, they, without saying a word, went to make the roof.

That's how they live gnomes are together to this day help each other in everything.

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